Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Apr 1919, p. 14

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AL, TJbosands of CAJPESG0t_,SIS ff.F$S ýdILQS Fr«U amitos ougSPRING APPA*EL Iuying ae Peasant a'n"d, ro- Brigoht. ant voulezand girls desirious of 8ecuring excelent positions or expert training as office em- ployes, seamtrsses or sales- 'women li one of the. larget snd Most progr&ssive womens specialty stores in the. state, win do well to file their appli- cation with our çmployment *manager now. Aler He -n Co. EXTRA SPECIAL ITEMS IN THE! Monday SALE 1.50 Silk & Mu31in Corset Covers $1 A special parchase or a big lot Of dainty coeursenvcers anid camisffis in ninstins an4 siik. sýome have ribbon ghoulder strapsothürs, lace and ornhroid. ery. $2 Gowns, Corset Cover and Chemises -at 1.49 The gowns corne in rnuslin. the chem- ise in nuslin and crepe and tbe corset covers in fflk crepe de chine. 3:98 Gownis, Chemises, Corset Covers, Vests --at 2.98 This assortment of undergarmenta =&ay be had it wash satin. crepe dé thtnes. Italian siik and »those dalnty Phillipine hand made and hand-embroid- ered thinga. Infante White Drev<es 1, 1350, 1.98,2.98,3.50 Mother wili find dozens of cute Utile dresses here for the real small toi. at the mn reasonable prices. A Specia) Sale r, Confiners & Brassieres 75c Values 49- $1.00 Values 69 - C Prptty styles. with lace or emroidry trimming or tyles of al over eînhroici try, white and lesh, mot ail izes. Collars & Collar & Cuf f Sets 69c, $1, 1.50 and 1.98 Many pretty new collars and collar- and-cuff sets are shown in piques. nets, * vash satins, organdies and filet, accord- li; to rice. VESTEES Special 1.50, 1.98, 2.98, 3.98 to 7.00 The vetees are qite the rage and many beautiful style? are shown in white pques, plain and tancy s1k. trlcollettes. etc. many hein& elabortely embroidered. 1.U0Heavy Silk Gloves, -at 1.00 An extra heavy s11k glose in gray, nay blaçk, white and aand In ail izes. Double 811k Gloves, 1.40-A very fine * lng-'wearlng double ilk glove lu whte. blackt, grey, tan. navy, and gloses wtb fancy topA. Frenich lld Gloves in' black,. tan and white, wth fancy stitched backa. spec- lally îriced ai $2.76 and $3.60. 1.50 White Petticoats $1 Women's and misses' fine whie muslln petticoats. lace and crnbroldery trimmed. 4.50 Silk They bave mercerlzed ili *mip taffeta sutk bottoins. mer,~any styles and are 7.50 Siik Jersey Petticoats Ili tops 'wtb Corne lu ail very pretiy. Fally G uaranteed Silk Lisle Hose 9-at 65c If these mik liatIe hase ln back,. whic twonze. grey and cham pane are flot aatiýfatory you get a iiew pair. $1 35 ilk be ln navy, biac'z, grey aid vhite ai $1.00. -Aid a fully.ktarateed ail î.111 Soe ln 'IId.wbîu aitd oeil" prIced at 41.30. fitable by Our' SensatonaI REBUIL DING Sale' Bargains ForWomnen and Children Be wtchin'g CAPE Fashions Sale ]Ptriîtd at - 9,o75-9 $15 18'09 $25, 294 $359$45,9$50 Týwo of aur handsoaie capes are pi" tured hclow. Style. charm and aIl zrouund beauty are Iailored right into therip garmont.4 by faslulon ex- perts TVivre are caPes and Dol- inu o 11h fIlli ciretîlar or snug fit ting. drawn-in hottoma. Soinelave morn slils for the anus, o4liors wlng slepves. Trîmming man ht' or buttan, braid. tuckm. pleats., yoke efferts, boîta. sashetç, dreular coi- "Ir" and throwq snd embroidery. ln aul mizes and colora. Children's New Coats & Capes Vv.ry Special at. 7--8 9175 12.50 & $15 lere are dazens of new capes, coats sud cape-coals ln rookie, navy, etc. Pretty coloreil colars and buttons for trimming. Size.- 2 to 14. ALzHrM- Go. Northeri, Ili's. LargestStore For Womcn and Children Quaint liats Little Girls Specially Priced -AT-- 2.50, $3 «à 3050 3,u98 l'retty new 'fi) le-,for girIs tram 2 t l . B lacki andail oo s. Sale Childre's- DRESSES. $1 91.98,e98 Strlking new styles la ginghai n sd percale drenses lu sites' to 1l1 Reduc- tiona average 25 per ceni at above prictes. White Dresses 2.509,3.98e $5Sto $10 Children's preity new whte dresse, con firmatlo nia voiles, organdici,, 'awns, batistes; aud silk crepes in sizes ap ta 15. of Style In Séparate Skirts Thia Sprind They are Spec- ially Priced et 2.98,1$5, 7.98 $10, -$15, 22.50 $4.i5 slik poplin skiris arp,,$llifng for $2,98. Silk and wool plaids and plain col- ors $5. IbIher .kirts of rare silikt up ta $2250 in plain colors sI ripes, large chpcles and plaids. Disqcontinued Nos. In Froni and Back Lace 3.50- CORSETS A --ai 1,79 A imlted number of front and bacit itr'e Styles lu discontinued n imbers ut tihe famoas American Lady corsets are otifered at $1.79. Frolaset Corsets Up to 6.00 at 2.49 Front lace styles ouI) ini tho hîgh- clâns I'roiaset corsets in a fair range of .,îzes, lu white or flesb. The assoriment la llusiled so vo would adntisp an early m ' etion. 