Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Mar 1919, p. 10

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Duliass NSieI nuI ls0 Itifi) INCOME mon" fo gOods:bJ laLE88>Î"Y TRAIN --- a fer work 4. in@w 10bolroold. MW ila HèeaeSm pçfeTi' Proat « rom .. 1U6 1 J. J. Keabler of Naval Station whieh YuShould'Remem- , * 4. t,= 1KledEr uedymvn %er e Tax Matters. toi>l. ),-OrOME - <a. 01ing ai Nofth Chicago. Numerous tn.iret; bave becis rp Sdo"uft or = 86Y~L..... 1gfAaio WAUISEGANITES ON TRAIN. »psula a. tz IÏMI n'us enue Jullua F. SnUiean ia0conceru- hI1Buvî,d:8.p Iy r ac « J. J. Keatiler, aged about 26., not- lit deprecatian and the U6~?~ Ie ,oa "l. man second clas, tationeti at tise thes-efor in the fit[ng of an Incrnme Mb Ilaoo. G- i U US~reat LaItes naval station, wah k1<111 tas return. Thse rate etai hc detai lkIiUab t intantly Tuesday about 5:20 p. lomselt o my e caimd m dper- P 1QUMQ YOM TAIt ni. when lho va struck lby a iorili eut upan local conditions. the use to fliuoIns t*4ee8 o#bon Cifl an orIlotr vilcîsthsaprrnserfy Ua Put and ts _2 ,.. INMU X.08 a ICb ri iur h o flrsain proabable lifetime undor normal L'us. 1 TA1.. \.. taus__conditions._U_______________________Ils_________._00. North Chicago. Keabler vae bltnd- tita coditons.Rt AXALU IOOM la01er*4.**.ed ssy thse magng aaov atorni, and No apche rates ai wliCh t Iusa ff IA -n~te-taxls pul oaI E o m lo ve, $S4.600, y rc n fflI md did not notice the approaci of thse ho claimed have been stablisbed. I)EESM O r A !HELrII O lu I xs.qSg,*oàtrain. The lw states that as 'reasonable it. AA> Ma SUUTAX .of1à9iP 4«t o ssmut meEs*a ** w aonggad uy lovnc" aybe clalrned. lncling eIil ft1sM C ,URkP¶tIT *Ui'sso. asê 4»4 MlongI1 vS. mt te e .mrialehe K le me t sdatî leg ar ,utyai areasenable allovance for obsOles- w¶'Nl1i NI) N1lJNIlQ IL ah $S.0@ ( til. h. metn d o tbis isat verpa- cene.and t la for the tarpaye! hon* DT I yIr j » ? OI 4 U'» A VArIFMILTland H !NODcd toaicape the. force of the. itarm. sitly ta destermine viat consttute W8.0.» M leO eus 1114V RI.ui lI l EUlI o ~ î ~ite vatched a oouth iosmnd tralin pua aremabaile llowance. Ta con%.s-A V R M ý M L F :BL'ÉDi irliTOU 11m NO? USAI à AMNL M HMd NMDIOOMU5 nd tien itarted te cross tth. traca, puete.utwihmyb lii aoYe 11.00o M " ais aZ«WLiailing tao notice tisat a north lsoufad edthett aye aoutt' etrmieer sviorolaredf determlnleHL Supermrrunvisorv Clarkeom of w County b « uld. rai Philprocilogetaini tr.he pobbldieie oftlahUm oer BY oardiTells -Board 10 Prepare pIy,fa shtAka14ba" t S lx peof .seed. The i-car of thse wlad e j n iieit ottahm by-_sheW gdI c lin lis ecasprovented Isni rom er tihe number or years of such lie, for New Improvement. Rather t>e Home Now. -n h tan The. reault obtained wUlrepresent - - îîg te eà bsdne n tic amount vhicis may Ube claimsed CS BU 1TLSWAUKEGAN LOCALS I oo s uedtoe a ie.danherain esch year a, a deduction. TO CS BU 1,0. EL F HIS W RN EW C A1W» 0 F vas iur and to ene ai. Tht- n tiss oprio arod