Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Mar 1919, p. 4

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r ; ! ûerty ville tndépendent' tý..A4yFIndependent . Wankegan Wiaffy Sun O0"" ffice Telephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. 1 a% the Postoilice et Ltbertrylli, Ill., sa Second Via» Mail itatter Officiai Publication for The Village of Liberteville. > 'UDllCatlo f or Laic (*l*, eaiGid of supa"me , P0- lug -tid Éveryà'hureday. AdvertLLena et@@ Made Known on Appilcatol. .lJIICRIPTION PRICIE, $1.50 PER YtAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE %V. 4. SMITH ...................................................................... Editor *. .SMITH...................................................................... Manager WU. M. ECKIIARDT .................................................... Local Manager The. surpri8îng tliing about the viiiof the late W. 8. Xeith wus the failure to provide a single tblng for Wau- buaiL True, the Lake County Humane soci tr gets $1,000 but Waukegan as a city vas not rememnbei4l any *&. RePorts had been spread that Mr. Keith, worth mMlons, had provided liberaily for a park, a hospital and ot1er things in Waukegan. But, it seema, that Wau)oegan bus tout a wealtliy citizen and Waukegan bas fot been re- Membered ini a public-spirited vay as many had hoped for. Waukegan lias not been 80 fortunate in such re- mtmbrances as many other cities, notably Kenosha and Bacine. During his life-time Mr. geith did a number of minor things for the commuiity but the vii did not as mmuy hoped, provide anything to perpetuate liea interest lu Waukegan and its progreas. -LAi' UTILITIES TWENTY WOMIN DOAIWg; ASX TuÂT VOTE AT THIE RE- POWERS BE CURBED1 PUBLICAN PRIMAIY Supervisors, Hot tinder Collar Over'Gurnee Subway Rule, Seek Vengeance. START COUNTY ROAD PLANS Wankégtan. Marcit 1. Actual construction of more stite, &Wd roada ln Lake county vas given su ImPetus today whén the supervirle ors tout fîrmal action on tva miat-, t».aone of iYbich has te, déal with1 th* extension of Grand avenue %es~t ftro Waukegan . and thé otitér un Bélvîdére stri-et wést frem Waulcé. gan ta Voo. Intidentally thé saLte til.ic béait! sas gii tii a rap forrb hing s0 tunair to Lake coutity and Warren tWnahlp ln thé ruling vhlch tlrows thé bulk of beurden on Curneé ,ab- iay an thé colîty and! townshlp anl réllevé. thé st. rani roat! from mu-bh expénsE on thé imaprovement. Thé board vûed te netMif thé state btghvaY ConMmîccion that crtun- ty la ready te precec'd wth the- con. elinctlon of Grand avenue west ef Waukeran sud aisk thé commIe n ta PreileePlans accardîngly. Thé commission wîlI nov let thé conrat aund It in expécted that vork wili t"rIDgnidéetf il veeki The new v0rk viiicarry thé staté road L MO0 fte et of thé St. Pati traci et OUM"é. Buipeiglor Krchner urgedth Le *dfftion of résolutions tn hé gien te Ouir Springfield répreséntativés de- Mondlng that thé povera of théeoUI Rift board hé curhéd, hie Position "' >M that thé board la énfair IL. thé lSti lnaifs rulings on mattérs viéreln thé county le Invelvet!. lsBtov explainet! that the Gur- B". anbvay rulng La extremely un- lau te Lake county and fav.-rs thé U. PaUl rallrosil; hé explaitiét that thé Léke COuâtY Case May hé a pré- soiet os utlltes boards throughout thé Unlted Status and fait that every MI ' ashoulé bc made un assert thé «Mtys ulghta in mach a cas. 84t. of lllghvays Russell expiie Od tbt Rnp. Grahamt had told hlm d»étlilties bord's statue la to be t" Pin p .thé légilature titis veek. Th* conntY hlghvaY committe b l lzmed the nev atate rosd tram VéaboguateorGalake evas to hé ZIOQN RI3SIDENTS REFUSE TO PAY TJIEIR' TAXES. WaLukegaa, PM. $Li lblWérs 0fetVolva at ZMon have «Oéted Puy théir taxe. to IF.E. lhomthé ééputy conu' ytréaurer OSPestom. accoréîng ta menibers Of Wo loiendeut tact. and!havé »I OM <bat ther vilii vît untu thé Con. Holistein, Chas. Crapo, D.1 A. Hutton, Asst. Supts.