Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Feb 1919, p. 3

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id to sec. Id go -and V. Hf. Uub.. I. I. U-q «MI, T An- Rs S.t 22. 36. Miary Matila hiemot ilgan k iihLu t - t- t At das'brea'k on tle tititi t i t i - .1-' t - r', fuitu t"." "tu-t t',- -.' -' I-i-oh I. i t-c t. il' .ît t iu'~r iuruîtb' t. t c. ~' - ss - '--i. -t 'i i t r Fat-mers,)P I 5%Early - Del On Mogul and N EARLY fi ve t-ousand of 0fr boys lu ihaki and bine aue conilng back ta vomi. W. &hall, of course, maie a place bu our organtsat-lon for everyonueeofthIeux, but sue vlshb o do It- vlbhnut throwlogg onut fenployniiDt the mon vbo took thir places aud hava vorked for ne talt-htuiiy ever gluce. This la flot going ta ho se easy for usas4 for some others, because the Oovermnn desiguatcd ours as an essentiatl ndntry durnin t-he var, and vs actuaiiy ncreasd the efficency of our organiuation ater ou r bays left- ta jolu th ranis. Our Early-Deliv< If y ou will take deliveryo now we will reward yo To those who will accept delim or before March Sth we wiII of 5% fron the price of thet i the case of the. Titan 12.20 an Af ter March 8th the f01101 For delivery during week of Mar 4"6 du, 1", l . fi i di 4 4 di 5d This discount will go a Ion bis of your tractor, during thi, By takinîw advantage of this Early.t)ellvery Discount, you wili fot only be helping yourselt, but wlil enabh, uS more esily ta put backto work our army of re- teraing boys without breaktng up our promeut or- ganization. You l lnd that yon need a few weeke to gsî ao. quainted witb your new traetor. The mian who ha@ hi@ tractor eary ean twcoine fanlar wtb It, so that International Harveste Chicago (i" In this county these SCHANCI< HARDWARE CI BROWN & SMITH, Round Lake, Ili. LIBERTYVILLE mDPNETi MATSDÂ, PEBRUÂRY-27, 1919 btstory, viii be furutsbed ail mena- bers et his family. i vili enclose a inap eboving soc- tor vbich lysa covered by thoelenient which bc, advanced, vhere be vas ktlied 4ud .nov t-be resting place ln vblch be vas burted vlth a number of ether brave lads that fell ln tlie viclnity. FORT SHIERIDAN LIEUTENANT IS SENT TO SIBERIA' Charge of Being Gcossly Inef-, ficient Caused Offer to be Transferred. WAS ALWAYS "TOn BUSY" STREE3T CAR RIT of sept. 2th the eflemy laid doWn a1 ONLY Sé IN terryt long range artiilerY barrage1 and IL vas durin gtlits barrage that ED N E Your brother, vbo vas ln thecon1 COMPAR TO BE pany of Sergeant Francis W. Lerje- Eant, tegether for t-he nl.ght that lie1 vas kllled, sergeant and your broth- IL-LEI IN CIIARG E er George vere asieep atet- im Details Received by Sister o off ml heha ibte hell t-rcký o- George Totterdeil Tels In this vlnil at aid sttion lu14 of His Death. ieen e8tablîiIred and during thui bar DEDICATE HISTORY TO HI . tha ai been prevlously wudd _____'ogether vitb several vounde. Detaila oftht-e deatb oif George Tot- smong Wblch vas second Lieut-. Gai.