Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Mar 1919, p. 8

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wltb Mre. H. Bartlett, wbo ia lowly Improvîng. Ml..e Evollue TowneP i. home for a thnee sieste vacition. tirs W. Lemker vllted Mis. George Dreson lutl Thursdsi'. Ouestqt. t lie Heur> Mile borne Sun- day woe: Mr. aud Mrs. Robet Rouese sud daughtcr, Mr. and tirs. Leon> Kano ,sud Waltetr Radks. Mn. sud Mre. Cisyton Hutcblugs aud daughter «peut Frîda>' eveulug wltb Mr. aud Mr@.. Robert Bouse ln honar of their second weddlug annlver.ery. W n. 1:iusmanlaon the sick 11m. Mr. a IA Mr. J. W. Cooper vlstd wlth MIr. a.. NIra. F. Lubtemana, 8unday. M re. io. Brockuiauu @pent Friday ialth Graudman et Prairie Vlew. Mesâe. Merrlu sud Alan Welskopi @pont Sonda>' wih bJerry Tosinen. Arthur Brockman Is ln Chîcago on business. êtr. Arthuor follaud vlslced Sonda>' wlhh Mn@. Jeunie Hayes. Mms. George Thatcher spent Mouday lu Waukegan. Franir Stoerp bas returued 10 Dlsmoud Lake baviug recehved bI@ dlscharge f rom Camp Grant. Everyone le gLad that be le sièlI. l XM D' AREA BREVITIES 1mIe B... Ucide spend the. week-end idlh ies luNonabel Grenof Chicago. 0& Ftiday evenlng aboust hirt>' you pffi wMen alertained et the. W. D jPoteèua home I. honni oi Lees 3haddle q»4i C. Dean Wel@s, un bave recsutly >#iftu,'ad ho, servIce. Tbe evening was # i. hlnplyor retesmatds se eraed. un palste mgur gamfethns sudmue sud ..Ues>'oaereporte s splendId Îvening. 4»"dy sveuîng a joint meeting ni the Vhitisu Endeavor and the W. C. T. U. Vas field, the topk nif the eveulng belug "Prohbition." Mis. Jeunue Just oi Làbertyvllle, sas preseut and gave a %'vewyIntceetng tait ou the"Remiintcnee of the W. C. T. U." Other memtjens ai thse Endeavor sud W. C. T. 1 '. dîscu@sed the tempenance question tram varions etandpontal. FUilesugirls att.euded the meeting ai' Ibo, commuait>' hanse NBonda>'evenug aud &il displayed a Ilvel>' Intereot lu the orgaaugaig varions athiette tesams.fib was declded ta @pend ever>' Thuneday *venlng at tii. gym dlvldlog the eveuIng lUeo a tine for general atbletlc drill, Indoar base hall, volley bal and basket Wai. Later Itleaboped tbat teams ma>' lbe developed foreascii ai the.. game. 'W. aiea hear romors af s eprlug "Fachîon Show" to 0>e given oometlme la the. near future. grs. Frances Browder sud Mis. Orphfh auding wsesanongthose shoa tt.ndsd a ths@ Suada> Sebool workers conférence st Lake bluff Tesda>' eveung. Sel Sonda>' nornlog lu the Ares test requires s knownedge of lthe Scout charch, the Rev. George A. MItchell vui Laws. the composition sud hletan>' ai addresthe children iu the communit>' lie Anterîcanfltag aud how ta tie the Thbere shl lic specilîmusceou tiih& follawîng kuot. Square, shetbaud, oûceashan. bow fine. ti.«iransa, eep stauk, Mr. sud hics. F. 1' r.iie entertaineti baller, claver tilteli anti timbar ilci The s nnter ai yourii, lapl t îne ollowhng bot-s îîased the test sr'. 