Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 Apr 1919, p. 1

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YV1LLE INDEPENýDENT WAUKEGAN WEiEKLY SUN tv La. ,&,V"M-t4U. i. VVIJÇIJS5N ri*A w(wYiE$ ULLE,, V L&A UOUNTX,, ILNi TmSDÂY,,APRIL10, 119. ¶EILLY'S StIS' LEV iERIAN TO RETURN 9IOMI Trains Stafl out of Co; lenz To- mnorrcw with Chicago Artil- lery and Other Units BLOWS ON RECEPTION COM. Wuukégan hua heén stirred b>' cable dlspatche4 uSserting that taie 14th Fjeld Artlllery le ta sailIfer home vithin thie leat fév laya. Lo- cal résidents are ta'cing an activé part ila ssiptlng thé 14911 Field Ar. tiller>' Patbors andI Mothers »asi. to lapromoting thé bilg receptinn nin lstu aie ténderel On thé ai-- rits.I or taieunuit ln Chicago. But taie recePi viii scDotop tb'. for tibers yHl b. a big demanstrat In i Wankogant for the local memnaier. The viii hé a meeting of taie Bat. torY C Mfilitai-Y assocation of Wau- beganM ai thé Chambér of Commercé auditorium neit Wednenday algait ai vIlé hdétallé of taie local receptiob 1 vil! h4 arranged. The ChIcago démanstratien ln- icludes a reception vailca i vii hé béai St lth" Colseum, a banquet et loop h -l ntértainmnents. a monter parade, etc. Speeches vil! aie de- liverel b>' prominent, people.* Tai rer.-ptlon committpe Inludes man> pomninnt men. Offier of th. a téry 0 Militai-v association af Wau- kegan have béen namel on thé rom- mîttée. Thée officers ai-e: Président-Judge Edvardie. 1 * 'VIe-préident-W . Blown. Tmoasrer--Co. Clerk Rende. 1 écrptai- oy Maman. Jé.Mi. Blows, a menaber of ilatter>' C vaienfil vas organized in Wauke- sas. attended a meeting or thé i-. * céption committe laChilcago Friday t iiglt asd obtain a quantit>' of grand- stand ticket@ for taie Parade. Taie eu s lepurchaaaet a lty onata sci, thie fpecool behag used tu detray thé expefou0ortaie receptiosa.0 Mr. Blova vus choya a telegrani taNov Toit v"Sé assistata alxty mernbez-s of thie l41tb urrlved la Nev YoitkFi-la>'. It vas fot ased wtiethes they voéresalaior Me ulvmacoguard. Mr. Diovo iII DUt seeguse the flame franur Wau- kegan mm Ituate list of thée. vie have arrive&. * Taie bil5feature of théelnomeon- t=» vin le thé paraIe. Thie Ciîcago véle» h orne ceauite.hbms oed thie 149t1splhut ArWliery Ballt s sociation té suintlu the dornontra- lieu ad théeusoocltlon viieréct« h uge grand sial fron vw" ité -vlev thé parade. etendlsg tram V»on Buron ta, 8éventh esé, Chicago. 4 7ts e fllurvtevl»g stand for omvrnor Tovilefi. M&J. <in. Leonard Wood, Cl. Nelson Pelouse snd atheru Vin le loctel Iuis céntér of taie spectatoras al. Terelief association yestérday no- Med 1relatives and fronda of theé mon that wervtions cf stand apâce muaitaie made flot later taian Apr Il. Tiee are about seventeen Lobs Cbunti> bons lu tai 149ia. 0Col A. V. Snita, vWho véft ovor vith tilion ai;; not bean vitli thé 149th for thesantu f eemontais. Accordlngl>' I l sa mo béleved hé he vitai thé returnlsg dtvIson but ma>' coneborne amne or )sar vltb another division. Taie fohovlnK cale édispatcbh l vliat tlmuiatéd action on thé part of not oni>' Chlcgo but Waukegan as veil: Coblenz, Thtirsda>', April 3.