Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Mar 1919, p. 1

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LIBERTYVILLE LAK-E COUNTY INDEPENDENT NOL. XIXVIL-NO. 13. SPEARING OF SIJCK- ERSS HURE IS CLAR VIOLATION 6OF LAW State Game Waigen Looks for Violators; Cases Before iudge Taylor Continued. TAKE HUNTERS AT FOX LK. The i;pearng or suckpers la scon4l. ered Jupt am mucli a violation of the INDEPE-NDENT Lake County 's Big Weekly Gru1dOmGQemdoem Weekiies in Gounty Coinin SIXTEEN PAGES LTBERTYMILE, LÂAKI COU=NT, IiLINOIS, TIUIRSDAY, MARCUI 27, 1919. EiOY'T. OUSTSI THE ITIIRTEEN VIOLA- POSTAL OFFEICIALS 1 TORS ARE FOUNU WASHINGTON. D. C., '.larch 22. -Clarence iM. Mackay, president of the Postal Telffraph-Cable company. vas remnoved today by Postinaster general iasued au order relleving, be- aides Mr. Maakay, WW W. Coor, Sen- eral counsel; Willim. Deegan, sec- roiary of the. board of truBteem or di- rectors, and the owners of the Mac- kay companea operatlag the. postai sykitein tram al duties appertainingi ta the contrai and operatian af ser- vice under gavernment contrai. . P. Adama,. president of the Kansas City Harne Tel«ptone companry and RY INSPECTORI Ten Barbers Found Working Without License; AiU Cases to be Prosecuted. FUNES ARE PRO VIDED. Waukegan, March, 22 State Inspectar Zurai cauaed the en' s Banker. STAR F lm QOINTA SAVJE Ttu. i GE Ab AMILIOt4by the gri ing burgli Vncenta frpedomn dleath has 41 .. o for tii p>. j ales wh( - short lini - J hiniseif i being hel s powerieeg la own bond Il ),~. elng thai Il ~ ~inmediatE atate~~~ ia steseln igie* ember or the générai telegratia faibawing vioatars ta appear befareTheca étbatd law sadth at vblgoflars n d teleluhone operating board, vas Police Magstrate Taylor thisafater. cagdw laadI Bsi htvoao nappointed by the potmater-general tnaan md chsrgfined a Waukegan viii ho punlshed severpîy te supermede the Postai officers lnthey wre anden ines as the management of the systeins Mr. î@la s F'ras taeRi la euce they are caught. Suckeraý Adamns preaented the order today to G. E. Gofrlng, 212 Washington St. a bave been rlinning tup the r-reek here bMr. Deegan and immediateiY took -Fallur. to have barber license: pald tlî iei e fo pann proesdrigVe stover contrai. à fine of $14.40. 14;3î f for daa. sg u hiosedur oftheuhI- t The.order af reznoal osYs the oai- Charte@ Maton, 212 Washington St. day wher lew ays an hùnred ofthemhav- caie "have refuaed or faled ta foi l- uet aebre iet;pl a hr been apeared. Gamne vardens. Itl 1%10w Out the instructions af the de -&fie tahae are! w5 ha r mo Mid, are on the watch for violatorg. pertinent Ln th management ofth s.said then propertleu. Harry MeDanils, 102 Geneae mst.ns Tih. cases of the three meni frojî __________ -Fallure ta have barber icense; paîd m issos the. western puart of the county who &i 'nnf ineofai$14.40. VOLATORS 0F GAME E COP ILA , are charged aith ahooting gamo ýf-hCU T IY mrIiE James Grophos, 126 Washingtoni St. vas~~ .nîUSTOiDu li OF-rd y oiEE 'LAW ARE APPREHENDED T UwOP ILAt 3 on vaglFitrKî- WuIt r Ta~ir. ut a.