MM"""""Officiai Publication for The Village of UiberWvllt.( OMaialPUWItlslfor Lauo eanmf Soa'd et Suu'VleevVPnUlUUe tussel very Tntday. >Advertling ':tsu lMade Known oaApllatio5L. ý4ISSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER YFAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE w. j. Siutirm........... .......................................................... Edtor f,. . MITM .......... .... . ................................................... Manager 10414. ECKHARDT . .......................................Local Manager maH MNO I DO NO WRONG" Washington customs aut)horities have long pondered .over the disposai of many gallons of whisky, rum and other disi]ed spirits seized as it was about to be ixnported in *iclation of the food act. Today t1hey'got an opinion from the Departuient ôf ârUstice to the effect that il night be conflscated and sold for industrial or drinking purpqses, even in dry states, on the assuniption that the federal governxnent-was not imb- ject to state Iaws. This applies also to liquor seized from m.oonshiners or eonfiseated in shipment from one state to another. Thn, ft is wrong for citiiensto mke booze, it in Vrong for people te consume booze, it ta wrong for any MWt s e ss booze-AIO) YET Uncle Sm~ MAIES IT ST for himsolf te MAXI A PE(>IW off the booue 1i4 ho kas confiscated- if tbat ion't a horrible exA.mple to net for lau' obsorv- »Cnothelb. poeloof thsnation, then 1t11lum what un. If Ila sanl rightfor UneeSm nte ELLboose ho bus grabbod why isn't it fair te lot thoe who hae it on hand M&W ?It in » rong for the one theother. Iths q bm& m airawih miv lwlSm*f nttiiiR 1h. E- TEAm0 O!iCURNc Asks iudge Landis to Maice the Concernn Diagrge to 5ev- eral Waulegan Investers. SENSATION IS PROMISED. Attorney mtn . ori f Wau- kegan has fimlu ea couif lu Chicago a petitioxi asbg luire Lau- dis to mske a probe of fie Blac Dlamond 011,0eornay. vi fie pur- pose of securtng ࣠ilgorgement no fiat stockhldemor, of vhlci several are ln Waukegan, may obtain their money back. Mr. Orvis charges fiat fie oit competiy sli stock Il lunols ln violation of the Blue Sky lav, fie sociefary of state iavlng decllned tl issue a certlficate vilci vonld have eflabled the oPeral.ion,,of tii cOno>rn ln Ilinois. The liack Dlamond Dit cOMPeRLY la ssii tu, b. epitltse< et $25,000.-1 000, and diaim lulhave assois of 421.- .00,000. The concern daims lu bave hundreds of tioiisands of acres eof i land lu Tel«s.1 The. secretary of staf e in denyln.g fie petitton for a certificats f0 oper- te i lu Unoîs asserted fiat the cdaim bas bècu made fiat'fie concern la prooing 150 bares 0frcindally, but " i tfite source of tifs flow noyer Was realed. Tie comPanYa "OU1" land inreas,. azcofding f0 fie opIn- ion or fie eecrofary orf ate, vas more adaptable for grmIng Pm-Peee flan for fie production of 011. Itlàl ciargei fiat a large siloUliforfstock bas licou sold. Jif boy mui bas been sold lu Wankegafl la tiot knowli mi. Orvis predicts fiat thie airing lu court offighédoalinge eofide cou- cern vlll lie even more acniatlonsli - -- ~ - - ~âuitie lu fie Case 0f fie consumera ____________Patklng company. fie a9sit.of wviki While the actions of