Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Mar 1919, p. 2

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CÀM WILWAYS TAIE fout OW ÀUJT04-MESSI omrne C.e orel S". Hlm nefor. PIcing Your Inuance, Phso IS4NLb«evilo.DL WELL DRILUNG MMitERMAN & DOLAN ZION CITY 0" ev.. 17-W F. BNIRSTOW MANUF ACTURIER 0F Marbie1 and Granite' Monuments Cenietery Work of Everi~ Description Gorrespondence 5iItei 116 Genesee St Wtulregan DR. 1. L, TAYLOR CMf, la F"gIt atomal Uak Buildine mouu:-1 ho 3:30 and 7 ho 8 p. m. 411lei.ce on Bradwa, opposite Part DR. GOLDING DENTIST Boura 81o 12 est-i ta pS.. Ovr Frot National Bank O11108 Phone 19J. ae«. Phone 157-J. LbertyvIlle. lilinola CIIAS. N. STEPIIENS PH'YSICIAN Ba" SUR( lpeeimkptbenuon xlveui to the il Eyet, Ear. Noe, '1l aye examined for Gu 01»@ over Gui Co. Tel. jet DRL O. E.BUTE VETBRIVARY SURE uMonL5 T BATISUTB lbertyvtlle. Ifn DR. A. G. CAMP Vehunry Demi L&d Uvry Stable 11h. Wavkeiwaz. Lake Forest. Anti Gomne. Wadswortb. Rossel adjacent tcwna ELHANAN W. C Attorney-at-Lea Ofie ab Home. Cook Ave. LIERTYVILLE, - LYELL H. MOI ATTOBBYT-AT-LA' Libertyvlle Luce Euudn. 140. I'aona 1&u. PAUL MAC GU ATTORNIT AI1 IbertJvuIlut]111 P2013 as MARTINrC.DE OfficePhone ê Rq. Phono 1i -91. NUERB NN1 PNYSICIAN AND tFOR si «jmmd work bc om &f0lxotop cms chelUoim. am. *tu u . M D. Case Taken Into ZMon JusticeC Court -Proves Restrictions of Justice Court., ICESSLER LOSSH1S CARt. Tut a mui osinnoe alva?. gmt lis mmu automobile vhen certain légal stops have been taflnaiforeetull eupb*iilêda couple 0 oysmgam lu a case vbarc W. U Resler aMd Ni. Walther%. thé.Waulcgali garage usa Wone inter""t.d. i jraema that Keemler brouglit bi@ automobile ho Walther$ ho bave eet- tain repairs made. The repaît.' au cunted ho $42, but Resaler lnsfistei the amouu't vas hîgli. Ne aoorglaY refusec tb Dar it. Walthers ou the ailier ban ud itd mot let hlmn tale li:a car ava? sutil theibil bad been peu for. go Resalervent ta ZMon Ciy. lulred attorniey Forby, Vorby replevlutheUi Ma tirough Judge Blaho'a court Accardinly lWaltheta eadedvorl5g ta geltichecar consulted 30e Jadrie of 1kttorney Beaublpun' OMMic.and JadrIc vent botore 3udge BlSliop af Don City and demanded that tic car, vhli s lroady had been t1ke balkto rsbic. Cltyha teturned tae Walkt oCt y bbeasele epaued te juriadictlon. af the Justice court dld not exceol $300 lunvalue. AMd ,the car va" Worth $000. .«et ahovlng UiceSMan Justice mcv- oral cases caverius the point lnvolved the jus..tIce Ordered the car vhlch at thc turne vas la Keauaes garage, burued back to aWstiters. Accord- ingly Waltiers drovo the car bace ta Waukcgan aud nav benfit ll is cn5 tody. The Only vsY liai Keasler nOW can rocover thc car vîthaut 5it eti- llng the bill, le tafIle $100 bond and ap>pear the caue to the circuit Oat. At ihm promeut mIvtlng the car le stlIlulnWaltitcrs custody. sud vilI b. beld themo poudIng the disposition ef th. case 1mai17. 