8un1s>'.the affair lîiýnïg ni. the utureli ul': Suumeir sprague, Henr>' ecougli, 0fa celebratlon for L"e Stiaddle. ùcdau 1Mansiall Wltc.tar; Bacih, Rallit, Fia>. Wello aud Morris lit-ateo, who hbave ltard and iEdie ilayford . Mctinizu are rsceuîIs- rturucti front serv ice.(illier I bali. .'ySturtisavniglît anthie Towan guesîs ir.. luicti MIS ElLith l'aile,.. Mise _______front__i___,__ Ilaxel B- i a-I Os'car B-,iaifIlghlal ?ankInuMemnoriam (y - ~l u la. Ing r.e.'îiîran,'of fleat5.-a- DLA'IRMD LAM.E mo udiii aîî iaMr, hJi. 1s, .awi Mms Fred Lubkamaunu pent a a ew80 years, diys tic pst wcek at the home of ber A pl"îuu une ~fri o. Qbac, g-ime, lathèr, Johu Luebte. A s-iîce se las-ad 4tîllci. Mr@ Wnt Eluemnansd tir@ Walter A piace 1s vacant nn h ornne, Kâmken eFp-it Wedueeisqày sitaruorn Whiclunetan eau ltic illled. (lot Inlu is widom ha.e ecalled, The boon bis laove bati gis-eu, Andt tough the body>' lunthers hene, The soui Is @aie bu Beaven. RULIý M é 1Emmotît Gleason Famil>'. INRI FOR~AIJMise@ Esther sud Ella Maaeh @pet PQSSESSION ON OR BE. the. week-end aI home. FORE 4ARCH FIRST Mes B-Isee MCati> epent Salurda>' tChicago. - r.and Mm. Ed Braudlug @petit alfeu St«'-, Fee Md IMPleMtnts daYs sîwti theformer'. parents.. if Oesred J.- D. Floitws asChicagocailler Fnîda>'. Mrs A. Froelcb speot Frida>' lu Fer Sait or Exchaage--A gond, Bariugton. Well.lotd,hlghl,.improved 20 Tue P. T. A. held It. regulan meeting MM 0faim, wibl.s tock, feed @» Frida>'. a"d Impieusente. 17,500 Clar. Oiuer w m cpt s tsu or tour Tii. Ladies' Adi echety held ils nthh- ba building ho Chcago. 1>' meeting Tbunsday. 45 Acses-l% mlles fra ont n; Gearge Pruselý called (tu relatives sud goebd sheat sud corn laud; gond finehmSne' buldngs; 06500; ver>'easy termes red or ady 95 Acn.s-15 mîmesft ra ont 0- Mn. sud Mrs. S. Berrmu @petit s few b-lu of land; gond buildings; dsve lu Chcago last seet. 8125 par acre;, ver>' easy termi. Mi. and Mm. Win. Blume ai Palatine, P0 Acres-4 miles frcuntonu; vieted Btthlb.Sehontaker home Studs'. excellent solf; 30 acres tailpInsW. 'ce seveu hches thiet le belug eut sud fid. gond boues, barn, silo, te: stOred iornouseinuenfmmer. h om 8145 per acre. Pîî ouî eeoshî 20 Acres-5 milesefront towu; ex. atoveE. Ia ne o re. r. Bagher sI COptlousîl>' gond land; stock,. bv .Fak toe r abewl teed sud Implementa, silfo $7000 agalu have his office tiiene a.sliefore, 38 Acres-4 miles tram tInu E. A. Ficke @pont a ica dayein Ws'uk.' gondoosasd iir buldIngs; $1570 gan Iase week at s Supers-isors meeting. per acre. 11.000 cash; balance ta LasI Thureda>' es-cing ti,- lange harno suit purchaser.auieEi uel'frrtîarlrln. 32 Acres-2 miles ft ra tInsslke- O h alBube ai ierlarrw 5-room hanse; new haro; e6,000; ton burued ba the grîîund. Tiie tire wa,. t'%It cash. csused h3 the exîltou ot tIie' a'. tankl Vyou neeti a larîni fur immediate t>ODiticV>d a mb bhe inilklog iiaciiiii,î îI- nvsettgalie bheti"bargains. 'The liarîn wnu is ured'tin he- larelîgtî.u 'y f> arm wtthln o 71 iles -ai Insu rance Ca ýàgo, THE GIIEATEST PRIO IrtbCE MARKET INl'HFI, wiîlî aturdas-ti-iiing. Alarci , aitfii,' W sud gro'lnig baller. home ot Eruet i.ohmnn i uILmr n a,, Attracive .Mi. L)dia Lohmau sud LouIs M1111ri Bargaîns acýre Unitedi ln uarriage. VTh.eou. ln Area es-hi resîde mn tîne renc,.t'c o. theb ilîla,. 