T'yVILL IND~~EPENN Lake Copmýse i Big Weekly ~KVfl-NO.18. OUETNN PMiES I1ITY VILLE, LAXE OUNTY, HLtWOq8, TiTRSDAY, MAY 1, 1919. 1 shapes i» r bags. pur iy here. I-kL MRISS CARROLL IS WINNR 0f lOL!> MAL IN CONTST PEf RJJYPoCUE!- INNFOIR MIN TuE SUELDN CAME Wallgo.D. C., April 27.-Ex. tso" of tins frOm April 30 to MAY 31 vas'«ioved today by Internai Rs.I venus onmiestouer Rom'e for th State Intimates That This ing of rotumsnc ert taxs onCase May, be Taken; Shel- ameas. é-fdiks. mnéra. wv ;-don Falls to Take Stand. 51,art olowtan d a wurlty of I utatursi atisie. sncb as 2a bils& Thse returm absould b. maie 'EVIDENCE IS CONFLICTING. for t"a pelci tietem ea s. 3maui____ iVarch3U, "am ue dsApril 80. TUs it AV RE ACPNED UOS. Ust am Oree r tvteln Homeon LeMvinteHm FaNta Ge 3ha" lmiam-es ai 3 Locftal mon.tim WOUT AmRnE CUTDFR v Sor ndt he d.o abgte t l tha morfet-os th ans 1*5 ar isti avand g " arria ami-vORameseu vMayibavesortt-na ge»WoIhodma.« w te om tt1'pao. Chsw.T.Pmwoef Thungn it te 19t sd.ou vot erlindar It le posievlthth e 0ftua hwIu- bave ariva m hi smner <hi ambs may ava n 2oulttad i'on tIsaendit. AJoignDelio and al parad Wareodofhevoctuesmen- t-hie a. UChv a T. Ro vi af W ath grandvi-htand149-benatePa- i so.eh=@ tors an.tifs leavesn tVsukenIo, o iveC hé olno o! Libersv oeasth anlyos s unco- nuit lao lrol t-bo tat 'thiiir coone a hg cstf on bu sîio ten.ou Sc at o agea e peuplea mmaamayct-end.A b e cep Ttia so «tanade a are ! ts eures r- aiede. Thn e 9th vuelu ie vil of tic Baiter iier!atis- nus-b -se tinha ha etreS 0f tas celsr anoi b3t regretmla xresexpscoueusm EtCoaa la V ithvanbeaudi doe- trati o vt e bsfltlandtas plBut li hiomo na, téualibration ib Men! e.salalart anSonsee glity" ,by tiha jury er ar stvnty minute delih.ration this sftern.on. Shlis wmu reprasstsd by Atty. W. A. Done., of zéDlîsg lntoz"ctihl quor viti ont a Ileas.. ne ws u di«Medby' theand am j.bu thta.indicimeat vui sorti«t te s uint! court. lems dmimdivue tsheimetvit. ne.. fe the. itate. He testifld to ing pMrhaisibotta biiy and ber of 1Ubsica Mai«alithat on ons oe" haovweacompsalmiby Tbsstc Wlloughsby,.Il»hltter took the vitame etand but hie reoni Motion ahoit t*0 aents rsiatad by Edundi were ratherhbiy. Ons or tvo pinte.... esledl by tho stat. ta.tilied tht they iad not pne chai amy itozlcatlnç liluor at tho Sheldon place. A enaton vas png vWhou It vat ltlniated that States Attorney Wslch night caustue arrsst Of ons of bis viUsest on e psjury charge on the ground that he did not tici t th, star! as ho mid related It before the irai Jury. 'ras prosecutor ttacisi bis ova mtas.. mvagsly vWhen t ap peared tait the. ltter vas trying te avose nome#"&fg Atty. Deais repre.eag Sheidoi otented bhinse ivth cross siaming the vltnesmam for theablie but dld flot place bis client on the itend. The tato reaed lb case bout 11:30 ta- day. Thse dedanse restai itmmediateiy ithout haning put ou a vltnii. lThé argumnst itrtat oue. Vloci tais atteraclen charge ofriÀeut. Sunintga. atteadsd tas big tracfir demonstrethan beld aEt v r EIU À Ibertyvillo laut SatundaY. S isn& Ohm. our local Ford deali TION 0F S P E E i Uhertyvile and held a "houe- varmins" party aid sonnai a splendid O I lunich for tho boys and for as mii! of their farier friends u arsd fi cous. 1 HTI. peristent emolation