-Taie 1orty.ecend division lsail packed np snd avaltlng thé fiuai crIer 'Al uboard-for home." Taie ist train vitis troupefotra h15 division on board la acheduled to leave Alrveller Smnaa>'morailng. Thie ofklcai announceméni namos spelcali>' thie folovtngunits 0f taie IlTonty-scnd: Healquarters asd beraquartérs troop. 1410, iSOtai and 151et Machine OUeBetalous: 83d Infantry brigade bealquarters, letai * and lt1h Infantr>', S4tls tnfntry bri- gade headquartérs , 167th andl lOSta infantrv. t7th Pleld Artiller>'. brigade headquiarters, 14911>, l50th and,1lllt Y Feld AitillAi-y. ll7th ilugineéns and train, fleld signal battalion. train headquariers and militai-y police, aup- pi>' train, nallitar>' train sud ammu- aition ltain. oi? taie opitai laits PROTEST NI3ARNESS 1VOLIVA FOLLW13 TO ROADS Of R. R. TO CELEDRATE 60- CROSIN SJiNAS -INi 0f CANDY Coe Hiahway Odfficiais to Send a 131g Celebr ation to be Held ln .rt«a to Public Utilities Zion City April 12 as Cook Com. Elect Offlcers Candy Plant Leaves Town Thae nearness to 'thie road of VOLIVA ACOWIRES THIE SITE "$top!" signa vailca the ralîrouda are ____ Piacing fleur ralrood crosstlsaIl ever the county reaultod la the draft. "He tht in left lanZmon shall hé Ing of a résolution of proteat at the cfihied holy."-1salah 4:3., meeting of tovnsuig hghway Officais "Behold.Zioti, the city of Our- gol- held at Lbe rtyviile on Thursday. ernnltle"-nov forevor freed of thie Coies of this résolution wi l ie lent tn taie &tâte public ntlitléo commi, CO<>k Ca"fldftorY. thank te thie sien and aise te the varions raliroade efforte 0f Wllbur Glenn VoUva, lead- vifich riun tairougli thé oounty. er of thie rélweglousconrunty of The protest pointe out that thie Mount Zi. vaio bas purchisse taie siffs are being placed so close te thé road that thé>' are a menace ta faetOry fromlits ovners. Wberefore, traille and Interfr, vitai the gi-ad- on April 12 a dedication service vili Thé ofohven. ler vr eéte and, literaliy epeakins, t.he people vil The heM In fi- utf0ftare property. 'lai Prelident-.19. LDavis of Uberty- lb od vi lay.rontpeeches viii hé mahe ville. bn iipaiethuwl emd 'lce.fpresident-Frank Dunn of An- "«return and corne slnglng into Zien.'1 tioci. ZVon, as forrnerly, vil hae thé clty Secretarir-Emll Fieke of Lake Zu- waeen oan ytrn ha Cor. Secy-Chas. Rus-gel cf Wau- tére. ne dance hale, vaiere ne liquor kegan. ne tOboandualno drageamaresold. Vai-bus road mater. veré tateli Restrictins Put in Contruot up and declion vas made as te vhat wIll te donc te remedy conditionq. Theme and othér restrictions veré Schedule vas arranged which pro-. named lu thé contracts hy vhlch John vidffs the date. on which the thrpc Zlenlst Churcai Settlement at Mount t roa d outtilto will visit varlou.3 pats ZMon, purchased thé original eleven of the county. mile tract caléed Zion estate from thie Benton tovnshiP farmers who avnéd SiJF~SBJfSit prevrOugîY. Theéomnt a SIWRTS BIL ISintended ta hé a model clty, true te CA S OF D BATE 'the priflcipies of thé ine hrh CAUS ""DE ad tèserestrictions vere Ihougait IN Tiff D ATE aporat n ecsay 9prlngilpld, April 4.