Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Apr 1919, p. 1

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TYVLLE INEPNDENT WAUKECZAN WEEKLY SUN 1XXVII.-NO. 17.' FOURTEEN PAGES LIBRTVIL, LAXE 0UNTY, ELLINOIS, TUSDAY, APRIL 24, 1919. 1Fr SUS.I4AKE UNDIR NW BILL ator Swift hms BUI Whloh anned for County Paying Ail Venereal Costs. rIFT SAVES LK, WINN'BO ;armeflîs -repe de dainty ç»mbroid- Mses 3.50 tite l1111e i lotis Ct r/ eni hroid 1ail Ciet momt al ÂMELOCAL MEN. TO lIELP RECIIVE TUPRAIIEDIV., Springield, DL, April 11.-Goyer Imi 0. Lvies Iciay anunced tUs *«potntinit of a Réception Commit 550 l coino the Thlty-tlls-i or praire Division, and the Tourteenti Pieu ArtIlleri. M. B. M. SnuuY, « thc Committee. The memberne ,wers recommcnded for âpponment by h. Militas-y ConcilIee of 1he tile Couuii of Det-ense. The naimes of.tîeeanti-o Commttee ar-e as fol- b" The Laie County members of the, .emisltoc as-e thc men aixo maie up the irait bards Ià the vo district3 osfoliova: Lake Counly No. 1 Chsu. E. Galovmy, I. D. LiAerty Warbed W. Mt i ilnd!Park. Lakc County N. à IrreitiOnt C. Enigli, M. D., Wiuke- W. T. WagioI. Wauboss A. N. TfinUY, Aniec. OUtpENDENT usodI 1MB Sevmmh BUT 14 E&TATÊS FILE BONDS VOLINA CALLS hableau erelict lnther dny l DON RIS CURSE far as their support of the war la coný NA L P O M cerned la îndîcated by records fted ln ON LL P N N S the coanty court. Perusa of the court reords show t,,t,:Ince Decembet 1, 1919, ninety- vise fZo ped peolewh hve asedaw ,hae Che.rfuI" Easter Mesage bean fIled. Out of this numiier it la1 as Prelude to Sermon. found that butjixteen had purchased ____ su! liberty bonds or war aaving stampi. A number bU pDurchasod DEPIES THE LECISIATURE. one $60 bond. A few isad purchasad1 a arIn.JV, of bouda but t strange tact vas that elgthy-one bai purchased none whatei-er. That sonie of the people could havea afforded to buy bondseviss ilown -in thc esc@ 0f Que persan -ho lad $16, a o0o la the hank but not one bond. COUNTYPURCIIASD I'AflSETftiPA Action of Lake County Super- visors to make Eating Fasy For a Worthy Widow. 1 That Uic Lake County board of opetvp*m Idceves In having il poor people fit tbestthle var-time food vis provei vhen il *went on~ record Tliuruday Iperhaps for the firsîl time ln htory as favoring the pur- Cise at couty expense, of a set of fais. teciji for a poo< viiov vho bas soi-orl chiire n sd vho la dte hau earued a living for ber tamly ua-- astb he Uctownship of Deefieli. b?. board voIci 11.50 viiichte-i prtments ut ornuMog thc out 0fc i bastin teth ora a mu la igI. lai" Park and peYliigfor Uic MkIBg ot tvo setis cf fams fetI. erviscr T. m. Clark. laid thc matter bef-r the baud. expling tht" u m ni- laaticuh" bai sh he icVOMnas Ieth 10O le pums.dled sud"sat tht Uic viaiting nuse or n Elbad Park lad gomied, fSd lbut fiat ,C5 0.17 lai of Uic ouet of thc X-raYs. ,the nbtousud thc melng of thé «If thc board seefit la gi-sut this Mnusaireqmteet cf uyig testât for a wdow Who lu tu dire 200d- 1 vii le ploasc; but I1viiinet be peeve it It refusesfor 1 nov hulu làau un- »umu, &acL W. osaecigit Uic bcl- 1 c aM tic mOmy uecessary but 1 t ben«ve it vonId le nie la help ber, et . 