Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Feb 1919, p. 8

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AREA BREViTIES Lent Satorday sftérnoan Ray Wells b" b.oitniez ilugér on his right baud ONNUd while ho w.. manlpulatlnt a bd& en thé gasolus é nginé, ueed lu gmuping waesrfor bis stock. At iret it ýw»tho9ght amputation of the inger WoWd hoé mesary but Dr. Taylor, wbo *%emded hlm decldéd that the inger u14 hébesaveti. lNuirît of thé sériés 0ff cornwnity vdtv metings ahi behé hinlutte 4)ammunily Bous. at Ares, Suaday doWeniug,kebéruary 16 Tbismeeting wili be amemolalmeeting lu honor of ThooeRoosevelt. Aun irteresting - Ipogram habheunarranged and iî'ordlal ilnvltation lé értéudéd te alil ru min la M asking this meting cntentiluing and B. b. Tnpp iseretilug a qcw building la witich iwlli b lnstalicd au eut! rely luwleéét grlnding outlt. The lucrease la thé dairy business and tbe lZh prices eth tee arzséthe fermer to produce a. moeb es posibhle ot thé teed their stock donmueandi the atvantage ot a modéra " i sll la thé savIna Irn feed whIcb It work roonis Friday atrnoon. AI! husi nesé maltera wilil hé eosed at tbis tImur sud thé organisation disbandéd. It I@ requeted that If thére are any Pilla againet the organitation, tbéy hé turnét lu at this tme so titat ail repart. can bie cornplebed. -With goud rond@, mid weather aut monliaght nlgitis, there shouid hé a good attendanee at the Roosévelt Mcmý oriai meeting lu thé Couulty BousE next Suuday evenlug. Folluwila ithe progzrani whlcb will be airen: Auterîca, suug by the audience, I nvovaî ou. "Ot)nLb er@ thte West Begins," Song Dean ý\I. 'Rai- cet, the Citizen, Rformer Stateena aIn, Friend of the Cummui Peolle," William G. Struug. -f Wauke gau. " ow Flrm aFoundatiuu," Roosevelt', favorite hymu, snng by the audience. Benedictlon, Iv. feu. B. Mitchell. Thé tolowng ltter trom thé Cicagu chapter of thé Amrican it d Cross ha. béén received by thé Area hranich. Butés possible. .Ianuary 30, 1919. 1%e pareonage wbich bas reéntiY To thé Preaîderte ot Branches and Chair. béés repairéd sud rnodérblsad, wili hée mon o1 Auxliiaries of thé 'thicago »e to R. F. Roue to hé occupled by Chapter. Américan lRed Cross: ilité iemiiy of e mn who lé employeti by The tirne bas corne when itila no longer &Io. Thé cburch ahi Lavé no us. for necesssry to maintain our Ried Cross thé paréonalgé this .vioter, sincé thé organizetion ou thé bauts upon whlch it msil.tei who wiii occnpy thé pulpit :or ha. operaléed dnring thé wav. Thé pro. lb. *Minlg ysar wlil ivBmln Waukegen. duction of supplies torour militari forces TMé Martrianséntertalnsti thé wornen Is practicaily tinlshéd, and we antlclpate «I thé club eit thé home of Mr@. Thomas that a-e @hall not ho calléd ripon to 19umilI, Tuestiay évsning. An Informai turnlsh sui more, thié work now havlng .vignins wes énjoyed by ail and dainty becomé a governrnent responslblity. @u!rséhments aéré served. Thérétoré a-e réquct that you make A busines. visitor lu Are& from Neb. your arrangements@'rnrnediateîy for thé iraska @tâte,% that thé farmers lu corne j lu@lng o ut .o ganization, ln order parts o! titat @tâte bave been pliiwlng' thit ail wonknay lée iiulied and i our eince théebréut thée mont là. charter rturued to ns nut luter thuni Mr. Dortiér, father of Aea postrnaster, k'ebruary Li. ifr ou anceiiuaéle to