Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Feb 1919, p. 6

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fLIBERTYV1 IEIPND D£NÈT TRRSDÀ,~ ~ r11, ::SSSSSSSUS usem:su~ss:u-----ss - ------AIKFiÀ ROI-- (uuOtY Seat New~s ------------:: COSLAURELS FROM APOLLO BELVDEtE, Waukegan Man, Leader Great Lakes Band, is Credited «ih Rivaling Apollo. TIAPE MEASURE PROVES IT. foV RO NT; planing a us lat ~sa indel or ~ ,,,~~ iRobt.MDger of Waukegan Geté. a new Apollo which f shall begin lnuNIL ÂS-III R ten"future." AuiLE etotifo inCalornia Aboya are t.he comparative mess- A ADIE 5Lie rmBohr n gvnbyM.VaÜis " l~ f~STELLS 0F CANDY THEFT. nE 9» OTO S Mr ana, Mn. M.' P. Durger. have va- cevda letter trom their son Ar- BUDD ONFUSPassing of W. S. Keîth Recails thur who fa at Oakland, Cal.% stating DE Fats a to Hw Lui thât he bas heen promoted ta the us! AD LTNS jFat-a o o1Lcus Position of foreman with thec qethle- Starr Becamne Blind. hem, Steel COrporation and Shiphuild. ers camtpanY. That they should have Presdentof Eectrc Rod imCUTTNG NIGHBRS WOD ected a man fro'mthe middle watt Presdet oSuneormeRas~CTIG EGBOSWO instear' Of rtramthe' west ls cons!d. Anwe t Sn orsqsered rY COMpllmcontary to the WAUKEGAN'S MODERN APOLLO Removal of Yards.' Otten limes afflictionantwbrlvc-j 7anougm.whba fâr. Tennant Mr. Belvidere ment cones to a persan %vhntr.-,s g ln legs thaîr a year. It 49 ln ......... Height ...69 I O IC nHG WO D.Sorntliing fin rsomebadsr oloe. Thist catc that ha la taking rapid ail 13.6 ln... Shoulder to elbow . .13.6 In. N OIEO HG W ls albe ln connection w-ith UP ,ho iadder o usccm'. He W3.6 Ina... ips...33.6 i1 the dcath of W. S. Roith wîo caîi-,gc, d mechanic and cngincor am 10 In. .,. .Lengtli of foot . . ..10 in. In answcr ta a letter tramn the to bis final cnd at a time wben 11, htwllian future 9eem. ta ho Out! 19 ln...Hip to knee . ... 19 in. Sun, Birtton 1I. Budd. prpadent ot was tryling te do something n for hlm. 40 Inl ... Cet........ 4( ln. the North Shore EI;ctrk railraad, somebody aise as ho aaw It ln rnoutd- The local young man cxpects 32 lna......... Waist ...32 ln. answera twa important q<Ltetiof.lo.ig or ahaping thc munieipal d est oiest alhmt hn 22 lna ....... Thigh ...22 ln. Frst-Wbat waa the real pu'pose ies of Wankisgan. ncar future. Hie ciprese the1 14.6 ln ...Calif...14.6 1lr. 0 ftbe recent visit ta Waukcgan of Another notable tact lllu.qtrailng that bis brathcr Bl) who Is ln Mrv. Tonnant lives ln Waukegan and tbe bij hanlcers framn the aat' Waa this statement ta a case of î.uciui Ciflhurg will be homi, before he le ta wdl known locaîly). It wlt.h a vlew af extensise improve- Starr, an aged vteran wba la, Onl his long trip. Whle passlng on big rounds menti ou the alectric, expansions. been blind for many yearg' and who 1I Mr. and Ms-s. DlIger bave recc tbrosgh the Chilcago Art Instanute.' etc? until reccntly livad on Ash strept. another latter froni their son the attention of a wataisman was ai- .And hera Is Mr. Budds 'reply: Waukagan, being trcquontly se.en at who ta living wite aine officens tracted to the statue of Apollo Belvi- The raprscantatives of the diffar- hte corner of Ash and Grand ave. iehom ha serves as meaonr'ar. 