Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Mar 1919, p. 7

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Ur.. Ols M Sable .t Sondai viti ber .t.eiÏmuI.1l7la Claeego A souaira bers tut Touda, Fb. 26, to M. land UneOtînCiait, and & s,,a10,lMr. and Unt. Prank Getîgar near M.- ajm M. .Thayer ver, tu WankagsE on bnelaee t andai. 41r. uS Kr.. Edgar Kerr @pnt lts rTburday seulh tbr paraietsoesuad onM& Wrlua tted for thit' nev home 113 RotdrUig, Soi. GeoÎpl Mtcell,vbo ha.ben spendiu arnelle a th Kerr home bere, ha. rstnnd thibtshome la Iliticagaend o«pace ti on 1 enter a .chaol for a otUe la putbli auditlngenud accounting. Unre Fonlon of Grailaka, epent e cuple ut day. iat velwith ber sdoter, Un. Addt. Manter, vto ha. bain very MIi, but le Improvbng. Kra* Frrand of Sumner, , lova, t. speading .omtlmi vititlber edoter,Mr@.. ,A. Maier. Z. "fnltet traniaclid buenuseID Atocit lest Salnrd&Y. Athony Lonard. v in ha. beau work. tmg ia Chicago ba home forae vile. 1misE ma Wad and nsue, th Musse lyse 01 Brinagton, ver, guete o tb. 8. L. Wald faistiy7 Sundai. Mr. Rhodes " au, nly have uaved ntthelb. Rillorucot ge tram near bilâburn. and li ili drive aumlîl wagon for the Grayatahifactri. A family moni ChicaN bas moved lto mmr. oliugln's home. Mir. enS Mra. Nîgrin and Elai epent Susday villa Knoaha reltve. Anyane a in ,net ai egood sewitn machine vilI do veilI taconsult lb.elRed Crosee alei..hobobave Ivo machines tu @il nov lt t ork leabout nver. 0. W. Lihmunlid a carlosil of fine bar... sot Up from Kntuckhe citer. of the veel. 81 muetaks iest vieà[tulias otherGoaa.. pay by tie Sunday achool, prImari departint, va. ennouneed fto hile veefs, but It ebould have iesu Mondai eveclng, Mearcis 10. Cou.@and me tie 11111. foIk#play tiotiser Gooei.' The renption gven taet Wednedey evecing furr unr eodiere ands eialor bos va.e. grass% auceee, niarli 800 people bain« srved vtth chleken pie supper vibis ae erved at 8;80 o'ciock. Bsv. lInyder gave aeshort vetcoming addres, B. P. Lovry va. tuaetumater eud reeponees were given hi lise bai@. aid athîrs catieS upan. Ater the supper tise tables ver.- cleared evay fur tise danc,,re anS Iîorrtilieo rchestre furnisised music, Ever>-onê- preo&.nt declared they ha&t a àplîndid lIrne. The vomue flmdof ev.pli "ht loalty Frtd a aterisooli BMd évntas. Uv.e. R. L. Nelle leI iiprovng. lho danses lnKelly'@ hant Van Dot Ob groa& oucSu on accont of the weether. ilarrey Oehoru bas recovered trou th. "flu." BHe @pont tbe week-end at tbe J. IL Coie borne and retetned tu hi@ home la Oxford, Wle., on Mondai. Chs. Colbp and famlly ipont ttndy la Kenohs. tire, W. K. Wlby and Mie. Turk spet iTberadav wth lire. J). Corna. Entber Carlmon &and Jlendercal4 on relative ,undal. Lartba Bartholomew of Chicago, *peut the week-endewith Leurs (orris. tire.. . G.urrne pentToueday wlîb lire. Chittondon e% Gare. I MILLBURN Roy AIcock wil n t 9 . A. Matb'. @tort Wedneday of tt. vpwek 10 recelve taxes.. Jaes .Armouuloaded iscarat Gurne Mndai vlth bhaehold goode for thelr future home l n one.ota. Mr@. Jame Armour and chldren teft Saturday to @pend a tew dois vlth relative, et Peotoue, lit., belon. lebsing for tbetn DeW home. A son vas bora tuoMr. and M ro. Noe Nelkan, Suaday, FebruarY 28. il*& Belle Traux of Kenoas, ipent 8undey wth