1 The wvhole tblng merci? goca ta ,show thnt Lh. utIdItot if the WNOLVED INTIR NAVY SENSATION Great Lakes Bulletin Declame Trhat It has BeenMerely Petty Graftlng LatetY. (Great lAbos Bulletin) Standing out agalmai a baoigrUfli «f ccnflctng statemnicus, contiahla- tory alle«tca and iabglly colored rzaggotlons, ttis olovtig tctssa tu "Thoe Aitounding Great takes aroit nome, veto made Pulie lait alatit follovg a ivo daw' Investi- laSsa tay naval authoritle. hrb ui iu Clileal: L Tb" Oe amel x Mor et le eovlfs, an ..enlisted men releiscito -nactive duty, loalied tb bis bostà tom a windov lu the. nval lateli. punce offices ln ChicaSo aturd&Y niglit alter malini a conteasion la- valvtuz bîimcîf and five other flîlit ed mon ln a '"pettY graft sclseuic te mulet thc unvar? -lnu netioiivith their ohiafinlug diSChares Orrte- eas. 2. That the acherne vorked vas Identical in moet of1ia features wltl the "Old Nayy Game.1lw vh w as ex. poeed by the Bulletin a month &a0oas a wsrniug ho the gullible. s. Tliat. no motter boy manY vic- tima were '"taken lu" by tiIs gaule, lte process could not, aud did not. ln any manuer affect _thelr obtaintIlg rêlesci or dlsclisrgeIS. 4. Tbat, contrar? 10 statemeitu t0 thie effect that the '*graft" vOuld nru n mbhundreda <of thousauda 01 dollams" It 19 doubtftil. trou bte ev- jonce ttthfar' obtaIned, Il vilI ex- ceod $500. 6. That no ccmmleIOued OfIDCAT ara lu any vay flnvolved, sud thâl the evidetice so far dose not disclole aur enllsted meun'in on tUi chèm11e other thon the liye nov coulinedilo Io brig. 4. That, deupite -attampte ho liW the gaine vill an allegod navi "<ma&t scandai" ltu Nev York, notl ing ban been uneoyeted to sho0W ti tsliglitest connection beteen th@ teC situaions. 7. That the Invesigation hli * voll faledto beouot s.llegattlon _____________--favorite" obtained *,sort berUi LUM ethe JSpricungieIl.vey llmltcdge E. as"dprirt t@ aii O th@ un Si.lD . .1mih ot the Saugamonciut lalfice, or that tliey vc.e sbowE an court today dlsmlased for vat of pretercilce lu gettflng titir Tels"@ equty Uic suit brought by John P. S. Tiat ano Instance of forger? FIL. Mitchell of Maunti Carmel ta test the anky fraud ter than the actl ,()BO. ialidlty of the $60.000.000 good rond. wpetty grait" votlcd by Moscovli EMRA. bond Iesue aet. on a iev gulîfIble former ahItimati _______________ bas been dscloed. 015.L KNOW Dow TO A NUMBIR 0f tvid, FIURE YOUR IN- IPRATD3L ff WohrCOME TAX THIS YR? MD u E 1 ~~Here's the Dope Whlch Tells ND HSWE .OLBY You How to find Dut How Several Sales Recorded k Much to Pay Unle Sam Waukegan Property and Bus Phono 168-J éIrtii rates, wvîhc spply tolan. esGneal n ILLINOIS. Mmues lu clcess cf $5.000. are Chan. iesGnrlyBi cd by the uev revenue hill,. soya Coi- lector af InternaI Revenue. Jullus F (By A. K. Boves. Asat. Secretir7 Is Umîtaulca. Security Tftle & Trust Co.) vW IUndr the curre t set, the rate fi s Biness- of tie recordoi o Illinis I1per cent on the net lnoomc fn ex. for th. ve.k eudlflg Marc4 1. 191 ceea <of $F,000 sud net ave, $4,000, sud Nuniber af cauveyanceu, 7i. . oee hon léincreasos b? steps of 1 Der cent for Nunuber ai chattel morigagea. ocPhn 0each t2,000 of ne t income up ta. and Number af trust desa nid Iti includlng 49 per cent on net inconje gages, 18. JFMlunexces s of$98.000 sud uat over Total number oif Instrumets Ail LAW., 1100,000. FromuItis point the rates 98. ru as folio.,: Total amentai; o blans, $66,7f O Inota Flftytvo per cent ou net Incarne Busnesbas licou talrly brsl w s'ver $100.000 aud over $150000; 56 boans about normal. per