0lanl iiicagr late gratjdparents, Modrn r l .l~~, 'antunIrte, - - - Spiall Tracts hira J. A. SîrykFr sas the guesîs ilii far za, r,. lrvlng ltehm of Oak Parr, Manda>'1 fors,i i i - iitr ln uni Tueda>'. deus 1)iii'ti ii., ii'. '.%IuI.i ut n,.iayne Stryker sud eau, Alvin Ha& 'a "->.f'din ute seek St her fatiensg, ÎÏ lin lsnîah ;j Cil>'saler, ewer c. st-ali, g'.>-. uc,, Kîiirolln o! Chîago, wB h r eecthch.v.guest iii Mc,. .iignît WInters aovec the 1,M" Sportation Wao-i iCip tr i 1 r n d Iri îr . F ra uk J i . îîlîe ste n d e d 1 iBhclse ni iid ir e ' ail, tii'- (ifo-îî a -r lîrmtiir, Heur>'Rock.1 4" WilI Offer 1 In.c l.tildas- I % Is )iîiisc3 oft hke.gaoý ,q encouragement tU..a nica. - r i,!~ .tncu tein. indctlce Mn.J,'iA. nS:r>, uc cutertaiîe,,lfour1 Aidrest geuaîattimn. 'thtea Braud fanuil> sud1 V. M. HARDING- ale ,lî,- s tni> ura Ares. Illmost.rtirl siîh ts.Iî aîit4« Usrytten Co., uti >frea and Vileinitq_1 Januar>' 27, 1919. Dean FrIand Penco: TiI. 1,. Sunda>' and oni>' tinte for a les hunes Recels-ad 300u cgarett es atunda>' nouia. Tiha gaI bere la fineshape and ser>' neati>' done tp. 'lie>' sure loak dix moulsahs Pe Paswae»gdom(swo)'C J1I eau yos su a u 'b aIls»sabave.5IVgI.j14L sud thei la patience outil the. Mine corn for as to corn esk 10 the guod old E DI T.S8 A. Sa>' Peac o a he i.wiougDL addresé ou, you got Frant'à sud mine mlxed 1 Suppoe. Tsil Weil@ belle, sud P F R aIse boudins hi, a book iron thte Office. Tell Lh.m tasa>' Nelîs 1taIIifon me sud te~ faIk@ ai home. Also sast blm how1 Returned Solide tb& sappere are comtng lb... - igita?. ~O.* n Also thse solo games. i $are wl-h I coald cags" nR be up Inu olud lower igîl ow , hBook Ar yoa tlle. Thînt of >'ou evsîy day- aud sure wlsh i coulei mesyou aud have inîw5Iean Mr. sud io. Ontermenad daugbtere spent Sanday etain.. Gatfeld's. Dr. Cutl.r returmed borne OaturdBy1 from a businessetrip to St.Louis aud other Mssouri ctile. Mrs. Auti. Winterie enertalosd thei ladies' AId of St~ Paul's cbawcb oun Thuredsv. SMr. and M rs Almon Frost t fChîcgo- spent Frlday ait ibeir son'@ borne,1 Herman Frost.1 Thise more ol our oldier boys have1 BTnived home, Wm. Hprman, Clarmnce . Babuansd Carl Holmeyer.1 E. P HEwton ls doiDg dut>' ou thei jury Bt Waukegau. Mr. H. McDoweil of McCormack Semin.i ary, ban Bccptedthie cali et Sb@ Proeby-i terlan church for the neit year and wIl1 moye to town as@oon sbis@ebool year closes. Judson DoYounie of St. Charte@, epent the week-end et bis oncles@, J. A. Stryker. C. 0. and R 9. Pettîs s@pont eevera day.set Harvard. Mil@s',-Ida Horeuberirer was the scuest of Mies@ Hilda Eckhart of Chicako, Wed- nesdoly. B. V. Baole of New York, was the guept of hi@ mother, Mr@. L. C. fiole on Mouday. Mr. aud Mrg. R. E. L. Bolmes were the gueos of Mrs Frank Pelerson, tbsy have mest returnod irom Calîforola snd are on their way bc New York to visît thei sn. Mr. and Mr@. Bd Kuaak aud chIldren of Downer@ rove, were the week-end gueut of Dr. sud Mr@. T. L. Kr.aak. Arthuor Frost, who bas charge of the janîtor work et ec'bool, le ou the @tck lisi. TWO LETERS FROM FRANCE gooii 10tue Peaca. Ban>' thanhs. 