- terdeli of Waukegan. ln service river- rett of iny companry. seas, bave been reeelved by hit1 ss- Your brailler, George. vae t-be on- t"l, Nfr. Joh'n NMcCIOotY.<Of 1455 Ar. IY juan that the company lat- dorý tyle Êtreci, (Chicago. Tbey came tng ail t-be actions whlch the cour- frouate commanding offifeer of th pany Piatlci;,at-ed ln and f romt Li't divilion ln whiî'b tht. hauketmnf nunîter of inen that tt,î cotspally cst young Man, a san of lbarry Tott-rdll ln at'tion. You will re'adily seet-oba' lnet deatb h -fghing t.he luns ai rt-atlojitiss&" r taki-nfor tý Titat Tottcri"ii va,;a hero lunte IwI';itre und 'afî-ty tof thc- ii-iln "t- mîi k:-n'e of tie(,wotd and that- bis I ahuuid h' sotr ' tr t' Lîpûrilat,'. arc bo lbonor bîiibyul" h I d, w'11,-, "' itlaîtî't ' ft uso (tilt cattng tIliî- lt tory 0! t e 'onr-tt t er..' <' i"" t ti,"ii i' t t tM, ln fbld lt la the ]-tir su'i-lu 4 a ft',i t I'i t - i - aigri Il " , il. . toin erî' i 'I 'i' <tft 'i '" ,' l' u QuOtirg Itin thu' 'tr ti'-,. il i"Ill ai,-' o tt ' '. tf r I ~l e ina," fît utt," tuIl , 'îw ke '.. a i i'c lt' u.a t-- e i he i ftretId of the famly: ,t i iOand rd %suIte-ii t"cUnipuay il c George A. Tott' rdleil. a ittite, of ail unI the front. ot , if1 t. IftTh -'el l i t l It 1 i ou Id 1k" s ry mn il ;,to tuîu Ili,i- tallon, whlch wa.f a unît of t-îw 't Par-rta%' addrî't's and witilu yoîîr., division. veut- Into action Meure Ar-c i1Ihava i will, afttr i,. arn' ai gonne uffenive, Sept. ftti, laii.inJ'i the tUnted Statu,yu wl gia'Iyai,ý the sector enown as INtt de-s AIIi' anutv.F'r ,ny further carres;,ondu ,i ititlî and advaueed northwPest in tht' dîr tr.-nferu-nce to Your brothûr that )ou Uon of (beppy. Very and E1inonvilie may desire to 'snow. aller au artillery preparatuon of thiu.t Joînîng vîth myjeonhpany c thi our bours wbth vas t-be largest and mo-u.t sîncere @YmPathy for Your sad anîd deadîty artillery barrage ever pt eternal José; ut you retloved brother, over on tbe enemy durlug the bla Our brave camrade, îwuo wyul always tory of the vorld war. remain ln Our remetnbrance wtb a lu Terrific FiQt. varmn bearb for him as brave and Ira.e CoinPanY C vas asslgned ta the 1 regret very mucb to if e vritii 'duts' Of constructing and maintainina Iis etter and IL is sery bard for a huesg of Information detrung thie aitj companty commander to lnform th. vauce for Ibe division. and George A parent- and relatives of any nuan otr TI'ttérdelil a, assigned ta signal debis 'orpauy that be bas paidîtlite ta5bment vitb th~e 361st Tn., IgaT bghs1 sacrifice, but In case gt yuur Brigadle. This regiment advano(-ul teOtuer 1 mlîut ia>' aud can conscea vitb the ttrigad'- as rigbt eltennî tlauslY aY, t-at hé vasj as brave a et otîr set tor. gotng ap far as4 V(t -y Ma t-bhat ev('r vore a tînifort Ialu- the Ic-t Lu> aý nîglit feil thu' orR! ,u vent turwarul as a man.,Iire u>t unt lz t-tl, i (I:. Ii ifor ithe tigit u t't ti - der the heas'lu'-ts ' l a nd lwac i.'t var't tg tc ,[î,rîîsimantfly l'-' ktlimtn' i - .