Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 May 1919, p. 13

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LERTYVTLE IPENDENT. TRURSDA Y., AY1191,9. - qeW MRAD CLEAR TIIRU AT VOLIVA iors Of Legisiature Who ère Passive Before His ài Have Changed Minds r IS "FAKE" RELIGION., latire w'îo liae 4 ctiti "pfroin igiiehi.thait the '/ion t'lty inrea- iosassuinei a fýri ifferePnt an- Ili the IlOUFe andi Snat- afier l a isued tis fnriatal deli and hi. l erons ;litft -rm atnldrf-ased tlo the 4aioras who, ivot-i for t he b reati. ~ip ndl 1h' î'î n plltt'ti b thoae à1d nît vote for il. .13ording to , rnfl n -aof th<e log- ý>ts ther -r~. e a lit<of omen ln - egi'lttit-4 ho ill iot f.,.] s t he tli% 'stigattîn ',h,ild he pIzed< In faicî, the%. a'su:ned r aiio n.;" ' -lngtieitral. How- 5tt~r t ii i t r and the tlf-iet' 1, t z;ti(--tht-n they -have .1n iîtiillth:0t,:' h ir'. "tgation -~teds .' 'I t,- îoa.r hi-it ut, i..r A'.- :4'thisitmai- ate t.t rfi'. tirr ot consid.r. joklit. ,:, rth, part of othi'rg eiai.- ,of tth..- it o vperina, Inîe.tte.,.',..r ,rs ttit tt,.. cool <or-t la'trc, the faite on if Z/ ri covaiA,-cordingli nîrttir r,'. , - e ng okuit i.' the-ti1t , v, ,, > ùa, ti pick out oe t'aI. i -othet s 1'-I t,. a-. îxpî'cted to ZIîî'rt . , ,rt tir r trelgionL -UP to I ' '!'w mn n anth' gbilli Ili, t 'r ihait inmu' lAI LISI 0F REAL ES TATE TRANSFERb t e o'Titie, Titi. Ouarms* *WIC T."- ni M'duPhone 4 F ,,.,ished by UGO i.~e spt'?R1USTCO p.,tre I " ,%j,,rgarr'I., AlWn .c 1<, <a,hitwn.hîî,Q. V' sie ciad,a. ait..r,- kandmi spe to la V il f arir a r's -, and t;bock torth ta t t, ' \'. 1) lr..' Aý Jaaini 1r t,> .John K r--tsch lott C:rwt' 1,t1,t C; tblockI< l'i obmrtri l'î ,\"r tat' hicag.iitîed ,R. i t r, 'troat K a. tui-r.Ia< end in N\F i Seý-,,Wa icon sn'ra C 7 >n.'nîmv w a rr .îrlat t 1). leur,' loti-.Cnd! 7 Mliii :;L.eox iivt'.,,î N,rr trt tîti( go. W. 1).hi fi. Y",îta."rrai ifrie Jw.itob liil and it, '4ý' , t 2 taoat 9 'ýoo Ij.idaýs Nornit, Sidf til)Sri, <a'il kn. W ti$1 tat vi ,tMairi vK \,î'a i 1 111alii"ý ah-1t, ri.2* aP S -'l;4,ftt i toc'. i t rt' ali'! ' pite , Il. W. es, t1 ';1,i r', i S V 1 , 'etC. 3 i ild îtî it' tri1, Mit lIoi VETERAN LABORW1IEN IT RIT A LEADER INJURED PERSONALBLOW, IN NEW YORK( CRASH IT IS DIFFÈRENT "Search and Seizure"" Law is Made General, Disliked by Dry Legisiators. WHQLE BILL IS IN DANGER. Reprenentattve Thomas Grahamn Z who was ln Waukegan Friday, de- cires that lt la his beli"! that the S.areh and Seizure bill, which i.' now before the states Iegislature wili neyer bc qassed. When ti bill rame - up for a reading recentiy. it pro-1 vlded that the Se.arch and Seizure privilege should appiy te state officers but that they cou.ld search and mptzp' .SAMlJILGCKWPeP only aucb places as hatela. restaur- New Yor, April 27.