ilfat DEM'S ORO ANIZATION peopl'etvîo n-are an 4board got off le For example. a frarne building, tise 9uPervisor Clarkte of Hiîghland! Flghtlng le ail igîsi but îoading taho xpects ta iUse at Mayen, Ger- sec the victins. An examnatton poa lefetinse of wieUh itisout Park on Tuesday soundes tise wcriU Germen asumunition lto cars s many. for morne tUrne ta conse. e Hsitt et vspacial repair Us tventy-tive years, c2st $5- vhlcls eventually il brng about , rather m5onotonOUs and Phll Hallir. 1ay& le expecis ta be swimnsning inius mn ate aa t 00 ide$,0 ytet-vetecntutoaiteLk otyformser assistant Presarnan for the' thse Rhisne ville Waukean young I nstaliia.Iious. an0.d livid$.00 a b>' tw si-epl ie clsrsto ttIeLk ît'Sun would soucis rstier Ue home.le! mon 'are attendissg baeboîl gaflsWrdvsasn o ienaa i c"o .ail$200esa yea a t epthapital of an additional bulditig ta bas expressod bis s'ews in a teiter: bore. lHe ta playlng football at tIse'-tion and tise body> of the victUmmas cistan. t UseatUatedthat tIseI *romovod ta tIse sorgtte thers. vhere flftme of a iame building la toven- beoiiied as a contagious ispital. : recaived i s brother. Han-y oresent tUSSe.- the inqueàit vil l ha eld. Keabler's ty.&ve yos a brc building Lt-' He pointed ouitvisere Use struci- Hallin, prossissan for tise Sun. Sergt. D. C, NleGinns' f550 anhne aii old, baas]ts >'~55, ricHe tIla0f is-nosvvar asfoipeann in tbe casuaity lai oftlioae u se-f li s sdden death hast bees ave yens-se and a mouae or ennetse ure could tie bullt and said tIsai vitb loWa: wounded mlghtly. As Use residence wrdt eatvztoe builg it>'taeona hundreti years. thenewtant vîlcisforces a. couroty IA fem, oU us men are in tw Uis gven at Aurora, Ut Us beîîeved tishie t enivatae Tihe ettnsated lUre of ordUnary mna-_________ chân.ry la ten yoars, andth iat of au- ta car for venereal diseasea, if l about three kiîaxnoters fr& visera Vicîîm te a son of Rev. George Me- oa~n h I. tomnobiles usati for business oriarn s esentiel tisai the count>' cosiader tise Comspany' U, loading German arn-GinnUs. formerl>' oi Waukagans. I o rainq teoungms.h awy theplas e erctig aconagiusmunition into cars. W( bave beOis Mn. Pearl Johnison viso gave berj if a oseiafor ta ve hear. (hf lnaouleln acnagoshere neanly two veeks.,TIse Gcr- alidress as tIse Conquerclal Isotel and viols ta atart sobsetlsng, Ilreinarked ifa exayr ais is flIhaspîtal withiUn the nexi few yeare, mans left a big pile of ammunitUen: vIoSa aldase vas 17 years aid. wa;5the Observer of livents and Thongn, asoiunt of deprociion le catinot hi aald t woum ceai upwlirds Of bharo of ail kndF?: nUtes, pistoiss.taken Into custody b> tise police tîs. . dea Ieln'we hcrest i olàm s adesscla tse oa ofme;10.000 but f011. Ut vas tis e 55EXi lsg keg of pua der bomsa fuses fer afternoon<on tise rpqtiesI of tise GirLt morning ire lue s toye.'