4are, occ¶pying a ipromînent place eut banldng institutions. whom 1 where he would ait for houreintagood gays ha ld gettlng along in fine a] tu one othet corridors. N toclteta Waultegau on liebruary 211d,! veatharlilstaning te the' machincs but that tUme hangs nather hem According ta the watciîmau's îtony, *imply bad lu vlaw >ooking over the passiug by but bis eyes kcpt on apace on hie bands. He send.s a photog nàrrated soînewhat shakily atton the North Shore lioe, tamllanlzlng t.hem- bacanea ha cauld tea nothing. o f hitiaflf *hIch shows htmo recaption af a lîbenal bat toddy, the slves wlth that property an'd esi Mr. Stars- who 18 ln bis 80's, years stolitar than when ha left Wa cîsasie plagier femitunca of Apollo terrltory of the Publie Service coul- ago livad at Roscrans. It was tbeî e San. auddenly échangad ta a darlc green col- pauy, and the vîit had no relation' whan ana tinte ha went ta a neigh- Bob han taken a strang dislik or, thi% huce siseading rapldly ta the to any particutar improvament. They bar's, an aged widow. and was chop- London, and for what ho conside *&oer Partions of Mr. flelvidere&i were, 1I lisial. vet7 favOrablY île* piug soe wood for ber. A spîittr perfectly lagilmata reasan. world aslmired anatomy. prassed with bath psopertles. Ai l few lnto bis eye and an injury was Recently bis aunit. sAho livel Thon, it vas declared by the watch. Inspection Of tais kind givas thorm lnillcted which, ultlmatoîy necc--.l- Chicago. sent hlm a lange box ai man, tbe statue stasted tremhllng firat-hand kuowledge about the util- tated Uic removal of the co. The dy 'by way of L.ondon. tram hoad tn pedestal as thaugb eut- Ity. othor cye ln ivmpathy with the hrat When the box got to Young DI faring tro a 1seI5nts, or the Egyp- Secont-Is Il truc that the goreru one, vent lind and accardingly Mnr. the candy had been removoti ai tian ague. Slowly f raised ts arras ment bas serv-ot notice on the elec- Starr bas heen ýblind ever since. lis place waa a cano f groase heavcnword. as tbouzb supplicatlng trie people o tvsacato tisir propenty He latolyIlias gano to bigsfatamln spreadiug on bs;e'ad, iwo as of the go&u for something. thon. qink- at ligbwoad. ta permiît the expan. Wadsworth wber, hoitheiroonliv. mata sousp, twa co 's 'rardines Ing ta itq kneo'; sni b irrr'siog its 'ian of Fort Sheridan? lng and proharriy continu(, itrasi- a bar cf bitter choir, r, 1m Bb face ln it. bands, btri obbiwng is Mn. ttdd,, answer to the l141er dence untibis dclath. this stuff vas ail n-r .îa-fan thougbt il- tîcart %wu'tlbrra'i. tolon s: Itis thiý farna. til r i, c-dwlichwent but lie get- Ili ni " Il Apollo's Fearfui Woe. iThe landi wbich 1I hoight fromtlPe wm dftir1ird to ir hlmb'.1 !r fiIsr for cvcry day.lite a! r t ver%, "To thinlk." th'v. ,rchmian sas. IlPcaborly estate. wPst of the main use during hi- lifetiitr-andi the %. iî boxes of candy t! a r,(ntf gsoaned. "ta tiink tirat afer ail tino. wiil undouitediy ho îi5od s£010- furbor pros i- i iiIar bh trlo here ta tho boys o - aý oser tf these e en.