Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Mar 1919, p. 5

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Tian 10-20-The Real Kerosene Tractor dus- ".Tlitan10w20 wdeignd and buil fSmgroud uptk m kerosene mnto reliabl i@ok ;='fazu lmnent mdea.mtkje ih Titan 10-2 Lprove tueitL rmal bou'. b Dar ot mcely a gaaollne bitSo whit kerose "attaci- mm*Yoil b. wiae ta- o in um"md.Ttn 1020 num on kerooene under alb. uanng"w fuel â nIl hall a: IL2 0.20.-= SCHANCK HARDWARE COMPANY THIJI IVERSAL CAR ANNOUNCEMENT! LIBE RTYVILLE TERRITORY HM SBLEttIAWARDED TO WILSON & OHM Wukqinm'a Big Ford Dealers A MODERN SALESROOM AND SERVICE STATION, IS BEING INSTALLED IN TAE KENNEDY BUILDING, WHERE YOU CAN PLACE YOUR ORDERS, BUY PARTS AND CET SERVICE ON FORD CARS AND TRACTORS TOURING CAR TON tRUCK FOLLOWING IS UST 0F GOODS TO BE SOU) HERE FORD CARS FORDSON TRACTOR5 Parry Bodies Goodrich Tires Fisk Tubes Ilavoline Ois Oliver Plows Roderick-Lean Dises, llarrows andi Packers Amsco Grain Drii WILSN & QHM KENNEDY BUILDING LIBERTY VILLE iLLINOISI LIbertyville NewI If you knowlof an item of local interest, kir dly telephone No. 1 00000009 --ce@ O ~--sp -msSSsuU 1s:su s:s qMarcus Audrews, auha ha. tison sick la 1TiteSmairey6t1,1 irl ii ld a meeting 1se1 bçY rvre impraviug. autlte home oaiML sJomephi Ismeaye et c/ u r c Miss BasaI Davis apent Tueday ln Highlanid Park on Thursday eveuIig. VIautegan. Au Intesesting announesinulfroin Melhodist-tpiscosial. MIss Mande L.eghtou mas a Chcaxa Washington, lu conueitiniti thlie ses-vices Doit Sundayatl te M. vlitior Sunday.' 1 coming VicIas-y Liberty Losancempaign. chus-ch wlili ha hald aePfoiioms: Sut Miss Rutht Evlseizor Wa. a Chicago fl a th ie vos-es-s la ltse ViclorY Dfrive scitool et 10 o'clock; Morning preaec vlillas-Thursday mlii hoa eveded nalismade iront Iservice at il o'ctck. lunlte avei MissAuneMills- w. e auke a ctlred German cannton. Thte Iiilm1 t 7:30 the lirpt sas-vice ai lits C i@A itas-rThurada-.a bou lite 0inaehluit dollar and conu. Evangelisl meeting@ mii haolielil t tains on one aide a reproduction aifte M. E. chus-ch. Miss Camlyn A. Hlo@ Llyd Tylo lavietin hl mohei Trsaoury building antd on lte tranove rse mili iead lte unlled chahs-n lutis soi Mrs. Clama Taylor. aide a certificat. of Loan parlicillton. "Our Chaptes's Obligation ta Anthony Wembougu vIitod fies-l n uSpac@ je lait las- engratimlte nimeof Contmunlty," mili ne lte subjeût of MlaukeeS alus-dey. tse recipient. Epwomlh L eauea meeting nazI Su[ Bram, tg Bai'. and Ms-s. lChester OIîon u )nsg aur rocent enow sborm n ie af evenlog et 6:80. Mis-on A. Ros SaIns-day a daîgitar. aur résident» tout a ton daller bill As district premideut of Chiîcago Nos-i Mise Abna lUttnes ai CLIchaga, spent me nndoetmnd. Ibis pas-h aftered a Distsict mIii lesd lte meeting. Fridao mit fIrandseitors. fs-tnd $5 afi t I11ho mou Id gel out early Ttes-. mlii ha a meeting ai thte M Bas-nlu Ms-. and Mdss, Ray Andres-et u ths marnlng and fitid il. Titis con- chureh chair and lte Presbites-ieh au Manuday, a daugitas. verosation wa. oves-ieard