Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 May 1919, p. 8

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'i ~lsw visi or I.y 0-fp e bu m.Pmoriaa. oi 01 b. enttm,canipalgudi ave llérs.ttmgtalla. Preoue otee an. t»IwiT. cor. lag 1Aps tbhe b."inaet theebureh me jobwo I . are9 iupper ia the boammaint. i e asl.m. Whi i isa d i. eclvIg congrala. t-o-s cf frianeonbis usarifflesut1 w.imssvIoi Wmisseush or poudu Lac.i LAetaiAmloch, Pe,. Father Lynch oB"t.1 »mlon» ipitor hmbe. g The morte« Idcuros at tb. abureb leu$ Mmd Mre.WliersatuaGIIiSevsins ver noathmci .Joy.i lais Satrday. that plane baessem m&. W bave thni as been IliIle np sud again tht. veà Saturia1 si git visa a .bliver mai botteasowwvIiil. 4 givu mai, in of Dr. moi M. amiblamca af 25e ind 15-. viiiob. a short viat Satir. sisngai ta halopapy for te machins 1 v bicl vsexpert to have for our tbureli1 vas la WVaukaganbere. The. Rayai Nebors ectissoir met Ir 0f leorI8g that recula, cautiong on ToWndy atteroo'n, I occupy the @tore jMa> 1th wiii bave vitb tieniDitrict the Book clatblng Depu" jeamiR. <%iltroni otflvsnal, ta ercotae hwb il hold a achool aofInstrutions. imd Aobrcotm Il mihbom eare oitositn. Picole 0dîmmr viii b. sarved, as @ho vill comi ce arefixing hhir an b. niarûbng traié ahotil o'lock. dé amiposmds gotting raady t6 .br or l. suon. 4 oba Br*eand baby are dolng n tov. A very prani fattiser le Uhuthie ilgI grade In cromant Ug stbo. Etc plat tOcquarl Usahm fros.Avo Soocl -as 8.0 , vdior 01W Soa y asun. v OCar visitai oigoadi. W, Tblsa aestortaislag blédaugb. on ÇWMsOQ. iaii a1 sc i eons &Me adin aeàd rIait Veiomy svselna. Mmd *mAuuiby tho Walhsr Jas etr. AfB por aîdutims. r t« ceosclm aria. sodasmai »Woffl UMai lot mai to"lt. Be P *0eat UsImm te- fer saMb10o or Wu m lcemani so&asami euindas Lefor taub Uneor fracion On tolt et Tbareoim.curred the nmrrlmg. senti Marris Go Si. eM&&. Il 1 $"Piée, tami. Bath ara veil FÎ la Ibile communt. The brida WS-aa emi kaI 8. L. Canlli sud - Uool's for &Ions lime. The groom vaimoué femr. Tii.> viii reiue e tawS. lri.y ihi beiveau 10 and 1l *4,~ George Braaditaîêsr colildai i flmare, smashaiRanisi' bach 9. braise vlad uelimand t1ev Mr. de M# ai tiselamcine oambla back. kruttr uais a baicîrelo bool a Mucug Pott and raillas aod bit aai B. C. Racla pliteindov, hlssg sida 'Plat. glass. Also don. 0 615*01. imane o ieonge's cuir. OYf bbot ilovai lte llrand. ~ilr ltolbu Saltu ý dMe. a. A. Doga s§peut 184? e hadcao. m. OtS& Désisile vas la iiankogmo IcSl. 1- P.Mi lire, J. J. Barmtabla viitai m reltiva. Mead"y. . hloue ecil uMd MsaUlm aistu é te POU vuek vtlb relativeu mdi t hiff aMad miimitant. ~P. W. Ora d mai of e!Chicago, t "va iGi reaivu b.e.I. O lim l'nif Glcago. spet $un. :fte lmgi'niparesuta, Mr.aid W.M. l'ami. k Vol. oo of aur Cmuteome> M " a polestaIth Grayaleis ole ondairsud P.. Danlepoke *w [Mise' Aid gecet> vHI iniel pIeds>. Moi 7l vils Mm. James ir Mdairo vrele veryv elcome.. léi Aim« Vryer o! Vilîatar, Vis., e va.n guesaîof lb. J. Kerr ANTIOCH L.lamd VasascLais Foret, spent Buad4y vlbubipainis bore. ëms. Albert DU"il sud con