Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 Apr 1919, p. 7

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IWANT ADSJ 30 S19CeaipSNia-o.F"Clan. la a m , f7I'iA 'ii+ FOR eALl-COement stave silot ~ cheapet and bet wladaw -ad FO3R WSAA-Choies reldences ota on door m»»,fli bouse moving and NeKinlsy Av. MMs. rimes. 'J.4 bouse ralsing. ZMon Insttutions andi IndustrIces DeParmt No. 4, phone 1 have somme verjxfl e houas 49 or 31. ZicuýI. s. tt st Prims.from 82,500. $8,000, $4,000, _ ____________ $470. $6,000, $7500 to $8500. AIl FOR SALE-Bay borpe, 6 ypars aid, modem niely loeated, wbii sha1 . lId ad gentle; wigbt 1100 Ibo.. be pleaaed to show yon et anytime. Téephone Grayelake 76J. 15.2 Edwln Austin. Phone 16, North tShores Gai Co. ti FOR BkLE-Two three.qnarter mat- tresse and a h,dtpad, Ipritig and TO TRAD-Three acres, tcnc3-i, mattres.. InquIre at Independedt office. Ceared for orange grove in Florîda, 1- da. near main Une for $ZO0 or for la- dies. turs, or what bave yeu to oofr?' FOR SALE--On. rldlug plow, walklflg Y. A. 0. Mercer. 2109 izeklel avenue, plow, a-borne tran evener. 0. C. MiU City. lG SweetlDg. 15.1 FOR SALU--Hous, lot and barn in FOR SALE-DaD2onds, watchea and 'villae of Wadsworth. Enjauire 1. Jewelry on credIt, 20 per cent dowfl G. Wiliasns Wadcwortb, IL. A bar- and 10 per cent a mantb. Boy R &Oai f taken t ,0once. Wkly 2t' Yeoman, 111 North Genemes t, Wauke. -.- - au. 6ti FOR SALE-94cond band ktehpn Col> luet me.,! ii,U.ICcabinet. Inqaîre ai Iude-ldit office. -142 FOR SALE-20 bu. releaned Tlmatby ssed; 50 bu. Ducweat and about 150 bu. gond sar corn; ai MY fart ane Mlle sautb of Aptaklice. F. J. Bolub, Prairie View, NI. 14-8 FOR SALE--Studebaker tourlng car, 1914 model la finot-clas shape. Pries $250. Addrem Frank Kaîbîner, ria Albet J. Stahl, Prairie Vew, Ill. 14-8 FOR SALE-Wbltc Swedisb select seed oate; fighs mlied fiue claver bay. Bergeron Stock Farm, Lbertyvîlle. Phone 278-J-2. 14-2 FOR SALE-Finselgt.roam bonne on Elm Court. Hot water best. tollete and batb. ail con vectpaces. Fit story Oak triaithrongbaut; second star, white enannel and maboganyshlm. E#erything rt clam. la evsîy particular. Large baiement and laundry, screened *porches and a fine two tory garage. Lot 501100. trece. teanable terms. lMe. George IL Bond. 124 amý ciE mSELNous bCEMIENT SILO STAVES-We bave 1the cbsapsC<and bout silo on tb market. Banne moving, bouse raisng. Zion institutions and Industries, Dept. 4 Zion City, MI. Phane 49 Zion City. 201 FARMS WANTEO-We bave samneut huyerc for gond tarmes, at rigbt Prie.. Chans. Itauman & Ca.,* 8065 Lincoln Ave., Clileaga. 14-2 WANTEFD-menaor women tuatakeordere amanh irlsndu and aelghboru for tbe gpnulne gtiidatesd houlery. fuIl lin@ fur men, wamen and childien. Eliminates demais«. We puy 5 Soohureparetime or,$24 aweek fortuli time. Experience uaneemsary - Write. International Stoek. lInx MIII, Narilstawa, Pa. 8-8 WANTED-Teanl or yauag maresi about 2600 pounds. muet be cound; alsa a coupfle of good broad soirs, Dur- Ocs preierred. Addrens M. H. Kamn erIL F. D. 1, Lîbertyville. lit FGR RIENT - Fur.niched room. Caîl Attention, Farmelrs! Beginimg April 1 st and continuing Ior 15 daya, we wil sel oui entire line of Farnimg Implements and Machinery, consiting cf Mowers, Grain and Corn Binders, Cultivatort, Rakes, Hay Loaders Etc. AT COST PRICE »A*INéS "AT D. E. IHILDERANT, Cor. Ordera Taken for Job Work. Advertiting rates