~ q'TTTMMSDAY. APR171919.~w - -- ----------. L, Mît lm b-hlbrrow, Our Great- Easter. Sui*t-Sale Affording Hundredo of Wonider- tl Bargains at the Folldwing 19752452990' $3%5 $45 1%50 16O0 $75 Hera tbey' are. literaiy lvinodreds of suit a lut the mot wonderfi new styles. in Russian blouses effects. taiorcd stiit't andi tiî laI- oraiely brsided and button trinîrniet. Nany at tbe suits bave hautisoma vestees, cuff bOt- tom sirts rnti jackets wiih new lie' ssîil nlovel pockeis anti sashes. You can chouse froni serge. wooi popins, gabardines. chieck- velours, piret.t.wiIs and tricotitifs. Including Sizes and StY 'es for Women, Misses and juniors Ess-tlàé 6f gloves, hose,,véstees', neckweast & Unid«wear. 1.56 Heavy Silk Gloves -at 1.00 An extra liavY sit lo 1vain gray. uavy bisck. whie snd Rand lu &a i ie. Double Sit Glova. 8140--A vsry fine Iong.wearing double sik glave in white. black, grey, tan. navy. snd gloves with fancy tapa. Frpnch Kid Gioeos lu blackt, tan and white, vith fancy stitcbed bacita, spec- lally priced at $2.75 anid 83.50. 1.50 White Petticoaits $ Women ' asud misses' fine whita auail petticoats, lace aud embroidery trinmed. 4.50 Silk 29 Petticoats 2 9 They have inercerîzed ilsu tops with deep laffeta sit botioma. Coie ns ual colora, many styles sud are very pretty. 7.50 SiIk Jersey Petticoats 5.25 coliats & CoMir CuftSets 69c, $1, 1.50 and 1. 98 Maey. vretty new colam ansd collar. aud-euff sets are shown lu piques, nets, wauli satins, orgaudies and filet, accord- iug ta price. VESTEES Specias 1.50, L98,1 22.98, 3.-9 to 7.00 IThe vestees are quite the rage sud miany bealtiful stylee are showu ln white piques, plain and faiscy ilite, tricollattes, etc. many belng elabonftely smbroldered. Infants Wbite Cosa 2.98, 3.98, $5, 7.50 to $10 ALEX HEIN Go. Styliash Ne w-- Camisoles iB)ack, Navy, Etc. 1é989 2.98 35 Oua Carnseisoll of black ik with gotO thread embroidery. another of bia'i< bas blackt sit embroideri. tVien tîtire are navy sud gold end a variai v of fancy rlbbon camisois in aIl colors. More oi those Handscrrme $475 - Silk Poplin. Skirts, The adoeSl Poplu Skirts created a sensation when firgi advertissd a week ago. We bave jîtt rceceiveti four doz n umare for tomorrcow. Corne in navy, taupe and blacktJi> al aizes. have faucy belteansd bucklt-trimmed pocitets. Other New Wool and SiIk Skirts at- $5 - 7.98 - $10 - 12.50 - $15 - 22.50 Stariing at $6 and climljinu p the price scale you wili finti sirts of wooi serge, sik poplins, taffetas, satins, sit failles, soft woolen Scotch plaids, fantasi sliks sud Egyptian s11k crepes lu really wouderfui coloringe as wattaas whiie georgette crepe, skirts. Ail- Wool 7.98 " Fightai)" Sweater Blouses =at %5.48 A mest rérmarkabble value iud4eed- womena and misses' all-wooi styiish I*àrstal' sweater blouses ln copen, maize, darit green, peach, old goid, white and rat. Some bave coored cords and tas. »e1s at the-meek. Silk and Lether- Handbags 1.25, 3.98, $5- 8.75. i »M aUmai m " baU ta mmpWfIte ysir EAstr otft sawet 0»o f Uhmmmoire sut, veur or leImtlser . Thor tea sv&rietý of pretty aliapes at eme -oue ChlrnaNew DRESSES 2.50, 3.98, $5 TO $10 Pretty white dresses of voies orgaudies. batistes and sik crepe de chines for atpr andi L confirmation in izem to 15. Children'a New- Spring Hats Pretty littie sty. les for litile (ta from 2 to 14 la straw, slik crepe g:. knd Crea and etraw combina. tions la- whte. roofe, bine, blackt »ud tan. ,Hundr-eds aof Wonderfui Neçw- Dresses In a Great Easter Sale $5 Silk- WTaists $3,098, Pretty new aistLa of sifl crap de chines, a fa, georgatte crepes, estlped tub ilita, plaids sud checkts. 8.50 Georgette Silk Waists There are dozaus of new styiea-haud embroldered, boadad, braided sud boaui- tif uly tyled oCf mutgforgette crepeansd Onua sik «ope de chine. Other Silk Waiata aI 9.75, 12.50, $15, 18.50 The New Wirthmor Wuists $1,$ 1 .50t,$2'.50 We recaive ne. styles daily tu cur valet sbop sud amoug tiiesuarem ati Wlttbmor vaais i. mil speclalet si. $OOM suad $2.0 lunove voila, batistes snd organdies. uirlsiy trlmined andi styled. For street. aftarnoan snd eveuinîr vear-dresses; for every occasion ara bere lu pretty inexpensive affaira or higber prlced oneasIf you want thaîm n i styles, colora sud sizes for womun, misses sud Juniors a- Easter Sale- .Children' s Coats., Capes and Dresses The Dresses- $19 1.48, 1,98 Pretty new dresses lu giushame sud percales ln mauy new patterns sud clais iucluding white. Somo have yaru embroldery. --other White Dresoa.r $2. 