Earl, retuinsi Go' £mtlacb. Sodai . vsang s)serapedhg tii. vlaier wiGb ralotlrs la Conlormia Miss Eau>Pollock spent Soude:'la at am .John Martia ai dstago, afft tis vsend vile Mr. -ad M Giorge Johnsoa. ImisaBDalanRgisseof North Lfl, epsi Snda> vithhbar .fa*hog, L. M. Rushea. Mr.e, amrUn. Arhur IceamidiaM# Mr. aidMms.William Elibrani motos. ai ta Chisag oudu to oé1the lb.i> ..Ob Lady, 1Lady1." lire. John restilai. aid-ebUdrea o! Chffga, visitai viGi Mis. Blni bmi Monday. Mir. Rhiode ave lé s st aore Gbcte now location thefres$of lb.heelS. UmsaBernie Berubauni of Chicago, la bovin« a ve.k's vacation tram iacliac and la @pouding il vlth h.r ont, Mn. T. A. Somerville. Bora, ta 1Mr. andiM ré. Louis Andorisu on Monda>, April 28, a saven îoai bah> girl. Laurel Povlui of Chicago, @pont ýISzb day villi bis parents at bis place. lire. KIrk Cralue aiddaughtorý Donolhy o!* Keno@aa are apondlag th. veel vlth e former'@a alec, Mms Jo. FiII Peber. Mrs. Plaler and chliran o! Chlcago, are @pouding lb.he oisat Ibeir animer cottage %t Channal Laie. Ber' Lynch vas a Chcago passnger Pridoy. Mr. sud Mr@. Walter Chiamde a bolnslmetrip taoicago rds>. Mr. aid Mne.Oliver Qsbboa of Vanke. am, i otorad ta Autlach Suder sud apent tisa day vlth reltivis aid Irisawis. Cari Nalier, vho ba uas satIoni at Paris Island for onis -ime abu ss niuslarad ont 01sesrvice ana mmvii bar Sondai. Homir Pamsr sarprisi bis relatives. Sgatrdai eveminog by arriving home. Blar>ybas ia..matersi ont a! service; be l. iookagdune sud saye b. ols Oine.. Mr. sud Mn.&.10e Vilvber racairsi a eisgrai Mondai moraima tram ibelr son. Harl et&llag b. bai arrivadi n tise Unted litotes. Mr. sudia. Lloyd Visite of Vauls. gais, apens Suai.> vlth Mr. aid Mn. AÀ. e. Watson. Perey Chlan spent Sundmy vltb hié 1 Frank Hunt movai blispleIn. ehov to the Barne> t'abler building tisetiet of the veil. Mir. Mlle Raya roturnai ta her hais norbtiof to*nn alter.....Ain- -a sI.Banlet snd Rm> vere Anlie ol eîs illiber dauglitar, lira. Frankl au slaGon.>. Hunt. s. Njupinwuvam nialibusoiness lira. George Eck has rentai lie opera dk.SB*UI.iat- houa. and la holdiag roller skatingaid 9 1oni v'ho rteentli>arrivai troî iaaciag there et prisant. =o pnOrjj a tow days ut hié _____________ iesbfre golg on ta hibudamu q,, S. B, for May lot. ne gave MILL.BUFiN Wtwmstim gtel ut the sehool oa .A atnqn rdyoeigl gf etteoa ind on. at ccn hci .a.o Marthe ast l'eia velgt haslgo is vor ln uFrancs.C@ movt h aas s. Slnde. i apnains sme ime LybarisSteaan ai uly o! Chcao t= , moio, n M. W cmlit. aisent lt e.eekend vltla hie athen. The L tà moberMrs M. rigt. amlly viii remala tar the veel. Mme.> Lonmrd and t. Sierwood lira.1. M. Whte vas aUbicago vister i,,b quit. 111 durlng thse past veolFe dyk reimprovimg. 