-Samuel (;Go. e nta, former sahoons, and places fi pers.' prealdent American Petieration that cha rteter where it ia supposed of Lator. today was hurled from an hiuor la. heing aoid. aVtomobile when the machine colid-d 'Reprenentative Graham au4 with a street car. lie ,wax taken te amendment however. which pr.ovi'icd his home here, sufering from conu. that the Search and Seizuie tri' ileg,- sies ad racure rbe.ThevepTti.shouhd appiy to any Justice of 'be aboer leader, 69 years old, bas been Pae hrf n osal,.t, n busy vl,'tuiatiy every minute rpine e udaise appiy l n10 ae n h i return f rom (hp eace conferen ce tate where, thesé officerra feit hr be sought reaxation ln a rîe.wax reasonttetr aite search. The accident occurred at Broadway This amendment causeti bitter anl and Forty-first street. toganism aon.g the nieml4prx of thç- flousa wlio were urging the passaro of the aw whtcb provIded for Selzîîre REALTV BUSGINE88 RISK an& S&rch in certain places Even1 _________many of the dry advocateî4 in the A. K Boer. Ast. ScrearySf>Houe@, obJect.ed te Reprpmentatire I A. K Bowc, sat Secetay S ,' rahm's amendment because Il curity Titie & Trust.Co. wouhd Include houses. etc. The ques- Business of the Recorderg Omlce for tion among thé wet members wa.a. the week endidig April 26. 1919, Did thie dry men>hers feair that their Number of Conveyances. 1P). hompes aise might bha searched ln fthe Nuinher et chattel moriages. Il course of development?' Number of trust deedm and m<rtg- agea. 27. Ijecause of the conflicUing senti- esNuberof rrn an nay dechrg.ment among the legisators t ia now o!a7.n ay s'iaî believed that thie Search and Seizure, 'roWnumbr oýins truenut feature o! the Iaw wilh lie ciminated. 155.I One of the big arguments againsti Of Jens, $1900. the bill ie tbat It: twouid open up auchi Total aMount o as 694 a wide scope of queetionahle lnvealti- Business has been quite bris'. and loans aixove the average. gation; ln other words there are sec ThefolowngPr th mr, imor- Malyuncruulusmen who would Thefohowig ece heus e thia law sa a pretense for mak* ant deais. ln earches of homes etc. whpn In, ln Waukegan: Waukegan townglhi;î 1reIng s e igthven ra ilthScheeh District acquired tewaee etiktâ hr a n jewison and Hoey propertiesoonn he retythey lhthven cao eaâtcorer ackon od 'ae ing orn hr ea~tcorer ackon ad Wr.'ing'în Itlai reporled that recnthy on the St.. for indicated $5500. oborder fin~e of Virginia a band of Jas. J. Jemison bougbit a -,i foot lot federai omcers baarded a .iieeping at northeaat corner Jackson a nt: car and began searching througb the Wahington et». from C. E. Jacktfoc, berthp. cegardleas of the occupants. nominai consideration. They were feeling about tjie bedd- Jas. Caaban boight the Jo.i. T. in&. etc. uw0hetwnien passengecp, Parkter bouse. on we&t aide North A'P were alee;). using as their defense, near Frankine St. foc indicated 7,10010. the fact that they wece, operai<ng Wm. R. White and wife bought nrer te Srch andi Seizuri la«s J fev.S. W. Chideter