LIBERTYVILLE. INDEPE NDENT. THIIRSDAY, IfAW'Gn'I61919. fIBRE IN HIS 'JAW i**N IN WAYBALITEÂ IS ON OF TÉE ELOPERS SUSPENDED LIST C lerty in Witconsin Joliet students on Strike when4 Sekt epCouples teTa sSuspendedfo Away from Waukegan. Being Absent. 'SOME' GET TWO LICENSES.1 Wake Pn ppears to have lo'ýî' imnof et itfavor vsith Wlscosin couplet, secklng to escape the iiiza'r-i ous inarriage laws of thal tate.j judging by the nuniber of licensa'ý tssued here datly. The big majoritv oflilcenses issued bhere continues ît, ome tram çties ln Wisconsin, het ly Mi1vau'iee. TisacoDdition exists ln spite e!ý the handicaps which arp iltrçowîî lun itO way of many couples deiro'--jS of coming here to bc niarrî noveral instances that have coma.U) 1 igbt Wisconsin couples have bmou4htî marriage licen~s whtch the>- pur- chased in thaï, abtp and for ashiùai tliey paiid 82(). They statcd t >',qi coety clerirs ahere bheY ltt l- them they needed a Wisconsîîî hIl ceuse to get rnarried in Illinois. Thse big ingiorits' of oufftes. JOLIET, l'il., March 5 tdjt" the Joliet hlgh school webst 90 a tkrike thls morning when the se tt" bal l ive tisaI iartlclpatdiin 1h.' Northwestern basketball tournamnent wam sa pende'd for nilasîna g .ao' îlurtrng the tournamneet. Pifticn n imi dre4 àitudents paraded, cryiïik. "'Xe %%ant our team back!" and "No tr'am, no school"' un Waukean il was d fter, lit tli' teamn was away Wedneaaday af ternoon, J'lujeday and Friday 1-. t they werc uaet m,îrked abentt for _allý ut the 1,criodal Waîîlsiegan st,îaal ! wtîcn a'ed nabout 1the action iniv icI î'ould uet undcrstand linOw th . khauid nmalle a ruling of tisat sort bec-anse the Joliet tearu coutlit l'c expeçted lu play and stillIw !ii cla.-a-a'sin îcîo.The ýqueioen 1 %Vas te Joliet uctoinfacultytsa ed taccaus-e ilîir bearnlo.hast1h." I ai n-iv and 1.4thu5 seeking vengea.a-, eer. do Il o failifor this holdtdp. 1a I ln Ou Î - li lutile better ithan tbat Tkn urSae At the lreen t riUnielare 5iliit AMI M.LfittIlf i s wnsil jrlia nrnte' bhî'î. au agitation in Wis.consini1tr 'A. aR o-fia'ethurîue.,a for eîîcii onp' paintage of an aimendaient t la -1ww "l'u'iî main short hetir lis mau n ur- exlsting marriage, la whicti wilita' There s plenqNv of iîghting bec ci"Ttt îî o Oedsiîln f lent drastic and malte i as 'i-r rthiaA M itchettl'Paitmer new ait or- iretilil a, ntlyniikes confusion viseu couples te chiala liceive-sinii lOir i rlai rlerai of tOie tiied Staies ulni Talo ' taike theirshuire.Il tas own &rate. $'here i'i considcrii', ii epieha ukaieîrbi ('i" file îtîribri'o,f thbrillret)of ii5liW schab'auîge so il , si te il( h 'sisalect i a "igehiing jioio tbo r it Ironloaai ;1w , luier. Ptalmuer aouldn.' 'i't'.iij5'fliaifl3' .ffereit s'hnîideni. wll gtn wthri. ink of i as -figh' ing ier "- Ne trilîiik'stheîî'r'iwork go fer- viiigel lOi l.s s 'etermînaîîor,. peree- %% ard itIl as Suitoatily as Il dt>es. one - ~ -.rance. butidog hang-bo-itîve- . iizin "h' wine t o laIe bis >sbire of g l«ardAgainsi Ilcses.riisna c'sla au eneiny out11ail iilng bi nnrîîllesîîîîke oîat i Paimer bas dîvfroved lthe i ~ ~5 aa a ls no nîîî _ i 'i ,au .