LIBERTYV1ILF, lINDEPEgDENT, TIW1SPÂY, FI 7 ~ ---------------- -------Jail Juat as loe as Sam dos, bêeUï" 1 IAm a ust as mucîr 10 bitisme àmuý j sir obbed. She was informed bier parents would lire iere tad&yand u vas thon taken back ta a celi' in thre jwOren's departmnent of the joli. I Broadistirck wiii be turned over to ~~E S O Ktire verdict vas for the fill amouint, bare.Th ANI) uarril e oid on of tle ew times tire maximum ci !bTAC A D Out of tie re pmeeos the hsia n amount bas breen awarded In a dam.' U 1Rdoctor bis.incturred here by tire Cur- aecase In Lake county. R Y ilwl i ad h oe e COUNTY COUT 15 anosdoutai, %,liCURRY GIRL IJELD Henson, CoURTrt aLmaînlnr wilire turned aver to BYO new suit in tire Immediate future.I $ O B ND tac iýwite lit Morri. GiOLDBER6 VICTORY WAS RF VERSAL OFu InGi lNgs00 itNey PEARCE THROUGII'; j1an Who was Convicted on ASr MÂVaDo iteyr e50 Counts and Fined $2500, CASE DUE TO PROM- Driver at Aurora; Equally SERVED A To Have a New Trial. Guilty, She Says. Iii1U IfiRS. BEN SON L OST APPEAL. ISE 0F IMMUNITY? BROADSTACK__CONFESSES.'NES F N imnx-b.c i F nr What Catused Action '0" Y,î Ma"PaceTksHtrm Indlerrlitry, .LîMp eieeTi ayHv ,tru lor ).iRing and Drops Al in ry't;ritoy ,. <,,by Supremne Court. ;tah n rc il -P4itc,,'tviv and rvbi war <<r t*t << .'on -tI r . .ta .. i Ir trri iiI In tir. criti'v o'n , < <,~r.iThpre is cofd-' 1,,, tM<r ~.'îr h.',rrrhorities ar t '<« ta ta have a new trial. Thi- to1,'"r <r ni In t<i"nrlh 1hi' . j (,f la 1Ir' <, 11< y 'rr" jrrr<"t".t, " eRVED FOR TEN YEARS. te the Sun today r 'Id , , Ya9t l? aI%- 'f,1et i l1'e a I Springfield, Ill., Feir. 20.-The court in rovnrse lth, juriiîrenit .irt!e ' ît 011]t0a arviolatîion , Supremne Court today tranded Pclp(ithr rc m <,rmn 1. antAtbt i cî onprriv f W IllamW. Pearce bas retired down an opinion deversing judg. back ta the colilty court for re>tr;:rI ta obstruct tVie draft. Mis., Curry frort politicîl ment of the Appellate Cour t for Th charge lirat Ooidlrrg wa, gave tirll ta a' éilid iast mort'i. l eibe"a'hcfinaly the second district In thre case pronIsed imrnunity if ire woffld tci 1roadsarck addoits helatsire, chili"- ri inly eut lin, decitded yeaterday of the People agaînst Phlllips tify agaînst Slates Attorney Weirh rer. 1tViat me wouid fnot as'( poilicai -favor Goldberg and remanding thre 'efore tire grand jury, ls helieved by' Miss Curr clingr, ta tlod. tar:I., again of tbe people of Waukegan. cause Goldberg was convictcd In many to.lbave bre(n what cauised the saying that If lie is sent tu joli ih. EIF;e i t and witi not bie a candi- thre Lake county circuit court of reversai altirongb tiere also 1, the vieies talire punie equally. She date for mayor. violating the local option law cornPlaint trat file fino f $2.500 cind aya she wll ot return ta %<auke- W. W. Plearce bas aerved Waiike- and thre appellate affirmed the thre 100 days In jail sentence was ex-- gan. 