01Ji Pregenb, President J I- Bir Trusb-e@, loy s-au sure are tilg anti las-e dune Ells'worth, idlni.c, Hart. %% riglit; abse'nt s aur eliare iu înaking nie hiappy l'y Trustecs Collins and l'ais writilig auti Fsending rue tIhethtogs ou Minutes ofii ai.'enî 1.4 -1l Fcbriiisrs- 4.i lias-e sen. . Dielnow bs'.)I v 1en rwîlI 19411.,sera reati y1. l' La rtl t.- ai».- t.' r.-pai i "nfr r "e Inne'-. seon.itid b lt-t.'Iiir lit niute' 1t and tbîrugiiýtlullnîeFas Sure glai I.. lîcar1n atlînlîs cd. A c-Oii oi l odiî, 3ru arc >nI;ll nthe aId job. i suppose liran stiWrighît. rel 1 "Ii% the tir I get liai-k 3ou n iliihaie Eti Au' lin p iî o--, i r,'the board,. lint lttie cottage l.iilt ta-ar line traîl. îlnr.'.ing Ihe bourard rii toain atati Ha' It a oult i n e ,u.inieSs Il yî.u atalr imaini onn t-iiir- t aînd Nord. i-outd do that. Weil Prîtea votau akoii!avenuce and Ia.iiz c i '- ini streaI to in re4ard t hthinî, h aune soulti lika ciienvr hou-se on Milhl i cnt andiNorth tii senti 300uoea tut 1 Inow af qulbc sa 1 1ane. iaw hoyti seoding sou,. home sud theni tl.îîcti4y Wrl&uhiî ,er-nndti iy Elle nas-ar gaItiahre, Soneboti>'on the se>' sorîli liaItIih-;etltlîînb,. refarredti t. got awa>' sîti tio enthlaeen thersand lie sater couawttKîbce iti power tlacst. atates. A lellas sent tso Gsrmau shelîs Ays-EilssarbthGidng, Hart, Wright. honte four nantie ago sud îlay harsn't Petiauo presenti b>' J. W. Browin got tiare yet. Sa sien 1 staît honte igued b>' 110 otais of lhs village of Peaco 1 IlutIr> my testtola hnug yeu Libertyvllle reîîuestnig the. board ta eomething Now sonld ynu lite s lIlîle acqulrs rgt-ol wsy front Eaet Park Ga Kimangirl ina Souvenir? Ha! W. Ave., ta C. M. & N. S. hIectriti ralioad bavlug our fitti coud seather. iLtdon't sihîcw&sasrefarrcd to the etreel and Igîvr> od he. irotbsh Ih r>. 1 aile>' commtte,.b>' lie prealdent. supose evsytir,, Zug &Lnb Iedup The treasurene report for ilebruar>' alc.ady onulie Son and J. Peas are 1919 wa; reud. Mdovsd b>' Wrihb ynu bavhng au>' Embargo cars Ibis seconded b>' Elleserth liat ths report sinter? (0. K. 10 accept Sou 128467 flian for New York vhs Penn. RBaB> Bal Hlow le Wel@? Give hlm m>' regarde sud tell hi. I1 sîints gnOu. JusI hos mach longer se sli bave t10 uta>' bers la bard 10 tell. Seing Io tb. ArMY ni Occupation I suppose se suII bave 10, et.>' outil everytblug I. lu shape over bite. I suppose Frank sîll h. home long hefors1,nt bcug lu the ami>' of occupation. Be gond Peaco nId scout outil 1i»se. y'u. Regards tu Mr. Grouer. WIII write again sien 1 have more flime. Write oüno 515a)-sglad tb hear front >'on. Regaide to tir. sud Mrs. Butter- field. Your frleud, Cisiee SKuigg-, Ca. C. 47th lui. 4th Dîvielon. Februar>' 1, 2919 Dean FrIand Pentu:, Recais-ld yeuur letter Fnîda>' daleti Jaiiuan> 5. les. I nceisedyourlganto ln fina chape as 1I ld SOU ln lie litter ticir hiont.ue Seiiing 3,au a hook ses 1111e souvenir tli ,iuoff aice. i1t.ope It gels filtreILe gio.l ,.iiatýls as traaslarîed ta tlis iiiiîi.'