seyerai Naval Station men may t>e ¶-t.can for fie viti 0f Judge Lndis. Ielaed and are being criticized mlenever f ht-y desrvei i. lif h4aaACIN motable tact however, that the young wouien ut the community DAM.MiE ION ae beeoming indifferent and immodept to a big extent as eau be mmo any evening you walk along the streets For instiince there 1kv BDE TIRD SEP- 1 vus a time, years ago, when a young woman walking with a - 1~Vualvu young mani who mlght bave bis armn around bier walst, would sSe À(AILLK1 RI IIMt that it in withdrawx qui-klu case somebody apprornehes. Not ___ i» now. Street llghts, street crnsings, etc, do not interfere witb Attorney for Lievers and Pear- the bugging. nitcheg tbat are going on about Wankegan. Thte . son wili Endeavor to Spee girls ,do not mind It if you approach and sSe that you notice thati New Trial of Case. he bas hig auni about ber waot. It le a matter of extreme Indif- ferenc'e to thein. In tact tbey Reml to like il, and like to bave yoe INDEPENDENTS INTEREsT'I iiotkce It. go why blSme tbe Gobx for it al' Aren't the voudig Attorney's reseufiflg Jack Llei ;m-orn mut-b to lame? Those arme, those bande, wouldn't 4bers 5ami Bon Pearsun asser, fiat tie erbere they are if they were not 'wanted there. lieptrianSofUer take Place lutf au cocu a auo-tpro The Modemn Woodmen tan conifort themselves wlth eés lil permit. Ilcsiinet i< ÙLb kn.oWledge that theyMareûtothlb.onlynOsM Who have 10 filed agaîn ai the present fer-mbc- maw bgherrates for protection. Klost anly om Who bas euse flore mut lie a uew panel of ÎÎ;n-livng wingthe astfelvyear ha lem d a nis but no Urne hfo bubast fin usai ling dponts te lait e enoeasobslexedt placlug the $40.000 damagoe lie oVO7thng osi 8nre.Wo ee o raze uhy insUranCe for a inew jury as swon as posahbln. obould be any exception te the mle. Inje:ig t , fi te ahtorneys 'Well it looke as if I*ke BlUff alo lu u11the POsffl Pearson hothhlaS. iepàrate actions Wblch Waukegan bas s0 frequently f oud itseif lu: The agaluat DePev and Casperean but uIlk-sok trylng te domnate the "riff-raff". And the lat- ibecause fiseIsues vere so cse i 1erareoutte eathe vlh cancs Io t on lutheir wu decided tetafy tiem fegefici. îer n ot tolna tbeivih éancwtwoto Oe ibTure la a p4sllulty fiat fie cases fao-or.wl lis trIoS separately nudtthIime, _________ iThise migeii take lon<er but fluîp t Il -behoes hunters to realize thaft the federal govenumelit la enforclng the migrtory bird law. It ifg a cOgtlY tbing tO trY and torget there lusncb a law. It luUncleSm wbo haenforclng this Uv and It doesnt psy to tempt him. Ciamber of Commerce, Mn. 1lIollIafer &asWaukeg» arinchant esho Seale O ERON lIAIS - etenuiveli lu the »eilt uie! ON AIAIN, IEN 'Bsseft and laid fie maffur before fTS Off AIjAINbave admtttmd 10qt bubat sieS sncb san ex-Sur but thaf o ied t ot O»roualy unterclant IL.Wb-n If Commandant Bassett Orders vas explalned t lux thn fithlieBsllorn Regulation and Not Sewed do Lt hie the. reubttio usued bats because lke rime Sa net. stand Hais Worn by Sailors uP, îe reuainai fe order and accord- THEMECHNT INAPE In gli the mon are &ganaloeif THE ERCHNTS N APEAL ear the'seved bais. caufenaf iOn vas tiraesn Info theic la said the order au leggins lied Manks ofthfe MU.Y Peope lu wauke. Dol been formel put forth andsem- IM via a$ev s-a t whaven il be cordngli tiat aIso vas ristclied ho- en" laovu a ýouP1e of Says ag0 foru Il limeneoperafive. thl- a formal onrdeinadbeen issueS 1 Waukegan, fiera une periaps 58 et Great LANes station f0 thteffenor t0 arou hO Sevote ailof flein tht iers alfc alors vouaiS of lieai. 