-Yonkero paiear th offet odrinmîbthe otit ac t -t couyisit ituion Insheilsandls G. S. cans. AiU tIsaliadt Protective League. lSse s helng .e- Statemn tin e yea ioset f orvicie So tJtaang otObave ta ho built before ta bc suries] outIf-ttvasa ail mied taidetaihe IlUinis cottage Pend- th epotato. fle ilést 'n eis pai5. op., andtheisn loaded ILto cars for lng nvestigaton ite tise charge tisai cel. a deductUon on account O! ne -_______as_________iarwit me i pairs, their ccitt muât -bo deducted Ts l wat1cutmcn r-th e hasn.Th*enfrlauhritis t h o ts mrou (he fulamosînt of depres v sa ci eaTHrE tt înfri.Th-RAVErîis a tîs tion. and tic balance fmaY Ue laie o- I ER flZT 1 ods .1ve- did, but tIse hast part. Mre. Johnson's Uusband ded harely adu5erth5bad5gof apici ftIse Job vas vIson WC blew uIt)lsree eics îA1ýwandtilber ciltidiedi .4 nde tie iadlg U >I"$tflpowder andi bombu -wIslih waacon- about awveck ago. tPo exepl, f hetapEerex densssed. ansd isat a litUle var ail by The achool board Us ta bave lisa UOl>W . S ~ loJ~ pends $100 tu repaira ta a bulidisîg N T P IO9ouracives. rglrmnhymeigtugi. Ti naonlphto h e îhc ildprcae$0 n value u~r. U Juat nov vo arc ioadissg kegs of The Eika art' ta huld theUr ot-c- Demortîr natUonal chalmêsali LÀI N 1W s P cernent, wviUcis lsnet an easy jst.s. tUatof oficers and tise Initiation (of laken jussi aftar Uie waa matie com- diming the taxable yaar hoe May dlaIm But the main thlng s-vIson are we1 a claits of candidates ionuglst. oasa tian.rtof bis laiy'scat pIc- 8100 eas aissneaor lie ay cand $100 tgeng home? Tisare lie a runor tisai TIse officiai hoard af tise BaPtiai ture. for depreUation and l te ugma orcl . Bil in011 e L'isature Pro- vo are ta stan for tIes aies tise Church viil meet Thuraday e enUng fordle or cexaUost anOh. oy, 1Jetg7for ue thB Parn ageata elee Dairsilushort Use aggregate do- vides Penalty for Thus Db- Sflhidlm tfunaîtumknt O. oy, coI at 7.3 aforthtIePamng e to oU doction echilmatian accouai of re- lioi atu.lakt o' oî-oicr o iecnigya.Wm. B. Willson left Yesterday fer wairs end sepreciation muet Dtiex- taining Wet Soodsa try agaUn! TIais about ail vo are Miss %ader, fonmerly heIso th ie Key West, FIa., aiter spendltsg a cscd the fuitla&Mount of deprecla- - thinking Of, hanse, swept bhrme, local Patriotie Loague, nov comsocted furlaughIs n Norfolk ansd Waukegon. Um.IRpara"luths cnncton Woe euntu tIse fermer Whos teal, ler.'. one tbat mre>' vili apprecî- wiLh tise Chicago bisodquarttrs. stpolt Ho Us at tIse naval air station ibere' taien repara n tepaceet e0ut bhhnd tise hemn andti ape tise Rte a home -when hoe gots baek. tIse day lere visltUug friande. TIse badlUos Aid Society' of t.s a kUnd tendlug ta make god lia de- silo hefono sun ssi. 'He Us going ta We are taying In a bouse vicis Ladies' Aid Socitetaftise Gernss-on'isislS iormed Cbssrch is vii hen- prselatie muci as a nov lloèrng or ho a marketiman If lho resortss ta the Dutch astayed n wvitîe tbey vere Counegational cîsuarcis cili meûti tstaineli tenonrow afierisuon at the e roof. Smill tusa suci as ne- suci iuetha)d5,togt the aitolsai after araund this nack of tise voods. We Tisursay at 2 o'ciock ut thse Ihome c-À parsonage 1»' Mrq. Fro I litarbauser placement eofhrokats vlndov pane. the."