Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Feb 1919, p. 7

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MAtBIUa1311 .~Htms1~ÂY, ~'EBRUA1~Y 13. 1919 ~'*DB AIVAU I-iTAKED»Y OUT r 17-yi.r.oU- u.tody this ace or the or the CRIy, la te cana- riais. char"e Dot te girl bave admit- Siembet et@ Great lAkes Lio bai Det 1and It la Dot eny ao- g caae. The tors aré ses- yter Into the 1 beoere Po- raylor thie nuder bond& mable to'furs ai te oDRnu Eug vbich te Dorda la Cht. s aid. Mh. me UshaI s9" trise aie la a"e. mo Druhn, phs'§ hosytia of six veeks. lu A.neboch. une 1. 1M4. niage ta Bd- is. 190, sud uiurvived hy Ltierine Ad- Mns Allen LE! sIe, silver- rd fan soda or cases. top tables, Ad. y prescflp- outfi for 0 <laya Rut GO. ore IRSes Uri. Pnrteizs ha@ purcbeeed an usa pusmplng englue. Thé Kuese ehidren sud Wilii Thomnas apelnt Suuday wth the V'anHseckel 91-Cdt;5ri;î snd liertrude Partegys v»Ialiý ed SirilyThonise, Sunday alternoon. lire. Banney A manvieited the A man famliy, Snnday. Marhsansd Emmia Dstieî er and Ceeuee Ambona vers perrect Ilu epelît Oit échaal wlU close Wedussday wltb a ValiSt.. boxsau there le a thrse dsy@c thachers' mstlug., W. bave begun ta practîce fora baiket ScaIla hé egivea osmtina lblnaprlag. INCOME BLANKS DOBR4ÀDYSOMN -:M Ilau re«Mrublanks for incomea oi 5,0aMd! lésa vers iapatcbed: ta »M»ahl ollec~Ogatodai bY tsela- tu"a!bureai. Tisse vil e rslaaaed by coUlectoru 49somm s Padent Wiinnsine Irt vusubll, nsaring complotion fo niluaincares af more 0lan$5,000 nov anre bolg prnnid ami val tbe bande or coUlectors laine a. ash 1. .The revenue bure«au m nake public the detaied pvoyWéono arthe bImia ven before tb*Y are ditrfb iel la arder to &ive business con. crne uldance for' Me' aeouuttn« befer. te ectnal forma rosait tsa For AL.L the famli y. Tlhe lfdepan P. . h5wood lMsnt lis week 1 " .. 86.1 sa d wo cblîdren, who » lis a bleaga daneslu il1, have moved lan Lake Villa alain sud are lb. m heMari Krrcottage. mm IaWhalmlnaLisse.bau comn.bach fia.. bkfcanBd la kssplug hanse for Mr. Oort. Day Isaceba, aon01Our teiegrapb 0ap8Mrn rilleha b n..ln the serike oi Uasls Bau, basn eelved bis dîseharge a-i6a"ala il hi1e aid pont. 3dgar Km bas recesvsd bis diacharge Map ssîthestirat 0i the wash wltb hais folk@, then venit theb.Cty for a ew dais. Will Peter and wife, wba bave return- ai fia. Kénba, bave movsd lotoîth MsNly hanse, and M. Pester la et bis oud place ln thé blaeksnitb sbap. . H. Serwaod bas 1.1017 complated a isal wbereby ho becomes avuer ai tbe trct oailand adjolulgis tain. and llg ut ai the tîe, formerly owDed byth lb eaa. Our ew rural malil arrier, F. Chia. ai Aallob, taab op bis dutieesModa,, tig e rlievsag Haward Witu, wbo bas basucrfier ever incesR. L. Morris, reigasli a prlg. We velcoma *Mr. land Mr@. Ciýln 10 ou r'i I1ujce. MriaLiaoo baru-table awi son etarted MMs Frday for a thrte or four ,reeke vieil vitbrelative@ lu Floriday. The Sud Cros«,saolty wlii boid Ita met reculer bubluese meeting wilb lir*. * liai Cable un Thnraday, Feb. 20. g MILLBURN I Mr,.and Mr@. FrilPrellet oiThe Oak*. IMcb , bavlog @peut the put veek vllh ithe latter'. alter, bdira LB . Banner and Mira. V. B. Straug, ietuiLed borne Idonday. Mir. aud tirs. L 8. Banner amvauieWd tbemn to Chicago. The Former@' Institut@ vwu quibé vel ataaded lat Tbureday. Ra. and tins A. W. gafiord frtlion dey for Wbeaton, Ill., ta viel thle weec vitb their daugbter, lira. R. L. Wbatan. Tborotou Woilougbly bad the *'fin" tbis vint.'