1fr.aid Mm E. A. Matnansmtei iÏ FranSo bêâu brnhabeen unable oa eatl eki hMQ -*t ber pst a lae elepoaue ~Sctuuyler Deunm andmaimssPollock * .peat Sunia> vlli Mn. ni Uns. E. E tieuman at Libertyvifle. >ami Mr». Abert Kiàppieenterttair, d tiveral puplis aid tomber o! the ciber of rlideut tueir bone Saur,.Hokdveal tniiI.cnet y""fiosn. l"e>u,~ Ttijure4ijy rnt the Vadivortu achool. aN&or ane @no i em tr alre. ."'rai puariis and tomber, Mies ý *"« *tthe br*oahee a ofDodge sehool, mtaoded the mtàermtol. ar.on hiag, @peut ouý&eaes t the %Warreton scizool lMon. N*-* ad et ber home bore. duy. Kfýs% 4, »otb bltgo. u tken Vctor G'illinir vha ie mt returned pfiUig«rM&ltvemsbe'e ariy charre, was c'usfliag on :relativs and fflhs ago maib hn very 'Ilfrieude the paot veol. *00* Plumais. th Athestf The roadrie' e r>badIin pface. Iî *go 955.looik» 111e the tIxpayers vii have ta cd oimlisin. 1 .igpetltmanfor tir old fanaio! tire. naad ~ c Chcag. i apniig cmaiieiarerot < iet anything ione. viti be ater. MMe George FIRST IN LAKtE OOUNTY-TWs lai beuadilog anen telde lfldîmamdut. avarrome le bW ey 1,01.l bl R. D. Cool vbobas b.a bAoinsthe **lW" is Dot gtting abus as ve Pouli 111e t an hM. but vahope tisai b. Mai moon lbe roaM4 bob.' Miss GaraJomia, hIo bas bomepem& tug a01evo s iAise, sabase ef bar guanmolier, Mie. (ho. JamesW bis retIi!nd t%0bhWbolces at Olmer, us vos accompamis bar eu dmotbar, via vWn mdoa4U dul im sfulI> recovsrei frons berremet flaes. B"rryTarn bilave. aur vllity soon for Nv Muico. W. ueh" miesehlm mai vs boue the obmage lanteIm iat. vii b..a bosIt ta bis bamiGl. '7sMW dii"b. o gocipragraunmai beelatsocial am the.Woodnianbail st Ivoeuo, Mai lit tienby lise Ivaabau ichooL: Theladinenrarequested to brina basket vlth lunch fur Ivo. Ivery. one vsicme Camme sud bring jour frisadit Mms.Barry Svdlé a pendins lb. vssl vllb bier iterla.iav, Mm. Viola Cald. veli. Lewis Prima vbo lae "frng Iwltb rbmmaniolni, expeqs. ta go so sud aa. bretmeniesat Mai Lava Spriags,, Ilame. atarI vistai Mr. sud Mm. Phil Âme. Sunda, ma»l hramgieà abyb>girL Motiser esud dauxter dolmg a!caly. Idm .M.. LMrvlo vua toIa andani> dek last Saday. umier thse cam' etDr. Taylor vs bopo for * quai> recovery. wlhimwflbrcmotond ta10Trevor, WUaturdymIghGru1tsring vie i broUsar.PM nisd faI. Mm DoroGb'y Monh vlsitd la Evans. ton lent vsek. Mr. amd lMr@. VanNasale etrtained1 tri"ais uadal.,9 lira. DeeIavsmaiebudren tram Chicaga 1 bave movsd Ia othe. aId 1Hutclaingo Mms Mary Bull le at prenant vlatlng1 bar parents.,1fr. sud Mrm Lavrence Amena. *Mr. Amen gae"a dance ln bis haro Uaturdal aigltwhers the DllaalsTrain. lmg Par. uSed ta bu, It vas Weil attendsi and everyome had a goodUi. Mr. sud Mm. Amena and doughters, Mr@. Bnu and Manias, matared tu (forme. Vriday nlght ta tiie apsaklng coliteet beld at the . hi chool. SGDOOL NOTES Margaret and William Beelov ,nteredq sciiaol thîs week. Margaret, and Jasper McCormack have1 vlth drawn from tua s ehooan sd are going ta the. Wright achool la lhberty- ville. Shirley fTamme as perfeet in spellng for the. vssk. rTii. elghth grade took part la the. rcent beld ai t the arrenton sehool, Mon- day mflsraoon. Martha Deer wan tbird place, in arfobSetlc sud la spelimg. <chavu I. Hasch s a.if tiila reailg sud N9 Portelly vues aixOi la arlibmatlé. aer.old Ramssà entared MB U à'uMe I'bussia. H. bas boom BttsaiM 5 WdOgbêscbool, but livée la t"t.disOle This niaie a vuers rail of 80 sud l. montls .rail te. i - - RussEU.U