Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Mar 1919, p. 4

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1% èrtyvIfl idependeit £ ~;.>Independent - WaauqanW.ekI Suâ Office Telephone Number 1. Libertyville Exchange. t., i et the Postotilce et LibertyvitIe. IL, ae Second Clame Mai Matter mF Official Publication for The Village of Libert'eville. 6>c,*l PuWil@ti@nf i ILake Ccunty Board ef Supcrvluorc' Preceedino. d.Kv.ry'Ibureda,. AdvertIsIng ts Mode Koown on Application. ISCRIPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE I. MITI4....................................................................... Editor- 91111111TH .................................... . ................. Manager r. m. ECKHARDT...******"***** .................................... Local Manager *The mnovement being started'to stir up interest in the carry- ~gof the bond issue for a concrete rond west on Washington i s àmLdp nf th.- 1tvlm~ita on he G TLn B oewhich a i I M M i I Il v i I I o I o Il 1wlhcj I mlit tom . him te a show fertoi.e vening. But, the ambulance came for them ed, thon )fait sad un 1 eaw the ciii. cors teks the. two lada,,ena bare. ly M0 out into the storm, with ne extra clothlng to cover them- end 1i feIt hew coUd they muet get es they mode thé trip back to the. PotIn the blizzard whlch wee raglng. Asn they walked from th. po. lic.estation 1 feit how great a sacrifice it was that they had made for democracy; 1 fait how we &Il ought to show 1h.. ne- turned mnen eveny possible act of respect, or aimeet worship, fer what they have dons. And 1 hep. cd that thic feelings that pervad- ed my heart would penetrete eth. ere hers mnd elsewhere whoc. ever Uien unfortunat. victime ceed any attention or coutesy. Who more thon they are entIt. led t0 t? Who more thon they have earned It by the sacrifice of thein vltalty and ln Ibise cases, thelr mînds? EDITOR TE SUN. vmi.au0 Ut LAit liY 1511 onWTne ute..t£MY n**W5*lm une nU dIl meet the approval of practically ail residents of thé town- LURRS APPEAI. 4. hisis he ainroa ledin tothesoutbwestern portion re etwsip an ot h thwetrn portion by the way IN FARMX CASE TO fiienBay Boad. There should be nlQ argument i advance pinst it, for everybody will want to see the new state aid road SUPREME COURT àd Green Bay Road connected u with teCity of Waukegan.____ iorder to do this, the Washington street streteli of concrete wîll spRlINGPIULD, Ill., Marcb il.-tiary Ive to be built either now or later. That is why tbe road Comnmis- M. 11owler and Frank T. Fowler flied ciler is endeavoring to stir up interest now and have the bond ,, appei lIn the Illinois supreme une put on the spring ballot this year so that work can be plan- court tOdaY ln the case ln whlch a Judgrnent for 13,soO was awarded id immediately. This is an improvement long needed becatîse agalust lu favor or ailes P'armier, »st Washington street outside of the City limita has long been trustee, and thec Oelurlty Savînga very unsatisfactory piece of road. It lias been repaired mauvy Bank on the toreclosurs of a deed of â«s but it never tsands u punder the traff ic. trust which iudgment- vas afliraed ______________bs, the appelate court for the second If the government closes Dom-ney Road to the public, it wll (This case bus b do wth the big »n a mighty big inconrenience to those using the Green Bay Fowier farrn at Fourt Lake, Just -pa9t ýMd enroute to the station. Ill fact, it will be an inconvenience 0f Lae Villa, one of the finest farm everybody coming frorn the -west of the station. It seems as if, liroPerties In Lake county.) Nu though the road is taken bY the government, that it could be ft open to the publi's use. Surely nobody will kidnap the POPE WANTS PALESTINE Lkie@ or rmn off with the buildings. Thiere seemis no more rea- KP RMIFDL N to close Downey Road to the' public than to close np Sheridan RO~IIE. ltaly, March I.