1lime lu sving nations bats. Tue A»" lte veau seedbats #bt lu -raso fie sallona lue fie bats »,v. «Ut Wnseed lbts as furnIsbea lii cd Li bectusif maisfie rm sfift lm Nav". anS tiey ot neater. Wheoa' h At ' te smme trne andi order vas rfflatîcu unoede bats becomes- mic'0 te t h tfithfe Commandant flabbY anS ftsuover. The. bst »w.s Mdal» aietatod fiat heu-tr, he îug ndushly bas pioveS di>g ite- bMev reglation leggins ahould ho Unle for manY Wauisga b usines 9 '»rm vidi meant fiat nowhilte i-g.meu 0aucue estation beesu, o OU__ aniSbOu use. Tue beys .tien>-. rae, Iwo bave eavetmthfiebrou" c 1 AW tbte b, crtan ileaehfng pro. Sleril OGreen Saturday nigit, on <10,13et ileacbfng. rcqust f tfishebrtif cf Tusemis, 1 le@uuse iulares do mauxy eho '0 Ala., amrafed Ray Gray andilils vte, buIn t u thie seving Ella Gray, comteS people, Who r,-- -qtbut fau'akeaavia fi orcotly came be-efrom the souti. Z Mf tealaionbat. cmeOuft 1 eY vera lu a houas On MarkIet ~ UsM th fieseotari eofflhe fieeh. Dinuirs BLL ' MUST SE PAID Up te AMui-luetea om Werd TueS It Des What It Prenles teDe ,me a5guUgêt. someimueaiard. tbat tMue shUl be none iid Q$&S othup,Llbeutyl loa,& becausu lie wu 18 evuelnc tfer. are comne peraeU Mn aboet-ubtud and UffltrtottC tbs.t they ane forgettng the grave danger tht Mt S .o ngavo tiiieafnOd clvmi- sation. Orne orthle ttoieera f the Paau sir gielu t e fi %ilifulbavS ctflfd bi. the méey u fe 1>1gss. vlchI w bu nlmafratedbi an incidentues et tua tousa similar one. It was told by a s affl dd salor, a lonsetlizVlY et atuspsbod abip> Be related bey a Om.àa mbmarlue. aftet Slukifg tf &W~ esiheuf aamlng.camneto fie mi- ftee ajai helped tf0 "rescfl5" the tew wtio wee svlifmlg or ariltint about la fhe vater. .Jhiy weta permitted te eling to lie submarne--4a tact ta "dn tefuge on lis deck. Au empfy rowbat iflonted hi, and ithecom- mander offihe auli" ordered tihe5sur- vivota te avait ficn1selves 0o f, tb.- cauae ln Ove minutes the U-boat woOld -mb-ergs. nu rowboait bad! no nars.Ti9e r u no pi-ovlaotraboard. no selter againât atorme lhibtis une-eavorthi ieU. it vaa haIt-OUned vif 1 atur-sait va- t.r-vblci the survivors liad to scoop ont viftisthir bare hâudé. The cap- tain and bis men descclded Itata the interior of fhe *nul." The. batchea ver. clowed and graduelli the lustra- ment Of deatruction Bank out of igit, leavlng the crafl. n hliei fs uman cargo aithte merci of tie vavue, This iappened ln fie Middle of the Atlantic ses" Tiers la onu one thing that sa myve the vorid trom an upheaval fat mmrsdsstrous tban ti ai vici vu bave guise through. Thaf la for Amer. iu Iaand the Amurican people f0 hold fe r ea d culer. te abide by free Insttu fions.4 te rebulli, to succor and com- tort los e bave been boed dowe bi the temon of orgaized Intolerace If la for nte give more, pay mois. d more.If le for us f0 prove that 0 viong acknowledge becomes an 01>11. gation and fiat Amsrlcq doma viat. ~elerIfpremiaus f0do. i. Thas «a bu accon>plished only bi patilotloefly gemttn hark of the Vie tory Uberty loa and hacklng If ui ta the WcryUmif of our %unnclal abl Ity. Unclu Ssm's bMIS usf b. pali and th*q boys brougiiî home. Unti tien the job vo't be fluished. -4ELP «FINISH THE JOB.