GIAT eayskke1 IP. .'IiLDEURANdDT, Col. ffOrers Ta.ken for Job Work. :.dvrtlal"g rates on appHcatlon. Crna. Soroader bas moved frou Lake s" )Into thebo huéesvacAted by Mr. Adanms, ho recntly movsd tu the eontr7 on a tarin. Mr. and Mr@. Bd Wagner vers Chicago vioitore Baturday. UmEUsebElhomer gave a party Fri- day ev.lng ln honor a George Drues, Who recenniy IPIItund #rom Francs. Fourteen vere present aud an e;jyqlle .VOînlng vas sppnt. Mir@. Rd Wagner eà etertaling ber glter and niecei ran> Waudegan Ibis vesk. Peter Nswhousee vaslu Wankegifl on buinees Mondai. O Tom 8brutsheers froin Chcago vas ont for the week-end vsling hie parents. Dr. and lirs. Strutshere. A baby boy vas horu toMr. and Mr@. Peses, Monday moruing. The basket ball gans aturday evening *nded viii, two more victonise for aur boys. The Z ou baye cainsount vlth tvoamn... isore 9 ta 12 and 510o21. Tb@e imtueresêînggameso far piayed and vas IntsretIng at evsry inute of tb. gaine. Earoid rue@ vas tripped and fell on ie'heail. Re vauuoneclune1 for a 1ev pýLconde, but came ot 0. K..1 onuisaving hlm vitb a black oys.1 Thnrsday eveiug the bays go to à1cienry vhere a close gaine le tooked1 for. Baturday eveninfi lîbe boye viii meet Wbnkegau tiret tIsansd &fier lbe gaine a douce vilil b giveu. Electian Tuseday vas a very bot Sight for etpervisor. A man irain Chicago vas drownsd et Long Lake. Tva inu ere la a host wbmn lhebo ast nrned nier, ane eaved Imsî orbite bheallier disappeared and the bodyvas oual faund untl l uuday. c Jaes tchioser vas-lieue Monday sVDuà log vith a bg Chalmere and gave bis relatives a ovîft ontlug. The Pratt and Bensau cbldren are "esding a vsek ai their. country borne ai Gags. Lake. An acécident happened ou tbe Soo0iQue Whou ths speeder jnmped tbe track. One nman vas taksu ta a Chicago hoepitai, the other wvasIM. ( olby, van euétained Injuries 10 bie rite. LAKE VILLA lire. P. It Avery and cblidren @peut froniriday MI iSnnday wtb ber eMaterj' lu Chicago. lire. Fred flamilu weut ta the City Frlday.esturvingtudar evsning, liaving SNpent the lime vitb relative* ai Oak Park. Mire. Frank Nadr bas bien quite 111 the paot vsek. Fred, Weher, vbo bas beeu vsry 1l1le au the gain and able 10 be up. Mr. and Mr@. E, L. Wald epeut Salur. day aftsruoon a.od8undaywitb rplatives ai Burilugon. Mre. Pottsr ai Mieouri, lae pendlug eouetlme vlth ber iels,, lire. Addle klanzer. Mire. CIcera %vas lu Chicago Saturday n bueluese. Mdrs4Jamee King le; quit@slii. P. R. She.rvood @pont the tiret ai the week lu Chicago. Mr@. D. R. Manzer, tire. Avis Wlckere .id MinesAuna Mdauzer @peut Frlday1 vltb Grayolake relatives. Mr@. Frank Hamîf n gave a eiken shovîr lu houar ai M ies Stella Ker,. at ber home thie vsek Wedueeday eveulngi aud a very pesant iles %as snjoyed by aIl preseul. Wililail vba have chîclen pie pane or diabe of any kiud % bicb vers used ai the reéeption given the sldier and sallor boys sametinie aga. kindly rtura libsu ta Barutable bail? à business meeting af the Ried Crase mSolety wiU ho heid at the haine aifMr. sud Mis. Fred