-A splrlld de- man>- vho are net rnienrs, but vain batsdeveopedln he snatewhenavéré attracted thither b>' thé adrant- ri.taideseofopedtynfrthétsentteévihe@ a motion to reconnider Senatoir Svîf-Rth. gse cis frTe fchuc m é i c feeble lîsidéd bih vus mae. The e othevciis Thé chrca tiammnot biB amni.thes ni-osant lwta enalef esfotisorg t10sttéss rest labos. San Wranclsco 4. Eboul t bW necassar>' ta placé ou inactive dutY an> reerves who do mot Mao rmmot for release, ih la g5re4ff l t "* réserves hé glven ftften daye' atké of the action con- te >nplated la tbéir puricular cases. 6. T1e reduotion shall hé ln add-1 tIon tetaie 1 Iii' cent per montai ré- leasel b? Bug5'Ws létter N63-ESS-01 lit 0f WPebrute M. 1*10. J 6. Commandats ai-U mail te tli Bureau on or br Apihl 16, 1919, s report Lung <bat thé foré*Oling bas been complisi Wl*h. HEAR1 8 LANSING, Acting 1. In purontfloeof thé foregoing authoriatlan. relsaslna et réserviste engaged upos tae dutiés herelabeforé. specifia vii le atithorized only vaiere their services may hée spared vltaiout reflef. Y. . BASSEnT E XT R AIlu FICK ELETEDCHAIR-* rMAN OF SUPERVISOR'S Emîl Flcke. oifBMa, was elected Chair. man of laie hoard of Supervleors b>' an1 unanîmons vote Ibis alterrinon. Thie je% the ui timeoan Ela mani ha@ been eke-ted ebairmun of lhe board. Lie was uno)ppooed. THIEVES VISIT DUBA FARM Thieves, of decidedir boid chai-acter- loies, etéréd laie barn of Paul Doba,i who liv e on a fares near BenIée plat- tortu, Tuéeda>' evetug and stole tbré4 caisseeTracée la thb. mal taie nuit MlN ORPEAILS1 TlROU§ MORI6lT ON ONE TO EIGHT. 81.50 PER YEAR IN ADvÂ1 FIRE MENACES A 1 FOX LAKE RESORTI flAlUS Au MEKPtIS 1i Fl.t, April 5.-tOlre blee tu havo beén of incendiary oengin menacél thé Colonial Cusino at Fox LakeForet Foka Send igh Laike thfs moi-nlng about tvooeclock, CrowIing Along Highway 'side, near a door, and WOrked twa Seelclng Valuables, lnside lat causait thé conclusion structure airé WERE MRS. .105. T. BOWENS The Casino luacsvned b>' Godfrey Johnson and stands usear thé Willls do Inn. Thie damage It le sail vii net tkoeatured outSun4lay nlght rua over $100 as a résuit of thé vil- on Its hands and knees snd wltb lage fire depurtmént bavinlt Quleki> matchies, torches. lanterna and eléc- chéckéd thé dames viica haît cean tric fiaallightoscsarchél thie roadway their vay Imalle thé placé hy' the hoiveen thie Norhvestera station Urne the volunteem waTivel. and tiren Oventala Golf Club. At midaigait ma>' saichers, (RAI~ IA I E lamel, etiffened und vitai blistertd kaes. retired. But Chief Gordon nrvt rn UA ÏI spurred tu, continued activit>' ails ~ j WI IU J nigait force of twa men. Thie police veré convincéil Mrs. F R O SN C I 1,,JoseM T. owe . r wul oiA ie ,,f .IN ma erous lagniappé if ler pearl necalace veré récoverél. The string vas val- ued at $20,000, Mi-,. Dewédn bal rt>%orted thie los early Sunda>' niglit. Wlth friendu maio vaîked tram taie station ta, thé club- house. Shé vere taie peurls when she left taie train, ohé vas certain. Wlth thé comlng cf Manday.'M iun thé population turned eut again for thé searcI. At noon Chief Gordon was callél ta thé phone. Mrs. Bowen waS peak- luS. "I found my necitlace when 1 got home," maie eald. "«It vas on my dresser ail thie Urne." Leter unr. Boven sent Chief Gor. don a box of elgurs Thero vas a meeting .of thîri> tai-- mers ot taie Wankegan isiritor>' on Marcai 81 ahi a minI>' ofthée. a prolucer was made. Thé bout vaye for lncreaslng ber