S& D.WSKJ~ alihiawdout J ÂBJI BÀNDIT INSURANCE Ibe, Uts, AoMent amiW OTÙK$ BWtlPlteGlas. tu- tomole .ami Wonklng. ipauae Oopenmatiom Silver Lake Posse Trail Sm. HimBdeor. Placing t Woods- Rifle En' Your Inmurnce H6m. »L.- CUam 24 15erv. nL WELL DRILLUNG AtJSHERMAN & DOLAN ZION CITY P. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 09 Marble and Granite 1monuments Cemetery Work of Ever1 Description 4orrespondence bolicitut 116 Genesee St Wankegan DU. 1. L. TAYLOR Ofimla Plama Nationea"a Dhdm aouu:-1 teb830 %Bd 7to S P. rM. 4siieno n Boadvay. opposite part Uùryvle.iunois. DR, GOLDING DEI<TIST Rours 810o12 .m.-l to 5 p.n. Ovr FIret National Bank ORM Phone 19-J. fitos. Phono 157-J.. Ubertrville. Tlnl CHIAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. PHYSICLAN »id SURGEON »M att aention olv« to the dlsesM. oi the., re, M ar.Nos%, Throat grog ezamand for Gls.. eni over Gaso . Tel. 10le bertyvile. DE . F. BUTTERFEELD. VEFTERINAR! SURGEON. &IIuTAul T ITBfu VUUUlllnlA5. Lbertyfli.. Illinois. DR. A. G. CAMPBELL Vcteriry Denist Ladd Uivery Sabie Libertyvile [Il. Wskuua ae Prm Atoh Kennlas unal. adworh.Rumenu d other adaeltovo. -ELHANAN W. COLBY Attornoyat-Law Odwsat Home, Cook Ave. Piione 168-j ILIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. LYELL IL MORRIS ATTOUCT-ÂT-LAW Libertyville - Illinos Lace Bulding. dtsa..Phone 10-1. Offce Pce 1, PAUL MAC GUFFIN. AWTORNEY AT LAW. UÀbertyville, Illinois plouSa MARTI C. DECKER ARrONIT-AT-LAW 807 Washington Street 1FAUKRGAN, - .- ILLINOS Office PI)oae 848~ Ru. Phone 1880-R One 10-foot, ai-nmanie, aver- trimmed work board for soda Two 6-foot, glass, floor css Orne 6-foot top case. B,. 3O4ncIm. marbleatop tables, ;wirbchairs attached. <>u. 12-foo mahogany preecnp-> Que 'Loatwater uru. 1Ml osa the entire outfit for $50f1t"en in 30days lJecLEVELAND)RutI CO. mu sRezail Storel CS. .maa. ad.Smn.ta. WAUKEOAIE, IL dje o f Mr. an" lir. John Shelley a lv. c ve. eut orWaukgan, 8»6"a>'mcrlng a ai n a'c ok a5 Milîtar>' Gel-msny viU go out of existence as th. rosuit Ofthîe adop- tion b>' the auprome touncil last night of the mMlter>'tel-msoftGer- ma idioarmOnt as tIc>'îll In l- ta île Veace btrea>. Tbemeterme pravido for a Mvepiug reductO f thme Germam ufltr>'eaatalisâment ta 100.0%0 mou vith 4,00 ecera îthe aru>' ta b. recrultoi b>' the volun- tan>' system forthe postai of Ivelvas YOMr. Thceffeotet t " la te limit Geru»a?.miiter> steuillib'nn th=u the nimbwet 1met Sviuaerlamd hla lber aMM. Othor provisions lu me ulitai tennis huit thb.amma"mmimuin German> naM a memata a q»Utit>' nuffeen for 100,000 mon, ami ail the remainier muaâtho e divered'or de.. tra>'ed. The Ge-mn farte along the Rhine mIsa muni be iostrayei. The Impertal gonermi staff ln aboîlibed as lthe resultt ofrodîcin the, force. r The suit lu vhiol mm effort la being maie ta met amie theaOmo for taxes af t1e Waukeg4n, Rackfand sud ]l- g In Traction Company', has - been 1trauaferrei lato cousit>'court at tWau'cegau. Loy