S~~fitt 8huNfJIL ~ h uldng.otmaypita0 A lour plan of thus bungalow chor is îliown ln the Illustration mnd a tudy tereatt lutiîoge wLo are couuadettug 0F 00 0 ESGLiving Ruran aLarge. irTe front entrance door open» lum Exooptional in Appearance and'tbo hviig room, tbe roulattirait mark« Interior Arrangement. room ta 19 by 13 feet, an excepttoually, ________good ie Dot being tua large Io de- tract train tbe Ides of colié«ssud t FLOOR PLAN IS ATTRACTIVE'mu minibat there la a feeling of he- lng abnt ln. A one end ln au open firepiace itailtler Important bungalow Design May Eaiiy Be Changed ta BullIt enture. mnd on ether aide of il are ExPOatire Of House or ta Conform 10w boukcaaes, wth wlndowai above. to Idear of Bulier-Con. Openlug offthîe living rou t trough veient and Ccx>. a wtîle sace betweeu cuionnades, ls tbe dlnlng routma seno0f gond aize and B>' WILLIAM A. RADFOAD. equtiliy attractive lu lit arrangement. lui' Wtllsim A. liadt.rd 111 l a eavThe roula, la 14 b>' il feet', vIWI an qu..itt)ia mJ- 10J Cu i RvIê >' R1. live 4 by 15% feet. the. end vait of COS'r on ail fsubj, ,k. î1,rtaInatu 0the H j alihieri ut balidju. 1.ultJi leeadeut îbuiwhlvh ls foraied b>' windowin. owat- Patr.. ()a l"i sal t. duexv.teao. tracîlve thua nook ina>' hamade can be au Lditur, Att -,iid manufaturr, mIjaie >'tewtnnwt atal le, ', ih.ut uit (I . Igtgiet alittrit>'iaiidbytewmnwihotal en ail l les ba, ri. t.Addîia a&l tuquirla. tUbàtes. Betweeu lte alcove ànd tIle ta V. ililuA. it..flurd, Nu. 15? Prairie wvii tthia rear of the dl.nt Lng oo1. avina,.Clii 11a , andII.cair 07*ncloft a aent wth wlndowna siove. tk.-at tàil fur repli. The. kîtchen, the workroom of the týtiîligiliows litîiliaiunan Inreaang borne. la deatgned villi a view ta emf- popuiiirlty iiaiig iiîîîîi. tiiltirm dur- lency. Il lm 12 by 10 feet, but a large ingth la.lst f., -.tr. Now, vbm as anlry, 6 b>* 6 feet acide tÔ litacon- thée. t(lit ii a ilirgi iaiiàr of aigrevenlence. ln lhe latter lm a Work ta- boiuîe it-4 ui,'iîtt,titculg tirougbout ble, Ove mielvea. aod apace for the Ie Ile (4,iitrtY. ti %%tiiit,wexceedlugîy box, the lutter liivlng an open nt poplulur, rr iti,.gî.Jrenson thti tthe beck-iporch, ao tira t miloea'h thi eî r 'î iiifor lits nuoney Ilu lred wthout contng indoors. The. Ibis stylo of iiut lititure 1tirais lu the.hurlement tairs open off one corner of uider Ii ft i. ,,ury lîîiues. 1 tk l tchen. Of eti r--- Tii r. arc bungalows and 1 A T.sbatiet hall connecta the. dining bungiiîî :. \\ Ti tîey lie Lmps off roûm end thet ti herou.'thefront1 190 frit w, [ti o ,îînîr (buse cou- jbedrôoîn lma114 b>'13feet end bal; tva tulnlüg iii . iiaw, îî r eeun more, windown opealu u the tertrace and tliey un ['!.,,jiit the saiune. Thi.e on.e t the ide, allowIng for excellent WOÏrd to , .,î,.lîîwvreansa sj vutllatlon. The rear bearouinbas aimuit, ii il I'riliig.- houae o? atinir tar dows. but la lightl>' arger four iîr i,, ix ut irte bost, ail than the 'ront roua, belns 14% b>' 10 Ou tue oi- r',fret. Iletween la an unumually large Ijoiii' . liihen ait a attend. bailirootii for this ixle houge.. ati iii-. .,.