- Bairstow, Supervisor. Waiegan, Mardi 1. But twenty womén votéd at te r l 'ibîcn town prlmArY Situi4'sv Oine hnndred nlnety-nlne men vott-d. Thiées-as lîttie centPýt athougt 1 teie as one more m,%.i on thé ballet thpn vére ta bc no'nî'iîted. MPecsr,. Cu-iHolîstéin Cha 1 ( tapa, and D. A. Hlutton vitré th@ vin. -ers for assisiant superviser, the fûts .cirg as fllove, ASSISTANT SUPERVISOIL Men Women Tôt. Conrad Holîstein 1 .138 15 153 Charles Crapo ...126 in v116 D. A. Hutton ...110 9 119 E. J, Heydcler .... 60 10 go SUPER VISOR Men Women Tôt. George Barstov .183 12 195 1). S. Thompson.. 2 2 J. P. Roemér vas renominatYêd trustee and D. E. Clarke, W. B. Omtt and Fred Huck were re-naminated teonconinltteeý G( orge Balrý-0,v reelved 195 vole ff - ,pervlsor being uneppoeélvin the ticket. D. S. Themipsc a vtigvéti tw-, votés. C iîpo and Ilutton ver. re neml7.nated, haOng helt! thé position of rsstant aupervt.<ir far thé paît Itvo years. Mr. liolîstelu iv a n'y nomméne, titis heing hie firet appéaS- ance ln caunty police. HeRrý Strang s-as thé retlring assistant ouipervisor, retirlng after servin.g almost tvc "ean eta 911 vacancy of John Demorest MILDEST WINTER IN 39 YEARS SAYS TUE WEATIIER MAN Recalis Timnes in Winter . of 1879-80 When Straw Hats Were Worn on Street. Thé mi déat four months midvin- ter Verlod In thé aset thlrty-nlné Yoam, Iocally, endét! vlth March 1, and thé présent eold snap, Profea4or Henry 3. Ccx, véathér forécastér, an- nonate yesterday, sfter checklngj ever théevéather reports for Novem- ber, Decémbér, Janaary and Febra- Ofncé 1878 0* oeé» mldwtter pe. rlod bas héém uller la thé history of thé local bure. thé véathér mati1 Rald, that -of1879-1880. vbén atrav bats and cooltngdrinks vonsil 1 vogue for wveéks dartanuaryne Webrsmr.1 7%0 lovest tempérmer cordeél thuar wa as of January 14, vheng thé mereury volplaned to Il degromé. hlov sMo. Bir day. iter fitregistered 62 dé- green ebové. the 1b Omark of tLe vInter Il gos uaé rtrnec t téetréas- One by one thé "lndépéndénts,"thé Md MM@ua théir paYMeints direct oppoition faction lunZVon City, arn heitig eUimlnated. Voitva annonnocé y« svelyesthé tai colléctor Saturday bis purchafteof suothér O! Ilm Clt u bben a Voliva man. thé Indepéedéot manufturting plante aokmntasay théy fléver balked -that o! thé Cook Cam aiyliafaut- ýFpsylng titeir taxéeta hlm. urbg compgny, the purchwié priés bé- Mj8 ad hi. factoà supported tJ« $10,6Wo. This leve. onuy titre. tehoeln for oonnty treasurér, Independent umnfaetorlea In Mion, kio thé judependente camne ont sol-I thé Mar-hall Fit-Id & Co. lace plant, Ir for Mr. Bracher. Théreforé It National Office stipply company and u mturaI that hé should appoint 1 thé Cook Electrical Msanufacturlng1 * Ssepéadésît ven hé selected a campany. LMEILATVE IN-- QUIR1; W'ONT COME, Says He WHI Mot Appear Be. fore Legîslators Till Supreme Court so Orders. RAPS AIL RIGHT, LEFT. (Dy E. W. Croft) Voliva nov threaténa tu air bis trlevancea beforé -thé Chicego pub- lic. He etated Sundar afterna>a that heoba: hlred the Orchestre Hall and vii take the ZMon band &4d choir vith hlm asdd mat lot oeacao knov vho's at the bottom of thée e- qidry *tarted; by Reprecentatlve Shurtlelf. "lIll read out bis resolu- lion before thousands in Chlc'ago," Voliva aald yesterday