1 move fiat ve sJO how IalHUM 3lovari-i« be, l.teste mnid thc ou>- rThc motionceai-iciuaaismSy and the unuanici idov MM WUIwl ho smacking lier lips aler Chevlug f- 1%- Vt44 fIMt a.UntV "Peace on sailli, 9gdci viito men" Chantai Uic Zion OitY 50-white rahed "MY oppornnts es go1:w befl" sai Voliva la lIa sert breaUi as bu mlici dova Uic cur» o fthc AI- Migbty on .. wbo opo Pse Zioan d poi la te tcbt th"twIo Ohîcago POStoNce elOYe@ 9morne ass go iroppod dcii close tb ssci other aflet theY lad throvu Dowle's Leaves Of Ica«ling F moe .mails. Sludpolating l, a 1ftact as lIlas- trotuve thatthicurme Of Zmon mons Ooetiu e icovezsos-calci dovn *0c cuise ce thé Ilisols leginlaturs- Iat lu. tlose meulm c f It vho lave opposci Zian by voting te have Uic Investigation go on uuler the In thc nort breath as hle mcci ba.i< Md forth ici-oe Uieplatfor. Vo- Uivia defted the legislature. ho defled the courts loarai-thlm ln tîlu quiz. Mie maii: «I dir e .Logialature to do any- tilng ta me. 1 dire a ludge ho, lu- vu e varrant 1 ahin Ignore suy sulipoenu at aire seýs-yd on me. y dore arl7 one la lay bands ou the sa- ci-ci perffs of the Loi-d'o aninted." 'Iftery membci- of the alite Legjs. lature. la a tobioo flend," le nid. "Xembers of the Legiatute bave te moubsci no decenoy. ne self-ru. Opet. WIM' theyre a lad un the docore, *IWO don't lave mmura a ny more. We lave icoara Instead. Do yOU knov vha" M. D. stands for?" oreamecilUic proliiet. "Tt stands for Dam Murierer.t. Ierve just mot the Initiaiturnes!aronna -duaf'. sIL Do po ieovw vbat D. DL stand ftit stands for Dainnable, Dog& "ias, cbeats. frande, accunireis and murderers-tiat's yu they ail are.-4egbaltors, dootom , rowera sud thc vicie i-tv, Goi4orWfm lunch of olgaret umolu gut.throse. -TMc geople cf ir Ce oaui or lui Inuit ai-e lanld togethor te pésuo- cule mion, Go&* .ovu City. "Verlly, 1 say -uo u. m.7 lee. ltes golng to la dama lot for tbec "4luoneiy lv. mon la theCh<icaego postofie haveiedam a rmoult ef op- position 10tic hemacred viiiof foi, Tley tiie-ev 'Loue of Houka'out ci the mail the Attorney OcuorAl. Tbey kno*F IT EAiI verYwel tt re am agang or FARUVIfJR AU is Sand Bai-gas. They are lilte a gang, of bihaamon liaI bols! tp a bank. R I T N Thyare a gang or lavbreakers" AL A LETIif -WEILL SHO0W PNEU." ME CRIES FOR ALL CouNTIES «Thit ilthy lunch c« sandbaggers fhoui-il lioy voul doat a rua on 11m , vct v ," L ake C unty B ureau has A c- ~WoyU! W yl"erii 1e orJ ompllshed muoh Good for Voliva sai lIaa-tàir as Sea1orthe Fariners of County. John DêIey vis cosmesmuh ed sue Mlm fer ose hlunirés i ddol. la fr telei. -"rýu te~a N EED 0F MORE MEMBERS'. la prove la court vbter 1 de- ftrinici vdovo and ci-pans or 1101, ho sai. (rT. Rouso, Pres. nerei) PROMISES SCAN.L Af Uic present lime tiers are 60 "Who arc thc men (m " sle&,s. cautien orMtmliol tihi-caveorgan- lative comiint? Wleredo 11ev liatiofli "Iil& tu, f0 T AK 'uni ticir niaito,Md W U h=COlIN? TEMVA BuREAU. la some do ther spend tfeu? Fi-g on salevwy«it co u issncb auor- ca% sud rmt coing tolfdOLas et.1' fasub&don Orer 1.00.000 aierct baing tfoni albid. 1I i ub» si ai-e novmembers. These Organisa- viaf I lsd lna abook c or tydo.- re'Ofoimel 1to Iler.tic ln- ges vit wMmaie ntrestlicg mdtoats Ofafmrlavoletnae kg-for Uefr vtves. %VU Ladm e cchoir a&Sain émadi venerI oivn sasye-"Wluroe 1pescoeu mxl. goos! viii lmm,".' ld Utcé'boit agriculture.,viiere vo Volivitoo i eat. crbauses!but flad thc tai-msla Uic lest fatasof »MUs l vth li@ don 0f evoybody. tufige. vbere tloy lave tt aceta ps-oeperify, lier. vo lad Uic largost N>ceuse he recogises the fact 1 4t ft viliiprove a great bardsbip Ua* become effective. Beflater cy B. Swift of Lake County put 