&root drougit." have Ia stove andti al tIse pare tisse I ls. 1-erm'sns. 117 Miil court. and Mtre. Il.Iliooliger. pffcning and minar repaira are aI- The prarbesa,0ftise state abaund lit vo have goos finocisopping mod. A jury was iupannled toda>' and Mrs. Samsuel Nelson lias reiuncd l.ile, evan though flise ful aissulit etias wviein tise fodden la ferment- taken te Great Laites te vev Ltie ta Uer hume ais Nontis Ave., iron S t. of depreclatlon la claimeti. cd ihat cattie ma>' have foodi. Illinois ibaody of tise sallor vIsa vas killed b> Johsn, Kansas. n-bore elle bas heen la oalalil derecltle tie fl- ai in.aeln stteesen n Us isUs Aloppo An Anefent City a train Tussty>'nigbt. TIUsquesit i liting bier istser Mr.m. F. B. Cili t i - lovlng feisdameisial pinciPles isis e i glation sud Use>' are un tisa In the conter of theise dr section a"My o eld aer. te n h Rs ia refrts ps be oesMs\ /'~ ( - ba observad: job. Tise>'kuav that alter Jul>'1 of Aleppo stands tise enclent ctîdel, -M aineci ms(oRs.a eiii;on vas called hontse b>' thet- slIOn.iy suchd ecatUon as. reaulis vianthecountry fgesi"dry" Use- a deep mont encircI)tsg t. TIse grent army and îuy escapse trainiGerman>' noss of ber uband. causes] froai a trous exbasubion, vear and tour I caueo e tioa oi~masque leon lIsesite et tho tomb af nili hi' diiscusseti b>' Mr. C. B. Piats'r ii sckaeSna proprty aislng out of I,%ut ian tien mcetisoere wii lIe a mad r.,; Zachie@a, tIse tailer of John tise Bnp. utthiUe .lirst Congregationai cbureis _________ businesa O! trade raon be clalased.)-for anyiising Ulat susseka ai alcali-s,tUafie. If allegeti Egyptien smonumsents tonigbt. Tise publUe Ua invites]rd..a vi ui.vit Wa he av ,preciation In thse value of a homn i'rostpresentatUve William P. Iiuladay c o bc ceited es an authoris-. ithe A verdict of $50 vas noturneU i s yjoaouI lW.t" tîtita (toî n aFavorUla Plros.'c poprymdfonrlleasure or coln- af Georgetown Us fearful tisat I rat sttlemeni dates Ibockt cîbsata jury in circ-court ntoda>' sin h '.peranclnr . hc a be ow ~oct sai as an autosoobIile, itAPPing of a silo sua>' -ingoffUIn . 000 yaars B. C. TUse rit>' et one (utC tDr. Daisvs. tDe] Weale rase, a case t. Nwptto nTblti venlence. suris hatia trade conne o iI eUe rvn u its taUmsto ss Mr ltenry Iseason bo lias ben. Cenuyio'Iu iiU Tb os <ansit 0 calmti seurecali tIe ,srin c 1nss n Wilase vhsBagdadi.andi lis fns. piailitifla automobile. . eorking for a hisg (hicago cantractor Weak vousen shousd try Ut nov.1 No depreclaiUoiUsalowcd 55P05tics antilise put lu a bil htsa Us- iand Iimportance bet'ame fmmcd ibrough- The Eimsaneal Lutisoran c-iro,1s ai Norfolk, Vîrginsa. dmring (ho Wn-e tor anti neroI4sa vilI Ibru ns . vigra tise value af landi or ipeond mitt sI. ing ta forostilUan>' sucis catastie Crshnim a aeste viiosreLent in terl- a apen<lmsg a week ai bis hons i- ioe, Buffalo, N. Y.. 10 cents for trial Vise. Tii. farmer caugit îappliag bisonSuhPrAv.lewlfse silo ma>' go ho tis penîtontUar>' sud eekU>' services on Wednosday eeu-onSuiPakAe le lI av LOK u MCHRMIN< tseoad o a>blthPulatesnt oveandWestern Samno. ngs ai 7:30 o'clack. Tessîgh i vlI filUe veak ta agaîn take ut)Ufoie rk cUvl service law s-ould s4avo hUm. liusn SaMon or Westarn samonletseOtsric, Narfolk. He states flit tise cli- 55 t l ciîlti Unc Sotesbe. 