î aud did ot iuiiy ecorer aud vaut te Indiana aud a ao te bis aiiter'a la Kentneky arbore he le now serlousiy Maid ahlbicrecovery le doubtful.EBle vlile Wa@ sent loi. Mi.. aud Mr». lre Bo iîiuer o cicaao, havlng bought the Jamoes Amour fari. eîpvct to mose there about March ]et MWii. aie-I E C hope and Pari Strang were marr.d i-trui5iy 5, by lIes. S. " .Chideier at ib, .PrbyteriSn manne Ilu Wankegaît %Ir.and tir@. trang ahii maRe thir l n aG(rand avenue l. 41Jesse Ltc.î,tîan, Sr., la siltiug 's chldrei, on the North Sihore, M*aukegau. Highland Park and WIIwet&e. Jatrite.ruour havlg eoid hl@ iarm viii bas., a sae February 15, and expecis t. imuse ln a shor t ture tu Minueci île lir. Clark taviug 000gb' the Audrear Cook larn, fornteî the Dir Ftirbuey fara. exp*erte to mave on ta t Iu a fsw euka. The A. F, Cais o the Suuday chool vii ivT enietalcment and supper Baturday evenitig, February 15. The RooSraus baud anilbelp taotertalu. Ever'body coune antd enloy a Rond lime. Mise Auute .loiîncou, the Durese, Who ba been nilket)sulong at, Archie Webb's. istuned ta ber borne lu Kenosha .this vesk.- lira. Dainymipie of Lake Villa. vlslled at Dr. Janison the pais arel M* IU Many Who Cannot Find Work Immediately Re-Enter the Service it is Said. That many men are euternug the uavy hocause a! inabiiity towisnd civil employuuent was nesealedti fdai ib, s cauvsssof "'noliee" arrlvtug ai bbc Great Lakes naval training sta- tion . Statemenia. hovever, that iack o! empicînuent l3 drliuig recruits te tse nsvy tnsuch numbens as toa s- count for the majonlty oi tise pîrsent enlistments vers foun t b le uninue. Meu dealnlng tac, ontinus In lue ser- vice. discitargeti ao1tlers aba vant s tasts o! anather brnno. boasWvho Kiait to"tee vaniti," andi tse ol time fascination o!fltseatvers sisovu stIlila obe the dtiauang Mo- tivé. fer enlialmeuî for peaé liane service. Out of 150 minuquesioned. 19 dtis cbasged unldiera voe louai. aérés of iiOunsalmu ter couliBotit vaS 'liWéty-fIve othé r rae id ti Ut lunàta b«al» ue hy lad een ie;;-c«'otel' jobs jy returulug sabliers. TiMse men oasetram Iu- ia, -'Mîchiga. lova, 4o uand as jar' aWy m uiau aund Ianssa Dutlie miorl~vere y& «. 17 sud 18 ~ ~ ~ I* yeta isslt1 adaies turs. lncIusWIly" eéMbllr af tii inula sai ta le asu nfelor to ltasatts type enflstig during thes vewr peri, sud Il; vas sai iaI saine o f Ihem mai have basovoiindgd ere- -Inquiry aing te calats men 8vho cialttedti ley sutered militai'! iervlce bécates aoflte 15cR li k plofflept revssled ta! thé agi -e sitapodti troy reacWàlg as ti' " das psnneylvaita, w» lies apéz poRi lag tSfvard ifhcaao, t a i h lage cits a! Indiana, Ohio. acril West Virginie. anti vebtOM tPeensyl vanta. coutributai te usaitmen fi Lthé mllliani service lecaufte aiflb b. noriage oi vaut. aJohn McNainai', a résident ai l- Migivoci for te PutI 25 yearc passas! aayWedneedai gi lise ag w of 9o years, aId age belng lie ceus( o! bis dealt. fOP SEDIAIIINE "Unearthly" Hour Visit of ZMon Offioersta Home of Bennie Rabbins of Zion. BROKE INTO HALL STORE. The thieesi vhobroke mb tce A. E. Maill orset the corner af 27th aireet and liaba avenus. Ziou, vers arrentai Prlday. Tbéy broke into the store ou Tueaday nigbt andl ever since Chief Becker aMndaicors Brune andi Stried have besu busy tryiug te ferreU ot the guilly parties. There are fsv burglarles at moeu that «an b. aaiely gotten away vitb. Lieut. Stried hme a Sood deal of detoctIve engenultY about hlm andi be villi stick ta a case vitb bulidog tenacity1 tliia h a& ie a n. Sametlanes1 veoika go hY vithaut any apparent1 trace et lihe guity Party, but ho ps- tiently vorks an lte alghteet cdue aud bis patience sud perserverauce1 la Iuvarlabiy revarded. .1 9 This turne, Chle! Beker aud Ueut.1 Strict! lnvaded the home or Benuie1 Rabbins, 3111 Gidean avenue. Tbey1 got tse young man ot of bed at 'J1 o'llck an Tbursday mornlug and did1 not tale eny Chances or vaiting tilI daybeaï. At 7 o'ciack the saute night1 titey veut ta Arthtur Raines' haome,. 