'lire Aurore, Beacon-Newrr prhina cn a i ls malyor -for ten years. He Iower court. tensive. PUill anotirer possible, the foiiowing story of tire case,' 1lias served four ternis, tiree under Sensational Case. ciZ<-grounids for reversai is thbct art ira Tire istory of thre 'uncilaime bju-1 hie aldermanle ferrm of government Goldberg vas convlrted in th.e1 - Ibere were certain typolgraphîcai er.iry," llaced In care of a Iinder Street one under tire commission forai, cal courts alter a sensatiorral trial, rore in the records-. fauîlly yesterday by Mrs. E. I. Colrký But on@ other man of Ilitils can #State's Attorney Welcb proseculn The promlsed lrnmuinity, irowevpr, 1;:,, secretary ta ttre Conmmurlity W,. i.hoest of sfcir a record. He ts Car- hlms. Tire jury found mim gtilty.I.ieleved iry thre majorlty ta lie !hc' lare association, was told iast iglit rter H. HaMslon, of Chicîago. Harri- Hira attorneys appealed ta tire ap- main rc-'rrnn frr reveseti. This vwitt ty Samuel Broadstack,.1.', years niri. son served Chicago for eteht years- Voiette court whicih sustalned tireire determined Pnqitiveiy whrn tire in a conlc'aciorî ta tire Aurora polirce fousr terme; Pearre troc four terns, lake county verdit; tiren Goldirerg. supremie court opinion fi rcceir-ed and Assistant Stales Attorney Arr"!. ten yemrs. appealed ta tthe suprenre court and irero as It wttt ire In a fcw dava r froadstaci. tire fattrer. rardr'Miss Nult Many blistory rnts mark- the suprpme court Iras now reversedl At bhr lime- grand jury action w as lie Curry, 2.'! yrarsaoti],thre ruothr.r, d bis latt temniIn nffrcp. tire deci-ilon Istarted iaian-t Mr, Wçtctr il wcs"r(1-N. w r'oýrre r.'rt ai Piutrrr ati.'e,r.- FIRST-Waukegan 'a.nt dry. Il Tire apeal %vscha'il on Irvo ri'r- '1-1'-i In, zý4', Wi!p c(, i.gtrrpr .<i rrir ~ hit < '.reiondtePoriiir n. cipal eiii.. 'Pr l tifor" <«0< itd. .riitr ,iI 'a, W\Vbbr.r ari (', <id I otc.t OrII, Brl'ONI-Maulce r r wr i-lected 1. That Goldberg was catted bit r' I! t"OtIi'r ii r<titv forrr-r. ' iriil h 5, rrrasrir r' s , rrii ras tire <site for theire - w Irins %fan- fore the t,'and jury andi ttat he ga, Tti'"'irosa-i tfira' rr<l< Ir r ,r.ine '.r<r i < 'lle l nt, a plnnt . r ir evidence t i'e n certain lquer or Icirinit, )'tîn. Tl, 1 i :, c itt v 5 'r r' ri'r . "ri '-ah on the biren flot ' " ici ' t, adr es; that sch evi. <..rre a C -ina " a l vrs I.rr--' , ,. Il, r rrt 1.1 r' ''iri'r , r r < ', Ici- 1t'.is 'imnier, rri' r Ir Ing was L1kv'. t' r rrt1tih ir.-i 1--,'f Tl'r tiv ' .' ' ' ' r'rtt r 1c npoomtt;r '\Vr, - , r ý j .ý sef w s n t t e p o e itr.1 - th. ' r " ,' .' . '.' .. r ' ' ' , r oi hc ieîrnt ' "' The GrIdhe-g case wr.'ae on oftivi t ' 1, tr1r Int . ii'r - . n.... r~r 'rt'<rrî,' .. most senstrol that h- . ver- 'r ! <rrl'"" 't' t. , r' .cansti '- en placeIn thie local courts in c.nrev "<rat-11, iýqt l-r iC- 1 ' ' s . r rr - j 'u f" tion withlt irquor malIers. i rat 1.1 r.vI,,ci t i ,irlr; rrri "D<ro,"' :rscho iU t r1t <' l't Goldbt.n <trivr rat i l,.- rr , --t' r i , c..tnt,<rýwi-T nv. s" rrpr t r ' '. ' . . ' r l ,r '(rtP -r1t trt tilcW..~r caped ti. - " iro l I, f<n"' .< r f~ i'1 i n rr peut w'iatrrt. ' r, 1. rl <t r. i tirv r irn. Ir, ptanti tr'.rr'o' r? .' jli se t n.' tîîr r rî n ti-ri .,<-r <d irere iarrin it va: . f"!t t'. rri r','Meets Gi n 55 '- C s riirt rri rr101 .1 cri r<r. . l' Judge r'- Iln t,. CIh u r ý , r rt grrcrîtrds for arr ' amc r (:j w, r rcrt r.r' liti lu, . iir ir t ' l tans ta st i' ;Il, 'nLr. and 'r, <'r ber 1 ;n( '! ira rtc; r,* *pji '] n lt sutfcir'nt. TVien theî Il e . o cir .'r<t ri 1 '. r 1cr rt rri ti ta lend a lirr-!irg ' 'r'! to an, tir ir of th ir unr--<i r'î<.tudrn2 on tir" <iii.ali ta ike t h ir upreiîr.'court.r.r r,i , ri .landr .'lrm r le serat or party wri ri ,-rl r'tta