vaine as a pi-o- dueer vére shown. Bert Partilge acting as leader of thée discussion. giving s me valuiablé ideas anîd sug- gestions. Mi-. Partridge's cow testing reporit for thie montai shows '>"' five 1>e,' herds taaie en thie fai-ffl «éfTom raham, Roy' Griftfa. P. Pl. Fe'-ry, George Kr-aft and Bld Bennett. Gi-a- ham's herd leal I nilié test vitai 917 pounds oftalmit ta 19 cou-s. 37 poundB butter fat, feel cost af $1.50 and pro- fit of $1 98 ver 100 pounds milki. Mr. Beénnet ad thé mont profitable single ANXIOUS TO PAY FOR LAND USE» ND LAREiINQ STATUIq Speedy Return of OUestIOq.ý, aires wilI Hasten Paymut For Property Taken. COUNTY OFFICIALS ASSISTA That nothlng ln té e aie si 2:ly delaylng taie sending In 0f.1l4 questionnaires ln thé uitaternt myiW b>' Comnmander Ir. M.Coeok set àbé9- frei Waagtan ta arrive et beh» - cou*enmsatlo f land vaipcaiwus ieb overl In ncréasing taie mise of, naval station. Up to thé D'résent tîrne fit las liu. Impossle to ft the pro aperveue hecause names=é of thé opinion IW they should récelve more for tbc lad thaon the 'gavonient tbtlu 1w lue Uiem. lanson. casesovmns.eB land havé adopted theé éflnt DoUcio f holding backai nd valiha te ose vbai values are places ant. Joining land. Sucs a course, accordlag té (hu. mander Cook, viii bave a tonlq to hall hacit the violé proceelug as It la planned to maké aistl aité ménts at th aiemreUrne. A questionnaire toi-m vil ie s@Mt out Monda>' to evér>' poison vbu& land has beén talion ovér b>' tie quei erumeni. In addition té ansver e oaa questions thé>' vii lie »%tite lix a valute on iheir propént>'. TIIUê questionnaires éhould hé retui-aeo Immediately Ih la statél au tis VU have a tondéncy to hiaten thé ai adjustinent. mu--- ý - - ln sté' r hUgtaaieb'ornIngreei , d.a Me Utact SUé S 5 a truck5(5cov fri-tac monta. aur pijroiét ua---- an>' résidéat of Minois té préfer ln a he r wlngt a e b hâdbeeau uéed go Oonvey taie animaisle110 T E OF s~ howa as 836.61. cammanoér cex oit ie a confereasu chrgs gans tsésai>'orlu-uit' Outsiders Got Prp-i uval iomlthe fui-m. AIse hecaue o1 a -________Fila>'afiérnoS viti Circuit cIerk ofa0 ev s thc t u th f as t e.o 57 r Foi- a perlod, liovever.-par t fthé treil of blond Ih le belevél tisai ou@ o! f B P fWuIroc véy ane romy Is*e ofta elwtk an>' fues e a nd0550. t ~zian estate wura hsae-rtentl> lot lthe animais, hing téo argme-tue bad cou- 11168 i O YYI11> fftll W rc>rfabys>' suvd t CPromisen Ii taie biL Final>' bovaver, thé ea-e& 'I' . ODU IE la FAST1 . coopération la urriving et afalaig anio vaspermitwtal téaven a n Pmta outsiders. A t ti me thie venlenti>', vas killd ol elothai.robbere . 01'I passel o vaie evote tu reconsuler vas siteokf ais y conesta->'vent tffottsé A priehela this dhievehave orATaB)NLCI ÀNPseI crstiérnnt Dtai cfthés. otentav éh defe*ted. Tis .folloved a nation 'Co aI'cma>.Ué> fotbSpeiiD D11 gb landfr o1I1U " e m u>' aM fdIl MM Senator Rocs to vltailrav hl@ motion ha ebea maie te, reaover tstpa om» t btt lb. the rtlime Ihat ovnettseth&UMei* Wa réeonsideration of Ulf'e o- of thé asiate, an sl austhe gai. unything smaiie,@sa ibas beau <(Dy MUIONahool Reporter) Pasadena, Caif.--Of mlithé pla>'lon vethe nta séce te tiu a Punlon bill1 reviaing the la, ln rein.