Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 Apr 1919, p. 6

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CoeftY eatNews ÂEENT TO m PI3 DA P~Plans Systematic teoDrive lîlicit -r niers Dut. iow-t RIDS PLANNED. néanmt Maie on Waukegan ,bicago blini pigs last Bat- - unay w55 flt a spaRs- on thé part o! thé gov- to»Ump ont thé IllicIt lquor F*4U-t On thé abber handii t îfrat tp o! a systematic tUitilIhaAinci ta mat tor liquor vlltors ta Pl; trafficbhre. on good autharily tUal ýéMla 10 maie bis béaS- *arukeaanSo thal hé vilI ho maii raid* aI al l Imes. OpMthé raids bavé been moi-e 4 toàa'quint and thé vilatars -e"teS pre;ty muoh as tlséy t.tvèeen limes. bWe -officéra assertlItIl ho j-to get liquar violatora &ow ;t vas a fidr-tas lIséré ove more W ou vhlch tbey cen hé taken. lté féiierel filcrsha %e , maein ofes e.anrd et apect violationls. WClegilatian Washington dis- Winulcte la éxpétd te îake 6É ni the bllnipiggéi- anything ame. 1laMtct it1l pdthat the enforced o! thé ~'lava vill drivé évery illégal 0 palér ot o! buiness. A fév itlaisexpectéd. wiU hée fu. 'vii neéded. Up ta thé elim ~teinabiltty ci thé lair wmre offen dors bas heen a hie aidé o! federal mon. ITESSEP's TIE AFTER 15 VIS ley is Elected Presi. tièf Waukegan Steam- Aitters Union. >iArean bas ia atéamfittpr's W for theodr-st lime inIsstory WI labor unions ber-o. *»Uee Kennedy vas Up front pgè "irdey nigîs andiinstaled Mir officérs vha follow: MU tanléy-presidenb, 1 Welh-Vice-president. whre Pringle-IIéc. seey. ,AL Werer-Fin.- séey. ýj Uort-Treastirer. 4 iwunion starte cutI vitht il and te new organizati =,t beceuse Il nsaikscilb 01eao thé stearn ftters and ýVa'g $b Ince W3 w erpe Ir lat the sae union. Th( Union nov Is hv itonîf, viii 4 membera and thé stenit &Ma' by theniselves. Thus w-hi ipipsiare usnally nmbtaI, ji C'ta they are not anS thé 1w( Ab" à Iii banile thein affairz 7 N T re ea 16,M pe se GENTLE1 BRIr ltai-001,7T) ME)ALTaarier kelsabied suffertng huntanity t attacelof lt-ttney, I'V-e a n i nani trouw. n - fOflflete. t t ,- H OME NE3WS ýRyodWebb, When in Reo- Beto oom ln Breste, France, Saw Copy of The KOPRII3SARET* a AâAme ON CITY WARRANT THIS TEU Waukeègan-aiySun. Béi Simpson, o! Chicaga and Ray- 1Pwaket street Men Face P ros mond Webb, Âitiach, hls cousin( ecution by City and State, 91 thlnk thé Daily Surn muaIthé 50115 Same Alleged Violations. Mi-. Simpson vas tllîng SaturdisyREA ESE FR.N HT bow Mr. Webb, wvisa baiJust ré- EARS D FI.N HT turnetiftram France related bhelakgn.Arl sI a s etBres!thé In a récreation 1Thé allegéd illégal sale of liquor mont vhich théy bal pravidéd for.-has got John and Francis KapriVecp thé boys. I vas loo'ing over thé o! 701 'Mar-ket stréet into ail kinds plae ad I gancng t he apesof troublé. Théy vers ai-i-stedlf place 1 ai acing af thé pukeaés.Tborsday ntaht as, thé reaul ora! a thai Snv a Icady a lthéWukogInraid coniuctted by thé policé and vére Dail Su. Dii IréaSh? éll arresîéii on a state warrnt chargîng should gay 1 Idi. 1 grabbé,d il and lhem vlth having solSt liqùor Illegally. guesp 1 réaS every Iemt and éveny Théy vére reléasédIn