Chairman.Bairstbiw of Roads Conmdtte Says County Board Desires to be Fair. NJAY FILE -A PETITION. la rIer te show tefairnesa ai tho board of supervisera and the road .nd bridge committea tirough ai seCUMof tae Countr, suparvisor George Balrstov. chairman of the road and bridge cammittea on Thurs. dslj' attersioOn tolovltg tse otion etfthe Mliburn routa for e1i.ià$ fiate roed, al that ha blieval tite Urnevas ripa for resideuts, of thý western pari of 1the county vito h ave been dlsappolntad luin ot itacîns thoîr routa designatal, ta circulat patîtions.sf0 preseut thern toLtic connty board askng the board tc authorize another election for issu ing bonds coverlng additional roa* tu 1a&" couflty, 'Wo vani averybody ta feai tha il; ta our deira ta provida goo road XIl over tha cauuty sud because sornt et the lelegalea 'abo are bere lu te bait of Grayslake aud viclnity. sean tu foui as tisoug t1h01' have beci b'etes la iis oontrovermy. 1 vou lih o 10 uggotl" said Mr. Bairalow &Uat they circulate ptitians an. preaeutt iem tot is board as'alng t' board te cail anotlhar roa bond le suse viicl @hall take care o! man) rouIs la the ceunir, not na'a pravide tor in te prosent li1anà." Other super' tsars fel1 that 1111 Wcull ha a gond plan but Supervisei Clsl o! Deerfield inaitol that h. ftIt Ilas flot taeopportune tînt to conider an ariditlonal bOO4 lIssu4 for ramds In Lake county. H. Point ed to th tact thaî 1the govermant ii acon golng te float a sevon 111111e: dollar lberty boan aud that It voule flt ho expýctri that people voul( becomo enthusiastic ovar an ad tohoai bond Issue aI 11e present tit.p Furtheniiore lie felilitat It vauld b4 sièveraI vicnîhibefore lh coul1e pu tua voctl' un a genaral election balîr <liaI Il- raid matter aboud bc, de layt r rim tht' preseut tOrne. andi ta noa îsvp '-hould lie taken tu presen the ta,- t hio j 1e hoard. Mr. i;.î.st"'a explAed that hi' se nat ai dua la bhacc Ibis mater car riol tbreugiliexcepting fron th,1 stanrpinlt of wanliug ail sections ti realiza that te resent bond ssue 1 flot suficiently large ta provitie go.. roads ail aven tae county sud Ibat a, lr s id Le (y id in at st sX - Urneaue IuigtÎ=t" front the utand pbint of tryiag to be fair t -". ~ - te alsections, .P A O Thus 'hla an muditional bouela isPLA esw sue la being tallsd of, 1the chances are lhitinothing ,will ha doua forlGF R IE E sema tinte t. corne, posshlly Dot un EN W E E tii the present-bond iassu can utilize sntiraly lu the. ocatrlctian of roassPeidn ofTah s'C - Sntempgteilto th1e plan. Peinto Tac rs C . pptegl --'1 rittee Seeking Reform, AND~WSANDCO.Cornes from Aurora. ICAL-miss RUBY MASON, LEADER UV LAw Whou 1the national ediication con- H'ORNIA YL.' vention, 'alieh recently closer tisa ________annual session in Chicago, baik up Company which Pursues Tele- o-he rnQverent on tise mater et the phoo SlesanhipMetod prapor clothlng1 for lteYoug o phon SalsmanhipMethd ma colage a choai tudent, suri Not Wanted ln West. ieft oha maLter ln the bauds of a cont- rntlee, ILfittl11e kmev that itis court ,WORKED LAKE CO. OFTEN. of laso- appeal bad île rots In Auro- ns, Illinois. Sncb vas the case, boy- Andr! ewsadloth! hiao Ir aveen, for taeprasîdeut of taeassocia. Andrea ani (7.. 11e Chcago tin ion composeid at deans ot univer..ity, 'abese tlephane methori o! seiling venten front wbteh the comuitw'e etoet lte Laka cottnty toks bas.been vas appoint,, l ake upr the' (Lu, a laite itara for a fev years pap.i have lion la Mise Ruliy Mai.