A. Hcudee, as clerl of the court sud one of the men lu charge of tbe tmx sale, In one uftheb dofenianla in the case. 89000, INRI3ALTYO1RCL s Ma KILLED WITH A DEER RIFLE The embattloi tannera of Keno-* as count>', Wls... erved public vain- lmg on aU hall robbera Mana>' ta eam>'out of lthe Ile They trailed amd i 111.4the. m vIe hbabli îp tbe Biver Lake býaW, h lver lake, Win,- talng botaieon 16000 and $8000 tram the casici, W. G. Schlecbt. They kiii- ed lm atter a battle lu Cozwell's wooda. a mile and a haIt north tramn the hank. and recovered all the mono>'. The rnan camee nto ine bank flour- lsblng two revolvers. He vas au ld- on>' man rougbly dresaed. Mr. Bclecht and the bookkeoper, Chares Dean. ohedientr ralsod thelr bauds sud lot the bandit take al ithe mon- ey lie vanteti. Poste Quickly Formed Ho vas on font. Me bai no auto- mobile hiding nearby, as la the cus-' tom o! Chicago baul bandits. Hol started runnlug dovu the country' rosi. Loans Take a Big iump and Farm Deais are a Feature of the.Transactions. By A. K. -Boves, assistant secretary Bocurity VTileand Trust Co. Bumineas of the Recorder%. Office for the veel onding liard S. 1919. Numbor of canvey'ances. 121. Nuibror f abatte) mortgogeo, 31. Nimber of trust deedsandmI mort. gale., 25. Total nimber or Instrumnenta lied. 177. Total arnaunt of! bans, 396,850. Business bas beon quite bieksudan loans above the average. 1 The folbowing are the more Im- portant deals: In Waukegan - Theo. H. Durst bought the Henry C. Burnett home on eutI aide Hickory St., soutIs of Pourth St. for $5.500. %stella' M. andi Beni. F. Fiat bought the Margaret E. Masterson bouse on West ide Hickory St. juit outh of Maasena Ave. for lniicatoi $3,500 and gave ba.d trust deed for $1,000. Louis Truby bought the Mary Jahuka bouse ouniSouth si. Loy Ave. i tram John Witt for $3,500 anîd sold ta lire. Jahnkte the Trusby hous c n.,..t. aeut corne.r LoweAv.and Thco nvsu.shithoghtseJacson St. for $2500. cotryside. The farmaers, cailed -onl John W. Plautz and i vie bougbt thse tolephone, tbaR up tlulr abat- the Auguat Gustatsan place ouon at guns, and deer rifles sud tovling maie Lonnx Ave. just aouth of Helin- pieces-rnucb as the minuternen dld [ bols Ave., for $4200. lu '76; andi soon the> vone on the Jacob Blaamberg bought the Daniel Thebadi oud h rnd b r lev propolty vlIh 23 test frantage The andt fond he rad ardou east aide Gonesce St. adjoinlmg goiug. Ho 1001 ta the fildsi. the Barnisan theatre on the nonth Fires nta sWamsn fr$50 Throgh te sow brle meaows Russell A. sud Gertreude 1. Woold- ho vent. The country telephone fol- ilge bought a 40 foot lot on easa laved i hm. Ho vas aurraunded, aide Cheminat St., 60 teet south of though ho dld nt kmav li- Sevmrd St. trou Bivard W. 3Lrbtfor He kept on golng. Ho carne te the Indcated $1.500 anti gave back lisait fairmhouse uf Ma-s. Byron Rlggs MIrs. dtel for $2.060. Iliggs va. outside. 