Hanilin, Mdonday evpuiug. April 7tlà. for a fiua vlnd.up of affaire. Ail meunhere are urged ta hi preeent. Misha i lStepbey, vho bas bien a telephone operator bore for cenatie bau reftmed tuober qpaiste luKMa John Pmthok vu taiued Nom whig ie aoadag ltu fron aau for Lehurnan', wheu a larg e ake 1911IDlu a wal as ta bruies hieéikg quite bail WlIelm Drecoli, vio vas take Oak Park hospitailutasI vek for ti ment for pnoumonla, pscéed avay1 day. The funeral wau bil Sunuday Elmhuet. 0'owua abrotber ut AIt Drecoil. vho p=eeedaal Ire we &go. Three brotheru, tour elteri ieualher are lotIta moura hie ions Mu. asud Mm es.ndianld, tIr. andi Louise ceeki attended Wli Drecoilie fanerai Sunday at Elinhursi B. a. Dion bas moved is stock hardware ta the building iarmeriy tl by R. Lund s a tallor sboP, Sud1 condut a tirte lae hardware et, thers. ge intende tu put lu dry go tu confection wlîb grocerio lu the uai store. 1 ANTIOCH Mr. Dunniez ovas a bueiness vîsitor Chicago, Fridaky. tMr. and Kru. Pacîni of Chicago. we buinesvistars ln Antioch Saturday. àMr. Mande Sabin and MIes Bel 9Frakier went su Chicago, Sendai a ttend acuncortaet tb. Auditorium wbé 1thsy board John McCormick,* stune. ojAeurel Pavis ofChicago. @pettt weekc-end vith hie parente. Misses Virginla and Ivah Raitke spe over Saturday aud ennday vlth the parenté. Tbsy came froni Ksnoeha i day aitsrnaou. Mir. and Mie. Lee àdlddsndorff- we enfaidt toWaukegan Bonday by ti death of the little son of Mru. Middli dorif'e brother. Mrlck Richardson. Mr. and lMe. Erneel Brook enienlale a number of young fadii rainBurîlun ton, ffis.. over Snnday. ies Elizabeth Webb was pleaddant eurpridesi Sonday vhen the vas calle toIb the lephone aid agala board bi brother, Ray'& voie-, alter an abeence( ove, a lean vbIhicUie ho as lu tt servie lu France. Ray vas on bhie v ta Camp Grant and sîpects to mutered ont shortly. Mi.e Brook of Burlington, @peut Su day tilth Eruset Brook and vite., The réuit of tbe township eeectlon ic supervléor of Antioch vas held Tueeda and le s 101mwe: Chaom Webb f158 an L. B. .Une 300. Webb wiiuiug jy5 voies. The gravel carrisd by a hl majority. A. E. Olseon of Chicago. wvas a basint vipitor lu Antiocb Mdondav. Quise ajittle exeltement vwascreat et tbe Son line depot Monday moruils nhe eariy train v hlcb roaves nt 6:40 ha juot pulleci out vbeu au autoinai carryitng ttva sailors aud tva potl eignaled the train ta etop. TIi. jumpr aboard sud hravffy arnd made inspetion of ail pasesugere abuar Tbsy vers looking for four men who bu broken lotoIhe A merian liras. Ca. sa day . L BANDITtB SAFE, ouhi i. n re, Vus. Coansmi hbave :Oved KL 0 JE A a o M. and Mn.. DForris e makIng rot.tW Wwelcatis on ther mauy riende AND tYBAPE IN CAR pri. Noaa MacDongàll roeurned to the Ci- Vat scindai altemnoan, havlugspont a veek Robb6rY Ooour at Kenosha;- eeke On saiurday night Cathnueflanon Soe AtoOeurs ea sud vu hie reiplut of a surpriee. Alil Lake Geneva; Two. Hurt. - report a good lime. Mn.r. ud M m. J.B. Cordiecaltsd on Misé@ WAUKEQAN POLICE ASSIST. lu .Brave and