-rge 1ural a "jack o! al] trades r-ihn tecreg o". J masier. f n one -For lie isa lbewiiiid li' lgirun o!lierie U Protection Prom Live Wlres. ~*0e wul'l gve iii iii'iiit' -aisylvanla. a succestul bus- For the sure protection of lineese ffefè eeliîg îof %e'îirliy. A -,si an. a prosperous newspa- ~ lr ie oru lac &%bOgBriIn Ii Pîpuiar lîleîîî',ii-a . ;w, publisher, and the greatest Mtgaslne 50sl%%-d Iwo Ciiiies ii 'lieto!euernyproperîy any bel- usIde anfd one ouuîide oetlise ubise ft r thliedl on l' the Weerîi pilons ..a'reiî it iuse rate war possessed gloN-e" have' Ieen rm'eummendet. Tise mtrroqanuM rîîy noiîligmîîore sî..' 11p l wss as allen costodian tisaI 1iai'en ftîi'ri"in'-iaý iî'gove tles up usar- thrn oule 0f lhise Omîe' asit i lxwciî Palmer nclileved his wdesl a"- t spiraioti and shîstlse erubiset roie 'knotsin tilgiregion qhîiîîîriiilesîîekes aualntaàcý >P" argest share ut the inzer naits aud a jicalîer gauatiet bave air uncanquerubae avrîinfor iubilU ver itie rubtNer jglaý nvu oecats rein eflLwllug over s rupe of Iis Slnd. _____________________ ntse niialinjury. aids le Frierudsip. Lrs-liiig Aa'aeal a ., ýepj lit. ? bnds No one .' m',a r.a ii 'r-' . i aristn -inter. 1106k Malle to Prepore Wortc. ta £oiiig tliaaaail tti's'ilta"'al fraii'lt- 'à@. muie une rends uf the greait Noine of isaurt atc i ta'" wu thin.Ore une Mueit appreciate the i ligii, for tilijt'nuiat s 'a.;:,,et%ýptio's ai. tiem nad m. 'N«es ht Victor Hugo's immortai de- neemI Ne iid uî ~al~a a ta'efor aMaiiy of the "o&tiQmasn ~ed by Ufll"ptIof lthte batlle of Waterloo wns! wboni sva<-aîn aaîaî'e i" . - I piottgrapbeis ore affectcd by thue "O WItten until 1861, or 40 jeeri And il ti.'aai a rai'-'5aii-ai'jair. and resthbesteube ke, lain efi- a 1fetItbsPPened. lied lime had been spenîttug j__'. ' r'-,.î~t~ Ciedacu l -es.Every lime s b.t !Veuà for théedust te seutle, n wasmand .îskîîîg î'ttiiagil)retivr.ian la le orened. freusair gels ilo Ii. and M « g af ftr Waterloo tisai Tenny- oîil, le %th-, s lîaltr, tovi, hactah ie change 10lits ColteDta l0 faclitat- "Ur thsla~lulOe Great fuIte Wltb Out r-iulsa alt. slabely t., t"el cd. To guard aaluse Iis Itlle ma. muUsleeLameuîtisîlk" Ibnît th're 1i., aa -uhiitîg a. irue e 0re"-Ommenae pioogrsmpisesm l kftp Ifrlenîlship. 1 stricot] s In treral mll betîlc ratiser thon in." ig Orun son sht Tii. h 'r a- Tc De Prends Again. Tb ouch rolt IPIS./On,(lu fIi.,'-î "al' t h" a *W looka. Sînd irurds, 'ind ace, Ifr'ît aai. --'r u ~ i * a,*rn baadalîskee-theeeare atiegnt i i - tr r.n istymann ufgrae.'wben men ttip ti'1~t r"' di uà trouble and are flghiîîg thetr rs ' aalt,- 'Il"'a'Y bon" batde. a isa " . It h'laai' TaIs ml go ulien a isssvy Penalty wa a i*ctad for .ebuet weilhut a t vas cUIii- Paraffin Replaces oit. 11111affl toor umkere ta glve a qqirplulqI laumber out baves. esîlesi "lnread " lu1Paraîffin for ilu rizxooai vva-iing avotd riIt utffiie. Tbe tlitrteenili (colS ll referab iht t, 'al r gras-' t W"kunas tise "vanage lotf it 14 resta 1110e, I natg lalteisad ruas vas e curra cd in î' poscet unlro ted. vieiocabtieh- ha-., -uoedIZ eoie nt» are won u=ahmne fteielc ef Loft,-Past >4e. Wble"tting gPestin vie leithe. isedwaîer erea. thse 'begaerds s-In- earIbes a bora. w mf.îay bore be' longeil 1. Be mrtrmîeeuz #or Bou louigifronli. thse wild " Iffhait over Bltaia from ths-'eialge te neer istoric e s. u t %sfoued aI a deisti of four feet tran tise surfaee and the slueçubprds l% o averres tisaI tisere xa s msll poins of broun ihaïr I larbed. ahIsclin sqia.