cent au net tncare over $îsooon Tie follawlug are the more1 and net over $20.000; 6 per cent on Portant deals: uCICR net 1ncomne over $300.000, 63 per cent ln Wauleeaan LAW eu Dt Incomoe over $300.000 sud ual Theodare Werner houit the bui Sreti *ve $500.000; an net ou , 0000; lug vth 24.18 fet frolitage athmoi ILLINOIS #4 pet cent on net luote ~ iîoo).. cuit corner Genee nid Clayl 848 000 and uat aven $1,000,000 aud 65 treets, occupled bY the Singer B 160-B Ver cent en net lucome over $1.000,. tng Machilne Ca., fro J. W. Bar" «III. for lndfcated cou.lderatiofl I STRUTiIERS 'Under Uteatelu Infarce for 1917. $9,000, aubjecitate aà$7.000 anci the avtairates tanged trou 1 Der brance. SUJRGEON cent on the amount of net incarne Standard OU1 Co. (of In" over $.000an net over $7.500, te bougtt hie properi? et norti v U pu cent oeutise net Muoo eabove corner Sherdan Rodanid Mail IUN iS .ooo.oo. .Street itou L"oe CMoongI The follovtng IfleSUrton vM how dlcatod $11,000. -Ma avesage tuapyerboy te cous- Natan S. Morris m&U laul" M pute ia lwalha:berg as joint tenat@ boutt à L E I 0, M elug le a Is natame for CiasB.Wetzel buIlding yl' pwoocis$MfuSpU et51$1..leaving ion street. occuplai b Go.., lai mibo. ilvr ealaM .et I$1..on the. <rt $4,..for lndlcated conedaldoretloi 1f *bk ffl-;J s1,lff ai ow.maualrate of S 000. rOl rsOO" 9soM et.t$S0.Ou Ou smala$1.000 The«. J. Stahi bought the Adi ha eays et tisa normalt etrab of l etDu affort plae on eut £"Satma au% 2.: 40. .8Udhto ;ep«aya utuco r pofneat sium ilir là fliou mes. mtu W 1,1 $ u es« t e I fuaconalderation. «ms«,» atis Imo alwc$$,W 0 John IL and Neshia aSle J mai 1.50 R olltui la #«Q. tise UAb«rt Lootea b«e mi 'à mallft - ý vutwthIo depen. 5eue Jackson aireet, 155$ soua '"-tP 181105,dcuta ai a -et teequem O DU e t 0ienRock av'suo lo44M «d ià :h5158T. 5m . la doeue a lis bak trust desciUr $180. omuw ~ tf AISptl n luWaukegau 1ewauhp. TL gay prescip- f t~s u . ce lbth e Il bougit the J"n B olm pi»e mm oté tlcSnaaS 4unleP s tav %5W iSeo. iai 1 viligay.ait tise uMe»Mset 10 per veut corner Cm" Av&e ami NS «euf. $21. O ien veà" alalg01100 h»e Rond staUpubm g 5w51$ xe outfit for be VM p«.yai tic* .&MI&I rae ta o Idicatel 3,000 &"a4 lmq* t a 30 clap ie u t »» 4 U00IM. U0 n LaI. e rot. Jobs 0. DOUE kt enaysaurfai c 1 Pe cent, or 9ud vue bougt the Clark W. G jIlU D CUe. $10. On the amontof! 1d m icole 1r place on ucet iutie8«coida beveen 84.000anid $7900 lie paya a fo 84,0ft, oubjet taencembia 1Ster4 urtz0of2per cent , 8or$. Tha ta- n Highland Park. Artbur L.: ieý 3". tel normal sud surtazla $«2. din anid Theadore Ihurmum an h Eaand nid vite uhome combined the HeM B. Clalo place rt ai-ut incoate for 1918 eqtsalled or ex. about 800 feet frontage oneUit - ceodol $2.000 muai file a return, etîlu. Lincon Ave, at Beach St. for I or eparate Ur joint set deslrcd. Il nil conalderatloui wft $10 iev fliu5,y«n volseparate returnis are 1Oled cther oue tm afxd PS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l gauis.Dydimiaeepin n at Derfild. Edythe D.1 îîw è', - M I4aibPimoefolsw dsil Boum& .