ç, nase detît bumped against 1the Caifoala lsw- of vamef of IteLUniersity .tli titelyve beau ban-ad front boing bun- nois. fanntcrly one of te weli kuorsuý frss lu that tata. teachors of 1the east aida.hMsae Reari IbIs front San Prancisco unl on vas a teaclier in eass side sctîîîîl. der dte ofMarcai0: e thetinte Supi. C. NI. ljariwell au- der atea! Mrcb10:taraI upoo bis duties lu Ibis city. "An anler barring front Cailornia omii a Designers for alegel ohiectianahie practices The toadneucy te immdeait dres of the stock broera. firm of Audrae% h Young vornan student o! today & Co.,.vhich bas offices in Chicago vas dIacussed ai leugîli, andi opin- sud numerous other ciii.. ttrougli- ions adivancedi as la lte sensible1 oui the country, vas issuel by tae metoalo! gatug about a rentedy. It state corporation commission iteevas finalIy decideri Ihat as the mu- iaday. Aocordlng ta charges agalust jarlty of Young vamen studenîs buy tae fi&M ls mambers caimad they tiangarmntnt "raady marie." IL viii were'Invntmnt bnker rakin b.ienacosaary ta lay axe aI ite foot vere'laesimnt -takersraningof the trae sud thal ibis 'aii mean second oni to Marnan & Ca.- 1the advlisbiity. o! Iallng the mat- It ls recalil -ihat Andrews and, ter up wlth the deaigners of wanî. compauy duriag tite paet fav yesrs eusa drees 'ailb1the hornte of iduciug bava called up thousauls of Laietema ta drafl patterns wblch wiii cosznty people; tltir plan le b sac tend tavard madeaiy, tat "'Mr. ao-anî-so raferral uns ta yen'Superinteudent Barrivaîl of the' as a prospfetive invasion lu so-aul- !sait aide chols 'aiseattended tlb. so."1 And, ai tai Uey have salI edlucalloflal convention, etattlei tt nome stock, lest itow ranch uobody pasouaîly lie telt lu entre accord i1'aiti th1e tatement a!flHarolri O. heig knovi; and nobody la date bas evetroMiwue hetrdtecn salI 110v much mafia)'they have vo! ilvaukesaywb-o thie co marie off tock 1the t'mpany salti ta the m' n o! tierec,mronuntr t1;ý): thetn. rdo tlual,>)ttu eau (tiubat thr- Sait.'tu Once. ifil rai-a11. ',ti tir ielephrntjt-tMr. Bardai Il suidit'r,ît SinttIlt, gaiesmain was referreil t- 1h- slitorr alîon.i do i ln i %thr îi<.fen i o! tht' Son, andtl 'tatked for a tn" t retîý' nidrinktig r'a,'- ilt ime. 1lowln,- 1t 'ri ti! ln til'i h b tc' cr ions iQ à,T. . and hlie 1t11,., 11. realzed lie s-as tailMie Ir i anecv- Ihere ,tt .î'Ou-,e .' IL-tv!';.,t' ape.r tan. lie vap than 111lc " tht oo.îtil ir' inz z ,îîr i uct for pîising tht' tn1Ofio!t" -t'te Mre e',ici> I.' triit ttht>i phoe sleainsli, a .tclt tatre For Scitoola as COmmuity Cmuier s Inrnocents o!fI.Akî' county asud 1.i-co iai-t 'iriL, hiiitîen tino t' lseri tae cl yrtanally lut tever (!di tanri play card, andt I. tinir tht' youtre pi-ople idance-"'wa' tsked. iuasniuct' as Mn. PBerg tîrvo'ateri thie, the Mil vaukea tan sdding, "if yoýaisue ~ afrairi men ciii hurn dowu te sýttoçl!t tousa, fit up a sriog anricr roo n th 1e basemaut 'ahPre thcr I I . uathlng ta hum but brick sud cun- l'Weil," sairi Mn. Sarriseal, "par- itaps Ibat viii have te comae eery- I ~whre-lhe schitais couiri as Mr. I i Bang sald, 'lie marie cornmunlty cen- I tara anIa rosi part a!f1the Ille of ttc peopl!" rnalaughtan," la te verdict ai lbe th rimitnoustandsa chargce of motIon fodrnewra. Hila Edas way