jmaeKrm Md P. M. affflira- gaitelbonbons la the oty Matdai. Ur M". tvod EHamîl Vire <Ijeio vietore ltThureisi.. Ur. md Mlre. norma Noyeer vote la Ccegoff, Uturday Mai lr$. Myer Mai iaaghtar r@m&il nlafor a ev disu. Harli Daniel vai home irain Hymne. toni, Bturdai. à. P. lAwri oi Longwood famn, va$ In th City on business lait viol. Mie awrtietMille vu agfluitoi Chicago bfonediover BOudai. Mire. D. 0. Whte of Graurelake, @Pent a day lat wyo with Mrs. A. KappIe. ir. aeidlir@. M. A. Kapple of Wauký. fla, spuailait Weinada vithLake Villarelatives. li. Gimn n ai ildreof aiBurllngtan, épeés & lev days lait wyul vith her eidr, lire. Carl Miller. lir@. flmak boai anue taChicago ta étay came Urne vith a @Ici friand. Ocer Dougla bai reesimhie édl&- charge trou the mv amd vith hie vile, la ependina eame lime vltb the borne tolae. L. R. Sborvoad tranicW ibuluni thb.City Mondai. lir.aid lire Frak H. I oiEngl.svaod. @pet ashort tlmo It uarek vitb lire. Hal'. etéter, Ire. 8. 5làerwrood. Miii liaei rofai Kl barn, Wle., vai Ios tovn an busineslait veek. Mie BRaUI tepbey spent Bndai vith ber doter, lire. randl, tu Brlon Albert Wahl. lamllar lnavfl ne 'Wlli," venst t the City lait we.k for1 treabîmeut for .tarnaeh trouble. Omit Muie oi Wauhsgan, nphev ut Carl Miller, and home on twent dey furlougb ram hl@ dintisele U. . navt @Pm$i a few days lait veek vlth thé MIllert amlly. n.ebihmmacive servie lii eght Caiitriei M thie la Ie@firet vilsithomein came imue. lir@. Berha Schappelery bas recetli purehaieti ai the lehrn'e the building furmerly uied by lir. Lund sai a tailor @bop. lire R. E. Huséey bhm returned frram the Chîcago boptal where eh@ rrceutlyJ underwent an opération. William liaIoewortb a01 Chcago, vbo gave au entertalument at the cbnrcb ber lait week Frlday evenlng under the auspice of the Lati' AId baciet, won a iplenti entertainer and bis audience vai much peaisi witb hie pro'grat». I MILLBURN lUr. andi Mr@ W. J. White af Waukegau, ver. lilliburu vistare the pait veek. lit. and Il r@. Turner and frende autoed ~ tam hicgu nticahot on lire. J. M. "Unan. Mr@.. E. A. Martin epeot Wedneeday lu Chcago andi Kenasha, Wl... returnlng borne Tburetiai. lir*. J. P. Diawson la eponding tble week wth l mn. L. S. Banner. Clarence Bonnr ut Chcago, epnt the week-end wltlu hie motter. Robert Banner aira tram Cbicagq Io going ta wurk on the arm Quis coummet. Charles Ameo tad two flDgero cut off, lait wel wltb a oawbng machine. Ble le etaylng witbhhie daughter, lire. Ethel licCarI hi» Tbe A. F. clisce potponed thoîr eupper lait Baturday andi il wjll ho an oyter suppet Flday rventng,)O'cruery 21. Ufr. and Etc. Clarence Bock, tormerly of Mlilib urn, bave moveti su Llbertyviile irons Canada. Will Freeman anti famlly move thiî veek ta lire. Mary iule's baune. lmai tram nthie vlcinty attendet the Lewis i luler @ale ibis veek. A meting wae held ' Wedneitay In the Miaeotà hall to boot the gondi rami quetIon thtangh tht. vIclnItî. Ur. and lire. Thormton Willoughby aidehldrn returneti home liantiay rot» Ëladiana. RUSSELL Oevral latiea atteniedthîe [nittuto nt Ouruee.. Thefamnr' inatitute vai Dot mucb 01fa acemooing to the mixup la ihe date. àA umber r. hors attended the oblen pie eupper at Nortb Preirie. Wb. chielon pie dilufer aidsupper at * o@oecr ae v ynell atteniei con d*te.iugth. veathar ati rondi. garve Qibôra of Oxford, Wi., alo litid. air. Elvyn Phillippo viollai at J. I. Coulé for a lev dajo. WUimiLaura tCortle s mtored ta Walvarth, Wi., Weneeta ta vist Mrt. ad mai lre.0m, tormerliof Rusell. lit. M mailr. BL aMOeenae ehapp pu-e 01oa daughlar, bor» February 14. golir aid ugtr doing nicely. ObeibUbe ohient Buudal vitbhiel laîgllîla Kenoaiaa.Re expecti ta ,nQve tIen t aRusclIvar QaCK., ...,~ 4. M dOmhlct attaniai lthe Ibre. dais Steachjre' inftule. .