Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 Apr 1919, p. 5

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7,1919. flan1ce-'fliew Real, KeoseneT.ractoi P EMEMBR i à.Tgoi10-» vu sdedià nd c poo.Ta. 1020 imiuluL e mb dmfqs- mok y.azof ep.etma esto ugi t t Tu.. 80.20 ccpr"ovel" éhe k .r b.a a.omoimotel a a Se -ne - ogwlà L &ee'ats mei. Youll Lewi» eo k is l ain m " flTaa 10 oeoe m a«b neSau oe .8 CUudg 70w ful 61 inha& _ Zu lm roc"i .u SCHANCK HARDWARE COMANY___ i0 ou JO@ rit dies. Dei a Clti. tara tu mGP moresfor Ex un,- t b. t! ova, Kl. IL [mue. 0otake Burnn, vd., Chie "Iaturs F. lirei w1 3t 15,r de-nt iou hIrc rin nda ma nd bava îed been1 iay nigirt1 by thre tl the foliol ean this ichlne b soti the tracir to WIRE FENCINU and STEEL POSTS While You Can Get Tliem The Demand Exceeds the Supply' AIBICAK WI ENCECOPN Phone: Libertyville 80 Jpriuq 4lilliuer< i NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION We are now showing a large assortment of the very newest styles in LADIES' SPRING HAIS. You w iîl enjoy wearing one of these Hats while the styles are new, A. W. LINDROTH LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS FIRE! PIRE!! PIRE!! CHAS. D. PROCTOR REPRESENTS THE 0F MANCHESTER Which has upwards of three hundred and twenty policy holciers in the Village of Libertyville, 111. Our rates are as low as the lowest. We cati seli your insurance as cbeap as anyone. Our Louses Are Promptly Adjusted and Paid having setled lasse for the following aatisfied policy holders: Colias & Doane, Harry C. Gleas- on, John Welch, Steve Kostial, Thos. Ruesa estate, Mrs. Nellie Speckman and John Cale, who will verify aur tatements as ta our promptnee andE iberal settiementa.E The New Hampshire has over seven million dol. * lare worth of assets, je sound, solid and reiable. Let us figure with you when in the market for Fire In- surance. Any information you may want ta know wvfll be gladl.y furnished by the company or their agent at Libertyville, M.I CHAS, D, P ROCTOR Phone 154-R Libertyville, 111. -- -- - - L----ert----- 1I---e--News- 1 Il you knowlof an item of local interest, kindly telephone No. 1 If July la 1k April, theo wets" wlll Mr@ WWn. Pocklngton of Evauston, NEWS FRON ALBERT G. ELLIS Win out. ani lire. Thomas Pockitirgton of Spring- Mr. and lina. Fred B. Smlth spent fid, arrlved ln Lberty ville Tuesday for I a enrmrdsvrltmsta Dran r@ bs '.Svbe@w Iai. wthAbert 0. Bille ofSupply Co. 3rd nfantry Mondy l Chiago Lii. bas ie.n In a mlltary prison. M. EBils' Chcago visiter§ Monday. Luit Sauday evening at the Methodist famiiy deutirgto correct any snch St. Lawrence '3uild will hoid a bakery cburch Ortu Mubike toid aud lntereated ulsînformation, bavlng asked %bat the sale atWlodo@oeon gtraaudience of bhl&erirlce@ a@ a Grma'n flliowiug letten trou the. Commandlng Bt Wirod'estoe Stunay, iour. He and ten rot hie companlons Officer be publlahe: Arl2b.were captursd ln the Argonne and trom eduresSul o r natY Qwlng to tii. act hah the toastuasten thon until het methe armistice wa. H a m ear a @@ T.exdInast, vaa Calot! te Praiie, View ganaythe. ligetr. hai PrtOnerâ. Ili toCamof - aie as, TIDIa, regniar Suaray "rolliCali" vas Dot taken the. vork tb.y sna compeiJ& te do. of Mise Lilybelie Ellls. 