mpe iouaIs taelnreerste Tsetnvfeitval bordbo.pains aneparor a ther n, Cetora tunnriel.Cof inall tahéforot h rialum at sud starts i avy'ict h mionor 1 ail ttal.UHa lans flie 4_ offCoo lestface bn odt hlitasegverdhlmbis fre, tuNUMBERok 0F My eN pfrm chirsowypt o J O at L nT mm rolemod. Md É tmog to thepule Iv #atme. le h*Maiohw- 1?IK<A~ W J4Downel' road alwaym hau acoed»d ovs' ae nl somertaining andal a direct route to the naval station nunbor et mon I une rilg nfEA E fl ~ for people ln that 'vlcnity. Wlth Vtel men wlth aviation ratingSa The treu Ui VflL ji lOF' i rosd cioeed Tt viilbeoaýetfary ta BEC R D U under training itumiter in the netgh- T E M OÀ S take. a more roundabout course. borhood ot 1,000 and there ari, only .m> i~AVSJua what can be dae flot S Y O L C O a, 141l u0d ed mn wAth aROABSon knows but It qreported that peopleS ISC LL C O ratings stili here. living ln that viciniiy, the officiata of The urgent neel of the flayy for -n of Shieldsanad poslbly theeNt hnkTe men eithereamon aseigned for th.' To Advertise for Bids for Ser o f !sprîos ilmleaiPeople edNtTik hy almost comspets cssation of te reý idan Road to Test out Road- figlt ta sees'what can bie donc ta kevp Can Escape the Eagle Eyes lease macinail. The navy, LAetii 1the roaid, open ta the public. TtItoa o h Icm et Com. lobertl me out, bas a big Build ing Trust. pointed out that a coniderablemui oth n reDp. lob onIts bandsai transporting home 0ftosey bas been expended lu piac the mn ad eupnu t lu SEEK CHEAPER MATERIALS.! an qimn tl nIng the ruadit n good condition and WHAT THE BILL PROVIDES. France. Groat difficulty la beiug ex- ____peaple who stood thie expense sa) _____ porlenced, lhe .tated, lua ecuringiuih- tetba oa zedlgfo~they think they are ontitled to con Scintinn o an hetrnsor heao freth hob hWukgn 0ederatlon. The "Information ai source" provi. MAore, SqjiOuty nr alag Wueant in, o! the revenue 1bill furnishes 1the ln thîs connetion Mr. Robert saîi Milwaukee le ta be one of th1e fta bureau o! Internai revenue witu a that as msny Mm as 5cean be spau- d ections of road lieut ln the tata of E Ri fiSOfELEC- a3stem of chaciioz " delinquents. 'ahi be sent to ses front Great Lait", Illinois as a reault of the $60.000A000 ~Ru says Collecter of Internai Revenue but bce quaiifiad Mei by eaying tha road bond isque. This became knowni T ICF R U~~ Jultus F Smietanka. flot mauy more can 1e assirned la today when a dIspatcit was recel ", d IRpotsetpametstAKr. o sas duty traei Springfield tating that tdds RI OR191 R $1.000 or more during the year 1918 are toa1e called for on tibis strlpoof V RliL IL IN MUet lbe madie litail Individuels, road. This le iold for in th1e full woir HA E I LrItONgarilans and other fidu. IgSpringfield dIspaich:_____Icareadb rte.lisado- lHE L S OC E hng nepapere are perutîtted 10 iareadb atesisadcr anuieadministration plans f or Show by Report; Despite This Itoratlon.. h-' 117 act requlred VICTIM ESCA E; the building of Illinois good roai the Road Recntly Sought d of yres mentstof VC I SE C P - Brieily they are as follaws:Iceaei Rts art", wages, 1, miinms. annulîles. 