î couple ofretire, Much Clout Spire. aud. tii- r1- .aîi wiien findlng a Clotet spuce always la a tenturetirat ri %,: ii i.,. .- In . atiant CT017 samaels t hte boueeeePer. la tht. ciîii[uiîî 0i1% eall e'a tanir, ungalow, Il viii bhottleed.are tbre and ti, . i leÔîstionl. l arge losets, une off th. living roun ften(s Iit .I,î, l and hecaume of and e»e off Parti of the. bedrooni,. The thie lir i ,,! anid demand are batliwooîn, too, has conalderable apace raî,ldy f»ii:i lt b r reased. The. tint eau b. ao ulled. re>ugIiit.î,ù b[m.J.îg ai once. tin,.- la the banda oftan experienced bulid- firc . i.,iîp a> i.rte iefand nov or, Ibis demlgu tua>'bi- ehauged Io nuit ls :iret-r il. T. t .î Ëippty asud the the expoanre of the boume, or t0u l à M B it M ay:t hlot 21111ATanFOUNDG.AkInon-" Mr.'iManti ropoatcd, a tit h ot.0t 1a n d werc l,-. oet-(wcd l th iIII hIOIII I *iart INS 7N t shlatPark. ime-il.tr. Atkinson ut. weli hotr p9oetthk ,part blok 77 l4iiiand l'ra V. ilWtier Upon ho turrued to ihe inmdcv Tuesday ntghuhn teli ti IVIIW IllI 1II E.E. ehmjineiiate~. ,» NCNCAEIIofL; gug-ts. A short scrutinsav uft-Gito'0 t - kes wa.,begilu. lu tLe lu- matin, tracttof land a!l ak iteliaBlUDE and hesunîmonade. VKi. ~ii 6tii ii. tii. offii la ,, alid to have do- l iQ. . ii&MIND manaD , l. gel. Mr. [ietahy ialli.ed,j w.le iadi ii s t o is 'a iiriiipi- of cabarets L.1 E.Lehinamin emIate Io E E L.i.h: i mina, iti the nival station.siti ad Ioiv lati, trct f an et aki Vila>'ax hi lii, il checkI, .0k reduced tui LiuQC m an e!wo H a i Thugit Il happetipil that tieiM, I , 1i. , , ts i-te *.aîlie lie bad beeu lu c. 1.Li ut Co ma de w o afat!commander retiirued ro the nU fla I hI iii. îî p ir, iim., lia tiappearanre. Art ur Joh so an wfe lt .cin 1 Been M issing Two W eeks teiervation lats 'tiies(iiY nigiîh t ' u lii [aa T. ALkinr nti, hi-ofqfcrs 'tGordo, lot 7 owners h à i-'iîr , Believes he was Drugged. lar'ge auitomobil t eaGartD'd i.> Koi tdmîîir . seretary of [tie Chiago Jl . 1. ro a ('a i lttf tih e c-ritt service mn . Tii t Sii-k Ex. bauge. .ýliresed relief to ai l>lamond Loake. W. D. $ 12., HE* DOFFED NAVY UNIFORM. 1 nionning lie was tle,.e miaed ii, - thallil,. itiiser had been fouid. April 4, i_________Plain tu Pati. Basetit the r,.;ii o r Erlirier ini the day lie had axpresai-I JaoPWag-aan lf olýfits plot ra(ctpd sojoihu ii C i,ago th, . ,, lai the lieutienant cii 1525. 't'~~~raBngk sanin, al kadf 11! iii î I r 1analm hy waie la widmha irwet un t tî ir lu erceuîrictty .Bu frs ral.I lc 2 W g') rll1 hCiducag0Pp Waîîk a y, . ,. i The a noyArma i tîca rauc e h unteît ,uiîie ua iep (ilncva L .,AtrtIi. F'ankw PaErk, oh y sudhicag. W tD.$11 h i' lat Coma er ay n i alt îaî Lenthy C nerefte ili eis un ln iiî.iltcn i fielut~~P Ho.o-i. u ataî.rwu Di a rtri o. l O n if B. W uaI'i i hd' le nelienevfi er , ipîleat eit .et us um t. iii.y lote tuliu uth otd w.Ilc 5.W re tlowu 2fislp a ,l to tt 1io.ha fte( o lsei,.Snéatce fC, ao h ia yi 'Ie 'd tnadnt lathedrcd aik- Nialcoië utry hon heae ered S.ed aata sud vitet -f t hiAIbiel riribue th sava lc tî.