on application. M tr. aad tirs. tiarcham flfiMunday evsnlag for, Michligau tu vioit their daughter, wbo ie serloasy fil. Stanley Checher speat Sundey la Chicago. Mir. and Mir@. I. E. Hîldebrandt and son draye tu Waukegau Sunday evening. John Ritchardson moved la wit hbie brother. John just rerently gave np bie business an-account oa il haltb. Frank Walker received au injury ta bis ide wblcb kept hlm out oi the baiket ball game Saturday evsnlng. aarry Magg wes a Chîcago visitai Sunday. John Meyers, agent t00k no chances takiag orders for the Meyer wholeale bouse of Waukegaa, b came via train j"= ~ 4oFrd route. % bc.ndensory are recelvlng conaîder. able mare mîli, s su hy haeb nc. ae their fore. The Inderredian Canning Ca., are busy haullng seed peau tu their many larmes whlch tuiey will wark. Jeesle Book and girl trlend were week. and victors. Walter Anderbon and (barils Peck were flcblng Bunday alternaun wben by accident Walter baaked Charlie la the nase, making tenecSoeari ta bave It extracted by a physîclan. Mir. Churchill and Jos Turner took the basket ball team ta ticfenry laet Thurs- àà bkirS4 l iob. L»e I.v.g. ft Monday evenng for Lm, Noates, wbere ho expects tu und employmni. Il hellkese counlry ho elwi remain ilote cams tîme. Aleek Meflougul p.ssd'away Monday evsning na ieisomsin Wlmot, Wle..He hmd pnsuflonl. Mir. and is. Oscar Pacey, of Lake Geneva. spent Otturday and Sunday wlth tir. and Mms.Bari Shales. Bath familles niotored tutahie Great Lake. Statlon SudaT. tirs. John Mslberg was an Aatioch vitor Monday. Mir. and lie. Wallace Dram and daughter, Grace, @and Mr. and Mr@. Clatan Werts .oiorsd ta Waukega r. Mr. Calbmore inle i.ta le out again alter a few wuelllnees. nerves. » of tds the scre 01 30 ta 18, meking theirIoa record 100% . R . B. Sherwood bai recently purcbesed Bud ordboapurcase a the Lehmann estate that tract of land Now Ford wil travel la a Ford and w. ewe IdrAf. ndCdrLk wUll callm Bud Ford lnietea<i ai Bud and ex peu ta drain and otborwise Bnick. rImprove the. land. Mmr. R. R. Sehelbe and twa cildren tir. and Mms Carl tliler speat the returned- home Frlday evenlng from weekend wtb llncington relatives. Plymouth, Wls., ber home town where Mm. W. 0. Hueber made ber usual aise wai called on accaunt aifitie Ilineru ist ta tii. ety for art pupils lait week oi ber mather. and atended the art egbil. Mir. and tirs. Lovell Whtmare from . .ilo wia hiao uins Montana, are spenaing ari ew days bere elIer tioadal. wlth relatives. They went ta Chicago; 1 The meting et the cburc bhere lait lasi Tburadey and returned ber. lin-. udy ira@ a very ejoyable and day. ,1 profitable ons and the addreeses by Dr. tir. and tir. Wbtmareaof Llhertyvîlle, j Clark, Dit. 8upt., and Dr. Tbrall ai are vletlng Mr@. Wltmare e couple Ci5 ere a, l te auer n and evenlng days..weesplendid. TeLadies' Aid served tir. and Mrm. Frank Walker motored oupper lu the bas, ment. ta Wukean o buines Weaesay. Jas. Leconard, J. K. Crlbb, P. S. &Mise Eklzabeth Palmer of Waukean.Dais and C. J. Jaîvie were lu Cbicaita attended the basket ball game aud dance lait week an bueînees eonnected witb hem Saturdajy nlgbt. the Case ai Edward Leonard against the Consumer'@ Ice Ca.t MmIr. Frank l'adetertalned ber ittr ANTIOCH 'and two cildren ai Kenosha, Saturday *and Suuiday. Leilie Gaîwood arrlved home Satur- tire. il. J. flauper entertained a few day afternoonan esr belng discharged ladies Satnrday ait.ruoon at ber borne. frmservice. L.ele seun service over ir. ad Mir. Gail end snons arys- fro laka, *were guestu of irisade hem SBunday- Thei lo hc h tnad01C,1MieMande Saydeî of Chisaga, epent The at blcbtbeStadard011CaSunday at ber home hems pnrcbaeed ofai ideon Thayer wai eurvey. 