by ans ai aur chois- tas rehoas-sal, iteld at ltae Pri Jack Mlean ai Fort WaynDe, mnd., viatiled villapa hays and titis boy clame to have les-ian chus-ch an Sislurday evenir the ochelm@ dringthepan wek ond it retus-nlng troin a fise lte smos 7:30 a'clack. Mises Cas-olyn A. Roa liteJoctheinsduslugut.pas mek. Iglt. Nom lte ovne eau have tse miiii md lte iuglug. Aillite met[ Ma. C. Elimeil of Highimnd Pas-k, h. mauey hy paying lb.e boy lte ramard he ai bath choar se nrged la attend. beau vliniing et te E. W. Pas-biurbI offerec for lits Ondes-. Ms-. Limberry cao tug lte Union Evaugeliitic se: home. t.'i hlmmithes-e lel. lte Sunday scitool mlii he belid asi M-eo. Wm. Seli['s.d chiidreu ai Chien. jsrnes V. Arstmrong, Assitant Super- at sacit chus-ch and et lte usuai go, viled a tew, days wit Ms-s, Slave husmdpnl ai1lthe Chitcago scitools wlil bie Na change lu place ors-imue. Cuditay. lte ;trlno'peispeaker et lteietilno ai -Fred Cs-okter bas s-tumned tramu'iicago lita Il. T. A. mitcit miiihaoibeldin lte Presbytes-ian. mitera h.oites ieen undes- neil lcars at Gremmas- shool Frid&Y afles-noon uaI S,înday, Missch 16ý the Pcenbyterimn hospilel. 3:80. Bl istpe miii h. "Whyita 8lao Sundey scitool 10 a. mn. Littl1e Auna May, lte tous--year old Weicomes lte Pareut-Teachers Amssia. il a. m. Pseachinî-. Tapic tif ser daugitter ai Ms. and Mls-. Wm. Hatema*n, lIo." Titoiso ucetbh.eves-y utpreel- "Thte Law ai Camptnosalon" le serioneîy iii1mit pueumonie. Ing and beneticlai mneefing and It li Chitsîan Endpame r 6:45 p in ' Little Lasraine Bakas-, mita bas beau urged ltsta aeg numbes- attend. Thte ' Eîvy andi Covmîuanss" Lull la te UcAliter itaspitai. Waukegan P. T. A. ie nat au os-ganîrailon furj 13-21 cam hoe Te@dy ad I getltg aongmottes-s alan. but for the lte rs almo 1 Titear miiiha na evening services cam-ehneTeea n.l elugaagand l la ta u t lai lte Association I tiurcit. Ali ses-vicestas- Mas-ch 23, nheeIy.bltasa.maty min as possiblemInes-re t e cxcel.iin ofi hunday schtoi.m,11 J. A. Bingliai, a teals-ical manager tesmseivai lu titismos-k andi attend te . a Union nature, under tite directit of New Yor-k. matie a siotalvîi@t itersetg. vg witl@iî cousin. Mr@. J. S. Gsidiey, lase elne.EageltLamptees-. Corpractice l's-day evcnlioeci weei. U.dl- les uday 'ms-ch r»hy. lg et oeiord nit'rs ervices euoal l imp. snon. Tople, ke 12; ilaDs- milth 1h.b ar on 'aio s-lter, First National Banàk Libertyville, Ilinois. At Lilctyvillle in tOcOtite oflII c 0110a te '-cee nf business 36arth 4. f919. . H ES( )t Hc ES. L. a Loafli and Dîscounts . . . . 11.... ...ý .1.........33M.396.47 . MsU. S IBonds deposltef1 to ecre cir(culatio l (pr tajuci..... . i00 b U. 8,fonds and cettflaen c 0.1 Ie î p. edgc t.core tS. d(lcofs itS(prvaine)...... .............. .. ........ 301)fin.200 i U. M.bonds and certifli caeof lddnlO aOSO ndf nDledzed 3nSrc.OO 6,500 IL Liberty Loin 1100,s261, 4 pier cent ).fi-04 er cetit, ulipliedtý 10.619.36 7. Bonds. Becurlîfen. Etc. a Benda othertChariU. S. bonds pledged to seciý M IlS. deposita. 