Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Mar 1919, p. 1

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LIBERTY VILLE LA&K-E COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEP-ENDENT YOL. XXVI.-NO. 12. FUURTEJCN PAUES LT1BERTYVILLE, L-AK COUNTYP I:LLINOIS, THURSDAY, MAIRCIH 20, 1919. $15,000 DAMA4iES SOUQilT BY CLARA LEHIMANN IN COURT D3amage Suit Against Electric Railread Starts in Circuit Court Here- LEHMANNS ARE PRESENT. i Waukegan, March 12. Darnageinilb.thesuraof $15,000 for alleged vert-anal InJurles recî-ivpd when a car on te LlbertyIlile branch of lb. ClaInago North Shore Ond Mlwauken-e rallroad strucit an auiomobl contalning Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 1Lohmann of Laîe Villa, own- ers of te Pair store In Chicago, are asked of the rsllroad by Mns. Clara 3. Lehmann. ,Thte case started ln circuit court today. lirs. Lehmann la represented by Aticrneys R. J. Ddy and John D. Pope. The work of obl.alnlng a Jury was In progress et noon. The accident ocw-rred Septprniter 10, 1917. The Lebman automnobile, driven 1,*v TÀee Purdv. a chauffe ir. Ira- rîn i-ding outin Tm-tegr-amnb rond andi wa., sîrtici by the etectric car wlich wai appmîaching from lte -ast The Leirmnrn'q Charge In tIn' Ir ni-laraflot hat the "tr"-." car ctn ,rtn -lgnlat adan geraun rate nn! ' d.namels- 40 Diitn art bour tint tn- IIt <onlcinet ln!,,n served by thne occupants of tîte aumr- bmnac nt-a irnm field on 0t, n i~t 1 slI-l.t:r-ad It la chargînI tir- titi-r hbal no wsrnIng whi-tt.' wam Rondnnnl or fni bell rung Th'e ehnuffentr wag kilîr-pdn ln i r cddtn, antd Mr-. î,ltmann. IlI-n cbarr-enl.s ifferped a comrp.nd ,non. Cumiri n c'tii.- irain In i lit ui olter Imut c-. Site vas I-naccin tht' Jan,' McA]Itntr taitnîtil w irn- for %t-. kh lie wa.'unronscnous an,,I her lfn - tîaired of. The declara. lion 'harges tat $10Ai00 vas ex_ pend.-cd for nîndliîne, nurmIlng. medi. cal altî-niancp,. etc. ln trying t', be beauf-ni ,uitIthat obe bas heen lnca- paritate-n pertnanently. Mr. Leht- mnann w.,- atie inîttret ln lthe crash ONE TO EIGHT. *1.50 PER YEAIR ThT AT~VAW<¶U M - - ____- -. - .- - Lake Foes Can't Find Anyone to Become Mayor April 15 tbere- la ta b. a rnayoraity election 11n Lake Forest. Lakte For- est can t find a candidate for the job . Tt pays Do IDoflOy ou '*low. and the mayor bas to supply bis own officiai sationery and other append- ages of ornce.. Keenc. Il. Addington, the present mayor, bas serVed two terme and says he won't enter the harnesà again because he hasn't got turne. John T. Pirle, presidest of Cason Pirie Scott & Ca.,' vas offered the Job, but declined. -Tre -ury flepartmeal bas i-'1a inev"100 Per ee' i ni-r ta stimutim aW 1B151W1ti l-nFith Victory I loIn fliUp. 4s cci. 11l lie uvrded tomau bu. ifirmlnt.ldU&tll a4 aflu n. tzattons whcue e eplofla 6 1înbr sushcribe Dp t a prO- BIOT FIGIIT IS ON IN AVON BETWEEN WIITE AÀ" BROWN Superviser Andrew White Thisi Year has a Fight for Re- turn te Ceunty Board. MONAHAN IS UNOPPOSED. Oh, Joy! Get the "Happy Savings Habit!" According ta reports frorn Avon S towinship, a heated battie je oin for the position of surervisor foi that township la the corning eli-ction. Supervinsor Andrew White, a n-t. eran in the number of years, on tine county board, bas opposition tLnîî yea r in the l.rsan of EJl ittoiwn ) Round Lakte. Those ta o men art now waglng a d0etnîlîed battit, rnucb Ibteregt cde. veinng on bath aides. It lis adnit- led fron Grayalake that Mr. %Vhite will bave tbe support of the Gra3 s- laite