2198Glboa avenue aud tbere they found s quantity or candy, guin, etc., He b.d lu his posesesion 0ne lOve. pound box of. candy stowed away lu a dresser. Therse a as orte rivet Pound box5U of chocalate candy. a box of waters, tbree boxeseo! Her- shey alinoud bars, and a quautiby -of chevlug giu. These latter voee fouud atoved away ou top of"the raft- ers Iu au cuthouse. Besides the caudy, vas a cash box broken ope-u and iome papere faken. These iucluded de(nds andl "onie abtractïi on preperty out w eet. Nr. HallCe viiiwatt alitastoien (froni the box. Toc youtbt had ku-ys that unioc1.ed te front door or the clore tO bbai the> .as.ily efectf-d an tnttanrtF-. Af- ter tbey lied rurnnuaged the Fchop tbî y w-nti ut ettu ng the door open. On,, puculiar Incident io cotînection %t'I Vtb ie r:îar as. tbpeowae a thhld dariyv In lb. del. This young mtan w a, posîepd on t1liec.rn.'r of 'th tret and Ehiljab avenir, and be vas toid to give th. uarolng signal Inf ca.'o soneone e-ould corne that wvy Wfilie lte lad vas on dîity bie sanw Fi ire b)rp.akfnFt nut a fe-w bloekI ;Lwu.. and b , oa '-'an 10 th, Po- tire atndifi ru tai.tton .11 id nutb firernen. in-tad of .îfcklng tb bis post lie wr-t 1t!uorfin !- a tue. fui citizen oiigbt t, andl c' f.. t Fol< no ftirtFr part inte b ,rlr The young men wcre tobjt in thte ZionuCiy jeail ldiv o uraind their itai was crit for LeairLng 1aaýt night. [tutb Rabbins. and Ra4n--sare 1.' years of aMe. IDLENESS IS À LURE FOR NAVY IT IS REPORTED. U WAR INV ITION. AP>EAL fil IflWitu mlp ab l h thès vomea C O wu oiividm À M O PRION maili ouredai various tiine@hase 6L W llagio Weldlng Device EoliI- AT huéÀ 011ss pheod atésdshwaire Pd l U RTES TO Me m AU Mu erDevloss,.Used milNL YS ne Issldeaia iosa A A to Weld Rail. Joints. oihium TM otatuDuts viliehodiscontinued. M6 Ou ~ gt" tincot vaudeu ti itven ONrLYrveAfaTaERNATIVES arÉr "I'M ON TUE RUN" gey tifl isorrfl dnddevloei b con he te homeo aved by a Mr. ______ UtGeman drlg u. orii arTat sud tluecraig temiy. pi Me ermns wln Meword wlChance of Appealing Case ta 270 Elzabeth avenue, vas dccl royed Sergt. Rayer of the'Ordnance tvo vas à pavier used lan vlding. At teF e Cors elee * by lins deePite strentous efforts o!f et rt oe ed Isat tla a O tis msSthe lire -departinent'-ta <'beck tht in lppW ing Pflrome e buî mon us« ta vhIch itlbas Issu put, ta be RathofSim. a but te Huas use It tla goutter destIn ________o Thre ch's andi destnuctions n lueur laluman Thte loge on the bouse o!tf iu ____100 varfare. his povier nov la bising NOW AT MOIJNDS, ILLINOIS. 