riend o. to free blin or give hmm a rilw t.r.Io lWurltegrin Nw t"ire rsuorked a-r a a irliog hard And noe' corna rire npw triai. whi Il,. mu' nactrirîci. MWiiir tirer' ire met tire Il iris beni 11< haditrot made it ne"- afler two years" lapse af lime. wi IS SP LLE Curry girrt.whirr prrttr and a menu- essary ta r,.tirv. front active palitirc Iitely ire i-i inrprsting and rss lier of a prominent Waukegan family tire chai- art, 'Mayor P-are wouid ligorousir irandied because sitrei il U ME T ED EIuE lIs eft t aikegan wiîrtirte girl and bave iis hit in tire ring nltihe prer'- lu bard ta gel tangible esidece i 1'U1LIIL IIRL'RE r1ivent ta Kli 'hW's. Later theycnt lime. trrrt tire lime for filing amis es aflra long lime iras went logetirer ta Minneapolis, Minn., irai gane Vsand liris name lisnet *lapoed iretween tire time tire alleged G1J1 Vq~TN t. Paul, Ilinn., Albert Lea, in, in tire litt. Sa,ires tirrougir. offense was committed and tire tîme fi'LD5B'I35iU INS and tiren ta Elgin,.111. Frontirhe lat- irubn tire trial iii held. ter crty tirey came to Aurora and Nodobttie taesarore>s f Details of Supremne Court Rui - retedrhoOm~.sid29 Noth akeitet., IALTII SUNDAY dos, becaunre of unusual viteac lir he e a a adwf. ié 'ha orrunedths aricla ng In Liquor Case Shows Cîaims Exemption. cale Il vIorua s usir the case Tectinical Error at Fault lIro asack aecîrred vork ln theIrO OBSERYFI)' IN for a uew trial._____ facory of tire Lyon-Metallic Manu. Reversai In *enson Case. Sprlngfleîd, n., Feir. 25-TIse s u- facturing company. He regist'ored l CaRCIS0FCT Springftid, Ill., Feir. 20.-The preine court reverse. and remand c Jtire draft lant fait and visien callei C U IE OF IT Supreme Court today handed tire judgment of tire appelate courrt upon ta 1111 out liris questionnaire dewn opinions reveraing thre judg- for tire second district whilh afflrmpd rlaimed exemption on tire grounuda of wmu ment of the. Appellate Court for tire Judgmenr of tire etiny court of, being a married man. Tire Curr girl ,, h.Mgan Pastor8 Urge Their the. SoM fdDistrict In tire case of Lake county in tire case of Philir.' aent witirl'tlm ta tire headquartera of Congregations to Consider Daley Benson, adminltratrix of Coldberg, convicted and fined for tire draft broard wbere aire signed an Health District Vote. thes estats cf Martin L. Benson, seîîîng Intoxîotlng liquoro In nuat- aiYdavit as Broadistal" vite, aear- deeeasd, deefndant In error va. lit ies lemisthrn one gallon lirearre or, ng tiratsire was acon t0 ecome the Chicago City Ralway Com- error In tire coun±y court. motirer. Tire board placed Broad- WOULD CONSERVE HEALTH. Party, t AI. pisintiffis in error, iTire supreme court bolde tint thi. stock In tire fourtir clair. %NiIçh tire Appellate Court ai- tetimony o!fColdberg filefor lir A short time after tire baby came Healtir Sunday vas observed In firm issdte circuit court of Lak, grand JurY In vhlcir ire te'rlfiied Il. Broadstack l ii job. Tire Curry Waukegan. county. andliris tather Isaac Coidcerz pa!d girl, posing as Mrs. Broadstack, vent In practicall' cvery ci-'urch 'n thre Benson Was Kilied. lire staie's attoi-ney of Tal<pclrnti'ta Mrs, Conklin and asked tiiat tire City tire Pastor oirserved tire request This vas a case wirerein Ben'ocn. $7511 for tmmrrnty fretm progerutrn 'ellare association fInd a place for made tirat