of Sept-eu- In dis f1ld demonstraotiO ihad.Il ber Notaled tetea a ret ln Ziom four ilordson Treetosp t vok. eh v-talis mk fGIoSiAider, agdil31and tas thein s vidi varions I Ipe- enti. d la i bs pmarmg a fOn.of $8 The treefirs vers a grot sueffOsReamidsu COte. Aider. acccrdimg to, ths iopt- stacadet wvan: Itdhb di te sijience pneetei et tas heuains Ia moul conditions vers paron anaccouai Ziai Police Court. dlsnobed on dis of ths vet veadier aidd teipe.i-poncb of bis homeO îevsrail aye in suc- mente did flot sbov np ta disir fui] cesiohn, seie-ing a tins viien ho adnage. taougbt- a yonng marsisi vomai vho Iloveven. late la the. afternoon, >OC55pi1d a boute just accouet-ho mita the atd of "011 sol' dnylng up tho als! vol ses him ln tae altogether. grounal.sans excellent piavtug end Tt wu 5chargeld tat- youig A1ir djscing vas dons. Stunli galare vere tried for uevsrei days ta strike op a pulled off and ane voul, t-bushtaes.. flirieton mita the. young vouai. littîs tractons vers "tanks" die va! lien tal h is i edha la sai te bave tasv climbed up and lova and ddupel- apPeàred Oanthe prh ane daylad led for &IIitino tae taise runor of bot vwithout bositetion enonsievo tay tip over ald upeet. stitch of dodus. ,aid thon parada Eight Contestant in Warren 'iireryoas bcd an OpPotuaf t-y tfi de Township Hlight -Sohool Ev- and tri' difr hand et- the wbeei; tram' ent Frlday Evening. caacter, Bil Wtggns. 88 ye . ad --and provel beyond ail laubt tait "nda ynlght i thes WarIren town- th. Tanisan la the tractan for evr! shp ig b iciiaoicvery dliglittul farmer. «atorieai coatest- vas heuf, la vhhch elght stuiens io! tise tovaship par ticîpted. The eantest cati ta P ECIATER IES 1 1Interaet l h -e tovnand ao!ny Per- tosgatheredet the scboë o R0hCICA iOT The purpase of the contesi vas t-O IW Ut «M te diatuients more niaI t-o publiec """W"UM 37 MIN speakils. The. prises vers sanadsd as fa!. G011 mdai-Trraicla Carri., War- Mlvaukee, Apri! 23-Ehiga Au- Tont-an. .plogate of <reet- MaeIl1ev over Mil- Bilvsr meda-DlDmls Ames, Grai'.- yankee Tiiosiay on hile arrive! tram laie. Chicago,. nellg tIse trip la a hydro- [ gqpt.o o! coî& giUhno, 'Iter, piano. He vas great-si byshieila P4-oliught., and Mr. Morce c« ths Wau- thuatlesas ho cirle «oior dia cltY kegan litgb80001 oo vre »Unee. aid lmielet McKinley beach. fBt Chaese IàcdWaYo!Wankssa M met iii romain la Milwaukee dunins the ont- a lmner cetil, popes. aitons vidoray loin ecanl a nd mmi m thonm il e Toulcae vis payei e glu, fltu. delUhtf iiivflin &uolo dieu al»aao Appiegte maie the trip tramCM a quart-st. Misie nilaer pe.uiei Kt cagoa fi lwavukeesinta taftY-ue ths piano. minutesa. ten or. eleveu, n'eloek ha the moraing The neit day, about ta. .ams boum Aider auparel on t-ho porohon- deavorlas t-e ettract the attention o! the youug vo n t-bs next bouse. tli"en 'hegagainuronarid bis dot-bing and p aled about. Daattenday the sazne performnance vas reepated. Tincly t-bs Young vo- ma' rsiated tas tacts t-oh'enbuuband uni be compicine ta thbe ZMan police. Oit Thursday Becker vent fi ths home of ti> Young tanin Sbortly botore thbe tinte vien Aider vas schednled t-o appear. Ho took up a position viiene b. couli vatoh, ail that transpirsi. p dle Macth ave loigtO Vait, At 1tas apgowla Urne Aider itepisaiout n con bis Dréh