Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 May 1919, p. 12

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l3EIiÈTkVL OUT IN CASE'OF MDC 1I £'ANDAin Waukegan people are interested in the report that M IIL. iJ. WMAU somebody ôffered Rev. Tom Quayle ten thousand dollars' which he didn't accept. The charge is made tht ft w"aof. Two Charge Assault and Bat- fered hiiiia ]romise of his ",silence" on the proposed Lib- tery; Third Asks That She be ertyville racing meet lat year. We dldn't kflowthei lae Udr eaeBond wus that much money in th~e world and anybody who would knake a tender of such a sum to Thomas8 shouldi't J. OLTUSKY A COMPLAINANT be in the horse-raclng gare-they ought to be at Elgin. Waukégan, April 30, To thlnk of temptmng the order 1le sCretary in such a Two warrante charglng ascault andl *ywua indeed most dltressing and embarassiflg say battery, and a third warrant demand-, the 1e"a. Ten thouand dollars is a lot of money 1 lng a peace warrant as a reerrît Of ar' ________________________________!_______= g:d threat tu I, h a ?7e. beo' WOMÀN, VJOLENTLY DEAD BODY 0F INSANE REMOVED TO FATIIER iREWSOME, THIE ELOIJN A.ÇYLUM FIND 0F CIIILD' Was So Violent That She wasi «nîrdFodPt iE Placed in Straiqht J a ket; he itxdugerUflt heWU1 Tries to Leap from Auto. sh~,ted ordolandterWM 'li tols':o MOTHR 0F 13 CILORN. lnd th, bodY n- bar fatirer dangli'- MOTHR OF13 HILO EN.frorn a rope. So wiidiy insaneta tebairad bto l She hurrled into the 11ou1e ir (l restraifed ia a straight jacirot. Mr' b tld lier moirer. A next door neig'i- Thomas Green af Highlandl Park wr, Ior wsae ummofled saddlha lashi iI glaen, a hearing In county court iatr the rope. aiiowinn tire baoda b dr , 'iuesday afternoon. Tire luîr.rcy cern tirah floor. Iae waxt convinced tir-. mission wich heard the evidenca i Kuntar wae dead an d <aled Joserrtî the case rturned a verdict or in- Petrosîrre. an tindertakar. The rt xanlty and beeanse n padded rail ta ter, upon hii arrivai. ealled iDr. We t provided In theLra ake Cnnnty jai !- rerahagen of Northr Chicago. Anf, was necatteary to remove lier t0 the anilnatfon eincetd te piysici-. tile hosptal for the inane at Eigb' thaeKuntar irad heen dead for soi,. witbout deiay. Sha was plared 1-i te.TIra remains were remnvêd 'o an autoombile. still In the straight ttire Petrosbus tndortakifl aparlo ý jacket and (wth an attendant on eltlir wherAIt cwax tboright t ha Inquiti er sida to restraîn lber f ront Jumping~ would bc hpid Ihi', aftarnoon. ouît. She was accompanled by ber, Runtars irst wlfe la drurd. busband who arrived hare frorn Fort little ovar two years ago ire remarri Sheridan wirere ha lse mployed. in order that Ihera night ba aovr Mrm. Grean becamne eo violent at anè Io lok efter big ive mothrlpe hier home that she amasbed ail 1ibhIlidren. Another chiid. oniw -' windows out and fear waR e'cpressod months nId, bas hepn born bv 1 r. tiret ebe would do pereonai violent a econld wife, The tiges or thea p ta sorne one. Sha fought violontiy ai, children range trom 16 mooti3 to i thre way from Highland Park tu Wati Years. kagan. 