Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 Apr 1919, p. 6

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MJ'UR4N CE Hlm B.fooe P!acmg YE$U Isamom ~IiYLLING. hUStIBRMN & DOLAN M ZON CITY bab Pheu. 173-W f. BMRSTOW Msu'ble end Granite btry Work of1 Desription Ever) ,,Oelpoadence 5olclted 16Genlesee st DL 1. L .TAYLOR se b la lmNea" U.ak Duidias msam:-1o 80and 7to 8P . buddhm on Brô"oaw, opposite Para Uosrsyv". ikdalola. Rours 8 t012 a.m.-1 105ô p.m. Our Piist National Bank ,ýoog Phone 19-J. ft.. Phone 157-J. Uàbstrille. Illinois ÇA.N. STEPHENS. M. D. >1 PSYSICIAN 4a" SURGO0N SIsi agllenulvS to lb.e<llmum of. eth. Eye, Fer, Not% Throat £yu. ehamned fer Gi01u iýffl om rousCo. T). 1»0 ULbertyyle., m 0O. P. BUTTBRRELD. Udb.rtj'vM@l. Ilinois. -DR. A. . CAMPBELL t Vduieuy Deatist jàe Uvsry Subilt UbulyviIe, IIL AlitiaSi. MMUsu ba &m«"$ tl own. DR. J. . KYNDBERG Z"» .:WaakmaSn1061 In Ubalyville Tuesday and Nrday Afternoons. EHANAN W- COLEY Sut jàIgHme. Cook Ave. Phono 108- mLlE. -ILLI NOIS. LYHU L .MORRIS L~eryvlU. - Illnois la orneb . oni ?AML MAC GUPPI. AMOMNY, AI LiV. MART IC DBCIC 807 Va"086» aOtr VAUKGAN. - - ILLINOIS Oses Phoneo8 am ..Phono 1866-a $ý,OR SALE! ~ trmmedwork board for soda f-mntin- g-o .swas t glmoor ucaes. 0' 1611oottop case. niri3-'ch. marble-top tables ~ wrh sIiirsattached. ~Oe12-fot mahogany prescrip àm case. Qeotwater arn. WUsai the entire outit foi ~.$0if taken in 30days ~JgoecLV!LAND bDIt <CO. Te fRsuilt &m'e Cor. Wadiomsuad Gs.s.e St. W4%UKEGA4NEl. LAME ÇOIDNTY-TU IACRES TO BE TAX- i Ciu t' EN AT STATIONj cOTIUSÀ*L Board. Announced Wvhich is to Regular, hî*Ing InsttUtion be Fix the Price on Many Acres wtt Officots, Cashiers Win-' te be Paid For. dow, Etc. Opened - Three mon apponiei by Preident Wailkogai. hias Wilson ceavoe as a federal tom- a nov bank. mission at Great takes the latter it wva *4.1 part of May or the tiit etJi5ifor I' Ita the liit of teproe of<snmandeering mare L .J baffâang institer than 900 acre., of land for thie varid' banking instItu- de greatoit naval training station. tions tUts morning wien, ah the ~ They are E. R. Preston, an attor. Nort Sclool a formai ceremony coa-i ney of Cliarleston, N. C., the senior ductati by principal H. W. Leec iuanI, suembor; Commander F. H. Cooke IRoi. Scttiford of the Congretational V. S. N., of Washington, D. 'C.,'anud churéi. put the viaels ta goilig for H. H. Marton, tram the Office Of the 'W'aukegan'B iOrsi echool hrift. bank. naiy salidtor lu Washington. The bank. vth cashier's vindow, The sessions of their commIssion the bars and ail liat MakÇL.up a rer- wiii be publie; vîi li e conducteti like ular batik, ta located lu lie office cif a court vîhli the exception thAt tes- the school and the liank serices and timouy yl nat he under oatli. andi ravings feattres are open ta tlie pu- vin ho conducted for the purpose of plilaa! ail grades. seting the prie Uncie Sam -111i pal The plan la ta have the chilidron for the lafidte tble commandeered. save their pennies andi lavet ln Fe Land i Areudy n Use thrif t tamPa, lucldeutally ta Iharu This landi, or the. greater part of it. much about lianking methods. etc. alrendy sla nuse by Great Laites. . ýRei. Scottaford opened the core- The original Great Laktes "slip" coin- moules bearitir an the formai dedica- Hi priseti 160 acres. To this va.s atidedtienion f the benit andi a eliort tait by purohase a tract Of ninety-Oué wa<ien by the. principal. After acres purchased of Thomas BYrne. tuat tle pupls veire told tliey coûliS th During tho e rd var, ai the statIea start