1 1-Governor Lowden todav ln- 1 ______inRtes. compensaation, r-iunrtos ml strttcted tho department tof pulic T1unares ftereetefotmnto tht 'ed and determin a- NI3ARLI FROZEN woks ta advertise at once for liii h narnso h ecn fotmnto te for th, c onstruction or the 60f) mil os a the Clitiago, North Shore and Mil. i- e gains and pqus"must hlin l- of "Fett.'ral Aid OToads." waukee ehectric rai lroad te abtain ait- cluedr in thie r. trîrns of Information. Two Men, vAth minas Gone, 2-Theee bld. wiîl lic asked for altier increase ln passenger fares. la A separate returo for cach empîoye Plo Thoug th Snw, hen witln itanex ic das. n te n seen fron t te annual repart for .111S whose salary for 1918 was $1.000 or ture of these wîli be determinad the which show. a.lbig Increase 1nean.mare la remitireri of employers" iumb Aboard Train, future action of the ariminLstrat1on. luge ovar 1917. Fizod charges have The bill provides that 'ahenever 3-1f, it Its Judgment. they show been earnad neariy titree tintes. Af-' necessary the mnime and aridresof RAILROAD MEN TO RESCUE. thee "road building material trust' in ter ail charges ihée rérmained a net1 the recîpiant of the incarna shah 11e bc Iaisingon nreqonbleprI(,sIncOme of 1155078 as cornpared ta turnished by the Persan, corporationi Tw h l -eh c a ie ý a h ae s at ing o urea s o n pic<vt$279459 ln 1917. or parttership pay ng Tt. The retur ai Tv sel-eocelpaietsatFor* trîi1 The gross. oprating expenses for must show, wheuever passible vhcthi. Sheridan boopital made their Pscapetere -al. aet 1egvro b er11 a osdrhy l rtarcpeto l nan amt- frntth baptl besdy ~tnng deterntlned road building shallit' excetsa of 1917 but it wus amail lu gle, ntarried or the head o! a family., about seven ocloolt. baving on noth. sated et once. He bas ready for campa. l.on ta the Incroase ln n'y- Regardless a!f1the arnaunt, intorni- ring but their pajazaas sud hîls.peetta ats eullr enue. TIi, groom operattug revenue aion return« may lie reonlred tlte olippers. port o! auihorized invastigaters antouuted te' nearly Ilirea million dol- case of payment of Interast upofi Wligthrougb the auow rot îred showing Uol aat can prodce it lars as comPared ta lest; than îwo bonds, mortgages. deeaeof trust or Sroada te Lake Forasttey jumtaed onl w material 30 te 40 par cent,.ilîlion for 1917. teobiaon ofacrrtnu the rear end of a Nortttwe.tern traiin cheapr than te "trust" bas hereto- ln spîte of the faet Ibat the coin- Individuetls, corporations and, part- land rode as far as Lake* Bluf, fore been willlng ta furnish Ti. panyt was nsaklng mducli larger iro- nerahîpe ntaklng collections as a mat- waa at that point that tht' lrakî'man Start Woric an Bide fletshan ecer befara they receutlc ter of business of forelgn paymanta dlscavered them and, flot kn'/s'lua As a result of te gove flore or- went befare 1the stata utilitles otn f intereet, dividende. and sintlar they waro what they wert', h. Put dors, department clerks today coin- misalan and asiari permission te, Itemîs uat payable ln 1the United tem aff the train andl the twlo men. menced th1e work of preparlg spaci1 charge a blghcr raie cf fare. ilîey titates muet obtaîn a license tram 1 lmost te dest. benumlbi anri fications for the bide. They waI llib: were frustrateri In Ibis attempi liv the commitsioner of Internai rayon- weak, 'apre pickeri Up hy twO lr ready wthln a few dayas. urveys on Colrporation Coungel Arthur Bî n~l' e. and terniali retumns of Informa. sud Agent Jack Kennedy of t'"ît'1,c-terae nqsin r ale liaswo raiseri the' point that an tuera:. ilion, trie depaI ait1the villag( T i(ý t"lenei. 