10,768 75 3 : b Bond& other Chant U. S. bonds pledzed 1Coeu.,e Postal Savloîs deposits -. ..... ..... .01A,600 k e Securities 016cr Chan U, S, fonds(net lncludow .to 'kO. owned nnpfedwsed...................... . . .7,2î 25 f Collateraf Trust and other notes of Corpiorions tol for oct lebe tOin One Vear rior mores1th" Tbrec.'tcars ttne .. 69»e ', To.tal bonds. se(urife. etc ........... ............ ... .... .. 772 B. Stocks. oter ttîîn S'ei RiKserve Ban 'lk . .- 5000 9. Stock ni Federaf Reserve IBank (50 Ver eto oub-crlîtfno . . . 1.20.60 10. b Eqiftty lit bînking bouse ......... .......... ..... .. 19.400Mns Il. Fuenîtore and tixtuter ............. .... - .... -................ 0Dt.» 13. Lascluf reserve mIth Federaf Reserve Bauli...... ... .................2.900 15. Cash ln vanft and net amounita âne frontonational baniks ....5.. ..... 1 f. Checks on other batiksn nthe saine cfty or town as tefiortînir bavk 1658016 Totl f Items 1 18 I......... .............. ...... 1 M.1 . M0. Redemptlon fond wlth U2. S. Treasurer and due frn f' S Treasorer sûr, 0 22. War Savnnes Certificales and Thrft Stamps ac-tuafY o0V .. 100.00 23. ()Cher &sets. Liberty Loin Conupons........... Sbil Total................. .......................................3.114 LIABILITI ES. 24. (latotaf stock Iiaid l ........................ ......... .310O M. Surplus fundi ...... ..... .. 26. a Undlvtded ProfIts................ .... ..... ..7 bLUes encurent elxpenses. fntereBt and taxes. paid ... .).. 9; t,1 1.7e 28. Amount remerve for taxes accrued ...... ......... .... ..... .7.....9 29ý Amount reterved for ~aIll tterest accrued...................... ... .....V. .. 30. Cfrcnfalfng notes nuttanding ............................ ............ ,19ta 3. Net amount âite te batiks and banikers amoI trot iompanles......... .. 1 i.s 34 Certlfied Check&s ottstaing ... .. ...3.... .... Total nf Itess3, nd 34 ....... ............... ... If 9, 'l Demand deposits:- 34. Indielduaf dePosits sublect t0 check ...x.à. ............. ....... 35. Certififcates of depos11 âne lu le*s Chan 2 is ......................... ,4.6' Total demiand depomîfs items 34,32.. .......... ... ... 8245.1775M Tf se Itetiosts - 44. Postal Sibtls depoms, ............................. ............ 33. 45. ottier Tine te.sis- ..? ...f... .....33 962-77 Total of imordeptss ublect to Reserve itemsn4 atnd 15 ... . 1,f9 a War foin deposît Sacont --_- .1.1..... . .......... 19.000.00 5.Liabîlîlles 010cr ChonChonseabove afatedf ReSerco for ltîsl.ends nd 922,,' 4376 Total.. .. ........... ........................................ 3tt. 9TATE OF IL.LINOI)1S, COUNTY <OF LAKE. s: Siibserbed and sworn te bt î:tc ce Lis 131h% 1. J. S. îifdley, CisOler, oi toc aboi e-itord 1dit of 3larch 1919. batik, do anlemtîfV ssear toit the ibov c LYELI, H. MORRIS NStar, Polilr ataternent la truc 0tOcthebesof utMy kosscire Correct Atteat:-BEN H. IILLELI and bell ef. J,. .TAY LOR J .4. (fRILLEY, Cashier AI 4ER3I SAUER WANT ADS RTEC-1O cents per Lino. Lads Insertion.