în ulce. nef etfatï'r"-i a tri iiit,,,t' tor t--g hotiu't lding ail tt lr'îttfla jil 's ,r I- ir' t' t;.» it'. a t'. ' t(>, un '"''ne.' t.,'% .' t1 gal' c 't "t:'d att ti i-'u t va-. t' IIrtIon"f i'. . tu' à t.1 PaRa Thpa that l be ismued next smmer e0FndTE à]]11ELr& a, there wyul be a very u uch r-PRICEOfBTt KEEP TUE- LOAIduced balance for general buUSsinessmp FIRES BSIJ iNiNO, Ionq id tTAXES BI(i theJUMP;%h figbtlng wa f on ,i.Terea'st- DEALERS EArLAN1 nDU~DeI ment pause tîtat h:14 iiu'dha Iq W O K R ! sened the denisnd, but theminute - WunILBo. bus ns trts forwartt on te recon- Deal of Allies Blamed; Cancel-é "Finish the Job" Should Be theinte, every clollar ft reditfitfurlîlefs led 3,000,000o Pound Con. Slogan of Victory Liberty Loan auh Imitaton .,bae in urerat;havfRnethet Leaders of Seventh District. lonn would entait l Ud ncwIn beelJMP ' ENTS IN A WEEK. nestagnation ft nem -t UMSil Ev'ery boan worker in the Ses enih Fed- fisAlhAeral liemerve di.strict mi't realize that Waukegan, Feb. 18. SOOER TICK T DflOSIS the suecess of lts owco businless, or the After a ri of gyrattons tltat sl7e of lis outu pis-.nvl.p, r, tiod have pinlie Itiih, et-ail traite, butter up w ih the 'ucecssorf the go)vern- bas ta',î n otie up-hoots that wtll Chaîrmen and Their Aide Muet Net Ilient's litiial plkil add again to hi e'îiold Pxpenseq. A Qui U ti Al he ovrmnet ' rîîîlly, tlhe naiti n brq giî,h an 1, cek ortft i i',ar) tî'was re- Quit Un lAilationsG Hve ets ellorî,au'~, iî.,titIIIrît c ceslli Iat tailing tl ' I l iv but today WarOblgaion Hae it ..s it the tt it ,IU 't'c'e h own. Tht.>' ere bline Yi entîcira.Iîinu ltt.I""~'aata- jiîte-l vbit tho t'nit,"l SuI'a It'," ftlinir pnow whIch ro, sI, '-tiîi,- 'i î' ,, ocnýe .Iltth)riit a tirok o!tt' ie, '. l~,,in 0 wnloti buî'ld and. flt b-iri-' -n tn' ltttTrns Slit t e le sIitot t 'e t i î ,î ti et' li _%uii 0 Xiei'iacin i III, wt'inhoconditions andir sruv t-rsIn',,t trt I 'i tu . 'i' , Ti-ni",' .t w-, -î1St-il ' 't1r It * t' T ht,- u'tb rond crose ,' Icut t i. j il iran-feýr of f CtI %V 'IuN r': y ît'y wreonet leoking f - ' ,f tS ti t,'iî, .t' b ii " ; -"ei N ttti tuirîs' regi'-t "tir tf C' n,ul bii r:I ~' cr,, It came from the i' t' i1-rc ae . j ' t ý I't1 h"tth "' I t il' t. t' lut' c cwo h., iv tu rit ti a nit-be Iltich, the men 'i 7- pnn SRiie -ensp ortuf l'îî t1- 'lirtliiT.utl"u' t"t"iie liutu- lu nt c n M' Itîta 'ri-fll8 lite treatt'l-'s î, -.Itta nv t"-a'i. t- ,t" hi 'î nt hotc ii ta1, nMoia Tts t- enr'ath.ofbvj sitb ia. îie ba,;Iteen ord' rt 1 t111 The crvw stopped, e'n"dtett'In tuFrote,'. TIi. '-i iove'r t",".t, t(, it, gn kI t-a.ilt i-t 't-lie t-la Siberiso expcdhition occupants aud t was toua-I "utt Pot tttire loing for bulte; tbut tlîîy r,-tiire lti itaIonut nî's, of th-t-",, itry Pro- flniln hrr fi"tr ws h os sa, l the tnt tlair work lv not line. îarrisons dftt" i 76,619h,918 fti'-,nit, f tiew records hbver. t the hstt-l"sail tIWO. lie vas hurried t-ohý 'b- ecr U ttuu abe eld aling the tIlie untîl wi'attiiin l Uiti th ii . rî'ltuîuuu n 'liS Coi. W. N. Blufspham. commandant ;ilt- tIbot-el hr i a 'rt o nipeace bas be'en ftirittily iySgIti- antd aibltit315',51>0.4m)ttr. of oil. The 1 heehewa ar o adt-be terme o! the pîence t rvaty utavse os T toa tiiiait î tf tu-ut the-tlie ecs tbe fort. "i found t-bat be bas t'en obliged te romain durinz the oiheet. rle o, e xilraosrInitu-trt-ti giw grtsslv neicpent. andt-bat t-., t-lie HtsInjuries ver. net 1rIu ~teencridot feprsofr-a rw rc-ason for bIs transter t-o Siboria. vas severeby shoken up and brulsI-t 1Inbt-be saine vay fitle generntlîy rée- frtttu $>.22177,£i21 tui sut Ino$3t15i00,- I.leut. E. HIarris replaces bum. ilt vs explained at the boltM ognlzed by chairnuen and other vork- OW ln 1018. In fouir short yeuurs v. "1 ound t-at Lieut. Ilînda vaut ai Richardsescfaped being hart I ers titroughut the Ses'entb Federai have cbattged frot Ra ,bet u,tirnaIon way sae busy that- be kept- t-be mtOt, otb men consider thelr esca pe 1 teserve district, the men Who are re o5wittg $4,000<,000000 atironItd, t sced- ers vbo camne bere f romt ot-ber cilles meast mtraculî6u seaute thbe pleatlc pongîble for thbe finantisi part oftht-etor rnatIon that lse sc'c<b $l0.00f5), to see their ions waiting Severn] car vas goiug at a fair clip v-fheua car, cannot quît untul tbe toance letet- 000 thifrelgn nations and tiicir Iteopte. houri%. i found t-bat- he k.'pb uuri.-5 ' they vere strue«. HewAe'r, iThas ilga t-ons are dlscbîrged. The big bills nlli-I.Aetiiobni odlt wait-ing c-heu tbey needed bi% be]P " started t-o slow dovu and the'tex-mIn for sny undertnking come bu immedi- greateet io'futiit i ju iit se ilion therefonre vas net as be.d att It iteby iftei' the compictlon eft t-at knownti ist"i! mucliaslaosne SEIZE ,S UFFS" AS THEY naîglat bave been. work, It- vould be an rrespanslble by the next elgbt moat sseabt-by ns- PREEPARE TO FLAUNT The auto natIIIIIII1Y 'va' batik dan) business man, litla concedcd on ions put togetbutr, LLG TPEIET tvaborclha ihrd hI atada, wbo souid refuse reqponmt- 'An>" ctîzen vho feairs that the tifîla Later IAT« PREStd DENT ageardsbllty for t-at part- of bIs coitrtuetor'a lban cotinottant i u I llot liessu'riled Bo'ston, Nass., Febý 24-Tus înt-v cas9 drtvlug tbe amail tofiririgwrarI bil that rame ln after IlIte drlvbng bas iittbe ofthle coturage atuitcoutil- jwtt cornu-tutnibers or h.,I&ti' utîtu.ailand that be and Mr. l'citer cere 1othels adnetrtrneAirnfiln i ss'nattt.. ar-y, earyig -~ia", Oting t-o UbertYville Ilri ittt The Fourth 1Lîtieri>'Loin çaloff Ctiate,,uiTitiert-i an.t ('aat-'ii u îîad ln h)antair- w' re -rrnsti'd 1in frot oti .ai NMr. Ptter 'vas initii n ntihtrheb tîen out'iiandnitîlr'ur'erli teAgtu -trs -uiilîn-' olur su lt'n 'lu'"'- a -sasthat Ihoevas unu,:c' 'ue t. fir, cutes o of l"ttt'tdtît'atnd furnlied -HELP "FINISH THE JO."