1-e fia-t- at lier Austin E. Zeil bought thseiSarnuel and an n-lto oxwll' wode. J. Wendt lot on vomi aide Philippa Nov be couli 8emon corlng tram v.,fr- 60 aIl directions, csrrylng guns. Ho vasi In Lake Poret-Edward J. Mono- taappod. lie opeued lire ou the noar- han baugt 2 lots ou South ide III- est. A bullet tare tbrpugh the swveat- mnoc Ave, oppoite the Gorton achool er of Day Wlcka. tram James B. Muir for indicatel Deeper loto the woads vont the $1,500 aud gave bacli trust deeti lar bandit Closer drev the tarnaers. $2000. Presently Brt Neal saw the man., lun Mlghwood - Mron Church or saw is boal, andi kueellug ho boughtthe OtolR.Hansenl property tooc atm vlth lits door rifle andti red o etad akgnAe ewe once. Webster sud Wallon Ave. fer $5000. Thore came a oudden stilinessa Db 4 - i.--.qh--1. i. In Highlanid Park-Moyenr Bb body andt ua-ud It over, sud teck the greenhacks tram the pocket oi thse ceat, the manoy for vhlch tbe bandit bai sli him lite. Sheriit Jaseph Moyens of Kenosha teol the bai>' bscl ta Kenomba. Ho vas aiable la identlly the man. Cambler Solect put the moue>' lu the vaut ani vent lame. SLAIN BANDIT l8 IDENTIFIED Evltuce diseovered ln Chicago ta- day aideti the authorittee of Konosha coanty, Wsconsin, ta Identify tîle loue bandit killed b>' a poase late- 2londay alternoon alter the bandit bai helti up anudrohhed the Slver Lake, Wls., banli of -ý9,000. lHe la belleved ta be Frank JuchaI- ski. 122 Charles treet. Kenosha. Wis. vha vasi employeti for everal mothe b>' the Murphy Pluurnhng Ca. 23 Eut Cangroas street, Chicsago.sas laborer on a conracl st Fort BSer- idan. A lahorer'm cari. bearng the nunt ber 6.55 sud the plurning cornpauysà narne, aied lu establishing is idet. iily. son Ca. ehangod Il. corporate narne ta J. B. Garnett Ca. In Libortyvllo Village--JoBeph aud Mary Alkofer baugbt the Wu. Bien- man place on south aide Park avenue for $4300. Chas. H. Peterson bought the Ralpl W. Bulkle>' faim a! 45 acres on vest aide Milwaukee avenue lu sections 8 aud 9 nanth of lavu for nom,i anlort nusd gave back tiunt deeti fer $3.500. lna East Antloch-Nlels A. Nielsan bouglit the Jay Britton faim of 5( acres lu section 2 for $5000. lu Village of Antioch-Fred Hav- ling bought the Charles Slbley prop- erty on east aide Foi River rosi lus Bocks atm and runlng cast ta ipil- rosi for $6000 anti gave back trust deeti far $4000. ln Lake Villa Towflahlp-E'OiOtt Flai bouglit the Wm. WilmiugtOn farrn of 140 acres lu socs 9 anti 10 tar $21,000. Clarence B. aud Lucy D. Banner hougIt the James Armasin 20 acres lu N E 1-4 sec 12 Lsako Villa ami E4 acres iu N W 1-4 sec 7. Warren for $7.500. lu Warren -harles M. Brovws bougît the Iiavling 19 acres lu N B 1-4 soc 10 tramx B4vmrd A. Clark tor nominal cansidoratiali. ln Fremont-Robert IT. Rouie bougît the Chas. IL Potenion faim of 120 acres ln sec 26,. iatht mai, dl Ivan- hoa, for inilcafed $7,500. mîbJect ta $10.000 incum:hrsnce. Arthur Bombu ettie joseph Turner tarsisof 140 as n secs 2, 3 anti Il for $33.400. ln Wauconda-Rodolpb Dttur