bouse on soth 1hi= h aliowed them to folaw this mide ('iaytoii St,. ni-ar west St. for methoti. Tho question la, does a 113f00ý Search and Seizure law, give even Jas. çaiahan bought the Ntary K. federal offiis authoritY to Inter- t'îaloney pesînt e pýpecty ont wes( fere witti peopes personal privilegea County SI. Just north of ('or! Avé. ta this extent? for $Z200. Chrkstian Lars.en imugfit the ileter AfiG LIES . W. Peterison los on eait sidi- WaînlOw Ave. f-r 'ndicated SI -A-icoh R. Simmnons. Lakte Zurich. 42 In Lakte Forest: .%argaret (-,,len te Bessie A. Norton, saine 38. ceuveyed ber place on south piie lRoy (0. Johnson, .M1iwaukee. 32 ta Marle Aie.. east of S',criti Road til Carrne Giesier, samne. 34. Wl inejed F. ltihie> for ngnriîiil con. Leo. H. Flinn, Mtiwaukee. 23 t t siderxityo u ciiedif ett refle Forster. Appeton, Wia.. . ln Highland Park: Theodore Chas. V. Johnson, Mlilwaukee'. 43 licheurman soid to MaY S. long 1 lots t0 Delta Markiey. seate. 38. *PNV south»sticrner ltancailn Avv. Sai'.stion Tarantino, Milwaukee. 2', Iand st. Johns Ave, for $3,500 euhtjet b I Theo Porter. cabe. 20. t ll to encumbrance; aise 7,lot>. on West Robt. Molhn, itenosha. 30 <Ele ,j tide J'.dson Ave. north or IRoger Tagge, saine, 24. 17' f,11)tii, 1 aWiIiams Aile, for $5500 i IIICa' ta W. Ilskinslo Ma K I encut> brance. atso a lot on i4i M, t W i71i,'kn t.'hîttieî' J.udson Ave., opposite Kinîaid St. 'or - 11- <o'. atiti v~ n$1 $1500 subjecitoeencumbrance. Il le wsip.tî N%" st1). Esi$e1 tIn Newport:. 1 e Roy liptrieyer P. NotlutI,!oct. -'t ai ot Folbought the C. t). Foter and C . F f5iliNrtii k e Watgnd.ol W111mrth:10 acres iln sec. :12 foc in- $1.I dincated $5000. o ,<f N 'i F4tcn P Notan. ln Grant and Avon: Everett IL. liot..antt1rI04ck Stpee anti (Orvia and wifp bought the Anea nibrisau atktli. tet McGowan facm of 209 acres ln spcn. 12 and i3 Grant and secs 7 and i,3 c olt ttiaii atand . ri- t te AenLakte Villa for $17000O. r ain] aire,< lot1 litici{:; .'î l n Wauconda: Naomi Mandiess Highlandsri th,î Chit-ago -b.oubt the eGo. .. Vasey farm in secs 03100. 2 and Il for $2000 subJect to encum- G. tFulton and fie ýuo .tteph, brane.- tis and wlfé'. lots 16 and 17 bloc!, Hugh W. Hughes tîought the Ernest ashtatrn Park, Nortth Chicaigo. i. Hughes farni o! 12tt acres -in SIN - $1.'/ sec. 4 for nominal conshIiiration. J, Tasey and wife tu Naunu! Me' __________ tees, tralct ut land ln secs9. 2 and auconda tus nship. t)eed $2000. Psychol@gicaliy Tested. W. Peterson and %% Ife to Chitiait Psychoigicai tests are 'iing use4j lot -. and S 14 lot 6 Waln- by te Uuited Stat e eupoyiuent serv- ilt . ti f S Jackson St.Wt icile in New York ta id ln determnining the miork for wbhch o'ppicint, are beat .. )ý$1. 