12000 insurance. The ires on the bar~ us l ed th bhsed u ae-n bfahei Oniy tva oursas ai'let open ta piste. no insurance. The failowing tla acopy of a lot. a;ie North Sheia uedla Waie negt a i l. g v'Cd dIrd W. ftYfermer- Cralg cays ho lest valuable vîpers ten the ecravu prince vas euppo.sed 1 n extnsveimroemtstalis ck ZVon Cty minlâer vbo wu se rt- iuciuding liberty bouds, etc. ta bave vrltten ta bie fat.r tCh, nidi ln auegn.tenced te serve 11Oe yrs te slatc Cnaig biai lett the bouges 20 miite.. kaiser, aftenT the Ameicaue bail iben, r Thise poarder la being îîsed ln Ibe Pententiar far baving betrac-ed 13. befoneILt cauight rire. He remindeti On the run. It vas copitdand seu nt lNcimit voer vT hich tg being usd Year-ald Cla inyder or zion: bits vifeet lover tbe draft lu the ta th@ U. S. A. by Sergt. hon i3. Rayer' (*or ln wedlngrail oint, maiing i st-To surreader himerif ta thep ipe but she neglecteti ta do so and 1 aiftue Ord. Dout.. 4tb. Division, M. T. toaÉ lain weidin rsaijont e. making alts ri sudndsalr tbat ho be cent to the tire tbusetarsted. The frs de- C., n novluOccUPation lu Germauy.1toi joiunt tinuTh aisarsed eibialug ailprison go <bat ho DMay Ias ne mors partinent enuptied lare citerns t 1Serti. Roayer la the brothler o! Mirs.. so géSier go finalytat tbey are etraoug- liie ln g*ttiug uiarted ou the oerviug ing ta combat the tins and tiuey vent H. E. SwansooBuf f staresi aud son vert orwier te;w-I l taa! obe ies sentence, ôr, ta lte depal a block atway and porno' af Mn. sud Mrs. Chas. Royer of De- trar polla.Anîbe lrgedevcelu o- 2d-Make an effort, throug bibg edtse vater tram there, but ten traitIllidh. Ho bas heen lu service igrin pints uAd h v lage nuni tbe-atl atorneys. teawats the case to tbe avait, as tinstine vas t.oo veli untier very nieriy ivo >sa". bar, fntedw ondsrc ni hr edorai court for a final revîew <e* vay. Tise letten: la net a depresion on neugli spot. th vdne Nopa grm O DrRu'oi The Thermit wldiug poarder ta ce court lb denedai rebearlug of the J Sornealuene ln France. gooe p Ibrultat a lii teaspoonful, ailde eau. M WH WA% N 1-erPa.: . éd te 80 pounus af steel sud alumîn- iaxnediately &fier is attorneys » mwIigo e ua e A looR su appeal ta these uPrerne courtAUU rv u lrlu ndeeudrm uini liilge. jlaced lu a crucible sud o0 braveerrutuly e FO (IAK Ji1JJ) jcnnand bave tou cldeuderhue lgu.tad.hy a refi hot Iran, develope ~a naé lu boudemrcf *2.000 Pince. FORfr a log dt teyOaUeStati lieau ot540) degrees bu a !rw min- esdtbodof$,0.Sn cmad avntopn erRhe rite. This te the highesitpint o! tlim@ ebas been lit Moundg. n. okdtfy.dlicoit.1a heut even obbained. Galti motte aIat ,uoee Its said toi have btdlil upa AS SLACKER, AÀlIERO %flkg dmiaad otue r pulm a temperaburs of 2100 degrees. Plat- arn folîevtng. 1 Opub!Dm a t-ncen a iuu, rgarei a. on e bb rn~t According ta Asistant Sttes At- Kenosha Young Man Wha was Ohe dige hep pee bes tu rnsenr lar difficult mele eltere la te melt.lie-. torney John Wailsh the-re is ittj coms mite -a trin Se a ,00 likeliibod of lte case be-inz trlrd ln Sent ta Fort in 1917, "Made 'iraI, I tatied luin y big offensive',Tue cores oltn e fain280 ter.ztiwblch Ra.s ta crash the fool Amer!- thé degret-s sud tiis la oblaiued Orluh the federal court as he can see ne Good'" Overseas. rang but tiiry knnv %anltte ahouî 31 menus of the Oxobydrogen bow pupe grunso t nda' teny itaYaccsd he rfu.v)71 which le sîrnlar teaftue ecetylenelcudapa h .le thiukp WOUNDED, GASSED, SICK. be crusbed Just like i1arant dem ta Mill iorcb. In tact the beat de.vloped bliv nan *hto profesesata he«j 1Z'cent oMy men lu der filbl iu higcea risetmit velder makes the molten preacher yl ho obligeti to "take hii, lunIjcember. 