tWc" 4igng-and t lyai dtisaet jumped tram a bluejaceot popula. rapidly. Mr. Leecli s thât h ha b- t tien of a &cent 700 te 15,000, thoen lieves $6 ta $7 will haie heen de- .0,000, ant inSal[ly ta 4;,50011 its land oieidrtgledy neetis increased ase by 10541. andi The batik praceeds under regilar bounda andi mon the 900 acres nov bankinlg plans, offIcers haviuag been I ta lie takenuaooer vas ueariy ail in eléiciod and a casiier Installit tle- th une.l hinti the coutiial day viere lie orM Despte the algning ej the armistice she Lý ready ta receive tlie deposts, yr anti the imminence of peace. Uncle mate a record of theut and Vien Inter Sam ta ging aheati vith lita planaý ta vhen the deposits ais sufficient, là- ai tare over the 960 acres. The simnd- sue the tlirIft stamps, snd thon the a ing of Great Lakes la te b e main- var aavngs stauxpa vlen thsetilme t talueti anti aitlits institutions kept cames te dopositor la entitleti ta fi. s£ Dp. Se tlie grounti on vhlcli ilese lu- A thrift stamp, h las recaileti CpsasE stitutions stand muet lie purcliasoti. s_5 cents and 16 of tiem mla*,e a var Eghty-Elght Persona nvolvefi aaving tamp. Mr. Leech fait that at pà Eighty-elght lessera andi owuera leasi ono var savlur tamp vouldt1 are involverl iu the preo5'int procced- lie soiti durng tho day, Perliapa lurs. Ail wiii ho given a heariug re- mare. garding their dlaimis, sud Commander Theo olleors electeti are as fol- 1 Cooke, vho la aitihe statiou as the lows snd tbey, vitli the atideti assîsi- c "ativance man" of the commission. anta Dean Bata sud Raymond oir- lis e rqueted the fuallest -possibe ci- riugtou, act ae cashlere duriug the ce vilian cooperation to oxpedite tie pro- day: cees of purchase. Presidet-Tho Lux. c «,Oui commiesion la lu no vay par- Vice.prealdent-Vera Andierson. tisan," lie sali yesterday ou the evo Treasurer-il Miller. l of Mes returu ta Washlington. "We Secretary-Don5ald Sedgvlck reprssent the land ovuera as vel se The Ides la a novel aone antiwhie o the goiernîneut. and aur only atm lq It bas been tnlod la saine o! the larg- a esquare doal for ail, or ditles, hli as net been lntroduced ilAs for as 1 Cau adate nov, theo here bfore lu inte shape of a regular b terme of the presidetilal proclama- tank plan, la nos Ot f the Ciy i tion iaking over tue entire 900 or sclianîs thoel)upll' savings are se- mare acree vilil be carnie daut ta the cepteti but a regular batik la uot luit acro, aithougi t î, re malaaines- sibUuity of vory aliglt reductionsla the quatity of landi takeno vr" OURN D S9 N AS h prcu fCommendeerlng The. commander deecrlbed la destail l the protoessof taking over the landi, DEAI) NOW LEARN vhlcli tg somethuig nov for the north shore. la substance thia proceinq is j1JÀT lm i ÂME1 as feiiuwat 1. land ovuere, or clamants, sud CbermTlsP ensoLt jacta about property campieti. This CbermTisPrnso t tak aIrea1y lias beon completeti ai Lindholm of Hghland Park, a G trent Tes.. He has Recovered. - 2. Questionnaire malleti eut ta each - clamant. Thèse vois being typeti That LIeut Reuben Lludliolm 09 lesterday. and aitl l ho in the mails Highlandi Park haiS boisa killeiS lu oc-1 by Monday nlght. Redîitite are re- tien vas the dlspatéh riceiveti by questeti ta matre answor ta questions the var departinent by l4ta nguisheti sai.fully as possible anti ta mail back parents several mouith.e. nethnt0 -the. questionnaire promptly. time they hati been mournlng hlmt as 3. Conferences hati viii renlty ex. deati. Thoy had placet a gaId star porte anti couuty asiais ta enlisi ce- lu their service fiag