- ,riitue ago. WVe take cane of al lbw ,- c.-e--recoreds. Iusuratucce lilli ri>-it-,sî,-h iaiatlts ragiienut 47 iii, ais,ihla uli lhe pI-rorIle eau-h nul.tta - 'Iii r'. w t.1.a bohlit 2-500 hi l Il 470ii,. î It e.-,s us raillier Iiumy mwtI ail hl li. dî îîregard tu ts sauin r n l'u-..I llty y .>'tictu10gel yiiiila tI..nnianuil h'llut sud st'n>d lb If I eau. 'A tie ai. bbe Argonne front 1 cault hare gril huaticcis ai dîierent souvenir,,tt at tuat lines e saslm'é llusedto i ale air> thing aay siti us aller comitng off troutise front. But wilI ry sud gel ana for you sud foake sehanc ea ndiug If. Say' Peaeo suaI about tlue bsek pa>'? DIl t oma la ou liaS? I dont supptose 1 dîi. Vie lerke job muet b. prett>' gooti nos sitih soe .urs slnd psy. It makes a penson ltil more likes sriag snd dolng latter work at those liaurs. 1 supposeclhîuigm sera aIl sied up durlîug lie raId muai.. MIN avsen'b haitian>' c..ld Veatien 3et. 'asit arooti mlloi ati.>t lim sthout overcoat. Vhs>' saY'bn Marci tbay stant matIng garden. So b>' ltetinse %hi@ eacies you se suli hava spriog ber@. Hal Sendlnn., s-at n ParodY on i i lairling I anu. lcrosilug l1,1,1 Thuis im ma uab the tiughbo3 e .iug i, tii" lilue ucrdt, 'day ne isuiti lie hie he accepîsi sd placed on file. Aeu- Ellsworth, Ooldlng, Bart, Wrght Carrled. The. folluwlug bille were read: S. P. Evh'elzon. repaire et. lîgbs..8 2 80 Gea. Triggi, Street work.......81 60 Ant Kruckrnau, etreet work.....75 00 Ed QuentIn, Street work.......... 1 00 John Brixon ....................... 85 60 Public Service Co., etreet light ... 129 87 AI Kllemau, salary .............. 75 00 Llbert>v1lle Lumber Co., coal pumop bouge....................... 7 50 Scbanet Bardi.sne Co., s.wer punp ...............................55 55 D. S. Limberny, ealary ........... 75 00 John Lýester, special police.... 6 00 J. A. Treptow. salary.......... .2 5 00 F. B. Lovell, Élppllesluug motor 22 4e Triggm & J hr)son, map elothe i. 80 Llbe-rty ville. garage, ol, ire cal! and lîyacîic ............... ....'. 575 F Ire l'ept , lire calit ud practi(e.. 160 0 Publir Service Ca., llgbt &St igne J10 Mo iivdt.>' Wnght Seecaded b>' holding thaibL,11 be allowed éud warrant@ lie dran on difiere,.t lutdie Aye-Ells- w,,rth, 1iîîîdlng, liart, %AN ight. Canrled. M u, , 1, 'v.%%rightseconded bt hJoldiing to iadj nilIo e3,'etock Nancb 17, 19)19. J. A. Treptow, Cip.rl. Tihe ligbland Park< nome of Mes. MiiMoi îery Ward, was entered Sua- day iîclit by 9qarauders who tore th, elec>rie lielht fiture,. front th,'tr fastnoie'. and did other daniagi',, Mr,. W ;rd us ependlug the' winteîi in CaliCern la. VETERINARIÂN AT ANTIOCD A l î,q, eid graduste Veteinaian- Dr. G. W. Jensen, ba@ lacated lu Aliti. i liead bas bis office avel the Gfl1iHtzrî,.rarbier shop). Dr. Jensen bas r"ently been dlschargediroin the' ..'tilary service In the armn> amil iras tatioued at Ft Oglthorpe. (r lile was formeni>' lu the ern- PoY f tai tii r8etv oftIlinlois and has. Alumed sa olion as practical v'eterlîar1ûn foc the Agrîcultural Dept. ofi tlh--'nieriby1continue private îca.i'e. Be will be open Ia cail dey or niKlit and you oea>'canoît hlm et arl1 imOu n au>' disease or allaient of AIl.