1917. George Zillitu ae.a, e dygt10d m ro î run visere vator vaulti net Medicine." left Keuosba uder an armed ecort.vve ndv*de ott luas u bigo run"Tt la up toi bis bandicuen ta sur- Hoe bail heen bratudeti a "desernier' cane dey ait saliti 'Bouu a-ilod s 0g Great cars bas toalie uced In using reuder hlm te tse heriff o! hake suid vas an i way te Fort Shtýrdan sety coul baer.aWvi!st fd n a2tyn Ibis velden fon If thons vere the ceunti immediately,I' Mn. Weieh catd. ta stand trial by court martial. lH oto hbaenaa vilto!dmeasudtrc.g aligtest clOu lun the preparetieus sev-"Il la net neceseary for tbe local au- Protested bis innocence but vas em liR heeazes ut s teriandin, i eral feet o! steel rai would lbe toiual e !'hm"condeitn consitieration by of'ciais d iebol azeo.icua voitdo n n s, au1- ai thoitls t g afer im. fIciis othlgaout Amviasud inatea k no n- IAir burnet up go qulckiy Ihat fit ould lu cage Fiatlayinl net turd oser arbo belicved hum a laciten of the yel tigaotwrndesu!ofu..1t lie difficut ta pltain any trace o!fit by bic bondemen Il voulti bc an loweset dye. ulng. deo dden vay dey coins rightion10 The onde ofthIe railarbene the eas;y mtter ta ferreit tbu- bond aud Ille othor day lio carne back hbe oadu.cpeo envr gpalr Joint carnes firt are beatf.d ta a thon cause Fldlay's aire-t. His aleeve vas decorateti wlth twIo îugabo ut, seie vu ofdmre sacliii certain degree sud the aides tVien are One eofte juraislu the- Fiudlay aesss ervice etipes, anse ond eaotW otcrehc i lic pscked in a heevy coating of rire trial boeslsaileged ta fate made etnIpe, sud a ecarlet chevron tid ol iacoRsu oins ai lievn dlay. Thon thse moîten metai latse tatemeut thal ho favnred lire cating an honorable digelbarge frout foolis! Dey iae cegnoran _ut ikey eb poured ln. The ends o! tite raul art- imprisoument as s punishotrut fer lte iiYae aaf.foos eyrsl.tdegoInr ana utdying arideti togetier as firmiy a.- If ihey the preaciter. leblioifor a Non vers thbo sthe eniy thlnKz.aiefen decmeilsova m ,it agdaandt vers eue ploce of metal. 1t-niexuce of 25 years anud rlnaily bist belied tise charges broughtIin y mon toalc a notion dey wanteil ta chît Merle Young,. o arb a ch oar'geofj agreod ta tive years raibe-r tbeu againet Iira. Hie icft foot draggi-d go back ta der dean Rhinc. We dont otb, tite vork lu Wauogan. ta au expert taire the chance o! a dlsagr-i n ud train turne ta tirne hi e lat baud Dire der Ilttie old dirti Maine river tien a th Utgame. Ife tay., that tbe tew Findlay te alleged ta have planueti clutcheti bis bip-convulslvsly. Hia anybaw, an.d oh. Papa! dem Amert- T , eldî*r !,so a s îp Ma anlet!pret e t fIrst to go itb court, admt that face, ton, qhowed shrapnel ecars. rn uticasDiiinus uhffeI loua a-eiders t ILbat ît ppanftnc be vas te fteofettii' chiîltiborn George Zillus vas ne 'do.Ferter.' A uianag ey Diisown ssuigcf tira ail o! tema. In fart It prolita'1y weh' t Clara Snyder sud then ceek te A yeliow streak ta deepeneti by dan- Kiui.atit6sui ffidnI i lnt be used eacluRluely lu future and jistify bis source by tue a criptures. gen aud the mnu ho came back . befor u and dcy taîh ol diriemlg MI electrir vwelditug whlîb hait bren' a, %asonly aren bisattaorney re- Itome vaa ned awite sud bhuis ioin Itac o do you tink a big hu-sky F comon.. sleht lu Waukegan for uLhc fuierd ta liui vani molre todo ati topitata Ss. Ifontiria adrgtl rn last seýral year,.proisaity vill (dl, ithe case If î'is course ccc follbneti Inctdentally, tbe charges agabust utfrony fchianlI aid, ogh. Papa'nt i appear entirely. Tie ,ame vweldier 1thai Flndla: t apted! a difereni lin,- frira erre drapped sorne ilotee ga. bate tW tpliyou ehat bc celdbel __ powder ila being ued iin wcuiding Of de c',i e alieged i-tardiy hati ho reacheti tbm guard jsaiti'Ta lini mit der Rais, rt Dit - llroçfn rair-9 o