- I fWUVW l1I!ADfEII eta have barberlilcense; aaid f1TP YPearsons '-%IgIstaf,ý Ta ylo. 1,t Axa.fine af $14.40. 1HnyKrdpt saefs . 6 T EXTRÀ A Y .H cotIue wentý enfale t!CH LD EN Aru R E James Dracas, 126 Waahington St.1 put in en appearance. I'nbtiu'. -Fallurs ta have barber lîcense; pa ld 1 carne warden had s busy day Sunday.O T EBONUJS atofZo came- n,frlue'ira lat,. tciO'afine af $1440. t. it-Hefound flh1in. m l Inaioulati ina n!ithder varc.n.-foriliirarnt.Judge Edwards Gives Children Jahn Bakus, loS Marlon S-a.dffe-rent parts 0f the- î.unty. ]oi-ii'h daj It (1ý',q,4 th t tw..nt ny m'an to James MacLaggan; Now ure to lhave barber license: pald aý iowiD9 g lathe liat:ail r uj e<lurai gain' vwarni fý 1 Uald b ohrfine af $14.40. 1 ehutngvthu i o'-a. ndiers No Longer Need SurI i. it n byx1.«KMother.uda, n Antan Levandawsky, IffI s1lerl'i1n Five sbootlng fisb. render Their Disoharges to iî charge i ,iolatng t'u' ili-ut' r 1Rad-Fallîîre to have barber 1icense: Six spearing fish. bird i', wiiicli prollbits n-ring liiilt. CASE S NOT NEW HERE.: pald a fine of $14.40. Two seififg fîsh. Secure Bonus. g ainsît t lug. These îî*-n wahi bp arraiilig. ci j i s î ~Waukegan. !.arcb, '21 J.E. Bruzewicz, druggiat an Mar. Mr, Kern dLscavered fto xiThe con bfreJu(Igf! 10 s n hi, g.Ththo loig ae; ryuae beoJames A MacLaggan of Clii ago, ,Ion St.-Fallure ta put lahel on drug aylotri.LaeoPound ake: GiraaLakeCNKE H RGNL.etlle but formeriv of Libertyvilie, appear- sald; pald a fine af $24.40. TalrLkRunaaethrtLk A EPTH RGNL. ersl.v ili îfre Juîdge Edwarda today and, Frank Petkovsek, grocer at 718 and Druce Lake,. biter. tiRAIN YJELDS IN ,!earprsoil &iwrdMakett.--Sald medicine contalnlng DOt rapopreoigwa wr( 1the fourtenrmen apprehiended .î:r vobvebehiatn C ONTY FORE R1918 o ,în wnsersnwire aeMarion Ot--Failur: ta put label on Inet e8cap' e m sal' if ar:rted :gain. es or forreing th:f r sxty dollar ho-M S TheOIVS FNEfCRrie court thus morning dru" »Ici, paîd a fine of $24.40. Tbree of the vioators, ail residelit, nus can reat more eaaily nov ln the TR was he eque tea series ef esents; Antan Ambrase, 1202 McAlter St. of Grayala., ver. arraigned lietore knowiedge that "true coptes" of the T E vich tranapirod liera during the po- -Fallure ta have barber license; pald Police Magistrate Taylor, Waukegan preciaus documenta, properi,' certi- -riail of the at twa or tbreo years. a fine af $14.40. today on charge of shooting fish. lied and cuntcraignod, are ufficleut Wheat Averaqed 27.2 Bushes Inite filrst place MacLsga&M aued Lee Roberts, 221 Genesee s,.- Tiese men are: Bon 6beldon. and te secure the coveted extra pa,'. 1o Acehatie4aniBr mi vafor diore, ca;iniuEt:i Failure ta have barber licence; psid Brt Brown. The "good yard" vas brought ta Robert ley 39 Bushels to Acre. ber a'oiners $i Ubertyffllo. The case à fine of $14.40. Waukegan taday via a var depart- designated vas contested bittari,' and flnalY 'harles Zuraj, Inspecter of the. De O ent arder, vhich readm as fallows: taxes for onded Ila adecre w iti the childron psrtment of Rogitration and iIduca LÀ SC E RO Tewrdprmn uhrzsrntw Farm Adylser Wat'daa of!Liberty- avarded