500 New Spring. Dresses Individual, Exclusive.- Ver Much Under-priced A t Only 9-075. m1400-m18.,50 - 29:è50 a $35 .LJterally hundreds of becomlng mOüdels carefully chSen for recent ligh-priced Paris importations as well as new styles tram si11 taffetap. brocaded georgette erepea, iricolette8, sattna, foulards, tiens in navy, sliell-pink, taupe, white black, copen, green, andI our niost dlscrlminating clientile. There are copies ut several Americaq mosi fashionabie designers. Dresses of rare beauty la sllk crepe de chines. wool Jerseys. serge.s and triking combtina- the new ruai colors besidvs figured andi brocaded effeits. /~ NPM~Y SHQPPÉRIS Silk and Leather- Handbags 1.259,3.989 587 The very ncwest stylos and shapes i» moire silk, velour andi Iî'arher bags. Pur ses and vanity cases aire ready here. e 8TRIKINGý ÙOATS In Newest Modela In A Salo At 19 $25 29 091 $35 Mdany vomen and young wo- men vili bc wantlng a new coat !, vo e have prepared for L'il grpateat business of 0frn i' carreer ln, this section. Thm-r are coai.sbehwing the Infltioin of thé' cape and i)u)lnan ln salit" very beautitul gtylee. other coati; hit%-' pln-tucks used in varions va)s; pstei belted panneled and button-trimsd backs with nov leeves. packeta and cclarz for dlversilled style Neatures. Coat Styles Egpecially for Women, Misses, Sinal, Women and 03 iris Raincapes 12.5 For Women and misses Thés- raincapes ai $1275 are witer pruof and very preiîy cihersa .rii pric-ti ai 16f f,t $2475 and $27,501. The After April SUIT SALE Is A Most Interesting Affar-Sec For Vourseif Sot. $359 $45 -62.50 'lT' 11i L a r ý,!V,î, lt r n sd s. eau. s,çuiiiatli. a,.in tc" "k:'and serY laigw croA, i.. bt n , pafi y tor tboth lias houn a lasislt '-, iitt llos'ee t b i W ill ati u, , tif-r' aill, sOtr sut: buyt. toa naro w l,î'wehavée al- ready (enlarg,-c thi- rt The hand- moinest tr1ylps ofthl"'." are here ln great s ari t 5itidiltg or -nunusual ilInos. tiosuty andtIilit ta I t iti wttlohyou can seec(t anaanl , .sd rep-son- a bly. Thousasds of SLITS will be on [)JSPLAY Here T niorro w Vlaluesç Extraordinary JIn This Great Sale .of Waiîsts $5 values ai 3w98 -5.00 $1450 Values at -9.75 The prîce reductions quoied above Khould prove ver-îY atitii tiv o oiioliig as they do jumt hefore Emter. becauHe ihey effect great nunittes I ,o bt-I. -iii itou'silk waists af tenspiing new styles and exquIsite coloringt; Ilite ho tiîiitirii tve. Our as- smonta offpr over 6,000 wainsa ram wlsich to s vlect. 1dfil,' $1.0!) ta $2260. * Wirthmor Waists $1 - $1.50 - $2.50 i The styles ipictured arrived i tis noun aud willl ho offered ta our patrons bright and early tonior- row mornia. Select frorn voiles, lavas, batistes and ortandipos iDail setzi. RUVE Jet of tow0 Leviathan larms ARE î8 *0 u cf ti boiam DtmI vui amdletm Maet ne aerbe lii *Woue HamS Thom"ae M FrnkU a. j A. IL Kudt Wesley 001 averet Ne kt ti posb: lave arrived theïr Rmre. ftm the Ulii coln Woodni ttb'e ago. ( Waakngmn v tran.fermid tc Rainort Wrtgl Waukezasu a Libertyvllie counted fý,r. it le belle, arrIve ia Ch them. scori *plan 10 atter Varade are be la the gr Made p.ane p.The Battez that SI e10 membera of nuit No Pl en out bgt am »ai t la Mm may ha stration Wiin Meutating0 Imteto!eue a serice. Th, of the Suigt lb.d the be Et. col. A. tached trou, te bomoa t whiit tien MRISS ci RED Eight Coi Townshii ent F frid Yil slip hlgh eîght tude iticipated. intereit ln s ono galber the Young 1 The. u gam the .112 pealdng. V The Priâ 1oe Gold me yiflton. Oliverm Chiariet ont BaDlà i., im deliahîfU a quartet. Ilie piano. 'NT.;THITIffl4tY IJBE ý 5 ig-§ 9 4=-P

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