1A lreald>'had lircu grauted and LIaI Reltues o! Informiation muet baSI- seelug that there ivis i i.0_I 'nol'ier boot.illc oudutaLk,' pli.'.' cd s11ithte comnitsioner of Interai 1wroug, 100k the tva tufo:r Ufltt ."1li în',rtiîînt îîrk ialudîr ýtva crmiride of te o cir e TicüniI-* , n rýeleu lit Washington. Collections (0 th"' waiting room .îf t:,"'. <r1Y spriug. tieldi atiltih(,iWa'rikec zan oîflu i( alaln .1f itit. jrit et<nue aice not authoria- western depot andi trid ' t > ]ýi ý-n million dola r-, i iîe ittiinal raiso <as df, i ào cd t,,r, -i"srîî'1returu.s.Frt 1099 tiir minde 'abile ihet 'I t ' I l ,. <î î t. - iIt ut hitwil r',as ni t k 00w îî'1 thit. ait s h icti repiort muttle otade, may 1vord ta the po.1sît îSt ý' f koup of rccý1sil% . ii rai 1. l, conipatiea a riîlii,,tii a ,rgq. le îittalned, lrottever, tram 1the off- th1e tmenbetlg tera. s;, fl toew ttti.'aiot oftite ilofl'y. rs tif colcctorý. Returns of lu- For ico houre thev ! ' t'1, lTho roari-.on e uit biareo. oilto i, oacmaidb hefrr' t1h'-hospital foks ii irclty lrgo or sletter oi transmittiil, frt 1096, te96 miles sitar tisee.ecà- 1 jt! 'tston elwîi ii' tw t'i'î h REVO QUAYLE TReiESgegat 1whose minis at tintes s' e'. " rittttart eark this sring. ar- sf!iE .Q A L R E ron itpyin tn h namnt r, ý>i, plw Apriiltli.lt7,500.00 returus af aî"Otîd 'ah l s ina a Som e. ' Ii nr ews z ý,;t TO BLOCK PASSAGE inintîimation wr'ereca ived bythe 11 case was mosi pitifitl as the mm Z,f roý ~~ Tweltthtmt<, Chic'ago, ttrotigltu O INID burcsu af lut' rit al revensie Iset year. thr nterpajammas oIgd-Deab ohllSýln adYlI e au rs etlitsveal 4- apite tht' good firesln the waltinz ton ta the Iowa linafB X N IL 00.0 w-si eriiae eel roont. F hcg othtruh\atIng the paytnient o! bond Interest The men muei have suffered i n- 'egan tateh1e Wisconsin tate lue. dividende, andi foraign Items of!'lu- iensely irntltae col and they mac "Chicago-St. Louis read," rennîtta ýIn Spite of His Opposition A camte. This yeat', ai Toast, the in- have sustained permanent affects through (Ottawa, LaSaile, Poorlaansd FvoaleRpotmnBastiohnet uty cll e cdo!lu tram the exposue. for, tbroegh walk- Springfild.FaoalReotnBis thbndofepycletrafl- Iug prs.ctically luarefooted througît 'Dixie Highway,." front Chicago. Rppears Certain. ternai revenue for usa lu rounding up th n ram 1the fort te Lake For- tbrough Tanville, Wa the Indiana delfrnquonts. fest, they froze Iheir feet and chîliari state lino.,ARUMETS _____ EDI teir 1'aboie bodies. "Old National o, fntEsS. That Rev. Thomas R. Quai* ofM EEI WE U C L Another ln Daytlms Louis. ihrough Vandaila, Emfngham. 1VI lA)is It develops futîrher o-at another Marshalsud ta the sate lina on the Lake county lts doin1 ovet'ything lunS patient maderiebi escap>e tramtae'Terre Haute road bie power ta defeat te proposaI OB EC ,fboapilat"-&erlsg theattfirtiooii 'firs- bozlng iaw la the report that reach- B E T À M -e day. Ha vas recspitured at Hlgbvood Measaun s-Ia s basor t r ngfield, bt the adis- O TI tv t la bis casa ha bal bis clothes on aud,. IAQ RUKIflPatchi Baya teriser tat lntaal Probe O T E -y ,f m Vir te men vite escaped et night, bility bis efforts vii avail notbitg. 