to Mms Mcleasan but vitb tion of Ilinois, descended on Wauko. EL ViT Tdl i the tailoviug statemesat tram the.of- single ciq vihie turniahez tho»n Saiures on the permision givon the. hu8ausd ta née gan Manda,' and found ms-ny Instances 1 N Y WON ff - fie fthUhir.fstf:1er11a gra-in yield In Lake caunty in 1918:- thmet at ated pérode. Ti.he um- viero bbe Imv la bebng slolated. Ton *Sbet mnmn ergl- I a Whont bn is a forthie support af barbera ver. found vho issi mgectei gyt is eorth e ament ft egu60la- sit vas Average yiohd .............. 27.2 buthechilldren. anta ronev or taie out sIxte lîcnses- I5LI1N" A IjJ N AJ tns fothopa y teneen ue ft set,0 o-fathoe b 85 frmaaver-go.......s. b Aà s hor m. ieater -lre. laLgM-as1-iarzdb,9h9rvne c.o!ti 95 farme avers-ge............ . b u arried a mn named R>per. Tii. tva drugglosm ad negloctosi ta label approved F'ebruary 24, 1919,' te moen- abe. 19 farmes average (4060) .... 44. bu latter vas co)ed in the draft de- articles sold, and one grocor vas »Il- or t i mhta,'frc.aea ate d ft 4j ais ves-o 3540 . 35 sit ii ffrt t ginexemption bng a patent medilcino viîci contain- Aset htSat a ie ram active 4i lit farmna beoo (16-20) on the gr uja tst he bi a wife ed a narcotbc. no Man Claim to Money Won lIt la dreited that a tciogram becount, in 13 ~ (10-5)asd tire. ilîdren. He dici Of t,'- M.zriasred i- arnseat iminediately tetahie commandlng Ciiengoa- 18 fdefoaera fov (10-b15oro rhe usrn ont or thesoiowarae in Any Form of Gamblng. generas f al territorial départ- 4 farina iilov ( 0-10) w a - -t l .1I eswr u o heevoaoementa, raabilizatfon camps, ports of vas thoel Avrsgoyil........1.4bu Pot go ver,' long clter t.hat. thebeorePalce Masra.eWatr a.bmarkatlan, recrulting officers and o 8. 16 A rievrage oser....... .. bu. police conducted a raid on the. flet lorI. 1'nes la case of conviction,.oLCL UT ITEETN .Independent pseadsainra-$81.0 JU ferma average over ......- 10. hu. canduched b,' Mm. ad»jr. the. cvi- sald, rua frain $10 upvard. Tiiere bg aubstantiall,' as faflova 88940 6 farine avrage (90-100...-10. bu. dence siaving that thiePlace vasivere s number o! otier establlsb. Tic bundreda o! Wankegaa men n "Paragraph 1. Amendbng toiegra- In au t 13 farms average (80-1) - requontesi by saIlais. Mm .RoPer mente whiich the. Inspector plannesid vali.h aitnecaaoal a Whotutoa epyon ibn.hvsi vwas fined heavl,' but the fine vas visit today vhlcii made t possible a poker game are expreselu mucb uses, the disciiarged o1icersansd en- Ira. Besr il ferms average (70-80) ose e pnhrVoiét eveta vnmr iltoswl einterest la the suit that bas bean ibahed men entitied ta $60 bonus un- gnen ahe là farina beiav ......... Si seeddlpnhr»oma alaeta vnmoesoaln t osarted héfrn Justice Ferme r viere- der ach of congreps approved Febru- bîp's tau 5 forma y,'ld----------.30-35 thie cly, neyerto returu. T'rie.facta found. la one Wau'teI;aamanl fa seeklng ta ar,'24. 1919. vie do net vlsh ho for. record b 1lfa rrmhelowv---...-..