cornmunity wbile Round Laike people are exçected ta support th, jr resident, Mr. Bruen. $16,000 Profit for State At ba'ie Fore-t, it develons that From Wisconsin Boxing Supern tur Mouahan ig nul ta bme oPPosition thns nî,tr. TLnre n'as îi MILWVAUKEE, WIn \iMnrch 16- that onn nn.nctr.cra ' The annual repart of I Int Wisconîsin wan, tu n otin. inothe rat-n* ,but lad I boxlnig commission s ..n-te luit the In- ecncnnitient 1:e -'v)Id 1state proftted ta the <xct-nt of l not dJ ýo.000 lait year, this oct rrnnnnnnîn- flOt d n-O. ram the states pericg o f u , ban,. I nrn-t at th-. pri -eut t nnej booît' atter al expen .. hadi lien inîtcb J -r a îuel ,n. n indr ductîd. lposyt nîttnn- ofut i ing a ci.,dnnJii,.el tnrii on ',r Addingîtun nnct,î nn.s$225,000 PIRE LOSS IN marn fr ht ttifo nou-inn. QUEBEC BUSINESS DISTRICT baniOlU 1 In n iii IQU El c-:c, March Y. Fire eariy naie t) b l'fo;t5. today dimcaged property lu the valu.- iisyear. of $2.0n)before l vas lirougbt un- Accorninglytwola ti'nnr uin oarne der contrai after thretening theb. bus 00w b ing taît-. d of: Tnouîas Doué;- mess cetrict. The dames wert las and W .IL Sp.eidnl. tNitlner of fougbt in zero weather and one lire-- these men Inn date bas announced hlin .rlousl lnred.tresadwa c candidacy. __________________ It la admitti i]tat uet-n lîodý in-u F teresicd in Lake Forestî lolittes in-OF IILLY RUÙI- rumagine abouît trt-lnn in fini n anu Tie defengie wlll undpavor la pron' lier :n the ban. iiiL utll-fr Ibi mportant po. hat altlnautnh lNrs. Lehmnann wa& flot h1,t-nara aletten -V» Mlabie driviig titi-car se. as gillty of 4 ht fie Ild. susnuded b itlon. contributorv neglgunre h-cause con- :n-tIorde-r. and the VSca *IM Vin-tory tLiberty Loa. ladustsil lrolling lb. actions of lber ovn ilinon 1:inml-l-m awredby the ID E Â,~f chauffeur. i. Ldbatica Tr.asry D@pait- UUIYéJI4J FtAJUjD Mn. and %Ir. Lehmann bath vere men-Ri ýothefag--tbtpgt present in court taday and teck mucit '0w lte lug nuius peWs Intereat in the selectIen of tbe jury. e. it, Frnk IL.111@01. m- "WcVuld vont be preludîcesi againnit n. nI lireclor ef puWOIchr k, tsar 1anaq. and J. 1.Btn,9 the defendant because Mi',. Lehmaan n -w nnt b la a hand,3ome waman.'t vas the t.. orkLama o mo.' f &B0014Dap.OT question put toalal jurors by counsel LbryLa oS-lf for te street car tiompauy. INSURRECTION IN Fifteen Wadsworth Women SÙLDN SI BUf;'O Establish Record for De- LOW"] termination on Primary Day CHANGE 0F VENU BROWS VS. SILKIIOSE PROM Tu COUNTY pis ____yhaesmehngt tsanîta oput ever. Common People Said to Have Trey proved lb ut Wamlsorlh Bat. urdaywhenthey ahovesite stuif Must Prove That People of this United Forces to Prevent they are made cf vhen il cames to Ceunty are Preiudiced Tai-M dtSat.an11 heo day of the tovn caucus. Against Hlm. Tbey wantîed to get to Roseoras where lb. Nevport caucus vas to be FRANK GERAGHTY TO LEAD? heled. Tbey started In a Mo ________dravu ty tvo horses ovned by Mor- OTHER CASES ARE UP. - ris Lux. ______Insurrection hua broken out in Nov those horse« verg on. Io George Siteldon of FourtLake, la- Lakte Bluff I lean; tbey vene noueé tl, but if dicteni by tue grand jury on, a charge The high-brovs and lh. low-brows you came to figure fileut tboy vere of having soulIquor illegally, appeur- are to corne - ta bacit. more bean than fat and ihat la where Âccording 10 a report ta tbe Sun the trouble came. ai ln court titis mornIng by attorney a meeting vill b. beld by the latter Thte mud vas thleosand deep. Tlhe and flled a motion asking for a change Tuesday bo