- Il The Debt Dy R.-rNOALL PARRISIl. il the posslify fiat If vouli bu Pos- sie f0 maire both morseclgArly Se- ftet 'Me damage ceunene Offte mntsIintereetlng tfielsifrelInsOcme UIme as Iniepflenetl n ZMOU aeert fiat 1h vilI have a tendonci lu decide vihaf fie attitude of Voiivala spaclal police viilbe tovard, fie "antis." BDchli ver and Pesa-son baS expect- ed a verdict and cleanlY ver. ls- appointeS at fis fallure Of fie"jWY to reaci an agreement Tic dreS Sleeping Sîcinese vici las lia e the metical vorlS. fool suofior vlctim lu Lake Couati vit-n 'Marthe, flue nine yean 015 daughler cf Mi. anS Mns. Jgbfl fetasia. 93 Thirteculli street peased *avaitoiay af 11:40 a. m. The child "efkuto a ifate or coma. tolblovng tfie]Flu,, feu taie ago, and tuing fiat Ume bal takenno nouishment, mot even vater. 0fot es didthme regainon- sciomeus Dutlmg a lamge peif et ber de"p sloep ber «M e rmalfneS vIde open. Thers va svety Indica- tion of parsiyuls-efteilg to Ptr" hîiui anl patta oetbfiebody. The aft.ndmg physicien beld ont n hope &um fie fit. On Mgontay fer -'iLe btinUme fie cdltOYcIvI4 elogot. This vas fie list favorable indication anS a bais hope vas ont thaf sic migif refover. Hfor vitalifi, uappe4 the 7is1%n, ovever, vas nef auzeilat to eut lu a i-e- oveny. Tice luelatiez te opaupae bau beon amendeS b, the sonate so fiat aIl Pmo fau=, Pmorboumsa"Sln-' sflfutione maitWaotby O@m-9I«Ifor- fite support unt caruorfpaupers shall be known as ceunfy homes." ama.mnam ~#ftPrP It<ADY NEEDED-HOW IT HELPS!" A young felow came baci to ourTiobiQetareCive - PAJML REIITS towu tie otier dSy, struggling alongD >5Bie usiiflle0 .interfl DEN45k11 I4 ISaAb on crutciies; lie bad left oue leg lu uting Information on theDrmi.n piance. A frieni met im. asud iald Vctory Lberty Loan. TO DG UrIN ù01 ympatleffcnhiy: 'Tm mlgity sorry,ip loke i ia n sU-d I Tud o:te ctr iet AT113PAST S N lose 'ni ieg, Chenuie," Ill I Spieque-f Bbu foated lu April, in odrfa I. ITgaefl112, tic peope mal starf sarlng for fie Law to Prevent Advertislng of Tiaf là ,luot eshat tihi have bou >pupes.of luvesting lu bondse01th li doing, those splendid 1dâ of eus.a nticfry Issue." The foliovlug brief Profession Which CIaimis rboy have licou givlug tl legs, tfiel questionnaire ahould tend fa cllirly The Impossible. arme, tieiees le«. lr yenres. fiý tat tf i o 0f any neader regardlug lie su migit have Oui homes, eux chop&. V'cfoc-y L.on:1 PNrEI -Adetlmn o our tarms; thaf vs mîgil llvO lu . Tus van bel ug aven, ivîy la tuerc PlFiL.t Avrismns t puace, ln prosperlty. lu fnoedom Of seet of anothler greaf popular var 'palnlesa dentlstW v ouli lic pro- houglif and action. -. osuit j bited iy aàibil rcgnlafing lie pnac- Donti we ove fiem anyfilng? A. The pnoceeds from ti. Fouthtifee ientlsfry. Tt