À ' , : FAFtMEPS TELEPHC.NE LONG DISTANCE 134 R t bu hL sWBu a verTflut game C., 1; MeKa>', R. o., 2.M, Ld 1 Th ia town tenz deteated the G., 1.:4 .B.Cluthein finit game thie esa- son, Played at Are. sevenal weeks Wioi ecIf, o A READY C,n ettd atfield goals. wicox waa 111 sud unable to plar. requeet o!f the potOUW desotueut E. B e.B. C. Swanson, R. FI., îeoffl .u ed chiuI ers Put Dis- s; à peeon, 1L F.-:R. man, ieoMlabouvlt 'o £0? Ci1if ceord Before C., 1; 1. Anderson. f..o., 2, j. D. nt& &M .,Cal. te Caî. Thi. O»,W rrve.ConneIl, L G.. 6; Area'&--pitzgerald, vWU Made bMcu e t dontUg" a ,IU Tj~.' R. P. -; OMO 14 1L P, 2-1; ROuse, the abl>evation frtoniload.A >erancee ln lie a good talit. We.Il Penco, [ muet @tnp. PIss e sanesthîs asial writing as I onlyhad a fes mInute.. 01v. my regards tu, eygrybody sud seed that lstterolimine jan resd lu the. paper If ynu eau Sud It. If youfpIesu.. Be Roud, Clarene <ulgge, Co C. 47th lui 4tb l)v., A. E. F. Parody on "'Darling I amn Growing Old"~ I),rlhng 1 sîn comng back Silver Ibreadi smaîg tbackit Naw that peace lu Europe near, l'Il be bers for feven ypars. l'Il drop lhoau yau @oint lght With my whhsters long sud withe, yss, the War Io aven dean And se're comlug hone-il beur. Home agahu wlth you once more Say b>' lusteen tsenty-foun, And 1 thought b>'DOw I'd ha SaIllng home serose the ef.. Backtota here you eh sud plue Buot I'm stuck litre on the,.Rhine, You cau hear the men ail cuoe War lo bell, bot peace le soroe. Whou the nei ar mintes &round lu the front nauks lPilb. iound, 1 wili rush rlght lg ht lu peil-meli Yes 1 wili, 1 thînt, Ilie bell. OFFICIAL COU NCIL PROCEEbiNGS VILLAGE 0F LIBERTYVILLE Regulan meetingoaithie Truseee, ai the' vi:llae ai Lîbetyvllle. . ~lrch 3, 1919.1 AuctionSale'@ Owlng to the fact of the cleatti of M. J. Archer, to CIOi ont the estatte, we wiIl seil, at public auction, 011 thePrernises, 3r) McKinley Road, Lake Forest, Di., sale comIneri(*i!g at 12:30 o'clock 1' iii. on SATURDAY, MARCII 159 1919 the followiug property listed below, to-wit: Four Head of Horse«: On t tam, black horse, aud wh Ite nire, 10 years old, weight 2,600 Ibo.; out, hrown iîî'irte. 'à years old, weight 1, lot, lbs.; one brown sad- dit, horse,, 8 years oid, weight to00 lbs. 6 Bain wagon gears, 34xl1i 2 express wagons 2 Bain waon gears, 31xIO 3 hay racks e coal boxes1 extra wagon tongue 4 extra reaches 2 pair heavY bob slighs 1 cutter 4 sets team hameau 2 setasisngle heavy harness 12 horse coliars e pairs of horse bIanket 12 haiters- 2 side saddles 8 pairs fly nets 1 set tandem hamnea 7 pan offeed bags i crose saddie 1 mev oad piow 1 basement piow 1 potato plow 1 i4-inch breaking