5 U la .ho vas ratIonai part of btintUe ouly. fhl îiT The Spriugifield dlspatch laye: j. The tvo escapes Indicato tho antit. BILLS mi r A The, priPosedIlilinois boxing iawa Nm oit ho a [oritloo are derelici lu vatling t.emadie headvay today. RaI lil beau IHoly NreSoit-W ihw a. Patients, ail o!fvitom ver. injùred FIERT REA DISG doorneladvlsahia byte propontentst Started to PrevelitSwearing, Io o gusd inovereaàmwvi F a14À f te 11811 a favorable report coid r baer u o e m a ave beau voteri tu boh tle..sonte IExpands its Plan. _________________ ~ *ý.the .'hanse.,mmittees, .accorngfl MILu JU tW Is Bnale cammllea an munleipaliiÎ te b judgment o! expenlaf ced 18918- A campaigu bas lest beau simted MR T R J O oday reportaI eut favonabiy smate lators. caatexng toe en.taarelievery Catolic mtan the-b AiC nifin SCRUbuill 142 and 143 oha bille o! Seater BbScerio s nxig o vranchilese as a monitor of th.e Oiy OUr lUl CIO Carlsont of Mole. provldlng for man- thattght lh advisate walt ouill taeNaine Society., Thero are asloay Agerial gosern ventent for cit- antlîrocase bal beau presenial. an oves" 50,000 membens sud titis.«nL- flo, snd tbey 'acre pîscal an taecal- epponlnty offered for consideratipn jpaigu yl probabiy reaul lnV'nm-à ,WON TIEi R.O.T.C. ondar on lb. onien o!ftiralt roadlug. Of!"Yan sd &l passible comnpromises,, banshlp o! 150,000 or more. The lioIy Therieabuse comnntiîea on munici«- afid à leatlug of oha slies te thbe Naine Society vhlch has beau orgiE- _______plties report out favorabl)' bouse ond thai a bill can ite passaI Ihat 'afll ized for hunîreda o! years, 'ase forai- The annoucer pian te eaiablish a bill 17t. taebili nroliced bit Rep- meet i ta heappreval ai Gov. Loy- aI te prat'etlprofanitya&" to pro- Junior Reserve Officersa inng roestaîlva Atley of Btggville aisea n sdbecome onaea!ftaelava o! iecl tae Haiy'Name o! issu,. but Camp aI liha Waukiasu tovnshtip providing manageratlfont of govern- Ilftios ,hisrpdepaso flt er higit achool, financariiy tae govarnu tuent of do-les. As subotltute for At- Present Tiieir Argument& many alter duties hava beauaassigu- ment andi with a egular srmy aIfl- bere bill No. 65 and Il vas piacel Tite casa for tbgaiseI lacent box- eti te il. car ln change.,'ailplace ltae local le- on tae coendar nl lte arIen of trot ing vas P-eeuto .tae lagisiators One of titase uov ntied le Ut. caus ettto ntefront ranit wth olh- - Martinlu >osuy. ln charge of phy- ofthe110dalinquent boys. ÀABEU Brot- sîltuiaf in ols ite _____thecountry.__ mcal training aitle Ciicago AthIet- er cantteusbas beau appointed lit ane eiigbenthal Il vUary org r.eascationsaap.LeahaOnter, di- every parlith in Chicago. Ttla te The ffiien mlitar aranizlio ~LbVT AV S LVED rectan e! athiatie a at Camp Grant;t duty o!fte conînittea te tala car* maluguta heri ati 1e l oseitoflU ?i i .a' ' dl Chaplain J, A. Ryan o!f1the base boa 0of 1the boyein1the pariait. If any of tiuth e o thewarthistalen aa of l pital ai Camp Grant, Alderman Jos- taîmn eeri belp, are lu troubla, or out a n fet tahe ves u st te s alIh DOWNEY K IAI1M eph 0. Kostner, representtflg le-Cli- t. 'aer'î, 111e Big Braolhersamaa aj& military training. unriaubielly itlut-5. ~ E T cage clty council, anti Williamu Baril- ready te leul a baud. Thiar segM enced governtuent officiala lu maiing i<oF1 u lomae, for the Chicago lelgeofo la "Save lise boys of telay anI y«n the offer for tht' Wankagan bigh P Y R Ofo la aetemno oorw- schooi cadets; bave beau pratisari re- -Against the blli vere tise Rec, T. Due te thea luistnisi changes tajf- quenly or Iiai ailclecy, ~ ,,.,..Ra Quale, o! Highilandr Park; th1e 1ev. lng place antd the' Influx of