é.iiut fltiblnds anigbbore ai Mr.Mad lir@. George DepoM& agave thet» a curpriesParlailet Wednuciy nlght Pragriceve ouchre wvu the prevaiUpg ammnemat. Mr@. E. J. Murrle mai lire. John Gann0ell van th. e"lit.andi Mro. DeForrie vUA prsentei wlîh a ut of lver lnivea, fgrke, Spoans mai table. wbere they expoct ta malse their bame. r -OL " ,lAi"" a t mem u Itre, a bbg $Mat u~ at wook Vitb lire. WII Ruer st Harvard. Mrt. adlire. Jacob Wengart oi Joues- burg, vielai ab th. home of John Oefffing, Boanday. The Iat Ochlofldr.tsud amil. Robert DalsW io lodTucdal morning. lir. sud lire. Peler Wengart end daughter &pont Bunday ea omof a lire. aîmon Wingart. lire. Frank Bîronimu li. lied among the eick. Mibe Joéephine Krapf was a ealler ln licHoar. Btordoy aternoon. Mrt. and lire. Carence Crawford ai! Wankegam. vlited ab lire. Btte Rais lut naa. 1 hcg nbenu Loo Foulonwu n hiaovnauins lait Thuviaday. .The Woodmnan card parti and dances wua aibtg ucmeu at 1riaî nigbt. The noit viii be girove Dt veek. Julue and Herman Bratzke were vIetltors bere the lutter part ai laut week. ThoînaUliCann»wIli ccupyt lltav fart» thle Isar. The tamilly ot B. K. Mille have beon an tbe el klst the Past yul. àdre. B. J. Young le vitlag friende la Nortb Chcago. A bg dime le expected at the Royal Nelghboremaeaquerade ball 1his veek. The echoole were eied Tbureday andi Friday ta alla w the teachereta attend the Imeitute Iu Wackegan. B. B. DIzon and L. W. Wakefield bave purehaeed eeveral acre@ ot the liutaw fart». L. B. Milîler bâti bisgsale lait Tueeday mad ill mave bere eooo. RAN(EMENTS TO RE TURN TO EUROPE Asst. Chief Tyrreil Says There wiII be Big Exodus in the Very Near Future. SOME ARE CITIZENS. That score of Waul<egan alien, are maing prepal-ations ta rtturn to Europe at the earliest possIble io mient was the statemcnt ma,_'e toda by Asistant Chief Tyrrell. The nomv ber 1nclude.noct en*v thosr' who neyer bave flled their deýclaration pe- pere, but also those who have bp. corne ful ledged cdur nýo! ýhù huit. eti States. the assistant cief said. 'but the tact remans that rnany of them are Planning ta rturn. I believe that vcmoefe muet have been telilrag thein that the opportunities in Fu raPe, now that the war is, oser, wi!l be greaty State'e Attorney Jamrs (,. Welcb. In whose Presence the statemnent was MatieWa qUite bitter in bis atti- tude toward the non-declarent allens Who t00k auvantage of the fact ta eccaPe the draft. "The eooner tbey xreturn to Eu- rope the better it villib,,." hp raid. "We dont vant them be ro and we dont vant tbem ta return. 1 hope that the Unitedi States passes a law whlcb vwiU force ail these allen osliers ta, leave the country.- The ataternent o ttbe police chi that the allene are to leavs" 'ar, out the statemnent in the Sun a few days g* ta the effect tbat local allens are boardlng thelr mûney, in tact bave been dolng go for same fiime. OLI) PARCEL POST CARTONS BARRED BY NEW POSTAL ORDER Waukegan Postmaster Receiv- os Instructions to Refuse to ACcept Such Parcels. 