-probable. au tise "et would set s à ieserrmitlLe -London Mail. $6Georgette SiIk Waists -3.o491 n I ~-, ,»c~ j ~ L/02X -" "1' ' I ~' sizes and colors at - One uf the gl'(atest w ait4tevenIIIof il th 'îneYear isth lis onjje il . the Iiebuiidiiig1Sale. laîîdsoniivIy cnw iîh'î'tte îrep<'s aund eÎ1I -rjkd c hinea in beautiful new styles and eolors. A veritable Êenstion. Wednesday Bargains In Our SALE Lake Co's. Greatest Store For Wôme n 4.5v72 H-eavy Double-' $3 Nearwool Blanliet m-at 1.e29 S A s 1 -tii ha I1 Il -il; t, I i fl 1I ctt doube bL1',1. i a. hiaa'<xlI 1 l .;itt \.\.$: ' î'(<l( Iilit ie itilîîlbel.-areîî't' 1.50 Colored 4.75 Changable Sateen Sik > Petticoats Petticoats 79C.3e48 lte..idmîg Saîle bi On(le large tailleoff hand- gain for Wodedn .nîly styled pettlcoatm G'-od -t a blav i l "l sitko 1ine and tuffeta ors. mmth a la$ .9c. îînhnationii, al colora. A sensational dis- posai of ail remain- ing Winter Suits, Coats and Furs at less than Haif Price! 975 Heav.V AUl Wool Sweaters 4998 Va 'nnn'e's and ni isua's' hnavy. alI'wooi browiî mweaieroq wilh belts, large eollarm and button lbrunI Ail nizps. $975 vatlues ait $498. Boy S'1.5O Striped Blou's'es "o79c Scoes of prctty liai- tcrus andl colora are coin- priscd lu thîs assortinent 1 n al sizes . Have soft col- lasattached. $150 values lia 79C. Children's 1. 75 and 2.00 Ginghiam Dresses --at $1 Ail si'/ks îîii)t1-iliin rianî eir~ '-iiabh' iew cokoin gs EXTRA SPE CIA L !!- Sizes to 14 In Children's 6~Se.rge Dre'sses 3" A liited number of serge dresses lunites to *- Have satIn or plame coflars, belted, pletad, button and embroidery trimmesi. Wile thaï Est Special* Values in Our Great Rebuilding Sle-. Children's 59c Hose 32c pr. bick oilly . mitue o sel foi- 59c&a loir, ut 3ý,c. Special Offering ot s- Stylish Newv Capes And -for Woirnen and Mis se s ~i5I9$25 l J2950, 35 lA' 3950 74 ;;-0 Va.'iiyî'iîtu '.itt iniu>- sc'- I- ii'l' mIiIilli th i! ;"t tit i(,\\, sj io il i illt! i-' a î iel Here are Capes and Doltmans and then capes that drae easiiy formed into Dolmans as serti as Doiman coats. Thse.aie shosen n serges, velours. stvertones, trîcotines and broadcto*lis. as wetl as nese Scotch mixture&. $ 1.50 Chamoisette Gloves 79t' %, Jin's genitiin ise ttgivfs na] eu r lleav'y mtltclîed backs. tu l adagra1brg i;l Handsome New-- Spring Suits hIthe G.rat Rebuilding Sale at- 197~,24LI 29L $35,9$45 ais the's, siuils t-tîok(' is littlvit' -1 #of %%,oîîde't'îîl. * Ev' t'y gîîîî' beaîty îvit1î Ili iidi%'JdtîtîIt.v v'l- tiîely its cowIi. Here are pretty little box coals, coals seitis rippied pepluoro, betted, pteated, panneied: button trImmed coats and cothers wvith stylish vestees and soutacis briding. 1.50 Silk Corset Ic Covers -at 79~c 1 .1, a i ___~More New- jIn Our Great Rebuilj ~ j~îing Sale MoSit wonien kilow how laid il wouid be Io deseribe separatetyOesay 2,0o adIfforentý I di-esses-Aimagine onc cnornîou.a aîtayoUt 2,000 dressein taffetas, satinsa, scrges, woul Jerseys§ velours, georgette crepes, Silk, crepea de chines, messalines, foulards, tricolette%. and varlous cônmbinatiuns ie every new eoW~ y g or, ail I ze, and hundredsr t different u .i.. g F i i -ailstyles, 1