of Doris, flnie, bougîtthe10Wm. Witt Horten faim at 301.91 acres lu0 Soc. 2 jumI est of Valc% for lndicatod $36.000 siabjecita $e 10,000enn- luI Cuba - Heur>' Wolthauues boughi the Charues Gram faim of 105 acres lu 8 W 1-4 eec 23 for 12,500. InuBrngtoeu-Augujt anti Anus Mavim bought tIe Beitla Effler placp on aauîl aideWahigton St. euti of HavIe>' Btfor $*M0. ln Ela-Jobn F. Troiîp batigît the Auguat Vagi faim of1n0 acres lu sec .8 for inilcateti $8.500 sud gave balk trust tieed for $3.350. t LIuthor B. and Mamie JeOrlien houaIt île John Oeamon ma tato faim of 93 acres lu S E 1-4 mac 24, narthvoat of Long Grave for 11.000. lira. Margaret Buff-dic bouglit the Laura. A. Mates 10 acres lunS0E1014, mec Idl~for $1000. lu Lake Zurtoh-&Frei C. ~PePer KeHour> road ani Oak Street for 105&. ý- la Veston--Warrn R. Herrick or Lake «tera bouglat the Wm A. Bock lemn «e aacre. ln a W 1-4 mec 9 for ttuieated $17.000 lua West Buerfioli.-Loute Y. fi*ift bougxtseuil 4 acme.ila8SBE1-4 soc 6ami 5 'acre. la N 3 1-4 sec 7 fra. Nara T. Gibbons for lniicstei $4000. ÈEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Marcb 3, 1919 W. A. Bock snd vite to W. R. Her. raic, W D $10. farm bn socs 9 ami 16, loruonTvp. Mary W. Yae Estate la Peter Carl. 80% D $720. lot 48 and S 1-2 lot 45, iladavorîli aub, Waukegam. Adoili WOlnic and vlf o arslk and Maillaà Wojcehowlcz. W D $350, lot 1 blOck 10, D)royers samb, North Max Loeb snd vile tla Ldimiýr tOiSe, W DO1, lots 10 aud il blocki 3. Lonox sub, North Chicago. LOUIS Hilirnan tao uatac Radatz. Q C 86815, 7 1-2 acres ln 8 W cor soc 29, -Fremout tvp. 1- C. Clifford in F. C. Peppor W D $2055, lot at Lake Zurich. R. P. Austin and vite ta Reuben BOlsftiani vite, W D $10, lot 207 Osamminis & Co.'m North Ave. add, Waulegan. J-amo.Armour and vite b C. E. Banner &bd vite W D> $10 S 40 acres "N B 1-4 sec 12 Avon twp and S W 40 acres of N W 1-4 sec 7, Warren tvp. IC. H*. Paterson and vile la R. F. Rouie. W D $10, E 45 acra S W 1-4 sec 26 Freont twp. L6mi1 Cusch ansd vite to Vito Vol. ta W D $1, lot at Randout. 'W. & .Buehier and vite to H. w. Tiluaon, W D> $250, part lot 6 Beach Grave sub, lu West Antiocb. -AUgUit Vogt and wite 10 J. Fi. Tre- iuP W D> $10, 150 acres in SE1- Bec -36, Ela tvp. Win. Blorman and wite ta Josephi Aloter sud vite W D> $4300 lot 1 block 2 Parkhurst and Cummringharns tub, Libertyvlllo. Nora T. Gibbons and husband ta L 1F. Sit D $20, i acres ln E 1-2 secs C snd 7 Doonfleli twp. MarOaretIE.Masterson tb Estelia M. Pratt and hus, W D $1, lot 1 Lau. singe sub, Waamkegan. Wrn. Wilmlngton and vite to Ev- erott Fish, W D> $21,000, 140 acres lu Secs 9 and 10 Lake Villa twp. March 4, 1919 NfMhy tarnl>'trust lu Nick Vihos, O $250, lot 18 boc'm 9 North Chicago. J. G. Peterson and wlle ta C. 1-. Peterson, W D> $300, lot 10 blockt 1 Kuobkere aub, Libertyvîlle. R. W. Buikley an(] aile la C. Y-T. Petersesi, W 1) $1, tarm vwest aide Milwaukee rond in stes 8 and 9, M- bertys Ile,. Charles Crum and i vie to, Henry Walthausq,. W D $12500, 105 acres lu sec 2.1, Cuba twp. E. 