'HINDERS RAPID DELIVERY. la armerJI uuiltecib>tise Post OffIce Depatm.nt precludes thse mmii- lag cet parcipm autater ln cartons, bomie, Or ather containeres hiehbave puilWY -îbeen sent tirogis lie ll miiual evi o r fprovi. "u nii e asnc astampa, -toturn caria anti mdremseibavebeen r"- mo-yod. The practice or uslng con- tainters andi vrapptngm b.aaing ot stitiroisesanmd stamps b»a.rmealn u mocis contusion Uth ie Postal oseIe, bance, postmuatersamartuntroctai to bereater reiuse percel pont t»atter visicli dosa nol confrmt thie above crier. IL 4 sai hast the rolice or using old containers bas bren tailoveti quit. genralîla inWaukogan,ad confusion bas resultoti bore as vei s cisovisere. Unles alievîdences ai provius nmailng are removeti tram the cartons, tise poslomfce officiais are Ilabe ta bocome confuseti sud tisere viii not lue tise expedillon ln isand. liln mail t ta desireti. umerous coosplabnt3 otiget vths tho Poiloffce DePartment are sali to bave resuiteti lntihe Issuance af-tise oudot. PIFRSON TO JAIL ariar Whoeaci et m bledcc,, tha W&rUeaauvrobbai0.tumbleti ov fev chaire, Ieaed ho bad rousoi the Someme has -MM that the "vayUAC bouse and isbet a etret throeagh thse LI L N1 oftéUor»rI ""btItl E IESl NO H e front doi'-aiiiino thse 'burglar con- CAGO «BY IN TORS Thlaproved o tae ue mis POLICE; IS JAILED flWHERlii h e policeman . J&MU pterom ofer tie ol lmd bec» able t ietevate a ie LAKE COUNTY Nures mait o Pul T gs t amu e ~ii thcpolic tai Ob- Jacob Athiete Runs True to His route ta thse Blechomsbre on Oakley Nf.bat b. baiontFull bundrode af edol- NapaibutnLosesthuttactavenue, tisat hurgiar mlght bave fo Taiin ndOpos 'a h b n" budrdsofdt- Na e utLse Ot n bee» nahbcd ln tise act. Pulih.d hy th. for rainng ndUOpose« ort f Morchandîse tram tise the Grand Finale. Long Delay, Burglar Moves. WAUKE. !AN DAILY SUN Physiolan's New Plan. freightba ousee t te or3 st But, wben a Policeman bas ta trunt FOEYFAOS HOTTERM bis occto n of irayman. Tise Do PETTY OFFICER ARRESTED. at lcaat 10 blocks responiing t0a"a _________S HOR lice at the lime ofthtie arrest, mani emtergency cai, i give&.the burgiat at the specia o nonthsago, memeteti that Petorson Jabab Athlete ran truc te bis tinie ta takre a Turish bath, carry a e Gw Puce Doctores and nurses vho bave been latie a complet confession. name. Hie vas samne "athieti," anti off ail the silver, rugs. etc., anti have eacb itMiving ta agrea osn ov mv. aw The grand Jury returnod lndlct. hie "athiotl" praoeuandtihti,'wiîî- 1urne ta spare. whlcb vîll pravide "haseokoepers for monte agaluet Petersan, charglng hlm so1guiesu Of a Petty officer tramnth taise r. Biecis hoart someébotiydowo tise~~~~~~~ elk-use.vavi b o-vth larceny. Hie vite vas indîcteti Great i.aoes Trainintg Station ta a-tari taraoutw 'ic th ar-$ Dtent ta iandle ordinary slck cases onacag trcllg tlnlm-eeohng. rogta trin i- lng iîe bas an extension phone near andtil vii ork for vagon tha tishe erty and is bu rotber-ln.Iav. Water dent lit the lite of tise Kenoaha paîoelice cd.csieii uoi ni email salarleti man can, affard ta paY, Lange. vas ladîctiet on a charge of farce Just before 1 o'ciock Thursday, aledth ie