- n ou arrets eboldi ho time in tho futuire as the main yards far rni i elin houil i ta Lu- their destination. taken fr-ont 1niebu' a (iroat alkesl for repair shas, storeýhouses, etc. cirîs Starr'chilrjiîr", \11-i Starr anti gab.' This ,ece approxlinatos Pli acre, a daugliter. But il ho. i nnotirr'd 8 At aboutib tis lIme, so i t ik Z -and j eii tlocatod for iuch r'ae. The that a strango, cropiri!. 1 of mat- THIE WAUKE fiÀN " ported, the watcbman dabeti for th, . lannmcn bas not indicatd *,hat l t trs wiii resuit when tir Starr mwain entrance and shrieked for a vants the propecty at Higliil)od. but ducs for tho rpa on. tht I '- son and EST LT TAi capper. Sevoral ran in,.')ut on I1 there are oniy ton acres aitht-rt point caughter bave dioti befre o t iii. Tius ARESTLjIN AC vrestigation taund Ap'olo standing ln and thorefore thec property is ton il uili roquIre s strangi.- '-'raightaaIng bis usualotiirîr. apparenttv indiq- imaîl fan the ultimata needi af the ont et law points in court whcn dis- turbed. The dinrcs thoreupon deciti- cmpalny. position ta made of bis big farm -e E DÀN T ed test Uic waichman wras alýolt tour :cause of- the death of!thc oblîdren fheets lu the wind andi latroring hean-plrt àto tetilr inl op asW oH DlY for the veathor-gaga, and drpant. BeenToEeter Duinis At Uc eacttîmeApolo as u- R IDE ~ riorta hatof te fthe Si nl orps La D Wg ho i At te eact lme Apllo as n- LÀCE fif RU H S DDE DEA HS arGreet Sun Friends Ulroing big mental agonlisat Uc P ACtheMU I UD E _ E TISWr ëMtitthe icreporter was present ai jm ~Df A ~uîî & studio Party in the home of Mrs. , Zjij Iw.n nunW. S. Keith is Third Memnber of "H--L -" IiMt'LL HUNS R Arnd Van Vllsngen, ln Chicago. B Prominence of Christ Chur- Thse Sun bas s-acivd a men MMsu Van Vlingen le a teaeher of fî l,~r. rout the cight signal corpe Viaalc danngonnfas- learofFarmer West of Waukegan is' Ci ' .V,~Wh±o vent tram Waukagan snd thsiheet ae iaTnn anlder of ae nb FdrlO- kef boli e.Wdthe.distinction of being te '1a08110M La cissudsa dhePen Tae n y edeuaI per- W. S. Kaithsasuden do@*e«ls 17 beach ofthtanumber vho ook tth as sty. a sPa. aie Rcnl.theetact that bie son sl>iem malied together sU thesine ObaWag at oneaida cf the studio, Maison A. Stadle, formeir mntor .. haire bean In foreigu service.1 aMd ie the saine attitude and de- Acccrdlng to Information luit t-e- ;dan of Christ church, a*so disnM hava pennad the not ~e I ingUarmite evd In Waukeg:n, the faderaI au- 1 dead about threa vas a 56. 34r Sunresder.sud anilstiged lit. Vis « hoslètr «thefumns a toriiona weft&golaut Saturday Steele vus lu big boni. ai thee ime rns toe, twsa Mv. Tonnant. Beside hlm night made a raid onL tha Joe CanLkar snd vhIlle ho bad hemallsiat. bu paaé Mayen. GermanT. m6flodM. Van Vlwlagan. bully ap- fr ndaMmod odgoe etIn a lota uio sts fa. 24, 19 0,tlymg a tape missure. As the. van- roi on te an md oiatw Large'M. wKeiot a uh. a h fDea r lsank sud Al femm Measnrasuents vere 'callcd out, ofnom*erasudnenodtath cf A verge muMa.Ilue ta AioU.- no theF vre Jotted davnis n a nota- quantity of honse. Ao rado et fawI ui iet e o kd Seet , Meiflai Ioltuan. a hi- The boze andl the prlsone.