-&cette» vhlc an a Me .11 fvlm. atulempled. Lent PFila>'Wai*egaà lgb hosaare enUtieteéltéprulse for theé 'P oos- tion ta the comrltment mildtention Of theé nareovre pertioa, very Sclsool GirlS Toan defeaeé the Lib-tr- thé>' are In vith lésa than tva of ai.atien. - lr mt etthe r7v and IltYflel REPUTATnnaN&14. e vekv no are the catahaserxi SO SA TRAINl I brsltghuaisbkto, itaoriginal on aoves linfor0fthé Waukegsn Vprwait oI f their lame rmuscls aantiffus V NORIISIIORElAS Théhisr tg «0F LAIE FOuRmt3ST NO IHiai caool. Thecaimes of taie auliterthonan un> ilre. mcaon thc AL m T f '1 the élèratoiLUirLS F W N tý refrud and mpi-el taie club. C4MWLlFJ W1TII O DBEPLETE L0RE& ' DAN UR Amnt lmedliaey efter taievalu 50vlurounding Iloto shape, and i U »&UY ORDE 0FBOAR) p~ naal esores re t ai lafor Wankésan taBou-éd soon efior fut as thé>' vi bché havlnt thon ln ad aos taie InactivBUlt f taie Ui l t orviti! Neyer, again vil thé brai-cota <w arIe b> a goal frcsIthel Minler, thé midlîde of théesmmeor. mtsnvl eesll 8pilnIeh, apni -'n mnci RIe"xveWhio bave board of thé scandai téncai thé lance hail of as.. Lfls3em-tyv orvud. A ef oui nlel cota d al a roni mtaIM Qq1 nWov riasud vIsé bal lopé te Anderson ,of Labeo Freetthe son of gluave Vfrginia Caollns e lino goal McarI i banvd atnd pl)urlg bis IU public titlos omallic lual -nromain la thé narn for-soememéau ider of thé Présbytertiuarich. adon. point in taie ladfor the MNIAIVRE D EL srvice -u Gréai lm seve 3* crIer Ioda>' dlsocarlns taie Chinae mconego oritbaemuve; Neyer ugain vili taie bc hé v pera iio atermidro h O ST IO evc tGetLkao«8 Northi Umai-nsd U Peué al-Ci-oarmiv aio bave be amUong t of lances calldbystrn s, « vIotai-s. M ie remainl er fli"TA M & tusbanlsmén vere truinol undar bis 1 toip OuttramucmWhouac vitothebeau able tortés efhov gils amuobud lgarette - g ehfi-se o & t&IKL@ &Dd 1 .s. 8onauprvlsloii, tanof thé est b> OrI'er ctilsg th@ OSMils>'tu *PP5' ho lo no. aneeletol. Capi. Buassit beivéen the numbérs où thé progfran. Jasavita taieow e 181el uit a- 010 ON cSnfyutfl t amig bandmuterlanthé umipi' anl show cme» va iSifallel hocSw-cftnao«uaicTAo i-d(,ýFpcET'r Gons, goeesi-rever are occaions fer lng. thé scoreé9 In laver of Liberty- . , EAiIBMhII.N navy sud moIvng viti hlmU pI>'mU uaSt hé rerté commibor eGrat Labu h5 laid iis fer- sncb conversaion. Mr. Anderson vilé,. la the second l1althUe ___ ti1g hé'i-lméi vithe ~Yme r epor«ta g îse . n flocancélel taie leaseof taie orgaisation playél a tester game. Womean, e Gi-ant lAkés Naval Trainila5 ta net an uncommon mauter te»0 Liet vber thé y917 o Il@ ingel 1. Thédfs»î-ving aoi- rtrnam thé ging dsuces utis hall eéer>' Tues- ow l o teausines d Viola Muitlok vil hé ézisubidla inminiaturé SoumaaIsrading thie Cilcugo streétae t bér5, 117 cflisi-éélp ~ ecetar>' of thé NeT>' tu thé Chef 0f day sud TliursdaY .aigaiin. HéMeumals tu-o sucmuessield jol niuova, fo et the uanqQ einoi f th tée bondof a haId of 380players.»