-2- ....ver.reiated b,' M&Ca«olnlhils "The lmv la very plain onthie mat recover $7,1 vliicbh heclara ho have yard their disciarge certificats ho Average ley------3 ueors todsetftic cutld i'oa. it. er," Mr. Zuraj said. '1f themo viola- let la a poker gane hm ei one the zone aflicer' Washington, D. (4. 126 arin avoage ser ... 6 bu vih be, necessar,' ta leam the viiee tors persiat ln their violations the. oni,' predict that in case the court ruIes may furlii a certified cp'tee!txsv 12 farina avorageopver .... 70805 . bu n.acM.»ipe.course leit for me is to chose th«Ir that 1the mone,' muet bo returned tintunader tithe ovl ng condtions: $29,799.29. 4 aenaeaaerage 0,cr .... 7-0bu. aot f1% oe.establishmnents. I round one barber 1 iii oahesabllshah -dangorus pree-- n"Te.capy viii be a literai, full and If an,'1 6arsaea oyr..6070 b.h a e ae u les ndent as it viii mean tint minumen complet. copy ef the original and ini a large f3 arine avorageO oer .... 60-1baD. TeE ~L UT b a o aknoahne ll iisoal thiacourse ho rooover thewviii contain bath prlnted sand vrit- sems. th 4fraaeaeOe...21.T I s L A T over seven year." mone,' the,' loso. ton matter of ever,' nature and de- i. lsd 4 farin avaerageoaver ...15110bu' -n M Acordbng ta1,Mr. ZurajIt 1.l nt aut- IftbLa i dane It viii ceah sanit- acriphbon or botb idefs of t . i ico 4 farin avaerage over .. 15 bu. O U D Y iIT fletent for a barber ta ta'i6o ut a nation of laaing if yau viii and vin- nal discharge certIficat.. ON__S__________ IHe la subiechta a fine unlesa nia.g even if you lote. "This complote cap,', togetiier vith 111111h. bas bis Iliense au diapla,' ln tic Accordbng ta one veil kmaya 10 th original diacharge and a letter j IORK R OURNE Albert Koositra via lises on thie shop. Hé said 1h vould b. necoasar,' eai attorney there la littie doiiht ddresseîl to the zone financeofce » 11 elgrph o WstOf bs-ke Bluff for same local barbera ta take a state s-boutt he tatuto vhich refera te Leman building. Washington. D.c L1 bd IT1relblMyrml .ffli.f- Infrot n th . 1-. -f, .. . ambling. Ho asamoc h tt he lawe .essî,nx the l.lier's service ines MN 15- IUKI'4*" ft i tord mmstaniung fiin.'ront5of-aiD Iexamlaatlall nerare a liceume wtma Us- 1-5'Jewelia drug str, lanWsukegan nthiissued ha thein. 7:30 O'clock Sunda,' evening. Wheo ________ b. retunend ah nine 'clack the car John Wlediaff, a former reBident ivas gone. Ie reported thie thoit t a! Lake county,.diefi ah Harvard, cNie- he Police. Up ho this morning EVAr4uEL1CALS Hlenry caun ty, Marcb 19, follawiog, notîîng had been heard. 'rie ta r Ja rIr>'Td an IllntOas tiat began seseral manhi9 s o h ndc îe L S NE .suu.S- vrevions vien lie vas attacked wihi vsa i 97mdlsdcrid ~ 4J.5. 1544a~5 Iniens.two spare tires.afi Decodent vas In hils 42nd yrar.1POj TIROONM E PÂSTORS bving been bora la Gurnea. Lake IA)T count,.Il., Dec. 23 1877. PR MINET Lt 4kif ThehIlinois annual couference o! Th bd o r. WI.diaff vsstai ithe Pnited aneilrhr lod ea b,' train ho Wauiogsu sud tience IKL IM l i~ its Pq.qion ah Barrington. 111. The fol hbeln o Gunnee on Tuesda,.frf uîais--o e ral services talng place st Guru. oig r îponmns uLi and internent followiat st tint WililimnAlexasnder Vncent cf tieCaunt,'. place. mla irm o!f(oodnîcla, Vincent and Barington-Rev. J. Hoemner. Bradey' died suddenl,' flda,' IniCil- Highlanud Park-Ies. *J. H. Keagle A lîatlehiip enterlng ?