anti vis r tr operation: Cooperatiati sud aId ta ta beceme resîgnoti ta the fate cof labmnuts a!ready promaiseti by Coun- thousandla af ailer parents vbo lsb ty Clark b. A. Hendoo, Circuit Ci"r*( sens lu the cause of deinocracy. -anti Couaty Recorder. U 0. Brocit- But on Thuraday afternoon they vay. andi Alvah U. Rogers, Lakte Codan- recolveti a cabiegrain froin overseas ty iThie and Trust company expert. vihh i ltted thein trom the detiofa Thýese thie saec vore given copies sorrov ta the pInnacle of jey. The o f the questionnaire, sud vîlI aid in message vas terse sud ta ths pint. tillng fitout. h simpiy luformeti the pareuts tint 4. Returu of quetonuaires ta loeir sou lad been dischargsd tramn " GIreat Lakes, vhers ebrinan UL Ltch- a base bospîtal lu France alter hav- fildii la charge of system 0of follov mng recovereti froin a severe Vaund 1 up lettora te expendite thii. process. vhich fi vas believi ai Oirsi voulti a . Sutmnntg o! nerth shao r osI prove fatal. estate experts to aid lnnfixing fuir The parents wero ovejayo i athle r- Iicea for landi ta bc taken. No sec- Information anti are eudeavoring ta a rai opinions cousidered iy Commis- get luto communication- vlth their sien; eiery procoas lunilhe0open. sou Immedilately for tUey realize tbat 6. Public haing ai Great I*tes, lis la vouderiug vliat kep h loin froux ei date ta be announceti Iter. * rittpg ta hlm for the lest few 7. At th earlur board vii iait as uiouths. a cout, vlth a stenographer In ai- The casuaity liai on Thuratilir m, tendance. Ail ialmants or their re- ibrougi tinos ta :anotiser nLatte prosoutatives viii Se <ien a voice. home for h toiti of the death TIhora viii Ste direct eY&Inina, e! Privais Leroy H. Witeeler e! beer- P'cross, redlrect. anti recroéS. field vho previously hati been reportel 8. The commission, on behaif or as "Eising iu action!, the goverlmelit, vil] st teprice It deemm as ur for th landi, anti Pruident SMITH NOT HOME T[Li. JUNE or Wilson viliipersoualy roesu ad approvo the figures, or disapprovo, P'riqkot Ltf Co. A. V. Smith ai1 whicl inta uliely. Wîukokau vie have been avautîng1 9. ach clalmant i iibe uotflof !Word alioant daily liai he liassalleti1 ibIs1price4- y 1 iteror iàs arrivot lu tle Unitedi Siato,' ,MDp de 96W k athe proeoittIle las letton vmadatd Mardi 20. 1MI *Id th.eexcuse la made ropeatediy tsf the d"ly la retira horne la due 0the Insbilty ta got suIlotent hotts. Kecanie TL.CoL Samith formenlY vas coanectot wththei.149tl InFeid Krtilery ammy of bis f riolidi haie beau of the. opinion that lie vould rtura wlth thia unit vhIlà hex- icigi. te mr#»ve gortly. As a- mat- t« ofý£W fs»à Wankeg*Ei efficor lias 1* lW3 wth ibe 149hl ID sthn M vilS "Qur ta tua country wltli a lRtt imit, unie"a planasa-e This Eattes C Military association msola ttiuiârow niglit ta arrange staila cf the caebratlon .here- vhpn the local members of the 119tli ar- ivo home. A big celebration le lannel. IERCIL4TS MUST KEEP a.RCORD Ur SPECIIC SALIES Federal Agent Horan Notifies *Merchants of Itemis1-hey Mut Pay Taxes On. HARO TASK IS GIVEN THEM. eadaMaent. . .1. ran anade lie rounds cf Waukeg*ft merchauts today and brought; them gloomy newsl ao tii!. offet- ..Keop a record o %the varlous Items temoti luxrtea vblcli you Geil 80 Unele Samn cau collect the var tax." MaDy marchants made the excuse liat tlisy don't keep track of fpeific »ies-Do -no or Uncle Sam In vii rt you," sald Mr. Horan. Blola1 given a partial list of articles tazable under the. nev lI" and the date effective May 1, vhen tho dealer inuit keep a record of ooods sold. Bianks baven't been ro- ouled yet but are expected soon. Here ln what the merchaut muai pay a ten per cent tax on after May Pictitre frames 10%' on ami. lu ex- Carpets and Rugi, ovpr $5 per yd. 10,7 on amt. ln excess of $5. cess of $10. Valises, $25, 101,f on ami. ln ex- cess o! $25. Ptu-acs, $7.50, 101,J on amt. in ex- oass of $7. Portable Lights. lampsannd shados. 