Mes. David Young, --Aum eau pnl Baturday. aueaArl1 t. Donathy Bennet@peit Suuday with Thuse eut. blowere, sfIc, haviug ka0 Als Crre. erackedlie sff aithe American ied Roert urnle vuat ilwaukeesvleltor ]Brasa campan>' et Kenosha - Sanda>' vil ut Thnreday. night, killed a, Kenoaba policeman, are JobS Fanli uer bas returnud home ftm ibi a taxlcah and headed saulh for 'ode Caiuoraa wbere bhobas beapendlng Chicago. ther the vInter vitàh bis son, WiIi. -IThe> vers uznnidiately ftllowed hy J. A. Loeves sud son epeut Sunday Ibree lffeosha policemen in a faste, J t t1helbformer'@ parents. car than the bandits vers drlvlng. Aifred Rave la un lb.elek lât &auin. Thme desd officer vas Tan? Pigai are WDr. J. L. Itedding snd iamily enter.-viho vas shat dead as lie iried toa r, l u tained bis fahîr. mothen sud sister lest real the bandits aller belug calied ta Buaday. the garage vbere tbey vere loadiug GU! V hs three offiees vbo book up the itou dgCmUvEgorOa LAiL FOR LAST vEE, chasvers Policemen NM. J.Kirsch. 1 tu Gra.. igh seboot grl@ ptayod basket Paul Weltman sud WillIam P. Smith *i ýe1 bal lb ahLlbertyvIlie girls bore Wednes. Vhs latter drove the car, Vhsy arrlv. cal day nght. E4 lu Waukegaa about ia'lckl "Y iaiiion bas gane o tMontsaau a thme morning sud vent directy'th lb. businese trip. police. Loeal officiers vers detailed Norton Flood bun bien on thoelck uit ta wstch incouing trains and streeti *ut Writh toueliltis the pat veLk Cars sud ta stop au>' automobiles that( beir Wogrd bas besu rsceived iromn the van migbt attempt ta go througb frqum the1 *i.1' departimeut that Wesley Straug Io alive norf b. sud vol>, but as yet no word bas beau VTe auto then procncded on ta Chf. Ors recefved froin hlm direct cago. A dragnel vas throvu about the Mr@. Nottingbam rstnnned la, Chicago the entire uartb shore. At ten 'cîoelr sun- wth hon daugbter lest Wednesday. thi amorning lbe Palcf-mçcu reiurnedc t. Fisher, the luspector for Bvean ta Wauksgan.G et Dairy Cao, le varkiug be this week. Tbey called ime Kenosha po1ilci de- ig- L. W. Bracber sud mother of Wauke- partiment tram the local Police 515-r gan, vers visItons bine btst uuday. lioln, sud varsalnornied liaItithe it Mn. sud Mr@. VanNes o Yuvg vers bandits had bom trsced as far asU Iled Racine vîietors luit Suuday. La1te GeuvielU, Itaving heen fouud er Mises Grae ebryver came boue ick Ibat Ibeir e"rbatd gone luto a ditcebT aio grain Voies lunt ook sud viiiviit hon at a point ditm ilues vest off Lakec hi 4arnta fur aslowwveeke. Geneva.. Three men, twao ntvibonip ~i Mr. Domlney, -of ibe Bowman Dairy bai beeu, hart lu lthe crash, llmpedb ho C., vas taken cnddenly Ill at the Plau nt mbLakeo éneya at 1 ocloeek and Vuesday suddvas unableto ta onk fon hought ticket& for Clybouru Juncîint un severai days- - The three Kanosima policemen, upou HennyLUnd vas lu Chicago Vuesday rccelvlug 1h15 Information. set oui at for nigbl la attend a business meeting of once tor thbe western part of Lak, ay the Vikings.icontY anud vitI stop eaIsoif places ýnd Duck huniers have a