Tb. Lies' id vasvel l Muiei et Mir. Hovard lait Tiarsis>. Tb@ lainesanadolâg savleg aid smIOl. iag for 1h. Vacksgan Auxillar 1 aI s Tbere ii b. Sumiacho«I hi.t son. day, May 41b, st 10:80 a. n. Ivr>oas ta làitetu a oma. TIoverema soldr. a&s teOurngn bome, on Frtday oflt ia0 #.l ave Van Pattan rtlnaid,ad ois Sai lb. ArnFalcu retorned. Iveryiom vasde. liuata vo elconie Oh. boys b«». eVais Patten vm as nsonne o! Oh. bigligite. Be telae ver> lntersttng &Macut@ o! us lm- perieaces. lin. Nelson raetvsda tIsIagran froin bis son Jiai that b. badai rvid lnthe U. S. Sevonal o! the Young people atteaded the. entertainuent st Nanti Prairie lutI Balurda> aiglat. Uns. Hoar> iasouxlias hum enter. tabnlag a cousin for a veil. Mr. and Mrs. J., B. Co<,rde and Amn Coýrne ,calloi an Misa S. C, Booas inat Sanday. lins. Catherine Bannie and sons. J. G. and "Ront, calied on Marrie brotbors Suadav. Mie Scbillsru and ssvon of han puplis atleaded the contetat Wadonîrh luat 1'hureday.' 1 James Nelerja. al Somon,violted Corde brather@ Monda>. The-re sno sehool on Manda> me MIss Schilitru vliiei . eLtbertyvllle schoal. Mr. aid Mre. uives bars raturned to country for the sommer. lire. Weniî eatertatnei hon daughter tram Waukegaa mi tBunday. , Mn. and lins. Warnor Calby a'i tamI callei On hie. brother Ch aigella ly and famill>Suanda>. A. A.Knopf sent Salaria> mand Sua. day at Elgin. lins.Wbltn, o! Alington Helgits, le Vblaltlog a et b.Hoignhome. Paul Peglov recelvai hlé nevsapara. tOr -Monda> ani viii h. nsady ta belp 1M~ olsmmp.*Wl "dei Mmd vii nMM éo Nehi pft êwib b sfiely lb. fera ~ ~ iol here qcgmSe Ut. Ut$gPM fbm tbslBar boufl 10 OIe IW.Ugf humthlal i ftiiu. i l.paotoravi. pre be ît i 15 Sr. mm - m iUatwu le. ork vii b witb pu, " moob* mgar. l'a sume » vii1 ail * gai s. aiMdbseto.* Kotm a agalm 16vils bring.bas the VWOU reusbsietuimss ov.r tii. bickomt* ebop,ýIboa euq o0»a asn't too bas> ta co0àe. 'the taMiss'4MN w9 met villi Mms. A Q. mosir égal 8*1. cfl t thebmtows bail Mondmy sveelmg May 5. .Agrthdrai elIsllustatinl tbe qvarlom a hua i f arai vsdisumd boy ta ast rd of tii. maoa sut af sildes on bow to Trap the il viil bu shoiva. Tuoe bildrsa ofHall Doachool Wiit i ns. lb. atawDeiit la Iand &Hl are cordid ailitei. 1VAMOE ifas. VMs vho bas hum ver> iM vWU lsitqmtory * eie»umatlemfor several vsia bas gsiad mougi ta b. able 10 vefl arcUai»iebones. Ail hope Obat b. cas Macealek.ut'bis schah vans Mi"s De uil sbter bai an entertain. 'ment Mdai o euas etlheb Bultrl ochoal rIAieveclmg sud mai. 072. Mn ai JMs. OratLust 0f Liberty. Villa, 0&11@11 on the. MIesMry aid Asme.P4» ain wSais. -- The Ladies CeMta> ocial> vIS ioild tisir &masualésimsndi upperoai lb. cbnrcbThuradoy, Mer Stàbog beguet 2 P. ni. tviuyoi. vbaier meuniers o Dot mr ecortais> lavitai ta b. prsss. ire. A. O. Guiluige and danghter lat for their home la Terry, Monana, Wei. meidAI Doon alterapending afevunonhb vitis the formr'& parents, Mr. andi H. C. Payae.. MMs.B. C. PUw an d daughiera, Mb.s Avis adMr@. D. S Doipli and thb. iMua Ad&ansd Bob> Kuebler vere Waukegmn viatora saturda>. Mn. Nittie Kleg o! Lake