1Friende aiftir. Weadland and Mis This will mean a saving to you that you cannot afford to ed Tuesda.y. iFre d Iam gathered ta help thema mise. All of the gooda we have in stock are standard tir. and tirs. Walter Palmer recelved celebrawteier brtbdaàyetntfflday and makes (1. H. C. and Moline) and are new up-to-date ma- llgarry aîmYer ad earrivge îu aturday evenînam. 00' aryPame.bdaritdi r.aud Mie. E. ahepaidêon and son. cie.We want to close out the entire lime, so wiîî Boston, Mass., tisai day aud would go aud tir. and tîrs. fl. Tower drove ta give you the advantage of coat priCe.- directlaCamp Devens uteredCcera lait Sunday and @pont the day aut. This vas greet neyetbs mW ia- î their faiber, John Bowling and the 1tîves ai thsy neyer had any direct word Dawson tamils. tMr. Bowling bai been irum im @lace he vent aveissai. Barri q.ite I, but le better. E. L. W A L D & C was lightly wouaided wil 1 -% r:ice. Te Recorder ai Cedar Lake Camp, LAKr- VILLA, ILLINOIS A 1 a pgeVenotD abed n Beni Ne. 460R. N. A, Mr&. Wald, désirste efienoon. A consent was the evenb la aiWl dues muet be pald promptly or the vhicb Ed Graham, Jay Graham, Wil Noighbor vili stand sespendsd sud tie Bel1ter'and Percy Hawkins @bot agelusi nesmes viliile read ai the tiret meeting LAKE COUNTY "Y" SAILOR AT 4iREAT Mrsud tire. Snadgrais, Eari Horton aie8,C11Moths and Bon Van Duser. The former four WO K RI S N vl E E O wnulng by elght chats.R S EL - W R RISS NLA E EA ERMies MinaiseJohnson o iagour R S E L ~T 4ER AN S UD I 4ER A thîe gueet ai Mis. P. K. Blunt the latter ThLais Aid society wlllmeet vteb _____Walter King ai Chicago, vas caling j7m. AIi nieîeeted invltsed. Mm.T.R. ualeTrasfrrd Ak ob eesdto h arelatives sud finondes aturiay. lTe Red Crus@ meeting vai vett atten- Mrs.T. . Qayl Trnsfrre Asksto e Rleaed ror th ti're, John Hancock and Mii. deugh ded et tir@. iK. 0. Mtlrrts's. Considerable from. Dijon to the, Armny of Station to Finish Musical ter, ofna iya Superior, Wi., @pent@sewing wae dune for the rufuges. occupation in Germany. Studies in Leipzig. Th:reday and Friday witb Antloeh Ailes and tildred Sîveispeut thé week. Mms. T. R. Quayle aofîHighsli'nd Ralph Klnrad of Kenasha, wae home dvIhherpens Park but formenly of Lake Poresi. WILL BRING MOTHER BACK. ovriBadas.y. Crdalem ta ysead iber cum vbose isîiahad fle secreiary of tise tire.Do vas ai Chicago, camne oui theColordoibor c pn h nae aie dounty Law and Order Leaguc, Wbat vou!d you think of a sailor fret ai lait veek tu attend a meetng ofaitlir.R.(.Mreobnsu Doi ba ieen ardened mia <enmany wvhs -a TUnited States salor-wiso wants M yieWîes iwii iiad r I G.W a rr sis, Rornd Dor. thse Army of Occupation, aocordlng ta get oui of thea nay 50slieo<an ro- teMol okr twibta re eeWuèe litr od ta word receI"ed by ber fnicafs. Mms turn ta Germaxiy, but nt ta fight? go taok l .a twenti.thne. 11ev members. Ilii. and Uris. . J. Murrie speat Sun- Qualewhols n carg ofcertain voiild we-but thlatigi an excepiional irs. Faibrick and @on, Walter, vsut days wIth is parents. Qualevis l inchageta Chicago lait Frida,. ie. Day. Young vlted lirs. J. R. A.ilo n eDjn a tBastnclade- Weea aîrale ci- Ray Webb rmtursd haine Saturday Coins lait Tuesday.1 ifrmto erlnIEancern Ztflp Woie berna ufl 19, 918. *evening, although ail trains ver. met by The Baker tamilsyhave moved ta Irrace.