114 Mn. J. Mate>' Usait xon on a Isusi- mate iheme uas been deiigstfoul anti Whsie tIse price ai mUU, for lise ducUs-are tiesetilpulations or tile ig, asIl Bla le incpton lcSpni e lCiStn nt1nc0e14l'loknglt tisiho Ua5s orkcd al vinter ilisfU , mentisor Mal-chhait beeln reduceti freak bill ai tiese ession. hnBiihocptntok lae estrpndncetlylSngn ta 13 cents per quart. a drapaofu'e-compises tIse Isandstfi a vaUi andsile tnise a5sson ferrai of gavernmeist shirt .4leeves. - OPelu vîtI tIse towis of Apia as the as ih vonka ousitiere. HoeUae allio TIse offilcorans] teachers of tise 8UL w L £F7UI1VE eai over tise Fobruar>' prico. Ut i' Multiplyin n d Progr.ssing. hIsofctIse poltical int]icunsserciai v 1siietiElgUn anti Joliet for tIse saine Preabytersan ciiorch is vîhaIs] thir Wa" tic îIlttIe.Monitor that met tNU nDt lile ta romaIn stationsr'. i- Thse nMost Progressive lesuent la îIfe. 'lhe IsansîsiareIsle recaissoaU Usupose. fltoithl>' meeting ai thse home of Merilusse4t Bampton Rbats. Seot cerdiug ta ail reporta. Colombie UsisaMi o le.Dot the span. esloregu ag,îev Tise NantisSisore ccînétis'rfit i Misa Etisol Gartle>' ionlght. Don't bc alaried! lob pellulalbon or lise natives, but iladathmiubee v roIleduranee visi -islng built on thse Groe-n iBay'ris-ssU tet a numîîer iavedth ie storr Thse prco prohebl>' molgo 811U1 Zelih People "lleti Antloqunmviho ta agcietni rIllsussluîr isisisootis ai Waukogan hba s. àjns-sU Issisvening ta attend nlglst scistial, lover nstead ofaiher. accordilng te bave Old Tetament nemes.raies large aorc e xtug enct )oIts ripl nus i fieiriitî> nilses<caiIS O anevatseici IO E T zirdleion mtieUn aroussosrcsi.~ilesaid are fat becomiag t@ tiaeticemit iant ingof lonisrneit S.lvet a -hr.1,r r.niMr.(usigsnsniiîs- luatafuc inei rdcouseetthpr.'dil-acimtpntisai tîserean g. ecln erlmantTh spoever bc Un Jy t tur hndrei cooai fm- bie a graduai declino lu tise price lin.-Uea l fluenca SS irber lc liOeit2. TIense vATî'UOUl' iRor iitrsacloei(sss m ii u>.ctti a 422. (cee lit. Ily f nom Norths Caralina are nov ar- Th nsa upy rml tlePapenu Of incorporation at (hi las k rivaIs lin tUse Wesitmids-. Vou want gour Willard Bat Tise usiauciitulit>' etmilIt i lutPru.