0%on ami, ln excesa of $25. Unibrelias, 10%i' on ami, ln excess of $4. Fans, 101,',ou ami, mn exceaof $1. House or smoking coata, or jacketB, bath or louuging robes, 101A on amt. Mnencs saiof taso$ is.p50e. Mrom sulist',oami, la excese ofy .fmo m.i xeao W$ ssorMse5,hi.boios ois, 0 onrmi, lu xcets, onnfet1. Mena au101/oys amtsn 10%eoufn$1. ns andos o sbas,10io.a Meus sud boys caps, 10%/eou ami. [n exceis o! $2. Miens and vomens anti mis9eBs shoos etc., 10% ou ami, lu excessof Mens anti boys neckties, 10% ou amit. la exelliof $2. Meus and boys sut setockitirs, 101/ ou ami. ln Oexi 0 f $1. Womene and misses stoctinge, 10% ou ami. lu excesi ef $2. MIens shirts, 10% au am inluexcese et $3. AUl pajamas. ulght gavas sud un- dervoar, 10% on aint. la excessof $5. Kinonnapotticoats aud vaais, 10% ou ai. lu excees of $15. Cansumpian tax on jevolry soiti by dealers ou aud alter April 1, 1919, 6%. FOLEY IS I3LATED OVER IBEATICON- DITION 0Of CITY CityPhysician Asserts there i8 no Contaffion in Waukegan; Few Cases of Illness. READY FOR THE CLEAN-UP. Wautegan te nnuànally tortunate no far as the health situationla con- cerneti. Ciy ephalo1ai 3. C. Folev asserted today that >e neyer knev tbe bealti situation of t>0ie dte t te botter tban Itle s t the present time. R.e gys there are t" cas«. Of contagion i uthe City and etremely fev t'asea of lmne ofafly $clad. Witt th@a arraI cf balmy voather t'here l aittStak hvtng aapi-itir dean up caînpalgn %ut lh ls powessie ai this will not tn'ke place un1tfl the Orsi part af va 1 Tir . FettiT a utxong gudieats cOf the spning selie belliez~ Il resnIts ln a clMaing np Ofet'ondu- lionp vhieh cannot help burt preitote hAnlh. hrertblng points ta ibp farýt ihai ibo dlean np ln Wategftn ibIs Year will ho tht' maRi thorougli the. c ry lias hat In uyears. DRAIN TIIT'WHTLAND DO IT NOWI cou ARTHUR L. WEBSTER MT014 moiD Franl *Gêeou Is nfoÏrmed hat ConsquoceswIlI bel fHo Got:nSDrunk Agal. ý FACE$ A.SERIOUS CHAMiE. Frank Genet. ageti s7. diaiss with a kalfe last Snnday. vas glael onprobation for a year by States At-1 torney,- J. G. Weich viien ho was ar- ralgned lu police court tuis morning The statea attorney mnade 1h cloar. -hovever, that If Genett la arrestod. again vithIn a year on a chargé of drunkeunesi that the prosecutor viii ask tue grand jury ta roture an lu- ductment againet hlm. Genett, aocordlng ta the complaint madie by Kiuk, eni8rod the latter's fruit Store lait Sunday and demanded a clgar. Wlies tisiras refusoid le la allegedte t have dravn a knife. It tg chargeti aiso, that lie nsulted a young voman via vas oinployed there. Kluk eomplainsti to the' Police Monday resuling in Genett'a orrest. Tlie youns veman and ber moth"r vers Prsent ai the hearing tiRI morning. l3oth vers lucllued ta 'Lle lentont. -Ganstt supports hie mnther and for that reason I ain villlng ta for- <ie hlm," the gIrra mother sali., "Iproîiding lieviii Promise nover ta do se again. My daugliter 'la îaY support and 1 do net viii to remove the Support tram any mother." Kluk teck a sîmilar viev of the matter and said ho, vas willlng ta drop presecutlon. But the state vas not go reasly ta diamine the affair. Ganett silmitteti tbat lie hai been