ýzen Joneàthe avyJu 19,191. aa nom ber ai peopie laoking fri bIsWadewartb and Charile Colhy end tamils Tise Lae county voman bas sota meather of tise Great LaItes baud, arrivai, Ray gave evensaody the slip have moved lnuo the Oskils houses. mucis service overseas ad lias gîven Nov lie vanta ta get oui and go lack wheun he gai off tht reer end ai tise train Rm evteo amnldl a slenIdaccua aflirset. is toGeman.sud tarttd dowu tise cireet. Ble la vling at l'er uucle's, S. B. Bawe. vas amang thie iret te offer lier cen-i IL~ le my tarnesi désire ta returu looimiug pretty wel ennsidsriag what ho Mr. anti tir. Haasonenferiained corn. Vces for overseas vaork lu tise Y. . xta mi'home lu Gei7nany tb comptete bast gant throuidli. IHt bas hem waund- pans rons Chcago part of lait veti. C. A. andi ler motiserly minîsirit ion.q mY educallan as soon as possible" edt iice but caine home witl ail four --_-_ to the Vanitélias doue rnuch fo adi 1 lie bld Baudmater Taînter ai thet à lim b -e als nt aupei e g as repar contenlmeut. Great Lakes, brgiug hisetarly dpý!re ha hlim e lel a ac notînet. eda gupots Fiends o! Mn.. Quayle lsad heeýn I)f vaut te comPletmY niu.I"Il- Ray kuows by thee rîîwd iliat illed the tir. portegys anîd daugbter motored tisa belle!ti th t s oon voufi h. 1 driej-ti)n nt tise LeiPzig unsierstv, Webb tint Ici sto)re Saturday evening, ta Lîbertyvllle, Sl'srrdiay îight. home sud wcre surpriseted "1 1!1r3'1e t1n l inz my motiien and bler famlly boy giad evorytady use tases hlm lMr@. Thomias et.t dauhtr, Shiley, learued tisat se lias licou tran9.ferr.-d I ta thie gooti id I tlteil Statea t0 liNe." agalu. weaît la Chicýag,,, Satu rday. te tise Arniy of Occupationf for they Tht last tn-e a lot Of dff!Iotiet. Mr. 'and lire. Harry t)sn oad e Helen Arnanu epet the week-endl lu take iis ta men ai ataise ay ne- ________cilled t. Elgin, Sunday iy tise IlImensai Waukegau- main abroad Iindefiniely. ITALIAN TRANSPORT SENT DOWN Mr. osuionti e brother-Ili-law. . iÉ. and tir@. Hafensan and, femîly ai BMiNE: 2,000 MEN ABOARD Mir, sud Mr@. Peter Lausen celebratet lýibertyvîlle, vilied at the Sclireci place Tlio> pice of mlk for Arril will ble Paris, France, Apnil 4--Tise Italanîsa l e ilver vedding Suùday, ht being the Sondes%. e205 pvr îuudred punade, Insteati o! transport Tnibria, vitit 2,000 officere twsnty-itb aunnversary ai ibei marri- Clesta Young vlehtdvlith the Amea $3, iich ttise harketlng comPnYny sud soidiers ou lourd, bound ilfea sgt. A numben ai relatives ansu odiied ldren,'Snnday atteraaan. as'med. This arrangement vas made i Veules ta Tripol, bis ts iuck a mine helpeti tbem esiebrate. WilliIs Thamas and Coqilis VanHfeecie andth ie 'canirat sgned by thse big ansu aiun, according ta distcises Mis. Eva Llahlade toit Mandey evsa.j viiied ait tls Knesley place Sunday'. Chilcago deaers at a cnférence held j tram Rani. ,Italy, ttuotlig npaper ifior ber home 'la Cetki Wi ai&fier î W,,Amannandhetrednh InChcao n onayofths ee. kledanh,00 injure-I. spendiag naeyerai vesi. wth relativesi1 ers maîamed ta Weuksgan, Woduesday ev.eaw.Nither mon lied bad any .a6ep, aMd TheWare lgh achool au togive a as the iglt -wre aon towards moru. blar play, ai tha eboolboues.i ridai ing, the stranger beqa ato show