1,11. on the. "Ingleulde Spocia." tiie food! WhIlà b var aeiy su iffient tO Libertyville, Ili. The &Ducal OchOonielectIOn 1Qi hbe hed prevent tarvation and of thi e comn. N y e&Mis Eluh: at the. grammar @Chouf Satnrday igt B.d Cross pack«g whicii ha and bis 1. Yotir ltter inqulrlng about your Paul Ray he candidate for r.election for compalons rselved reguiariy. The, brother, Wagensr Albert G.EBilse, suppli pnsudant ad R oss Triggs aud litaniey ravisg for aseu vas souwbat Co. Br I fantry, r.cSlved. Eston for tnistsss. roleVat! bl the chocolat. and! othar 2. 'lau happy ta tato that yonr Nov hat ha vliaa elctia h varSutecontaimAd lu tiies packa"e. Tib* brother bas not been la conlnement, ,on can mgsthst aS hst a ew otcorroaistwihb ncle a o*non bas bs basa subJect tea aujdis. climu ns ers u &bout the aOut.... p._radsîpmakl,,g, aood for haovwu clpiinanrY usu nuce ho as been Lqoms vwon ven more soloue thian th@. capturat!by BabaB troopa vho ar e nt under my command!. H. la au efficient canddate thmssis..the bdh aa hrted cruel soidiers that thé. soidisr of excellent charactar; and am Tanii W omsHm lsaonrysols Prusstss st. AlargeDunuber Of people gIad Io have hl tumY CompaiiY. Tb omne o@ dWOtr7OIOIattiadat!tha esuldg ta boa? the. *tory Charies D. Carie, viii m.t n.ît eek Thursday atternoon, vhteb Mr. Mobhits bad ta tell and C& n dI îfantry, U. B. A. April 24, aitii. bomne of Urs Bobt. LUII. regular servicesavers gîven up lu ordor ou'H Go. Mirs.-O,. B.Churchill i vi i Ia thetii e "' thathe smight have pieuty Of tlus._________ log andi conduct the loueso. ltMm hm lhtebg uto moTi ibe ai 90tii. EpOrtOir eagu. 11ilvlug that tii. three good lshing piacea SPECIAL EASTER MUSIC AT viii ha etinz TubesoftaevEnwhLngprlue war Liberqtvlbs aionid ho nuder the. M. E. CHURCH SUNDAY NIGHT 22,i ato bo'lock lt Wirsaeulum af uhe trol Ofa idvtduais and that the "Do 22, s 8 o1lockln th oryneAu Iof t erlaig ailotret bers" @signeare taire -. V r,. h AiI l a, JV d tr*u ,i 1 . - arE.erchungemed ta attend. e a. What ve -vaut tri know ie vbat NeiSonday evertlug at S o'ciock a are rge teattnd.gooriun are irehSIn theee laite@ Il Do one lange ctrmachior at the M. E. crncir tir. aud tiroo Robent LUI attendedth ie la allavsd ta catch them? We are surs viii rende, the. irsaniful Easten cauitaa louera iof lir@. Lis couein, William tirtaime of oun Libertyville familles eutilied 'Easter Augei," tie wortis are Pockington of Evauslton, vro tiled tia coulai maire a very tempting 'fieb ftri" given by E. S. Lorez and tire music by St. Joeeph's hoipita l leet Tuesday. ocaslonaiiy Ilt tiey wcre aiiowed teiJ..8. Fenris. lit te a beanîlful ant inlu Funenai services eve.belli on Thuneday, ctha ew now and tiren. Penbape the epilg cantals arrangedaise tu snbject, hurlai lu, Rose 11111 cemetery. trains to Ingleulde woruld flot ir e ieli matter anti muaeeepeclaily fon East.n Edwin Austin ias e aerirrangedi a iaronited If @orie oi ,rrmetn coultidrio time inspiration. Thre public le crirdiaiiy reai emballe deai rehere by thre W. J. ther Bilitg at brinrd i'- arc certain Inviied. Mlidc rri.'onieoun Mls auk,c 'rve ,wee tiret tiey voul ,i b'"itu ,ietterlire Tire programtfor thre entîre service purirasu.'iiý S. A.llrrdiiey AI iMr. ii"y, morninggaltier" au ri,ý,I,11 phase eeym. f titras: ,1 xx ttc> Iao bi."" n 1,1w t, Eliri'.llr a.tity %'b at ve are tryittt. r-î~:,, i ' oittr isii: jI 01'ing Eeater Hymuin......... e\ 1- t, t' , ,, ' ystl ia' -1 '."If thte r inirte I t , , ' ' tres" 'latic . . . .. . . Choir antd i'ttgr'g'îIo ar. ~iitti t t v i ti : :arr i x ' t t t ri tircee 1,r i a'" lks i t , î' e r. .. ... ....'t ....'