~ a h (ale s d i i a i lan ds, W .High l i a k [ e»ii.tn t to , w lk d o i o ii r ) n h a era n h i ýc ly~$65 andt' longpet ly.ai'r stnîî Jenue R CrsO (o('tixia liut i,1 year Mr. Woontwortiu wtwit norma<îrneaouug, loothu4dedmdi,4urainds th1tNhe pou fied Woannie i. the manW aliter ts t ri .1 o. 5ab t ln S Wi to lio er ad , lVuIuIVth ini-Ia east iheiaiy ah uih diag otr , ith i 'iuaa , vSec . Q.2.7o are $ow i. e p. ihd T e ntlgnc oIerlis ar r- a u atd fonîtîneai bi r-cutryhne J . I. loraas d if. th A1irtlluu- borev as the foîjwiudn aîîd ovurof i tng anot 28 blotk 2 lgk', i n-- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - Gth ear.es Mr.tug lor k ui wti. hrn 'ut gloi4W.rutD4.110Noth tPa lu athaorlt ndj WmýA . H.Johan and vite 1 Gu i --Huston, W. 200 feet lot X. iitoi- . 71 OU don't want anybody to pick out Hitghland Park. W. D. $10. JFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL (iuy listan @nd vifte laA, [tir- your clothes for y'ou; your own dan, Iota 2 Io 7 Hu8ton's su', l~~it da fc lr coh o e sw a ESTATE TRANSFERS tilock 70 Highland ides okcoor,.lD,, ode iswha Ckt«rOctO01 'It.l. rhIé oautea A. W. Savia and vifte ho C. M. C<r- you waflt to express in a suit or overcoat. Matnemswli.Te n&pU lo» 4 .ê am. lot 2 block 10 SunderIli i Ftwalehotd b>' add. Waukelcau. Q. C. $1. -AR cao. 1 IlLa AN8 'Il Co April , 1919. That's one rdgason for tour having suci a big W. M. Brinkhaus sud vifpe te tC. vreyo -avs o .f. Pelt, Nvariety oflotIl;efiocolsrs, patterns; ehough NiMarnii 29, " sui osafox l*h. W. D. liit. t- please ail tasies. That's one réason loo, 1araEJR.y ui usB. o Zimmor aud wlîe to .1. Il. for having- ]Aur E.Jogln ad huhan to Ziatuier, N. oana-halitlot 2Cs bloc', lla Roherta, lot .. Waî'coudu i1aki Wreu's &ad. Highland. Pak. Q. C. Park. W. 1) D. $10. IFIgiianfi Park Siate Iýankt b Ais- Loutse Garton et ai to J. E.!lu--UA ,,, hnIf iriteestin. 4t)anr, E. 100 fi, lot i block 14 Washtî,îîu Spriag, Waukegaui. W. - E.$1 Pred W. Buck sud vite ho Ci. T. Sit nlLsd.vite. lots 15 sud Ili, htock .1 Websud Jeumena Narth Stle add. Waitkegau. W. D. Il. Fred W. Buck sud vîfe ta Suirew Emuger, lot agi È. aide Oberîdan Road lu . W. qutarter sec. 31i Benton townD- sihp.QC )$ NE(iRO WIELOS AXE; SPUITS OPEN SCALP 0F u IS ADVERSARY Assailant Says Victim First Struok Hlm on Facè wh ,a Keavy tron Wê1ght. BOTH MEN' BEINO HELD. A "rial" cati short!>' befare eleveti o'clock loday caused the. DoUce pu-j trol ta be rushed to lie "Blsclcalone HaotlI" au South Geuemee mreet The cui sroused visions of a bat11. rayal, a regular ¶uaock dovn-draït ont»I af- (air. lnv«tsigatkou proved tisati ih vasa othiig more aertous an au tIgiit betveen two uegrfles, one Wpld. »fg au axe sud the Chier a heavy mUale veigit. Both comiatants car- rfed the marks of battle. Jattism Johnson vas burt the more seriously o? lb. tva. The blade of the axe bsd luilled a thrce.Inchi gambIn hlu i forehead over the rlght, eye. Ha vas leediug protuFiily vien lie reached the police satilon. A phybiclan vas caiied