- 20 contes Minimumn Charge I ________________ M.5r. nason. --------- About tirly nitlite Liiert3sviliej IThe BoyScout.. and te Camp l'Ire ] REAL ESTATE t + MISCELLAIE JS I Modern Wuodmau tient lu Lake Forest H1h coo ots Girls wIll tntertainlte members ai the Tocsae evenin« mitere they enjoied n 6h col oe local commitftee at suppsrr, Friday FOR SALE-Chaire residence lots on CEMENT SILO STAVES-We hat. «"rmaker." Qunita Gotti, Ediior ening, IMarcio 14. Ezailînatiîîns for McKinley Ave. Mr@. Grimai. 'J -4 thec cieapest and best silo on o Mr.. sud tir.En@tShodr ae11Ts-op Engineer andi Tro p ioncer weil -- 1 markt l onsa movIR itt ( lU.e rftls1nlýF purcitased a lies. hometun Wainut Ave., i e ear n ewTnefotto î IhaesieVery fine hommeiZion lnolitutiotlt5and 1 lustries. ý,iL 4 iReport carde Mondai'! lmtearand ed. ottet it avries font$, $.00 400, Zion City, Ili. Phoue 49 Z..ln h.Oy. 2t% n uur il~e. tc amr br i Tite Senors are buoy seleclt n a piov.__________ $4.700, $6,000. , * c500 ta $8,510. Ailt lune lISr n fLaoF.retbTicy say titis 14 goingta ite oolrcfo îtmodern niceiy located. oshIcit 1shallIFARM WANTEU-Wce oI9h eue, yu Bsrdci aonin taeauîiîui st, leftat of iast year's Seulor cîa..o, so wait ' iemiiieNOTICE a I aeha pieaoed to shîow 3'ou at antIi. t o1er for a onait targeoilItlioo. Senti moi form yous- own opinion oit l Iea Ittelr90 81LaeEdwin sl.Phono 6,NîtriL Shore fu1csltsr.Citas, Bautiafîn G& o.. uear LorsAngelee. Site le regi@slred at 0t'îny Waodmao at ltcWaîdtnaishall, GsCo. ti306-5 Lincoln Ave, , hleag, ,li. 3W HoelRamnd lPrn' Aprln 251h. 'Titi te Ltherîyviiie, Mas-cii il. Ail Wocdmen 'Hie Mîseme JeauttsMundee and lr"r "Arl2t.Ti m i itare r- qiteeted lo be present. Tii)TRADE-Titree acresfn.ýFRRN;suatieltdtfaW'.... tuatltenbd fir e ties dot al lyred for orange groveln III iidIl Saraht Caudrey. Areat. 11b4 Muidys u tedake uvtsadMIaosetta t aten l.Ida or main lino for $230O or for la-_________ __ VI t ukeuatuatday. jEversiiîîdviS ihappy égalen calise Ir-porant leotormaltion Wanted- di.esfurao, wa ave you to aller? WANTED-Men r won taotatikeos-dTi TheEvdeaIlte Loal Cubntyiaspitalda t Boom iback autacitol. Porson holding l'ire lfinscaUi2e Polieleu F. A. S. Mercer. 210S Ezekîilalentîls, emaîig trleu.aisdm tigl for tIhe- card pas-ty and dancesat Evercît on St. Ail flie hteae nowadaye at L. T. 1.M.1 670(',<). 6 170024, 67002,,90420-2 and Ziun CitY. 12 Gi geniulie uaruteýed h. -itry. fiii linolir1 parek@nghýNmo, )rhâm lIanli'Mètvlkngo erea'. 04 2031ai the Iesehe@$eT Firelusuranco - mn n n sut d . ildmeu. litiaintes lakgn iilma h it . ný e * p It-str111 de fon t@An. i Sutlces 1Royal Lidg., Chicago), wîîî FOR SALE-Yf Pu'r.- Bs-ciiiHolsteintdarning. We çîay -ffleaut @Vo. Irel.. Eroi Ps->n i as-ns. Cnaa. nital Staff. î4îocomacunicale vsettIhe company;l ierd.ltre, :3 yrs tilil; darne mrecoîrd 23 or $24 a mccl. fur toit lime. Ezp)e-,eO Erns Pakyn t Tront, Cusd o cr fa! t ploetyourOrdr fo autii.i lîeiag nao record ai eaidlire PaunIde botier ai -13t'arm aid. Sire .131unuso'esarî. W rite. Intes-n1 ptiîL Sak- vieîr'dhie iet'r irs eore M r 1 flt i, la f $ ~3U ode o n irnePaticles hlnlite office ai the ponnd grandson tfKrig Segis. Cor n llI, NorriotowD, Pa. setattly. Ur. Ptàrkyu h.ban e w!t l te i4fO" f'nlyn, ha.1) Poto$1 hean3@e0oo fhi.0uli it si i anadian Foycee lu France for a year tMi"e HelenIuliy has bain awas-ded co-in t, C3ofita. 