- 10 ît "' 'i unt ,- f tt'oi ýon' e t:ne. Mn. Richardi 1, i'oi"'1t "iotigit nec'iiun,-Y te tfary tIigv- n flOu. t ~- cri lv hut dld net -wii i'tan' r eritîti- tit u' Irtl'l u. t r SneWOV'EN BIG HELP ON Thr ' ' h.tî1 k t ijîiry. tfI. .t e tith' .l !.. t - rit 1lia9 T .l, ~Tt t ' I>after the a-' ti ttt "i tiltj'ft ' l-t. ' - i tI' VICTORY LIREr.TY LOAN 7 , traumaktng lnq'.""" e 'f "o-.i.i i'ut - 'l"~Iv'. h,, tt, rroîunding t-h .e rI.- VI i , 'ri'd Pret minary Wo'u in ý Ou - ' - t't li-e ayibbhat. t,' 'i'tI- .' Tie -1.12 S,,,urg 'tFaee , Lns - t - iflt ~t'flîor sign 'l -' I. ..'Fte lo Be E ' l Th iitt. day i1n adm tt-bng t-bat '1 't t ii 'ii t '-,. tI " t 't'1 ' . Iittit PrI-ll o' s *V ers'its 'i- I ll he -t 'A 't 't 1 1 't tlie-r nu doubt- vouid - rste itci'c,,'ti, it.1!in.con-, 'ti i%,- lht"-i ' - i III il-'.' ' ' 1- I tr 1 -- iit t he elect - 'ic t"i t h'- 'fi 'i'ort ttrt t, i i l- c-ar rt,,l I- -i --t - ',- i-e -.t t t 'i'0 ti i 's- air t ,;- tlr ' - . ' ittii i~ their 1negle'-l i lrittret- br'-uîtht tuî nri'ttîut.'lit the duIt o 'tay a I -u111t9 i i, Ill t..7"Y Ltt' 'tY lu Il-, is a.p:it te-ing t c rr luge. t t, iittiru i'xp4. u'oitrce. "lîî tI l for Loati. 5Il ,, itl 't inci îîc' I , i ' Deceiitai-t r îia'srtl, fuir theu' irst t-lue, tare vý's1, n i t'- tu ilt- ;- i',- bhe - ~ ~ ~ t e t-fso , tl îçti tiui'k. 'Te Jaitiatry tftb iiîu i Th e hiktîsu t' t st ~ a~bi n-utis msthcl.lly- lc'., but ecieeded test t t-t .tit s rf t...fa--tul y ci llier tiiith ecept Jaitinrs'. l"eiu- otiten s t' eit thit tht-Irlt'igatio ru iry îrîîîîîlses to shows', a eosîder- to the ntattio laad etade't bet-Atase the ahle tlecr,'ui'ie. The îlgb daIly out- flgbli.g ItuilFrance %%,ts eutdîtt >lea e N o e l>s ues te eti tf bhbtîg hae -un tîhe contrar, It us aserted by t been due t-ote liquidtation o! t-be varj MIss <ru- i't )xon. dîrcttur for women, S machine, and were unavoldable. There Sevenlt district, and b> otîter leaders Ists tilI a great mass etf contract obli- 'Iln tbeusouens aInai ctivittes. tho gatons te he cleared ivey--contricta - onien workera forltîture trongby v eJyD is c u n tI entered lino ty business mnen for the t-ban lever tîteir obligation te gel out rush production of munit-tons tlait and persotuaily go atter bondl subscrip- would have been absolutely essentieîl 'iens, The very tact- t-bat iudItvidunis hart the wr gone ou for a tov veeks lire found c-ho do not epprectinte t-be or ment-la longer, obligation restlng uipon thi cuvliaa T It 111Wan T ra c to rs Cha'rmen aud workers who happenh populait-on bas ::oused ln double force te earofanynewhola ecinig e ýhepatrtot-l ens fduty ln the priiasIn thie neit loin bave ready 'br*eut o! the vomen verkere, Those We eau, however, give eteaily vorkbath te our piros- te their bandea ctoftebestpos 5am assert-lng tbrough lott-lre re- ent belp and te the retunIung oidiers and sallors, if sîble arguments againat- tbJasosrt o! celved nt Chengo ledqnirters by we couebrngabout an Lmnedae increase ia conduct. every mail thlut- thcy lnbend te vomi fs-nctor prodsîctkses. ln order te do t-Is vo muet In t-le first place lbe man vbo rm.