plow 1 le-inch stubbie plow Numerous plow shares 1 1-horse cuitivator 2 atone boats 8 post bole diggers 8 long-handled shovels 6 short-handled ahovels 4 gardon hoes 7 gardon spades 4 ditchinz spades 8 pick axes 3 sod cutters 6 grub hoes 1 wire stretcher 3 hoisting jacks 5 log chains- i grind stone 2 emcry atones, complete 4 sickies 7 crow bars with foot power 1 clipping machine Lumnber lxS lap siding 100-gallon Rasoline tanks 75 grain sacksI 20 gallons machine oil 70 g~allons kerosene 1 cable. block and tackle -barrel axie greaso 4 rope block and tackle Quantity of rope 4 wheelbarrows Anvil and vise 2 troc moving racka 6 bales binding twine I3 hay forks with ropes 50 bushels of!ha 1 roll wire cable, ý-in. trolley 1power aaw frame, mandrel and saw, with beit. Wrenches and smail tools too numerous to mention. SUn Wednesday of the tatement tiaI Recorder Brocisia> would rec- ord ail service dlechargea sithout (CSt, eeveral men aPPeared at the court housesaud pnesented thie paper fon record. The clerk sccePted thein but lhe record book lu wblch the>' are to he entoned ha.nflot y<'t annlc- eld and lhe formai entry wilîl have to he postponed pendhog Itn arrivai. However, iti apparent liaI the plan of recondlng these papers hls go,g to ha a popular thlng hecause lt in- mures a permanent record of cama. Thus, lu case the dîseharge pap(-ra sbould bc Inet, lb.>' are of record for future reference and legal point'. tuS mulght arie. M'IIUNRY.SETTLES WJTII EX-PROSECU- TOR FOR $29500I Mc}teury count>' cleaned up liq nid account wlth former State's At- torne>' D. R. Joslyn tbIs week wh'. E tie board of ..npervibors votedtua,2 cept $2,500 as a complet.' settlenneul 4 of an alleged deticit of mnore than $4.000 Ln accounts. Att Ira.'>' Jar.yn4 n'ae allawed $00O for old expelîse bills. Investigation of the accounts ofthCe former counbv prosecutor date back ta more than five years agin At aIl rec. lt meeting af the bord of t, crils'ors mn wa4 .avroed ta) -iîbnîîitî~ figuire an h.t alleged ,hürtag.e to Judge Pond of the 1' l.hll,i' court and znc<c * t hi,. uo- ~' settiement. Ll.a ev who con d uctoil th,>iii,... i tian for the nuinty. Altoffliii' .n was flot guiltY of niisapprîî lie tund., an any '. ciflr 1,r AREA LOSES TO E B C'S 24-13 Ephscapal Bible Claiao>. a'kr't >all team of Waukegan played lhe Area tesul eam aI the Waukeasn higli 9cheoo gym Tlnurmday evenlng and dleplayed their nId forin again by winlng b>' a large margin. The gaine was teatured hy cdean, suappy pli.y-4 Ing on the part ot hoth tamen fiain atant to finish, but the E. B. C. ghow- ed more clever leam work and accu- rate sbootlng, whleh kept then t aIail tins durlng the game, a tain margin ahead. Thtis wR.. the third game for4 the E. B. C. titi s sason sud conusd- the amount af practîte the Cash. No property to be re- Inoveci until s«ttled for. M. J. Archer Estate 35 McKinley Road Lake Forest, Illinois One-haif B"oc East of C. & N. W. Depot FRED CSRABBIE, Auctioneer. 