ML 2~4t ~3. Lt'. y 2e<» YouýÉJ-b (s Not Fin ished I tntil YOU Put Him Back in His MOTHERfS ARMlS Froni coas to coas Of i//h' grea pati ent alhlX'Pous, eatge zvomeililto z) sit beside' ulîcir windowzs watching, waiting e with- every, dollar to corne, that -you you 'iOU know your obligation to the meun mho rest under sta mcd soul, and( the blood- vou know yotir duty to to' \ho flo\Vstand gt 'id on -the think of the mie, Rhi le. Can you or dare to look the other in the îace, if you . falter in your full duty in .the -Victory Liberty Loan. can spare may play and al your part in many thousand homes- mother and Son-wrapped in you can save in the that divine drama of s0 each other 's arms. Victory Liberty. Loan -Com'mittee This space, contrbuted b>' The First Nationak Bank, Lae County National, Bank Libertyville Lumber Company' W. W. Carrol& Sons Company Paul MacGuffinl W.eFranzen Jr. &hbanck Hardware Company ny rLL. Subscribc months Witnesses Who Admit one Thing Out of Court, Switch Stories Later on Stand. STATE "IUp AOAINST IT."1 Auybody who thînhs It in eany hall- lng te prosecute a liquor cas, vould have bis thoughts dlsallutionled If he could go Into circuit court and hear some of the évidence and then note the oltcome oi the prosecution. À forcerul Illusstration ofibtis nit. nation developied iu the trial of George Sheldon n of Forb L.ake whoiu tk lmr on F'riday found not guflty onr the charge of seillng booze coum trary te the law. For Instance, it las ald of ShMdon that he can "detoent a detective" fiee înft5esa way asid that il; why the states att)iirev', pifice never gets a evidencoa on hlm through the efforts of sle-uths. For instance, Tt bas heen reported that Tast sommer, the stato'. Attorneys office, havng a report that gheldon vas selling boozé. sent a. detective to'his place who pretanded te be a clgar nalesman. The fellow fenta a hunch of cigurs in Sheldion at a vpry l0w rate and then speut aev. eral days about the place. dsin1g bunting. etc.. hut neyer once vas ha able to huy a drln". rfrom Sheldon. He admttted later than Sheldon gave hlm seýveral1 drinks but insisted that he haît none for sale. Walked For Mles For Booze Nov then in the trial In circuit court, one man admltted tbat ho walked four miles te get to the Ohel- don placé but vhen auked If the drinks ha hought vas beer, ho lU. ulsted that it vas not: that le vas merely near-beer. Tt vas the first Umie thabat ~iody -bas eveZ be. heard to admit that they would wraik tour mlles tu gat a drink of neur-beer. Perjury Mày Corne Then thpre vas another vtesà who testîfted' that ho had flot beau at the Sheldon place Inside of twa years. This man, It la said, betore the grand jury testiflod that ho hait purchasad a number CR drInks nt the Sheldon place wtthln thé liait ser- eral months. Tt le even reported that sttes qAttorney Welch lq havlng the grand jury évidence wrltten up and that th( man In question may ho Dro- secuà*ed <n the charge oi parjury as ha was under oath 'wheu ha teatifieit before the grand Jury and se aise when he testlfled In ffie triai. RIs statements hefore the grand jury and circuit trial vere entirely contra- dictory. And then thore vas another case i.lw a bov or 17 years tbld of gel- ting I)oze ntthe ih"do'sbut when lt t a ltth,, point of ia kfng hlm wlbat cmunty til' y thlidon placo wae locatd in. h' t 1-d a ,'iid(,n lapse of ri"-and rui lot nlze the ans- Sliatil j'Was jin rgkp County. "Ii s's" ', vld 'awas strickea *ýuw mat . s's n , i t w .î declare.d. *h i h t.' bots-C on t s T t Io. e,) t drun'z. They adl "Fi" .~. h s ' s' at n " i b Ier of wi' ll I )v i,' j shen the que- Ll1)13 mtr' t' ith -inybodv.?" la ,qOutî ont u a i îO as.the reply in) Thun when trhe wtnass la ýpreseed. ho ssually admîits that hé talked the case.o1.r lt'tithe uX "sattornley, or If the proocito' w'aii questiofllfl, him, IL would be thé attorney for the other sIde that lie bad talked mat- ters oir wIth. Thus the vitnesa la placed In an einbarrasslug position and bis teaiimony challengeit, bocawie Tt la proved that he did net adhere te the truth when ho said ho hait Dct talked inatters over vith anYbOdY. This la a common emrrrin ail hinds of quesUionIng accordlug to local ai- torneys. lu other rwordls h hla a P, vbch vsry 10w perscua ma nage btes«PO' whpen calledIt u a heurlait. Hard To Conviot "Ilts the tact" said aoaty offialal 1"thal people vîli :île more abOUf booze Ihan ajytlng la the 'Voit Why you'Illaveu gel a tlghtlaced'd&Y on a jury and evanwheu théeeTidence la dec1sive, yonl set a votdJécf Otac- quittai hall the tirae. It bas boots proved-that Tt la aext fa Impeeui1l te get a booceS.onvictlion lake County no'malter vbat thé . eece *It seema te ho jusf the case vbre --Od