the homte foku. Hennah Emery ai Wadeoothylilnty, te etaylng vlth âtre.. EA. Martin.' George Crocht ai Gurnee, euet Suu- day ta tht. vtctatY. E. A. Martin la attendlng .upervleors meeting tht. veek. Mis Mande Ceveland otChicago, spet the week-end ltth her parenté.. lIaI Stephene returned home Osarday trou George hovns recetved h. dWe change. Jame Armour on hies u MUtlburn daturday eentng broke Le car. Ur. and Mire. . Caddock returning ron the Wdworth depot lent wyul boroke the aile on hie car. No one vai hurt. Frank Heuser became very vifflent Fnlday and Sherif (Green was eled out and tool tir. Hauser sa Weutegan, wbere hi m am judged Insene and sent lu Elgin. NOTI CE Martin sb1ýifel, [)epuby Colktan or (orant towliabtp, yl be et inglesIda puwtulfie o n bterch 7, 13, 14, end 18i, et the Fu" Lake poettý)Iice ierh S, 10, 11 . 12 and t home on March 9,. 15, 16 and 17. Auction Sale'* rented 320 acres of land to thte canning çorn. jîaty, we are off ering the entire Sears dairyat pubi auction, on the main farm, at U.age's Corners., on the Plank road, sale 1 o'clock isharp on MONDAY, MARCH 10, '19 36 HIEAD OF DAIRY CAIlLE Ten new milkers, nine with calves by their Pide;, ten close springers ,five 2-year-old heifers; twe 2-vear.old Holtein bulis, one pure bred, the other a good grade; three goo.i grade yearling bulis. The balance are milkers. -Alnong this herd are Jersey cows which make fine family cows. Il MEAD 0F LIGIIT AND DRAFT MIORSES 16-yr. -cld horse, wt. 1500 5-yr. old horse, wt. 1500 4.yr..old gelding, "1400 9.yr..old gelding 1400 5-yr..old mare. 130" ?-yr.-old cwIt, " 200 9-yr.*old gekting, "1300 4.yr..old gelding 111300 10.yr. -old mare, "1000O1u.yr.-old " "1000 4-year.old mare, wt. 1000 20 Mead MogM 40 Sheep and Machinry One sou' with pige: four sows due to farrow ln monthe; 4.months-oId pure bred Berkshire boar; t.n pige 10 weeku old. Thirty-two ewes, five wethers and three Shropshire liew Deere hay loader,, ide-delivery liay rake, mow lng machint, walklng plow. Terms of 1Sale: osumooanuer$,asix monthe' time wlU b. given on 1good, baukable notes bearing interest at the. rate of 6 per cent. No prop- erty removsd uatil settled, for. 1FREID TOM MOGG, Manager ORABBE, Auct. PE.TER W. NIEWtIOUIE, Clcrk EE roCi . r, Witt go«m hku 1tisb grand- saine re be- p the. aI tise le fer. 1t'le PresdontMago 0f ox ake TUIA LAX S tat Ter w 1mno yso. efo F O NTT B Imtn Eared Anmais Whih He's sTton for delyige passe.tonga_________________a" Wilhng to cive Up. nu fewer than twetv. bande._____________ - - ht~r? Suicide 'and Death of Father "go fer as fulough certifLcates are Tiza Platter WilI Tell Wauke- for» liiaieal uro Bares Sale of Dis- concerned. 1 have ricelved no In-repeO tet fctimes.veb lramngu. ORTeve they are invotved. 'riese cer- Thrilling Experiences. R(é WMA0 8 Tber. est Fox Lake. where, silce tilicates, vhlch are good for 1 cent_____ "fl-eyhv e raigteCUT MARTIAL MAY SIT. railroad' mileage. are Issued froua the o Mltte, the. voode, the tait. bore, - commandent% ofce to ail regimental NOW IS EMPLOYED HERE. boons, ami ovuerleme. Waueegan. merci 1. commandera and beeds of deprt -____ Mayor Nagleo tf ox ILake, has At n..n todo LIMut.Commander menti. taken tiasenrs d .f bym pe'«c: *' N smcrltnvîvedTa havn qurrendered hstteof LAKE COUNTY. They er eotdIsfulb fulrpr rmtenvinelgne " man, ta benufit by the mîteagecountoso that he could Frank Lewin, an Italien whobail eetett@a d atrt8mutb nniou.A ctilaeIen of the United States, ta ha..