'igtoousprotesta ss.iot the pas- of C 50w blli, wicb pciered the sonae one day receatiy, a Ithat provided for a county sup- Btfer thce furecement of Utcei-e- wcidislase liv la IWnois. tcorlg 0advtcea frpm fSprint- ht th ill w as vel on Ig vsy to e o.when Snatr Swft Inter- and sdInistsd It wva a ardel:" tw OoPaitioular Conu nti aMinois Mlshouldflt bq foroed by the pelegisiature. Moe eplalned 10w ei 9oucty vith fGreat Lakea. Port .rdan vithin its lors and Win- pIlgo rolsiVw~t tlmp Grant ilin ins bordera, vould le foi-ced M assume an expense Crt rof fPro Irtion over al other countien ln the talte. And therefore helie nltd tht ilo senate net pan thc measure air swas then up for- consideration. 8 In opeaking of the mater. Sena-1 Swft a t h e iould support4 b lli provided that tle ameodment bà.d soosi dthst Uic state isbould 177%0 ecost ln Lake Ad iWin- ~ao outlsthé counies tin, ay1 le alnceOr25 per cent. In &Il coutle.% thccounlios ould pay ~füll amouait.1 i. lftM explalned liat the pi-oh-1 oi hadlsing diam aso naturailyi oa1 la ic territory SsCI' thé detraining camiTie sudas Great lesand Camp Grant. 'liai la1 à?y be Inslmled theirs vws nc far it à <labb tIutlng qu effp enoi 1e two ecouafles litchwodli W cet ef proportiont la ther COUD- bas la tc 0151. *Amording te reports fi-cmsptine IOM. it la toit thatthieonate #À- kisesosi la Soate SwlWa Porition W i theficbU i in ho amenici SUd - s «,d i uScs t Snator bit vil bave saveci Laie sud Win-, Olfto Ooatie.suMd enormous sua W uOeeY 'vido tiervîse vithout WIg III being amended would bave Ïad t. lie pali by tbese respective punties. The disease, MWla a *ery amni oe l e WMites of th ie sae» compared to Laie and Wiebago couties. food memate8b "n U"& TIcobedevu lu ansi-y because hbc puchei s et of taise teelinlathe caa't destrerilion. He las choscna-~ Children of Lake County Urged. listai-y o fIle satae. bi speclal ai-ont Kiwirds-i irticif to Protect the Song and In- i a flh i nnou f Repi-entatives. Who sectivorous Birds. lis thîs min ShurtleIl? Ho's a vrutcl- IWITIilRAWAI 0F aietd f cng-egtin.A COUNTY WIDE CAM AION. SUBSISTENC"geILLa peanut, pinu leaici, poli- hienryitem ndepity gaineMaxis b Ucia." wrdenor lke ouaty lla nrecelpt P O À H DWAMIENS RSE TO ROOF of a leler bm ain lpî TV. Bsfi il DICUI> The chorus of&muons rose la tIc chiot gaule miii flul vardcet ofUlinis i-oft, la vhlch the local ieputy la asked le "'Mr. Shurtieff ou ca go te bell." vwage a campaI-a for the proooln The colers and! tprbers andi tai- "Amen! lialloiulh! Glas-y te Of gaine aid flal and the conservation lors are mont unfottunate lallors. Gai!" answvecithé congregation. or insetivoreui ans!amabina. Hesetofèro, la addition tli reguans- you can'l inure lion, you fool, Ilatf. campai-n te gave the birds pay, thctlve boea gttlng subsistene1yau daina f0011 foi vilI destroy you. Mr-. Non la aslted te unfilst tieaid -$2 a day. But the Bureau of aNvi- BRINCS DOWN 1418 CUISE 0f nevalPaPera, Justices Of the 1POirce, gpion liaItahi-ht isuci an onier' 'I«al iyou ait la priy tfat If Re- consales, achool leadbers, etc. "No more sublsteace teo Great Lakes prenentatlvo I. Shurleff dom, not Ms-. eNatbinks that ho viii bo able mailans vIarate as cohlers sud bis--, repent 11mb Co i viii snIle hlm vth toacmcomplih mucti by seelai- 'lie bers aid Imlor." lad-ment! icbool teachens for lo ilîl urge Uiemn wIea the abovo nova came on' "Some of lbe senatans s-fused la. ho iay beforu the chool chilis-en tbe eol. there vwu gnou conceru cl on tbe commItte, to; nvestlgal vs-oui- tbey are doîfi- In Osti-oyiflg for Ilote are mini meiinilaed as lion," sad the Ov esseer. lie coin- the sang bInas and the bine Ithat des- barbera Who are getting subsis§tence, meudei lhem for fleur tairns lunlsoy harn' ful Inserts- Most chilis-eu, aid live Il a Wuemii miidNos-Il CII.eeping 1,1.1- ande off ZMon. But the hlie fels, 1111 birds Ibrough tiotigît- cago, oualie tIe station. TIhi 5ewahers!