tirey devote et leait a part a Colored mon, vas killed wlien bc' In tireir crcuit for seliing liquor in lier baby, lier hnsband badilaiet bis of tireir F'ermions tatire subject of vaes ridlng on a sîreet car in Chiriago. violation of tire law vas flot iod job ta a discirarged soldier and site beaitir. Ttere 19 a nation-vide move À tosse of the Coensuranis Ice cour against Phiiip Goidirerz In t l pr'. rra.' orced ta go to work as a book- rient ta d"rreas. preventable Ilns pany, tan away, tire pole af tire w-a- ent rase irerause lic hll heen indict. k4-epIrr sire toid Mrs, Conklin. Tire anid it wa. tll:t that iimucir could irei &on vas siroved tirrougl tire sar.-t ed by tire grand jury an tire ca' lattrIrtr.d ta findt a place *hor, gained iry elaiaîsing ire aid of, tire car as tire car and team roliided Tire on wlticlr tire conviction In tirh -'e ti' v(oid boarditire baby. In tire cirurcires. pole penetrated eBrsons irody and Cnt case rwas obtalned irefare lire han rîrepantîme sire cent an Investigator rui lIn many' or tire rurcire attention ho died tirat nigirt. appeared irefare tire grand jury. 5'auit-gan and dlrcovored tiat Prend- w-as ralledl ta tir fetat tirat an elec- Mos vite then started aa action Tire supremne court ioli. noweer rr'. a' waa flot marrled ta tire girl tion i., la ire ield In Wrrikega ttei aalnat tire street car company and tirai wben tire tate vas requested 'o and tat ire irad a wife and ciid ît' spring ah 'Slhfft<tthe people vilire almo tire tce comtrany. Tire way the stite under virat counts 1h asmced a Mlorris Sire nolified tire police vitîr asked tu vote for tire establisirmelit case haPPened to be tried in Iaîre conviction and It replied under al the rr-rrlt tirat the couple seas arr, at- Of a irralth ir itrich sebicli sialIn- counly vas beoause t could ire 'ur- 0otil euIsit erred as In one cournt, ed it Plana, virere tirey bail renteti clude lire town ar Waukegati. This ried along faster. Service w-sa eb- Goldirerg's name appeared as, Phil- roontrr untd wirre Broadista'k ihadlinrirrdps ail the irerty' of Waukegan tainedl on tire--Consumera' company lp Holdberg, and as lire vas only planned ta go inte tire taxi cati busi- and tirai portion of Northr Chicaga tlwoughir ts tee bonne managera tu named In 49 counts ire coutld fot ire ness 'witir a six pasitenger ce, ire 'wiicir lies riarîli oI Eigitecntir t. làke county. convictedl on titi 50 counta as vis brougirt vitirhlm ta Aurore. Once tris district la establishireli R. J. Dady iraidled tlle local end done aiid for tuls error tire court te- Soblng Girl Cdinge tc Hlm. means tirat a fuil-time lieiltir attirer O! tire case ~versed tire judgment of tire loyer Broadistack 'was arralgned befareviIrempodanieey fot AccordingrtaIrle ruting of tire sa- courts and tire case remanided for an- Justice Dutton Intire police court vîlI be tracts te conserve tire healtir prene, court it is conciuded that tire otirer trial. room Isonday. He 'waived examina- of tire community. b1~girer court f",It liat the verdict ai Tire supreme court iays il yûiild tion anrd yas ireld under $1,000 bondas. Somes of tirese facýts vers impresserl <,,sho LaIe cc>urty' circuit court vas bave ireen easy for tire state ta irave As ire vas being ledl back 1tiis. coli upon tirir congregatloris by Waukc- -1iiiaci-rr tr r v'1,thr, eidence noilied tire anecocurt against Holdi ire mlet tire Curry girl In tire ballway. gan minustera Sunday. :ýAndi thir l n ,i tr'-irrIMr.c lIon.herg and tire situation'i ould tran IPire was siti ran.ConklIn. Tire girl fo= wiii tia, -r. i 'u:'lr i tr. ilr bave bren relieved of tire dillculty, tirew eirrama about iis neck and ~lI',LA I~i I 'mi. air mo ' r.rî. " t'buet tIls it lalled te do and tire case vept blîterly. 