vas, lufraducecl by llaven't ve a uicli nupaflu fite eSai loan, accordlng f0 Sècretary of fie Representative Vice. Irraudlllemtf reP- n France, f0 the malmed anS crippîci. Truasury Glass, vere exiausted lasa resentatione by en calic tetî x who sie comlug home from fie buffle Deentheit and the govornmnent must perla vould b. curbed. Regulations front? . have biilous mors wif ibcb to 'nwin- vould b. ln tie handSeof fie Scparf- Thot lu the appeai cf lie forticom- tain our forces overacas, brn«ngthe vie- ment of registration anS edlucati on. ng Vicfory Lbety loin. lif lu a debt tors bomne and carry out its reconst re- ve ove-to fthe avialor, vlio vent tJon plans. Licensed physiciens . or surgeon.9 crasblag downuilu lames; to lie dougli . .If tuncie Sams. strong-box la voilS lic peruntted f0 cîtract teeth boy, via veuf cieerlng over fie top exnpty. 1>0v là he paylug is ffen-va but forblddien fo practice Senfistry or tiroug a a Mnetfshrapnel; lu lie gun- expeasu? Idental surgery. Tii. bill vould aimes ner, vio feu vwiti fie ayard la hie A. Ibsla being ione viti moU.yrisltord andS iclaied nurses fo baud. hofloved from the o hni te ie eat perforun tie "so-cailed operation of We ean neyer pay If--no 1 Money 0f $»>,O.000 every two veeis, shot-cleaning teeti", on Inmates of public dese not vork ihaf miracle. Just dovu terma anticipation certificates cf lu- 'nM#lutlonis and *egu;arly enxoild lie if reuf from iere ldag bauge lu Schtedneu abelug Issusi lu refui. 1 upi.othDui-ble fhe vlndoes of naltflaftage caufain- Q. Au long as lie hauks are aivane-pujThe f e pulleh ooegstrto. n ing tvo golden star& Wiat Io my iug the lnoney, vuy not leftfliem cou-. 1 catuet0 elsrto n tuel, or yours, balanceS agalust fie duns te do sol oclducatîon vouliS le authoilzed to re- priccleas gft 0f the ieart-biokei> fa- A. Because I nSertot continue lin fuse fa Issue a liceuse or certficate fier anS motier flicre? If every man sifeud credif fo the business Inforest, ta Indviuels vho "have a4lveitmed ln tistovu sheuid firce s do Sllarbis &Mg U lf thfe counfry lie hankiis us 'e cf anY ding Of uninovu for. loto thc scale, fbose lirus vould vel igi u gof back fhila oner-amountlng mula of the. use or any dangerous or fia mont. fo 115,pur cent W f lieu esatire ne- unkuovu anetioe; or have adver- Cicer and velcoree flpe sfo ru- soures---hen Ilfotlle due, ne O@i i fled tie us. of auy drugs or any euh- turu; lionor t ieli menesauioj unifistinso ea flicprosperifi ve nov enl. stance useS ln fie rnaking of auy Se ton oei l aieu mm hévlCS. ntinlfe ieefer dental products vich are falsely ad- But do not torget those oflera. vie te fie people on a commercial hasls, vex-tiss or misnamed; or have adver- vili not refun-flhe volcgu es.d. -or viii flelr patrlotiom agnin be &p- tiseS lu anî malter Illiely to decclve Tou ove a gruter delit te tiem. Tiey puehi1fi1 or Salraud fie publice" Flnes would dii vifi faifhin lu . A. ecretary Glass gays lie putnief- range ffom 850 fa $500. - ELP OFINISH THE JOB." lsm et fie Amenican people vIl lie me- Uliedlpea f0 seud fie loau tium CIe io ak oSo Thie vlu a ifs largeuj a nefDM pbmely over the top."Ifbewvre aler.