loernotves.En-ýhouse t Fort Sheridan until afJ[uavift. o «tnt-s utilufuus'-d ta hc janhtetiaftour ' ~ N (U I proitng is Innocence voee n tht aw!u-?iv dîtir ni katnue o,,ut s a arel o aitct crdbe JIS H M IAi andi of officIels, and lied accemit- afu? dd a ff myoe o :ý good shape ua before. Th,- amcI i.z j0 'I fui tiis acquitt'ai.aroundiand noimt der odd'ir - "u ltrtue %%tii regardto bmachinery of al Ç IE ÂI<DE <I a one iS. iii Ado.1aa'Yu kn ir Thende. jmssuha o . IVIJJ-IU~il~i Froin Fort Siseridan Ztlius waa cen. ;it 1aev yosnt ' al o anip Cîtster. By Apni, 191hoe d t platsoe tutou t r'ts. etut elixl.t thal 'core- of t-eluncral itui IfA W AU EIN at., riady for aervice oberseas. aulWe arc golng de otderoaray nov has crn b aueutn ron eary LApon resching France bc was sn and breatt plates are no gond aq the, points ta tutyIL ttand ta Icarîî of tr ouefront immedately au., eu cvrdsAurcn sottcrb meny uses ta whith Itrney bc put. (Great t..t ts Bulletin) fer o!. Company K, 9tit Infantri. le lu tbu' back. Sotue !frMy boss put Te devtce 11. 'd in grtndiitg down lu an attpnîpî lu do a tight-ropu-' vasgo.ssed s oftsen tbaî 'hiseyes don breast plates on tien bacIc't huit lthe reils consiste of a large ernury valing stiltt t ileonu libety lac -gut nerd ta lt." the Arneri-ans playi fluir Star Span içbeel vhlch t9 latd againgt te rails. Sunday afternrIn, ohn H. Bergîonti. ounilrer diffencrit occasionF b gho ae' nit machine guins au sud rnovod anng. grnding dluin t ie aprenitice seamin lu the Fliret Regi- "helu tfhc lins" whle bis butidies de lts surface arberever a nougisuese Io ment. Camp Dewey, camne near loestng wrot oser the top until lis tttnu "Yau rcîîîembcr lu mour -qtu-cch ynut found. is lire. camp utt at' b lite fearful figbting saiti uotlîing couîd stand before VfIr IL te ont dîlicuit for te rails 10 'ilrltg a! tbre nontnny of Whnikoe- t St. Mibiel. ILbvas bore hoe sus- brave Germon colitiers. Oh Papa, get roigh aelter a penioti o! Icy weastb- gans dovntot5n tromiaulles.IBerg- taituud tie wound thai put a civer1 dont heur-se dose Ameican sol- r for cars ofton are rtalleul and thue lundti tok a sri uut ta the lit- plate in bis back anti sent hlm back dienu oser reâIti crnr speech. Can't Éspinning o! the vîtecis vear dovu lieuse, about a qu rter o! a rafle train home compleleli exonrated. yaui senti dem saine of your sercheý tho rails tn placesl. the shore oae ~l iuchlg=u, anti ho Pocket-Comb Saved Hie Lite. ase y just run after u li'u a bîtocli VThe vork whicb Is in pragresa in gan ta siody the cceuei'y out thone. "Aà pocke-cornb pulled . utmeto rablits Waukcgan vinI nclude grnding downtuTise ighihoe 1 t ctalandsti Lttie tirougis." ise salitias lho proutiui zMy me'n cen mur ail the vIrinn the rails and putisg lu many a-eidcd enti of a long r ,ment Wall vlhh avet itie trophi. iu Kenosa. au teiiudren sot dem Ieigluma cen Jointe. Its calot vl lis oevenal bon- makesa a ireaka aten tor thne port of -"iwlnvs the pocb o! mi blouse brnxg nt i,ibt bbc 4tb Division la tuoc, dreti dollars bub t v iii mprose the Wauleegau. - hen i vent over. Mecn tbey vent rougir' We cap't run dem but papa servite tu Waukegau ta s material TIees ceep nîr be nolting lu bhrough mv elotes as ieé,dressing wc ,,re the test runners Nbnodv f prient. slgbt te break lire montonieo. the station they round i I thons vith titie (an kcep up nmit us, vs e otluuk o! ____________lime sud -place. Fineli BerglunutibulleStieontà lu t-juil as y700cséde dean aid Rblne. anti mi army nos- matie hiotuelf a dore te vaiR the nan ît hors." en tidtI tnk %c, mucis of dot dean olti FUW R IES P ESEaE rpotgewhc im ete1lise abOIelt..uesefd t10t e trango 11111 ie r. Let me know rigtt av-ny rot DD CEb uoue l'untifboutcton tie edt îM. if coul ndton eto n aorva i "ç.n pr fince.Wtl WOthe wLR E ator. 11l got about btif vay 'But te ehrapnel gol me la the "li- I(u RN hbuioýt hibalance antirfel dropipeti into a sclrl-bale tiat 1 5Cw (iAYI~ AYSju int te lCy caler by tise flash o! a star-shlel. 