-tvlce as bîrtb as lu îny preceding move torward te t-be fargosanie thensands of tract- tustes te vork ln t-be neit loin or to loin-if thal be posslble-lin order te ors@t-bt are ordered for delvsry ai varions dates up buy bonds of the nezt Issue can b counberact the "quitter" sentiment te May lot, and voreball aise bave ta ablp <bargeul vtth bcing a quitter or a cov.- UsaI la mînifî'sblng laelt among cer- aMlp a large nuniber ai tractara that farmers a&d. Nelther la an especlly Amern- tain lndivtduuîs lu every communbiy. lntended Wa order Iter thîs ea~on. but coulit jut as can at-Tribule. As a nation Aserîcans Prelîminary ssork la well mepped vslb tace nov, Te thase farniers îto are se ltuat- bave the repuntatlon eofceeing a t-ing out In a mîjaorlîs o! the couailles lu id as t-o bo able ta tako'advantage ot Ilvo nmalle the througli. AndtI he fields of Franci tic districtfi lei planned te have a tollovlng proposition: procaitu Ihut they are net covakrds. urger rialer of women vorkero en- But-tlae Infresîaent loin wvreezwbo' rolled everyn-bene t-bau vas t-he case la aaylng Ihat lie contnot lied lime In tbe preceding boanua Worbers ai- ,iscount Plan ~~~~~t rticllate lnt the Vlctary drive, or i',ady aesciigpegsfo e dac e nt ted atuy oblilgation te do go cru tsanmd veterutos sud Il la pronuleed may b. cbairstet sit-b covirdîce. It uliait a beter sutowaIn wvlb be mode In af a Mogul or Titan tractor generilly reccotttled wbe -r'c ir as cvry etîbo than lu any of the ULb-rt-y COnopeatin fllo s:attitude s ettctiutered tth.,tbe.: loin ofa t lâed. taur crprto as folw.fers the fifttî uttn wlî net b. a suc- The Flfth l'an. Il la poluteti eut, l very of a Mogul or Titan 10-20 on cens. The tmatn vho le prepsring te oins iet a t-i' svlun Wetuf'u on lit. quit foc, Ilt s îi.iutil o ut, le dolng »i firme and ln tîte siller conutunît-les 1 iea al eieyDiscount beesuse lie dute.q ot wanI ta hi Ideu.-SnCa i ve an esueiilly large amaunt racor. (Tusamonts o $ 125tfied wtb a eifature. The anaver te o! tîme le t-be tortn work. TIie drive. trator (hisaàouns t $1-2 tlas I la et- n'ai.e o thbb6,000 mainueoCeinln fAptti. suIlpreitedit thelac- id $56.25 on thse Mogial 10.20.) viaa stopittl hue vîctorlous Germas Utve tarIfsanti gurden work andtih-e 1 mîàrcb on Paris at Chat-eau Thierry wemen willI, ltrefore, lhreIti a puositibon ving discounts w-il be given: sied t-o ace xtciigd froni golng jiute te concont-riTe on the caailgu lu a the fight- becTuse lie expectod fil ta, vay tbey yen' Titiable tedo ln bbe rsh 10 to March 15 inclusive 4% be a tellure. Yet ailt-bhe foelegun itl- N'Pouth loan. 17 " i" 22 u 3% tiry men thlt trtîl at bthe Ainericans The ri'suîts of the Vlctory Loan are 24 " 29 id 2 couid net toi' te Germaus il ibis elpsctsd te pt-ose a monumenît ta bbe 24 29pri id 2 % point. paîriot-lain antI elf-sacrifie o! the 31 A ril 1%Anther argument auewera a god wofIOfa!ut e Seventb Foderal ER.