rYYl= Kifl$p lWT TIMAT., YIt 1, 919. ~fltan 'Real -- btum. udoeai aie mmg pu l1blesi IbIL SCI*AN.KHARDWARE 24 CespurPoW 1 per cent d ovib otugS-. W. hm1 bue 0aal 8 tot. fe " et. je "d Omis aUvlpià.. wli e-i «0 Pajion fo 025wu erss4 10 e eurey fH rpirded . E*fs Fo mie but P4o checke ad r"C ncash.4 ta s mmv. Comitails Fm . ORMAN p . b' SEÈ5bS $SDS Langworthy's Vaniety Store BULK AND PACKAGE SAIE HIGH GRADE BEST MONEY CAN BLJY Coine in and Cet a' Catalogue_ 0-0--08 -88 - u u - -S PIRE PIRE!! FIRE!!! CHIAS. -D. PROCTOk REPRESENTS THE N[ H MII[ lREINSORABC OMA 0OPK]["CHESTER. Which hba upwards of three bundred and twenty policy holders in the. Vinlage of Libertyville, DLI Our rates are as kw aà the.lowistL W. cun tell pour assurance as cheap as unyone Our Ioumm Are Promnptly Adjusted and Paid having settled bses for the following satisfied poficy hé'ldere: Collne & Doane, Harry C. Gleas- on, John Welch. Steve Kostial, Tho.. Rusa estate, NIa. Nelie Speckman, and John Cole, who wil veiify our statementsa s to oui prômptnesis and. liberal aeflementa. The New Hampehire hue over seven million dol- lars worth of aseta, ia aound, aolid and reliable. Let us figure with you when in the market for Fire In- surance Any information you may want to know will be gladly furniahed by the compuny or théir agent ut UhertvilleHL CUlAS. D, PROCTOR Phtone 134-R Ubetyvlll., 111. I blOeo- s Holstein 801 on, Laie VIý oi la I douaia liiibéeia> Ms sga &P. propriatim ci *» *tiusmni douven1 Ttvmê1 pa e mmen toIus feir liq ae fIl nu i> 1a abt »s perslmiboaibe.., mon viiib vogitg #» 1cm Ot>'a"i Overee give. to duuppimbblel hmbt.ee.eveuVOUva. Itlm rOM ot Wthé criOr 0 Om or Mrms tb@elvu of Lbot- scond 1091l"g.1 vill tewaiuip, t le a siorsail'sami Ers. Yterlio E.LDapetvile otmc UMitiiel>'tblulg tWdo nad mi a crtain Comm&UmDt, 'iiai tOust Liee liai » oue vie @tops b thlmk viii do ina UalUnis>' 10 laieup ber iedMes Iibut tie e... la b ome peopebe.vlbe saa.Mn.Bse aiet do mot TD3INK, or "cie 'do ot c M o ~te ti.stti o bnSt. Lois. GAR. S a m 1iss.I amîto mi tis esaI bun.- n vieillot ber tam the. laW viiibbrougitta opIsi&e!alt ny. prijy tisaIpie vau la. Nev I b m i Mf l t e n a p p r e h e e d l I l i st e t ,c l u o , n e i e n s i t i asud »Jueom o sée, or kuova, of cm>'- PRenAdllrBi Bamel vas &board the oui dupling nbbieis(in the iighvaye, Ua.Aute*feo h viii enter a compl6ulthe guilli>- parti . .Us. slivfefli viii b ape.iii dsaieivtb. o andeoeesi n.. aoftheautull EL. DAVIS. Dugiva, Comuliaonr ipbcearedl0fiellai 17.2 Chaptar ofthle Navy Relief Saclet>'. imot. Uberlyvile, 1"1fayot ompulir>' militmordeue$or mmnof 19 on 20, aui se.n put ibem la reerve for ton peam." offiwe et Ormet I.akee-mr. Interauis sa andimg noomimi plie. tu Ubertyville rho are bdentaietai bStation. elyWfllmbaeihdI lmlt«bba ..,n nemm - voeld pofnteo me bore hem teot# te 0"lui em lme lat sverevodei I ufflman Arlc 'A uAm mue deelttg te futl OOUN6 boumse. on lam wwiido veil la e.uimusb t i MealguC. IL Browa, Public