'M. Cross to W. B. 1-bidonn sd vile, W D $10, N 1-2 lot 7 Deep Lake euh lu sec 34 F Antiocli. John Latkovce to Joe Hlorvat, W D $1100, S 32 ft. lot 2-black 10 Mc- Kays add, Waukegan. 19. A. Clark and i vie ta C. Mi. Brown, W D> $10, S 13 acres S E 1-4 N E 1-4 sec 10, Warren tvp. March_5, 1919 J. A. Morriqon and vite bo Catb. erine J. M. Mahone>', W D> $10. lots 65 and 66 Tweeds Plstalo. lake mub Bt Fox Lake. Charles Sibley and i vie ta Fred Hawkins,. W D $6000, lots 19, 2r to 29, Bocks add to Autloch. Jav- lrit ton fo N. A. Nlelsesa, W D $5000, ýO acres lu W 1-2 sec 2 East Antloch twp. J. B. Mutran sdvilfe to E. J. Mona- han, W D $10. lots 1 and ? Clark andl Muir's saab Lake Ftorest. Anton Chrlstensen andi vite to L. E. Jfries aud vite. W D> $1000. 93 acres lu S E 1-4 sec 2-4 Ela fr*p. John Witt and vite ta Laul. Truby W D) $1 lot on 8 aide Ldjv ave E af Jackson St., Waukegan. Louis Truhy sud vifo ta Mary Jahuke W D> $2500 lot on E side Jack sou fit. N of Loy Ave. Waukk-gan. Luchle M. S. fotfer la, 1. B Havi, land, Q C $100 lot 14 Ravine sbopm ails, Aiea. Msrch 0, 1919 Bertha Miller sud bue to Augul Maxis andti vie, W D $2300, lot M Caunty Clerks imb village of Bar ninglan. Eiimaboth Horaler et aIla oAudres Horcher, Q ÇC'$6, tract af 1ani ia secs 1l sud 30, Vermiontvp. Andrev Rorcher amdi vitlaW. A Harcher et ai Q c $5, tract of land la mecs 13 aud 86, Vernon tvp.' Joseph Turner and lvite la Ari ]Behm, W D) $23.400 W 80 scres N ' 1-4 mec il S E 4 o èe m ec3anid M W 40 acres of »me 2 Fréont tvp. E. . xOumuInganamivite te RIs Machnlch sud vite W 1) $954, l0b 15. 16, sud 17 lck , Il Watikeigar Highlands, Norti - ocaa., W. A. U MIaM$ et aila te aun C. Mgeyers D $1, 74 lobs la W1tha'l 0. R. Hansen ani vite taMdete Cburch, W D $5000. Central part 10d 92, ffighvooti snd IEpart lot 1 «bh c W D $150n M e t mi bIo. t-au> m tit seg ILtS lot38et. à 13. Wl8'., LamId . O . oioe OnS, le. derlm'a lot adi tu Wauknau. bloc 4. Mlt C. Rlglivcod, W. D. Phllip auese., Mulvukoe. 29, Ca hsaac Guldberg andmif@tis o le. mille Papa%. mime, se. Obé agumwoàd ~~~John KingmamidViléte aBerthia a & ÎwChcgs;in dam eetmvmMW P $M0 i14 acrnes ackett, lot 1. block à Brttatmnsut b .Jie bbyn l. lu N1. ao 9 ~eem.l tWP Bie ajibWaukouaa. W. D. $1. a .& ha rn ahua, Neb. 44, Y.. LBuat iand vite.tu, Hugo - Lermsn b$4tu lot sth * "ina, MARRIAGE LiCZNgeS Ia M. Perrin. PoplIllon, Neb., Se. Hlgbauim Riblan ~ Ev, . - II.s Ope.nkl. Mlwaukee, 834; mgba"e im aa PaiL dw.C.Neptow, Chios.21, Ous- Christine lir«oaL. mre, 83. W. W. Horton aMdi wetla udclph U*e Torrison, MaLt"oi. Win..'0. Walter. P. Wlcknaann, Mulvaukes, ]ttmor W D .i se ýare.la u h dt I' 31; DO-pDoge i a Desin. Mme, 19. 1-8 seo a Freniont tUi. l. ai, Caroline UL m*<, Destor. Gou. Hell, MMlwaukee, 36; 1LIllas I. 0. Burnett and i ul laT. H- me..se. Hafacer, smrn261. Omiet W 1O f5bo 13 i124 Iii î 1-3 John Clomons. Ton du lac, Win., 29 Floydr. Patrick, Klrme, Wi. ft lot 4 block 6 Northvest add Wau- Bertha Kuha, Mllauke.. 