thouala quenly fr thlr fficei"k Chratserize Move s Arbit- R. B. Millard, secrelary o!f1the Clii- o! sallers andi salions, there ur0 Undar the nev plan It 'ahi ha pas- sible ta accomplie11 ecen more. Tht' rary Step and Say it Sets cage Cîerch Ferieration. andtIhie many meu oui o! work. The Moly oniy regulation named b> otbe gov- Aîea Sa11aw ev. W. t.. Fleming, repregentilg, as Naine Social> bas organIsaI an arn- Aside Statee Law.ere uha lsaîr I, >00 Protesatfimin sters a! Ploymenl agency te find Jobs for annmnt s tuitlIer muI b aiCiicago. sabliers anur aitois. Titis ageucy, at least 100 qtudrîtîs In 11e ;roposeri WILL MEAN A HARDSHIP. 61 West Randolph St,, noem81 3camp. .Ilembers of 11e faciilby anti-daïratr iii' ~ UtnikbîdnClaa sl .6 achool boardl dii ituantielpate Stiy Waukega.tMarcitM Grrck uidig. hiag. 1%rni-s ro IVE NA AL E,- touch 'lihtIie Faderai Employmoni lifficulty an itis score as 111e mlitary MatI Atkinean. higitvay caSr'ISr c niltaba ucsfll spni l tt'tira i'-iltlu aslaen hner o! the iown of 9blelris, lia findlng positions for many solliers tdes-eped ta ncrh an aextent that liSe recelvei foi-mal notice train Captain r lk xetd htdlut tewGrpqnvl ain htt e atov any sadier on sailor who la out et toward tht' establishmntoth 1e Ju- crrament lias laien aven Downay mati Ivied o cl]onhelpfo li lac R. 0. T. C. icre 'il lie takliatr- 1'hich exbends dlnectly asait rami n madlately andti s unilouitedl i>'lîl ive Points oun1the Green Bay rotiw i rle vetaraus e!ttip se,,, eacht a! Mrc. ora M-,t\hlî~p b i.mait fipost.ittte foc the locai cadets)to tah1enasal itation, People resillir' hti i iiter ac' nUanvwli. .- ttt ttîttn hli si te go lteaauinr'-rcamp tIis senime-rneer ibal pint art'e, sidln1 cegrdnîl oi%- ratinos. rîir~ l iitvt ttt.e.tyt.i' io an C wth tht e r' '-~ rtinltgi 'I ' thi îe i n r Ille g,,%,. rnii' a t tjif ' 11 1;t: i % hv 1"- i ut'î' .a dtii. tirory r , m ia - 1tent rîl 'titi ir l1ý. ot oriiithe I, Thoi 'rruI0tîtn i. a'lic N , ditil . -n r t ,iîil r , - l;) ir.c. li n a lt tirea ipliitet 'l 'i ire tmr01,i il?-t n. n icr ni iî,i't itt of r ' 'li'irIfnD' . C i i. Ii l ' -I I ' .- t r loh m frtature.s ta th( platni andu it is exile( '- is saldte la i .'decidî'd te tlii. 1,1 r it t' t; r .11 il C I1rl 1,f il' -î t 1. -- ' r t o . '.hr i.Auden- ýs ed that pareni. !t,, lI 11gh sciori thl~i ripultic' rîî:î for griteruitetr i i'P i - ri r <ttl iti il Tait. -r irit'r t- tr,-i ac n stittenis wit gît t lb. r assqent posas only. Tht' plan is to la , aîirriili:..rrai (Greatt lkett. rorîtIyv i- a al .1 id il 0 ?e- 10 OnIy One Per Cent of Urgent Cases to be Given Release at Naval Station," The demobilizing maebinety Of Great aites has practicallY COnte '0 a standastili. Witb only a few ece tiofla. no more re1es. es w111 h grat. ed until genera1 d knpbul atien, by ordor of the hue Mço4.Igation Il wfls aunounced f8'rday.. A flCw Quota of release af one per cent a meontit of the etatian's person- nel, but embracinig only thosp, witt urgent dependency claimi? bas hast assigned by the bureau of navigation. The new quota coverlflg those witl urgent dependency cdaimts vii nfot, li' in terfere with lb.' rtleaktif nîinunder trainting who.'ie applica- itn i îs,, 1i-,n approved, nor will it biniler the i'elpa,.e of men with avi:1 tian ratinga, oniy 'xepitng Isrc tars. The latter wll ho reieaged as soon as possIble, whenever relief rat 1. 1. 4