1 Prcloras-ita od ec suteainhtudugliere WîlloeI md ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h faaatnghedsctre lt tîor ai valediclorian adMicojny ubs -M utaa leitelter thabaioie1 îrîce. OneWAlE- rrdma u aran Teolkuelm ioi;. SceyEstber Gîs at of ialnla#os-ianMisa pure hred Ouroc Jersey Bt20r front n brn lqae'. .c'.nEeeî Al. III Plîtîtw-7a7closei tekJ.F.1c..-'. 1 i. i te M. En. choe Mileetouary socext l o a lS ond tai EstheReinsta.tmenl of C:vii Service "'- Vie, Libersyville phtoe 258-1R2. 1111FOR SALE-.l Foi d rîîAii' r',j-tingoodl aIlee M. E. ehtturcit Mli braednab I leThte cdamceitîtorianecai.. rapitl PIae.sawio Entered f he Arftay odtù.Lb 1lvleC '.phn lIe hutime of tirs. Tripp on Braluard etc.. mili Ite chosco ty lte members cf criNavy FOIR BAL£ t'21)2 *1. Court. Ur.Laura Taylor wUl iad lte tIhoea ln a Arular s-centty dislributed by ___ meeting. Tbete tie Otlessaye ais lite mork <of lte ntled SbtaCivil Se, ee Conmmis- COWS FOR SALE-SIx beavy sprîng WAN T ED-.'. mir] tu ascie. la iceneisl Clius. F. Sanale, Jr.. was .nalîed tu lte lfaniegic icononty departmtent have »J051 BîlenIlti taIctled la au execltive ors. J. P. Guerlo, Phtone 26zi.11..ueok Abr ol. aeFrs Liîcga Teaaytaelsn Stet-eriboeiosen. Tite wrilaimnftheee Meay@ os-des- promulgeled hy lte presideut on 6.(. Phoîne527-W.14 ofaim itbrother, Wi lliam B. Smala, mita are. Viol10,Welle, , Calai Badge and Job'I l, 1918, wmitcitprovides thal t A _______ bushom a Inali fr te pstthItyMarion tisetrotl.Linoeo oessayé miliiPerson leasing éoe esl&'d civil sec.'lee rOIt 8ALE-Cceentaéayé silos HORSES-Feir sale f OO im ffrocagray jours. lHe mas a vîchlin ut iufantile e l~mltlsed coon. a t. bengaige latheilltaryor naval srvicem eapesl and beal; Window a.nd mares, 4 3mars tobi, meigitt 8,200, paralysie. Mrli. Aveuili delivered a ai lirt4g 1teé goverameul dus-kg lte préenst door ecreens; bouse moving andi Teasa otfiblack mares, oyear.gofd, mmghb Paayi.lait on how tsar Higit Scitaci bégan ie. lewar mit GermanY and Whita .s ean bouse ralîing. Zian Institutions and 3.000. Team o aiheck geldtiîfs, 4 yeam W. 1. Collin@ and iamliy and E. fH. aIea danaledtu the lt tgit ellool a baok hauaru.biy disclsargeti. may horelnsa&ed Industries, Departmet No. 4, phono nid, weIghl 2,800. On. hayhors.5t Collune ill,mtend lte medding ai thaîr ity Clark E. ttarr called -The lîits ,,lu lte'Isil sesvfe t any limne iskin 49 Or 31. Zion. lits.. l9if migitl1,600. Ail home ratoeeti ioreq%% niece, MiséUuitean, ai Aurore, Prtday mitickhoiteus-ed es'cry sludeai ta resd. five years&aifer hi@ diocitesge, provIaheti Pîgo.,11uweetssold; Iamb il cw eseks o014 te ceemaii te horpsd aI the Prasby. titt athlit iane etfoinaaemenl h hall~ FOR SALE-Diemond-., matches and Early and laie paltoa0s; Bilue Eltbca terancurctbee. ie Vigine, olln@Exiracts from Laitess Rcoed by lte roquired