uni aten t-h. ieliml- > mies. enideaty I tet.dei ta att-rat xj tas attention of dia !oungvabln. ho e j ilrobi. lTh. police oeSt at-olMe leMM thedi. moi mnare-nteemi il Le home amidieuonplaca i m inde. oa- ider lu a mi tobe ae lIkble ycmui -I eip, 'tgfan m. appearauce. .isd t aoquafitaucm are wuMe 16aeefflt for bui umai-ualoou 4U 34C. CWT., lutn, 11L, AWrf a5-The co-opera- tire Markettag oOW,saysales ageacy of the MiV< WsddOssaAssociation, la sskung $9.50'a kmd&"dpoinda for May motk a decofae.sof 80 cents from the AprUVI ri.,Tb$ e mv ricesbas; been accepid , t»a Bowman and Borden comganiem. The. price. lower than et amy tibus ijiig the last six nmoh le iMMiido5se,"thigber thao the. sanme mW&a Yeago. Elgin and nearby melfluneailunce tbey vii redumes .retai Prie of mlk Mayl1. Àwml Spfnfehd, ZDL. April 4.-The sen- ats liai &galnvai.00 the.reopportion- ment or tae Nmtkivetera countios ci the,,.tate ttbambetetva aev con- - iosidistrinta Ti- edsonsalis for a reeppor tloamentoi ta. 0ointie. as folows: lita district: U'lnbago, Boons McHenry and La"e. Ilta district- DeKalis, Kane. Ken- dlI aný Dupas. 26th district: 1LaSalle. Grnndy sand Wil. 27th district: Composed of tbé ooantry qutils the corporate limite of Chicago. Ie 26th aid 27,th districts are the t-vo nov districts sftated ln thil. i Irhe hill g lu sxp t o pus.the san- me but houes Deuorate are oxpectod Io maie a ftt ahst it. LONE EiBKNOCK UT -3 MEN WHO. TORE CRUDNTILS tai retarD muit nlus eApil buti. - and taxas muet be pi by Mai SL SULS AND> SODAS URY TAI RAY IST. Hurryl HUrry, OaIy tvo more shopping days li vhlch to, foil th. luxuny tax-unhsqi yen vint to pay a tax ot 10 per cent on mai! taings vhich you genenll! vantithe ii apnagtme. *onIy tvo more day to purchas e k boss and hlgh priced vearing apparel. The economîcal debutante bas been Iaying la ber supply of aik bosse for veekb, and tbit is tbe last warnIng before tbe ax goesa tto eff.'cI neit Thursday.cet 1Beginning MaY 1 a tar of! ci îDr oach t en cents becomee effective on lce .cream, tee cream sodas, sua- danse and otiier soft drinks. This tax viii ho paid by tbe consumer WILSON ANI)1M. A clns ol 35 soidiers ln ths recom- struction camp ai tFort ShnI.da- students lntea igrlcultuI l ii li Att-onesy orae S9. Omely« 1l10 Ast-or itrsot.Obcesuo. tho med ia emidaywon cf tho speefalArekan Iwo Cro"s miaion ta Greeca Tat oc. tubs, faboom e deconahi. togoder vit- mu rnmui 1. Wmr drpf de #brust. b, KInsAlexandit cf Orece or morices mndeai lu »wUvon tu tIssés, eacos'ilig fi Wuhbigta dtbm.. M. Oadery al, r. *àm trenai es mjor tas9mie- WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN, OIE TO giraHT. MM.~ PER YEÂR IN 4bvixùk. $25,OOIN LIBEL SUITS> MiJROfII B DION OVERLORD Leadlng Membets of Inde- pendent Faction are De- .fendents. CAUSES A REAL SENSATION Damase suoit.geetlng$225.000 vers led la cirouit court today by Whbur Ohm aVoiva. oerord of ZMon agulDet poUlESt monheri of the Iniepeýndemkt faction la that olty. Mersly the pnacipocft t>9 suits vii lia Iut it la mnfa 1uithet ths dam- Mgu.are askedfor aleted MIelfol- lathta pubulcation of the. "Black spot." a pamphlet aftta*lng Volîva. Tite nmes or tiis mou Voilva m-res as defoudanti vers ilmed to the. pMgbt. Voire luan.re.snted bY Attomney Reipii Y. fldy of WacksgfAn Each or tbea 1,.doendantsi lu 5ud lndvldualy for $26,000 danahes..10 addti4%u the. lveare tandSicllectively for $100.00. B. B. BIIfdoN-Retire. P. . a zOnwso-temi state mai T. E. WELTOI-Â marchant. B. J. HOPKnU-Undertaisr ROBERT 1fURDOCi-Machtnist. INDICED MI OFHCLLS TOL!