labonds of $1,000 ai lu IL Baid not séén a papér froné each. Frlday niahithebl samne men homne for a long time and, beliévé me, Ver re-srrésled by thé police on a fit ias lnteresting.1" imila chargé with -thé exception Mr. Oimpson,i tubçwo Île nov vlht'hatCt arnswr w u Séars ltoèbuclt, Chicago, In thé en- thaint cIywrrnt ér éo u ginéering Seperîment. ville hie !amily i eoeplc , s-'Tlîy véré airaigneihfoépl- spent Sundey vlth relatives inWal magistrale Taylor friday nght and kegan. veré helli In bonds of $500. Thé case vas continued until the morning o! April 16 vhén thé state charge REPUB IC 1MATCH aganstte laiaobctrie. ThetPo- COMPA Y LO ATES placé as thé result o! thée ri - léged violations ot théIliqitor law. PL NTINTu CTY il la reporti niat thé malter a PLAN IN HE ITA a hé laid bitai-e thé grand Jury next Monday and Iniiictmnens may ho 20,000 Feet of Floor Space aikeii for. Leasd a Terina bylit la reportéii that thé malter may public héminl y e- belaid hqforé thé grand jury n5-xt puleMatch Company. Mioniiay and Indicméants hé asked tor. This wnl not pi-évent thé clty tram Waukégant la to havé a név n- proaséculing thé City charge. lance iiulry, a match company. acnito noecag tl 1Thé Bépahlo Match Company o!fa1 o vi eution onaine charge Itel Chicago bas takèn a Ilve year îIaue possiblet a musén th eécévdenel o! 40,000 fteto! apace la thé Menu- cniiamno nté hré facturera' Terminai and accarding ta o H. V. Finkélalein, vil acon start n- iM YK~ 4I1 tJ stallatUon o!lils equipment andi gel rudy t10mille ématomhehre, L M LO M N Thé company la capitalizéi et A X I Y E $100.000 andI plans selUing a certain rvWAT7T eamaunt of stock ln Waukégan. BUJRE3AUI I W AUIIr jThils nov match Company vblch tg- about ta enter thé big field of match concerne n this count ai- Uehaded by The Dispatches Received from Jacob Weber, Préssident aad Traae- Washington- Indicates That i-or, andi vho tzaIala vice-préssident Ato a etknso and Treesorér o fthé Weber Départ- cinm ybetknso ment Stores Co. of Chicago. and John L. Gaffnéy, Vice-président and gen-' BUREAU IS NEEDED HERE. eral manager vho has béén a spécial- lait In thé match'business for thé les t 1 wauieganla fédéral employmrnl tltteen yéars. bureau prahably willlié ré opened n Mn. Weber ts cliefly iespons;bla- for thée Immédiate future, aceerding ta thé sucCéss or thé Weber Départ- tIsé followirsg dispatch vhi'-h has beén nient Stores Co., thé asain establrsh-1 recPliscd from Washington: ment otfnhich is et Van Buron ansd 1Washtington, April'- 14-Aidoii by Clark Streols, Ct-icago, and Mi-. Gaff1contrtibttions from t caIes, cilésand ney has devotetl many ycars to th(ài ndivIdutals, thé federel énaploynsent close study o!fisatelh manti!-tcli! , t-w.l etrvice lias found t possible ta ré, Many people thinli that the rou o01t nl ils ftcklI offices, w-bide werv cailed '],abnh Trust" asthé tn'-ie tclu.tI t witn Congres falled la pro- nerttreîy -éitinlils gi-rp ,lItt ni l sil- t otît lE irrtor eCfler-sI John -is ott 8o, for tis tceer ctanr.