1 staYeti GÀ E ÀYSKE N Thte voter ett lhls Pint la abOut 25 (brs ustil mrnng Wvouen me ans ASKS $10,000 DAMAGES FOLLW-I Heuy Knutieuîygaie vnu e ot deepu andti ehough Berglund araspicl.eti me Or. ING AN ARREST AT ANTIO1ýcM Henr Ken, dput gam wadenable ta lceep bis bead above tise voter "Iu lus meaîtiaie, thonglu, I gel IL e! Lake cotinti. la ons o! ties trong- thons vas niwta>'luvIn it ho coult la te bill itit a place ai srapnel Charles Iitckienburg of Antincit, est boosters tor the propsiuton or cdinh back OnUbise letige agaiu. Tva thal ept Me inte itospia for' four Wosa mode dnee t inl a suit for .establiahing as rt ,roillresve lante salionrisa veen nean tise icoene 55w and a bal!tonanths. Thst's 'Mnt long $10000j damagesfiled tn circuit court tcouityt. Mr. Keru ta actuateti, net hie predIcaent sud rualel ta the enauissis. eut Il?" tu.i.> by Kaîl E. Jyrcit, aise of Au- [sg muait lecause the foreil préserve raue. 'rheî vee John.BarriBsuanti Danté He Was Dserter. tfcb rvouui méan the establishmnent at for- 1, 1. Eescingen of thIn181 tigiumeut. Witeuquestioiiei about lte ciarg- Jyrait chargea tiat %scklesnburg àest tracts arbîcitlu labos' years colti urnuChei al'néS d. s«et 'désertiona" placod ÀUB aishlmappoareti boore Justice Marri fas ghli unastfor recration spaltz. but be- TIhe recuen ewere 0colfrOftted vitis Ziltu declarsd 1h5 t vaswu tse vie, a! Antiocb anti saore eut a watrrant ,causes they isoli affaord a fins place a iifficUlt tank. No rSevas aval!- tintof &atrunmpe&-up osas.,I for hinu. "falstuiy anrnalicteusiy-"- i for viltigaine tu prpagate. table, lue Wa~ll an victoi s7tood "I aéyer flot MY notice. he soi& changiug biîtu ith asgaeitantibat- i. "Unleusa mins theutorirents la vag narrov andi COS5rd vIlbau - -MW sea.d sueaccuas I isard tiey vers 1tel. lie sais ho thon vas attackod à Laie Counti are bot Inta ieit' prime.- lng of ee ic ba. etisi1117617lunes- loaklg far me 1 ventte, tise board anti bs-ten anti taken litragi the vaM ate, liaS le. vith the undel'- cure footIng. Besesnger <111117 10v- and gave minyO 11131P. Itoiuiid ltatpublic stîcets te the affice o!f tse jug- e brisailt lezn, teé gant» 1.esoviéTsd I binc avtoer tise 090 aiO. lushe aall'an iad carrieti thecari ties after abicit b. vas couned o becoins exceediugly seuree i. 1>1@riifls bie comnade Itli lis eM. u in s pocket ion several da"s sud Jalilfor e perlodeinitiiree ioni, an e Ker a sserteti. "Bach year moieait'Wit the aid of a tea inO"é5alons thai vsW Uiheseson I dîdut get It ntif ho couid obtain bail.G a tse isuterbruainla ale"_ ai usyasd pMo o on thse sce, lab ud didn't report viten titey twuntei Laer wbon tse vaswupresent- f.tiore aorte fürstcand lan tée mmnChain vas tbu- tometi anti me. etibefane Justice Igus ail vwucon- couniy le reaaved. If Shis iteeps on Uergiund balsti ta 55i5*y. «Itriediteta sIell t l taIbut lusy tinueti anti Meckleultutrg le alleegi 5te n Il illi noS ho long belon. garevil! voulti't bébiova me. At the tort Il ibave taken a change ef venus th ho beve1 sumo'd. uwîfiflUATf as