'Otted. Rogers and wife to A F eant- lot i4tlttk 1-2 Waahbiirn Springs egan. Q. C'. $8. ____________-- ritither H-at Odd Motor. From Many Kinde of k*. ja An sngilab engineer bias deieti;e y kinds o! buî'k are ntiu ,bd oiIlnovei forru of rotary îîoîor lis'.iii tour cylnderg ihat operate Inside tht fature paper. heides a UBBbladea of tfii propeiler. The propvilief bean stulits. pa vines, ceoa* Ibladeu are iîde of mîetl mm the et- eloaver and bay, MmW trq 1 bhist Issues from the entds of the eeda, sen weeds *a m w là Miale,. of pases.1 M. Swaneffn, sanie. 28. Otto Roeske. Chicago, al(o ta ld Bler, aime, 49. Ben -Moore, Milwaukee, 27 ta Effie Caihoun. sanie. 70. Frankt P. Richter, Miwaukee, 21 ta Densie M. Carpenter, N. Freedam. Wi.,18. Wihie Hlardt, Atheirs, Wîs . 214. to Freida Hardtanims, IIL John Kolanda, Milwauiee '10 ta Anna Kuchier, same, 21. Chas. R. RiceMi. Union. Ps., 25 to marth& Bake, Portage, Pa., 21. jo@, Machak, JoU#«, 23 ta eauline Jefers. Waukegan. 18. Piston Ringp.1 Piston riq&^ of wtich millions aie used yeariy. akre-abapeti by centrfugtp action troinmalnien metailu the $Pea, cieil oacehuîe of DeLavaud. Iu testn Couhuitlanpiveruity, il bas been ahawn thîît ihese rins are net only mode faster thon by other methods, but re actualiy stronger and more resiiic'nt thon rings of the anme c.jemhcni coma- position coqt In senti. The mîscroscape reveuls a* more uniforrn and Or.e struicture. "hY Tues t. Eat In prayer? Thie scientist whhhllau you liaI prsy.- ing wiih the face townjd tiie qast sememi rom acient *woruhp et the suI~. Unu wogsbhpers. starti OC . on t M t i lii, woui4Ç hurn tOývài' -the ritg gof to prsy for guccee.--Cliiesgo Amen. co. Curtains and Draperies to Make the Home Beautiful1 Yoîi i liI ind our (if signer ready with suu- gestions anid assistaniî on anv îîew deeorative s'heîne you îinay ha\é e and wilI be glad to show~~ yoit lhowvthcernatciî, wil! work ont andi nionize. WE GIVE Z.W( TRADING STAMPS a122 Be.çt sSre - On the 1)*th hot'e WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS Your windgw coverings and hangingwgive charact er to your home. Nothing sùggests harxnony and good taste more thu the proper draperies and curtains corr ectly placed. There are' many e ideas in, ouîî Drapery- Deîart mencît foi' everv homeit, anitd tiîiplc ocssu't iîeiits jîîst at this time offcî- îet-tlle'ît chance for ailctindiilin îîîanîvcases at s ee jalI a'i ces. Curtains Wovýen to Fit Vrour Windows Have you wised for that beautiful, straight, perfect fitting efiect that is. uo saart in window curtains? hen corne to our Drapery DepArtMent and see the new "'sectional panel CUrtainB" -curtains wom.n to fit your windows. Mlade of fil et ne-t wtii \ittislte aiid uniu inîhgtu .tres votît k inet i ndow lenhi , thI l bî . wdt1h tonit.,ia of ta nelst i i.i i der jlist the' amount (if aniels sou necd. Pt icitd t the panel- 69e, 1.15 and 1.25 17 Quakerirat ut inti s o'.<f sci y fine tiltt'.'mwîhf il niii'd(Idge8 of finBla -.hosî i .hhad< ilh ) t2 Os '.4tktured at the vs n 95c, 1.25 a'nd 1.45 Curtain Nets A. neNN lot tif t uî-t.