Villa. viiitail at th.VFrak Smith home the tiretof the veek. Mb.m hisabeGlaVirts epent the. veel' end vl iM. m àVoiele. Mr. YouaguGuom moveul hie famlly tbe Oiral of th. vsal inta tbe houe. faorm>l occapled b> goauGross. Ale. BItta antertaied the tva Miadols girls fro. Uibertiville over Sunday. The commitise havlng charge of arranging for tise Decorailag day pro. grani ar planning ta observu it la a fItt 1n09maaer. Tbere vii b.oa regufan1 Fred Grmbh. vas a Chicago viator MUlm daShepbedila pouding aa w dffl la LaIe Villa villa Un. J. Els. Qut. alarge rovi atomnis lb. L4ais'Aid atlira. George Tbatciseu> Tbursiay afisrooo. IMLttis lgi,>Ray of Aria, upeul' lb. Wek-nd i v ius gnaàiparenis, Mr. and Mré. George lMa. am e mle Bouess. puta couple 08 is>s lait wvek i vlbabr daghtsr, Mis. Arthsur Rolland. ,Mrs. Robert Boundmai mgiietaid Us. Lana> Kano spemt einsais> attercoon viti han motber, Mis. lismi Mille. Renosara.Lia Kans, J. W. Cooper, Panl and Park Aliaaiu atatnei Gb. Mllk Piqducers' umtins at Chicago oms day lasO veil. Arthur Brockmana drove to WIimetto Thonausandmaibroglâ houea aonaior furnislura. B as urentai the William Lailer bhomseat Dimoai Laie. lira. John IRodgs @peut Thuriiay vlth bar mother, lins. (fao. Bay. lira. Anderson manoilliren ofChicago, are vlalting at tbm Otto Hioua homes. The panty Vedmesia> evinog at MUr. soi Uri. Fred ERom& ta bonor of Ur. and UMn.Arthur Bracîman va sl attendai. Al prasani report a gond lime. Mm. Clyton Hutebinge end dangiter vtlted lira. Geo. Grî. orne day lai veel. .Wrs. Vai. Einanian retormed home roi Chicago tet Tiorede>. Mn. and lira. Harry WllfMlwvaukee. speafthe veek-end at lb.eliam, of lUn. and Mn@. J. W. Hutahlaga. Mns. Robrt Rouoansd danghter vist- ei Mn aLeroy Km@î. Ffrlday alttaioon. Mir. Oso. Ray vas an the fcllitaI fv imys imet veeis. Mnr. end lis. Arthur Brocitsn ient Sanda> vlth lUr. moi M$é. l'eOY Lame. Vistaris aiG. M. Dm>'. Sonderyvers: Mr. and ira. 1aimoni Bristov, lMr. and Mra. Clayton Hatcblage -sud daugb. ter. . Ur. mSuP Mr. Gardon BRAYaidson spenî suna> abthei.L. ahamel home la Uhsntj>viIIs. Mn m Uymaidson aue gains ta moiasu extaned i dt. Mr. and Mr@. Arthur Brocîman Mi Mm reman Brokaino es aukega visitais Monday. l. mmIan Lana Mai'son upeatthle veel-ni 1 Chisgp illewelaivea hommaptîn-iabae om iruuaGs i : r > . &Mmw MrgmuJ SMo* lae and eMÉsl veel 1b., wMw .m r. %vlaiimandaJr., Min."Mm uer sud brer, uoe.o0 àlesuvy apsal atruuiandmmi Sumday mi *6 » boe tissu pam"motr. Mm. .AýJovmd I& lliermonof VWb-tu. Mm e.Yl Usmry, cf atatar, la., psat sverali douerecasa i> ¶b Witmomd blfrenud relatives. misse tan sud Hl"n Murphy, of Obboago. apeat ehuday ut hein boni. Mr. sud Mm. Walteansuansd daugs. tare, 0f1ChIasse, *puatise»Ia% cd *e Vieelb", et5té»1w ome0f Mr. Mmd lMis V. D). KmmbaIL.I Mise Dorty iM ilon, of Vola. epsat "atoe ut ai ishome of ber w mue i. miss luth mpIce. o! Wmukogsa, eat a111»s> mi S«aa> aibioa~ eue ai pgu t a ai rlooi Laie sahool last Tbmdmyevemlng vas at- elaisd b> a a Magatherins. The &S» proghea vs iiglyeeJoryed bym&l mAi Sb. hachaisbreugil lb.eang su. of $ô1.00 wbl ih ibu. amsd