3 LAHL .rU. IVILiN IN moisies lruttr'reversed. .-Ba'. ansP 1 ma na îcir te blarme 3<rsdus -r " $ 'r',r iT. N. Pratt, Correspodn as you,' sire sobired. Tife r À cïTIÂJTVJ.1irT en1 day Theodbre1D.1Hurst, President. W. B. Smith, Vice President. 31<11 F. W, Churchill, Secretary and Manager -The TELEPHONE 81 gaa SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. Ica"r, ABSTRACTSIOF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED s tbai Capital $125,000.00 bon 'WA1JKEGAN - - ILLINOIS I iroadastacke-and the girl avere laIt- I1 11L litaLJ1 1 1 I141J> 1 te tire counîy jail at Geneva Mon--_____ Py he said sire vas glad ta go ta Tire trme af Robert a1. 1l)ckspn, Ior anyhere, elge avithlir er laver,. Waulkegan, appears ln tire cualtY le roupie bave ireen ireld to LireIlst as mas'ing died o!fvattîds. [le ,and jurry under '$5.000 bonda on a vas viti tire marine corps. Il timesctre.mIerseîe 1 pearsin toic at'a oundedtYv,e Atot-ire.i h ohe Fidt peaux n thevIcir as o! Lîiartîde- e for lier cild slgirtly. AItrihiier grec undetenrnîned. Ie previarisly ici she apears totalby Indilfererît. vas reperted as miss!ng, lire tol State'i Attorney Anurril Anotber virose naine apearsin tire t sire did net avant ta go back Ilt as vounded, degree undlet#,rmlnM' ne. la Willis Devet or FIgirood. Would yau rather remaîn ln jisil Nethlr r t lepirone or Lalie Colin. year or perapa s"everab year Y' -tv director- list% Robrert G. Dickcçn opirO."cutor askr'd. and tire local diaît board iras no tee. 'teyes, 1 vaubd ratirer stay 1ti ord of if rm. 'Il rtry". r )d , <<i t?.' 1" ', r". treen sewtret dcos-1, %Monda, r ! ire vent toth ie policeefaiion wh. -ý luI.. ac'tio-nIs <rii5edrlhlm Ia b,' 1wr k' ' tnp. ThIismorning ire nas takeri r. tire ornicp of tire states attorney and 'winir Jîtlis(e lartier pre-4iding a vartant cirarging hum vitir dlor derly conduct vas syorn oint against hilm. 'lhiis vas donc merely qanftint ire could irefireld until tire lime af tire trial. Thi.saction mas approved by Hutchtng's tatier. Jndge Perons t a ot o! tire elty at tire present lime and an argent need avas faIt of iravIng tire insanltY Pro- ceeding take place Immedlately so tire young man canlire placcd imuer expert Irealment, ,Tire state's attorney expre.s tire opinion that such treatmient can best ire given aithtie Elgin state irospital for tire insane. Mr. Welcir got Into communicationi vilir County Judge DeWoIfe o! Me- Henry County st, BelvIdere and w as ssured tiraI ire- ould came bere eltirer tins aflernoon or tomorrase mornin glo preside at tire bearing, Meanvirile Hutchingi la being field at tire county jail. Ho Is underthtie cal-e of a loal physician. He Could Open Safes. One evening recently Hutcirings came to tire Sun ailice'tb ses If a "found glaEasee ad" referred te iris eye glasses viricir ire salid ire hart bait. He vas tld tire safe vas locie- ed and tirat ire musît return un the mornIng. HIe insis;ted ire must hlave tire