..t..... %-ani ('hnte et I a . ~'rtar ie r xiut itu i- x, yfa -t\ (Ilr 'I'R i e, ....... Cni Agi '........... -t ril l , ý,'rit,, arnod itariirfn...i:rit I-,.. îriu, ,fe at'ie rî -te. l i e that are l'ix alt lrg of'tue girirbirîl1tl, a froln-France.u ilo- r ih ...G.liard.". .. ard(huu airai lir Max Krierlttiade lire metl. 12 'Tiroii viA7 it (oeu ulih.. A n à lt- f ...........Li ( I,>......Cntr ai )So lo ni 'ro Ij1 inoite Lete Biff Il ,r nardClub et i hschool o etes 13 "Jri'*'i VndieMnsioneofluigt...... Lae BuftttIndey.Ttlrre]La init d l1 14(A t s ge tti, dI tor S n p'..... taloSurir'aii 'r'rrr . ndn ('ioruls et tyx ies ibrt and tiret ieu ot ec t t, 1Ia % la e,ý rl-re o I ..........of.. -. . ...........Fl....f... u CtirrTire girlsé have orsoinseraysa be elpali h'. Beneditfn...................... tir. (ulb. tair lisalellHagniybasircir it,,,et lt 1 oet 18d ...................rCnoru An itGeC Ciirpeeredisn Iare Ctolv tiyiulee-i.Jak[rdd 'Td ribuneMaxe: 'lir. andedte 1eelt- ru'vr esie or o r UgeltMsi etce I e o thiLEaketEluff t renave retubnet ..d.u...t.r.L...n or SevingoloAaedChoru *~~~~~~~~~ frnHeertFoîe ieetrverrl i yuu resil o tesu 13tre' TIre 1evhernardi. Blofl,gtrnel.. Lpntie uf lMner iThrle.aer' twrrer url toaaeluIitrdano iecabrrle Fn uL r panztlironli re.c donetir.ln in eîro un it ehla G our tecultr, u l.. antialo f or cnd monrr ire hrus- anti llre. Aier viiopthren f hplace1et"tact ail aboutrireisc"..o...Tire.oi. wa LlbctIvlile luou tnivoa wre ke. pe g sothcven gantedanbasematnil1'il)reneiaiet tire....Protestant.... Epi... TietrMtue rcr@,as ijen neti l'y tiar i:l rPîe iu a tîu '~ ourrt urci.....a...tire .. ......t rake s t Tibeuneti Croslu"Mre a m nd s taid ten)i ,ti.tirr,'d tuansyousonoret tarning atationLxviii dote prh Ade of 1r1hhoE.s un Idiriret retu ri e i cîrLati'in o' Sew. it Mgotie akng ? dtrc:e peti f.Anh e wiw r ne dlaie' "'Iroi.i-irate Fauîiiy" ca eraivigde bleson tre tenral ationd du"Th pareonser .iands , Jrm.EdonKetu r . iLLU 3scui; how bvel....aulvt n«Iy Mn, B. a., Miler or Mire. Frank made ta 'hatît Thie Gleeluir ais'> ruade: rWrght regartiing te returning oft lice 'a tsuc, 'citt,'i,î anti Aima 'hurchili'e rarticles. Tire roome wiil ire open ou anri .'ri rI.Iidrone reatiings würr' rMrntiy, A pnîl 2 1, from 2 tri 5 p. m. muci r,î,ited. Mise tlative Wer., Vi Tiiberty ville anti Area W. C. T. j* iss taitdierg anad Mt. Iaiser slrcld1 wilul hul i, ar Iutitutîrin at tire Preuty.bu roi,t.rîirrr"iitn'i IM tireir earnest c',trk Iterian cirurcirait Librtyville next Tue-. t.xr a iu,,g tire-prrigrei a Fucý,"'es Iday, April 22, beginurlng et Il o'cloi-k, tOit EVENTS! et noua tire awilli ie e social brout anti Junior i'rrn-AprIl 25. luncireon. An intereetlug program lias Freshutan Party-May 9. been arrangeti for botir moruing anti Seir pay, "Stop Tirie"-May 23. atternoon seesione. Ail members anti Senior Itecepton-SOOn.9 Mrenti are condially Invitedtu t attend. A very Interestiig Arbor programnl Itevere Odom, tiresex jean oltisncr ia rt uitlng tirsplatlag OrithtirsIvY bY 19 tiranti tira. Odom, vas lightle biurneti Seniors, bbee rsuplanneti for Friay & bout the fée anti bandea&a a Oire vhich afteruoon. Foiiovlsig tire prograu a jtbratsnd ho dit!Iroy thoir chlcksnnasbasaebal game va. Antiocii vii ha hei lait Tbnrsday. Tii. brna vere caneet on ourtfieldi. by the moitlng af tar trou