lucale ,was remaivedj last Muiday from thé yuur chaàrter, noifcatiun luna rltitig of Jaué ticAlii.ter huelatal te Hie hinrafth tte ditîanding (if yuur brancia or auxi- bié tiaughten. lire Evret Weils of! liary n ii h iaî eîAent. Ares. iHiecînditloü i.. regardca a l înac uc u> i rledclae- .srios. tXasearralagc 6)liii e tile c'ast- ou A teletilîe cal Mas recelVe r-al hum t'eclebruan>- 1, îor as soain a!tc-r se pomi1je. Ehaddle, Tuusday aftrinra. HAe ae I Wurk tuai reinlue toli e dune chaînld Le lpeslng titrongli Chcagzo un lts aB> t malin t te iar boulae b3 voun arrkers. Catrap Grant wlaece hé expecte torlLe' l ciutinuiug Ltae us~etfyour a-onkroeîra dlscha rged ilis taaily expcct lmnihumé trnucana expenrui te un for heut, liglat, withla a wéek rent, janitor service, and ttîe like. Titéré a-Ilbo a businFess meeting ot tire lu cîocîng ra) tihe auna, %e nîqiacét Ares brancit of the lied Crost titi that yen retiacu ail utoeneud cupliies, sncab tîîeg uofblread, ruilé uf bralil, balle oft talus, etc., tu tue chapter smore, but partlally used Dotions or piercé ut matérlal niay hc dimpspsd art among [M[ ~ONIIyour a% rcaeunabac piîes and tIre amount reailled tnrned lu te thé citapter. This, of course, Is mot oblîga. tu, ns If yen pretér. POSSESSION ON OR BE- lu dlsbaudlng your group, pléssé kéep FORE MARCII FIRST a liét of thé women aito have worked tfar yon; thé chapter lu turu wllI kep a permanent card file of ail branches aud Stock, Feed and Implements anailiaries sud their offilcers. By titis if Desired maans. If wé are evér called tu reorganLize we shail hé able to do eo qulckly sud effetively a0 Acres-il miles froni town; I take titis occasion to express to yen néw buildings; goond land; 40 aérés a i plowed; 8135 per acre, thé appneclatiirn o! thé exécutive coin- $2,iiO wJlihandié tbe deal. mittee and ofilicé4oftt@hethcagocbapter 45 Àcréé-l% miles ironi town; for thé splendid wor Joune by yonr gond wetandcorulaud; good orgaulvation durfing théea-ar. Yuu bave buildings; $6,500; very easy terme résponded tu our nunnerous' requéets lu 95 Acres-1% mires froan tua-n; a mauner woicb eilcted te t rue Rcd béui of land; good buildings; Crocs spirit. Your efiicency bas been $125 pop acre; very easy ternis. démnousîrated repealédy, atnd ourentire 80 Acres-4 miles frGni ban; organizabion rnay feél as a-e fiel that excellent soil; :0 acres fat[ plow- titey itryv made an enviable wer r-r $145 per acrreil,.tc - IMAR MuMAHON, 20 Acres-S mie fruni townex Director Bunreanut Branches sud Ansi- ceptionaiiy gond laud; lian, ares, Chitcago Uapter, Arerîcan feeti sud Implernents. ailifor $7001; B.d Cross. 38 Acrs-4 miles trom town; good@oilaudfalrbnlldiuge; $150MO T EN per acre. $1.000 cash; balancé te Born t r, sud tIrs. Wit Dieblud ou suit purchacér. FiaFb tadnhe n oIr 32 Acrês-2 mlles from frayoiake FlaFb7ia agtrsdl i 5-ronni bouse; new btarn; #6000; and Mr@. Miké Ijinuuf on satnntay, hait ceuh. Féit. Sth. a ten poud son. If younueed a tarot for Imniediate ChrIst Thomas, of Wanconda, slent use, Investigaiete ix'sû bargaîns. Thnrsday with Geo. Hertel and fawnl3. Every fatn vititin 50 milés o! Mis Frances@ Wyer rtnrued groin a Chiceago, TEE GîtE ATEST PRO Chicago bospitai whére sIere vcetly nu - DIUE MARKET IN 1'HE WORI) derwent au operatiou fur galîstones. anti growing boter. IlShe ae attlna, ,tnr vrv ev Attractive