bard lime te I viere 'the train on wbich the banditse 58 restet ebaotiug tho bird e hem thie sprng got on makees clope. bgaï there are pieuty lu ibis viclnlty. ________ Charles W.ghtman u vs ers trami 'a ~ fr uyea >aU-ay wn itiu ......, ieiuCHsurae i e eae iad bille Iles ,ed u ýrd. lad -ee ai Kenouea, W le.. and had takren $50,M0. lulilbrty bonds and crrncy. lu their plighIt tiy abat policeman Tony Pingators. Mises NettieS Buman vieted ber neice, lire. T. C. Edvarde, lest veek. Ruth Molock @peut SuudaY at home@ Mies Ethel Oison vietrd lu Evaustan lest vsek. Rev. Coi vas entertlaed et H. C. Ain' over Sunday. John Strabu, Sr., aud IB. C. AinSe t- teudej the Fermer'@ meeting at Gare ltes aturliav. W. are glad ta see good roado sud veather agaiu. Bth mllk wagons are able tau mke Ibeffrtrip nov. J. 0. Welch alteuded the aseeesare meetig In Wauksgan Monday. There vii b.e sereoptlcan- veve and lecture ai tbe cburch Sunday ulgbt, Apil 6.- The Cnteuaary mavemet vili be expined. Ths Ladie' Aid viii repeat thir play entilied "The Miniter'e WIfe'e Nov Bonnet%" at lhe cburch Saturday eveu- ing, A prit 5. Cous one, oins aIL. Wa I, Fer 11Sa11, ou 8% aiM Oîle DEPENDEN? reselu1&M101penSa Attention jFarmeérs! ~inning April 1let and continuing for 15 dayaweili orentuc Ufne of Farming limplemnepts and Mciey coruisting of Mowers, Grain and Corn Hîndera, Cultivatori', Mote, Huiy-Loadm% , Et 'AT COST' PRIC E Tims wil mean ain to you diat you cannot a&frd to unis. Ail of -the ~d we have instock are standiard umkes (1. H. C. and oline) and are new up-t-dte mna- chinesW want to close out the entire fine, so wil give you the. advmntage of coqt price, Es, L. WALD& Co.' LAK! VILLA, ILLINOIS Lee Feulan and H. Spoueuburg vere, lu Chicago on btusiness the trt ai the veek. .t1 1 SAUGATUCX 1 PtrPurtegy@ purchaéed a uev nouer aud puiverizer laet veek.1( The VanHaecke chldreu vil tirM.1 and Aro. Victor DeMeyer and famlly' Suday aiternoon. Mn. Scbreck and eau, L.loyd, molared ta Trevor, Wl.. Sundai. Mir. and êine. Lionel Bail motored tram> Miadison, Win , ta @pend the veed-ecid vllti r. aud lira. Lavreuce Amaunu aud family. 1Lawrence Prince aud hie mother and Sain Partegye vleted Mir. and Mr@. Potegys aud family. tinnday. OCHOOL NOTE@ Ths tbree Wissman boye vho juet1 maved bers entered autr echool laet Tueeday Thoee perfect lu epellng for the veik srs: Margaret MeWCrmick, Cecîfe Amaun, Victor Detieyen and Shirley Thlmas. 9 Severat cildreu vere abseut fast veek ou accouint oai ekueee. Signe of Mournnng.ý In Itsly the womeu nt-:,nwhite gar. ments ta show their grief. and the ilen lothes af browu bue, In China whteL l4 used for mournifig by bth sxs In Turkey. Syria. Cappudacia and=A meula cele4tiul iblne lbtheasual tint. Iu Egypt yeiiowlsb brown.'lbhehue af the desd lenf. la deeniso praper; sud1 lu Ethiopla the natives wear grsyas th emblem, of uournlug. VILLAGE 0F FOX LAKE ........ Proposai for Rond Gnsdlng. Notice ilaiereb given thaI iealed bideawyll b necelved by the ander. signeS sud opened aI a publie meet- Ius te, be beld la the Village Hall, in the Viage otf -ox Laits, Yaks Counli. Illinois, aI il o'elot* a. ni.. Wodnes- day April 9I, A. D. 1919,for lie graS. Ing of Nippersluk Road In saiS Village of Fox Laie sud llimte Tovn of Grant lu accandance vllh theo Plamnsud speciflcailoua, prepared by lthe Coun. ty Superntendent of Hlghvays. ApProxlmate quintles are 36,M0 .cablc yards' Work to be compioted by Bepteni- ber 1, 1919. A certifieS echeck for ual tenu than lire (5) per cent of thse aount of bld, payable lu, the Village Treasarer yul b. rotuiffed. AIl -prk vill bç let eubect bto te apwioval oflthe Rond sud Bidge Counilîtesud the Coual>' Supornu tendent of lilhavaa, and lime nigim ta reserveil ta robot an>' or al bide. For tuntier Information roter ta the parties nanied harets. DateS aI Fox take, Illinois, Ibis 101h day o!f March À. D., 1911. William G. Nagle. Pa'esideut. 0. B. Morrelî,-1 Village Clenli. Mar.924à2 vikî> Mar. 27.-ADn. 3.1 UUV MLIfllM~LA 1 FOR VENUE CI*NGE REFUSE!>BY COURT Case of Alîeged Fourth Lake BIindpiger is Certified to The County Court. FEARS A JAILSENTENCE. George Sbeldon, Pourth Yaks. fac- lug the charge of hefung a blindplgger, appeared in cirecuit court' lads>'and asked thal be be given a chang, of venue to some otite, count>'. as h.- feIt il vas lmpos.-itbe fan hlm la gel a 8ain trial lu Take couuly. He teit. b aid, thal the people ôf Lakte couuty vere prejudlced againsl hlm. HIe had liesu orderet t preseut siffi dauits lu support of hie contention. 'but tailedt> t do so. On lb. 'failure off Simeldon ta make a «bowling, Judgue Iijdvards ovennole> the miotion for the change or ve-nue amnd certified tbe case ta Uiecocunty court for trial. This vas dons liecause the jury lu circuit court ba> been dîsmisse> tan thme terni sud Ibene yul nat lie an- *othen jury lu that court luntlt nem.t Octaben. if Sheldon bad figureS upon allovlng bis case to drag sloug untit lbe jury vas excused anS then voit util next Octolier for trial, he. a doamed ta dtsappoîtnl, tfor there vîli 'he a jury lnu uft> court lu tv-o veeka. anS il lab>' bytis jury thaI he vili ho tried. Not no ver>' long ago Sieldan vas convicted of ssllng liquan aniavwfuliy sud escapeds bail sentence bekause il e.ppaared la bc bis BraI offense. t Itle said!lia he tears a jailIsentence u lu case be la touaS guilty Ibis lime.d CELSJRATES n BJfiTDAY SINI IN(i INTO REORD Une. Cathie Suai. e dbrated ber S4th birIliday etI MosnThunida>' nig kt Dy singinglunto ber fPhoiograph. AI a'bînlbda>' part>' held lu ber hou,, labtem al'Anni iele' Imb thet PhograPhaus il vas atervrd$ Te-.f produced vflb perfect cleanesa Thmet ,arly vas lield at George W BoWge's,1 2811 Ensmasc Avenue, sevoele.t guete assmbleS. Grandua Suai. cuae toChicago lu 1958 sudba beea lIving thesiever -4$»e, ezePtng viea ah. vioitot> ber sont, George at1 Zion. Sime lo bale sud heani>', ber ,alrengtm belug iel Preserved. Rer1 voleset nigt aq site s"lignta lie Iinstrument vas stroansd cdean, lte 1919. W" isbeing -pol yronouneed. libe nnU -aw ri take8 au affle Inteelreut lu wanid 