# pabs e br oufli.Tatents, th ueu fNviain aqatlgven theé place aven tea e nmber of brtngilngber score up tua Spoints. INational Moiu A deallli inAt- en.sevéral apeeW cilccasions héoeUs pan' las iedsu sttomnts ~ for your Information uma oMlpîance: lolgés as a meeting plaue, Anomesi-goal frontvA M Mart ein lactie Cil> tyne if thé plano of duciél en orgàWIstIon ct j»& eompUying vitaithé desires of thes '1I; lu dlréciél, us a mesaure > as ioifapraén Igsui av akgs hrtble us e adsi-W.Il. Anoeu. Public sonls-D.eoOMY, fitha cti-5 t 10 ~pi-ar ,bétier paynas business lu the long Agnons Ugatbodl uidtaie score vitai Was5Officer, und oMmander Oe cent In the entire force OrNavallie.réiun, beailes bélng save suspicion a field basket, follovel b>' a fi-e. 3. àlimb, Senior Médbw SaIOWe M :WILTELL PUPIS LIEUT.CARPEN ER vigt thMwouî thé Servics on- and beyond thé tangues of goslps. throv b>' Ethel -Miler, glvlag Uheviel. OmmiUmate&.W ITT LEUT. M ENTE gage upnmensnger-, cléricaldraft. Laite Foi-est has liisaved trorn tarm ascore of 11-10. Austtber field Thé main carpeutén shop lu voit- M TT SUCR D S VAI1LO wArkIng, h or 0mde ncr teincalan>- talit fvulgarit>'. goal trom thel iller, foflovsl ayI>lng nov on modlauet thé ivoos ~AIJJVIi~ onton tioe hémul ouor éfoé .Thsé takaig evén et public lancé tva field baolkets maIe b>' Viola bue.I-sabbuildins, lmpénuariésfo- I ~ April 15, 1919. halls tn Wauitegan b>' ver camp se ao t sud Merlan Martin Uflal thé lation yards sud cubîclos, vaile ath- Aut jv iSUIIDI 'rahils reducîlon ef ton per cent shah i vities liaspractIcali>' placel tai e rt> score te 14-14 vailch ai ernine1eor sOecns of Publia Worit arei-5Pi-e- aus eoroa ésisi, net -aie considerél us llmtlug thé de. n taie, sans cans. Mantdancsu eldnotil 'thé end Of the ha.itlataie parI-lg dralngs of théefiltration cludlng ihuselu Waubogaa, Mrcte b,é Lint CmmndrAi-uri-8. Car- siré of thé Déiarimeut té cari-y'oui In Wsukégan nov as-c malér the pet, extraiUme glvon te bga the tié, Plant, sevage disposai plant, ansdtolthé binî, amooua avroe j ieud t. e Commanderyr Tn-al possible savlng, and If more thon sonal supervision of thé War Camp MarilsuMaritn threv thé decillng Othéi- tentures of thé Station. fods Ual sflud go luesteta*> pnl uer té 7.S.dtroyer Fd om-10 per cent i-éqution can bc mule la CommunIt> evice. basket, making thé inl mua 1or8x-4 Thé modles, dravlm n dalphoto -ner basket.Mins e ry Puei tcfU mnder liashén B ag n aeltesucél Con-thé latérémt of economy I i ii h etb____of___Inlfavor 0f Waukegan. graphe viilsow-ma>' teanues, In- ____ mandcer eth B.reat "« a a a aintiematérial assîiance. Last Tinrsda>' aftemeaaIF. W. The téams vére aeuna"i Weil cladiug thevatér, lheut sud lgltiug %tetéUnivesity, e @iete éxpéit ofIces-taioGréaien. as Ndeaval r-JOuiBPIUS DANIIILS." Cushing, proprietor of tMé Moraine matchol. Taie Brai hanit h ratai- syutème. lunches for school eh-sae. le te graduate of Annapolieand dulrlng taie 2. Taie Bureau directs, Ianabitlug HelIat i Higalana Pa*t recelvel auoès- draggéd avlng tha lime-anissud Taie minaturé buildings are belng log t tee cont> anugt veu* " reen wrwuabar heFanigthé néluction i-équiiel b>' h15 <sidrbi > vWhlcbs viii prdbabl> keép lilasesves-ail Ie-halls asuofet b>'a tfst mode on a ratio of 1 té 16. but vIl!viii@Pend Ivo laya lu visnifi«, k Inrécean aer héFnlgtant 10 Ver ceai of thé total émplo'- in taie itlIslnd Fuit boapilai for second haIt. Viola Blackt made théeaiiowv er>' cMparment. 