- leusis raîber Pthan throUi<h - aaY i-nIe. vîe fective wyul prove a big- "Ill show lie Illiis IA eulatiire malicloas spirit anldbuofeact tht If aoet-bacln te a niiof those vIa came hI 1h urnee Illtzla to a lavlcas lie matIes- la explainé e bhemIn l umier l,. esPecIRlly logo vbo ms-e body," saCiVolivi, 'almlutoiy violat- tle i-Il vay thnt no more v111 bu maannIei aidarc maiiitmiing bouses. tIna fieenagMSItlii of h Unîcinecessiri. It mai mciii (ICI moinf Ilein vilil Sates. I dan tiem ho airosI mol An appeal, viliiho romaie io lthe have ta seai Ibis- familles lame andi1-11Ignore ny subbSM th ly seni. hantcransd tialermea htelie care- li-e on the station liemsCivOS. lMidire lta 0tetake-me. l'ilnue fui noft tecatch more fiai fiafi Uiey _____________ evory ose of t11c m ails forsote o uied rtotshoot more gaine lias M.ra. Oxyla ChittenicinWhvia ls MthUandoflubu for fis.Impriacu- îb ey bouli. lne sais Ibaf aniesas benuetthfe- aie Cousaty icepihal Mont. 'Tiité«e*a e Idecftics. f«lu oame protection 0f gue Mdi tektIhe putI Ivo voia hnova et oouds bte ,1l m oe vifthai8' htith1e lime la nettfai-distant i the lome et bes- motici- lra. N. W. thc.," éoubfsi ovetu- ,aso puca es! bics ansd finst 1011 wiile m 8AdlY Keel, fuPace. ZID. 1.tic plilferu. h dam t-@ tisa g eo doplel. TIc laie Ooeity Tai-DM«Buea l n organIsaton of $24 timers con- tmoffi snd maniacibY tarnera vIe serve viticat psy. Whet tise Faim Bureau Dos Tic vo-k of 11e bui-eaulu con- duolmi bylthfamadier vithe11 assistane etMmini commîttees ami Individuel memberi.. 1.Th b1e 10.1 armn Priticea touni in use on local farmqaraie pissei os te, olIci- timers. 2. Sell amare te ansd rotation sud managementl planasvai-bed out. a. Drainage survoys ai-e maie sud bolp given ln orgmnlzing districts. 4. Lime, tertilizera, etc. 1are for memblers At a consiierable maT- 5. Over 820,000 'wýrth of good aeed bas becs localci and i dstributei ainnimembera durigthe pasl twp Yeas. 6. ilundreds of seed eampies -cre tesled anaually for purlty. ger-mina- lion and reiiabliby. 7. Ci-cps and mncUiods are tried out under field conditions ibere tai-- mers oanote iesults ai tirset1ai. 8. T'armera are aided la evoy vay ta improve their llvestoCc by botter methois of breedinauisd toodiai-. 9. In feedlng vonkth.e etofhome grovu rations la ai-ocetes. 10. T'i-e lestini- associations have lies organlzei sud 2100 cava placed an lest ta enable dainymen ta Inow rpft production oua. iL TIi-e lireed associations lavE leca ei-ganlzcd to furtier the inter sqts ot pus- ei-ilvostock thlrougi organisaton. 12. Oves- 300 tai-mets vcrg givey assistance tIis, ysr vithfaim ase coSuntz sud thc lacomo taI. 13. Over 200 tai-m isborets yen ON£ TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAKOUI 14. A monthiy bulletin of tntor- matin le piihllshed. 