flnee.s lapas-tusm the dueli.. Jeweiry au crédit, 20 per cent domu seed *bot- Bergeron dîtteL. Yrns Weitt ho astuof Ue brldeomaideq. the Exeriplion BSamd of te position Lu whitih i'antaîement anud 10 Per cent a mot. Rcy R. LihertyvIlle. Photne 27&.2ý liti Amung tha00 mit aeteuded the Sun- .n glt etr aietrosofl iiogb." Yeoman, 111 Nos-lh OGoese nt , Wuke- da colwremcneto tLk l mu h etr n troa fThe Independent'a lwo.,.uor eue, da sitol.e~krecovetia I &kt,îf us rtceivedl"Y te ezeuipêon board Tiie Cdvii Service Commission stause.gan. 6l ion poster te the mos aIls-active Bluff, Tueday evening mere: Mr&. E. were foud the folk) wlng: that, tunmcugnltltnOf lte services rend.- O .~~l ~ a1snT sl u.Tgle-wla di H. Carietl, Ma. Jennie Juil. George Dear Pros.ideurt: es-ad lty ivtl-ses-vkoem FOR sALEees Wha I The ndependbll oe5tIe hean7ad 01 itolett, Rav. Resta, Ms-. Marx Juil, MUre. Plese esd ionty or husband. pIe... ubored ttai millais' os- naval serviee 18 moutit. aid. lissonable. A goad î. tîsd faeis~gNt61 Mary JusI. Ms-e.Clatra Colby and Roy notice 03w a. eau are a marrIedeti m a 1 ar t rdct~lt 0~lsÙi odbi. hio arn hn Liel.in9 bîsy-thcaota erafng P ; romp aie .F. Wright. Ms-e. 1déane JusIva, onue aifbLomglithe it 0.1ofLigr. L M iii Mateapocaal .egie,î t a nsist t ills2984-2. 10.2 coreful ses-vice in our &lm. lte speaerss on t5. psore.. Wilson & Oitm, a Weukegflis-na have iteecamarded lte Ford les-llory hoes and have opened a it-aucit alce. lu lte Kennedy building. Titey ml occupy bot store roosus on telia.rsst fgour- md mlii haudie ual onuly os-dhcamsbut tractas-e as mou. Titis psogrss.i.huti. noma itin mlU h. a valumbi. addition lu The lavuea girls" teain oomprlslng former basket bal playere aiflte itigi achool, played lteoir fis-t basket hal gaine lat Titus-dal evealug et lthlgh sChtoof, lb. fluai score b.ig 28-14 lu ta-avlifthe "lova girls." The llu.up vas as folova: Rigi t Siool, Atma Lightbody,. C; VIsgila Coilusand Eveiyn Milet, F; Fios-e bRian mdEstma Titua4 G. TowiTéais, Edua Knox, C, MatIeLla tbbody ad BumMillet, P; Nome Jenkles mnd Dorothy Hardiag 0. The fis-t bail oiflte conuasvasgweil playeti by bath tese, ,lte, score biang1 9 IÎO7 but lts econd haitlmas a "vaib away." Il thon became kboova hst àa pound box af ceudy vas 10 h. gie tan ] lte vînesanad 1h. varythe -t girls" ment aflert lit a ndy vas ag tiautlon, peshepa tiey lîket caudy beltte ltisu lthigit sciool girls and ltaI as( te seas aultIhey put up sucît a slroug gamelSit e finish. ibm do Ion expect me ta lier, R~ae rument svicesater tita o eave ' NOTICE 905------ mas$ iny"anh axport. uponlt.. lte entire hus-den ai fiudlng There' mlii hoasapecîmimeeting aiolte 1 al't relived ne pay @ane.My bus- enîlahie vacastcies. LibertytIbie Lodge Na. 492, #LF. & A. 10[ll bandivas gono tram nombers. A mati mitala eligilte lotreltil.e ,Tutm-teigMsc 811 mnent undes- lte os-des-May appily a ny Work on lte Fellamcratktidegree Al~ [ i E WHAT THE LISRARY MAS FOR VOU o@ne.oreulabishment aifltegoveramen5 Mone Invitati. A nev mile bas iteen adoptad b he itsudes- itiit e