aftérnacti. ~ '11l let then se boy a minleter of the Gospel vas branded un a crook. l guarantee the day viii conte vien Mr. Shurticif vlt glvè anythlng in thé worid If that wasn*t on his rAc- ord. He'I face bis God. and before he faces hie Guéd he'Il face the liii. nols legisiature. The resolutIon was latended to besmirch. disgrace an'! bankrupt this people and tils organ- IZation. "No législative commlttee viii ever se me. or get an anmwer from me until I receive arders from thé Supreme Court," said the Overseer. "U.ntil thé Supreme Court Issues a mandate orderlng me tc, appear l'Il never go near thent. I cunow what I'm talking about, If anybody puts me l u itey'li better look up thte law ft" Vulîva iikèned Zion to Belglunt. and bis enemlés to the Gernaus. "Do you tink l'm gotag to let Mr shall Field run over us Hké Oérmany trampied over BelgIum 7" asked Vol- lys. 'What did Bosgland go loto thé ver for? BePause Germany---s hrute--Invaded Belglunt snd deprie- éd her of ber rights. They think they're a big bloated corporation, but they1l flnd a mani that le big enough to fight this ting ta a finish. It'a almply an invasion of Mion hy Mar- shal l Feld and company. lIli carry tlils fight right to théecdoors of Mar- shall Field iii Chicago and ram lt down their titroats. If they think théy cati corne out hore to titis ltv and dovu il, ve'll shed our last drep of blood and give our lest dollar to stand up for aur rlghts. I have lbotti thé law and the Gospel on my aide." Répiylng to thé Independents vito testified against hlm before thé e l lalative suit-commlttée at the I'itel Shermnan Menday lat. V'oliva saidý "A$ to a former résident of Zion and his forgeries! Let hlm tell how a Waukegan IawyEjr gave hlm 2 t hours to corné acrose or he'd hav e hlm ln tl4é penltentlary. Let hlm tell aIl ho knows about hreaking open thé city vault and thé mutilation of thé tally shoots! 1 con produce twe men who wyul tell thé vhole thing." 5. '. think the législaturé ought te 1Investigate titis business," sald Vol- Iva, lI'd advlse thé hankis that are loaning maney ta, that concera te get théir meney out quick. l'm going te let Chicage knofw what Mr. Fields ha, dons. I belléve that concern is on thé verge of haniruptcy, and he le jumping Into this thIný sa as Le have some excusé ta give hie stock- holdérs. If 1 had any stock ln that cencern I'd have hlm arrésted. Fan- cy buying a factory for $9,000 and then turning rlgit* areund and rép- V ffent Il as an $85,000 concerti. bor. row mcney, and then get away witit Speaking of otiter Independent vit- nesses who appeared against Zion. Voliva eald: "I. You're a 10w dovn contemptihié ecoundrél, one man that 1 neyer sPeak ta. It makes me slck vitén 1 ses hlm. 1 always looked upon hlm, with pity bécane he's an Idiot. Hé vas expelled frot the clty council f rom, a légal standpolnt. bécause hé had know!edge of the multilatlon üf [thé taliy ahosto. "2.Hé vas klu'eed ont of the ré- célvér's office for belng a traltor te thé United States District Court. If you veré totae two boards and s-alh a patato betwéen thént you vonld have thé exact shape of bis hoad. "3- I don't thlnk EBau bat!any- thing te say before the eommittéee althougithéhova.nthere. Il amurather $Mrrlset,1ithonght Bau sud 1 vere faat frielada. $am ha. a bug stosnach, sud rin told thAt b. drinks béer." Vol!,. thén tock a cracât at thé Latké o ty juroms.Théy hat! leen a dittSrcete lake m on1hé co- 'téké couatY bat!botter shttber Moath," sald Tour.e. "neé, hm. dl. gracet! hérseitIs tla 9e4M ofanl bon Offt, fair.tnlnded - people. vaukega la responsible to a greât citent for thé lawlesenéeofthIis paek of scoundrels." She Arcbdloésoan itasof thé Hoay Nome soclety viii hld is sunual conVentionIii la11017Angoa R.i, Oak. Wood! boulevar d jVinéeneg ave., en March 15 at 2:80 p> m. A Dcv staff of officers wiiihé élected for thé ensqIng year &Wdthe -aUnalre- porta viH] bemade. Every Roly Name soclety ln thé archdloce w ii send livé delegates snd any other Catholie Intés'ést May attesnd. The drive for nev meinhers la wonl undér way and Itl lahopéfi Ihat thé zom. bership viii hé daubled by thé end of theéYeur. . .