ûL D. Dérirmuré anrounn-cd today tlsnt Incet tlié drosands o cr teiarbcî t ;td 4,712 applici for Jobs durtng thé nthére are otiser prot1uccrs, and sihl e-t-r-k én(ling Mart-b 21, 41,972 vent- le thé markeét ,i opcn for miore pninls,i referrod ta positions and 31,600 ver-e Ithé dermand for thé came itstrcaitîg placi. istadity. To giveseLinse ldna cf îlle Th,, t it-ral emplovitoent buncati .1l grovtît o! Ibis bustinass, t miglit bhé lu Watîkeg-'in, as w-t-l as In otior an stated that one large match com-1 plat-es, vus closéd when ta omakis ro pany, vhleh itai-ted In1895 w-itiia' néce-tary appropriations for Its main- rs captilization o! $65.000 noir bas an tenant-e, bttt thls causéd mrtich régi-el accumulabéi surplus - Profit fond Of bécause the bureau vas o! iuéstillî- mare tlan $2.15a00.000 and itlai fair to able bénefit dorng thé ri and Im- t surneth at I:lbstantial iivdendes iedilately follovtng thé igning of n muet havé been déclared In thée ttan. thé armistice. whîle. Thé bureau hore van lIncharge of - -_________ _____________Atiy Har-vey Conîson visa sndonbted. ~ ]y w-hi hébput back Inic'large If t11w local Office is opened. lit ts knawn REM EDYLUIVit thé opéniag of thé oflIce he à-'~' eue iis, ~and other CUltes -ould rmak tl amier NG URE REtLIEF' for Inen reinrning fr-arnthé service u tIrie or four iver-y day. Thé béa-DtZfreiéiI wrnshiogvle ýr 011 soalté ioatliticeleand limins idr Beii or sbit wte I li teidtt- and drivesot thé polisons hère. rY I, lie Il iýthw.n aur* 101, ffd to build tjp and reenore ta W'hen your normail 'lgor bhs hein ré- Milans wealtned Lby dieoaee. stOreé continue treatmêrnt for- àwhilé eu«t imPOrtant organe muet. 1,e te keeP vourselin luconditionan d pre- becuz tei flloraul urfyvent a rturn ofthîe disease. MISL I. a unosthey do tIti- work lon ait until >o aet cPabl. 0 4éoened. igh ting. Ftart taktng GOLO iSEDAL alesiepleosness. nervounnems. Hlaarlem 011 CaPeules today. Tour druff- s.bachat te, ontact trou- gdît wil heenfuiliy rétuod Vour nionsy? as la the loin" onandnt -r ab- [f yen are neot aatisfied with resuitS. wrevs.* diMc-ottN a .' -, jjtt- 1Lt b 'ebure te get the original tmport- muattam. en'a .ý-J [ o. 1<LD MEr>AL and acceépt n OUlb. p WliDAL kfaartem M tCa-eue.%. At &ill drug stores. Mr. and Y North Jacks ___________________engagement L11tan Lux1 r, - P. 0. Instru asU.His, Presideiî. W. B. Smith, Vice PrésIdent. Bcbaaî, at F. W. Churchill, Secrsiary and Manager jPe îdlt, wo ean - TELEPHONE 8 1liolda aproir CUMY TITLE & TRUST CO. chrctra >XAC1M 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED who are aul FI' 14 or thé paut Capital $125,000.00OI th eo y GAN - - ILLINOIS1 ~I~yt, 'Jaroad Man, Takenbie usody Wed- nesdyrnghtO Wafflegan, April, i1 A Dov angle via addéd to the 2300 IMarket utrot robbery Wed- neaday night vhen thé rnlice vent to the bomte of Harry Bayer, agad 40, living at 1344 Marion street, and PlCed uniDder arest on a cbarge of aRvlfg liérticipostedi n the robbery. loyer, Iwho in a svlîchman lu thé employ of thé "J" lune spént the placed hlm Under arréat on a charge given a bearlng late today, accord- Ilg to thee police. That DOYee asitad J. L. fleeves, another rallroad employé wlio waq aken lnt custody