signe evening. Aprill . lhvsyone welcome. Of fatigiue. e Paced tise boer. tir. Portsgy bai purchaeed tbe O'Neil "Ilow afout that licence numb>er?" place and will woîk bath that farma and aeked thse ofilcer. "It dae nat tally the ance I.l on ibIs year. Mir. 0'Neilj with the one lu thse book.", had an auctian tionday wblch wai wsll' The fellow I bought the Car tram atteaded. le!t the number an t," was th6 reply. sCIOOL NOTER iîally, be admitted he stlie the The 7th montb ended Friday, Aprli 4. icence number off tise White car. The earolment for the year la 35, but lu the mcantiine, Strie-j chaneed fur ibis month la 31. ýThose perfect for places witl Brunhe for s . 1* ninut,d the mantb are: Nellé, Mary ad (ert wiile he went dowu stair6 eod ex- rude i'ortegy, tiartba and Emma De. amined tise car closely. l-te found Mieyer aPd Cecle Amaun. the initiale "C. J. K'" an eitiser door Thoe@receeing the hlgbest aumber <of o! the car, aithoug s orueon. had hundreds la spelling are: Cecile Aman. tried ta erase the letters. The nuin-1 Victor Deliejer, Martha Detieyer, Mary ber plate ou thse ,engins flad been Portegy, Gertrude Porteigy, Matha taken off. Strie-d tIen went upstair8 ticturmaci, Emma Ie!eyer, Shirley Rgain. Thomas and Leray Riteock. suusday Oawne An epidemic ai contaglous cold bas Iu the vaut a falot streak a! light caueed many absence.. appeared on the horizon, and morn- Report carde were duly lesued Monday, ing began ta dawn. It was tiesa Sb- Cecile Amaun received the hîgbest bath day. Strled stepp'-d te the tele- average in epelling, 99; ilarthaDetisyei, phone tae all uP the Wiite Motor Ca. Glertrude Portegy and Mary Portegy ta cee if lie COUld leama comethlug each recelved 98, for the muath. MatIa about thse number ut the car. A., ha Detieyer recelved 91) la emilng lu the etepped te the phane tisere wasaa thîrd bl.usatbly examiaatiua. Matha moment when perisapo he was uin- made the beet everagm lu the ekmia guarded. lu that Instant there pzas- la arithmetlc.; thonglit of a double crime. He stal- Claie VanHaecie wee perfect ln epeil. I d afterwards, at tisat moment he Ing test week. 1 was dehuîi,.eo, in . ,,ind t t wisether or not he wauld killtheii Police omfcer. He had a "38"' revol- ver in hic pocket and a isaadful of cartrldges. It would seem as If lise officer had a presentiment tlîat al was nat right, for he stated after- -sarde h. had a strange feeling come over iim as lieturned ta tise phoane. Thse bandit caw lhat tise game wac up. lie began ta show signs af giving lu. Slrkd wamned hlm that he wa8 galag ta trace tisat caf riglit ba.k ta the original owner, and tisat lie would have to lock hlm up tîlI lie traced ILTheFb bandit then broke church 'and'-the boys are very strict dowa completely. Tears came tota about dancing, bis eyes. Nevertheless, tise reports bad gone "If [telti a about tise car, and leavei out al ibrougi tise norti sebore tisati there. or tai<e-it bock ta e telo- they "sisook tise shimmy" and dld tise law tisat owas it, wlll yon let me go," ýtlckIe toe" and otiser aew and welrd was tise bandit', plea. Thtefive hours thinges at Anderou's every Tne.cday grilliag had brokea hlm dowa com- and 'rhurcday evenlig. pletely so bu vas helplees. A party of Lake Forest'c citizens, Strîed told hlm tisut he would Includlng James and Joseph Andar. have ta lotit hlm u, and se tise man son, former City Attorney George T. w as cearchied and tht gun and