38. si-, Alico 1. rluer. Corlima, Win. 22. ke&Anson ILE Walkter. Great Akesi, 22, cbester W. Pm111. Mlins. 33; Margaret wenige. et, flois, Mo, 19. 'codeiê1- Schivate. Cedar Talla. la, Lanrs A Mates to 'Margaret Burý Bdw.Hedrich, Great Lke% Si,3 . dick W D $1000 10 acre laf9 M cor &dale B. huum. S as.hicagon %k Rioer. MilwauIkee, 33; El- soc 10,Da tvr> ~ enna WagnerMmre. 28. AffustPannin Anioc, 5, Gecs Chai. Black. Mlvatkee, SI.,13.1. A. E.L Gustalmna"i VINs laJ. W. Wilson, smme 39. on uJesJ aimre. 26. Plantsa M Vite W D> $4M lot 18, John Douglas, Milvaukee, 42, Jeu- lro>y B. Severs, Mlwaukee, 22; Melmhols aub Wauikegan nie Weber, same, 42. Laura Kuchlor, sarne, 20. Daiel Drev la Jacob Elnmberg W Bonj. C. Bilmroclc. Pt. Sherian, 22, Sarks Cakoiai, Waukegan. 33; D $10 N 28 ft lot S blool 26 Original Mabel Kop. Milvaukee, 23. 31; Gladys Bretz, Fox Lake, Win., Waukegan. Roy Wbite. Great 14... 32, Pearl Agne. Kasparlan. mare, às. MARCH 10, lo1is Morris. Highland Park, 1I. Roula J. Ellasan. Zion City, 35. Jula Vvera t lran Kula nd Herbert C. Wuestenberg, Chicago, Gert-unie M. Gîbsn, smre, 27. via ev rk$0 lts, Frank38 bla k q 24, ise P. MaGillI.sma, 28. Rolndu.MllrPlymouth, Wln... witeW D$10 ots37 ad 3 bWk39 lMIgorIli j. Bllings, DouOman. 3S$- Ms. StarrRacine. 27. Wasbburu IParkNon! iChicago. Wl... 29, Minnte Hannon, Nashotah, Iloyal Eboades, Beaver Dam. Win.. E. L Butter and vite tu P. L lieu- Win., 26. 18. geu Q C. $35 lot 16 andi W 1-2 lot 15 John P. Caltreux, Mlwaukee, 67, Mre Erin, Chicago.-30; Ull block 2 Oral. ub Waukegau. Kate Johns, sase . Buchalo. smre. 37. P. J. Xbld snd vite to G. U Blan- Blie T. Pridd>s. Zion City, 21. lMa- Wmn. Priefer. Milvaukee, 23; Stel- chrd 'W t $10 lot 5 Green Bay add rton MOultan. sea, 20. la M. wloczyk, same, 22. Lakte Forest. Carl Brandt. Sheboygan, Win., 21, Wo..E. Carson, MIlvaliee. 25; Èsther Bldk, sme. 20. Bernice Woelffersmre. 21. T. H. Ourst and vite la . S. Edw. P. Lambroclat, Miami, lna., Ruga P. AibIrocb1,Mlvaukee, S30; Faulkner and vite W D> $10 8i 1-S lot 22- Alice Thompson, Milvaukee, 24. Ell. V. He@$,, mre, SI. 7 block 7 Laid ani Georges add Cha.. Merz,. Milwaukee, 23; Ruth Oust Nicholoplo., Milwvaukee. 35; Waukegan. Walsh, gmre, 18. Anna Troske, smre. 35 . W. W. Crockatt and .wte la M 9. chas. J. Darbellay. Mlvaukee, 50;1 John L. Sullivan. Milvaukee. 27; Fraulkuer W D $10 8 B 40 acres N LYla Truran, arne, 36. Luella L Fisher, Paîrnyra, Wl.., 18. B 1-4 sec 15 Warren îvrp. Edwin Ulsberg, Plttaburg. Pa., 21: Norbert J. Blessck, Racine, à214» John Alumonla F. I. Amnsn W D Auna Neudorfer. smre, 24. Olive Zunke, smre. 22. $7,200 W 80 acres N E 1-4 aoc 9 Fre- John H. Han, Camp Cuiter, Mlch. mont ~i'~30; Edvlna Stemper, Rsmdorn Lake, Jopn Am,.mli 10 W. J. Arnanu W D> Louis J. 'Miller, Bsrnugton, 31; Ly- U K O EMl.F $10,560 undividoi 1-8388 acres Ilu9Edia L Lohrnsn.me, 22. M"K"' svMO aus 1-2 sec 7 Front tvP. Wu. Fotb. Chicago. 