Tuesday niaht, ln toimllting the robbéry at thé John Lainovle home, 815 Market etréet. lnnday afternoon, ha the bellef or the police. Roseves vau arrestedl on the tipi ournloeéd by a 12 year old boy who sala hé saw Réevea enter and leave tho Larnovic bouse. Thé police are ncI yet ready to divulge thé resons leading to the mrent cf Bayer. In mnaMcng a statement ta nevapa- Der men Wedneaday Réeves eaid that boe and a feliov employa named Harry Rayer band met on Sheridan rond lant Bunday afternoon and had declded ta go ta a Maritttreet blingpig 10 gel a drink. He denled that they bad gene néar the Lamovie place. It la possible that the arr-est of Doyer reaultéd tram the siatemont mado by Reevés Ihat bhoand foyer were togéther on Market street Suýn- day afienroon at thé lime the robloery la suppocéd' ta have taken placé. Thé palice are jubilant over the progréesé their have made ln the c-ase up ta thé présent timé ani promist a complète solution of the robhery ,within a fév days aI thé lattait. Boyér's vite collapser!-when the police teck lber husband away Wed- nésday uight. Fier condition today vas reported! 10 hénquite serions. MYSTERY IS CLEARING UP. Boyer Refuses to TaIk and Hires an Attorney; Jury to Hear Evidence., Waukegan, April,1 Thé C?éaring UD of the $2,300 Mai, két atrel trunk robbery appéaréd mare Imminent today when the po. lice annaunced that James L. Reéves, one of thé susects arrested, had 1made a signler! tatement with regard to the affair. Réeves. according te thé policé, chargés that I-arry Bayer thé other susopect unilor arrest, bas the maney. Boyer lias declined i maké any statvmcnt with regat-d tc thé affair and t'ils înorning retalned the services of Attorney George Field The police wr-re jubilant following lte statenent iiitde U Reerés anË predicted that thc w' [le case woule ,bé cleared up spciy EVidént that bas bccen obtaiord already wl hé presented i ce the grand jur3 which reconvene-l lire neit NMonday Reevos, fol!it:ttg bils arr-eât, ad mtted lIaI lir net? y-or had vite a Mar-ketstreet 1 ii pig on Ii afternoon that ti, rnothry was cour t mittéli. It wao s t e ttemtent On ME part that led t t Ci, ;ret tof lboyer Reeves b[as ma[int tnt d froni thé fIrs ltat ho diai not gptl l¾o$2,300 vli<I John Lamox tc siys w-az crtracttÉ tram bis triunk lat Sunday. 'Tho statémont wnich Êies "'s made todai waa thé biggest -top yet made I clearing Up tIhé robbery. y' .. IS LJRE ully a mozea t ýliquor raide@ vére lane by Revenua cEcere amd Départ. JSI iLUE ment or usfe oerttM uvi svooped dovra on Waliégaaa mi J W FOR4iERSNorth (Chicago Oturiay aau 0ms4a Tt ias reportai that ruddflo.l yéds Waukgan ank mploe Tets vre ta be made toiu. nec raiers th Is MB" arlod ye elsveré aooomvinhiedbya ivatyu. s. LL Mui Rel"w alleBrie! How teCity l;Makmby --al -li ie tmaidtic vanaats. EvWUo.W*M3d Wiaîd Féru«r. Thc raids bai bcani I«teu# lmu- "Almfost Went West" - ~voanmaweT reorlaiountsystematl- 2 BANKS FINO. BAD CHECKS. cour. ,tc a uIFRTN PVR UNT - mong thé 91510 ïe v htFRTN FVRà01NT Why in, It thor re. . my boge ecft rank Petkov»N o f Markat'stfeet. Cch csbéàd la