é aueant So over, enS oui dùty te luport «r wvM »bumade particuly attractive kane, Wash., as inesses coiiers la not overountil fley aus mste rate cftIiterestsuni pariai cf a&l home, Tue Vîctory libuif y Loo le MttuttfY. Two Waukegan men foday vere te bul aloo for the puipou e0f main. Q. Wiat are fie montily vat e«- subpoeuei lu appeau lu fie federuil talling tf0 overseeM Au an 5W Of PDdltwu 01 et .govermumeu uotth*a cqurt at Spokane, Wesi., on April 8, occupation Mdl binging thosos badt. 1 t êfUrne? 1and thus taiestfe longesft trp ever A. Tb# lateuf .clal flures l" oîi.rei for Waukegan men lu an- The 9,as, nef fie Ameticans. fiat Uacls Sam lu expeihng m»eeg rn aal uu or o e e vers ~ qttm& ,but our vork lu bot at tfa rate cf more thau$2000.0 vrlgactMmMor Wa oe lahIsi m nil vs have brougif fihe a »ntl. " 1ly as vifnuisea. vietors home. lots finIah fie job 1>7 Q. Suppose I bougit, bondsetfpro. , Th« aise'f J. Stabl anS losephi ovu Ibacl he fi ltoiy Liberty ceuing MoIsasuenddI cant affoiS tl kufl, the latter belug cler- aIetich han as ve ii aI l its prodeon5om5. huy amy moreLierty bonds? -ý Wasahfn ta wa y*"r «0. A. Uncle am h-ste paylbies 11[1% rhey bars besu clîci tte fstify We maylpi fet aVietorl LU»M ti l ue t iilabri 1tf MIf 7« lanthie casevilci thie postal dopart- Loan M a pes. as ban or a vietoy oabS. lare le continus foi a tifflti ment 1lias againet WI1huýi Breln, fhe but lu a muni e q 5mqanclal ba0 -isjIny$ oureell juxuOmwo sai l ahos ta oui soliiers Who 40Ou * on all es. asesesf ie. ,UImneusfe ~ mnveayu g ie aahu. et baWe. ietty [dan Ioa somssticegva oncmNothiavenue ovned by %fr. Stail. mut vil bu cýmpelIete raines theBrown, if la r*e&sieS. bS ame-9ici; Boy Vlcery Lberty L[dan dei104ami *ceyIf eedu liy dtect taxation. and vesfer patents et orsdInlutae rsaf iclp £".thefajob If toc* 10»0000Oîfla* are n lubie coupons un tai Laciappeile bain and fie barn bmmeS. lires te start. - scoPfs.rb-ercAlaa alvayasbeunmuci talk as V"e"yLiberty LeaNMuet Ssuui le RATU-10 sCoue pug1 A% a Dupes laKoupine Wth SUOucegous 30 C ua of Former Leane,. - . 1s-i ssz:1 Dy CHARLES H. S0lIUPPEMUT-* . !F'oi palgo, Saenth Fedural FR 8ALE-CiouS reduos lot@ ny. Recervé olutilot. Neliler Avc.u. Grimes. 2- Deepite the tact tiat bostlllf llv eeS undi ll StUstestlufie 1Ihave some very fne FOR «SugnS etfa i#aet treatr buen 1taiet ai-iloushm #2,500. 8,000, 04,060, Bo ni Mig var job la netfignlsedL The Job 4.700. $6,000. 07.5W0te 08,500. AMl ElIl Mii nt bu compltai until fie@esSl moder n luily lostsd, wvh1b Icall - bills au Re lai thd fi lte0f9fiS ns- bu pèes. tu show jon at anyflus. FOII tim ea e"'Thogsetfns b_»oEdvln Ausin. phonu16, Noth Shore 9 maind m a -115aide et the vatât §M OusCo. if Toi bave vefteado te Poulaiou the11s11111t, utctery vrS b: ourIWMMà" ll TO TitADU--Throo eau, es.tecsd. 0M5 Mdlti the béître Mle» a-: clcared for orange grove lu Flonîda , , Uiofle asudessetiel_ as fiat alraady da, »iF ain ne fo,$20 .or or la- accomplished. dies.furs o whatiave. yod te offer? The Vlctory Liberty Loan muet Un~e- P. A. S. Mereer, 2108 Eseiel avenus. lbi ceai lu a degresln keephng viti theies Ciîs-14t mas succ cof the four Pre'vle o "& $5 ________________Ziol Tma*sumesucn b« estfaied onIX tirough the efforts and entuusM of]FOR SLE-Noua.. lot sudban luaZMon fieenfre eope.Ubety .