19. The Parm Bureau adi-ertises vithôut charge anytbing memberý, at to buy or sel]. given la speclal vorlc that vas es- Sentalin10 vlnlng the var. 17. The Bureau alvays cooperate: îtI aili other organiations that are su aid la lmProving agriculture or cominunlty lire. 18. TIheT'aim Bureau co-operatën with the UniversityorfIlilinois and tbe U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 19. TIec woek la financed by fed. oral, State, Couaty and membershlp funis. The Parm Bureau deals largely vitia the fai-mers business and wili ai- vaYs le interestedinlu eelng that lo- cal raiers get their lust dues. With- out oranlzatilr" ic arner tales wht ho ca gel, tlb'ough strong or- Sanizations the tai-er wiii get -vhat b. should fo tai-m products. Thq State Agricutural Assocllion Th1e tsate Agricultural &ssociauion bas emPioYei Mr. D. 0. Thompeons Permaneul seoretary la look afler thce tte and national interest of tir- Mot, Just is a County T'aim Bureau 10015sfIo, rlocal Interests. -OZ& Pauenstates incw -have éa organIsatons and in November a. Natiouatl association of sute argin. iitions vii le formed t Chicago. captalsudoranized labor wlll bpu met la state and nailonal affaira 'bý oigaslsei sgicuiture. Food prob- lems 0f. the future viile.'threqhed out la the council chamber vîth pro-~ represeel. LIEUCOUNTY PARM BTIRBAU. ILE. F.O013E, Pros. MILLONS.0F IASS TO. IIROVE GO. Lakes Being Seined to Procure Spawn for Three New FIsh Ponds at Spring Grove. TO MAKE FISHING GOOD Thc labos of Lake Coay scon vii le eosUeldhe fe met abiug gi-ouna <tIch Unid Satec for plans ar eno foot 'to deposit mIllions of BICot ase lu the varions IVres la tic sesr future. The labos irebeli-g selnes! at ie pi-osent finte sud bus- ireis 0f black basa vil! b. teoee for spavauna purpoaca. Tiey viii le piacci la tic tIi-oc nev fiaI ponds thaI biavc bcuu oostrutei at'Oping Qi-ove. Tiers nov ire tourponds Ici-c. Tic oue rondlab"Ibea pro- ductive 0f splendid i-smlla but the tii-e idIltIonl Ponds viii lncres» Uic etalsucy gtcatly. Whou vIlle fiai sud rout are nocici 1toestock labo Mchigan ts ia donc by catchi-lIhefiaI sund rs-- snoving Uic apawn. Th1e spava lIen la taken ta Spring firove wbere Itla halchei out. The tiuY file are cared for la tanks until large enaugh ta be ieposlted lan te lalce. la Uic case of Bilack Basa Ibis course cannot bu followed. The spavu canneI ho removed and hmlchud out aitificaily. Il la aeccssas-y tb eep the frahl l caPtlvlty durini- the spava- mIn periÔd. The tlny fils are lier- mitted 10 grow naturmlly. Tiien wben the time cornes the water In tlb' bu- ponds le drawn off and th Ii lnnowa removed. '11ev tIen are piaced in the vaious lakos. The hase that arc% helng seined now viii flot spaiwn nnîIli une or .uiy. The smail fish may flot he ready bn place in the lakes heforq fal ) aprini- but Ihere viii be mnany mil- lions vIes the Umne cornes. Several million alrpady have been batched ont la the oh poend at SPrlng Grov"e the stale llsh batefrv. mnd lbeY vil' lie placedInlathe lakes of the connty In lhe ent future. 1 Black Bisa gi-a rapidly so il maY r h leoxpected that withîn enother year or 'tvo Uns 1 'F 9 Wl! te tAee Bit baa Icen le yeareand tmill icon. 11tios eto. M.,w belles- co«nstly f0r th1e iesobkIng proces vwiii ncras- tIc suppir tfauter thun if oa hode. i piee. For ALL lths famlly. T11W inioeN ssa LAXE COUNTY IS OFF COUNTY, FUNDS. <ÏElING $59500 YRe Auditor Simms Compliments Lake as one of the Few in State Gettinu Dnterest. BUT FOUR OTHERS DO Tf. Shoving that Lak<e CountY reel-cid 1100,981 Interest off public funia feld ln County treasurers office d»t. Ing the pagItvo vears, auditai- 9. M. Sîmms ln bIs annual moprt 10 Uic supervisors covering ail coiiity o&. tes, ccmpllmented the board for- b4y.