Woikseg, Grest [aie. Lieratevlliviii coee te pvipletif Lieylroi md ive Ibome w patroeu ::::::;î:au: Imsi ai lie NortbvuitenaLime a, Lake Bluff.I High Sh otes F Report carde yen bmw FeIdapi t Th. Dotan>'dm t0pi a trip ta rim Wnga ood& T.lusommg u t s e"rc ai Rouenrt. f oiL Pie sannsail lititut ob of untp is vin boaM, ia' (imeClub adaoi W, C. TU. wviihobohll met Wmkmiegaa our t bl eiooel o.uico. M. Fnldap, MW hi. %*et@#s i tonWlksr ls oactisia l bb " veail tmk o'cioci la hesrlb moiis. bsis viibau Aàmevbook cMWii"PieéDine loyue ozeculiv esionfollovel by à, pisais b> Henry VaaDrie bas boen adai 10 luncheon. Pie mtesmae"os viiiobour ibtac>. almuet miuiel>' evotel b lbn pilacipiee Ph. boys are 5111 prMtllg treci ami speakers of -te ocSià. Mise Rughe a, buibail. viso va echoamlinl te aUSrlbthe bt. A beembali ga«» vin b.pho t vI tag hem bsn benIl i an ruogage. Antiocis, Pridey, May 2" oa otlidl Goronea.Ionational proslleaa ni île The Enghé lssl lmes b ave eclied to W..T. U. viii peilu .,plac. Tiser, MasOI!thlBSbakuomeanploa w blci vliaimbatali bylgiho FruecWii. v10i1b piami là lbcia>' beginlug lard lgmg, a chinmsmtude.t of Noth. 1 a, 5ti h. Tbeyviiiprobubi>' mes Wesern Uiveroit', viso viii 1mnIof '6mcBti SAs lb>'bave Just Inlsised Chiem estemoaamiWII..Thîs teeamr. 10 muding htimlancies. bo Bu lnteresting meting andummoptou The Junior Prou bat IMdnida night Librtprille mniviciait>' aneplanning to aa decIdd asue. .Pie atage vas attend. .airansiorued Into a, pcurisqu.e pnlng* ouie ~enn Jm With the many houehol eme always needed at this time of year, we are wèU preWaed to supply you.,, Table Ololth white and oolored; Bh*. OlSheli Paper, Drapery 5and0Comp forter Cretonnes aUCI 'Chal4 sOUtin Nets, Marquisettes sud Madraà%Oerrp MatriasCurtain Rode, Toweling and &Il sorts of Household Linons.e W.' W. CARROLL & SONS Co"", Phon. im29 DO YOUR MONEY MATIERS Lib-rtyvlle N WSSOMETIMES BOTIIER YOU? fi you knowlof an item of loosi intere st, kindly'telephcne No.i 1 ------ ----- ....e..Oc~ E. A. ibop vals a butines@ caller la J.* Kil Trimai sPen% Monday la Wauke. gardas. b8vli.g apir.k and gr,,i aIste When you have notes, bonds or mortgages thai Chcago Nqndap alternoou.e. tenoe ,flýrV.ovu oi'th jirtiluial pple ae de n o aet ee hmc Sorti te Nr. sud MNs. J. BSoly (ie Dr. 'laplor @peut Nonday aiternon ln blossiono and blu1ird... The lghtsar du, ndyu hv to eew hm on Ndonday, April 28th, a daughter. the Cty. ver. iti-otattd a..îh .pirk ax,.l grPn collet thelTa and reinvest thernoney, ndti HeDry rotb, alemman for Wilaon & Mie Mlldred EKulîsior nient aturday Iamfp u.dew - end the or ' cLotr& ae omtm otesoe Ohms, ruently sbld!aàFord tourlng car lu Chicago. Socil ao werofpInP nti lo8 ran to C L Cwy. enryVickrmai le ulbeserluslyIlithe >e~t of the eve'nlng to 11:30 was 'Do o know ht'eakeni cu q"ç àtDorati lMcLaughlin ai Chcago, vîtt pnemnies, agent ln danclig The mu@-e . outhtweîufunr- o sç was tb. Ruentmilou MsFlorins Loues , vr1Mr. anm .Jo.. Hutchtngs s"ntte lob.ed jby a ibree pime .orchetre tron matters for cuatomers wholly free of chan&e tb. wek-end. wekend la CblflSO. Desti Foreet. F~mpue wag sserved by the Min Helen épate o! Ch "gao, agent the MN. PRlitd, ,qg. MiIwaukee, l avit- Junior girlis. corne in and talk with one of our officers reg"w' veokmnt'a1thb.borne. of br oncle, lstmg MnLS.J. DdMlsin. ______ Charte. y. Sfla. Wllim Bbuba purcbaasd a Ford T13Î GIRLS 0F THE U. 8, A. ing this service.