police. He valteti and,________________ broI Up1» ro b hicga isus- arcni.mornlng at Kenaesa. waiteti. Nobody came. Tise burglar dai. For the laut tva or three terme of Tbe hattie between thse police anti was rumaging about thse ivrra Sizet 3ft.,8in.by4ft.,2bui Thse rav and ivisat zoos vith it court the caaehmb'hee paaseti aîong Athîete wae stagoti at the tamiliar olti He foll avec a fev chairs. .Mr. Blechs concora Waukegan anti otiser Lake no 0ne ever bolng givon a gooti ross- battiegrouni. thse station of the Chi- got up anti atarteti dowo staîrs. The _______________ 0aunti People very iecidedly for te on vhy fitvas Dot placeti on trial. callo and North Shore fine and tise hurglar apparently heard M anti eMion tisatise future statue et ours- It vas ove» intei that Peterson bai tact tisat the çpolIce afficor e ve t bagtenoti out thse iront doar. m. In tise state te Involveti. maie ,estltution ta tise Companuy rougisiy iaudled vas iargely due ta Mr. Blechs vaiteti! 's ý1O bllsonesupprtei bythe nd bd ben gven mmunfY. tise loin that a hait bundreti ai enlist- He turnet on thselilghsanti hegan Li e t - le dactore. provldlng for short termn This atternoon Peterson appearetidmntantenv eue aoeyloigaottepae ecnld traîni nurses, and tise Other, hack- In circuit court befové Judge Edwards the order ofthtie petty officer ta 'gang odti iat the hurgiar hiait lett hefore eti iy the regsterei nurses, demanti- anti entered a vies of "gullty." Oni cm. a je aohe v tien c An th n tpto alig ing Munch more stringent rpqufre- tii pgle hova. ineti $t anti costs Athiete wsIndependentec I bot20 miuesle ead monts anditraining,. vîllibe presont- anid sectenceti ta serve i30tiays in t:e aitise fact that liadt vh eey and a I In bouaithe0 îek o dgicar fil tthe legilature. county jail. H a taken t tealors ulitorni neyer oxta tis etbtyR bc ni on -________________ At precot regIsteret Ourses are paiduti oOfltî ta bginsorNing his son- benefit of tise navy or tis e tne-lt or there, tounti Policeman F'rank Brence $35ormor 'ervee. isetictre ene.tise communlty. He vas a big strap- ail out of broatb anti villi nri contondeti that ny 6 por cent of the fit 1ssai ho bhm matie partiaes_ isng feiiav, prohaisly welghlng hi 5 , hread v ta o nytisn ýkd r People can afford ta litire regstared titution te tise ralroati company anti paunds ant iehoatittot In court ts I "erev Tuhen" s t nures.bas premise-ti. ta mke comnpîcie res- mornlng tisatlho bai serveti for i, i ech- Dr. Foley Favors Change. titution In the near future. Years as a police officer et tise 5hý Anti, beiween gasps, Frank oi Dr. Foleî. bealth cammissloner Of Everyoe la surprireti ai thelilgist- field ave, station, Chicago. 1hlm bheoben on ttc run, tryig t Waukegan. agrees vils the Cbicuo nesB Of thse punisment in uîcw <O Acording ta .tise officers ho vasi get to the- bouse as qulckiy , as snVa uu isealtis comnssoner tisat the, lmp the ramifcations of the toeriee of "cras>' drwsk" so drunk that hoe sý rible. bas corne visn the qualifications or tisefts. a menace ta the crovds Rt these ta- Diti yau WALK?" aaket iMr. Blech. tien. No, i RAN sasfart ,as 1 could?9 raId a bilz scisooi etucatIan shouli net Il vas Juet aftèr miuigisî that thse officer. 