Wrnakegaa? Be. A large quantity of vhlskey vu Ocfl That fellov Ulel Sam doén't cauns, veil, thore ane Ivo ressenti, fiscated. At thé jolie imirch p c mini the éeasel aeeording ta a Waukegan batik cm- ln Northe Chicago II hn.Id àaile The mèresta-t that hé usai J. U. ployée: euntity of bere' as takaiL MUaY cf Mail on the vittia.. stand et Spokane FIROLT-That thoer. are a lot o etrtodrlsukWll5 .and &tom .Wash. One day laut veek for Oply Ive I"easy marks" la Waukegan. la Wauiegaa sud North Chicago vere miutes vas a amolil malter for biru SIECONS-That the faîte check visitei ta aie vieller Or AMt the oven though Mil boi travelled thé passer$ have Waukegan marlccd down 'aiditional Februfry gwermeut tax' thouands o! miles Isîoto Wailks- as a Place whoeothse filde are gricniau Ibeaun aidau and Spokane for the purposof and pîclfril. Thé vhiskey at thé Patkovék tectiig.ÈiguU formerly vas clerk . The latent bad check oper*alor 4"placé là sali 10 havé e -Imuhiddén IatthfeeWashbtrn Botal and ha vu vorked' un Waukffan tvtce 10 thé undér the porch. Tipa th"t Pét'evotk nmmoned ta appear at Spokane Un knowîcite of local banks. Hé vorks vas selling liquor despite fréquent lte triaiof R. H. Brovu, cbarged aflér cîoiag houre of Uic batike and varnings ta desist lai thé fédéral vIUi using thé mails fraudléatly. gé that la boy ho got avay vith It To mien ta prosecute their éurcb closely. va, ordered ta taire along théecg- date he cashai tvo choc»s for $20 Blind pigs tunWaukog»andm iNorth Ister uaed at Uic batel vhen ho vau e"., One OU thé Secuiity livinga, hincago yléldéd an auto trUek blai cler-eni hé did sa. Ho, with Ted thé other onthéFiMrst National, la et liquor wvIich vas conftbcated and Staiui and Clint Burnétt vcrc tic eaeh «case ha abed thé diéeka In laken ta Chcago vbéré I vfi ha bcWox&eUa wltnuee Thor* 1fWM local storesiar thé bonte s vré n seldneadthndsry. mmo l ruxOi.clefr Closed& 0f course vhén thé cheka séSa vdnéadhuduryd ic c iofo u.elc rekced he bnksIt u fond hey Some of thé raids veré staged hé- Uic aamc purposa-namely, 10 prove wroi targtétks i utua h cause thé internai revenue lai had thal Brovn vas In Waukegan ani Thé -an hias usai tira nomes to ne en )t4, Aothers bécainse of!1 ln Ohio at certain limés Brovn vas daté: athér Infractions o! the foderal law»' faund gulty of séndiag Impraper lot- * W. H-. .Johnson. 'ith regard ta théelteeping orf liquor ters through thé mails. t H. J. Taylor. vithin thé iveermile dry zone. But Mull made the long trip aind *j Thé signature lu each case ohoo,., vas on the stand cnly live minutes thé same handwrttUng but an atI ansd It l saiS thé other Waukégati tempt vas made ta disiguise ILit.Te rAIlER OF JACOB men ni-o were used bor-a fowmiu writing is ln a véry good hand,, show- uiafl ft'Il 'L'IC'tes. Thun il in sien l docnt mat- ing thé signerrta0lié a man who ap- LU IlK r ter hqw far one bas tb iravçl for eParentiy vas well trained ia wricing Uyncle Sam, hée vanta hlm no malter boy hrief his évidence may hée. And ac ai l. Abraham Blumberg, father o te héWufg 3.l c anc y Thé bank emlployé in question sii Biumnbirg, of Wautegttn dil1ed