Çev a st cago in iis office, room 443 Rcker,' Norti Plalafield a-nd Deerflld- urdai' botgt 51 bridea. O! the humn- building, ai beau almesse-. Heu'. 3.Stninivalti ber s. . Mn. eorge arne,' Jacobi- I-to lived at 12R Washinghon rond. iton, wife oni trat cas eoppersmitb on Laie F'orosh. J rs. J. .1. Feeter of Grange Hall 'th4,- Wyorinui. ivose haine la la'-Ho la survived hy two san., anîl near Gurnee, has recovereai froni ber tva daugitere. Charles Rldgeloy and fOve iveekq satckncss to sîîch an . Grayslake -sithulis aunt Mrs. 3. P Lieut. Join Alexander Vincent, who tent tint aie has Ieft thiehomne of Sherman. Mrs. Jacobuon lived I' i s nov in France, and Mrs. Lloyd ber nothier, Mis. j. j. Shafford andl Ljondon. I Canhy sud Mra. Josephi S. Bs-nom, ha. ueturxied ho ber ovn hoine. piovideasop.cial, tha mncan recaser maney lbat lu an,' gaine of chance. "'The lav evon pravides that a man tan recaser mondr 'viici lie ina,'lace ln bethbng on sa electian re@Wt." be said. "TheIi s-abeolute- 1,' dooa nat courtnonce gaSblag lu s-ny faim and tiero lusnoc protection for thie mari wlîo abs mono,' la this manner.1h is thie ,aslest tbing ln the vcrld for tic loveor of thie mon. y ho recoyer 1. The laie even goea an ha, state tbat tbe ovnor of thibuild. ing in wiicihie ganibîllng may have talion place aima colie ms-de a de- feDdant. Ii'urtbprmorc. If mane,' won lnattua manner is not raturned Inside o! six montha 1h la possible for ayone ta step tn and msue the winner for trebue tien amoiînt ho Aprîl 6. 1917, the date of bsst dis. charge and thefir preaent asidresai h vhlcihi-hoy deIre their bonus check ta be sent, yul be prOeeted ho the neareqt recuting affiCer oaithe armi,. vhe.wihi mako and ign a certificate ln tbe iararn ien the hack cf tihe original disciarge paper lanlik, or stamped viti Indelibe lInk.r.adingr as toliowq: 'A truc cop3 of thia dis-1 charge certificate iabeen ms-de and iýttosteil ta lii mée taenabie soidier, ho oblfaIn bonne." Pnivate John Lopton of Liake Buff of (,o. , illt nantry, iarehurneil ha this- country. landiag lu Nov York. HIe tolil o tie feartul nildsa gainst sxty-twa Memuiers of the Company l I sairh thni'mPre' rIttrd i ainint a bat- mi on." 1 luion i i n iima ns andl bo- b v ee, r Thia being lthe ciii- Il voulu i' hîtI)IIC Ii.* v tulitt util ail l)yivi nuit penn tint the oman who vins inOOV 1hull falia n Tila ivas inthea' attie i rah poker or ah any ailier gaine of, hl, rgionue. Private Leptons qtoury chace inasnet muci i-]lance wlioî I'tr li ot i al o Sot unhin ýhy fcames toas mathor af lais. Tii. de i- lain hy Justice- Fariier aii "I ivre alîjnst wipe.i out di thi.,oil awalhed it -h rmuchi itereat. riants af the plahoon surmouler. STA A large clvilianq, mlth shol ver, on1 fumished achool,1 regiment, round il: ln the Tinrsday lef. bill resding advanred lis ii nti $t;,00 iiue 0xPt, appela<b tlîlr uîu is 11,1d 1, coniflu ,'Oth bon acivernal WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOA VITNESSES DIE; A YUGME