&k mm@9 % acmstu au 14. oc.34. ftSl01aib mi Owwmufa w t.J= 'Ri m*1IN 'Usmmoait.3am i qd P1'iad gave bock tMt .ffl a@&Mg W.NP. OMM31, une'431WO.L, »M' o, lwa00. il; V . WM.U ILu ta lbsryvll. village. & U "rPD l*j 4 odtrmbn, us; Je- lwulm%.11110 sb.,lié; Rie. 3 ;iluu 9. langhe. rOift LAko. te* ttienier shawr 'i e tthe Umm udom une . meo 111Ie6i ode 1* ok WI *duois . ud)"u vu"is o " aide » mm W. Ooêm t oagu: W litVW. léomot. m te,32 y MOM UjWWaU'<s jet waWkOeAVe. cor $2,770..08.a IL KUD4 ëmrneM35 na an sam ma.83 elleILir aie »lVu mml Nuilce IL Doafl boum it thêlé.' pluaahnow rsai 'flO'lNk A~o. nud et.fu lv diaeu"03820ô and gave bad truat 4.51 ter 01.300 Angle 3,.Itou boishi à lots at Dotkwet "aura«. BrOSdWayanid 1.d liat. trfm rakC.Rue for nom- ln Are&aClasaDreelenluait 2 1iots mn eet aeesoyamurAve. tro- u 8lvete' OL.Tri» tfor$.M0. t ltim * tuetosât or0fAreS ied lis cartlous t. f mgnlatkm. lit UmouilIIe Tewmehlp. Ulaift Fmvo m Sosbouithé KatharIe M'* S ofer f143 acrfs lun MW 14 DSBe.. I for lndicatodl $2000, mabject kto $12,000 oncumbmance. t. aG ust Sobvannd vite bought t» e lnry J. Beckmnann 8goacrealu k- 1 E 14 sou. 3 for Indlcated -inad- t- eration ol 3,504 and gaveback trust o 4.04 for $10.000.. iIn Warren. 1lavis H. Miller bOUght -a lot 240x180ftestlI E 1-2 N E 14 <ou. 23 et oernet&Oas Lee 2Book for m tndicated $0,000. h In fNowport. William D. Connel g- bou<lit the George X. PeForris 80 a acres ln N 3 14 Bec, Il for Indicat. cd conalderatlon of $7000 and gave c-back trust desd for $5,500. , In ZMon Ciy. Wilbur Glenn Volva in taught the Horace Cook plant on z veat aide Nlijah Ave. .outh 0f 27th et. for 36.000, alao lease of a lot on t West aide Elisha Ave. just couth iO2=8 Id 24th St. for $2.500. f In Lake Ville Townihlp. Williamx i- M. Bonnet and Ethel M. BonnerLAth okpn-i à my E-bouglit 40 acree in N E 1-4 Sec. 1 LYUcooearewt lm from the John Banner estate for a I pipe if youre bankering for a band- FB nominal conmltderatlon. subieci <> out frwhat ailleYour amokeappetihel t 11fle estate of Catherine Boulier. Fr ihPic let ov o e itno h ieqeto e J. Gordon Bonner aud Robert J.Fr lbPic iei ov o anwlae nii ieqeto " Bonner bouglit 194 acres in Soc.i-, 1 thstuts you looce from 'old atung tangue ani dry throat worroesl nu froin the John Bonner estate for lu. '- 3.3tdé by our exclusive patentad procooa, Prince Albert iascsuotfre. dbeted $8,500, subject to 1f e otate from bite and parcli and banda you about the biggest lot of onokefun 't of Catherine Bonner.: he REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS princ e 1crt is a pippin of a pipe-pal; roflod Into a cigarette 1h w1 3 J. Mitchell. eot ai., lots 218, 219 and beautheicband 1 OcttheUic at that P. A. la imply everything any 220, lAkc Forest and lot 4, Academy iman ever longcd for in tobeccol You never wIU b. wiling to n ark000.. *eFrsW,$7, figure up the sport you've aippcd-on Once YOu get tIa Prnc erFêb. 24, 1919.. Ab.rt quality flavor and quality soafaction loto your mmo3keffystexn M.31 J. Bookiiifnn and wlfe ta H. P. YouMl talk kind words evqwy une you et on the flring linci n- olwnýndt and vife, south 80 acres ny N. E. 14, Sec. 3, Lhberty ville Twp., .T.w ni dbag., iOdy rad i ns. , . p d " a esi Wtdn Amd ,,a WD, l$10. doc.-.ed-h.9 ci...,, ,v.*ieI-1p..d,,d .ryet.laim .diae .dg or S. 1. Trlpp and vif e to Claus De- #P**"...-W~mtop LA u. t., h L.bee.. t .