- wera1 kovu rasident wuas tstnomse as lte ilote lineld Sisnal lea il»on mae ~tsken te Chicago vheîe Cankai waa ago of Charles I.WiStd vile 'wbDe mlong, and atilI doing ltaeir bit 'The Modern Apollo." arrangeai aistee charge of brlncing ceshier of the. iret Nationalb«14 it asnyo cîtai "ItIo car lessure ta announce." liquor loto the dry zona. fHe va. drapped la tee bft ruen short- Eloclosed àspàI& pctore of thecotnualn ~takS to thea city lmmedlately and ly aftcr arrlving onis mosab&g quartai vho Sure boboqd W the snrve ,"tî theemeaina-ments uot hield lu the Lakte county 1.11 tts Thus, ttrera. , = I aThe mnyovneslom e rc et Mr. Tonnant correspond almoit le usuel lu such eu$.as-a mar'ied loto Watikagaa hiaory or ri tevs-a' tzacily vte tisosa of Apollo Belvi- Local officiels aid not have a band havlng passed inte, tte otiter wrl credit for dung tewras gis. lare. reducai 20 par centofacurselu the raid, the fadea-smnn avlug wlth a shocklng unnes htw St. Milta, Sept. luIs sud1 bosasa tee statua le of colossal site. beau tlupted cff ta the tact that ha ta ha reallzad. Mnnoa-tosl e oa "la My opnion, Mr. TnnntIohad thea bomeaand cam--yng through lBth teaeti. l h er Uts Modaru Apollo; bln tact, hoaseuthe raid alaise. lt osp 6 devoas îsded rou ~enan __________ W S FNAN IALOpérations betveepille Meune a amsbar of advantagas oves- Belvi- W SFN N I LMsle et 6ht o.I. doeaejde rmàstandpintaof For, Thé Indepen. Mse*Myep. êt o fov cet artistic msuie ymmetery.1amduit.ten __________________________________ BACKER 0F THE " Nov. l7tb,ay0fO We recfelv the Dally Sun an "OTilR PE e9 moe kepsus ,ostad On:h _______ jRcad quita tretitently ofthe1 OLD GE S ARTSwho have gleen aitas- thea cau.i OU) AGE STA TSDeath of W. S. Keith Brings out .lea ur onîy source of iufdrmatirl W MT YOUR KIDNEYS Fact that He Carried "Load" tisi respects,. a eao sclaoeam hstosé&» qffm itàsatiovof watet- Tue ail etlmuiste On The Daily Gazette. &htall nver forget. And have Thi trbi aes tthr= ttwhepoisons vbieb b ntoglad te of Isad the OPPO thAt b>' Iréplan tee idns>'s aede4- =caS rmaturé aid ag«. Newîîlite M W. S. Keith. vhoee auddtin death îîy. Ail theeWaukean boys ar suive Organs lanseganalaprâps, trenth ucrae as i ou continus the shoclead theacommunity Fnlday ave thebhast of heasîth galn. and lng ide 14ae sleitaei a tut hecpleteor two sadli ig, van the mau vio saesumsed tee Sengt.Leonard (Mutsphy) T Joyed by the average porsan. day.OOLIJMEDAL Haarls-em Ottcap.-fluaiscial obligations of the Winke Semt vsw u Inthea sospta8 l uin l1 keép you in heatth and viger tag5 )fly aet bu 8mn Foer oves- 200 yeas-e 001.1>MUDAL andmpreveut a ratura cf the diseu.. l aet bu 8muîemouth wlth an attac kof the Harlesm Onlha. beau relaviasgthe DO nul v"Utntil aId &Vg4sor 'Bisse 880 andi vas s-cognizad ai the man but la bisgavisself> Onetmos-e. vaîsn.seg is.dlaila y us tardod. lai'.stetnidov o ao.G 0 es ho vas"backing" thse local paper. W I odarrgrst tim nus is. i-'.nedY ard needs no infra- 4 cALHaret 01 apsuls. or n.>'ealsedOr eadet vase-oe-re i t a tadad Id- ALdru rle 0ud Est a bo o COL At iret toliaving the iaut sala 0f kagan sud hope teat It hba aOp Auct' - c r,' M'j iî,lrmcri la.efundad if lb.y do eut halp you. Thmthe Ii.papes-, Meusr. J. W. Banvaîl, rcvn rn h ueiet ~eoei , ti '*s iirlor0,.' 1- 5:5.But rofnIiember teak for thea Ps-a Artiscîur &Iannn w dênsan. .. o- . 'rr - .-.