lu ta e iîrp the. vound lu bis head. John Meyers, the mnan vho vieldeil lie axe iad a vosind on bis riht1 eheai vilch bu' said vas irltiAcid hy1 the. Irait acalp, veight lu the bauds ot Johnson. Il vaa apparent thal 'liera vas an old grudge hetween thé- tien. îleyers àld he vas chopplug aaod vhêitt JIobnsan came up liehind lini andj 8îsintned hlmt in the tare viti thet1 ,Weigbl. lu retallattun lie says b - 11 sltrutt't ont vithli sti su d khockoul Johin udowu. lHa thilka" the axej muat have atipped nul of bisbudj and bit the chier man on the head. Jol abna u dent -,akea aver>' àtu*Yég àetiai cf the charge that be. attacked ' Meyers frsI. i. police expregaed tie belle? liaI,- botmou vore equally guilly snd waraitlsichmrglnig *hem *Wt (dU8 ordedn ' -caduct vore siorn Our NgOnst bath. Tbey were aliaved ta g90 * tthoir owu recognisau'ee. the, ramé lieibg contluued. 'ad pI.maiilly borne. Robertson, milddle onue-tird W unme hait lot 53 Hîghvood. t>epd 1.4 Elua L. Woodward lu Wliîur I. BliOsa, lut 4 blýck 12 original 55)1k.- gan. W. D. Il. -Jacob GUcldaebuiuît and wlfe t'O L B. Amanu sud wiffe, lot 9i Schwartz Norh Ave, sui'. SVau'iegaan.W . >$1. marri 3m, 191q. (iayîon u {mminsiaui and vif,-w liarman aud Maivwine Schultz, lt ! block 1 Wnigbt,4 add. to iiertyville. W. D. $10. Edua Fiedier to G. B, Rostng, la'. 2 block a4l-o.,ing llitglît .Itound Lake. 4c $1. W. S. Watroîîs to (0. W. Evansanau s île, N. 43 fi. b , 2o aud 21, Puni, miutgs and CoN orth Ave. add. %%'au. kegan. W.1) D.l Jothn Dadek andt sifete 0Henry' lleîser and wife, lot -2::bxc :S' Washîinghon Park, North Chilcago. W. D. $10. Fred P. loeatiaud vite 10 K W. llutcliîîîîon, lot 5 lock 2 Buces sîb. Lake Zunilih, W. D. $lu1. A. G Taylor and wlfe to Ilt P. and Ada V. Pîtchmiau, lot 1 and N. ý fi. lot 2 block 1, Park add. Waukegaum. W. t1).p$10. Mary vauson to tADretIce Potravelc and vite,, lot 22 block 15.' Washhurl Springs, Wau'iegan. W. t). $10. April 1, 1919, Estate of Nelson A. Sheete lu-J. J. * Conuetl, lot 3 bîock 2 Steeiê mand Douglas Sal. Waukegan. Deed ;1500. W. T. Stewart and wife to M. E. Nickarsiu and vite-. 40 fi. front au~ Stewart Ave., 814 fh. W of Sheridan lïRoad, Waukegsn. W. D. $10. 1N. P. Dodge, Jr. and vife to C A. - ,- ,. -jc raviord, lot 188 HIelmntufafi. Watt- e- ~ egan. W. D. 1271. Nac .Lavsoa 10 Rdotli LIang-ý tenant î ii!linii î.i.yng r-Il! u ir,,evilq.te Ide. o? lhe owner. 1'r insanet.fld 7f Ang ux -Il 11ý hil t te l Wil bèàR fsy nattr t'traspo ed toiot 7Ltblock 6 Fox iisr sanie tiiiime w ta imî-î-,,îiiilitiimg noii- tho bedrDoansd bath aud the living;SrnsiWetAtob W.D$1 ilng ftîr ltii xiraoiiinîury exîieuditure sud dintn4 routes sud kitchen, If lb. Mary J. Ratier ho AIs L. Colt, tract but a t,iii-ti Df refi re-eilp'3. bungalow uhol face no Ibia arrange- of land liî NE qu1arter sec. 25 Avun Bungalow Salves Problemn. ment wo~id bel more deairable. land lu N% quarter ec. 30 Warren Tilhte m.,lwcafar towvîrd iolv. F'or otier etty, tavu or counî .atownship. $7,500. las! themD t*,11"lt i f I il mttr thej bungalOrv «f lii.type