tii. roof of the chîlen boues. Tii. lre t!spartsnt CO-OPERATIVE MAE HAS vas calleai and pxtlngulsbsd BAD WEATHJEW THIS Mo NTHJ vthb as@mai lo»a. A kv eksns ve bernd t deth.Tirs veather for tih paut four days bui Evsr7ou hla rdilllarintedt ta hathoeen uanythuingbut sacounggte thé gnamteaofhbs Worm>'s Club atbsir opsa lihartyvilie mendiants for thoir big "se meeting t h o ed Ilt bs Auditorium of vhlci openeoti s monaiing andi vblcb the LbertyvIlle Tovnship Rlgh gachool vîli continus tirrougbout the balance Of wost!ne!y, Uprfil28, at 8 p. m. Dr. thevask. Itlia sîpsoti hbouvesr that Bovena MarsesMann, a very able speaker the formnera vîli avai hbmalvsi 01ti viii tak on "Tii.[sAs ff 01Nations." opportuulty tri do hbilbuyinc ovlng Mr@. aIda'Noernaand Nies Franiesi Blsbop tu h@tiretat teby cananotvork lu ltii Vi1i furmulsb tii.musical Part 0a, tirSfields. Theywviii Dot onlY fid rargains pnograin. rou th ii. e'cats vho are eslag On tIoutiay the arrangement of classes ii uanrurtir sale event but aiea fnom ah the hirigir ciool vas algbtilj aitereti. tire merchauts vbo do not usait biri School nov ir0luss t elght.hventy rathh. h8-e rittire expeasas for aaiveniln, or than ah nias ea.prevlously anti l dia. -1,1, 'ul2anti)r1ort. mieeaaI tirèe.tventy. Fire fanhy.înln. TiraItireh. ce. of th15 advsrtioing lo nIe classes are conductea inlathe forenoon certaun tri bing lie desireai reenits tan 1anti tirre la the aftrnoon. By thie ar. be een lrom tire tact that lait urntir a rangement ont ri, tovnotutieuts inake bayer fron tire heurt n Waukegau tirove botter train connections anti a greater bere tri bny lumber. Tus mieana 1h51 It ipart of tire alernoon. la Ire.teathes@tu. le tur yonr ativantago te do jour buyiug dente for otirer occupaîlone. i ~n Libertyville. Cbiurch's Ileliglous Taak In Days o! Tteconrrtruction." Tire work at the rerat I..tkes xxiii lie takea care of by tire 11ev. Ilarry Ruthr anti the Re,.' john Wiliis, Dean Bellea former as- j> tant. FIR8T IN LAKE COUNTVY-Th( tncdepefldOlt IYour Liberty Bonds Need Better Protection, than any other property you have, your money, Because we realize that hundreds of epN have no suitable place to keep their LÀbit Bonds, THIS BANK HAS ORGANIZED A 3A KEEPING DEPARTMENT juet for Liberty Bonds. This service ie open to ail holders ofLîbe Bonds and we cordially. invite Yeru to a advantage of its protection. The First National Bank Libertyvifle, IIL RESOURCES OF MORE TRAN BAL? & MILLION DOLAS WASUINOTON NEWS IN BfIEF. od" P l20- Aruy offie,. lu Washington recelved l a. m. Prsacbln. Tapie 09 a bard mît vien lb. order vas lesued The RIleurme !Lord." o' Cutting them ait tromugiug goverumeut. s'ýrvic. Speclai mosde. owueti automobile@ ta laite tiremback Premcblg 8.00p. M. Tph u and forth trou boue ta office. Th4y «On tàe Way to Emmaus <11h Ch** bave ta reiy upon "aàbauke' mare" andi Tii. sson at the Mani eat 100. tire sîreet cars now, thesameam ordinary m. f or the exauluation aofcandUids cýltlzens do. It le estimatedti li erme cirorcir meutrailp. tirre. irnndred automobiles vere uneiby ilChriettau Eudesoor 16:45 p. m. 4 oticer@ and treir famillies. Tiremachines "Eternai Lite and H110vta Liv. ht."I ars to be soid aund their eolier drivers 5; 24, Epir. 2: 1.10. are to ire returned to private Ile. Choir practtce Friday evening, A#rà For the tiret time since ItoosevEIt Mr. lMadison, chorieter. A occpie tie ~hil Hose ermssin1 Boy Seoute ait the cirurcir; camen occuped te Whw Hoéie etrisinFrlday eveninu, 7:30, Aprll I& braeslien il'.en for the annual Eester egg, tie cirurr'h and Manus@, respectlvei. roiiing on the Wlltri, luilv iawn, 411tr't.1 Praver Neetlnwt, Wednena&y sV.