- Published by t,e brugtthm hretoulb ou*doprn.. b, ommyand a r t wl ils.mustd b Ion nd lm . sgattare taken an active part in the worid' WAU)KE-AN DAILY SUN tainous country whîre tbey conte îhrough the bulletin, as tatement forged and given to a dtscherged war trtwî h Rtsa m n trou.Tbeyettrctedlot.of aten-ter with the American forces,. to frn. hLatrc e s o vude covening the situation. man, but he would bave ta don a have been wounded, and taken pris- tion for a tîme. ThenLei od "Thora are no new developments uniform te, ride., Wu mantain a close away and lefi he itti, long eaned todzy, In fothelb.WiOI.e ffaîr suer,., check on these certificats.. 1 know anpr by the German.s, ta escape by a at the apecial 10w price animaiss hift for themeelvea. to ave een exaggerated greatîy." or onîy Ivo that bev, bien etolen ruse, and finalty tecarne ta the Lunit-~ c Mr. Nagle iled Up Mie. Himmel. Secret.ary of the. Nevy Daniel,, ta- ad nat located. ed States. are only a few af the ec notcb oit Waukegan, of the humaine day ordered a searching Investiga- "Everything no fer In connectio)n tîtînga whlch have haîipened to Tîza octety.. Rh. was totd that tbhen- ton of charge. f gneft in connection wltb tht. aftatr la petty stuft. and If kPlater .wbNi. Cre ad awho e ina$ 3 .5 maie would be kett for e tew day vith thse diucImls of eatlors ai Great there ivas any on. et lb. station poe yls akTatrC.o and Ibmn, if nobody wanted theMn Lakea Naval Training station. The working with Mascovti ho vax oniy pNardytb hPar k______________Co.___of_ they would b. abati. ..cretary'sardmhi vere conveycd In a yeoman. messenger, or te lke No Not hiao Boauf hea reva an a burro, n& adlapatch te Capt. FrederielIt. lBas- commlslaner officer la in any way 'I.PatrwowsaPls cn sett comanentet b. taton.In.invlve. I fet, l vutdbe u- y birth. was nducated Il the Uni- MIssga Hlserho and lbrrncden t cmadn a h ttin n nve.latactittî dbe im.ersity of Warsaw, graduating frwn, Size: 3 f t., 8 in. by 4 ft 2 in. MisaHimelr-IchandIncientllyvetigetora alireàdy are an their way possile for e comieeioned officer cave th. ltves of twa 11111. animalei htuvesyIn14.Amtii- front Wahington end viii assume di- b slip enytbing throug-vtth :he ila nvrst a11.Am-?u whoae oniy offense ta tisaItisey have r'inediately he recelved the comrnis. long ears, short legs, and long tail. I ecîlon of theIi.lquiry. v hich was exception o! the commandlng omfcer slan o! lieutenant In lhe Rus, i-n Wbovens buroor tsu f aunched by avy intelligence o!- and myself. 1ryadbi ati ioy e 'Whowans aburo o a eamof ilcera In Chicago and which cul1110 "I receli an affair simrnt(o tis ryadtc:ptinboye- burros naLed In th. arrent of seven n-1ne.Sm fao elire our gagementa. ls i1.81ht on n and he uicde f on, Smue,.Nu,-men aItlise statton had accepted mon- alng a lnger and rec. ijiig ity il Saui~u-wounds tn tise side, while hsetr BURRO GETFINE coiti, fallrng an allgeil conf1ý et') suppo:edly ta hlp men obiain ::pny w1:faniilted.MI de e d n scndl s hepetty graft or ual> sengera, one a teie>hione operator, btu *mem4~ undrttns has cret d aIre andnte, office. it n heco German.s and carrted ta a prson ______________ liuMt; A N RE t-att dochrnotbvecreat Uic aci e andatofi cut > ti e cm p hnf a on hr a edoua atmiiilanaval circles and Pald 040 and $12.50chre ap1 sni a on teev.I_________ LImfl mtha revelations are feared wuicî, "Aflar v. had Invetigated w e1a spark of life ]tILt.He formed nhe-_________________ l'uni O T E1 m"Oh-! acquaintance af Potes in tise Gernin may baie conditions ivaling thùs.