vili b. fonud Elsla M. lia>'sud iuaband te 1>tor- - enll iff. -, f limiited lmetra. But, te make a comartmhte home, oue liat ence 1'. Fingla, lot 14 blovkti;6 Higli- *Lat Is1-mit Rlit[Omabungalow la vîllIgrov on thie owuer the. longé? lis latnd Pari. W. 1. $1(). both îîaiiîmmnfirtitle adatltiractive livs la ltIlfov ces> viioli e he v- - Aprît 2, 1919. itonu',. ng room Iit lihe open r Ilathe W in- inyVnlwan iet .C -Tte î-iiinîg Illustration shows, ter, sud loy Imuci comfowt eau edr ilry an ie 0e rsud InWto. ae clt..i bomî~miit' ifruni ex- nlved frem inte teresce la te swa rtsu vi, 1aceluW n- t erluir ulidîvu nil--îiittîniîirarrange- ceau e&9117' b. magfiaed. liait SE3 quîarter lier. 21.1 Premont ment. A bungalow homie, bulIt trom lia township. W. D. $10,000. lu bîuiluinrg a hîoe, a ptace wherel design vil let thie née& eOfthé fall- G. A. Mitchell sud vite ta-. If. ie wilhlIlve foîr a rousiderabte nunnier 1l17 liaI vanta a Proît>', coauortable, Beach, lot 5 Jengens resub. lu block ot icars, its exterior appearanre la i- couvelenl ma- ntI*~ln Jbot be 5 asud lot 7 Sut herland aud Jensen'.- portant. Ilow wvil It1h it lu villithe ver>' coaüto, 10boudl. And wvlnlit iij ub, uhc ahi ,d u laitier homes on tie street, or how yul finimbol sd lie owuer han tiov.d i In Blor k 4 dd. in Wakea aon fi lend tslnt 10Its surrounultugs? Con the fan>' li tféI lujeutill vsai c eogsus t akga.As Il bu madie an out.,tandlng honte, one »iior nev bungalow hom-"& home cw 78 ft. lot 13i Block 29 original Wiike- liat willi ho a source of prido tele Mr91Wgnov.D..10 ownerMaîh.er lu Chancery' ln Mary La -The Ilustration tlinavers it ofo. A Placidiat. Rose sud Zînily CovMe, lotsaF tsud '.ese questions lu favor o? i IbIhn- 1*mpdnlf bleb~l«f E.W7tjm a3sresuh. lu gaîtiiv. îî la irtist.lc ithout being I the IaJf-wafldilour, th@'ii.'OtiS Hiocc5 Sith sud Adams Northt auuit ginge-r hretiîy; il la roniforlablo sp-i abelven ver. dismanied,tlie nheueWankogan. 'Deod $1,600. pearingun iîd tasusceptible in, bsving;diaýe repomedin a theu"L The11S lto Cemuènan il ? lisaîtrt-iums enbauced b>' floWer'Afe lmebnadwt f beds andti lbwer boxes,.jbriM vin âbanniste10 marial, A. C. Paterson and wvie, lot 48 Bot lut« lia kitce e ubin illaner. Jo; The bîutunglwla 35 b>' 82 feet Thefolgigawere ,mlug on tbelrr oti iii érracoe uh; Laie Porat. W. D. terrace exteuds arronsa80 feel of theie laIelo. There th@.m.u&W agg?00 11 .Imnutge and la 7 fret deep. "ie idight m,~.7thasalins W woom le, trb lu thie rioof avPen .front tu- O leiu 115 la .A. P àpnti . luan m trance door breaks the trlght roof ô aset" ilim e fwm& 4re, l lG ici S lrnox adi>. 1Wfftke. I -. (g n. W. D. $10. They re flot only a-s!gn of good taste in, your buying, they're a sign of good sense. Anybody seeing you wear- ing these clothes knows that you've eot the best -to be had. Special- Ail Wool Clothes We are Headquarters for Boys' and Children's Good Short Pant Suits -with two pair Knickers. A beautifuil une of boys' Hats, Wai>sts, Hosiery and Underwear. mI~~z~i~ é&~h'd~'Us:m------ ----------up liai ervi u -nie