Bargains ln Area , Sibuni ut Chicago) Mdolerra honees, vacant lot@, factor>- r-r-. anétracte. Small Tracts Ii ratruala gar- Area Ha& City water éi-ir -itemf. , Transportation Electri- raai; faaJ, S irat li Area Will Offer encouragemen'te a rumbrf industries. Addres# -F. M. HARDING trainlng ai Camp Forest, Georgia,' for thtepast rive monti bas heen honurably dlsr-iarged antd retnrned to his hm boritr last Wednesday ereniug. Frank Bauru. ocbuidt bas also reînrned tvom a train- Ing camp at Iowa. The Infant son utftIr aund tré. Richard lti-tz îîacsed sway ia.t veék. Mn. and tirs. JobuTraut sud Mrs. Jo., Tcýkaruî,e and four childrcu aire ail quill il,it Il ri tii u. 'j la calainiinarriages lu Frénanant uf Lailiaarl ;i. slît arnd MWssLucy lHertel alunil 1*,ý,]l acal.ard Miss Mabe'l lebm ll raaa riii i -ainiouuyed. DAMorJYLAK 'ia..Ila XaH I'i' Kane acre ng ,iaa Nilhtiar- i:1r;" ia a %I!s. XI iiilit aîaa ii-l. )îad Werr,-blartîvile l.tîî'e Sara.liv. Nir aaI I rIitr li-aiken atiaj tfam. ly a"Ira Lis. Llalker arettSuuday aua te hoee I r. an'iM.l"."j. Tliatlch. rs la 1a , I .- lr.iiraja lIa. lirrarai I o w L.-i l,éun tiae rikl ilt Mrea and Vicinfitq and MrA Win. Edwardm, and tir. and Mir@. J. A M ason. Tbe Red Cross ciosed Its rooms fast Wedneoday, as thére wore was nu nëed of work ut présent, they decided tu adopt tive French orphene. Cora aodÉkins wu@ a business taller at Elait Day one day %bis week. Eiien Rasmussen ba@ returned tu ber honms ut tlenview. Ail tbose who wlsb tu nulte witb the church, by ltter or conf.,ésion of taith, wili be given thé chance neit Suaday rnornlug. An Invitation le exténded tu The Ladies' Aid wiii meet Tbursdsy ait,-rnoon nt the bomne of Mrs. Hayford. Thé Boy Scouts will mcci autfthe Town Hall, Friday eveniug thhis wcck Inst46d of Sattirduy Au intresLig prograrn le belrag pre pared for the iixt weei'cîinof the Vrnon Social lub Mntfthe Town Hall Saîaurday l.veiiing It will rousi.t of an ludour tra-k Till, mn are r. .-rtrtain thlale anié,d sea rve aîiu N.xt Siuii<iay cciOiig eis te reguiar comaimunion ervie.' au ti reepiun of tiraic eré. Ail t ho..e ivho à ileh ru unite a ith the ciiuroch are alea&oi Lotify the tiastir or ofSierm of tI) hu.l. suuday cion t 10:301 a. lu. Claurch cerîi.c rt ýl:DO 'i hài ib'lltud Buetier anad famail3 of Ravens- woud, vastcd wth rlatives over Sun. d ay. E. Frank épent Saturday lunihlcago. MIr@. H. &hultz aud the Milses Norma and Aliuada (roth o! Llbereyvii, wére guésté of Màrtba Voelliug, Thursday. Thé Laàies Aid society held litaregular meeting lest Thnrsday atternoon. Plan* are is progrees for having on Feb. 22, a caftterla iuur'r and program. Watch for further particuiars. Miss Bessie McCrthy spéni Frlday ev.nlng wth friendé nt Palatine. Robert Kasten @petit the week-end at bi@ bomne. Net Suuday rnoring, February 16, memurlal servicei willi b. belti Bt thé Evangelical chnrcb lu honor of PrIvate Lien Sandmaun. Services wil hé both Iu Engli.h and German. tIr. and tIrs. Waltsr Sheffer and Mr. and Mirs. Petérson of Chicago, wéré thé gueste at Wm. Carr's, Sunday. Nathan DeYoung of St. Charles; spént Saturday and Sunday aM bi$ uncios, J. A. Str3kler. Miss Marie Roder wu@ thé gueet of Mid Mabel Horeuberger over thé week- end. tIlsetIargarett Piagge, who.' teachés the IleerGfauve echuui, va. horne over thé weck enad. 'lire '[uem" socitty ufthLie Premb:.