drluklflg and @&li lie bail no recollectIan of what lie dld Sunday. it va ths statemneut which causeti the proecutor to wa ru hlm against drlnklng again. Riki vas lnformed that bee yul be aumn- mousti before the grand jury to tes tlfy lu case Genet laarrestod na.aln on a drunkenuess charge. Want, For Sale. eOU 46n th l . DEPENDENT ,ech 100 pres, we.kly. ýTi9 ACCO SLtà.S. ATraiflW$ No mamtr la Wb" tomes.Fou t olbus -amokingtiSera. ppe, egaar.MUl. eluvin <obacco uP ThbaeJs butew mulouàm uso criW us for .11.0 ¶'a »d o- flOU A. r. HTaaou Co.. 11 N.uusatis 5<.. tllimo. un: Paying trot,,6% ta 12% THE (GREAT WHIITE WAY Most people who have taken the trip ta Milwaukee to sec the sights along the Great VWitr. Way on Saturday or Sunday evening have been pleasantly surprised. Here you see --great electrical cisplays. modem stores and show windows, fine theatres, cafes and restaurants; clean streets, teeming with pleaaure-seeIing crowds-attractions that compare with the faned thoroughfarcs of the worlcl. You can spend a joyous Saturday or Sunday evening in Milwaukee and retum in plenty of time for a fuil nightsa rest. Only 1 hour, 44 minutes from Libertyville.' Modernly-cquipped steel trains from Lake Bluff maintain an hourly service over the North Shore line claily, direct to Milwaukee. On Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays there is a train every 30 minutes. 30-Minute EprssService A thirty-minute service is maintained on the LibertyviUe branch be- tween Area and Lakce Bluff, conn cting with 'both north and south 'bound local, express and limited trains. Express trains making onc stop in ecd town between Evanston and Waukegan mun every 30 minutes. For further infomation ipply ta NORTHI SH!ORE13 UNE ?bu.* CoftraiOM Liberyvle Bation PIm... bertpttie 74 Mflwauk&ee Phu.aGrand IL46 Oua PARTIAL PAYTHENT114VESTUT PLAN makes it easy to save mioney systeffaticaily sud' to accumulate high clama seourities paying good dividend returnisnd capablset large increases in value. Lot us explain ibis plan te yau. 'relu ue bow much yon eau pay dovn sud how ranch you eau psy monthly. Tell us vhah becuirtie you have, if yen have any, so vs may advise you as ta iheir present value, stability sud future.. We*vill make up a special investint sugges- tion for you aooordiug te what you cati afford to juveet ou tii partial payrucui plan, citer ou a 10-psyment or 20-paymorti basiic, Write ta aur Departmorit A-12 for aur paper, "'Grarauteed Itive§trueuta," giviug advice oi)thtie marke-t conditions-lIt viii interesi you. THK--WAY- I~re*~ i~i Safeguarded In vestmen ts Securties Trust Company 10 South L~aSalle Street CHICA GO, ILL. Fi3R UA$. 1 bave soi st prie. tc e74.70 6, b. plsaad ECdwin Anal Gai Co. TO TRAD clearedf 4*, nearniD die. tara y. A. 0. im MIU City. FOR SALI O. Wlims son.i f ltai FOR SALE lmet me-'! FOR SALE suati 50 bi bu. gond smi nouth o! Api Vlew, NI. FOR SALE 1914 mod, $250. Adc Albert J. Sti FOR SALE oati; lii Bergeron 1 Phone 278,. FOR SALE Klm cour, and bath. ai Oak <rIra tbr anmuel and I Bret ciama bamment au jandalinetw trea. lRe&@ S. Bond. AI Begini $en ou consis, m This i miss. makei chinet give ) E. LAKE ( wOl Mrs.T.I1 from Di Occui Mrs. T. Park but vliase hli, lAke Coun bas beenc the Army ta verd Ný Quayle, W y. M. C. lnformatic Frrance. 'rie La mucli ser, a spiendi vas amor Vwides for C. A. and ta the Va couteulm( Pruends thse belle home sud Ioaruedtil te the' Ai te tiIs >' main abr- Tlire pri 820 pvr :ivhic ar'roed. 'i andtihle Chticago lu Chucat

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