-lu the Msd-for, as the' station propertv bordir-, hoth q 1<fDuîa orcofhsalouinattecu lsd, ao it does on Sheridlanî Boad tleax tb lAikt-Bluff. s-t-h b itodlay Plpe encdiet ln alludlng to Uic future setulement The è-W anagr ofthe .Norh Shre Eectre Ralw 0f Uic Ottoman empire, aaid: 'It.1 Thenewmangerof ht'Noth hor Elctre Rilav lm wond be a great grief 10 th .1yse iking1 it pay as their annual report just ont shows. They ore if in Palistine thte Preponderatlng o 6ving enterprislng and Progressive. They are good advertiseme ition vere given to infidels, and stîl htch no doubt hias badl sonething to do with the good business gifI tehl pae ere ar e d! ng.given to a non-Clstian powcr." euSIELL-SIOCK- Moore added: wiy, . i ,ILLINOIS SEARCII fellow teewho 1k, wl,., 10» PA IN SAht old *hnte're shavlng hin- NDmIU PATIEN S ARE and he vont put on hic clothe', or MA EN ON STREET nked ithe t n; e wnt t s BILL TO flOUSE vfCox and Herbert Moore, * Esoae fromn Hospital and Start for Movie. NINLY eLAD IN BLIZZARD. That thc authortie,,% t fort Sher_ an has hoaPital are ueglectlng the tUrncd hospial Patients wieohaie', *aIN Seul there for treatment f o- owlu eXPerlences abroad lh evîdent 9Mthe reccut number of emcapeg 9 sbel abocked Patients who really i. lulsonera efor Uic lime belug. 1^9t veek Uice Sun told o! the es. làc «f tirOe. ucis paticnt--tvo of pea, ln tUier Palamas vahked broe he Oc nOw 10 Lake Porcat. «Wffl a train aud were -ý,cauht, a Ob. 311W, held for Uic pont offliciaI 04 1litr returucd; the Uird vas 1190fla i Hghvood. Thesqe meu M 9090We mentally. bar ing varlous Maoema.a A" u0 Saturday évening îwo mare Spatients, in Uhir bospital garb,l ehMit bats On. One of lbem lu bis IM __ feel the Other lu the hbcd. 10 81l1Ppor, vre takcu on bbc sece ef Waukefaa. Dfe ames: Uar0 J. Cx, of Texan. Em1*bn Moore. of Penuisylyaa 2%0 0c tvo men bad bols recelved W&e 41b6li-eoe'(cf elperlence ai btes.uThierry,.aoCordlug t. their 111111111ma ik heua lcr mnd. ver. et vadering. 'OWMOIMam aBronze 85w tbem vaik. I àOe Geneme. strettiluthie blîz. ha-abo . deve lock Saturday H. allS he. nd sud oerth.y vere uot in thelr rlght you golgr bhé aaked M Ovlc picture," said Moore, MM af eemed Uic mont clear * L4Ok im t lh. Police sta- ShbeY ver. kppt penidng M rnambulance fro,» lhe hua'ter. th e cella on the main. * muake a cigaret and -ýi@ awltei fo "do a movie- 'W urigt ln the cel vlth &Ils idêe-"4t attalen vitM a smfle vould sa,: SSd"No,aer' toevceni- Int to blm. 1ov thcy ver, treated aI they' saIS: "Ail rîphl, von W«'tlet 1un go Out to do vg are kept ila barrcd Private Homes Exempt Unless Uiquor Sale is Proved. IiPRNGFILDIll., March S.-The àntl.Sajoon league's qearch aud sela. ure bill vas reported tavorably to- day from the bouse comînIttee on lemperance and nov stands ready for lis second rcadlng lu the bouse calendar. IL came frow the dry corn Mlttcc by unajîlmous vote. 'The bill restrîcta scarch sud spls- ure to places under suspicion of selI. lug Ilquor ln antl-saloon terrltory. The bill vould not apply to any Part Of Chicago, unie., lb. clty votes dry la April. Net Aimed et Homme Y. Scott MoBride, abat. aupertn- tendent et the. Aati.Saioon Lesgue sald: -ne p urpaiorthb -lea b Prot vide an addjmjo"a mothod of enforc. ,Dg the. atablloon kW@ ot Uic abat. in aaLl.ealoon terrtoe'y &W purpee ta 90 O ne fther. It la ibt dlrectedl against Privasa home or #er4omli ovnershID." The. bouse, emperancc committe. almo rePOrted favorabIy, ReDrcene.. tive Broer', bill making it a mimd. mneanor to omil or Ulve IUquor la ny Dor, t0 aay Perm eonmerng the mnie fr,»E Of lb. United Blatés soldier or Iarine, or of th ienllois Uti@êa Isard. ]Prout th. sMne commltt.eeCame an Important illî ltrodeceC by jRapre acalative Abbey Ibat £lvee tn elîlea And villages control or & Ivo mute moue &round IbOir municipalbouni. erles. ALL CULTS TO BE' PROBED As WnELL AS ZION, ifot only la thse Zion City religions ituation to be lnvestlated by the etatit lcglslature as czplaincd la the SL lait evenlng, but aeCÎrdigg to the a-&s fro milcita 0f lb.e oitevii b. prcod. The. ho-j on Wedund" vith i ny & fait 'NJO" frOM ne n or two membere sdOg« e4n amended resolin taI U-8ove ide open the lnveastallon that OrWainali, as dlreeled agailt Mlon City. A marniags licente vas leeued in Cbl«O late TueedaY 1 Thion»asE. Burmelle or Autiocli, and Miss Eva lOrenson, of Lake Villa. With ttie coming of Spring and the. bettering of general conditions which wil induce and even necesstate the. purchase of