98 t0 $7. 50 Children's Coats and Capes 5,989,198, 9.75 12,50 1& $15 Here are dozensg of ne, Capes. Coats sud Cape Coata in ithaii navy, etc. Mauy of the capes have jacket efect and are trîmmeti wiih cntra.t- tug colors. Coats sud capes lu sizes frain 2 ta 14. Many WeII Dreused 'Women and Girls Wl) Wear Capes -or- Dolman s For East.,r The Prices are- $10 m $1ý5 9*759 $15,18.50 $209$ 30 24.75, 29050, $20, $25,$359 37.509 $40 $35M 375P $45 là $50 savings au tese deligbtful ne, modela aI brocaded georgtte cres, lgured «olards.sastins, taffetas.sit crepe de chines, serges. wool jerseys, vo4bl vel- ours and trlcolettes. Children 'a Ne w-_ Slip -Over SWEATERS 3.98 & 5.98. Cuiesi t Ue thluiaglumisl-tis &qip <ver sveater a f ,Ool at $3.9& anti those ni sit are piiCed ai $5.98. The S.ason's Grea test Collection to Choose From aI thoe.Pricea The beautîful graceful linos Of thsse capes sud Dolmans strite au eutlrely uew uote ln wamsu*s Olit- er-apparel sud probahly no uaw germent or styla brought out ln1 years has met ,ith suob ICIlde spread admiratian. Thora are capas with boîts, »salles, *Maa neled bacw, large cîrcular collai%, yoke affecta hraided, embroidared and button trlmmad ide"sa arnvll arn Ddiama lu a dmt euef range of baco"uhis tyles. Coats for Easter In a Grreat Special Sale -~ ~ " 9*759 $15, 19.75, $25 29o50,$3 Il Irtier coats dare liard( to iîîd, a Iaîw i 'vai ietor ~ greater vaitucs are ijiltos- ~ sible to find. I lere are coats for woniicî, misses b, lîcleil, pleatcd, belted anîd bîîttoln trilnill etTevts ili serge, trieit tiîle, ve1i r, gabardine, ets. The prices quote<i attoi 'I afTard scorn f the sea.son«, nmt remarkable vatueq. There are ight, inediuîni and' dark coioring lu ail sizes urd at ail price.. Corset Covers $ Aajiodli purchafle of a big lot cf dainty corset cavent andtiansoleinl gnueiins and silk, sorne bave ribbafl ishaulder straps.otiîtrs lace anti enibroiti- ery. $2 Go(wns, Corset Cover and',Chemises -at 1.49 The gowns core neiîulin. thie chem- ise iu muaiin and esie anti the Corset cavera lusik crepe de chine. $4 -Gowns, Chemises, Corset Covers, VeSts --gt 2.98 This assortiment etftindergarmets May ho lad Ill sati ,ttin, crepe de cinies. Italian IIk anti t tee'e daintY Pliillipine lialitt îi:tcamnit antl-çmhroid- Peît things. Infants White D)resses $1, 1. 50, 1.98, 2.98, 3.50 Nili(tiWili tji tle,tî if' tiltslittie dresses lhors for ttv t 'aI sinali t <A iat île Mnost rpasonabtti, A Special Sale rt Confiners & Bra ssieres 75e Values 49c $1.00 Values 69C !'rety t , t ',la'-sor enibroiti Pry triiuîminC t o f ailoar Pmhroider". t t t'.mos i al Rizes. New Sliring- CORSETS tw" f sPari ' ~, 'sinti fo tafte s t je. i n . t'- 'r ;111 figuires. Plain and i-n id it m 1 Fully Guaranteed SiIk Lisle Hose -at 65c If rte t . II. j . in biset, ~stt ii. treit" ' i il ,hamitarne arc 1101 cati titui '. a', "t a new hoIn st, I li. od ltcgev ai a'$..L't20 st These Pretty New 1BEADS Add Sniartness to Any Outfit 75c to $3.00 ýIFT SAVE, locturne he bu ft viii pro, lait àud Wl C.p Z :hec 1 Nny E.Swf [vigorous Pr( or a ne, ,the mouate q Ithat provida MIfer the. ..h i.thse biSva e Wo heu 1 jel anInristt 0,0 particula Ma houlti ni pe auty vii hrdan vithin jassume an e% »Moin ovrer al late, And iteon le senate net ,tswas then up t ý,tu opeakiug c SW .t's-"d ti ~bill provded plaoCountie Sbalance or brcomue% t! full amouit. . 1vft a:; oif haniilnu Strainng ei aktand Clu Ww lie nsistes t10 put = Om Iocoun OA oui of Drap " a lu» ei tatt *ý fmortint te M&. it ia tait bu"r ent thrac PsIt 1Ebave la d0 ou ti Ps » M M au ïmatoe Pak ïwmdes. Tha wMue of the Lait. aud Wl TIE Im 0. Lodan tblointmaflt ci ,t ta valcoi prme Dio Plad Artiflary of Chicago, va of tise Comn 'vota recommE b7 thie Milita stata Coucil4 cf.tba entira Thea Laka C 40mzittea are 'fli draft boau asn follova: Lake Chai.IL.os wÉU. Lake Irrezmant C. W. F. viat A. N. Ti5fl e