- It is a moat paluable one an Cose F. Smak la luIDPtttsburgh on ISolam trous Wfsoa & Ohus. b fgethl oy hans.e..le pect4 ta retura ta o ~O~ Obil b. mallons of France are cortainîy can b fpu epwyu «qvm&aatduEh.M Dooth Brown of EHtgbtand Park ti.MndM da Crololelslo&. AMsI i"kialV687 16eiiow il 81A. mmd is.Kivnd arril illi ~Thot the "vbat pou mer cdl il" Coiffure spc. &M*til dhlTbylorattheNicAllM let7d@i bhase sseured his robais vmY. boo BnwidebSa rot Uià.. uralmeb, orkThe First National Bank bosplaiIgma, 5o0I. io iamaymm ba remme hi vo ..put upthbeir bain lagrosaît, Mmom akei te me. o a l bmt rAeturmel owtedrilamitbey LbayilD DMUa.o4 LAbs nmb bwte misa'Ibe ibepe Jébsia Wit i-b W enarit listhe, i«YM I Omri 9»m 0 Lou fa. . 1c"Its. eavUs Iaudal iter a mosthe vin laua Frgmobpsors of vap. ué S. Uuibitip U'ai et51 iVl *,u% i. Amdisl t e t m le jole sopne girl, ESSURUS Ffl o VER TRAN RIEALIP4MILLION4 11011.4" te zilom Pak se TIhV 0F et m u. lUz sln spet ab es ne amTiieirlthélbU. S. A. wèsb. te adi lle hf br andve. t& v".woo hmb hi ter, MM ,JOo& Pa.MI t goNamgiaea Fmmchgirls tai, litre, iegal Kohout vwu sellib ls, c6106 wam~ Park. 1% OMIS l'us vomi c.tie Iparles vou," uautes, D4 c. eouaw t o nmi f Wleu. m. rs ?m o ai ne. êo a Bu t bse a~ etf peuh -lu .vep '-I7 tondrese £se a ssé« oitu cfWomli. ci kWMhlieru m bWBM Ilum@& M lbMurdarnea mole 1Div. 61191111 t"me t.aemis b s euob.OT*ers8v17 b q1w ni ar dho, U. Mgut DE.s. ohag baiIiUaUrdi .d l sar.A" l'v. a nal bte rmgar coe ieOm1dbdtmater Nana. Nomeb .chimsasobgtU iqlarl.14I isSp o n-lego 'il 4 :» N sllcrpèesriesté.M i cN0 , àelaè,mitr llape m n.a gI Uni. Emte Levaitbave ebrulle. vCe bSIa s 9".0. o subeilome to ne hl -oi bo. 1110 m&M daOt meve Ilfbth albTtor housse letCe*A" %bey m-us kOc 0vVisât 1 MY.. hulmbon S 4. eti vibal.etl asmmmlelhâsm go Chle. avea am]ai ibeeauprt.D l -ou0fIb grltht os titgtebhgo&srmn îl srv UM EtelTabr. tlb daughter c08 ami apm rtermelgo his houe la t My uslais ' - ouiltbmiwe lpW001 M for mmue4» evuitakes te *0lb *91K -m b bosa.re for mm ése 1hane mS a vord, but vro f pirate Suada,,Ma 4. ela r Tnpviiiboai aie u NiAiI1* hospiésil Uhdw On Clsr Huglie, vo le lae b alnmaFor lb e er lutin girls of France, *umda, sshool 10 a m. cordial lafflation le stei i Vis LaesAU »d$ oftw.IL L «*eo.4Pwtmt f d arywaedAmd i viiiacome.tbat 've bit a abnili 11 ..Pnem*bg. Tbs snuisa '5111Choir yUl Smat fSr ibas. ci a l l'aié evat Tf lb in . xew ami k iiiatter ota l siswo .A. [ b.d ithir âmNasen u, b.proemeibsi bp île Bey. MeGlmDh 0 rof hueaevmeab mi S Pui twune l , e84mtébv e Tsila o ciIslte fitvel.Bat 'vs ot baseImtaaprIssoerpet, cilcago. smeubns ur.m il$ bproloi. uttrmos. a, , I l boe n TheP 0"aii 9Wlevone entertelmel bAndi i Wb tthe da# .jp.umàlsg 8-00 p . Tople umnloi Can Gt ley il ssbrsnsti ime a ý go hbe u gWd.isla ve Thot 1 SM mlnplove ."Whese baun Wai Sttlg." se il ea go atlmd. tmg. fiIW bave limumi Itnvtalioifor a fMek ta lbose girlulmlb . IL A. (Cbtemm Endevon 7:15 p. sa. Tapie, Nus. L .P~oftIe r iold. No.,. Nis. daselàose i a ma May Pib. .--Our ailc.of loi. y. eervlg." Mt- C. Farismi of Suomer lovaa.» m re. Houari iagaruruiOcth,@ cocu.- 80UTMASTER PROGRAN 820:20-28. AllitaFou"iofni rwalake, vistae tr &y l t 6 m eboe of tbue 149th PreerMeting, Wmieda, ava. eous".,Mm..C. . Fltlubt Uatudo. FMsil AauylaitSundai m«mla te Tii Boy Scoute cf Amerhsa, UerpMa .Tp,"KmusoS(i"O Mia.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tw Poarfrsl lmdbr m ; om * t puet aCamp Mrritt. Newvville. Truop do. 1, wvi il ive lbtn play Mt Choir proseisFrida0p 11114mlNa il@ ,enaimberossibp masezof te lb jaillir.¶ - the Auditorium. Frida, eventmg of tla sMr. Nailson, ciqaisen. Relaive br hav him aules ailb mebas alon lie mdlng lbpri.ate Fire Girls, Camap Iletchum. Thsp bave -"The coutaiter," et tlbAuditorium. eld Nm birth of an egbt-poumd sou, Weles e OseilbrpMlofficiaIappra"iee bo put lnu ucis effort on tlb play. Frlip venime, Nap 2. Pai 125 ApnI ill. fin Me. »IM Et..BRimer Nit.ame oimg lbhevon ofappraiin lb eAST or Cn&mârEAMB- Pan U nuStU aI Spokame, Wib. mMNut iii bromi. George Meredith, Scout. Methodist-tpimopal. son ience - SMd 11 rouembrei ai NMmBlancbe De, i.a UbrIv bu bea "ila bin monter ................. Fomsiithlb veeviibbtd!usaI Buudap a guâau e e lleS former nedst of Lgbetyvlie. .5 or 'îdb upàs isive ~BUly,lbheflpy Trap . B..... obtI§ are ts .Kcnc eflo.:Sna ope.mtU M Iter. Mb lsEthyl Spriang, la vit babr analeonb i Moentsaitoec a pmar. TplisGeP RInkie, HRt*'Pro ,chool Mt 10 o'cloci. Norninu prsach- t 10 n. csBi -Lait Saturdal Ber. and iMre. Norgaon gentlemu enla, opronal proporty t« pnitor .................... Jak AustinIng i l uo'rioci mrmon bpBiey. Beau. durabl@ e. -prI elebraesi Ibeir eventh veddimg m=ai- aieesor. vbp ve have Do dc.bt la EIecher Trlpp, a HayeSd ... LD. NeCWan la tbe vgnlag at 8 a'cloek. Rer. J. L. a" ef 70U ulsOl Ygrslty. Tise Ladie' Aid aifise Preebp. aiwlva $MOUe. Simon Trmmler, a Croolcipit o -tarian chjpch prmeetedIbuvtsn Ti"Bieotam lb Whe Lavwysr:............Wilson Qiendort_____________ use for weate s beautîtul bumcb ai romsumd a gure. sud Front" are mcv aIdeby aide. 8. D. Nel- Biee a111pLve îe~t~lan o te eeedm»n>'otber gifls laclielng son moveti blébarber @Lots fransi I&for- Novai ....... ..Ra mond Lîniroth TU IO mevrai plecuisofeuilvervare trou varionls mer location t10theB utler bupding the Booster Jackson. a Worthleee LI LIIII DLflIIL I 1In efleyee mînbto l cnrh.fialaith vmi Ly img ii ncup Ngger................... Hobart Swva M..i1i~ 1 Frida>' aiternoon tor Ibe e a emtrak