'I "Life Jnsuranoe Does Not Bei to Cost as Much as the Coat of Being Witbout It" The truth is, very feW men t-ike ont as rnuch insuranc as thcy cari reasonably carry, and repentance often cornes when additional insurance is not proccurable, Prebably every reader if this paper htlieu'es ln Life Insurance and cariet, more or less of it, but one mhould ask hjmnself the quFstion -'l'Arn 1 carrying as mnucli as I rhaîî1dl" '-)lie word niore-What iîîcome would your 1ireseîît insuralîce yield the beneficiary at ray six pe>r cent! The MichiLyaîîMntual LAfeipsues ail kinds of Standard Poli- it's at the Iowest rates of 1uremiiuins,. 'ihert is a poIicy to ineet the xîet.ds of aiîy ..>ne, (-)ne of thin îaîy differenît plans is the NMorîtjîly Iiiîî"jine Poliey --tliis j>olicy .rîovidi's fi,r an îîîîuîediate îîaymeîut at d,'ath, and ini add(itionl th'-reto an itlCt)11e tL) he îaid t>) the ' iîeîeficiarv itiiîthly thetr*-'ufte'î. Thlis puoicy apîîeahu to .11ail seis an îd conditions Uî'oîî rexuest,'any Agenît of the Cotmpîany or the Hlomefic'Olîe will hi' glad to furniislî yoîî furtiier infor'mation o11 thîi' tot. auy other plan of policy. Michigan Mutual lu&. Co., Detroit ltasc sentime Infoîrmatioîun -e .etiîig s pitli'>' for e .......................................... sith lie uudenstsudlng tiat I sesurue ni> oblgation si-ates-e t,3 slgîulng or sending thls raîluesi. Namp nlumli ................................................. .... ........................... Atitrase------------------------------------------------------........................ JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Terms of Sale: The. Boys Scout. whlcb were orgauhsed tMe wIuler are maikhlg gond pragrees. At a recent meeting sil 0f the members pamsed the tendenfout testesuad are entltled to wean the Scout badge. This 1 I VOL. X Phenomin Samuel Surp MANAGEI Seldoni b exelthng pr of Tuesda>' eplved the. for the ilai raliIy orifl. Theanmo.i 1hp tleelion of Mr. 1i1.11 Cýoncëd--,l. J l'un Maclie 1 ian Nir.ilu. for seceond Schwaartz 'n hy only 8,, chottrng ui *hie hiliai Ébat ha su Il Wallflot obtalu the Def e Aglance bbc bigh île oft he rîand to the. man gettîng on sae defeale lb i., COD, tie manaCe tlfir total i exenbed 1h.- landlng on b.' able tc Wbicb !. to day ln Apri Votes whie fui candidat aller fori the final Sch.s Thât Sam conteet of the elosene- Ébat a rec.o h. tie Nin] report lieur, but nue i as thé, mai. Mn. Sebsar tion hab a i overconie t wîuaing cati The cit>' uled to ba] tbis attenta canvassing go that the tu lu lIme thon for Api vol Despite t~ Indicationsi for mayor, vote palle4,. had prediel WOuld nat t ual re;ul bad ana lyze The conti fonm candi( vote would sîi Iget few caet for Mn. ed ont that latter sere --ger ft o for '.%IBu. Mai It h; lin Ot dollars ci ut Tliesday' ot moue>' h V. Dalz wu blgbesl eau ln 83 Voles As a mabtar Sltb place. The [set, ed lu thîrd . no surprise cd lit ecouy ýryeane a hfg l117. That Hefli cappeared 10 sud ail admn ln the blgh Sun The. Sun inive bulletin ýgand@ of pet fil, il,

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