- fertara citurcit viii give a iier at thé ciiuaaauaty boause rmi February 19I. M r@.Wm. Clark éntertainced hec parents, tir. aaad tMrs.eorge iBrand ot Highland Park, uoa Thursday. tirs. Theo Edstraud o! Chicago, vsm thé guést utftirs Thom. Dufiy, FridJay. Lieut. Bammond ant i vie o! ockpovt, a-ère thé guésté of Irvln Piagge, Sunidsy. IIév, C. K. Oraborn ant i vie o! River Forest, spent Thnrsday anti FnIday at Georgie Staugérs. Abert Autes ha. beén appointedti tx collecter for' tie township o! West Deeriielti.0 ther. a-il! héno échool Tbursday anti }rIday, as our teachers wili attend thé Instituts, wblcb la tuoehé héait tLakte Forest, Titursday; Highland Park, Fr1. day, andl Wankégan on Satutiay. tir. aud Mm. J. Catiow of Bavriugtou, aud tir, sud tirs James Schuetslnger o! Lake 'Zurich, vere thé guésis of 0. I. lîuckeabacits, Sunday. MIlée Eeanoev'Méyer was thte week-end gnél Ut MIss Edo& Bosold ut1tianhelm. Thé P. T. A. vilii olti a bax social at liae écheel itrane, Satnrday évenIng, February 22. Misé I rené M.-adle of Chicago, speut Sunda>- at F. Petrousa. %Irnud Mtis George l'cttis, Mr. and tIré. Warren Pettîs and tirs. En .iohuo vere thé guesté of J. %Iulllginsof bicyes; Secretary and Tréasurér, Miss Juepblné Woodnaau. L_ GURrÙ Mmrs.L. J. McUlure and Mrs. Y. N. Y ,uug éntsr"aled thé Ladites' live Huntiréti lub et the residénce ofMM. Mn. McClure, Wétinésday atternoon. A largé crowti attended the iarmrnér Instituté hor, lest Frtdsy. Thé Woodmén wUi give a séries of card partles.beginning ibis wéék Frldayi évnlng. Thé Boyal Nélghbor are planning for a masquérade bal tor February 21. Mir. and Mirs. W. T %Waddlii of Wade. worth, vicited H. H. sponuburg'é lest Wednéstiay. Lloyd Vincent wlll retnrn to Calitornie thé tiret of nez$ week. John Corrné of Rusell, was a vtiitor bier@ iaet Snday. L. W. Bracher and uaîtlier 01 Wauke- gan, visited Bt R. B. Straaîa'slat lou- day. Thé Vikings belal tii. Ir rinaul rmeeting ln Chicagu last week naud l,,ted ilirecturs for the year. A nuwL, r fi new unes were chosen. LZIM3 LAM ýDav id WhIt tofai L'a.,a-a sbiloi- ucscaller here Tue,,] a. F.NW. DunmrnLd, Jr- , a-an Evanson cailer Tnesday. Ben ('ashman wa a 1Ilago vîi@tur Tnesday. Dr. flarry Nortanîraeturued beré lasl 'Ihursday from artu> service, aitere hé ha. been for the pat tew monthé. Hé wiii také up hie aork itéré agalu o00 Thtirsday aud FrIday as tu thé past. Mrs. Lec Beawéil anti chtren aré vioitiug M. Benuwéii of Fort Bill. lits. L. V. busit lé réporteti on thé sic i aet. Sebool lomed Thursdey unthl oeil; Maonday on account of thé teachéral Inatitute. ,Henry. R Hirceit o! Chicago, visiteti C. 0. IMcCandléss. T. F. Cunlugitar of Chicago, @pont s féw tisys st Lb A. Frits. C. G. tIcCandlesé @peut a fév days lu Chicago. Mir. and tiré. W. Kreichmer of Liberty- ville, called hère Wetineéday. Du't forget thé carti part> February 19, at thé opera bouse, this lé for thé benéfit o! eacit Mystie lodge mémber, wbo bas b-en iI i tis vwinter. UileéEdua isé Turner, aho was Ii only a short lime, passéti ay Féb. 8. Shé was hem liarch 11, 1918. Site leavés ber parenté, e brithér, twn sistérsl, Lililan aud a littie one a week ooH. Buriai vas ln Waucouda cemetéry on Fébruary 1b. But théea-indow vas open Thé curtains vers drawu, A dove fiew iu" sud our Darling wnms goné. E A,. Turner and vite are bot