3W Ah l I affaire. St>.bua tbree sans lu Chi. cg.brsounfHeury' ýeing uperîn-VCTM0 tendent ot the Chicago So'<,Yards 48 5 0051 office At the Party lait igbt 'm vhr ers tour generallons repre- TION 0FTHIE JAw Afler a fine stipper the campanv agtro R ayPse ludutged 111 gamea off various klu'ýd., augtro .D ass and a novel teaturd vas the re,,,, Away at McAister Hos- duction of a four minate record a leri pital this P. M. tour Persona hall sang and spake In- to te Intrumnt. WAS A WEALTHY WOMAN. Grandma Smnaie received ny> Waukegan, Mar!cb, 22 eseuts. She aliea recelvod ma.>y LAYER-Miss Dady died nt the paet carda frtram Chcago. hospitali tis afiernoon at about 1:45. Mer paxelng was flot unexpscted, rei. LOW TIDE SAVED wstiv mtsuveth &.Hrdti elmepafler the foilolng art;cfe was ARTliJR'SLJFI3AS Ii r.s îorena Dady. daugifer orf Robert Dady or Sheridan Ros(,-Io;l, l RIS UTO LUNfED a ver>' precarlous condition att h., Details from West Show That heuri. Arthur is Not Likely to be At th-- saine lime hen railler lies -for Manslaughter. lu a venr veakpci,< condition ai hL.ý borne ou Sbéridan Road. teebi,- in is physique sud aise worrlsd greail THE INQUEST IS DELAYED.. In I.d because of bis awn sud hji j - daughter's ptiglt. A£Ccrlug tO -Word trom Oakland, The ather daagbier. Mrs. John Con- Calif.., J. Preston Arthur, Presiden-t rad, vbaee usband dled fnot long of the Cyclone Pence C'ompany, viii ag. is.hlàe-If none fo'we-In tact. not lie hetd on a mansiaîîghte-r oh. l9 amoat pro'tratsd aven tii'« charge, for, il bas been provu l by sckuess that bas in adeýd ber taini!>. vItuesssoftIhe accident that the 191s9Lonefta Da'Iy bas heen at the drawniug aorlime Ivo vomen was thetie bspitai for eomie'finte, being ver>' direct resaIt of an erra, of Jodg-; ii1 for %ome veeks. 14cr aillaent ment. stantcd onlginalty front an Intected ft bas been'slovuIthot be driver taoth, vhi ch lates,.. d.-r-oped a case off the death car, .1. P. ArthuorInteal of oni suai bîoodpaspnlug. For tbrée of turnlng ta them right te drive- on weeka bier co'ndition bad been crit1 the apron off the ferry, Swerved big IûAan.a.Ltt limne a conultafion machine taefthe lefi sud tbe auto of doctors vas helid, but eý7en thenP plunged ove, the bulkbead af the bgr condition dld uat Improve macla. pier. Anatimen conFoltation was bafd h.- Te ferry hoastvas cro*ded vitb tvween Dri. Plely and Bellowi andV motarisîs relurning taefSan ni'au- Drs. Harris aud IHerrick, two vel ccSfotmOakland, aud s near paaic kuowu speclailtsfrtn>Chicago. Vhs prevaiied as the machine vefit over-. resyit of Ibeir canfeence vaas natb- board. Ing eucoutraglngtethelb.friends ofaiti, Sceemsmaoa the wamen Damsengers taml>'; ln tact, tbey gave Iutile ase- In the Arthu r car added ta the surauce that abe would lls'e throfîgb excitemeut.. the day. Mfiss Dady's condition vas A lire alarin vas sonuded. Wben realized b>' herseit sud tamily taco 'ale the lire, engine reached thec ferry for anythiug te be doue ta check the laudlng, il vas roundi that Arthurn infection wblcb nov bai endangered