gînsses and ,iald ire could ope'n tire safe. Ptepplng behmnd tire corînter ire twirled tire combination bacis and forth for 10 minutes and Insisted ire knevir is glaises vere Instde and tirat ire veuld rernain until someboriy came te open tire safe. --Taklng-hi@ satan4- nfront Ltr office viren tire front door was lack- ed, ireiaid lire vould remain until saerebody broîrght tire glasses for ire knew tlîey surely iwauld do qo. lie remained ln front of tir, offi for a iraI!irour irovever, and sure enaugir a mail camne ln tiren vitir tire glaases and Iluteiringi doffed a sailor's coat, iranded Il over to tire neveomor and ln return, gt firis glaises. Tirus It shoved ire irad a tesson for belioving tire glassesq WOIJLD corne ta tir. Sun office fl some vay or anotirer. MEXICANS AND M'GILEY GIRL ARE TAKEN IN TOLEDO Men Considered Desperate Characters as Officers Hear - They Were Armed. L uis, firis brother Peler and I f,- year-old HîtnnA tMcGinley. yirogsosn- aatlonal taxicab escape tram Wauce- gais Wednesday nigirt caused tire de- Wr' 1' 'r t"" 'i WAUKEGiAN BASE- BALL ASSN FORM- E»; M00ATTEND (By W. P. Kirkiram.) Tire baseiraîl fans af tire city had tireur Inningg' Sunday afternoon wiren about 300 of tire fallowers of tire na- tional past Ime met lu tire club rocmis o! the Wire Mill club end organized wirat alll ie kncswn ajq tire Waukegan Basehal assocation of Waulcegan, Illinois. lu tire language o! tire iy-Iava tire purpoee of til organizatian la "*ta liromote and support tire rest quall- by o! bageball possible andi to eetab- Usi.aind maintais a basebaîl teamn, lis tire city of Waukcgan, composcd of tire cleanest and best irall players ohr- tainairle," Many of aur foremost ci- lizens are Identtlled vitir Ibis new organlaation and are pledgcd to, sup- porb a team tirat vlI have only irigir grade materlal and onc tirat vill rep- tesent tirevirole o! Waukegan. The. perfect unitv tirat exlsteid duning tris rousleg meeting ls convincing tirat Waukegan la tirrougir vitir taeI2n 1 iraseball. Tire former parttsanairip'ý Southr and West SîdeF;s irsbhrn ala.- loved up ln tire larger idea o! tire n-w Waukegan. Eleven directors vere electe iry unanimous ballot taeirave cirarg af tire irusiness affairs of bthe organ - tion, tirese directors te irold thelr Pirit meeting Tuesday êvenlng, at 3 o'cloc' un tire Wire Mill club roorns to elect a president, vice presldent, fleefetaf yand ts'easrS. T'-irec tors ele1ted vere James Welcb. Wm. Deane, A. Wban, Tirea Durst, W. E. Stafford, Lucien Sella, M. M.cGuire, John Faubel, Tiros. Hagan, Claire lSd- varda and Tira, McCana. IT'S NOW "1CAPT. CLARENCEWETZEL" A WIRE SAYS SO Wairkegan FeIir 18. NicIt Wehzel iras received a cable- gram from is son Clarence, dated ai Liverpool in viricir ie telle iris Parents tirat ireirai been made a captain. Lieut. WeIzel mas oommissioned aI Fart Shreridan le tire Prit oficers' training camp. Hieiras been aver- seas about a year and tire *pfamobon newa caused frIende, feel saucir pleeaed St tire Waukegan Young nnan'ar advanccmonit. Caî<t. Wetzei iras been connérted vith tire quartermaster's deprîrrunt and apparently fias made good1'rom tire stort.. 