lancli a ticket 10 op- fitteen ýwornuwhc rowded ltol îf venue from Lake Connty, vblch pose lb. late usualy inade up on lb. vagon vere son. toc bean. onction wîll bu heard ncxl Saturday. tbe train hy Oicagoans gcîng back I, Anld ia t eban herses, drawing in crdsnr la bave te change of venue and forth. the non-lean wvens inally gelte hie granted ta Corne oter county Shelien Fianni Geraghty las aid 10 b. the point vitere they could go no fnrtber. Muet prove titat the. People Of tis mn ellecteid by the lav-browis for And so the vain piled out. cotinty are prejudlced agaînnit hlm. if ther standard tearer-he osed lu ne Would ttey turn bacit? chef engineer for the olsi Prost Neyer! hqbani askd meruly to bave a chtange rallroad. On tbey vent. On and on - thé of venta-tram te court il vould have The higb-brovs baven't selected mud seerned deeper and thicker. But been possible lu cail one of tte oter teS' ticket yet but bhey bave one tbey kept on and flnmlIly reached Judge,s f lte circuit herp. al i eady, lb la said. Rosecrans. Nov then vhen they Itobitins andi Raine two ZMon City For twenty years te t1ghbrows arribed lbey formed a pretty sight te young men cbarged vitit larceny, ýare sald ta have madnte titeir ltte.s b.e sure. The lovasft openesi their have bad titeir cage conlinnesi to the on lb. train and the *people stooil ei'es, and vonderesi vho il vas tbat Inert terinet court. Meanvltile tbeY for then and voted tbem in. Now bad corne to lovn. Thte vomen woon cornes the Insurrection. sitowhd thein for they vobeni solldly are out on bonds cf $1,000. E. B. Burris la eaid ta lbe planning for ICd Martin for supervilsor andi John Brovn, charged itlih uyrglary, the Insurrection andi h. In sa Isi la hen the iloteR ver. cenîntesi Rd lad pleadesi "not gulty" and vas relesesi have lb. hscklng of lte ordinary 118 ta C. M. Brovn's 46 and Mn. vhen h. supplie du bond cf $1,000. falks. The chie! canspaign slogan Martin thug In the nomInee for lb. The motion te, quash tbe indictment wicb tue loy-brave are said ta lie election. agangt John IJager vas le have been planning ta use ts that the higli- Martin Lux wM Somlittatesi for argurcd today but was continuesiîol brovs have forcusi excessive- taxa-ton cona;table. r.uxt 'Tni1nay.1 on tite-villtage, wbn titere rcnlly was, Tint vomren maîtage o at -ch L. s.-swsas cmr:n-ed a n~nreno net-nifor it. Anti thata wty :lin .j ridrs home la moat cases itt.,ome front hi.,vie nIr Héwesiid flot .ae . vadternllo ohv ao hr enu vilffng ta ploti baci n cauinitIo! Ilteir ownit îaing an,nnitnt tîroitItli te ame mire that they~ contest the actioni. Thte cvidenc- was one niadu on tbe traîna 1)y me -hi conq4@rucl la the norîbvard trip. presentesi betore Jusige Esivards In lîve in te city days andsi seep In tbe Who sys vinen, von't ,geîta to h court togaY. village nlghts. polIs vlaun tbey want 10? PORT POSTMASTER STRANEi IS MISSING Casualty List Contains Name of Gurnee Man-Command- ing Off icer wires Folks. HEARD NOTHING SINCE OCT. The official casualty 1net releaied tbis rnorning. reports Wesley H. Straxtg of Gurnee as inissing lnacse tien. Mr., Strsng lm a son ef Rabert Strang of Gurnee and prior to en- listing In the service vas postminster st Gurnee. A few days aco bis Parents recelv- ed a telegrarn tram isiecommmnding officer Louis Rock, of Co. B. 5th Div. ln which ho said he had no record of Strang after Octo4nr lst lait. Ho said Il migltt be due Ite .act that lie bimself had bean sicit ln the boipital mince that Urnue. Accordlng te other reports tbmt came to