bli- Rogers, and representatîves ofth ie lets taken tram hlm. He also had Girls' Protective league and tise War about forty dollars la cash. Ha stat- Camp Commualty service vent tisere ed his name was Ed vulliags, andi on Tuesday aud ciaYed awile, taee his borne va8 ai 1058 Walaut avenue, visaitisey could s"e Grand Rapide, Midi. "Really, ht wae a mlld affaîr," said -,ifnîy mather finds out, It l Mr. Rogers. '"Nothisng taugis about kil her!" lie exclaimed quie drm- ht ai al Some close dancing isere naticaîîy. aad tisere, but nathlgg out of the Ht vas Iacked up, ad later In lise way" day Chie! Becker vired the Chie! ait (,rand Rapidc, and asked laaimuc- ,ION POLICE M - lonu..He re a d. eIplY tellaS Teungau oflcer aver te take the CLEVERCO U DRE man back. VullIngs saldt ha as ilti- CL E C P U E log ta go 'lack, onetaito0a perg were ual necessary. Ileaides the car, tise auto thîof had stolkn ibree goold tires. He aise alid 70 gallons ot gasallue. H-e talî tisa police lie scle tise car at Grand Rapidc, on Marcis 23. He thea rau it ouita a vacant tarm aud stared ht ln a barn. Saturday mornîng lie started ont for Minneapols. Tt vnuld eeem as tf law-breakers Deteclive Warren W. Sturgîs ai haea Joli ta gel thraugh Zlon. Only mGrndRpd, acmanried ln Mn ta two weekq agatea man tieti to get Gran Racpianied lie Chartts J ihrougis vilhas e fbe.but vas Riîndel, ison ai the ovner qItise cauglit ly tise police, hie liter con- etalen tcurlng car, reterred ta lnan-u Oscated. sud lie placed under aerrest. otIser columu today. The Car vas Suudav mornîug there vas anouisen Idqntified by Kîndel and Tt la exp*rî'.t- arnet-tisis time o! an Lauto badait. ed they vill taie tise 'prioner lack Ofleiers George Sirieti and C. A. vith tliem thiI.atternoon. Beeldes Brune are ta lbe caugratulated on tise seslg thse eu, tise bandit admItteti arrest: lncldenlally ilîey vilI -get $150 he aico burgaralt &ed 'tise SuIn 01 reward fan tiseir vark. companys plant ai Grand Rapids Shortly afier 1 o'clOck Sttnday and sale seventy gallon. a! gasaleut. morning. a man camie drii g tisougli Zion lu a big $4,200 Cadllac car, 1917 modal. It vas a luxunlous seven'pas- IRIGJAND PARK senger taiiriug ceuh., alnst braud ne- .Thse man siopped'lu front of the tire I'I IlIaM station aud eaquired tht way ta 1411- VSU1004M waukee. Slrled sud Brune goi lato conversation wyul tht stranger. While Brune engaged i hm in conversation, Strled vent îtp stairs ta look up tise oelal dlrectory of lîcenses fan 1111- iioic cars. He firt noted tht number of tise car and on searching the re- corde faunti the lîcense bad been taken aifi by tise White Motur Ca., 21;318 Soutis Michigan Bird. Ciicago. This made t Sieti cspîilus. Ht askedth ie man wître lie v-a. froîn, ad he replied tront Grand Rapids. lite Baid ise lad lad tise car te-o inenthe: tisatistenanie v-sa "Rd1 qhisaw "Thi, naisne dld nolt al'y weh ie licence nuniber.. "Dos you kuow a liet.i casld gaio ar'el tIricd, "I eu l Vi for amie lilie Ila. r5lthie(l this ranger. I"My brothier tuti me that If 1 got a chance ta Bell tise car ta soll t." 'lComne unstairS I1 viettotatalk Lo yoîî." cai Strird. 'T'le man vent i roluctantly. Brune, stay.d due-ntairq ho svatch tise- For four haurs. tise officer mlita lm railisthe mast starchIng ques- had hi. 