odeois-a.relnotatemntî.Chas. F. Saisie, Jr.,Secy Luttas-y board wvitcitenabeb mchioidos-but Iflhe profèe-, oe ay iaquan t.ucivil-------- of a libres-y card te dram Ivo book@ i stsvice commission or one ai li@ distict@ a. . Nivuacicui. Attoey for estate. À D T I E1 one tima os-an. magazine and ans book. secrelarles 1tecules- hi.estama upoq la ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Weflkese l la Ou@ seveu day book anti aue old book. teinslatement ]lot waitiliiha brouiltiPublic Notice la ber. ebyo s stheO. i one fiction mans neau.fieîti nbook w or. iltae attention af eppoloin l g tlcaseriber Admalntsrator of the Estale of àMichae JQ f combnatonewhic m h.buobtainsd. vitan vacancies are bla ha 11usd. 0î,s-n, deeeaed i,e attend ffl ougm BM UR 01810 1111 Tb@e floilng nav boots have bera__________(tout ofntLake Couoly il a jles-m Iheruot la bSmi hoîden et t0e' Courtsta, in akssasoo a of.edy pleced la circulation: "Thte UnIlvetsiy BERLIN STRIKE OFF AFTER ln laid Oounty on lias lis-i Mondy of »tii of Bard Kunoche" by "apht Parlotte; 810 BATTLE; REVOLT CRUOMEO nezt191,henand wbers ail permons t bvlt ___________ "Tite Poui of Susan Yeiinm," Vachole; elau iai laaid Estils are inoed -and.. euqUd tepresstt a - u ad10er jt "Tite Spel ai Yukon." Robes-I W. Service Berlin, Germauy, Trlday, Mas-ch 7- &dJdiaction. am asdOuiii "Theo Lire ofthtie Nos-lh," by Bîndiome; Thte gestes-ml srike la Berluin ii ho JOliE M. GUERIN. Adstainltrator ofi me SUNI>AY, NICE 16 "Too FaI 10 Figiti," Rex Beach; -The caliet Off lOulght. Tite lebor tudeatelon Estate of litiet OnuI. doceameti. Charmes Day"is Boy Scout@ e Yar Book," lte@ big"eti a meeting e.s-ly tIbil ovOung rs» Wakeîin Ili.. tebmstary 2f. 1919. aiokof h. yems-; 1The Baet rWay" 'OmmeutiedltaIt.heworklugmeu rj» eb. 27 is-ch 6.13 *** 'FIP O , Clhm.. Wagiet; "The Simple Lit," Cho.tus-n tamos-k Saturda>r. IR usi. V u WII Ifi Wagner; "Bos Brinkes- or tits Oliver London, Englanti, Match B1.A great NOTICE Skates.t' "Mary Mdapes Dodge"; 'Â4ad numbes- af Spartacana mare takon pris Public notice la hereby given ltaI the They Titougot lm e Woulti't Flgt5" bonere luthlitafghtiug tu the couler of 9tit instaisent of Speciai Asement WEDNESIAY, IAXCE 19 Floyd Gibbons, nemspapes- cosrepon. Berlin Friday and viii ho lumbmosi No. 8 fot e semea ystei n lteillage ai dent lorthlie Tribune, a book av.ryouo ho deatit. according la au erchango, Ubertiville lanw due mmd payable et Suart laclito. lis shonii sead. Rcent magasine additltin@TOII'graph ifspalcis fronCopenhagoe.litL fiea ieVlaeClets.Te ' lath li samy circuation are: HerpeseThei lgîttlin nTle'sin ende'd at n o the wiOfficOfte iae sopîiyon las-h J p Century Anîerlcan. Bouse am atdien .as- rda ,te di.ptîch mdds, anld gov ok@wl h lt-dpomt>on Fch IIWOR1DFMR 111 i Lierr Ilg@, ela o evew, Prmnttros owOcuyal pbl 01919. Lhesey fielReisetî evamReihitilîling.. anti squares anti a numiter eiHMarsVlagClicor. Cro@ts. Thea lest Iiree ivere donaled . of factories. iJian. 6 la Mas-ch 20 .*. ****;to L1

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