4RTE *W I~ $ÀR- psrtmont cf Justice mIl over thre Unit' bd States ta atart a sassaileorthen,.. becomre , Il, ipj~oyà tire girl wae tire chargé cf lie -Cleveland juvenile M il EÀTH court, vos-o sgqssobended early tris mornlng at Toledo, Ohio. ATfI Tire local girls 'Protoctive Leagise isCHErecelved a teL*earm frou tire dejmoe'- ment cf ju&be' at (Cleveland smylng1 George Hutohins, Grief-Strick- tirat tire trio hart beau ppreirended en Over Death of Wite Two bt Toledo and vould lmmediatcly bot Week Ag, Hed. rougirt taCleveland. Weeks.,Ago Held. Uiss 8irerfey of theo local ,rnh slId tirat the case vas now out of FEARED 4M' BE VIOLENT, tire local People's bands, tirat Clee- - .landwosrld doil wiIb lt trely b.- George Huteirings, aged 25, Pro- cause thre girl w»a till a charge of prietor of tire Midget Barber siroîr, tire Cleveland court, located ln bire Yager building, Washi- "We are mest as welI satisfled,"t lngton et., lm being ireld rlcy tire lberr said Miss Sirerfey "tirmt we did flot1 autiroritîns pending an examînation overtake tire trio bore becauae ave Tate lirissaniiY. l-utrirings vas talc- bave rince learned that botir iren en lîrto crîstody Monday rifter ire irid svere hcavily armr'd and as tirey are. heen under surveillance fuir s w'ek . balfireedB, - lndîan-Moxican mcn, Tire case Is aneaofthe .add.".t t'î'iatthey uno doiirt avorrit bave defcepIed ever develaped tire. Tir i ir-theiirelvs and tire ginir y siroting tins 'ýfalr, Frankis I Irit. in ina(,f . 1<'kilI. ilooinngton. MIrcatb.'d hircib%. i "Peter Luis i lm aoutt40 years ohll tplegrans frorri Statteri At tam. -v4 iil<'tiere terr, .joo',wtîo lias c.i bTarie' .s.'l',a-,"r e'] 0I,t u )M c<'n Cie ilfatrat.-d w ithti e Mehtn.y ire lm coni inr-d tat iris son"t', ni r i irl, i.. 32. Thirlr lt<ir as a fori! condition ig a direct r.'riit rrl .f.~i iri oaded Yaqri Ilndl.în and tireir molli- oser iris w'lfe, Mra. ltrol lîiic<rinria er yas a hirl irblod,'d Metipan. Ther.'- w'ir dteIM riddenly on lter-c enin., af fore lirry bave tire rreeding toa mas February 10. reai desperaîn oharachers and ave "'l'iey vere a devohed couple." Sr. feel relieetairntîtîhy av Hutcbingos sud, "and 1 arn crtiti.rI b een captured." tiraI tire <hock f lier îl,-alh !r.. Thre girl, Til19 recalled, ae.arrest- caused my son ho loce triaj r r-"j ed ilir Joc Luiï ln Chicago and tak- temporarily. t arti irpeful tirati ie en irefore Comml.ssîier Mason for ailI recover speedlly uridrnrd 1 a hearing. Mr. Mason dismissed tire treatment."- caae but tire girl, realizing sire vas Hutciringa le a likalîle« vountr 1"].ln a aenlous predîcameril, voltrntarily iow and iras made ninsnv friand, drrcame to Waukegan branr of tire led ing tire year or more ire Iras connuit c r51 Girls' Service and becampr a vol- ed a barber shop. fls yife nlw'rya untary charge et tire home on Lbr 'worked ailirMin In ti:e shop and in ty streot. Tt vas on Wednesday nîghît ibis respect tire place was9 uniqu', as traItirhe tavo Luis men came ta Wau- itl ied tire anly girl barblrrIn tire.itr kegan andI lured lier away in an au- Tire day folloaing hi i v i .alli tomoirile, taking lirer loto Chricago lt-vas rratlced tiraI there avas sier,-wbere their trail vas Tet for a time. iiring queer in llritching'c 1,,ehaiGir. Hovever, thre local Girls' Protective No one tirought mîncl5r aIit at tire League omfcers communicated vilir lune but durlng tire <!" -"erai da y tiré departinent of justice and because Tt iras bren noticed tat iis c<îth ie girl irad ireen a cirarge fromttire lion ira Le n 