- tatned the venes .of men who bad aiyadsceddi s ;gt _____recenly brougit to ligst in Nw paid the maney. Ail vere gîveu n - Swjarniyand srucceded ustae. Th Th Yor'<. deaireble dieciserge.q. Their case vasIiteran dlrui Asre he ie Miss Himmelreich is Swamnped Sxmnbv enars.dfrlti n iecnutdvt iepi-,mnh. accompanied spake G >lý' with ppliatios Frm Me, xlen aetty grail rrcnetido vIientnonu. e fonetd th thten b.d I fluently but as he did nolt ia r W omenppliains hildren , deage s fett cam n cnet rut Ies ctd nt0oe.ach and it 81e.n0haît pose as a deaf-mute. The"ru-i ..ectric Loe n hlrn icagso ome Getieut. l $0 ac n ro 1.5 a worked and ise gaI through. Li.Cou. <Cheter S. Roberts laid There vas n attempt ta obtain (is- He then came ta tise United States Sunday nit.Thte naval Intelligence charges. lvas merety a came of and in 1917 enlered the off rerg l' f MANY PERSONALLY CALL la tookîng for a seventh man. kids viso mev no btter." training camp et Fort Shseridan I o ________Tiere viekgtlvie nts here i. received a commission as ei TheIwovalittie mountain burro, case, whLi LIet. Roberts character-N FIES NVLE.scnliueat igasgtrto s r ad visich vire ahandoned et Fox Lake ied as *"a Purely localaffair of mi. O OFIER NVE D. îtecotentelligeuteat .-n assHerda is and lu whosu hehaif the Sun madeo1nor importance," but the elgbtis vlI 0f th. six mon under are I ieitliec eaîet ovs _________ an appeal Monday for a permmanent ~neyer face trIal. He vas Samumy Great Laites, Uceut. Commander Robs. assigned ta vont amang tise Poile f or houne ta Waukegan or eltewhore te 1.gýoviz, 24 yemre old, a di..ciarged or n sye, only ane-Sydney Onyette and Russians of Detroit, Chicago and f r w r Laite conty, bave 'neen taken-oven seaman. Semny t. dead. --.bred in the. irait eotl.cllons fan Milwaukee ta ferra o ut possible - hy the Christenrien femVy on But- li moscovti eaved troam a winda.v dischargeo tronm the nevy. The oth- Bolsieviki or I. W. W. propaganîta. e rick street. Waukegae. tir. Crist-. th ie Commonwealth Edison build- er tdv aow ID custody ver. &il cou- Hia ablity ta apfa'i Polai and Ras- in a M om en encun te nov making arrangement&s lng, Chicago, Sâturday attern:Oan af- lrilbutorm.' He seid Muscavîts cal-, sien fluently made l possible for film _____________ ta ireanautmoilean gotaVax1e aninuishlli t itbada of l.ted altogetier about $1000. the ta come and go freely withaut being Laite to bning thse ittle long eare naval intelligence agonts, llits 80individuel paymints rang foiadîce n omd aubead or w anialtaWauegn were tay yar oahr le lso dead. He died msceen 84--eh the gob ,oamtributor for tise country. None of tise nen yull mû. lthiUfuture bomne. Friday nigbt in Detroit, following bubc-to*10. nîng ho ivsvrle sspetc Ml- Hmmtrici LseConu boy's arrest. I Fow Arreste Exoeted tisat lie was an army