'lire second Nr. Kîntar i, said tir The iatent la tha mothar of tlir-r hava gone awav about a ycar aga. di, leen childZen, eleven of wlrornatil b constant trouble wltir bar huslhet"1 are living. Daprty sheriffs aie;(rtel ase a resuit of hisecon)alint tiret she that Mrsr. Green was ona of thea most id not ioon citer lis chiidran pi i violant lunattes they avar hava arco, perly. Mns. Kuntari ratrîrned hori Doctorte Foe@ Regulated. Tire tees of doctors were prescribed hy law ln airylon ln tire days of Neir- ue.harire zzar. Tihe çode of Humîrînrpi. tiregreat lawglVer, frvitle.l: "If adoc- ar liras opeatad tfllh a brornze a nct urr a mran for a srývre rvoril. nad<l ias ?Urerl hlm. or ba ratoved a catoract tvilh a bronze lencet for a gentleman carl cured tlir eye of lire gentleman, ha ral r"eave tan sîrekelq i cliver. If lira patient h her on of a fread. mon, tira doctor shall racaive ive trekels." hm lent-ned tier rlairn erer î lwo since lirîn bave heem vrry amn able.ý Evîdence of Failuro. Wp afrerjrentiy irrîl men nf cuitrr trio take prida Irnrireir art «r tîreir' wibence lrrtt %cviii, liva tro feeling f<or miormiIl y or religion uni nre ritlirr proud of Vlitafaile I flot rrtirernai 'virene IlwItbr curltrrre Is fbîiblirg 1 tir.e thIe 'ossi bilillIts ofexierie It 10;0pir higrest pçrseir? lîrneaîrolli rad, vidow of thre late, John Conrad, The assault and battery warranta' were sworn out by Mrs. Joisepir 0. tualcy and R. T. 8-peilman, the latter a clark ln thé. Oituslrv store on Cien- sea street. Joseph iOituskiy iaks It brond. Tira arts eba rged aqîrinst, Mrs. Con. rard occrrred lat Fniîav Pveniiig witrum sira le said 10 brave gona 10 tire 0i tusky storetWieb islaocal"îl in ber building, gcnaraiiy known a" tiré Dody building. Mre. Contrad la said le haiveagsked ta tEe canceliod checks of ront that Mr. OlturrkybIrd pairl. Tirete were rhown ber burt she lea aid to bave damanded to ses ichek covaring a longer period of tUni. Abrout ti time Nlr. OituakY was calied away frontirae store, la bis airseucp. as'- rording tb thé cirar7es made, M. 'tonrail sougbt. 10o cun the door of t.h< safe soesire couid look for nmort, canceiied chee'i. Sire la aliaged Io have attaocaed br.s. Oitusi:y and the clark whcas they andavord to keap, ber irom tire sale. i.ater tire tirrent i to bil leIosald 10 bave been made again.:t Oltuslcy. Tha warranta were sworn out tba folawing day. The casa waa set for haarlng ibis morn Ing bafore Police Staglstrate Taylor1 but waa oontinuad becausa Mrs. Coan-' rad waa, aaid tobehaIll. It wiil b, ireard a waak irom today. Tire police say thay understand tht, Mlra. Conrad la dacîrous of breaking tira lease whicir Oitusky hoids on tira store. Boston'* Famous Church. There were only 3.000 bouses ln Boston when the Nortir churcir was hulIt and many membere of tira con- gregation came Ir.. outlylng districts. The corner atone was laid ln April, 1723, and tire tiret meeting n'as hacld tn Decamober of thre saine year. -- To.kgraphirg Picture& A Vrencb inentorsa process for tele. graphing pictures uses a system of bollowl and reliefs, thre passage of a stylus over whieh determines tira lu. tensity of the current transmitted. WAN-TED-ComPetflet maid for gen- erai housework. Appiy '<re. D. T. [Aishuler. 