7rr r.'Ing w ors' Juvpnile coturt o! Clev-eland, every iy. dpiartmelit of justice avas avatchIrng Ttlu Is«id ire irrs eatr'n practicallv far tire trio andsri marnami r'pec(ialiy notlîtng ince tire deatir of iis si 1te I directed foar Ili s,utir nd wavin1,t anîl lirr< ir' r-. nît .r 1, Il" <rr I arai iles. Ilt a.. lu.'tirat t-ns <'-rej ratteri 5< i i'ib t.o '<r . , . ',' ,'r' r drawsn traslt e. t hir-r.' tir"s' ni, is rso;irinc r ie .n,< r n' d, Iterrni lving frr 1Itrr<l itra tiant iis irriid wra s fft',, lb' i o'< rrtt rrr' I.<i'tl' < < At 3 r'ct <<k Sui.n . . 9 ' t itretri r r' "V1P; 1 ' T inran , ir ' r <1 i r tr' il- '- ' ro il'trrst b. 1 n w r:. .r' .,i' trop 5 ý n' iri. i t'.1', i ' , Onirci t ir' "lt<rt '<r' r lrilinf jr. htril'P, n- w r r' a . ir "t 'i-, r 'i. ' ' uarll.rg ntr 'r' -l lttr' r r'.r, t t-iI5 ,I '-' i c 'îr" jrathrini - - ý-a ri' it' ' rantd ' 'r' "r' t' h!, i- t fi"' ,A t,,' <', "... 1r" . r "'t <ras. tti,f pev i ' rt; , ' r.'s .r "Thre Y. NI. C. A. im doing a tremen- dous piece of work amoeig our boys," sid Mfi-a Sedgwick. "and If 1 can irelp, l'm golng to-even If my boye do oecasalonally commit thre llterary crimes Indicated vory amicably ln the foregoing ,re. The Iadensdet les" aml Umm" IAIY SED6WIK baughter of E. P. Sedgwiçk 0f Harçlwmr Foundry Co. sets Reonition. FAMED AS DR4MA COACH. ,Paris, Feb. 15. Dranatie'coacb te the blueJacketo over bere jo the new wartinje job et Miss Mary fedgewick et 11$hland Park, 111., now ln France ln Y. M. C. A. work. Misa Sedgwick belps train goldierg and <railors througbout thre district of Fini.stere, ln which Brest i4r s1tuat- rd. Navy and, naval aviation mon rrerlorina In.her', but Avery hranch ' t th4 <S. !riee la reprpsentoc0 aiiiorg t'ie youtlg feilowv who corne -under lier irlsdiclon. Most. of lier training aclivities are fer vaudeville and minstrel rshows, witlî a sprinkling of mure serloun dramas. MiL" Sedgwick, who ls weil lcnown as a singer of abllity In IlIgh- land Park and Chicago, declares that the average A. EF. F. man sbowe a great deal of dramîlec aptitude. The "stunt nigirîs" are very popu- lar among the army anld navy men, and Mise Sedgwic's. as coachi, has won their sincere admiration. The following poemn was written ln lher honor by one of thre efflisted men la ber district: "She'a got a klnd of a wondertul way wlth ber. Thre ktnd yeu otten read about tn books; Sires a peacir. a pprfect prInces. Sires a wizard. flot a bit le»,. And sire bas a million dollars' worth of looks. She hais dons a lot of good for lonely Yanke, An a worker-well, srhe slmply can't ebe lict; Is,.ýsgo , <hse's fa.m, inatlng. And 1 slinffi will insl't urron statlng TiraI--rgreat-unuttprahlir rweet i-b ' 1'. -"ig <reiItt o 101t 1 . 4 ha;.py, <rn (10 It as n). ..Wîrra;ri AmI yo.i %()w yu'tIl r- .. r: -il a man. T n ¾ysn .on.' on t,-. ila lady, Mav Cod prro<t ùt hr -iervwài-re <irr' goeii- cn( v.. 'r !r.'Ip, whien.'r r lt np"da it, Guard lber path wber'er sheleIads Il-. Sires an angel from h-'r iead down la ber toces." u w,. R. j ms a cou home. IL. Chi"s Mr. Mies Mlin Mom Col Fan mont À il' Or r cubz TbIl the CI avant th. 8 wrlnj J..- Jus. vool Bd st li wul man Wo. Tbr now sari ta gi wil, unti Aib reeti and t1i It wr and grou noni Bave and I ngl1 twO tbe stor' oet out Mr. buII4 plan Mar cuit '~prol M mot bar. wil M Xe, A sud c am at lit