officer. Ail thati. e-ddi * iý Hu man e leoficer, lia I us. ntyProml.ed Dicharge. Wedont know yet tait bot, men! MNi. Platter camne 10 W.iukegtn toconnect it 10 any vas besleged wll. callte Mondai I Sammys time, according to dis-ma ilb1fun 1 e m ad. ut, îhe v e a orndobland. t an okti nlght and Ibis uorntng rffioupersona . loaures. conslsted menely afenîpty 1Io nylmt, v. blle," oesd ,pnsmnta hetaco cman.i-elan o t hean via vpe. anilous te tare titi burros, promnises to the more credulousofi We are quoatlaniflg tisýemol mev h as no desîre ho inake bis resldcrcr room anyhuro h and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ge enapraethmieeit'cmo f"acagandlcsdyauepcivry skontly in Europe again but thiînks lie mai a rngt su. letrn a peraah ntbhd met the enlfurloug meneof icatea a a e3 nny ia 1have lie naeiof every man con returo lis o sel aitrac tors. She stimtesth&tshehad t lest urlogh ertcerues a aInnnya ieneWlaîtle lae.Wvery bitter le averîniter aai rm aiman 40 calii lest nîgit and equelly an' mie ii s-oe ff-1 n c a Ihta Ir h as S l Man ailt ann.Ts Sun nve cf the men under arreet are llYily theran, .C ea-thtastrwows iolie had severat calii tay end, in the brîg at Great Laites. Tbeycar conc.neadnn e ba nhmwyt it ntd'îtl orn cmein ra Zan ut. retalon tta ustody or ia under ur.! J10 hina wa.idrowned visen a V- onl Mise Hîmmeirebeis adds aise bas et Sydn'y T. Ooyette, formerly I, villance. ibu allt ii nwii i a foust a daen persoaelapplications. 1lie commnandants office, yeon înmilbe ol oond tisaIofoure1 mking isVerun. imoervs Mu II IlIe sayc tisat bayeand girl, camu e ta training for the naval eeves- cent Cml rn»rtlo r&skllda edn ber place.tnli',vdsourhîng ta gel înmreot. wve.@tolet.' Ther vere tlieea hi Mr. Platter bas consented ta e-. D m t fret and gel the humaos. Baverail Terre Haute. Imd. GusDected as aan>t'.ofieoan In tse c omca n gegate ionaxpeteces St tise sayY fef burreslieselves. One boy explaîn- Esmi J. Moratt fireien, tlilrd dai.q titz tO lravei ta md tramtise am Inîgit. Tise r dial enoiargfor l ed liat be bad c fine hen-coop ta 443 Lawndae avenue, Chicago. lion and bis home.' atdfsstethe cordialenvlatof dsany on oneou ksep ~ ~ ~ ~ B l.uron.i.J, Mrkce-ki. mbn ~mt.Officiei stêtement. uîne 0ls ulc Malpth0 e appîtcalu .s aieae- isIc's; 01 it a et An officiai statement vai Iasued - abot its convenlence. Mot e thie Himlric thuginse.t'Peratla ut Giwod teconcernilig tisegraft came durlng lhe want. For sale, etc Ïde In theoIN.She'1l talk a good adl- l voutd be a sheme tooeparale lthe Wayne fH.Chase-. machiniba'.mate. eflemnoan i tie lieutenant coin- DEPEN DENT i e"i ISM P*@Overtisemnent. animIs ecase heyhed e.n~o-Magn, ii.mander. It fallove: wMeklcy. gether ail vînler roamlng the vîlds Brown 1). Caienter, mabînlsta Tireatolsnvl til-icrnLsssLogTl- aoTeFax ite. e famlly havea a n t nreretinada n bears out tis Ke - ' Public Service Co. fine ban, end Mn. Cistensen as- Benjamin Giaseîr, son of C Detroit mmentq made for nevapaperas undey. S. C. LITWILER of Northern Illinois Serof inMIssHiminelrelch thet tie plumiser. iken htst Fnldey viti Mos- Marth 2, lata tis a s 'v simPlY Poti Had re a tsGilPne Itvao burra. If givin la hMnvould gi tcoviz and brouglt b Chicago for an Igreil prectlcefi by e fow enllsted men ed andHe.G.las$ Pant i xeletcre ie 1nur on tlisttion.m Mosoovita and (lIas- Aget d G-B lSoks md bxele cure. cordîngly tedccl - tl nbaplita Fe. nvslgti.Aget fr S- LL 80mINOS hemedyyvU vas cloccd and tise burrom vil souri Tise body o! Saizomy Moscavti vas or ver'sordered bock ta ati&P du-:ROUND LAKE t: ILNI ieLbry lll hdependent bas beo utriak street, Wamlegan. removed frointhe arin hsDtl o 3 Sfor t<>ntgal lifthe ______________ _tise bbggestetcfrcuîatiu. iiLa» octy. Miss Htxmmlretcb says liat many Great Laks Sunday. îî taawealtlng ve nmen boeinait Great Lales, four thelb familleviso had epplled lor ordure fron bis relatives ah Detrait are accuned et pmlng MonsY for tuonra bth o?, lie burros bave se,- for final disposition. diacharges and the cher aife.cept- Ienal c 1=drn md tiey voir. plomb Robert Explein s me. iig nionai. Iatng on u the iaanimale ta cari Lment. Commander fRobet af ..Theinvestigation te boing cou- thleu bacd and fortin tram ichool. Great Laites explained thie entime tînuîd and undoubtdly i iI result ln jhave beau extreuely bard -wilh tbe Tribune. Ail o? the five mcm la tise oS. Tiese courte viii nul hi ordereil litt1e 1iong-eared animaIsla to 11l. Ac' brlg, wili lie exceptbon of Onyeîte. untAl investigationi la comtleted. Bl cordlugly aie ves made happy wvis eb sald, are sailors Whso paid inoney Enslgn Lene..a Bel] ~4St lise Cirielensins agreed la taka In tise hope o? obtainlng diecharges.. Voseoyli2 diii et tie Marine boa- Men. IW. heerd tisat a civilisa at one vilailanCilcigo. Tiheibody vas n- i~o th a le hotels in Chicago vas guaran- Mcvii la thse tnaaliailon et Great FA IlA FEU E teetng for a slated en-mdlsoanages Lakts e@aturncfor hi. epaai. o vas ton dais ega. We ropoeted tIse 'cm Chicago nevepaper itubli- A ciliar in the mouth and an ON LAE ImmFRE Thy ovenutily icetoithe civ. ER~, IL S*oou.Day oorpe, wih averted face don't help in a telle- STRE TS S DE I> und amoter man ( Ur IL e i an. L: seeui&t. OI'ibStd phone conversation. mioiey lu th icvllan f<tva iiobarM .te lir, ead neiga enece tctme eueaoiy f e ph n cls The. Dassingoetan ld amillnihar Doti iad ieen releafti fron t ive 11187 W ei vh he as.The vast maoiyo eehn al fturo on th. nantis ehom arne Mon- mvice sur seone lime.Nlte ii1 oo 0utmriaare made for business t'éasons and dur, ils ithe dati cf WatlkerSales.. Prtial'y Admitffl Cimaga lm 1àa.gro, vie erVed conttmucualp for Fnliday vo necevedi word tiose conversations should be carried SIbnty yeai5 on the Lake Foeit po-.thie nsaetintellignce liaI <bey lad - t ice force. He died cf etima and arreeted the tIvo mon tu nDe...mwe 149ifl Im m'Ut( on in a business like way. bsout *blO .M retifonined &tet th geia Eveaiescoh. caie te LIMe Foest admitted lith re.n e.iaé t <ai. W e paigoe h ee waBl<y loai of trade epfore. tise iv. men novw1la s ttàu. . *Whespeak ing over tothe telphns- immfl oie he loft-tu, Joie tii We are see)du a e4tiM t.ted uAah DIU Nsek drcl no te tas d emi bu*aiii ee Uills tii hie en&. laWh o l 7.Pue 1 l07i o A OR I M Nmitter with the lips close to, 'hain Og- of tise lies. e a arrov sance e fat it tir il bim ent tr slfel t i uisey chk ta S ece- coin- on ln id tilt id the inmb ING. ieh 1. pan- riday dont- ado me kne I Bel Mer that4 iý« ý mmmm----- f -

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