-oa r, village of Wsdevortf.l.EQuie I. - ganutions muet put luto hi G.ort on.voti Lad liai-gWA théesmme vlm and tire tiaf character- gi I aeaa oc. Wky21 lied fhil vor lu fie pruriilos on .+ The people muet do everythhnt vithin FOR BAUs fier power-to aid fh. otnisattone PAF lu performing tie tasi thaf la a9 muci FOR SALE-Suond band kichsrn cab- hi thfls28 lu 'fie Urne ien fthe af1oeÙ» luit aud rmusic cabinet. lInqutre ai Chai wus wvrrn& Independent ofc.1- v n ec splIt etof tiank~ vtu -offie. 142 AE pemuate tb& Amurican afa-per- FOR SALE-20 bu. ru.cle&W NedüTloby WA siculi demWmite tho e utet everi ' .ced; 50 bu. Buckeataa"s&bout 150 M, elfisen, for If If mad nef bu e th* iebu. good sar e.rua %mYrnyli on. mileBUllt extensIve prepaatlâ tu figit fie cun- s<o>fb o! Aptaktaec. F. J. Boîub. Prairie chili fral Jower ountil victoiy percied SPOU Vices, 111. 148 Ian oui bannai fis var vouli liave hum. otî prolonged luSefntly, viii> a cocue- FOR SALE-Studebaker touing car. dru ~ Ion et cf housaaie etoflUYs fat 1914 model lu llrsi-lea chape. l~ C efiervi Se sur ysed la un vies tie $250. AddresFrank Kulblue, e'o - Gertan gmenua staff scknowefl Abrt J. S"ii, Prairie VIew, 111. 14-38W thé- tutilt7 et ontlnuing fhe etruggle for vorli domination. Thé greal vie-s'FOR SALE-Wblt. Swediash eslcc eed n ftoryvas acievedvery largely tiiougi oest&; igh nIz Ue roeibai. fie sheila fat ver. never ezploduii. Bergeron Stock Farm, Libert llIe. ce" firano theiscoldlera fiat dîd net go Phone 278J-2 14.2 day acrous and firough fte»guneral prep-: ________________Ian arations la ether directions. Tic Amer FOR BALE--Cernent &lave silos - lmanpeople ena illiexpronltef0 cheapesf and liet; windov and WA thui flanksiag ii;by subsecrling te door aoreers., houae moving and the Brui t e oisabllity ln maklng og asn.ZinIiain n the Vletery Lberty [dan an0ve- Industrtes, Deparfmet No. 4. phone a vhelmlngs ffecess. a Tic tulinewuof thfe gi-et vlrtoi-y vin49 or 31. Zion, Dis. - eor1 net bu rualizedi uIll fie van builleam- un pald and ailtflie boys liiougbf home.-IFOR SALE-Flue elght-roou' houe. on n Thc expenses ofthfe var bacs been Elm Court. Bot vater heat, toliets - hWg% but Aiserice est ouf te win the.1 and bath, &Il conventences. Fîret skory w. vai af any cout, a&" nov, wlth vie-1 oak trim tbîoughout; econd eftory eslte tor-y sectre, tie Amonican people stand cailadrsoayhm Eeyhu i tiedyf0 omplent.hfe job aas.ned to f 'iretclanIms ineverY partlcular. Large oci te im throvdlng f ie oeyIbisement and Iaundry, ecreened 'oce l HE L "In FI I SH y J03.- land a fi etwo &torygarage. Lt Ol O -HELP"FINSH TE JO 1- rfee. lieaeonable ternie. is. George C WIIY YOUR MONEY I15'S 8ond. 12-4 1 10 Dnovn's knovledge of the fire. Sine fiat ie fie go,;ernenf haî boon lurssfitatng, and r,-ceutly he vas.arresteS. on the charge of mis- use of the. mailse frouh an Indiana postoffIce. The. Waukegan men aec sumnmoned lu order to, çrove that Brown was lu Waukegau at a cor- tain Urne. Mr. Muli i. ordered to hriug the hotel regi.,tr witil hlm 10 show Brown regisiered th.'r, et one lime. It As nof a case of choosing to go-.