ii1 at NURSES SLIP ONE OVER ON COLONEL; 6O TO LAKI3 FOREST Nurses at Ft. Sheridan, Barred from Daning There, Prove Most Elusive. THEY SiMpty WILL DANCE. Thoser,e i-et flort Sheridan -bus- piai bast a-il tdIance, To réviév thé sitna-ttou-after ýaaét a! thé 200 hati attended a dauýcé at thé hosPité.l tvaO a-ceks ago last uight, Cal. W. N. Bift-. bain dug up an ancient ortiér andi fo>- batte themIn ndulging, furthér )in térir. ichorean delighto. Titeta a a-cék ago last itight the nunces eilpped otiotaHighlanti Park aud daniced t ill v. Colonel Bifthami sent ta-o gitartis -lth large revolvers atter the gtIrs. But thé nurses vare ail pariy tdresses, anti the gnardg c.oulîlr'trtvir-gnlze iheinaitjiiaat fheir! tan fltin. (irigreilicently thé Colonel a-as foleti MY 13, 1919 Il Mr@. Jus. Town.r and son pp.tTbus 8rêga UibtSnday. day attavnoqu wIth lir@. J. W. Vorér. Mira Ruth Krmn, ball réIgneti as ciéri Mr@-éfleuri MliiiLewis Mlle' anti lu thépaetîaihe. Mv. (ariity hatakén Misses elen sud L.ibbié visiteti tr. anti1 her platce aftsrboraî1s lirs Ro>hrt àls SndaY. iWm. Kentsud fasmly @pent Suaday1 '3ranuma eniker is on tbé sick llut, Iu Mlwaukeé ua s tel*o! lits, Henry jThé spécial meeting o! the C,ýeery Keit. t oel-ty ut lits. Townév'é vias a-el nt- Tbe P. TA. ladiesfurnimbhét thuppér, ton" Uai thé srrmv aalu avy lesgus ut Bigla.1 Idr M M,*. John Geike, tMrs, anti lard Parkt, Saturday svsning.j sMlr@.Au@. Gellft sud son and Miss Anale AInr. tcDow. il of Chicaglo, Ouled thé Gehlike vietteédtir. anti Mrs eo. oshiké puipit for tir Kelly, aha wae ontija. sa Suutie véulng. - oAil Sunday il - - - -- Sérg t (;nst îiamp o! the motor truckt - P~.1t~.i VIEW , cop Iras recaiveti bis honorable dl,. Louis EBo îjé earélvé istédiecbarge and chaè.rge aîad arnetib orne Tuéétiy. i lé home at présent. Mir. and Mr@. AlbertiAntes anti Mr. anti a L. W. Huteitings anti F. LSancl8 a-wëe trs M .. rants astudéd thé fanerai i. busiiness cailers ai léuview Prliav of tîréir giraudmather, Mrs. Zervèr or le Grec@ Waieiielt i vsited reai vlns aI Chicagoi, un Montiay. ieDés Planes Sunday. Misses Eida Boreuhergér anti Dorothe Miré. A C Pétée speut tiînday in tira Me%%>lli!tiiim, Raiph Soreuhérgér anti City. IHtarr3 litiliké vere tiré guesis ot Miss@ tieo. Richarde-, o! Glenvies-, l@ spu licig bêla lil ' tait hof Chicago, Slrnday. thé week witit blA panants, tir and tirs Mnr-eW- un ut Chicago, 10 vislting Miré.1 JO@ Richards.V aaagtitis veek. - AI'.Poteris aud !aily sud Ni re. Cara Mim 1iL M. Vaut entertaiuéd theDoresu nl Xereubeng attended thé birltiay tty ,siriut the Preshyterian chureit e- giveat tre. A. Welireuhetg Ilaut'redùe- ITiau:.iday a!ternoon. Thier aunuai ré. day lit Liîrtyvilie . îîîît s,îéd a véry sueeful year. Thé sl tisb' .tso nctie tdturc a: !ofcr a eld: Preildént, 1iast Sunîiav, F. Tuvuer sud family. tir.a Nic,.l. co. Pettis: V. l'reo.. tirs.F. H. ,h N a mallést of thé replies of 1»aél with which Columbus A&merlc&, burned for an hour at brmaeh&vYgeo Iev r * moorlugé la the Jackson Park la7,oon Chicago, Frlday nlgbt. aud thén sart. The 1linta sank lu the lagoon nom,îý time ega andi no attp"npt bas bee-ni made to rainéelb Ii idependent Classified -uw ýOL. X 7j- Ads Peu. Ask aeg user, 09 diem Il - M TRUJCK BODIES AND TRUCK CABS closed or open, for Ford Trucks, with drop and slide windows. Fordson Tractor service bodies