and the tva vonlen ver. pinned h er lite. uuderneath the auto. The auto liai t itas manths aga limai the father turusd over lista,- strikind the ier. had an attack af biccouglifi, and il The tIde was eut sud the car fell iben was said liaI he could ual sur. luta flot more thanfilve eest ai wat-ýr. vive time day. Hlowever.,lie psll,-d The occupants were pibed under1 alang, and finaly atopped ýhIccuugit- securel>' but their predicamneul vas l ng vimen bis sud seered ualtfar seused b>' firemen, who worked fur- ava>'. The other dauigiter, !,iro Con- icusi'ly tnuiase the car. itlis cati- rad, bas been fiI for more than twn mated that tbirty minutes wa.- cex- vears. sud miucslthe dcatlh o! r r pended lu tblu acf. . hugbaud bas not lmprovsd an>'. "Tbey are al alive. Malte room" Vhs alber inember off tbe Robert .bhited one firemant as ie canriet? Dady tamlly la a son.,l'ankDidy. onu, forai, in a ladder aud eauetohbbc ao te iuWisconsin, sud vibo lateiy w hart. The tva vamen versflirsI sînce bis relatives have licen g0 111 takr-n tram tife vater. Vbey vers bas lieeu a treqifent visitor liere ta rusbed ta au eumîrgcncy bospitai. but thme Dady hame. il vas Iben discao-cred thaltlmhey vers It la recallcd Ibat as tev monthe dcad vh-u recovered. ago lime ftîentrausterred fa bis Mr. Atanrs condition vas feie-t!c daughîer. 1.orens, the 650-acre farui to bc criticai. butl 1sfe reports state au Beividere road,, near Greeuhay that be viliireca'.er.Ilie vas ,un- r9ad. Vhe tanmIole ortiabout $1.5o, consciýu'. ten. boulls fullowfug 1he 000, suddlthug Miss Dady vas at once accident. msde the vealtliet voman In Wau NIrs. Arthur and son Jack, together kegan by lIme gift of her railler, iho vlth Mr. Arîhrs brother Fred. ar- la said to bc wortb a millon Or avec. rlveij iu Oakland, Calif. ia..t nigitt. moetly lu fant landesud Waukegau The Iluiest over the reualus ai rapent>'. ftbe twn dead womeu bas bcen paît- LIved Iens Ali Lire. paued until Mn. Arthr's condition Miss Dady vas boru ln thc ofd improves, for he viii be callet>as s vIlnua. 'CROCKED', NOT 'CROCKERY', I THEFLABEL JIERE Esery lime a freight haudien ln Wtaukegaiî, Lake Poresl, Laike Bluff, of Winuetka handles n siîpmenî <-f catsup. olive oil, or graDe jalon. on pale vlim a harrel marked 'cnackeny'" he vinko one sys. The fnelgbt bauiers bsve, notel that these sbip tale iceed ha o n that these hipuxents hegan t get un- usual>' bell>'short>' aflen tbe boue dry Iav veutt bettfect, sud lbey bave tbeln suspicions. Thme natar express couPsUIes have neyer belon. been no huai IIORRORS!I DO LAKE FOREST lMmSIN DUJ4E IN SfiIOKI Il le vieere>l Ain'e FIorest bhaI lthe youas ladies Indulge lhemsolves in a mlSd cigarette or noat dameoet the faslieonable Young-Tlaa's Club. The club., laming lime 'viispers ta be insîdidicas, laday trev dova th ganullet ta lime author. deusam4iag eltmer an spaiagy or proot. Meenvilie vimat brougmi up lthe smokting dIsPuite la lime desîne a! lb. club tu ireal lthe isekles ta Sauces -pl thlie Young Lake Pareil girls,, as no-pausa are alloved