ý iy fi) tire enofuthtir, ix-,utivo NMang*ltru. A'i 1 Tp'Ti Crsinl t,,,., arcl ltu ,I t UnIque e urt, IsA tti tude t, w ari c Social ProblemeJ thir.' W'iî.tt,'ui ,,tiunt,'tt. tUt tIl,' ca yer (lie Ati ilof ",ttru i' St. Lawerence Epiitopdl. udi-,t ta i "r-le i app'at i tFl, c i' 4' 3I i,,leI7 . ,trîulo a 1-.- iet Ir, . t'î ,, l'iray IlCucheri'. a ntron att a '<" t,, r le fine, Il %« ,1 . r,, uingw,- 1 aRtr Nl]i t a3 ai T ed y en allri old, xcil i', "Iraiondon Fa ti.430 aIli. irî,,t.>t,, rolli trirtiv toi ,redl .gz tip iriday, the 25tii, Sb. Merk's Day 'anrd ,iwn tire clopies on the .Whrite Ilouse vLt' et 7:30 e. ni. nwi ann ttr at lunich la "tire residents Choir rraclce et 7:30 lr. m. 1t1r)ICL ylrd." Thero arc bargains In The Inde. pendent'a advertiaing coiumns. Methodist-EpisCoal. Next Suutiey, iEester Sundey, service. wili ire helt et tire M. E. c irîr ras1 t,,ilorv: Sundeysechorrl a4 10 o'clock; Morntng Eseter service ait 11 o'clovk wlren 11v. T. E. lîeatwIll etimlnltr1 Ciristianr baptisni tri chiltren anti adulte anti al.sopreer'h a briri Ideter sermon. There wlahi eier ieectal 1Itester muet, at ttwnrornIîrg. ln tire Oenîirrg et 8:00 o'clock tire choir yull give tire beautltul cantate entitiet "tster Angele." A cordial Invitation is exetiedt riail. "EternnetLite anti Uriatri Leed it" wIl ire tire subjeet aiflire Epwortlr Leegnee leseon next Suntiay evsnn at 7 r'ciock. Mire. Lillie Davis wlil lcai tire ni eting. Alil are curdIelly lîrviteti. Tirea aili iran otf iel boarrd nreetIng asti e meeting rtf tire omînitteee ap- prliateti on tire Centenary murvomenli irelt at tie M. E. rurclir ext Suifrrlay attr. nuon sta cn .Tins nmeetinrg y1l1ire mid in tire Interest ftire ceteuery lu tire local churcir. M 1 l[RJil HIATI SATIJRDAY,AFPRIL 19 Pauline Frodericiz lan anti a omedy SUNDÀY, AFIIL S20 Walace Reid la "BRUIVFMt lýliIpm Burton Boume.' Travel Fichu i TUESDÀY, AFRIL 22 John Barymore in "ON I~OU sAcAnutiEplaride Xfational -sigham Week The week cf April 21 ta 26 ia being observed by stores all aver the country as National Gingharn Week and all aorte of gingliame and articles made af gingham "iI b. featured et this time. We are glad ta ca1 yaur special attention ta aur many lines of these gapds: Large assoîtment of beât apron Gingliais at ................ 20c Fine Une of Nurse Stripe Ginghams at ...................... 30e Dresa Ginghan's in new patterns, stripes and plaids, at......... 30C Finest af Zephyr Ginghams, 32 inchea wide, at............... 60e Egyptirti Tissue Ginghams, the aid reliable, at A few excellent styles in yard-wide Tissues et ............... 45C The best Chambrays, checks and plain colore, at.............. 5c Special lot of regular $4.00 Gingham House Dresses at ...... $3.68 W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPAI Phone 29 su ~~Z - -----------ed-- U s s smm Buy Vour, [on Swhen ice in 1 nez- suit Of L Ails naers t wlth strong bic ho >uely it sat- i ord.g7 The ladependent-Libertyville and Lakce County's most widelyread newspaper. Judi cous advertisers obtain prof - itable results through liberal use of its columns. . 1

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