îîi îu t-' ut whlite' and ceain, slinwing s'ei'tý ilevei' deisignis.niet' qualitv filet, \,i-v% itînlex-at cly priced at yard 39c and 59c Marquisettes 25c Spe(-ially pri'ie'd aie fine net'- Velrîzet i iaiquisettes, 40) juches wide. These are 40v qualities; t-Ittite at the vard 25e Cretonnes. and Sun- âÉà,fast Draperies Cretonnes are gaining in popularity for the reason that they are usable for so nsany purpos- es. For hanginga covering boxes, sofa pillows, slip overs for furniture and for so many other Puroes where a handsome and durable fabric la wnted, cretonne meets the demand admir- h)e.hzd ini ail the desiralA' pat ter-us anti colorS, iiîailiiditig dul faîv'd dcsigiis, and our Drap- er-v'Sectionî shows a vers -oi ~'eselcetioxi at t lus time il id"'ue raniget'f ni i'e"at y"' vaiti 39c to 1.50 Wlicî'c drapertits are subject- ed to Stî'ong liglit, the Sunfaist ki nd air' falnît st inî, and aiethelicnost, ceonoutical ini poinît of ser'vice. >4ree xt'elient nîileî-s ai' lie iinlîaîîdsoine eoloiîigs, îniceetiat yard- 1.50 and 1.98 A. bit ttf diakpe "v silk 'tsili 't'toî' wvoîideu's at t' ltt)t i. i' wjiliw. Thes'aire ;îlso vvervdesiriahie for1 ni-kilîg I;illp Slladts anitit iiiY I ltad. in st tî bît t'aititîll olni'inigs. Fî'iîige-,t-a iatt'lî foi'. îak i ug lamip sliadvs pîit'cd atyai'd- 79e to 2.69 Fine Marquisettes Oflu imuîs 'ii ~iiîîîaî quî'-. tt's inlellide a gînd l'ange of vi tlesi-îibie pattil-ils and iéte tllalt ities.. NIdevmatelyiv'ii'e<iat tht' ktaid- 35c to 75c StQre Furs in Cedar Cbests aiioi ci, titthinig j<i, ofiiore --Nl't' thait nuit' of t lisl(S hi iilii'i"e ai i- atitiva tisfiedand Several Prices to Choose From Shirt Waist Boxes Sottî er' h i" uaittifi t.Iiit %waist boxes aie ou disphlav at tlliistitiîeý,;tid -it. prdiat'~tives. (li1ose t'îtîîu t litse uov t'-ed %vi tii I a ilitstill t] e 't- tonne,(W tittil îi(ýinit' of ijiaitie, witii nîlatt îig 't'tti'iiigz and there aie newt Onet' wtitli a t.ashaiblt' ctvel'uhig 1l h iýýt ttgll,titd dei'-gns. $4 to $7 THE MAY SALES NOW IN PROGRESS BR[NG SAVINGS 0F THE MOST WORTHY SORT ON MANY KIND8 0F . QANISE, PARTICUL&RLY WHITE GOODS, MUBLIN, UNDER- WBAR, WOMECN'S ID MISSUS' COATS, CAP 11S, BUITS, DRfSSF58 AN]) MILLINERY, Hos- IERY, ETC; AND) 19 EVERY INSTANCE YOU ARE ASSURED OF MERCHANDISE O~F TE M&OST DERprbDA»tM'E KIND. Al ali svasons of 11.11 thleve arle sîeeia I vall('s ini Alî* r aperv niaterials 'of tt i aot are to iw seven'n <i.s- iîlav throîîghnuit the I )Du, Sewing Tables Panel Screens We have jîst îecoived soinie Vrvi-l -ii( ar h' s very elever stsewîîîg tables ad- pwsîe s jtîtUaved on apted, foi- stiti iarlors aund î Th>îy rl.eî, panel style, hi 1- porelies. Soli Oztk-; also îigs r .1eolesm.ilrvr fillisbed w~ith i i (t(>nflh ttil3gs. jzd îîîatt('îals ini dîfferi t Three stylves for thoosing, atn t olrs pives 111) front- ùmh- $ .5 4.60.and4.65 $3*1

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