> TO PREPARE TIEIRIwL Superlor Judge (lrIdiey Wednesday ga"e attorneys for the oight eMetalsi of ths Miii Producors' Asaciatlon under'flditment for consPhrteY uitI! niday 30 conter vifli assitant Stae'a Attorney Bell and agree on a bill of prtlculars vllch yul mors clearly <guie the charges againut thora. On frlday a date for keariag of the. cas vIll ho set. 1 Grand jury sumnônses for tweit!- *&ar dairy ftimer, vers ardered Pm-. paroi ye.terday ýby Assistent District Attorney rsed Dickila. Thin i be the .iOnt of 800 su-moned ta, te.. tify before the grand jury to dotai! tlir agreemantsandii contracte rwth the. mlii dhtrOutcra VOLIVA PItNT Terms Them "Love Letters'; Were Mere Ackowledde- ments of Appreclatlon. Tle BlciSpt"unoutedly que VOLIVA'S SPLEEN SHOWN. of ths bitterait attacis erer mae on_____ Voliva made Iti aPpearasice at a tino. isb.altva eIders or Volva~s chunch 1 Wilbnr Glenn Voliva. viiose admin. vers on trial fn circuit court at Wau_ iitratli of ZMon eity as the suacesuor issan. chagsi vitis asanît and bat- a! John Alexander Davis lata fho In- tory. The pamphlet vai calied ta «ve.tiiaied b! the state legiiture tae attgm" OC 0f udgs Edv"and ad pan the. demand of Rep. Edvard D. ho que.tionsi thes jury f se If an! S1hurtleif, began today ths prepera- of t-ohe " mi ean a cpy H wf dtiof-1bf pulication of'-an lntarestig dieu tram ooking at tas paimphliet mrles of lettere tramn Mr. Shurtisif. tu eue It came ta thair attention andmd urutre love lotteri." Voliva »Wiihao'vould do ail tla opover ta termes thon. 13eassorti tint- ta.y su tiat they di not get a chince. ta viitarow ai n Ütarstiig liglit WU as on&. thbe legllator's attitude teward ZMon Report bias it tbat oae ort the men, City. vhlch variai. It in allegsi. di I. X. Uhumoni. douflta ftIsai li e amxsd g t- Zon Cty@ atti- bi i agn t tespamphlet. asient- tude tovardis poIttisai ambitions. lng thut- It vasplacei there by' nosTUs lattons f£'mMr. burthet venu on. e*m vrl«tisn fi va fol«wfig soletions la viev ae ditac t- thtthded- and mre!; vira crml In charac- clartios lnthévarue «s wre er. exproassigthani fi Voive ia mgot dled today t hilua omibisto a M of aneis epfroremuelb thir stata ths exact charges t-bat Volina vota ic almectas.' hreei qut ii mke. assinit the rOve defendanti. voea 1tm bisqt ik an seceestul candidats mlght vnlt-o -The itat-ements lntahei crcular t-o anyisoiy mit bai girsa hlm sup. vans Ubelo'ue" said! attOre! Torby port.aupeiafly support wvicis ieait- Volt-ns counsa. osararai udreds of vote. mmli as Tvo of tIese tatmnts cona Zid on cuti viien Il vote. for AtfThbodY. fi o li belous are : "The methof di ssi taiIntais sum of imoney (400.03.00) vould eau. J. Rofos Wallasford fi binais." Anther va."Ccii 70u Imgine Voifra. dressed ha the robescof t-he duarci. uiictcualy sneaii up our soms innocent vldov vho bas been left- a fev thousmai dallera in Lb- vt-y bonds?" SCATIIINQ ATAÀCK ON LEIiISLÀTURE IN THE THEOCRATI la 1912 Volina support-el Shiutiff for tas lsgmaature and ihs Doviaite hait grmducoi ais ommduniato