for purebms. lmg megosail for tisaechaciroon. Yëbugostalent plar givea at Gise 9B eool lmt Tuseda .velm Prov. ed on. cça m» moSt sujoyable aveata 09 Oie surn. Tbe playere look tisir partu Mei profsedomahe md Sb@. larg itmd- MMn pfovsd tise 1la tftise commue. il>, the. reipte amouatljsgta sai mm. . ca, Jir.,ed mai slramaiu Miss »mnam Sciais ara speadbog lb. veel aI 0is ehoiz barni. Bey. sud lMr. B. G. Biser &peut Vii. ouds> mai Thuraday ta Emhmrst. John Froollah, F. Biao, A. Hoeft mcd Um NtesBhlsan întored ta Chlcugo Friday. M.. H. uliman vas a Lbertyvle caller Saturia. Mm. L. Tonne bas anoidbta ths talephane excisage building. Mb. Roi Tonne nov hascharge of thetbephane ofic.. Jahn Rironimus &Bd familyal Vmu- caMia, vili oecupy lira. Tonne'@ boues. Aug. Fro.llch shippei a lbai a!fioge fai vosI. A nnmb.r of people have recetvsd carde trous Emmet Brandisg la Prance. ae le om a fariaugls, élgitussns la thé Moos. tan&. Mr. A. Bçhmrt of Bandieuon. ha oiarWs exaavag thé li basement for ths liv»awallca brch. Mrt. sud, Mn.Frai Seit' ai Chicmo, apeat s day vidiias wvtb Mr@. W Elcbnma. Jr. Mrt. maiMn@. C. Brui entlnsd ai Mai MM .quo. Ushsuecf id ago. Mr. ad mi Mus. R.rop ba i 1ai> almisi Gbà vsii 01 et Al iPp M mai cO.,Eois au""> atarmoL "HanlarsCoraste»l b. pis> te b. give b> b. WEvmeâlooà ebobl ek mam bai. TsoevsPaine, Mai s i S P. M., liP ls ufe blgil>&moua. Tb. ipi pr euila GIrsa sassescotas a oraOi fvimty> livesbaratarsvhbeforvwo bonre Win iiep de opeep opi eln tillasi. Tickets tua bé parchmb bon md tram chboir ...ei.& issrvid 50c, admire S.. OMM 250 li. Dom't sste s homo --F--. bis sieur, Um .trasme. vbo leisusat LeOrmg, lMa Paoverni. Mrs. ADore Clapparend son, 0""ntlise vaet aibu ohbe, Wu. Sogon. J. B. Wooiaaa retersai Sadai trou his trip ta New York »amiotiersae Oi800O0t ai Mamot&, fviitahlbi Ilire. P. 0. Disut»dai aughtar. Puaq efflposomnsa> vti Mr. ami Kmet BÔêUûihai wumitt&. - " MsaUeilhdbmai Dowètby Melebet V"ers .gami- of tiait otla Cisicago orer tb. vsai.eui.11 EverflGoGlirins bas quit bihSig ooo Mdi go.. to cana"a ta vron aas fer1 J. A. iltucelt. Or.. vIa as IMIfor 'siveral eels, he iiii1.1>rc*rsdaiSle as &gala. A nmais.'of oun joung peuplea aIGu ai tise junior promegivua et Oie bush Sabool on FrUda> slglG meHenry Bokla iichlga. vig ber elatan.aiv, Mlins.a MwSsress over tb.hesl.od. Mm.Adam sumaiLoto vidsaiber daushier. Mis. Fred Kimbart s Svae. vooklant vsak. Mir. sud Mr*. Josephe Mulignano! Arllngtonm Heigbto, wvaisthIbm usio! Mra. Geo. Pettîs. Sonda>. Albert mai Christ Wllmaa o!lova, @peut saverai danos he past veel vitu lbir braiens, Job. eni Bd Vilma. Mm..B. H. lKnsa bas relisai Iem Fargo, N. Dakooa, oh. vistai ber doster 1h. pase monts. Bd Ot moi iuabior aid Henry Ott and snfroin I&oa, cama, Saturdmy maris taattend h. funaral o! theis fathar. John Ott. E.B. Adaîns of Vanlega, vas lb. Uanes of higýmoîher. lir@a. eraisAdama Ml. guret amd i, v sild %Ir@. rhti.t out ot'blc«uo 'A- île mueutq ifV Borubargir on Smsiday .MI«s Ray>va. tIse gus-r o! MieOv-e' Uembain o-1 Sondav. Mr. sud Mn Go.,.Br.smi ,i f aMisind Park. ffpeo Wed'elaa sy t ilîcr daugh- tais.oM. Wm.. 