lu the canleen' or on market DaS>' ho nsead ou Beluilere roa>, nean Greenlbay rond. vest af Waoe- gan, sud vas sboot 50 years oit>. Site baS alvisyR bliceclosl>'allie> wiifî ber faîher in bis extensive real sýaaI sud other business dealîngs, sud lu bis latter ycans ahe bas bsndlod most of hie business for hlm. lu tact, as ves Ills confidential a&stit, as ieIll as daughter. Unll er reccut siliness Miss Dat»' vas odes or the mast rohuat vînien la lime colunt>'; large of ftramne.of sturd>' physique sud unosoal pbystcal atrengtb, she vas lime enu>' at other vonien o! lois robustleIalth. lier sadden elcimuesi merel>' veut la show bow soan a psrsan of perfect health can, ho taken davu. DIRECTORS F1 LOAN ASSN. ARE DULY E!ICTED 'rie finit snuail met go! the simarebolders o!flima Wautegan Balld. ing Loan Associationi, 75 POT cent cf thme subserlDtion-.îlot vas rePreseitted eilher hi persan or proxY. The b>' lav ovene dlscuîsed sud fusil>' uusuimuly'adoapted& Clarke, for ou, year lenm.u;CoOii Nine direclons vere olected: PU? tmue eyear tsrza, D. T. Aiabuir, Ul. Bnackvay, T. H,DursI; for tva Yftr teru. C. T. Fond. T. J. Stahi snd D. !L Clarke; for ane jear terni. Frank Ban.. ,C.tC. Fldvardsand P. W. Buck. ~plcton wvil b.amado loday 1e lime atate aothorlîles for a chabrter. As soon as receired. subacribers vili b. called upan for theln duos sud LI onîb>'ly ustallments. VThe liratIissue o! stock vii li e made on '.%a>' It. ~OWL Patad pri as Pure Drugu and Chem~o1 Kedicines. tionery Toilet Artilces and Drugpists' Sun- dries PIYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carelully Compounded GRAYSLAKEs ILLINOIS . DR. HIERBERT RANKIN STRJTiIEUS PIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 52, GRAYSLAKE ILUINOIq IHawdwaz, Harmse, Ols, Peinte a Gise ENRVJANSEN1 Stor go Battsey and Electirical Sevice BeOeaeensOs,etn, Memeto and ITwnPonss5anda-J onid'Laketnl Paraes,'ULns DR. G. W. JENSEN< VETERINARY SURGEON ANDI>DENTT Omil Aseredproiptly Offie flours: 1Ite2.300.uW. ---A!TIOCU. ILLLl4OID L4KE COUNTY.', Puhlished hy the WÂIjKb IAN DAMY SUN at the special 10w .price each -$3,5 Size: 3ft.,8in.by4ft.,2sm. Libertyvile Indepepdent- FEDERAL VACUUM CLEANERS SoId on Easy Monthly Paymoilt Ail Atta chments Ineluded A Vatiium Cleaner ougli really to be called a Suc- tion Cleaner, since ils op- eratip utiizes the power of suction. But what's in a pamne? ht clean-It cleans a bs o u t e1I î draws out dusttand durt and patticles you don't want there from ruge» hangings, upho1tet~ from anything yon brint to its aggressive noice DoD't yov ant taov n n? It's a houasbqld letiution. Dunonstration every day #à any et eur SahirOm. Public Service C»,, ef NorthernIMUos LmE~YVL M IMMUEB1 brens' venu") mi the 1 par- uavng fioien- fi. for acting g sud lt re- mand &y of n lb. mmoq l saIS thon>' suad y ex- Stale, etc.. Icago. lunols. bains Clrèk hay. Irl of 'on su r îSld nielita, iaî-lug mald ri li n the 1919, tinse t thme agsis lstail- ite af 2 the midon 1 lm- so b- saiS manug hilat, M91., :1, Presl- ?rove. nt. pril3