%ably of BSemaAg@. jPatch moinufacturing compàaey fr Mrm. %Max Przyhorski lm Mill con5- keep in gond condition, te cause Praieni fne Us given as thse princUllal igliFreelWat*. Clarenco Wae always dolng tilgn North Chilcago vere Oed vlUs Csr- Ilsetita ber homeoan. Lincoln itreet. Se do w.. reason for tise tdrap.Farmelri are If 1 a vdeiireati bellet, both klstint hosglt exclansationa of surprise Cuit clerk lirockwa>' tday. TIi',coniii O atrOf ll iineea nodnr *gaatelc iavlng difficuits' in sarne places"i oln niU 11e.tii"essJ.fruit ils uother. Tisaseemeti ta puz- cern ld capltalized at $,0'.tIse 'rIsChristian 1ICedessor of tUheA rdnr'"uamîe diposing of tboîr enire ouput of Rsgull, sii on Use senti. It's nover zIe the lttie talîow. One day ho -stock eing ovacti b>', Jo.îe>. Presiyterlan chsiisvii IoUtia bs travagant ciaimi cannet proteci tiili<.In tact honte Of tisonshave odweiile itle >'oýre (on tioseasieti: 'Urs&dit w i ave ta bel Thomuas J. illin an G >ogo!W loeass t îtisanshoe cOf Nlj. a fine-atigedtootf-against accide beenabuget tu siaketîsir ur ond."goot tsa tIse tact tIsat vison uotiser, before 1: quit doleg thingathat tacher. TIse compan>' plan tauis-aj fei i ra ciUnC OWnprops., hwever te Inbutter. It s predictoti ibat tUila tIse bîrtia ly Onttarly antiferfant ses- gour are surpriseti atT' s rhien ooi..etc Ua. Wliad attefy.e o vili force dovunet enl> tise price of ado ruanon tIse sauti. tafIn Jstce_____________I_____Wilar Bttr reitInluWaukegan anti vicsnity, Iut vouther mas- Use boItes]for;Wvitle If -iîtt ao ea'Iet n[io @bouffli hve an effect n forcUng down tleY tales a ceniu'ary cout-se aaarmeLkc Pipi. iflise defondant In thse case of Jac- True Version of cindorelig. thebute pic a Wil Te rie OB. relett fllv.The faisily vsnsai breakfast, Cutd ab HanIt vs. Lenu&Iteidilager. whisisU Cîndoeola sisver issitia glassle& COb(E outienom prU et s ei heosricet fr0UtiY iUv mng other thinga tise>' hall Iard--Isaoita do viti tise possession ai a Tisls Us of a t Li i-ue. Thse pre" OL'Ey wua. t varlaut times during the var Toacldeg Canari". te Sn Tune. b ho 1515 he.bad-hcaded pape atrip af landi on the hank o e Is O torY of t(iCnis'r Girlcame mtusinise butaparnt>' t 111 s in itis te- liaresiss>'la Segturtedt is two-yeur»old celsiandi Plaines river veat of l>erild. 10k rWnci andthIe mutilerrnmodea otdegel- Sheridan Rd. 5 &J fadi lem lonstgetprta etlnglk iI nid- «izabeths.Isow do you viii sue fu ir "f205 damtages boeuse 41 la vear e "Pantoufle en vair," n illiqer k- fore lobg tIse nieap m l i n Wav ae su-yrIs si. "ALd ie aotisaOen our ogr tîls morningî" sbeokesi ineos on tise"l aita4been choPsiiti made of "svair." n word whlch masans bee Iean usea> ae." is>' rposlî'tay slusgang îo li t tis e ggaindi (len at ber fmuter andi dawn i toidligî-r. The latter tck tur. Tisere Un e Frenchs word "verre" beauin evoml yars lisfaletis. o ovn taspek a ew ulid: "I des lIlU take lilt batêeaded, Isle Isltion it he hohati Uso idat- lWbiclmeens gflas. finitIshe traae r *dltu,~i ,go~s rordl. fmgel arsr tna nt1'.o ti'ovr.vnt sar. nt ts' .qsetl hlaiulsserra lala Kl LAXE COUNTY 15- LEADR IN PRO VID- By Having ail Plans fl.ady-14 Road Work, ifistabitshB~ Lead ln, tate. BELVIDERE ROP.D IS FIRS1 In urgUng -aIteounty îup.TY! ors to Proceed Wlth anY work 1.11o ,nay have inipabli mprovefielB i order ta give work te rotuif 00,p diera. Judge *Jdwardsi on Tusday A neot know tint the loke toe* boardl already han done that ver thing. 