- T r c ., oIgfnat imported 0014> MEDAL breua rs e Athu ad M. Kelth carîed Hpn a1eyi I Os tsnai.- ro. d 'r.'i, , i eale-i pack5.Keo. a big an on theepapes-, sometbing aidu. Rite $20,000. Titan oves- a year ago Siucos-eiy Y01ur78 -Mr. Klth assunted It paranaIliy Sergt. Leonard F. Tavif him elf, s-llevlsfg the othes- two mon. Sergt. fas-aId E. Pillîf. He thon remodeled thé building Sergt. Bvar B. Malcolm- Theodore]O 'Htrsî, Presidei. ww.SîtViePoîel hicb the Gazette nov occupies aad -Sergi. J4bet J. Vogal. F. W. Chnurchil, Secretary and Mngrtheepaver usoved ta tee nov Inca- Corp. Wsn. J. Bovit. Manager on. Ms-. Keith vai tottiidered the Cos-p. Harold 011416. TELEPHONE 81 dia-actas- 0f the papar's pollclre ai- Cookt Charles 1. Strock- teougli net openiy connected with Pyt. isani T. Baun-i SE U IYTT E& T U TC . tee canduct o taTeHn uahdfa f u TIT E TR ST COaT just w ci etent Mn. Rithe b-__Ir.-____ ABSTRACTSAOF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED teroite ln the cilher papes- vare car- Mt. Vernon, Il.-At a ipecial ried, la net generaliy Ituovnasanha tlgp bere teo vole an the quastIl Capita $125,00.00kcpt theetacts qulte vîthîn hitecf adopting the commission tlorin Caitl 12,O0.0andthons ho had direct leltncs gnvcrnmmrst, tise prapasltln ri WAUIÇEGAN - - ILNfSvts ealt 7s8 lu 388. The spcial flaon as colled loe thon tva The incuepuent - fa &ILan ago but thse campaigu vas upur 5been t idi. tindes and a itlined ts his ln the ehope aLux- caves etved aBob ae for r.He shape .avily )graph, much Vauke- le ta cers a Dlger id ln if to- ,sandi as it liow- front reach lave s.. ,senti. fant. ni. 1. LI lec- don of mt of oec- Arlted. ~enoie wlàukegiV Oven Cidke is the fuel you should now use tomiX, with that soft coal in your fuel bin because by n mng them' in. the fire box- putting the coke on top of the coal- t wiil hel make the soft coal smokeless and help you get rid of it economicaily e Buy 'Wau.keganm Coke now! Cut down the ffre risk of soft coai soo1t. HeIp reduce thesmoke nuisance of soft coaL Get more heat from your sof t coal. We furnish instructions and send a man to show you how to fire. Nortil Shore @as W. F. FRANZEN, Jki. Phone 50 Cali, Phone or Write LIBERTYVILLE LUM'BER CO. Phone 47 NORTH SHORE GAS CO. Phone 16 I *1 Ur. nid Ur. and 1 daoght.r r i. oh. 1A Mln thal Mr@. D. E tir.end: gan. glun seia le .1.7 sous Oscar D charge trot la spendIn4 L. R. %hi the et, M( Ur. andl1 @pu% a bcs Hall'. @lait MID n Mon Minéenus her dater, 1 Albert "WOÀ%i," 1 Osai Mun CarilMiler, farlogh fIr, ses., a fo- uiller faml ta dgbt co v.ioname Mr@. Berl purehasedg furmeriy iné shop. lire. R. E th. Cblcagc underwent Williamin gave au e here iaat wi auspices 01 a Spiendfi waa mucb 1 Ur. and1 wen Idlibi Mr. and 1 fraon Cbcal Mr@. E. À Chicago au home Thur Mrn. J. Week aith Clarence week-end Banner alf work on t] Charles A iaat week 1 la esyling' McCart hy. The A. F. iaat Saturii supper Fil'( Ur. and of Mi bUri ft, mCana Wiii Fre. week to Id Many fr( Lewb is lle A mealinj telMasoli' quStionil Ur. and aMd chîldr. Severai1 nt Gurnes The fat. of a $nom. dats. àA umir ehieken Pi Whoechi WVilai Walwortl Mr. and I Ur. and Moiarais1 faÎllriln Ohm te à

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