'manln tise "aveai bom." tions.. Ail thnougi tise night, Strict! TIE DIN RED TAPE" Ovrer lan IMnborg, Slotlaad.tise avaîts Alexander Robertson, form5? l#ayor o! Highlandi Park, $100.040 the estate of bis late brother, Jamem Bob. enison. Ailtishai Interposesbatveen Mn. Robertson andi the legacy la nid Gea. lRed Tape of aur claie <epant- ment. IHe lias been lntenpo'îlng sinre lasi sutminer, Mr. Robertson said Friday. fi e-as Iben ibat he vas noittiet ai lise hequesi. lie Immedlately hegan mnakiug preparatitor fIpassport.s for hiistIlt tnd NMis. Roubertson. go fan helieha.-n't obtain.-d thint. lie docan't lit lise mrinlinit ho lias Irie e cels.voici rdtisaithe estale vililibe ettlod ilu May and tisatit,%. preseace la essenttftl. 'ttrs, 1ic Kemit, aged 22, wlfe ,o! Pai lIeuoni f25 Grand avenue, Wuîu- in t. pi seti away Thuraday aiglit at SQo'clock, et the honte ao lier Lage o! 3161 Weit 11.1 Piace. Chiîcago. lier deatis occriccd just thiet day'. atter tisai o!bier -- ter, Itugusta Lacze. ageti i8, via le ou Mfonday. Deatîs lu hais instance@ Vase due ta Spanicli Influenza. Pure Dr ua. ad C m l Toflet Articles aa Druggits PIYSICIANs. PRESCRI~I~ CarefuflY COmçou4 THE REXAIL ST GRAYSLAKEs ILLUNdI t DR. HERBERT RtANKIN STRLrU5M$ PIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ph... 52 I1!NRY JANSSEN - Storae ate Y sud lectrica Sie Self-Starter. Oenerater. IMameta aed IcuhtionaServift ! T Pons: ad 27-J. Round Lake, IMI Phoues: Loue DtancMe. 180-M Parmera' Lin. DR. G. W. JENSEN VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTB Calis Aacweff Promatiy, oane sus: 1go 2,.3P.m. ANTIOCII. ILLMIOID -Op- LAKE COUNTY 1Pnblinhed hi the WAIJ'AN DAILY &UN at the special Iow prnce each1 $3.@50 Size: 3 ft., 8in. by 4ft-,2 m., Libertyvile Independent fEDERAL VACUUM CLEANE.1Sý. Sold on Easy Monthty Paymohts NIl Attachments Ineluded' A Vacuum Cleaxier ought really to be éal1ed a Stqc- tion Cleaner, since itsrop. erationf utilize the power cf suction. But w4t's in a name? It cIeis-it cleans absoluteIL-it draws out dust anid diut and paricles'you don't want there from rug% hàngings, upholstery.'s froin any1hing you bring to its aggressive nofice, Don'i yOU vaut ho uva one?- It'e a bousebolti InstltutIon. Demonstration every day at ariy of our Salesrooms.' , Public Service Co. of Northiern Illinois SLKEVILLA Mis. JO@ Pester aMd Mrs. Albert Drecoil @Pont lait Frtday wtth relative@ at Lake Forcit. ire. Boehmn aincivel are spending the week la Chiceo. Mir. and Mrs. Joe Eberier of Chicago, were week-end guulaof the Leonard's. Mirs. Eari Potter @peut a couple days lait week wlth ber mather In Wankegan. A aumber af our local Masan, attend. ed a meetIng la Wankegan Satnrdey evciiltg. Rtay Bartlett. who bai been warklag la a sblp-yard ia 8 Caralîna. returaed ta hi-. home ber. lait week. Ray Kerr, wbo bai been In France la active servics fer @Oo Mime l8 now et Camp Grant and will be home at the end 01 ths week. tirs. Ebersole, who bai ben ependlng the pait sIx weekc witb ber cister, tir@. H. Putter,- bai rsturned to ber home la PLAN Iy and' gaod aies; in îd haw uugges. lard ta tr on a paper, ail the 117Y ILL. TOUilI DANCINi? NOT IN ELDER'S SONS' DANCE HALL Whal's tisai? Touge dancing la Andt-rsoncs dance hall? L.ake Foarest clmply wonldu't lie- Ileve IL Why, tht father of the An- derson boys, visa rua the dance bal], le an eider la thse Preebyterlan 0f AUTO TIIEF Stranger Driving Valuable Car at Midnight Makes Mistake Askjng for Directions. ARMED; PLANNED TO SHOOT FOR BAU 1 1 1

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