of dianskifor t-ampont-: Marsng., M, Sept. 5.1914. Rer. Whibur Olen Volina.Zion citty. III. ' My Dean Mn. Ovemere: 1 an iropplag yen a note fi se! thet i appreciats e vomueac the support 1 receirsi tlnZton City tva years mgo (thbs year 1912) upai your necam- .menat1o1, and i trust that 1 nerf ted t.e sans. My naine yUlte on fis primenT ballot this year for nepre- ventatire ln dia repulcalt cluthn. eucb portion o! yo-ur tisopi"as maT vote la t-he.republilcai prninar!this Ysearif ai! ýdo, T boli d tpeclte in a pepi'nJuat off t-be pres., Volira àagan ver! muca rosir favur ldBP bit, pons Sitter l osbis elle- Part. ini3. in gianlng beaCitndis 'the fn3nt-Witb bes.t vl.be.m t-o Yeun laven! page tels o!f 'A:Lby-lfltlessnets lo wuy, 1 amTOrYry espeet-fullY, th( Illinois eiilt*, the icWless- E!DWARD D. SHMTTLEE9'. jue cusailas no doub that- t-be LPs- Thanice Hlm For Vote §,-ature' wa.i gotog bhond lt-s lune- Tisa a fev veeki bat-sm. Mn. Shunt- dici Ion Ia attemPtD t-o investhgat-.t1 leff trots: a c ret lt-s leadci ii 1C --u Mreapa, nI., Sept. 24, 1914. vsre abedhsnt t-at-be lats af t-be[Rer. Wlbýun Glenn Volira. ZMon City. blnit-el St-ct-es. . Tva colunals are diot-ed ta --Tbe 1My'Dean SIr:1 istu aes-slire YOD lyhng aond bypocrtcy of I. D. Shirt- that-i epprsalate vemnouh tise veny le!!. tho intnoduced tas nesolut-tinoz large note anl confidence that- vas t-ho Hous O! Reresentativos ct'i irn me on Sept-. 9 b tise voter* la Springfield t-o investigat-5 Volira and 11cM City aid t-ho te«ior Benton. and bis religloo." 1Imawt t-at- tus vas largelr tarouis - - youn edrico and influencei. aSpriagfield. Iii., ALDil 9..R-aeU Trustng diat 1 ubali mart t-be &am* sentatil'. buvard J. sssoikal'sa>! c- tliy, 1 an. Ver! mu.ly propiting $5.000 for dise PMeaao! EDWÂRD D. MUHUIT »T. taé joint e~mmlttae liivstigatbu gof -Vlira to4ay declared It vu est- Zion Cit-y aid Oromesr Voliva lwes nifOmat- tisaiMm. Sburt-ieff sIsouldInl- airanced tram sacORi reailus ta spire e leglalat-ive quis ln 1919 tolcuw <birdresdifas vthout aneanment filas gt-be refusi!o! t-be Vlva facton tas House ta~a. fi support hlm ta 1918. QUAYLE SAYS 11 VÀ(S TEMPlE!>1 T. R. MoQuade and F. Scott MeBride Accuse Liryvt Track Meeting Promoters WANTED TOM TO ASSIST. Charges that iie, ad besaotte money to) permit the. axnual iDertp~ ville hors. race meet vers mmde»Me. day by Thomas &L Quayle. sepUfa tendent eit theLake Ooumty lav M Order Lague. He drev up au a2k denit detailing tae offer, and aaotiin vms made by T. SU Mfri de. v». enintendent or tiie Antl4aloos loSia of iinut , vWhoaeiertei odlis et i the. me.tlî« ai vhie Mr. Quayle seys ths ôtfer vu nads. A "domatio" of 16.000 onr1M vau suggested by agenta cf is @ýp» moter, La thse*vent no opfltam la thea meet vaw nds Mat l[w Leigft Qle Ths meeting t4Wi place laut ftr iay ia thi e "8cf the Aath4laom Luus.18W. Madismnet. hns The repreientative of tas peumoins sahd bis omplffls carei nothlng dit the gambllag poadibltie*-tiiey fmm ely vanted tfie meet ataged fi ssi regular bonseraclng l n i.nM Ile .aid he vanted us t, 1vcm* vlth his employer.," maid Mr. Quayle.. 