1 stand In thseway of a nurse bcbg W III U~ ~J~ iit aIsm 0 he al os Wat? Rananti;,11.ediclearur ,e n er ureiout at tise iosital traiong" W1AI. Ui I 1111 trainutise Great Lakes station reacis- iere?' lit lu jurt 10 hi cita tramntise aclsool. In Waukogan, as cisevisere. dtsetsd saint attcpolice station!' It la neceisr betore aanre ca ARROW tise wra I dcabcsta tienstatIon. for 'Sure-boy else vouiti 1 gel hore?" gaut rmtehoiatriig TELLS üFN R OW tefsca aktthsaio.Ah It cleana-it cleans aduolat somite oapîtal trainlotetsrolledtaIta tise station anti open- Tise etreot cars have stoppet flan. scioo tataie aoPrvetht be rtii 1 IYn'A 'ing bis reefo dlspiayeti a quart bol- nIng for tise nigît-anti i hiavent any abslutely-ît draw bis graustei tramn a blis scisool. .t'r. IVR LI IenataiyIled.-1 vssey hl»~ ave ta rciy on my foot." otiser varie, a girl visa mai nat bave E CbavRS ÀSle aI a la illiuth skey o w hees ie arl aon'ass an hgh shooleductlaucannt en bav gota lo of hisky," ie sout- -Whee's he ptroiouto?"dustd ut ndstdad tit an anr thiise cholsed u t anng 0 d,"andti vouiti Juust se ta sec an>'Ir loh ctse MAlser nrs tsnli Raymond Pialmateer's 18 Com one takeIt îavay tramn me." police "W,5 hiaven't liaitii for five montbe patrticles you don't Dc. ole là not ba. pnionwNeadHimniIay-b omcer Eml Causn lai een sent -fit 18out of commission," expaineti want thcre from rugo. bao l lha tti graedaln wrl hvsa Long Range Hun Sheili. aft t e ro 0fornallors andtihie "Anti yenhave ta rosponi ta celle hangings, upholster baol onlye gstius aes.edcatan.saother officer on tise job vas Palie,' by alklng?" as'ietiMr. IBloch. neti mlte othetanur bses. They Wa GRAZEDBY THE SHELL Officer .Amberlang. Whsen Atisîcte ! Tiats It--wo vaik andi run, -from anything you banot aOtr igse trsliheca r. ay modP aeear issued bis def> te thse officers, Ciauspl oîîe utgusbs, ai h rigtisagesv bavey flotp aisgies scioothelplos r amtt mte.s returnet gaarouni hehinti bim. As Ciausüît olîlcer. Rgs'olo y Dar etsonththit'0ositoslder, son af Mr. anti Mr.q.Willliorn as tu citizens clotbing tise uleor IAnti Mr. Bloch. naturail>' ruch notice. cgomi D. Rbruno hca- B. Palnuatfier, 546 Ash s trpct, ltaL faîloi ta eocagnize his as a police fussei, ralid: 'Oh GRE." Tise decîdeti -hortage of nurses i.,. tenieret a surprise pars- Suntiay a!- affncer. People began ta rush polli Tise hurgiar got nothbn.g. M r. i)ont yce a at in own one* sîriuttihyfl. 'oc- atio'ecternoon hy tise meombi-r. of thse l-irst mci froinithe station as Atbietc- in- Biecis feels lho scaret i bmseif Oit a'aif t h.sehi institution attibued y D. FI,ý an eler 1Methatilut churcis cioir. The &fftulr viteti arrest tramn Ambeciand. Clan- action vise» ho tell ovor te chairs. PisYrîlrans au helng due to tise ft-tvas a complote surprise. There wa5son toek tise tlrst crack Rt hlm antid / oi h that tise higis scisool graduato re- a nmusical prograt», after wW'hc ith a lcap ho lantiot on th tisegat eslth quirement le helng Pnfarceti througb- fresbm' nt,, vere servoti. Tise a fu aier anigtotif uar-,ni anurse s tant.or t loed cRt os a s a nci-t enjnyabie one.eboultiers. Amberianti attat-keti îram DISNliT i FD2A tion lg oav In aperation In tiese tRte. 1bis bc'bbgsvrt' u"d hefborent- adthor ova idgo nurse' 'trst' o a clsoti orpor- ltantoc Pamaeer vasc-su l hý otise rntani tise to ,îadtltc m1u TO CHURCH, DROPS Y C U L A E That iy i Y tt issoaisard ta get nur,ý- mustard