IRO E$CAPES FROM MN ON OU A BUýGLURY CHARGE SEEK CERTIFJICATES., Gliaae, a colored man Iindicted 3fpyt~ rand jury on a charge of hav H L X M N TO darlzed the home of Judgç at Lake Fore.s,gan' E Tos hohi akn E today througr thegstact thal 0f ToewoaeTkn x taken two principal wjtness amination Here the Major- e state. Policeman Waltei ity are trom Zion City. o made the arrest, dl ______. ne ago, and Judge Vincent S TRS I OTf lied ia4t week, bis funera RTJN N A M NH !dtoday. This ieft, the tatE Waukegan, Marci 1J. s. Glase was releamed on biF Many Yoting women of L.eCana- 0tf $00 the understandlng ty are at theC (entral achool, WaUkg. at he wnuid lbave the coutnty, can, whc re today and Thursday they ely never to returfi. are taking th. Ir exdmlnatlons wvio Rosenberg Case Ends. "w di show uw hether they shall b.e miv- case of Morris RosePnberg en certificate, to teach In the achoolg wit emezzin $37 fom hcof Lake county. rlt emezzlng$33 frnu br The supervision or the eX&tauhi. P Company for whom be acted tiens Is ln charge Of SuPerintendomt man ln Waukegan during the of Schools Simspson. PollowIng the obershlpq vere being taicen. final testa, the papers wiil hie ment ron the court a free man to te Springfield where they vil b@ i lie turned over the $337. XI marlced and thon tlie yontfg vomenm ged that Rosenberg held out wil l1inow whether they have «made init of money. R.oesnberg the grade" or flot. There are tbree grades wiiich , . money was due hlm on com er the teachers' certficat"m, gfIat 1. second and third. Thome taklng, the Danmage Came Gao On. third were hoping to make the. see. o'dock this afternoon a jury end grade: those taklng the otser iobtained ln the case of lien test boped te maire th int Clm * a ;and Jack Llevers agaînst Here are the young women via ePew and Earl W. (7asperson wrote the examination: ion ity. The plaintiffs, twol Marie DeVries, Gurne. Jo3ephine DeWoody, Wankegal. ofrs. are su ing the two mon Bello Stonf-hrea'ier, Bristol, Wis. irn in Voliva's church, for Lutte Leech. Mbon. aîiag,.s for a heating tii.y Violet Whiteside, Zion. roceived ,itftioir hands. De Dorcas Petrie, Zion. 1 Casperson hoth were finod, Margaret Dronu, Antiocli. on a crinuiinai action broinîtý Ida Runyard, Antioch. thm for tbe same affenso. The Rlttner Case ii- of John Riner of Lib cliargout with assanit andý s,îs certiblei te, the cant>i SEARS PAUS EASURER CHIECK 1 FORM039000 TAX tStrang of Gnrnee, vho as ed as the ane ho colioct th(, > Troasurer Bracher in War- 'nshlp. received the largest îeck penbaps of say coilec- Like counlt,'. is for $$82,952.23, aud vas )y lira.Richard Ses-na. vidcv founder of Seara-Roebiîck. i ah CGage'a Lake, sud a yenr inahed her residence as Lake ansheas of Cook count, a s as triesi te force ber te doa Lena unyardus, iAns-eg. Lillian Gibson. Zion. Graco !dueliî-r. Wauconda, Ithoda Stewart, Zion. Ethel 1Lîndskog, ZMon. 9'reeda inyford. Prairie. Mldredl Teepie, Zio. ,11th Carey, Zion. Edi uDenamore, Zlin Isoliel Skene, Ws-uiegan. Marion Chamblers, Waukegan. Winifred PIllilpc, Guraee. Jessie Hanuey, Chicago. Esthier Russell, Wauconda. lisrtha