10cr. vin- feo-ti ciools. Commandes- Kaufman, vho sS 1éd In thènseactivitiés hé neléase fi-oas aiUnn ml@vesits. ta ceiemanaci- moet baskets for Wankégus. Ethel 10w, and vâsh srn, lu <FIer te iis Peck lua aIletialuet «u,. leavés for sea lut>', expocta Lieut, activé dut>'.If boIng 15fr 10 thé dis».-Mr, Cusailng fou uand toi-e théelIge-Millers- sitér o et meMilles-cf taie moite ihem réal la éver> détai.Taie quesiionel *lllyam WR <tel é- Carpenlér t10 take over thé routine lion et taie Commandant vlais ccliv- monts avu>' tram aigurlgisi bnne «ce, Wauitegan Business Girl. Teaun vas roofesud elilugu are maie of carl- caiuîdrén twMai saIamet foods t*cl mallde of a veec. The nov ethlisie lies shalaie curinlld.ComrMTaula vaicairendéefl ails lac sali-el>' bip- laie lbes-t>ville sta. board sud thé vindovs et celliloid, séeleut et nonand vbicls the ofieér lua ilgail>recommnendel b>' Dr. ylnmaite redlirliation of Personnuel Issu. Tusida>' aftiéroon Mr. Camai- Allés-thé game Uic tennsm otmet ntThé model radIales-ssudnd SIS bovîs ebouli net et. fi la éxpectek tua Kaufman, vhe - lasrecovonéI.trOM as me>' héoi-é<ltilié, éxcépt hAt ne lng unies-ent aan p"rtion vailm the aiPatriotteie eu zooms ,tc$Wa are madeet of od. 'rhe ptipe. ftu-,she vîli elvocaté vai-asluachetié a ils récent nérvous bréallova.> gé iaa- o ngnrldti wce e~1s bu 1 cern- anial amui-and ri-e-saimals,.,arvtd cetsand latrines aie madeé of rme-il fera osvl n ili point oàj wiii aie assignel as reliefs for thoeéPinte rever>' - v théA Waukpgan pla>'éëm---vaeré a lunch rosetn fr ilht who ai-e reiéased __________Line-ups were as tolîowq; flo4ý,' The 11ev. Jarnea Mloi-i-tnaonllac- d hi suporior te eahoavy i are msing tram taie list. .. lu copl>'lng viih talé i-pi, e a>o Thompn 0f Chilcago I. Jaaawltz Viola Black, coeaa ndt fi rving I vf. )4isa st.iyerl titngIre,ý,o et At.the mtrnn timTithe d--ral çg j change sall bc made inouaiztingmlac-gela- et méat. At-ai mrn tmétae oiovneaIdcag hi émi u ioatcm pnga fév îa>'s ai the home of forwards, Macian Martin, foi-warl taie matin liii. nolw il, toils égala for,'rais miete expert l 1as 1110411 ditiona nuits vérée nnouacél as ou jPlements o et -Ihng sfatlous nos- a in-éd. Ladnullu. iauvlséi-, et Fox LilIIan Bell, Marian Persoa, guards.rhîlld aandonliCit, madel affidavit caoola ail ovés- thaiutte = the eac-ly- cnve>' sêhedsic: Bakér>' the complémnent of thé follovîng Lakeé. Tiema>'uiita .maIdlaI iest- Libertyvll-Agneg Ligaithel>, cer. Iiat air amI no boen dlvorrcd wffen doue mach geoal. ltri- m in e Comparues Nom. 388 and 398, Bv.acua- ltraining a"tiens: Jing op prepirator>' to iauneiug ails ter, Ethel Miler, Virghnia Colas é mrrîu alsfou-tarule.Mhili-l ___ hiou Hospial No. 18, Air Service Cas- Newpor-t, 15 rv gis h incpi iEhlWnad, ai Belvidéré,l.,In lafébruar>'-siicibusoa ir1* ual ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i Cods> a .NvlOéelgBsHipo re a insi:f heia ncipalVot- and thlTitus, forwards, sand Bo~cr îîg ea îsaca fe1 euos amusac rem oélUsI tvo? @W, lb>' Sl'de ud màa Tîtuosua-du. a>'. omboet- lîgait -aim lunch St neca êf ë l Li LAK-E COUNTY INDEPENDENT Lake go y 's Big W fekly es n mal. li ionél hé bal nig col. 25 saohés 're arc annelst aotib. san aise rs ;crêpe n. the 'V«V"CTTT 'KYI% .1 r tNrV TlCbMM IM la KT lrb à 11 lERi3 1 1 il 1

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