gar. Afttr brlng briscoîtit olit of the station anti tarteti for os anti thsaIt is>' ythedoctors tavor hak u t eUnitedi States ho výa' tisepolice box vith im.itAtsete V C U L A E the new plans sugeesteti at tise mért taen toCamp Grant ta recupirct" ssfgtngteprti at io TO FLOOR, E I nmnhypy et ing 1 C%%aso monthly payment an whn ln nCahl ici numa" Ho bas been hack in Waukegan about , ppearedt hat lie vas going ta get tise O catrt- i Nalrs e nce n humaC hi e oes u l e pR- In'beor fthe tva police elticors Ambor- ubi goAnteite fin lcîoner ohnInîhesî1capacitatei. ]anti drw his club and tui chMi Dr. Il. S Haskîn.dean cf Nocti goInHalh rnmsýocrJonDII Heo lqsamie extromel>' Intere -toser tise bead. This oniy matie the Shoeephysician'a droppoti deat in ubi Service CO. Rohrtsons office ondeti. there vere îng exçorîeoces hoe baivisile over- raîlor niatider ant ie holtoit h arder, bis borne.321 prospect avenue, igis- of Northern IliInois bitter vord.s f rom bothsrider. ses on one occasion lie vas a but tilt, officers finaliy mana.gedtat get batnt Park, Sunday mocnIng as lie Tise d<stora caliedth ie ourses' member o! tort>' Vankesa v wce hutltiebxaipueitseb, -sdsîgfocsrc.- stand "lnhbumain." ah alaysainv in i t hei bxadtle tebx a rssn o hrh Tie ~ ~ t inoti up e a Ys tati n itn hnOfficer Itadatz apeareti. Dc. Haskin r-as In bis seve-ty -____________ were tryîng ta 'domînate tisoîr pro- for l OnSt A.BPyr et oertoote ton year anti. accocdîng ta bis foeln. elu tir mît-t. ezpfot yiles ati itstation. 100k Raiant iIn te lght at trientis. ras as mucis a martyr of thlSis,'TW LE The final conference vas atteodet i hoîl deiyoafatort ybies. a-'.S .LT I by Da. W A. usey preiden ofaf salars on tise patfocm lbe begao tise front. Wisen ail the youogcr tocý Hardware, Harnesi, 011.. Pent» th iîao Psy rstet On anotiser occasion Pai'tster wa. to sho.ut "gang 'ein, gang 'ens anti tors of tise suburis ontoredth ie service, A antmor lSoki m lteio Medîcai aociety; C. E. standing itehIsîd a tree valting foc hie stacted ta iselp Athieto. Proie Dr. HaskIn vaa lefI, vîtsonan lloter Humistan, chiarmanao tIse public . dinner. A Gerniai siseli came aiong ol Ageasn an melad O N Lr AEt toL MIS committe of tse socot>': M Ollicrs Clasmia ani Ambelantiphysician, ta attend th iseeci.RO D AE : IL OS latonscomitte o th soillînols.frntof is b heeotîiv H ot 001 b- waby tisstinte bailheen renfore- îuring lte "fiu" epîdemie hoe re- L. Hrri, pestlen of he "nas fontof hq b(JY Hewasn otIedb>'Officer Radetz, lti d thisr spondeti constanîl>' ta catit. ant If StaIe Hosptal association; W. L. No. jureti, bt iieopars it thse closcot es- groundi. Clausen addresaed tise sali- la bellevet ieb strongth vas over- b l , fo r m e r p r e sld e n t aof lise S t a t e c a p e h li a t.o rs a n ti c a lie ti an th o n ti r e p e t h e IOd r r s it n s r m m e r .M . R 'J N S Nfss al s osc fise a dCî i o n er "Ihe at>' dhnnec." ho 1im d 't or Ib dignil 't a ant >' c f tise lav, 2but1 RaskI i smo e lie drove o t, lten Roetgn h usspeete cahu my isi have d "mor e anPryor kcpt abouting. "gang 'om." B lo akcuîr'ras aohrStorage Bmtory' and Eeeatrica.Servic* ot ise DWalhofihe alrnti Mraboy tse oilcerng a rkcutytiestiuhr Sl-Oatr GnrtrWant u Mieilal scbtelatiCo mîseboneran More il salid to the eredit of tise private-3, iU!NRte - JANSSeEN o r