Satur- he ythe uIl éxpemen 1 hane lîlsa a st-ange thiug that évery once day -iUn Chicago. Héeiras aléa the hatr ip way ueegan today. o e la a vhllé somebody 'bites" on the é ather o! Mrs. Rachel, Lena Lu as kI a*egnidy -. fakreleck vorkèré. Juat vby store ko-uts, Mollie Slîhert, Minute B«cl- Wlard Lest Nie* Trip ykeépera do not éxort more caré la er, Hyman and Harry. thé Ibrée lat- In this cannéctian cashier Wlard o! bord ta figure ont vhén théy con- ter o!f ul-ington, Wln. 'Thie othèr o! thé Wankegan National Banke Ua atantly road o! thé long 11.1 o! vie- childr-n lire In Cheuo. Un the positions of: "I aImait Mmd tima that plilé up évéry ya. Foneral ibis mornIng et annéfrin thelb.trluipnateai of vice prealdelit Dèspîte thèse répèalèd varningé, the laie réaldeno In Chicago, 1839 Ilrnét" Whou the ioderai marahal aCcording to Uic batik employé, Wau- S. Spauldin iatret, latérment i wB vu rvil u soensa In Waukegmt d kegan ha on the Hat o! "leay marks» Waldheéim cemetery. hé conferred vlth pootrnater Oraiy. and "green fields" taor ail Uic check Mr. Blumbèrgansd blé famill vent Mr. Orady éelléd cashier Wiaii- passera that vork ts pant Of thé îovn tram Waukegan ta attend thé for thé fédéral mon vantéS soinebody country. the hsnk t0 go 10 Spokane, but MORÂ-Don't cash checks unléss ThéeIder Mr. Blumberg bad livéd Mr. Wlard didn't knov viat lho r, you're anxlaus ta ta-ie a chance-- 1n Chicago many years. Belna over vautéd. go Mr. Grady sai: "'I ýthat le, unlées yau KNOW yor T - P 80 yéars old, and havlng been faiîîng hring hlm dovu-he vante ta ose 0. plicant (and évén thon, it's Pesl'y Un heallh for a yéar past, hil. pusîng you." ý business oftén limés). watt net entirely unnzpccted. And thé pair caméemiat thé bank. id_______ _________Mr. Wlari vas busy at thé vludov. rd ~WAUKEGAN'8 OLDEST RESIDENT Mr. Bornetvas sttting outalde talli- ta'A Ï U g zDIES Ing ta a friend. Mi-. Wiard suggeasd C. nut that the visiter taire up bis malter as LO ES TO CMICÀ60 David Ifir-Izel, agid 96, thé vith MIr. Ilurnett andI therétore ho ta ININITIL BAT résident o! Waukégan -and perbaps did se, readlng thé summons la the taINTAIB Tof thé coonby, passed away thîs af- vice président Instead of thée tehiér d I fhII4 I ternoon at thé home o! bis grand- vIsa vas thé one hé really expiecléd 4. ~daughter, Mi-,. Fl. C. BuIlloct, gig ta-tuimmon. And so h.ecauýe lhe vas g -Dy "Kirk"- North Sheridan roaii vith wshom hée busy, Mi- Wiard moss-tithé long d PerbavA osany o! tht' fans baoit hati been living. Mi-. 1lirtzel hai lirci ta Spokanon at ttc oxpen!%po! Id partîctilar pains 10 eximine thts bI Waukégan sioco 1872. Your Unclc an cemornîng a pera carefully, but toý Bornin B Iadon, <brmany, 2lr. Ilînt- ti Ili1i the" hen(clit o! thosé alto did nt, tItis zél came te thé foitpd States whp.n ri la written. te watt 21 years ot age. Hé had bernC L RE ILI y. Maae Jnm lutton had hittu - tir-éd practically (er sabbé coi-sg OL R DGILI honnIt nehot darnt lurons oui yn:înrday to Waukegan. yaaaoh ~ &ÇJ u l P iand opéned up agaînFt thé stin2 Up ta fotur or flieere agah, jn.,5UT JO heAmerIcan Giants rlub et thé