749 N. Sheridan Rd., Waii-ý [ Iegan, IIt Willys -Knight -*Overland Talk with the owneér of a Model 90 Overland, his judgment is the safest guide for you. You will not be experimenting for you wi11 know that such enthusiasm could be warrà'nted only by the meritorlous perfor- mance you want in your car. Cati At Our Show Room Le Is Garý ,ge Phone 77 110 Madison Street Sat.9,May 3 to Sat, May 10 7 Days of Wondeirful Bargains Let us help you cut high cost of living. Visit our store to-day and iudge for yourself. WnËh M iWindows-Wotch Dur Counts-Fer the Big. VOID6s te.hbuSoI9Eoch iDe Here are some o f thes-pecial values on sale on different days oj the sale. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Palm Olive Soap lOcBar Curtain Goods, Ex. tra Quality 1lOc Yd. Special -Table**q' Tumblers, 3 for 10 Aluminum Sauce Aluminum Preserv. ing Ketties 10c Extra Specials- Big Assortment o. Table Glassware Each Piece 1lOc Partial List of Every Day Iterns on Sale ia the Varisus DeparmemIs:. Wrigley's Gum 3 Packages 10e Delicious Ice Cream Sandwiches 5C ail colore .......L aoap ......................*oxSttîneyIC Colgates Por. fumes, bottie lOc iandkerchioia.... . 5 Cotton, ail sixes .....Jlo Wax Papor, 45 Lc Paper Doilies8 Sfoty Matches, shoot roll . . . ... package................5 C l12 boxe@ ...... o Shopping 9age, Sheif Papor, white E ena Houe, mh.................... d colora............ 5C p erà pair .......loc Mon'@ Canvaa.... IOC 'ro let Paper, crope, 5 Jap Rose Tollot 1 Glovos, pair ..rol, blg value ..... So$ap, bar............ SUC. S h nola S ho e P o lle h P et e. P acte, for .... E l V am p r , k ilîs ... -1 ail colorea......... aC back chocs .......... flic@a and bugs....... iu Butter Kisses flb. 10c Fresh Salted Peainuts Slb. 10c Beautiful bookiet, containing a histôry of the F. W. Woolworth Co., given away FREE- during this 4Oth Anniversarvy Sale. Visit Our Candy Department, Fresh'Stock- Received Every Day Sale Sitars Saturday, May 3* Endi.g -on Saturday, May 09,loi F.W.Woolworth Coi 0 5 and 10-Cent Store 125-27 North Genesce St., Waukegan, 111. MÂT 1. 1919. . 1- r W WirIcJ~Aurfk Un Libertyville' Independen t Laie Counly Indej>endnt - Waukegan Weekly Sun R. Il o v'uinrîN oon lloi-i n . r 1 [ fat, t filWi,iki Il. I &.acti vilh> town W. lîîskf i n StM, Illt town tof N lIot., ;:an r raildai gaand wt leas tract ac<nda i tri n.W. i1 Rogers lot 4 Wcir egan. t( * rFromr y kilc nds factura hean st claver ai eeds, se of grass I.vv. 125-2 Y J~UV~ULIE .'oJe. 5 and 10-CentStore 7 North Genesee Sfr-et, Waukegan, Ill. 18 79 rs of eepast, efi Have ÎT IS "F laîrirp wllh font; aerulli la tirelM l a isitî!l Ih * leroor; 1,1, 4tor s hol p r n i t , ald d not vo .i"rding tel thlie tI * prlzî.d Ir éarr otwI titi ;l;<tt a% b I. ft areti, on Jf /,' th.rrim 1 hon-- t. ke rrcgIt, *Othe[ latur, t ICIAL LI ES te of «ri F, ln O.îklà lot.. t VýIl,.t orth 3t,,<a A Nacoi loit C: ;m burti I',i 1919 Fels Naptha Soap 5c Bar Turkish Towels lOc Jap Slippers 10ec Pair Granite Sauce Pans lOc Granite Kettles 10e Sunbrite Cleanser 3 Cans 10Oc Swift's Pride Soap 5c Bar Misses' Hose 10Oc Pair Crockery Complete Assortment White and Decorated Special Lot High-Grade Silverware Each 10Oc Clothes Pins 60 for 1lOc

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