1 Veai. during thse var the GOmwb board, foreaeelng tint. there woull ha neeti for employmott for Meu Who bave coute hack f rott ovarea tool the stepe. prepared plana, etc tfor road work wits the resuit the already thlngg are in 8uap. te M vertise for bidg at the April #;conte anqL lot thse contracts for $300.09 9 orth ef rond wor< Uin Lakte coult] The plan ta te extend Belcided atreet to Volo, gUxteen miles. TIhe vUlI give work te many mon vi dwlsh that .,ort ef occupation. r-The plas andi apeclftcatlona1U detne and Ut nov remalns anly tu bd sertise and let the contracUz. Thun, it Uc feit. Lake coilsty1 one county in the. sUite wisich foi, la;w the need of tiltismort of acUf 0for the retssrnUng meu and laid plU nfltING tihe war to take care of nis yters APTER thse war. 1S Attraction& of Treite. e It Ioun a un e"clesasticsl cUty UN .4Trevei ln partleujlarUy UnterafitlDg 1 e tat fainoui calîsedmul are thse ro-al af 25 flrchblokop5ç nd electora aau four bîshops. Amfing lis trensures a legendnry oeil f rom lIse Croisea thse fansou3 Iiuly Coul, Mlsen th.e ath drii by SU. Helena. In ibtl an cxlii 8tiens of tIse Coatnt rtmtesl more the à2,000.000 piUgrimm. Another attmecti ï,for pilgrnsc Us is heruive-of St.. Mm ethlns Uhi oîtt o! I he nngti t shurchez- 0the ossly gris o f lui sîîisnttle ln (0 many. &MERICAN WOMEN. -«MeryOulce of Vosi you do helpa aomo .1ol, dIer Who l3 iight4nw Or"m thais i This vaiq l. belnc fouet uai laul in the houiahold and lW -the wark-ahop as UIli ln the. trenchcs. A h Usa the wommna -Amnerlca - the. m t wives, alstersa sweehpartqm of th the frTont - o .mnaking rei al ae lies. It la tueUr ever ~ I"tng lovm, undylag" doiermination, tIsalU C od ' glven patrlottlf ioblch carnies the apUrli oftsucess te every mim ii Un ur army and nîvyj Saineor O ur Amnerica w ouîn ore hoite down physlcally ba n ental-ý - y by tihe veblm.usU ci their mi'. They auf-' fe 1r irom 1Lackache. dragglng sensations, very nervaus and pain ~ .1 Un top of head. If they aml< their nclghbors t*uey cripton ni Dnýf or Plercs. a wemant's le.- ,PI1 andi f mor.sbly knawn for the past hall! mas welU as LUquld. l)on't vait! W'gln (0515!. 9hls wo.nn randi vitality. Sn. to lDr. illemrcc'I nvalidea la package of tabletq. arn )octor perces Ploasant ?eiieti effective,. Billossa and Sickit eadache. Uacks m mny derangementa of 4b. liver. $etouach and howels are preventad relleved andU csred. Put up n Un elIl leg%%vUlala. anti always Ifreand' t rlal.TIs favorite pUll for,50 Y9 'ION FOR YOLJ EXPENSE ttery to lait as long as poasble, te e you ne troubU. cannot accomplielh the reauit. Ex- :a battery--ony moe than they can dnt, abuse or ignoranCe. gve that protection tao veryene whe or a new motet car equipped with a ýATTERY SHOP Huon St. 'Phone 2022 3ARAOE, m.. IA------------ ..Âk- , -iw -.iï, m

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