relatives. Strang was miss- ing between tb. 151h and 2Oth of Oc- tober. The Red Cross in Waukegan and aeoo St Washington bai been ap- pealed ta and efforts are nov baing tmade ta locale the former postmas- ter. According te word frein members of bis company, lte company va en- gaged In the Argonne forcit confilet for seven days straiglit. The tact that relatives have net roceived any word tram Strang since October and that 'his Dame oiceally appears as misslng ln action, bas caused thein te came te the conclusion that b. probahly met deatit durlng the action or that lie was lnjinred In sucit a way tbatl ie bas fnot been Identiled. Tbey are hoping against hope thât word will corne that be bas been Identified. Tbey are boping agaînnit bn>Peltat woî-d nytît <-n tiei e lia. 1bî(n found bîlt t n citîiieitdtat cîtat eni are sllglîl. want, For sais, e: cte I lm INl DEPIENDIENT ruacla 15.11111) e asg 'seekly. j ion. l.rslto amc r-RV RF A SA marily'at Voliva, a clause ln it says RV RF À SÀ "there are Other Institutions and ITr/f71 lVt tended organisations sollciting funda 4iURNIEE LI.JEIIED i deceiving people and preying upon the publie of the lice and sarne na- tire."AS RIVER RISES A suh-cormîttee of the licinse and( mlscellanY commitiee, after hearingn - at Chicago, reconimeuded an invem i- gation and the resolution was fan or-ItHeavy Rainfali Proving Se- ably reported out last nlght. ious to Residents Along LESTER MORSE,9AÀ PIONt3ER 0F LAÀ HCG I C IJN YTPSSE e tuibulent tDensPlaines rvr COUNT PÀS ES, ich las enen teet lu thréée L~dans, bas canîseni a number of pot. ýWeII Known Resident of lib- ed inthe outV i t s of Rin ve Voit ~~~ ~~ertyville Diei Close to Age and financiai l lots$c.veteo of Ninety-two. baw:l:n famnille. in River Frs hav_______ eledta move ta bigh. Legt-r IlarreIl Morse, one ofL Iake er grounni. Oid residents samytbe % coutyn nldest cîtîzpns. and a realdent river la bigiter titan it bas been fcr of Llberty ville for 861 yeara, was born lu elighte en years. Sa far, lb. principal Pomtrel. VI., Windsor county, Mari- ,lorbi Io ta chicitens. ~m1827. and paqoed away bere aI bis borne Tbe river of course in Laite co. Marh 1, 119 baini liedwitltin atY la aleo verY high. At Gurnce tb.e Me ab 17.1919. svluwnied w9ater bai came up go lit coye aU Iewdas a tti god Id gei~years lte flats near the bridge and wb** ___________________________ Wheu a mer-' lad 9 yeare if agi. hl@ It bas flot yet reached the O',F'etre parents leit Vermout andcarneta IlliInis, borne, it Io close tb it. hiwere the farntly auttîcci In (illmur and Not rauch damage excepting to INVENTIVE fiENIUS whero bis, fater toou i-urgavermeut landi cbickens, etc., ,has been musalaed Ilit 1ll:64 Heri, il was Iliat Mr.Sforme, near Gurnee but If It raina muél OFLA ECO.IÂ.Sscbool, nhum-b andi Sunna.v jmore, it willî beserious.- said a W here nPrt n vam iChat wtîarried andi engîg,-d T he river mat now 113 not 50 111811 ASSERTED SELF, in fr inn rllîîîî-,jf titil X8 %. lii a-i t was a fi-w years ago Iben 1the S l i n~c nii leta)tomeadohr yab eemn ln 1819 1W- %v e atitenl iiin rla o nnweeknn covered lte flots and evea Several Residents of County nsaaui l . %% ieanl.r, whnî Itsed anlaay Illi went above the road leading to, the H ave Been Granted Patents 1 ta nd, itilut,> thir lr ittîs wpro hIn r nfl bridge. Q uite Recent y. two sinus, Citaries E iand Walter IL atnd \Vtcat l3 Irtie ofthie, condition nos In)tie daugicter, %ire. 8Stelia h%%ix, aU ot! Gurne,- prevatili also atong the riveit wbolt bave aiea jtasse.I an ay. at alteLr points in Lake caunty. SPLENDID IS SHOWN. aga. Miré saeagari u netiiiiittr - ICNSAS CITYs, March 1G.