Wolhms-u, Prairie Viev. Rnby Pehermon, Wauconda. Ilariha Peherson, Wauconda. Mlarlou Darreli, Wanoonda. Aihoona mlin, Ws-ukegau. Marvelia Keller, Prairie Vbev. LEIIMANS FAIL TO RlT DAmMes FOR, TIIEIR INJURIES cears' chieck 'to Ilr. Bracher Verdict of Not GuIIty Returnect caver persanai pmaçert,' t.a. ln $15,000 Suit Brought 362.83 sad ra- estais of by Mrs. Clara Lehman. the taxes levied ln Warren Afher dellberatng but littie ovg Ptohaicd $120,000.,sad vith an bour the jury ln the. $15,000 4gSa ran aylng $83,000 oaIit. 1hisins-goesuit wvich lira. Clama Lehuas- epaya ti.he blk orthtii ovu- brough.t; aga4nstt he North, fion' &. Mir. Strang muade a good i'aliiosd for Injuries receivod lua » bcollecting $107,000 af the accident September le. 1917, rotais. cd a verdict o! "net gulît,.- lThe 49 taxes. Warren's personal verdict s-as sealec' and vas not apeu-. re $Y,.107.20, bts reai ostahe cd until tha inarnins viien ît vu l9.presonted ln court. 'Tie eas vet p ersoa la Laies count,' sent to the jury before six o'ciock 'riai. ger check for taxea than %1lr-' day nlght. bein Identit,' liasnot ueî-i Tii.accident vas one l inwieh aM automobile waa atruck b,' s- troot d. ~car ln wblcb Mr. and lins. Lobhsas ________________l. H.Stdoron, a friend of!the Loi- Y TflMEN SEE man fs-mal,', and Le. Purd, the (WUME1~ SUE chauffeur, ver. drIvlng tb Cic-gq. U Ti. rashTolegpl oacs- hi po(ft RS FI(iIT AT THEII "rt'i'etbrapehco thteapo&" The haufeurwaa killed sud otier ~TIONTJURDAY rs of te part,' ver. o ATIO THU SD Y more oai ms everel,'. MiÉs. bobingas vas Injured the mont severel,'. lie ,T LAKP1S, Ili, lis-ch 20.- suffered a compound coacnssion of crovd 0f officora, goba. and tbe brain la addition te bmuises and bnciîîding man,' vomen. straina. 5h. claimes permnanenlt la. d Lieut. Kennedy's weekly juriesq. vwer yeaterday. @oeves bouta The alunaIas ai the a5treet car coat- tic the'li. Tie teature go vas pan,' clabmed contrlbuhory negil Id li Ilenr,'. quartermaster gelice as tbey paInt.dont-tisat MMs and NicCaffery, llourteeuti ýLehmsn could bave dlrectedth e s 1h T resuited lu a tire. tiens o! tihe chauffe'ur. Tii.,'pre- raW. scated evIdence ta show that the - - chauffeur conld have perrelved thi. o hanse ah Springfield an appraach o!the car had he, hale y, on motion a! Mmt. Siiurt- tie trouble ho lno't a"I i ircordt. 197 vas sent hock to secand nar,'Precanittons Tio i.mohôrinan, and thena amended sud agaln ennihucîir, uni t.,.sî-îgers on the id ta thinlrd ing. Tt naw cuir h' t.i i.ih-sa"w the auto. - sauÂarv of!the circuit jud-,linbilir aîpriia-iii and tiat lPeM i pier annumn and culs ouit ,,,)pose(j it woim Iistoip. Ttvaqshaoya )ùfl05 aliowed judges or tic, that the auto crashoitlnlto the iront Pcourt in traveling iront corneroaithe car. iui- ho the place where court Attorneys fotr N\i Leinnian songiit The bilias snmended. se F . ho uak(e itapiionr niat %Mn. tkhinis- [ontl,' cl.îbnied yull uow P.I-s uva-snon cuill,' or contributor,' nos. iscsa nd lie approved by 'h1 igence bocause aie vas a paaseugot )r. in the auto.

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