- ng aystow rd ayig te fel eal nt ialt-liuiited comment whlcb aerve.distriet. fuir the spîrit o! service ig w ys owar paing he uelmalutaîns tîttt It inikea no differenc* le t-lie nlmatitg principle of the Amer. s season wbether t-le uanks ave bake 1h. bielau peOPl ait-lis timt. louin. Bt Ille itusînesa rien or the -HELP "FINISH THE JOB.- visai the Oral day of gondi plovlng weabher dovne, vege simuer wh'o bhluka liait It maies ho vîll b. able te get loo he field vithout a dltl'eencé,tut, hltn la dertdedlynoi.- mnet's otlime. Thatibu tslf iverygood reason taken, If t-lic publie dites not taka the!U PAYR for taking oîrly debîvery. bonde t-be Iint-. fas everyoue kuova.URPAYR munît do so. Net on Decomber Si B>. JEAN MAHAN PLANK. Go te your dealer and tell hlm tiret yon wtib accept the national btatitue of the country bîd Immedate dellvery of yonr Mogni or Titan 10.20 reseui'ces of $20,042r-4,000. Tuis win borse power tractar, »o he en a lltie up is carloid thc fini ttu' iii The natiou's blelory We pritîy suit nlt' wepcii vtbemtoilons oipinenle vthout dsbay. fibal; the tuotatl ever gel atbove the thal sa-cary lts; tweuty-billloiot îtrk. Rcady t l tsflp our bernesd A s Thisecnoutuîîîu- iîuutukng powe-c shows, - ar er C.omnpany of i-izerica fote than iaui',lIiut-the nationu eau We pot tietiun 1lIIetisbuîlgb as oIE toike inItutît"'s.-ix ilonlumti vlth si ruttc. ýpoate) U e.A.a if the o-rguiization goba out snd Onze tt t-blul îruulby or cher frm yenks, iButI f t:t-0 shovs sI..'tIfiuftulaT e ti-actors are sold by - cIs. Tluwt' iilut, - o! -('tins If Psst"tInc'.l...t.'1,bitti i'.I -t greatly m nIiea l, lit-et)titl i l i ut - 1 itt ' 't' GOMPANYLibe"ile, 111.tually'avîil.ut'.' r',r eredît upuraitons. ullâs BLACKBUN & BROGHTONWaucond, ili.If tht' tutt-8'oiuj have te tlI te I ft4w. u BLACKBUR & BROUHTON, W ucondaIll. grulPr pat ut îttpnext fbetaund tea wouild i.cur; ulie I.8ý1 tGo t fithIr-ti t I 1- i III t-be titre uiaun tva that ve're -r- oue .~ ~ .-bttiiut tot tinit, In lu bt-i'ry bni If va becked Tsilt aur prayu'rs vîtbu 'ni ' uttttt .'ttreacut'>- ceitltateoI LIà-"vB-ond. w" I ,. t î\a a« '-, d a ' 't t I lowni er, 1 .' t, "' r iiited ~f Ch, So,."f ' 'at Lt îed for un, ii: ,t jtrend mtic fbut. Ler Iî rî~c 11 I i , I t '.' -1lilg tt i, îî-r',n restric. lions. lbc, 'îu i tt .11 , a 3 te %vli- thI r or uit '.,, o îlit lu stock Up) 0ti uktiteti FinalI4 th' d. risiott ot the allies to take ;;,000,000 }pounds of Arnertca butter, aftnrt a denision not to take l. Telle How Prîces Gyrated. "In tîje first place, the market pries fur butt. r. w!il,-'salel, declined front, 68 to 40 cents aller the restrictions ofthei food administration were Ilited," S. Edward Davis, former tire. dent of the Butter and Egg board ci C'hicago said Wednesday nighLu i This, stinsulated the use of butter anto here was nueh beavier buyfng. Th, grocers stocked up and the prIce werir up to 5:1 cents. if every gro. ,er, ail over te lbnitedj States, de. t-o luy a tub or two of butter w t1 i, !ae> itutuno ,normous i i', ta'.