differeut."Juêtice Jaoseph C. James.,arbo, afier ..", the ltehr. à*"l If Itlah declihk IhU VUqIFieanlng tire evîdeuce, dsuicsi t~~~~ ai ta leavo15r tçeia o! At-b.p#de ab.. v price1 eut )UTI >da l a L Haarlem e etrengîls Witt GtIbiD ies. Mes >u are Dor îîî the h- , aed boxes. The Vacuum Cleaner It cleans -it cJeans absolutely -il draws out dust and dirt and particlea you clouS want th'tre from rugs, hangings, upholstery - front anything you bring to, its aggreeaive notice. Don't ion at i.. vin Oes h c ca hcucehcd iiusbitutt.ii We sel1 the fEDERAL VACUUM4 CLEANER on monthly paymniest Public Service Co. of Northçm lifiols Dit. IIERBBRT MI4ICIN SYMOM.hE PIIYSICIAN AND SURtGEON Pbae 5U IRÂYSLMCE EJNIB Hadam ,Hava...e, 030,Pu Agent for Bal-Tol t mk itméy HIENRY JANSSf4 Storage Dsterva"dEaiIoIos Beit-etarts. Geeles 'aaet aé Twn Phones 5 sd 13-J, . dLY if lt'a c i aés'ne"rat".s"- On lun th Ie Uléityvflaimaiégsn AUClION Ilaving sold mw tarin knovn as thé att Sage fanatva and ora-bail 1es *outh of Mlflburn, I vil s»U aM iblic , auction 'on Saturday, PebrtîarT 4ait one o'clcck, 5 harses: 1 L'ai ding, 10 years oid, 1 black gelding, years aid, 1 black gelding. 3 yeat d, bay mare, 12 yeara aid, 1 graiy )y; 9 cattle: 6 yearling aprlnagsu, yearling heifer, balance mllkmIa b0 oge betveen 400 and 59% Ibo, ickens, grain, implementat 7W lckens. 18 tonsi tipiothy b"y, »I ihels of oats, 300 bushels i of UM 0busbele of wheat. >60 buabdu et- triey, 1: eigbt ft roller, 8 v»Ms xes, 1 top buggy. 1 cutte, 1i lb 1gh. 1 hay rack. 2 graveaibaies rnanure epreader. I1rnilk vago", 1 ing plow. 1 McCorcnick Corn iaê 1 Pight font Deerine grain biodse, lix foot NMcCorxoick mower, I .M0t )rnirk bey rakp i1 International ?iar ader, 1 aide delivery rake. 2 cultiva- m, 1 scd piow, 1 ciutbble ploce. 1 r-bottom tracter pleov. 1 met thrée- tion drag, 1 rorm planter. 2 put- izers, 1 broadcast ceeder. 1 eav %e and cawi. 1 ferd grinder. 1 Idstone. 8 rnilk cans, 1 churn, 1 rd ceai heater. 1iimperial incubator. 'errns-AII anlounts under $10, b: over tbjtt cumn, ond ankabIe des bea ring 6 per cent interest. An dq to be c9ettied for betore re- NIE AROVR FRED (IRABBE OmunPr.Auctionefr AU CTION ieving -nid nmv farm 1 vili seil SM blie auction on the prernises at ,b's Corners. two anti eue-hal! ipe veet of Curnepe. on Grand Ave.. eseday, February 18, ai one o'clock, Pfollowing: nropfrf s: 31 head -cf live stock, conslating of hend (of ratlie, ce foliows: 5 new lkers. 9 hea vv apringPrq, 4 rniiking we, 1 puire.bred A.R O. Polietein r (hpavy springer), 1 pure bred Alstelu helfer (Il mnthe nid). 2 bh grade HolistelO beitere <coingu ears oid), 2 Hollgtein brifers <cani- I 1year), 1 Holletein hull cal!. 1 gistered Hollstplu bu!! <3 yeare aid) rafi colt tcoîning 21, 3 ehoats averl ing 140 ibe,* Pilage feed about 15 ft.- tns timotbY lias, 2 toue elfalfa ltay, il ushels seed nais, 9 milk cane, r bobh e 1gls rcres. 1 top bug, % 1rnilk buggy. 1 20-1ioh F'reeav nfiller and pipe, 1 Caîdren kettle, tank hpater. 1 rut scraper. 1 net ten wire etretchers. 1 heavy lo« lu.n 1 extension ladder, 1 set dite» gtocle. post hole diggers. chovela id forks. meat jars, waehing aS te, -one touceheld furniture ai er articles ton, numerous to e:c '.ercus ef sale-AIli crns oser $10. b; otuer ibat amflunt six rnont'Wr, e on gond ipprosed notes bearing per cent Intprest. No property re- oved until *ttt1ed for. 1,,il l I., Prop. 'red. C.rabbe. auctioneer Len Feu- ,n. cierk. pam sevez

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