lat ýrt w-as unusunls active for a mari of L park. Iniltutly it mnLi t 1,, m"n is edvancrd age. E- tdurnse1u, iS ' 1 'r o a~le -: b~ ION DY POLICE ,). tijjý las Y nr ort-w i v . h 1 te ty ln JAIL BREAK AT FORT SIIERIDAN FOIIEU ON EVE Seek Dynamite as Deperate Plot is Bared. A plaet ta Ilherate dlfty-fIve coldièrs sent a te &F-ort Sheridan guaniihause TO - foile SuSnday night when ofilcerp o! UX T M D thé Iiteligence depariment secuti-n ATI OFFCER ifnklr, wo a sent ta thé gùard- Waukegan, Api-il, 1 Thé plof vas conceiréd by Pi- Mrs. Das-id M. Lui of 124 raté Robert Oshborné, alias Fay Van ion Street announcé thé Avery, vho hed a crimInel record and o!01béli-riiaoghter Clare vau nolei as -a jail-bréakor héforé ta Daniel P. Rèavey, C. hoc;vent uto the army, rctari- n thé Aviation Following a jail break lu vblch ho Gi-bat Laites. Mtss Lux vas JameStIby liinklér and PibaIe a tecomplishei ina iclan, IL IL Pi-ahI, Ohorne and Hinkîer minent placé la thé social vera placéi lu soliiary confiniemet. egan's yannger set nec Tey manaci 1tuestabllsh commi- of frIénds Sué ta ber bigb cation vlU Probî, hovcvér, aidthe and charming, pérsonality break wu ilannei, - Army offIiais ber cordial vwon vishérs. gaotwod tt he lust minute. s four yéars &ho bas bc-en Tic Vertou oeIls ve y vsited. ýy ! thé VolcanLonulavillé Bavebocls ad othér articles vere ompany. aid le novoffice toui. Army men are now séarchiti 9 N~OMbCicago or ti- for a qUantity -o! dyniamite,,lUt lhsaid, - s. i,-m-- the prlsonérs etored, ot Ibem turnnd e-t Io ct-t' thé gauté cîtnpln lu alth îta:-tei only a f vw That onght bo gis-e Wauiçegan fou -j days ego. ontething btlstink abouée lessLbs grantidasioiulr, lIr. Thé Waukegan, masquénading u- ltirt7él Icaves two datighters; lins. der- the name o! Roger Par-ls lait tise Fred Metz o! Chticago and Mrm. Mary Initial combat 3 to 0. ch téliy hecatîse Cor-nlah o! Waukegan. o fîlte lack o! piratiné. Nathlng but Ftunéral Sunday aftirnoon, privat'. Rester eggs vas régistered on tihe Intermentln la O-celani céntery. score fon ceven nnings. Wauhtegan (Pléase oîssit fiovwet-s). vas hîankei ln thé eighth, end atter tva irére ont ln thé (liants haîf, they gathered tbrée markers on a mofféd W U IIN BG fly hall and tva wIld Ihrovs. JonyOvrok edbis ova vîtIthS O 1RI Lient. Tom Johnson o! thé (lIants ln E TS L IR S pitchlng honora. AnaUser pr-action gante lh eduled ln Chicago néxt BACI< FROM iFRONT Sunday, and thé baya udl he la good Wauter-in's blggest soldier Us back ahapé wken théy open thé séasan front vnr. hère tpril 27. Waul;egan gaI 4 Muke ol-nson, w as lnthé ,en- bits and maie four er-i-tIr Chicago glneerlng cor-ps anS vas oversoas, had Ilivébila andI ti r i-ors, returneî home Sonday. That hé holis thé istinction c! hé- IEIIUIW lITSIng Waukegan's lai-gepi soldiér la Dk,,M ELLERPUTS ProveS hy theaéfIgures. 