the building vàcated up Mr. Neloon. Frddter,......... ' ...AturGienegS'.URnnY AY 23ALL la unecelli I Due. .. Antbr (iîdenerg IUEVI, "Order yours tody* meaI blemt b Ivth o membre of the IThere wîli b a meting tonlght aIt th Teddy Sullivan, Patrol AGEIECAKi wdad»n#do tvo ilterarp Sleties of tlebihgh ochani. CommereillClub of tlb businsesmengafai ..aden .................. Le a Wlrond MmURT CAKi aja 005f -.w iUfe Ce The ayante vilii Imlude a hundrei yard Libertyville ta discute lhe probiems of 16 SeouU-14 Camp Fire Girl@. Etrns ns iS densh, tva lveatp yand dasea, poie aur greatest ned todejr' tbe building of SYNOPF,18ONL um RI00..MAN vaultimg. sai everai athens. Pau ahmmfrti epeat i uîu p Act i. lDoirr rd of the Eagie tiotel, lbry0%I Gta Beimaid C. a. Avert it ii oct as oi builings for bebues purpooes ThoaeBlîgviiie, &treouri. Fother and non. Ais. a Cemedi' offiiais. The melas cheduisi for 3:30 la no better lime tsmu lb present for tie Aet Il. Sriescemea The giost oi a au Lbertp Feld. erection oifs. e»efslntla. If pous are palierblounrdpups. Riuglng the bell. Intereeted la tbe projsca coule 1tiCthe I 111Rame sCano. TeBysotSUNDAY, lAY 5 BilsasWrghtl nilnraed borne Moaday CmecilThd upFreMoie RoyTic outa HRESCAKs evemImg, mter bavIuig passi a Pleasant Cmeca kl.adCmsFNMutes h rdglCALSCAKi wintr e SmDiego, Cal. He statea £The plowing demomtration arranged ls. 1ha1 If lbe tempermînre goî as l1vm 4 for b>' the Lake Cout7 Fan Bureau Tiie Camp lire Girls expeet ta ýse.II ~I- degres. ,people buttoneti up Ibm rover- vbici vas to houe ben place Saturda>' candi; at the performance and wmlii use HF QAMLG Costa tiobhll and expreemeti teer ai a May 3rd, has bae postponed untli May' the moue>' thep recrive for camping. DraypiPctcimpb sevsre viater. but for tsst matter there 101hs. At t ismusooelratoa Prof. E. A. Tuere %ulil b. on, or t wo dresle rheraa wers but ev das vben Il vals noeessrpWhite, o! the Uaivwdrsl01cfIllinois, viii during silo. yak. to Wean an overcomi aI &il. be presecut ad expimiathe ration@ sys TUESDAY, MAY à lems and itehee. M. Wapne Dimem.iore; ANNOUNCEMENT A staff conrespdetsrons tbaChIeto oecr.tarp of lie Percheron Society 0o1 1 uxpeet tu be bock tla Wukega erîpDOROTiY IY 01 in, mn of lb. 149 Artlllarj' vha rlved an Ili la rumored timlLbrtvlle Io goiig ing ani elling pianos. Sri 0. Aldea. the transport Leviation, 'tatunda>' tat have o theetre treain beflunaing viti Waukego!5. aidrese 807 Wasblaglon Bt. I ui gordlmg lio neceesit>'fan universel Sundo>'. May 4tb. ÏMThth. i train liaI At present 109 N. Edison Ave., Taups, 9yIiI(rifv ulltenp training. Arng the opinions teaves Cbflageta 11.80 sud goem as far Fionido. 17.2 SO 0FO u aa - quotas!vo oBalbhefoiiavlmg: iral & Deerfili. Itl lse g:eaI beaelltt "ASO 0 -AC Lieutenant Gu>' l. Lavrence, one of Ibe tlb people of tbis communit>' and ean b Thersa re bargane On The Inde- Fourti Epleode .io.a dina,..e... mm..ofSth ,.L. . .pend.a.nft'& advesne fl clumne... -- Sstuwduys O.ly 11 ZuIo 11 --gi ti