ÎR.T. .E .0FEH. .1. With the coune of S5pringr and the be«erlnoff general conditions, which wilI Induceon .d oven n«estte the purchas. Of !Dore mmercnis., wu beleve the lime opportune t. introduce aur ex. teniveine 10a wider circle off trade and tb reasure anl aur customers that we aie meeting aIl de. c=lîliiiprice. fer morebumncilou&ly than we made.'the nec..sry adraites in the éesson pat. It is & fact that many off th* prices we quote a&e Iower than prsent maret conditions JusiIfy. They are -made with the ide& of attractieg business and we urge y-u to take lu advaitag. off the #av. MUSoffered. W. do mot boier. that our city coanpetltors waIi off., you any mort attractive price. on the sanie cimes of goods, nor do we expect to b. able to for a long dime to cone. And remem. ber that the.. ame mot a few isolated items priced bo attract and ueed as %4 ait," but bit lin.. off really &tapie, seassonable goode offered at fer lesu than you expected to buy them for. SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES, SPECIALLY PRICED Sheets off good quality, well made, 81 hy 90 inches, et .................. Sheeta off extra good material, mde with wide hems, 81 by 99 inches, et .......... .... Our very best plain hemmed sheets, 81 byj90 inches, et ......... ...................... Sheets, saine quality es above, 63 by 99 ince, et ..................................* '* '* ' ** H-ernetichcd sheets. beat eheeting and beautifully made, 81 by 99 inChe, et................ Piilow cases, 42 by 36 41~ by 36 These are worth 45 cents each. Special et...... ............. 50 '5by 404 Fine bleached bath towels, good size and weight, special, each et .......................... NOTIONS Pearl but'-ons, good a&- sortment ..........5c --Snap fasteners, strong, black or whitec......5c Lingerie tape, white or colore, 8 yards with bodkin,...........12c Ramper braid, aIl col- ors,...............4c Strong wire bair pins, 2 bunches for.. .. ..Sc Tape measures, 60-mn., Sc 2-m-I1 shoe polih,1ý... lOc 'Wizard poliahforWhite ehoes, per boàe~... 10c 2 13 2.00 1.50 2.25 3 8c 25C NOTIONS Colgate's îalcum pow- der, ail odors ......I18c O. N. T. mercerîzed crochet carton, ail numbers, white or .cu.......lOc Sanitary napkins, box of three for ....... 12c Writing paper and en- velopea or cornes- pondence carde, box 2.5c Spiral wire-set clothes brushes, worth 25c. I10c Beet safety pii:s, ail aizes. card .........5c PRINTS Best dark Percales, 36-inch, blue grounds in neat stripeQ or figures ........................... 28C Best light Perrales, e8pecially good shirting and apron patterns, at ........................... 28C 36-inch comforter Challies, light and dark effecta, in pretty styles, at ......................... 28C Best ight Calicoes, in neat figures and stripes; special, per yard............................. 12 4c Dark Calicoes, best grade, blue grounids, in nice line of patterns, per yard, ..................... 15c SHEETING Good quality 9-4 Shaeting at, per yard................................................. 5(C Heavy, standard make, unbleached Sheeting at, per yard,............................ ....... 50C MUSLINS WYe carry a very large and widely assorted line cf muelins and other white goods. Best quality 36-inch bleached Muslin, choice of twr, of the best known brands, at, per yard.... ... 28c Choice of four lcading brands of 36-inch bleached Muslin, various finishes te suit ail purposes, yard,. 25c Very best heavy unbleached Muslin, 1 yard wide, per yard............ .................. ... 24c Very fine, clop-e woven, sheeting grade, unbleached Muslin, yard-wade, per yard.................. 25c Speciai unbleached MusIinffine soft finish, an exceptional bargain, at, per yard.................. 1 6 Good quality, yard-wide Longcloth, 10-yard boit for .................... 2.25 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALS Outing FlanneIs; afl outinga remaining in stock are spccially priced, to close, as follcws; Heavy white, 27-inch, at ...... ......... 28C Cclored goods, 27-inch, at....... 22C and 28C Good white, 25-inch, at ............ .... 20c Nice line cf plain colors at .............. 28c Narrow white at ....... .............I15c Beat grade table Oilcloth. I11 yards wide, plain white or neat pattern in colors, per yard,....... 45c Special in B.d Sprcasds; extra large, 78 by 88' inches, good quality white spread, each ... .....52.00 Big assortinent of new Curtain Nets, various widths, in white and ecru, priced at, per yard ... *iaù ëý ** '*« '« »* '* **' ** ** "' «'40c, 50c, 75c. 85c ani 51.00 Fine mecrzc al lth, 70 inches wide, at, per yard ... .........................gc GINGHAMS Fine dem. styles, in plaide and &tripes, al new patterns, good,' reiable Cinghames, per yard ... -checked apron Cainghame et, per yard..................................... Nw«rse Ginhmm.good assortment off the best styles, et, per yard, .................... Eypin Cinghummamrany handsouue new plaide in this popular cloth; per yard ......... Ltoff short ghaof 32'inecimdes Ginghmm, in the seasons newest plaids; excelent value for, yard 30C 20C 30C SOC 30C SPRING AND, SUMM"ER -DRESS GQODS Our limes off nMW dms eM««" re se VU7 oeplete and w. cm show you good saortmnents in the follow- ing et Ivcsy resonabe puiceri Plai Colored Voie, Satin Stripo Voiles, Flowered Voiles, Tangia Clotb, m.rcerized POPI04 tLni. Crashes, Al.Silk Satins. UNDERWEAR In Underwen w* .pecWuis. on t Atlutm brmnd for ladies and children. Our Spring lines off these are novw in stock »J we<un .Iiow you v.ry deuitabI. sarments in bath sepmrate and union suit styles., We Cam.y et au Urnes. a good in. off Infant Wear, mach as Veis, Bande, Stockings, Shoes, Deatees, Bmnts, Blankete, Etc. W. W. CARROL& SONS CO* phose 29 LibortyvMle, InI. NAINSOOKS W. feel we-should especiafly .mpea. size the value off the... Five off the best known staple brande of fine Nain. sook are off ered for your choice. ail at the sane Iow price off 28 cents per yard. Thes. are all suitable for un- derwear and other fine white gar- ments mnd right at the seaon for kaing up these articles. Don't pass theni by et ths pricei. the five makes at, per yard, 28 Cents Reup Hue ~Pork L Pork 1 Sait Pq Pork ý SI>aric Best ci Best (.1 Bef 1) Fresli Sugar SWe SmokE Fres1î Frtý.Aî Fret'lî 8mi ring, f We ripe tA rheubi Toam,e G rape Wasli KAISI + ti FOR bAL McKinle.y 1[have no ait prîces Ir( $4.700. $6 modern ni- hé plébeéd Edwln An@i eue o. TO TRAL dtl earic Et.. cty. FOR SALE Ave., bell t aoutb fr0. api..ped Io 217. Prie, Gathrlé, O1 FOR SM. pouade bai pouad gr& and me soi at a Ue pun -bred Utlter of 1 VI.w, Libe FOR SAL Red (lac Villa. Want, I 0IPEN0l

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