Lfl~Wi~T VILlA IUDEEX'I v r ~T. rT~U8SDAY, MÂY 1, 1919. SECRET INI>C- MENT COMI3S TO LI(iIT; SENSKII James L. Shaw was Id on Charge of Confidenuo Game. A. MEADE ALLEGED ViCT Tliat Jamq L. Shawwol nown n Waiukpgan an,,tba'h lAke County ,esperially i.n thé nlty of F~ox Lake where hé pro"o the sale of a large sujbdvision. ecretly indicted~ by the Lake 10" grad jury 'wh. rerorted April 14~ came known today fer the fOt ti when Shaw, together wlth hlm at nev, N. Emmet Or t C 01lc.pj peared ln circuIt court ln Waith today and made a motion to -, thé lndletméent. statueÀf Wétch, upprésmel thé Dast 09cf é, menti, at the.-Urne they voué ntm on thé ground that tiné Wâ' béén ludtéfl veré flOt -le« Th ecIme on which Sa dd a wae tainlug pl"mtvstv m ana .acoufidéné an, Thé Indctnent ésigés tOU obtained 8,Oot fmbil Ed 4 17 whicb ho la maid te, bu tme mon«g teck ulacé 1374 iý t -,*ttoeuy 1.K.Orvis UEl.tfej hton té thé attention oii.t»uet tom«é. ,uauùtlg 12t.16"9.. thé itltunt 11Wl Pf- i om fa a il céutoey Détroit 311m. neDM 1», 8 PL". h la mai. mu ate -- - Property. au flree ta"à q Mim for hics bmueUs iW tInt Oclâso m " h.vffl tact that thé I*ke o dome go. Shaw ltefl %P bI.Wê a boud for tbé faihffli ét hi@ daty but the char" dubS bond lauycothtéés. à tractet oclia taiIylmn chamél noir Dtroit. it la go& the chargé la -that it olt n 1 thanthéesmn Sbaw in alete10 coflected.-It la al he bau métRés0 to give su accountllg. LFM LI6ITLY-REAfll NTIST Çofios .fu spirit of The' Bonds material How they have sold Bo'nds and how they have bought them! And now that the Victory Liberty Loan has corne, they will work and save once more, And let every last man stand And ow they have kept the 4 houlder .le with these faithl, Hoiw they haVe given their women a j-.ee that the Victory boystheit husbandsi their brothers! debt is paid. Victorr Lilberty Loari Copmitte lii, .p.c. eotibuted by Fouds Millng Company WFs About 'Silent' John" Clèws to $1600 Stolen Lh. erty Bonds at Gt. Laket. "Bilent" Johnson. a cook at Lakéa gol a number of putty ojzfflts ait exclted Sunday when le d4lm hé kndw whoe the $1660 la m Liberty bondse.. etolén froue tis ti Ltberty bonds. stolen trom the Relief could ho found. H.eééU tbemn trette one huea rock ce laie shore, than to anOthén. WW great effort tbe pusbtd «a d rocks--to dm4 nothlng. ne <bu teck them to bis kitobén vlan I lnélsted they mml * bc ééhlnd I stocke. They inére flot. Thé C.7 0. Anally inaitél: "Say wIat t%*-m "Bilent" lnterupted bhlm, bréae Inte tond wails. JusttuIfe" a Ileut ant entereI. He beard the story andl thint 10 "Sitent" te healquartera te, maltehm eiplain. Doctors examnaIhlm. "jnat crszy. la %iv, "ther MIsali locked hlm UP., Hdyit nd. Pr k $Pil Au a'w rommane là Im& »Mm of t*é me« imam M a. Efanc HaeflM. 41 et and i M d* listé bém I. Park*c, s tS *»»véé la DIKAlis.Thb alb héo st secrét MM&ha* Déutro I M et l s t 1 éIcI jné,Ifflteo omlàg te 3gt The ére indlà A trhim.010 Normuai Scient a" hbemba at xigblhiP- th wîs thor" th" <o a occupylns aIA ttalui fi uW lthe doctW le We reverence the America's womanhood. they bought were precious, sacred thirigs to thern. They feit that -.every Bond- was si ent, proof that they.could fight too.