11s vas vlllug to donte as Mgii eM $10.00 or an! amount vs im t to any cluaiity. fiind or purpose 1 mlght designate if i1voiuld agie usi to oppse holding the. nest andiOa- mime ro.ponsibliity for supervfllug ths nnng 0fi it. 1 OlLsary Nameas ma er "Jtm" O'YLed&. vho la ewWSptet tai, a ehaose on any gsnsbllmg prop roition. vu amui by the 'lzsr" un 1one o fthe -hackers qf dia prolsot 1 Irank A. Otmphsi. a privata dite tive. and Lous A. Petsna, vin fit- merly -promotei thse mest wve s ns* as the otassu. 20 DUYS IN Çà. D&I etreet. va seintence& W Osmi Joue ersons tasrve tvemty dam I& taesnn iila adition taepop > 5g a fineo f $M3!ami costa hb l0 plmed a ut!lota T&hursi i ncci te hantas mciiliquor la M&- Sono tsrrtwoy. Mn.,Kaprinte b met sstvng ber sentence ta the osait! fla aid la probehiy t-ha finit bUmgplg isoper hn wauiegma-tu b% sent- t a lI. ifr.. Koprtv as liiitei b, ta grand jury on tas eviiefca M la3me. Reevem ani HamyBoyer. nacut! db nlgsed on e chargeof havbis Sas. ,0o innuvho stols $2300 trocs a t1 at the John LONO1rome-s Reoves aid Bayer teet-IOad te har.l tug purchissi drinks 0f m rKagni. -dc anidie st-aie.attoras! via0&ài centified tas Iîdlcticest- f tho»ceotg court asia t-bat ta. vomuah m ihtel on ine CODIi$L Âfter hoarntsthe sMat« osM s Kapirfo througihber attorMay.J. Minler. c.'cid epeisonte lIps. iirp'lea oft "not gntY te JtOiV aond tbrough bergoîf upOndtahe 01 or tas court-. The tite disiuai 4 of theo lie counts. luise PMOMe asiessithe. vouas a fâne Of 116sW*# caste an oach o ftie e mahhgtbnce canots. alng a tweaty dayl Ms00' teace on the tain count. Tii. tala àne ad Costea mountai te WI3. Ui. iKapnivi pli t-ho fine aid Costa tm. Ik msilatsly and veut to Jan 5oitslcQ I f, start serVInS9 berfIns. S A aunheo r aisbliUpi.tO5iVe bave been senteicai ta lai! 0-fIbtal sPersama but taie la the frit tsa51 a wlman ba làced herseR ftg positin fOf it tail. SipPtS. g. ono ba» touai W ePeri$0e 1 - Janl sentence.sare -uh, a Mm t.' W. ire la o c h e ot-b aul liq U M e tuai the mers administittg 2 LAKE COUNT-Y INDEPENDENT -----e EinI> ME TO fILE TAX'-MAY 31 A sun., good-laoing youag goh. witb covie. of nmagsii n ion hi. &Mm vuiod Into lCuts-Eemler's Café, M130. Wablâsh Ave.. Chicago Pnida! night. Quiet!! ho. saisi sno perion et the bar ta bu! a capy of theO reatjAks lacnuit for th. henefit et t-hs Navi. «Toi damnnol gobe ana satting ta, le nuisesm.»' seid onesMM t o f bure." "f beg your Pardon," tdiaosall.d «Watt a mnate." saM thes aigri The mai rad taon aven, thon dshub- tlais? Et yau're a faker." Thé gob produced bietoradetimis. The mai recd tas nover, thon aib- orsely tors thom up hafi ploc«. At-one end a! the room John Kuntz ou# o! the ProPrietors, Xai bsn vatchung t-hs scetpe. 'Diu you ses that" ald the gch mildly. "l'on bet 1 did,"' sa!d Kunts. «WIat; vould yon do about fIt f you vers mot" «If t-hlse esandy at-ber place but mna I'd aditse i o iImociheu oout a! that but," mild Kunts. «That'. e gond lua." saLidihegai. 'ii eknack bell ont of ail tares of taon. Tboy'll be coning out-samne time. I'e got ail nîglit." Ho loft the saloon. The satlor vaited for an haur. As the trio left ho 'pounfced on Onrt ane, thon thbe other untilhobad11"hlcis tbern ta a frazzle. LAXE FORESTIER DECORATED BY A GRECIAN KUNE t5 ancd wp calS., ký and véry ty for both tlioseêvet > our mui" w" havp ai- The hand- iare' here ln ýor unussiai m which you and rep-son- 'VS wiII Here values at 75 ,mniig se t-boy v sihk weists love. Our a&- 1.0) t-o $22.60.