-ti i, a w!,le. Il lvy i î.itg a 'dune on t * tu hi it, . , for t-bat "'ltnn1;decy. U) i Èand i tu "r fit' 'îtt ' fta i 'e- a , 1, îîh nithet, for t1 t1 f antd ,. , ,ý -" as low I . g, ui t iiî îer present (111,111011-.t 1 l i i ,tt, 5 r tîtties tlhe Oui" ri iI 'n t aIlieoss f i the dealetrs ane utn a potind( profit. Tîjen wben the tttii Ns cre taken off. the deal- Prs had to -tand a lîcavy lots. But ce are gî'tting straightened eut and as the- lave <of supply and dernand coule Into action conditions vill coulis back ta normal. Today whole milg extras sold wholesale ai 52 cent&a, drop of 1 1-2 cents froua yesterda. Telle of Allies' Demi. "I have just returned froni Wasa. ington Where I vent. together wtth mîan> ut-ber butter men, after the ai- fies had backed down on their agree- ment ta taire 3,000,000 poiunds of American butter. This butter va* ommandeered by the Utnited States government and vas beld for a long time, although we wanted it te be sold int-bis country. It vas beli for mont-bs and then vas threwn back on the owuers' bande. "Wben the market had dropped 20 cents a pound we vere notlfled that this butter wau to be thrown (M the market. We vent ta Washington and the food administratione olftais worced bard io bave the allies Uive, up te their original cont-ract, as they were bound bo do bolla moraliy and legally. "The allies finally agreed to ta-*e the butter that bad iireviously been arranged for. that is, S,000000 pOunds The gos îrnment is net nov puttiug onit any îuew jrdu rs on ltbaîf of the allies. SOUP 9,000-Ton Ship to Carry It Exclusively to France. Withlu tbe next tweuty days the soldlers of the Amerîcan expedition- ary forces in France wtll Ilo suppied wvt American-made soups, for the steamasbtp Yeltx Taussig ta nov tng, ln Pbilaalelphta the flrst full eoup cargo vbIch bas ever left thîs port. The Tauaig ts a 9,000-ton shiP. Ten million csns et one ponnd each tvould provtae the 2.000,000 seldiers now ln France each wlth riepounda of sony et various inds. Tbese 10e- 000,000 cauis vould aIse malte 5,000e- 000 quarts et soiip. Tva fretglit trains loaded vith the soups vers shooting cells Inte flac cavartous hold. whlle motortrock tf ter motertruck ect tl"a'! afttnr lad frnni 'tOti 'rIorv ln <Cam- den to lb" ;'it'r. c-b're it was dis- chargnd The' 'i -tinatlîtn o f te Taussig, .lrwit s- sallI n A few dass I Iit'n Biîr,aTxý 'T i î- i T 9(l' l ', i n- 1r co iinilenton forai ,,* ."" Prn m5et jMay 1. Thlt, Lq one. of the eniallept s'illageg iu, Ilinuoisln have titils tei er governament. AUTOAÀD 2 1MEN ME V CLOSE CALL Accident .ai Ubertyville Thurs- day Evening During the ,lnding Snowstorm. E. R. Patter of!.DavetTport. la. traveling maleaman, vlth a triAnd %t. L. Rtcharde of (Chcago, had a lnse escape Tfroyn death lu front of a N"orth Siiore electrie car aithflic .1- bertyvilleilifiLlvukee kve. crosituun Tbnrsday eventng durtng thbe an"r etore. Thte me'n'were drlvlng froin i bepe t-vle after speniluf dat' la j u Mau iLzu-qu .6- 1 1 m

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