-Wlndh ________ ag ta re msraî [lrtia tI No<îînnî f almost hurricane velocity, thian. î, 1867, and lt tem two cbitinrui niru derstorints, hall and ralu storma vote The inventive genults of Lake coun- hou, Mre. LitlieDisi andi Jay B. Mors.- reported carly today froin Missourl. ly ri-idents lias beeooln v--bth ai Libertytille, who together nitLi KanaOkhoaadArne. timi- of late as lndîcated by the num- bis bersaneni wIfe are lait la mourfi bis At. d IIhst kpotr ber of Inventions issued to resîdents departure [rom Ibis ifse eased leai-es 0kl., ]ate Ilut nîght n'ille., fve, in. o! this caunly. The Inventions are one trmhter, MartinuMorse of (iluter, Iired tbirty antd demoeliabd a score not conllned ta any one lin. shoving Ibree grand cidren and four greal Of housse. Anatber In KluMeo lice various channels of thought la grand cblîdren. county, Okla., klilod thre ad did & the ind oftheInvntoe. r. orn kuw wat he ioner llelot of damage. The soasbea tht mins f t netr.M.MrektwWii h lnii I.section of Topeka vas fleoded. fluring lie lasfew years an nus- af Lake cuuutv was@ more Iban 80 yemre ually large numbpr of inventionsa have been granted 10 residents ofIgowbeu there were no ralîroada lu Lakte cOunty but proitably neyer bo.- tbe couuu andi no busIness places@uAN IAIMtoJ f fore were nia many different patents apeait, aud wheu Chicago waa a gaveru. .'...4 ME 4A1' lime. Followlng le a litothe ow, Il wae a mers village. He eut'-red OF ÀR B ventions, iogutber wlth the lavent- ioto the aîruggie, and toil aud bardsbipe o~1% ors: af those eariy dalle with keen Intereai A iU N E 2T1 THOMAS P. CLARK, Highland aud w1tb a strong beort.ATfU N E 2M Park, bas been granted a patent onl Haalso entered lotbsth commuaiiy a pipe tap. neetofheelhrbo,écmg PERCY C. GIBBON. Waukegan, leasl Iionbrudbconn bas patenteni a stop cock. a eber ai tbe aId blistorle Fairfeiti Int2restinig Program Planned THVOMAS J. KERŽJ, Antiocb, baibM. E. cburtb as early uM 1860 andi Wa" frteAnu Ssin patented a straieper for razor blads for many Jears lb. Suuday sebol super. fo th ntW Ssi - whlcb bu lîreuiits will perform the Intendant and an officiaI af that cbureb. WilI Decide Future Policy. work rnuch morme ernciently than va, The caimuiby sonbouoredbimaseverai Mous types qn thte marktet et lb. lIme. by electlng hlm la the place of presî-nt lime. colleclor and bigbway commieseouer for The annual meeting of th. Laba LOUIS H. LUDWIG, Waukegsn, caverai ternis. Haeusoveni lu Liberty vlle county tarin bureau wtll ble holsi et bas recelved word that b. bas been vîtb bis famliy lu 1883 where h. Idanti- C.urnee high scbool march, 20111anl granteti a patent an bis ve.d pull- tied usself vlîh the publie weltareansd daY. An lnteresting lime bas bees lng device. JOSEIPH A. NIASONICK. lake yFor- Interesta of the village. H. united wltb plmnned. The mornlng session ia. est, bas just ptented a nov 1t-peo0f thc Libertyvil;e M. E cburch lu 1883 cludes ibis prograin: disb washing machine wbhh huld aud took a great tuterontinluthe erectlon Business meetngýreportz of of&. popularise bifti vitb the ladies. of Ibot M. E. cburch edifice knawn as cers; report of advivoi'; Plans for. -N. M. ROSENDAHL., Wintbrop tbe ebapel, npc.n wblcb site tbe new 1919 and lte future. Hanbor, bas patented a machine for ma'dng a-.pialtlc or sîmilar mix- tureS. VOLIVA PROBE IS TO OPEN WIDE A PROBE OF CULTS cburch nov standu. Mr. Morse vas a atroug cbaracter sud a inan