1WO W IN À CA ST île s1 1tands 6 fi. 4 1,Inches In lsls WUMANi~ A tonlnngftet. Hé wélghs avér 210 ponnan. Dr. Prederlck Muchler, thé bons Johnson aI One tinte vcrked et zPeciallst came Up trom IChicago sun- thé Cyclone Fonce plant, hé vas so day sud met thé 11mb or Mim. Wéy- tai t tat hé vould havé maie an Mouth, danabter of thé laie Mr. easy mark for the énipérg but hé Plércé, a Pioeeréx'of Wauiegen, Mrs. camé fhrOngh vith a vhole skin and Wéymanth 2rentlY ba abai fal spparenlly diii cousiierable "bond- and vas takén 10 thé caunty bospilal Ing" for, Instead of béîna erect as, frhiiay after Dr. Brawn vent 10 thé a pole, hé Stoops altghtly. homne and touai ber condition critîcal. Bren Uhongh ébohe along, lu yéars, In Lake Forait the changer ls more eréry poSBIble effort hla bIna maSe or leus o fantintlutOiLon. S vbn to menu ber bIp go that Il viii hé George Dangler calîci on'a sore la userai for thieTest cf ber ut@. Thé Laie Forent and sali! "Fr.e beén breakla an Uuually bai one as il arretei fer epeeding, -Mc bons la Inroirtis the h b otic as vel as théeou« o! hov.and g cantt tthe car thui b@tie. utles 1 ramse 810,11 laneac caseh got bis money, ITcdéception vas T11e LbesMéh @dtyvleIicsmehbas discvera yegterday snd Danalér tic nu iagetèreaIsmla "M ODUhtg vas aretcd. I taî t-ter.17 1rr---hgirl naene1tI yt'r-rda3v aftprnrtn ai 7iýroi a tt a rt of i,- îttvPe Latd Wheu lving at 20(h antjI l er-tan - von-rinné .Jan. I. Fr-itty thé Placé w-as mui. dStilorp liai héén Int théeItabit nof -alltng un her anS staytng ail night, and rerently lira of ttscm owned sp. Offi-its sentiréd n confestion. Thé girl vras locked up about il p. m. lait nigbt. and sIte vept bitlérly as sté w-a',shown la thé celI, Thé Zion police expent ta i-aid an- other plane next veék. Thé Pallafore vomén camé before Justice J. Bisbap this morning and vas ordéred ta leave thé cliy or psy a fine o! $200. She bas oniierstu neveri-étu-n. Mr., ard Mn. J. Ogdén Armaur are seélcing some rare deér spécimens for thé Seér park on Melloiiy tarmn. Cr De Vry, keeper o! thé T.Incoln Park zoo, Us assistIng thém n steockillg thé plané. Theré are tén ieer theré oow. Fifit-en moi-e havé béen- or- èreS, but thé Armours féél Iwenty- liye Isn't enough, Thé lake la being énlarged. a nev summér hanse la bélng erectei, éver-grééis sud Iris ar rheing planteS. and thé tItis31010 golf course la bcbng énla-ged 10 éigl. teén haléea. -- Péter It'ther, Zr. wvi a hpréeutung attorney o! Kènoaha County ani Jtist nov prosécutlng for maurder Méru iAnns Austér Fiaiter, muho yers «ô i red Un Waukegan fer a time vwheg is Mefaier Péter 0. lisher vas éau- e rinteniént of Iàke CVatty sohool.. Thé famlly la relatei 10 Uie Tiaing 0f Milburaand formeriy came hom t iaI sectIon,7T6éyouaer Mr., Fiatlo ce' liasbecn proeeutltg ahhoeey lu Keoua" forhome 7«»r. c chu il. le by tboé Mir. a D. aà 80à, in 115.é Lesis i ocai. Mr. Umm'. cem boum ea Mlie Dorotl veeke home à Borai Cha. ed to Mr. 1 alter b kati vi JO@ salai-i The Pifalut attendt MI-. i son vIs lairm, picture sure la tounie' T'b$ gottitil canuiti Elécti Grayea oppod liUas vua es of bei-I Brandi achool Tbé@ me». 1 charch vho st Tb* 1 satuft 24 ta Grays vas a. prépas plaîsit bols el bhéy v À go get Suil Ril Thés tu thi brokec mystUe Who God la [ram t tribuli Wortk Wb@ Bouli, *1 1 - .1 - Il. .. -- -1 1- - 1.1- --, . 1

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