47. Myrile DRI1tAW TLN 0»a. Evert and vite to I. J. Grhmes Scbvensen, smre, 44. DANTA W TLN W O $3300 3 acre. ln N E 1-4 N W chas. o. zimmerman. Great Lakes, DO IT NOWI 1-4 sec 24 4..bertyville tvp. si; Rose KoerliOl- Buffalo, . 7.y. 30.1 Kasimer Guet andi viete X .F Thos. Lee, Chilcago, 40; ArnClsaCa Beautiln W D $$10 lot 21 black 14 Jackson, same, as. Ci Washburn Bprium Waukegan. Wrn. F. Brown, Milwaukee. 21; El- ARTHUR L. WEBSTER Ion M. Storrm, mre, 18. T. H. Smith sud vite la Joseph Chas. J. Winters. Milvaukee, 29: IMICU'AL AND Rivera W D $100 lot 28 Shava sub Mary E. Brown, smre. 24. DAfAEEGNE on Loang Lake. Ambroa.e Raphael. Milwaukee, 15; AIA E IN R W. M. Einst andmi vit 1 Salv&tlon Betty wuythe. Kenosha. M.i PHOKZB-Rftadeneus Arrny. lot 23 block 1, Marshalîdale Wiltred J. Krone-witter. Milwaarcee, Offce S suh on Long Lake, D. $335. 25-, Vanna M. Miller,. mre. 22. WHEATON - IU.INOLS G.. LDoorvis and vite to W. D) KAnneth Coudes, "Milwaulkee, 21; Cn ell 80 g acres N E 1-4 aec Il Elizabeth White, smre, 19. Newport Tvp., W. D. U10. Tony Kopcie, enomha, 28; -Mary HIE WILL. SHOW YOU C. A. Nevcomb, Jr.. la Louis Zorz Kesse, arne, 22. lot 44 block 96, Naorth Chicago, D. Win. Loon, Great Lake$, 21; Alice $850. Ryan. Chicago, 21. THE WAY. Ernil Carlson and vite bo Davifi j Grover 1. Cleveland, Brookfleli. ________________ r t t i F s I r e a a a F p n t 't r o a,. 8 Lt c [.~ *4j The Great White Way With ils thousanda oaibnlîant electric lîghts, ils unexcelled Motion Picture Theatres, Cafes -and Restaurants, ils artiaîically arranged dis- play windows, itss dean atreets and pleasure-seeking crowds, the Heart of MilwaukecI offens the visitor attractions comparable wilh Broadway' New York. Especially on Saturday and Sunday evenings, the Wisconsin Metropolis presents a sight nzt equalled by any other city in the Middle West. To vtisit Milwaukee's Creat White way, go the Electric Way . 36 all- steel limited trains maintain an hourly service daily direct ta the center ai Milwaukee, and on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays there ia a train every 30 minutes over the NORTH SHORE UNE, THE ROAD 0F SERVICE. Express Service A 30 udnute service ia maintained on the Lbertyville Brandi between Are* anld Lake Bluff. nmlkillg cotnetlan with both north and south bQund local, çxpress sud imited trains. ExprSs tramns making ane stop ini each town between Evanston and Waukegan run evory 30 minutes. For additiouial informration apply 10 NOR TH &SJIOI?1 LNE fbusaCosbt M Uàbetyvll Fuseugu Ula. pie.. MeetgvUs 74 lwankee lb@@ 1..dUIL% Chair Cou ýNAY mocU« rond à Urne vOmtel been their petitlc connt] authai ing b tu Là. i1 la c XIl o'ý et thes baIt c to le. iule t at board ame 1 11, 11,111 for ixa OUI vould Claîk feit Il to, col for ac Oadt bonf douar Dlot 1 becan tiouai Furth 50,cr, ti à Chat Say( d flo et the ta Mr. Dlot a rled sitand real Lz Dot a roass __ EIMILITARY EMN FOR RSA L iI TO PASU AWAV