much esteemesi lu tbe communities vhere b. residesi. Perbapa Ibere bas bean nu man lu Laite county wbo ba @tondi Ionb bone the people as su ardent tentperance wunken sud probibi- tlouist us dîni Mn. Morse. Surely wiIb a etroug sud unwavernug soui b. pushasi lb. cause ut tenîpenance taward the good et final auccesasandi livedti u se. tb. dey vben the cause for wbln-b bo prayesi, laboreti, Iniumîîbed nul only lu our coin- Meve Against Zion City Gelng munlty but lhrouî te Raise Hubub Through- as well eut the State. mnunîîy anti' espoe aetilenn., Wbo knes SPIIINGF'ELP).-The bousqe vbicb quît. ruggani int recently wititout a record vote adopl- untîl about a yest, ed the. aubstitute nesolullen of lte tail due ta guttural committ-,n on licensu ansi miscellany anivanet sgt-n.1 fon titat of Representative Shurtleif for itai it inant provldlng for an Investigation of thb.IIaii nanthi ofa ram estate openatIons of Wilbur îasîtînuni iîlen ilhui Glenn Voliva at Zion City. There vas na dobte. The tubsîtitte resolu- battie tii sieuliinit lion bas the. effect o! extunding thelle hns nuofte lhb seepe of bbe Investigation ta e.ter gone01 e ait ineinrutî sects or onganizablons that mlght te n.AletIn Jlitls sna.%prntnnd of Ilnil Aor lnttroper an-'. Y-. cmiiuhlin tir jt le :c A ttti ail iiLJ 'lit. oinatfline nw ioea la tir- îirnn Iv lin, ainate tfor tn(trrunii-. andlin iojp T lnttt n~~. m sillon, il 1-n sai, lins manifentenIiti self i n thleo n pur trancit. honnmnw..iî,aln A ltnarîl tf lnQîtiry of Rfit-esin, n. Ra,,T. EI:Itnî ant il hii out-e ni-mbers vouini tn sermon endtti Mm eniponvnriclta maire te nvestig.t- T. E Rasai sang. îiout Ibe-entîne nation eo mîlsesInluur cous- cislly @u by tbe aid iw h111t1su weli. He wus hoth body sud miud iago w lien b.otiegan ta 61 shuhîity, nausuti by bis His loneti oue@n-art-s red dennîlon ltnaougb 1 ils weakuess. but et rt Irntithie long eanllîly gicat pears avlt the sumtaitFalih, who halive I iii ilI 1in i. jet % om t,- j i (',net l- akst niofnl- t ,F 4 1.1 r.r ltI i t thei 'Ot.-tnn. -t ILI: 2 n'vo z 1 aua a linby and Sire, Noon-Dinner; Gurne, higb achool 50 cents. Aflornoon session - Arthur Lau. brick, tarin mdvisor of veriila oounîy vilI dîscus "State Md COU&. ty Organisation" <(VermIllon ooamty bas 1100 members). ILH. S. oble?, wilI dlscus *"Divorsiged Farmlug" The future volley Of lb.efaim but. eau la il relates tu orggalffl &aW culture u-ll b. dlaeussed ae.,Ib" meOeting AUl monibers are urged te, h. present and tb brIng cbffm'& vho are Interested. Plan 10 b. preset for lb. entire program; if go. 011 ýOut the followIng blanit and il Ilt.te the farrni advtsor on or before March, 22nd. Blarnumn & Bailey and the Rinlh Brothters have combined their show thus formlng wbsl the preeeigpe sentalives declare to be lhe 'cOlosses Of 91l amusemnent." The 5ev Loy will te knawn as lngling litesuda Barnum & Balley combine&d Nov York le ta be tbe 1Ori cy le s., It. Tarc tîieal este holdings coasec ttîni,- hnîblk Of lthe estate of ICI& St.-csLehntoîiîor0fAke couaty, - ,i'il ChItmago, wtidow orFE J.Lu. min. folin4gr o!f1the Fair, aeco'dliS ttan iii'viîtorýy of bai' proporty Offl n n--n. rnity. Titi nvenlory lisate 10k jîiti u f t sIitte ln Cook c0011111: itîn iersonal îroperly valusd g4" tcdl4 Tîte vae of the estate IS mctt"dnnîto exceed $,0,é. - Lake County's Big Weekly aîroWm .Grugerdmbodier Weeklim es aon Comblaed WAUKECJAN WEEKLY SUN 1 1 'q ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YmR IN ADvANc& , L -

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