l h o sp ita l, M is e M eM ilia n f th e g a e m i' a n t b e ta g yS ' f e t o -eIf- nta ter. o n e or vie e e Preshyterian bospital, Mise Johson a toe obf i bat1nu1b1 » buugsi' "rf aenov lent ftisen. vilead Tona as î 27îuîen e.rvii e , oftegrn optl n rs. ozeh onerad tatpoic isa ldner rehyien. tls lleat Kennedy of tise states board of regie. I1LLA y ~ Offilcers. pryor vas iprompli>' rreet- toroti nurses. INNE K miPAN on a charge ofdisturbanco sud Ne nyPlain Nursese. In court this moroing bath of the 'ie great nemi le for bedalde WOULD MAKE IT kotaisPlcettin nurses to do plain nurslg," Dr. Pue aions pl«adt guilI>' ta the cisarges oy aha I d ls igiI. "For Ibis vorec a D EIT gain.t thenu. Atisete vas fluset! $25 yearc a ftri-tnhng i entoigis. There Ila [LRILCT I L E anti cas t ian alternative Of31 10 no tihPsoutfnn on lise port af tise îoc-- daya In jail, anti Pryor vas finei $10 tors ta disturi tise present tbree-iear Winoetlka 1.1taho oma. 'thse perfect hadh ntco t J tige Tuili dqatiýt B l]atter course fac notre peclallota. Thseevilage" under un lnsprcv.rnnlt Ps" a inteenvnith the Pfce'r hbati tdt nurses have thelr place in tise motdf.formulat hy the WlInebaan coins-tayItee isthe fiafie hnvtitr el ytn cal profession ant i Ile snot jeopardîs- siltifra aegvnhmIelmlfn ne md under tise lroposod blî mission. Il vîllIho sbIidfra.tise îmv Pryor potlis fine but "Tise nurses' bli as laid betore un proval vltil a fev dapi. Il va" Athlete vas talon ta la11 for lise 20 totiay prJposedti tvacoures---ome et learned yesteriaY. W. D. M111lensie, 'imya. 'e h n 27 andi ane af S montha' training. mayar, anti H. L. Wccihicot, village %,beit ho vas in court Atbleto con- D o o e te t W amwln g a nt tueaDov manager, have maies m cn t a.- tlnueti ta be vory' abusive ta ts i-D lt m v the ele hon . riin eide u w lta8» ve dt onîîos, î»cîuîîng a s2oooo natcers. Ris e eti vas isouni oP vitareceiver hook up and down tise short tert» nurse sbouli ha lthe pavigO=tret conaiMt&ôeafaaev-abigbalige. vic!ciîLly when trying to get the standard, vIîtiste piesent regisaterui village hall, a MunîclPaa au&fflum, nurse ai a super-nurso fot exception- sstov filtratian e» attention or to recali the oper- ai vont,- . andi plet. ove R OL R "Tlaat munis abauld bave a bigh It ta aise planned t. DBUR &IR ovin,>,ator. When the movement'is gchool s.ucation lsa a irisiabp onbrai Ighting anti telepbcee irea u 'la If7~L . imany' vamenvWh ouaid mgkais ol. 'COndtClt@ad i mlnate ai l .1.1110 COi' KuNst, Q , jrk adý uri te signal lent nurses untior tise coey'or train- anti teani ralîroat si na jerky and efre hrrie te lIng Plan. il i e promteroui te "Y' Ibm ctimite.s UtltY buildings 8rTIR TO ESCÇAPE ih eoe th prtrde that no one abali nurse- te isex0- 'tise ct administration are to ho pro. fot respond and she does flot e' rmii»t«eeMi an esed nDues- Ided at lUnion andiOmkisatetes. 1 uecfPto agnt eget the signal. Thse great nord la for -plain nursing. Wi»»of 's part1»Wagov noce» ho pertorz5ipartan>' nov- a Get whichcon e perorme by ay no- inServices Enablu e t- r ahoaltis>' vman. fada an oct, ausatruction sanidoveloffliltftaheuli ho 'heregistenai nnrses want, Wuîî the equal of ber record la wartim Away from Blech Home. To recali the operator move the mean that thegrnetm mjaity oi sicis mtvlles," Manager Wooiser saii. 1~