and ail kinds of bodies and cabs made to order. Give us your order Satisfaction Guaranteed G. T. STIEFENHOFER MANUFACTURER BARRINGION, M h 1' The Prevailing Epidemic with its sad iist of qîîick fatalities impresses on ail thoughtful persons the dut>' of înaking one's will while good lîealth and normal conditions permit the best titouglit and most carefi judgment.. The news report's, in respect to the average estates, show that in the Inajorit>' of cases life insurance ccnstitutes a large part of the mone>' ieft. If, weaithy and far-seeing men adopt this plan of providing for their dependents, it is becauise their wislouiî and experience prove this couree to be the safest and best. Why should not the famiiy of the mnan of moderato means enjo>' the advantage and protection afforded by this service), Life Insurance Is the Best Thing JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. épréser ite t * leelsny icafo, ls * Trii me Ili proce jSn as tt Overrwpe hé colle lu Bpringi :bos taitet lasclan shurta'tT fra brin lstuia' an peei'd. te nacre, été tente n t challen gin hie formie, &ahall Fiel tort Il aaIl Thirfeer Iu Zion ( .téred flear My truc- y aud Dow réac! Mrn Shi tilimbers, ntiistor; fair meara teriy sud Mn. 811, iton 5 rî YJtîdgp Di Shiaffle oi, h ireuay s efrald. un snupî,nt.1 am ha'%rr gards C tria'! le s starleri '- ablé e il uheeis Tire la netts w1la gang o! j ~ o af isie0] 1 chantl fln aeéli an d daîra luctigato, ailrebo My lin am uttruly I bloln disconnag lu 1907. tablilbed now doil 000.000c witb su and thes t4àde of t report oi lu add theo Zir Seven yé anti taxe In add eccleslas firet-elas ïi- utial j 'd ha 4.. onthavé Ln ima', wonid n fos. 1 have and no Ms titan get it. ~y C and iti i Ail luat wéék s t inlasli, guards wandered la andi ont or the hospitail ta famlliarlzé théielves wlth thé girls, faces. 18a the nurses Put on théir party dresses, andi thon rétuedti t go .ta Hihblandi Parkt. Tbéy vere, lnâtésd, to a dame given by the Y. W. C. A. ln the Young mén's Club at Lae For. est. arnd bai the tîme af théir lve. The. four Zion City boys for whoen warrants were sword out cbarging tbém with havtng déstroyéaj a signal 1 device on thé wet brandi of thé NortkWestern rallroad at Eddy »ta. tion, haetsrude restitution to thé «émpeny. TiiéY w;,re disxnisséd Wheu their case miernéup for trial béforé Policé Magiatraté Walter Taylor ta. day. Dr. H. B. Rdbérte arrlved lu New York Tuesday évening from ocurseus thtrs assuring Highland Park of his early bomecomiug. Capt. Robérté was In charge o! thé 325tb Field Ar- tlllery wheu they went to France lasi sumimer. Récéntly hé was promoted té surseon a0 the 27th IFeld Arîli- Iéry. .1 q 50 HIEAD 0F DAIRY COWS-50. Arcady North Farm dair>' herd for sale, at auction, corn- mencing at 1 o5clock p. m. on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22,.1919 Farm located on Green Bay foadr 1Ij miles north of Lake Bluff and 1 mile west of Naval Station. WiIl seil entire herd of 50 cows, imcluding 20 freeh cows with calves by their aide, and' 15 elose epringers, all tui- berculine teet.-d and on- of the best lierds in the country. W~il also oel farm machiner>'. Usual Terms of Sale ARCADY.FARM, J. R. LOVE, ARTHUR MEEKER, Aucitioneer Proprietibr - - - e ILLINOIS Moi ,"FIGF 1. à 11 1 . il

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