- thc Waukegan men wll bave fo Ce there on tic 11h, and i'ius plan leav- ing herse lday. ONE'Ano ANEiSÀ JURY ALL NIORlT; URY DISAEIREESb Mrs. Sadie Shirey Falls 4e. Re- cover for Damnages to Auto ln Collision wlth Wagon. COURT WORK CLEAfifO UP. One man hugg a jury ln circuit court ail nlght and r-silteS In a dis. agreement lu the case ln vhlch Mn. Badic Sblrey souglit damagea of $221 from Anton Rynflszei, a coal dealer. Mna. Sirey vas drivlng an automo- bile lu Belvidere street several montis ago vien a collision occurTed et Oak atreet viti fhe coaivagon. Mis. Sirey teetilied âf iate ec toPPed her macinc, but fiat tie cool wagon ian Into ber. This vas denteS by Ryurkszei, vio said fie bout vas on, the ollier foot. fvidenthi fie jury fuîtthfe sm as theic ealer, for fie fnal vote of fie jury lh sali lu bave bean il to 1 for acquittai. One report la fiat fie Jury sf065 deadlockei fila vsy vracfIcally a&l -alght, uni the tveiffl m-nle said tu have hez swayed lii fhe arguments of fie oflera, but fuit if vouli not ho con- alisttent tu, swing ci-or. 0Tice.Jacob Scilceer divorce case .w vent lu lie jury at' noon today. 1Mi. PSelloserchargeS ler huobund vifi cruelty. Wlien fis case la settli, the jury ewIl bu excuseSl for fhe runtalutir cf fie term, as fiae are no mr cassei-eay for trial undilifapnra tiere vii bu Do mois jury trials umtil October, altliomgli flore la te, ieý a epeclal lune term. SAID, S I RI SALI-Diamonde, vaichai toi bWhy on credit, 20 per cent down 10 pur oent a month. 207 IL OMM, 111 Northb gnet., Wauke-., iR SAL.E--Six thorougbbred Bauîed icek rmulas al; $8.00 each. J1. T. la, ., 1214 OR SALE-Teso hsavy tdrait horme Saud 10 ijusld<, Mrs. Sophia Taër. Dlauond Lake. 1248 lIENT SILO STAVES-Ws hav. be ceapesi and bsst silo on fie wket. D3ons.moving, boume ialalug. o Insitution@ and ladusîrlsu. Dépt. 4 >0 Cty, 111. phone 49 Zion Ciy. Sf4 NTED-A Ds t "b wmai sehool Saturdals. Apply f0 a. Wella.1 18.1 ffl S WANTEO)-We have esarust 3yeru lor gond larme, at rlght piou. a Baumauia & Co.* 3065 Limeolu s., Chicago. . 14.2 ANTIED-About an bourfron Chicego modern houes. piufrably fluar vater, able pîay.plae lor childien for drus for subomer; Iodglngs wlth uer's lamlly eousldeied vhure DO ,be buardere are arcommnodated. Ad- eu,. Strouse, 5606 fllarketone Ave., blago 14-1 INTE O-86«Iisnn. Aedlvp. energetie man, wîth or without eiliIg exper. Des. Opportuoît: tu eetatbll.h i oesn omontty hnslspayîng $4 su 08 pur y. stefeon 011 Co., Btation E , Cleve- ad, Oblo. ,14*lpfi rNTED-Menor vorne utakeorders among Irlandoe aUn n-ghbors lor the -uime guarantced bohlery, full ic@ . fur en, vomen and eildren. Elianinatu mlnig. We pay S5Oc au hour opareIUne 024 aàeseek fur fulil ime. Experience nDecmeary. W rite, InternatIonal Sto.'tk- iMiIl. Nerrlatuwn, lPa. 8 7ANTED-Team of young maree about 2600 pounds. must bc aound; o8 a couffle of good brood <Fows, Dur. m preferred. Addres. M. IL. Kam- er, R. F. D. 1. Llbertyville. I. GR RENT - Furuisijied r",m (Cal 120-W 'or tloîwatlob. DE L One y Seil- ALL j NO i hiave faims ty's vf and n( fie el by log apprec acres punchi plans faim. The Ovneg solS i Duple Ti, stock extsn tarmi TA Issue 1 . àý e- 1 ýn 1 e- rs Ld is il