- lhg-put it operalion the etale lav vth t aysa la atreasurer must lui- aver 10 the county ail sarninaut the ories. lHe declssei liaI lIer. ane but about fous- othes coanîlsIn Tileuls which are observimg (is liv deopffe ils clear pi-li-sons. Mr-. Sînmaclcedaàcae"lainme eounty vIe-oa - nov tresseras ba been imôpposci for oMfce. efter At Uic primWuy or élection. 1%0c omtel boar direbd tlaseebis salary fiou $2000 tb 13000 vihtheUic dentlami Ing to ho that the county ubculd gel thé hâteront on publie fonde. The "paeC.rr IIF5ed bAdmwd1t10 board tiat to change ltheshIm, bIs Idca leag tu relais lhi leresi om todmisasii bis predecessors. Since then peuple (havé ilbff that tle county ln question get ils treasure-'s earnlngs la inetrest aM Uic nev offciaifiaisbissala-y not ralseil sud vlhUieproballltY lm viii ho denici the practice of re- laiaing Intereat on funda., ,Mr. Simma niid 115*t ev comsUeS IUV WNibelw cf(total « pbli baus ta.iLàke Ooucty. ne siiove hev ircamumrci ocaher 100k over f-e big predoeonr 1131.114. Mrs. limme nidhole leves lIaI thc uev meticil oe the ceuty he». ui coltiDg Uic taxes lstsad 0f bavilng tovn collectr. as ftemetlr. wil le mmàchasshesr. lHe Pointe& out Ihat il coSt Itse.euîity 80,w ms yesrto 0calic thle taxes ibr vuar ender Uic old plan sud saUithe a&. ditlonal clerk flcila the irseswie cOM ure» ivou !bot towtal le amount. à&. atma repot ~e4 Il at the reocris Of am the comaty mm q 1are 0. I.Latu acit t4re, ve r muesl mo discepmcbg vorm uinotieuka. -Tec&MU ts My@ur cmty, ane le kgi handisi la ver yte ase' ali the, auditor la flntalug -edlag hia rm The report on ütiIntert on fenua tu the trwauers 1oaomstavina $1ffll saines!la 2 m ushows lIaI thc ftoruat aW MS uesOU ie erk lire of ltheasuwrrsOeUM wblcb tokled $11.781 for Utcaim pes-iod. POeIHiTiaaa-eprsope!t e LFdrAt mlop liconsmelerrsos tormslirant- the foilaveinVes:nod elly Mi Ghe lorg islie 0f Haitlly»re Gergeata0fPiie o IVar.mi Job îmer cof Long i-e. Rotea" ciMl license comilthce tuich s-coimucii cd lni favor sud tlicouces."aiii le granted. Thun for theic i-t lime in a lonr timo, Ves-non saloons stct heu- linos. sels vl11out ae laIt balai-puti ai-ainsI lieu. As one.upeleOp» saud: "lei; cal ya couple cf maulli longer. no, vhy fusa about if nov?' Thc board votei $500 t6vars! tic ci-penses of tUýic VoeT ;4« coa iitIe. vos-l L aike OouIy. PROVIDE TEETH FOR WIDOW Thc board voti l toshow 117.50 te. va paygne nchalot hdentl blli of a vidcv lan ighiani Park. 95: pes-vior Clark statua lticth bond ft tIo laa Mout ortly mae.lne tois! 1ev lie voman's tbai ba% been touni ta o, epnsslnfoctei and loi tet ubouli lie extractci ad plates maie. The> - vtsltlug urso bas, colieccîc $17.50 tlaai- Uhe 99 pouse and lhe counti thug viiiPar UicaBe flatof thec osi w~mateet. Bcaxxs or0f$ Obu lauinms of tle request, letfrgi e0 fg»i blaievermdce hlie boe4*ý s imspmnsion of lie raies vawuseOs. à b11 fur 8210 duoelira.Axëil 4 bock for gsoeries sol In hq ,o0 a mil& ui.1, s. - lot 0 ribbofl -uibroid- ie chem- e corset LAÀKEi.-COUNTY INDFd ENT- -Lake County's B ig Weekly KENSTAITSCii PAION FOR CONSS* VATION 0F BR TS uaûà h of le:nel for and b'",k l igurpis ted ose~ c n blaset, 'am parne 0t a new liîk, grey !lI slIk id ky ar ,n. or se le- it

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