«A pwoff .a.,d*. StI son, lot 5 and N. 12 lot 6, l100k e2, N lis Hamond'a Addu. Area. WD. $3200.R.JRv ldTosco om nyWntnSae, C ai BberIi of Lake County ta S. L I.. tnoisTbc CmayWito-leN.L Trlpp, lot on enst aide Nilwaukee ave. Village af LUbertyville, Deed, $2770.OS. Âxel Johu.gon and wlfe to Arttd ffjutn, lots, 13 aid 14, Wa,,nborn Springs Annex, W,*aukegan, WD, $1. P. N. Tomîfinson to 2'rances 0. Tom- Ilnsan, -lot 9, block 57, North Cbicago* Deed, $1. KFranices F. Bossiter to R. E. Brenne 0 mon, lots 30, 31 and 32, block 2, Cloes lnAddn ta Lake Bluff, Deed. $1. February 25, 1919. hiH. B. Clarke and wife, to A. L. ..Hardin and Theo. Scbeurmann. lotsm 29 ta 34, block 82, Highland Park; W. tD. $10.00. Nicholas Rectenvald et .ai ta aiEyh > ed 0o -1-4 Sec 34,, Deerfield Mwp., 0. $250. FIVE=POINT SIERVICE Ico J. J. Lancaster and vufe ho Annie 119: A. Doctor, 1 ac N W 1-4 N E1 1-4 Sec . W. W. Newcomb and wife ta Gui cago, W. D. $950. Ld, A. hL lendeand wife to W.. HFo-vm tadon fsrieteNmhSoeUn stebs ot bein, lot 2, block 4b, Chicago Hlsh kmeeysadon fsrie h xhSoeln stebs ot .00. lands, Q. C. D.- $1. ho take when traveling from Libortyville to Chicago or Milwaukee. You 'ith Abert Loo)tens andd vue ta J. &. &Bertha Brown, lot 10, Oakalde oulP c8fl each the heart of Chicago or Milwaukoee in plenty of timne for a ful lon. Waukegan. W. D. $2. dayýs attivity and get back to Libertyv ille in good time the samne evening W. B. UhIbefin andd 've to The:- osto Hoccfslawary, lot 2 block 73, ll orhChcg, .C.D LIIITED SER VICE TO CIICAQO AtII LINITEDSERVICETO LIBEIT! VILLE th - ton- MARRIAGE LICENSES IlILWAUKEE Trains leave Evanston at 6:19 a. Wei- et HroldBerg, Racine, 21; Tubli H. Trains leave Libertyville every m. and every hour thereater un- "am Brown, Mlwaukee, le. hour from 6:25 a. mu ho Il1:25 p. il 11:19 P. rM. .Frank Lawrence, ljeveipori, la., mmkn ls oncin i 0a) 46; -Ruby Ricli, Mlwaukee, 36. Trainskeng closeaconnectionaaat rut Fred P. Stone, Llhertyville, -10; Lake Bluff junction with the nor TantIheMiwukedilra ito Catherino, M. Boyecu, "eu, 22. bound Milwaukee imite,1 bains 5:45 a. mu. and every hour there- ý a 'Walter H. Lien»., Shabonpau. WIU., snd eves hour froin 6;55 a. mu. afier until 9:45 p. mu.; theu 11: 15 lm. ;01»Il.a Maluh asn. a, 1. to 11-55 p. m. connecting with p. m-. On S*turdy ahernoono, . ta lIen 11. aatl, Tsna, 31: » 18.;;ý-<>und trains. Obt Satrdy Sundays and Holidays there isa 23 Wat«IuLu ne.lako 5 afjurneons, %SIundayes "d Flhdys du. ~ A Uul eyo% Mlithe»e s a ainevry 30 minutes. train every 30 nmutes. run âoul A» eymPA RLO IR CA R SIýlA«ve Lake ~,.34 lllsa ussiiW3 DININGC ImeLà k Blff Bluff for Chicago ait 11: 14 a2sm. ~ ~oU~.s~k.~MsmlSo, uaifor Chicago at 1: 14 m.J. and 7:14 Mari G' M ilp,.Nlmako. 81 Biforr ai~ t ud 4:14ixm r. Loeve forNMilwau- M.i Xe . J« MiZU ackes 3; Zh12-53 p. m and5:53p>m. kee at 953 a. mand 753p. m. out -- % » A 30 minute seuvicn is maDmad on dhe Libeutyville Branch between av 3;OlaKwman. , Arela an" Lake, Bluff, making connectons with both nord> sud aouth om. ut ' , lound lWcansd expres rans. m et @1ibert C rns.burnvaMioe3X; For fuerthiinformation apply Mmm S" ,11Nëtto the nearautOffie of dm. o 3;NORU SIOR3 LNI 21! 11ild 'W 1.0t aoGece 8

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