more merchandise,. wO beiev the trne opportune t nrdc u x tensive lunes to a wider circle of trade and to reassure ail our customsers that we are meeting ail de. cliii.. in prices far more punctiuiously than we made ti. ecessry ad*ances in the- season past. It is a fact that manY Of the. prices we quote are lower than present market conditions justify. They are made witii the. dea of attractirg business and we urge ynu to take f ull advantage of the. &av. ings offered. We do not believe that our city competitors wil off er you any more attractive prices on the. saine class of goods, nor do-wa'epect to b. able to for a long turne to come. And rmoen- ber tliat tii... are not a few isolated items priced to attract and used as "bait," but big lin.. of really staple, seasonable goods offerd at far les« than you expected to buy theus for. SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES, SPECIALLY PRICED chet f good qualit>,, weil made, 81 by 90 inches, at................... chet f extra good material. made with wide hema,' 81 by 99 inches, at.................. Ourvey bstplain herhed sheets, 81 by'690 inches, at ......... ...................... Shets smequality as above, 63 b>, 99 inclies, at .................................... Herstihe shet, bstsheetin; and beautifull>, made, 81 b>, 99 inches, at .................. PilIow cases, 42 b>, 36 1 4% b>, 36 >- These are worth 45 cents each. Special ai ...................... .50 b>, 404 Fine bleached bath towels, good size and weighî, special, each at.......................... 25e NOTmINS Peaui buttons, good as- sortinent ......... Snapfasteners, strong, blcor white .. lngerie tape, white or colora, 8 yards with bodkin ........... Ramper braid, ail col- ors.............. Strong wire hair pins, 2 bunches for .. Tape measures, 6O-in., 2-in- I shoe polish... Wizard polish, for white cr....... PRINTS Best dark Percales, -16-inch, blue grounds in neatýstripe- or figures....................... 28 Best ight Perzales, especially good shirting and apron patterns, at...................... ...... 28C 36.inch comfiorter Challies, light and dark effects, in pretty styles, at ..............28C Bý-st tight Cali'-oes, in neat figures and stripes; special, per yard,............................. 124c Dark Calicoes$%est grade, blue grounds, in'nicelhne of patterns, per yard................... IScý * SHEETING Good quality 9-4 Sheeting at, per yard .................................. .............. soc iIeavy, standard mnake, unbleached Sheeting at, per yard................................ 50c MUSUINS We carry a ver>, large and widely assorted line of muelins and other white goods. Best qualit>, 36-inch bleached Muslin, choice of twc, of the best known brande, at, per yard ........ 28C Choice of four ieading brande of 36-inch-bleached Mualîn, various finishea to suit ail purposes, yard,. 25c Very best heavy unbleached Musljn, 1 yard wide, per yard ......................... ... 24C Very fine, clwe woven, sheeting grade, unbleached Mualin, yard-wide, per yard ..........25c Special unbleached Muslij, fine soft finish, an exceptionai bargaîn, at, per yard., ...............16C Good quahity, yard-wide Longcloth, I -yard boit l'or .. ................. . . 5 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALS Outing Flannels, ail outings remaining in stock are speciali>, priced, to close, as followa; Heavy white, 27-incb, at................ 28c Colored gooda, 27-inch, at....... 22c and 28c Good white, 25-inch, at ............ .... 20c Nice line of plain colora at .............. 28c Narrow white at ......................15c Beat grade table Oilcloth. 11 yards wide, plain white or neat pattern in colors, per yard, ...... 45c Special in Bed Spreads; extra large, 78 by 88 inches, good qualit>, white spread, each. ........ $2.00 Bîg assortment of new Curtain Nets, various widths, in white and ecru, priced at, per yard. . ..........................404, 59k, 75c, 85c and 51.00 Fine mercerized Table Cloth,4 70 inches wde, at, per yard ................................. g0c 1 2C 4c Sc 5c I Oc NOTIONS Colgate's talcum pow- der, all odors.. O. N. T. mercerized crochet cotton, al numbers. white or ecru ............. Sanitary napkins., . box cf three for ... Writing paper and en- velopes or corres- pondence carda, box Spiral wire-set clothes brushes worth 25c, 2 13 2.00 1.50 2.25 328C lOc 1 2C 25C GINGHAMS Fine line cf dress styles, in plaids and stripes, ail new patterns, good, reliable Ginghama, per yard ... Best quality checkeds apron Ginghams ut, per yard ...................................... Nurse stripe Gin g1ais good aasortmnent cf the best styles, at, per yard,..................... Egyptian tissue =igÎra; man>, handsomne new plaids in this popular cloth; per yard ...... Lot cf short lengths of 32-inch du.. Gingham, in the seasonds newst plaids; excellent value for, yard 30c 20C 30c SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS Our lin.. of new Jr... mnaterials are very complete and we can show you gooci asaortments in the follow- ing at very reaaonabie prie= Plain Colored Voiles, Satin Stripe Voiles, Handsome Flowered Voiles, Tangia Cloth, Mercerized Poplin, Colored Linen Crshes, AIISLk Satins, UNDERWEAR in Underwear we specialize on the Athena brand for ladies and, children. Our Spring fines cf these are now in stMc and we can show you very desirable garments ini bath separate and union suit styles. W. carry, at ail times, a goodline of Infaut~Weaoe, sucii as Vesta, Banda, Stockings, Shoes, Bootees, Bonnets1 Blankets, Etc. W. W. CARROLL & SONSCO 29 Libertyvie, 111. R tbol T bu sS( NAINSOO KS W. feel we should especiafly ernpha. size the value of thése. Five of the. best known staple brands of fine Nain. sook are offered for your choice. al at the. saine low price of 28 cents per yard. These are ail suitable for un- derwear and other fine white gar- ments and rigiit at the seàson for making up tii... articles. Don't pas thein by at this price. Choice of the five makes at, per yard, 28 Cents Taken Back to Pont The ambulance arri% edinl the stormi about mune o'clack There were five men lu the ear-butunot a qingie tblng had hen brought te cover Up tbe two patients. Tbey were coat- lessuad hatiesa and 1hoeless. The nman lu charge bad tried ta get one Of thern ta Put on hie (the officer's) coat but tle patient lusisted be sas ail rlght-his pride to care for hin- self thu, manifested it-gelf. 13ut, the two vere hustled Int Lthe ambulance sud carted bac'( to lbe poet -and they must bave been fraz en when they got there for tbey did u'l bave on any more thau thcy bad corne away wlth-and the amnbuiane.( waSut the tlghtly closed sort -i bad canvas cnvers at aide sud rear, Whmt a strange feeling came Over me as 1 walked Unte the po lice Station cell-room Saturdmy night and taiked to the. two sheli shocked Patients f rom Fort, Sher. ldan Who had walked through the enow ln their thin clothlng, to be Picked up liter and heid for the arrivai cf officere Who wouid take them back to Uie post. Il wae a far different feeling than if ycu went ln to taik te, a person who&e m Id lhd gene fer ordlnary rae. sono; it wasn't huke golng bock Into the te se whmt a 'hdrunk lhed toay. 1 OPProtchcd the two mon wlth aR feeling cf deference, of decp re. ePcct--40r i knew thcy were ho. Me%, theY Were In an unbeianced *t*t.Of Mlcd beemue tjiey hmd feught fer eur ceuntry. As 1 tmikcd te thom, 1 dld Ut with a hcant fullcf sympathy for them; thair Irrational remarite did net make me amile-thay madc me thînit, theY made my licert -puj. se.wIi s oewthnc i cannet à deserblc. i elcod befoe the ,c1i doer, & werohipper 0f the$@ tw, mon Who Wore hekind the.bars and scemlngly eblivioue cf wh&t WUa happening outtIde and what WoI te h»Pp.n te them. fit w» thce trengcet feeling 1Ioerhad. Mare wcrc twO MOn Who had DONE SOMETHING-.4h*y wer, hcoes Of the finé I ecr and thear glorîcue mchlUentWrn&wa writtec in the wtrng lbd tuàt tii.y dispfayed. i did net havethe cîgaret they asked for l __4 *Ont end get one and whcc Miandpd it to the one, I felt hew t littie Ut wa that 1 wa, deing for t hlm---nd how mucihe had dense for the reat cf us, proved by the mental saite ho then was in. And, as the one remalced ly. C Ing on the cernent floor and said 1 ho had escsped frnm the hOapji. Pan Go( Fisi1 H1a% LIB 1

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