'asrk. viliie O Gaier nf Cblicmo. vashome evqr lb. week-end. John OU tdbd Wedneuday niarnng. APril 28, at £hto home o! his dobo»ter. lUap. Clia.s. elig, iter msu ine t Saverad ve. air. Ottvas borala Alase, . ( iwmay, a2, 1887, sud tan.t latbf. comniry it bbis puu$a04 Wbo sattled la tis vlalaly. Bu vas' mandati t Me lra aWilliau, vWho vaat'to test anoinereeg. Ta tim. ver.born@Welenbldren. Tbrs.baviag dlad l hldoud. Thtome bo survve are. liro Mmml. sUg, Mrs. Mari Icbvab, mms.AmbisSl~d MdWillim Otof Dsefil; Frak Uttof Chscg. d Mmd "sri Ott, of Iawa; sud Jobn OttA 01Northleld. bealss & numbsr of Umai.qhlldnn M maig t grsni.obdrem. Be lived ou hie f«»let yul algova ictl atiout iluîayemn Mo visa b. Mid Mmd came 1l ove leliv. vith hie 4" gter. Grm Ott wu bovas evd & eU. isu&d pkoamairword for eryome. 'Sa bai a noble ebritma clavr sud vas Oie mai t earta e mberoffest. Paul'. Obureite wvhob. uas*ver tsitbfnl te »sfumerWbva hm aM it shurs am a i far umoon, couucWelbY le". Doqéer. ho vt'eN B vewi &Whoestribus. t *obti mbèr ci à che. lisvuslmhitoesMt a he hall> lot l héIsDseuied emetlery. 11VE. MWLDOBRADT FORMALDEIIYDE 4% Vpiont - - 0 Houat eZ&3 A pwintainiWvUh <rm 40 t. 50 galeaim a si vil troat 40 bu"olet.1gral rPIIYSICIANs' Ï)RESCRIPTIONS Carefluy Comp:onded THE REXAIL STOREI GRAYSLAKLI WNOS. TELEPHOIE- AUtioamOiL LONG DISTAw£CeiWJHKADQUARTKRS HARTMANN HOUSE HENRY HARTUM, Prop- WHEELNG, ILLINOIS oeIvn h Avoos.. 2N"Mis tm ChImag - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FouIIDzD 1867. MI1CIOAN M4UTUAL LIF19 INSURANRCE CQPANY DETROIT JOHN HODGE, District Managor, Areo4 IIL Dear Sir:- Durlng the last fifteen years yeur Iife-work lias been shaped and deterxniued, If you have prepared welI, yGur future holds many gaod things in stor~e. The matter of insuring your lUfe is ail-important This you know. When you acquire the property which yon feel will be sufficlent, you will go to an attorney, ait down, and quietly and deliberately make your will, But your- Life Initurance is of more impo rtance; your wil simply distributes, but your Policy provides. You may make your will at an-y-time during yç»ur natural 112e, but -the tUme to také LUfe Initurance is 'when you can get it. Impaired risks are not wanted. Let your Life Insurance Salesman quietly oit down with you and telll Mm what you waut the insurance to accomplish. Let him be your insurance attorney "nd advisor. He* has made a study of. the businefs and cau explain lhow insuraue - wilI serve you beait. No higher compliment can be paid you than hi. desire to inteiyiew you, lor you are supposed to be of sound health, with a good family record, and Of good standing among your fellow m en. Your Life insurance sh4uld not be neglected.1 If you are lu the market for more insurauce, please let- iu' hear from you. Yours truly, JOHN~ HOD(4E, District Manâget. Trage Mc MOTF Berl daughl ner. o deati, alonge suit 0 tylate. off the a ur traged lînown the W Whf tii. rni col f r Iraok a pe.'iuj work. after i tok occupi vas al peared bel ai 8:1 ri@ viiei' touai a that 1 boue, bcr arr An 1 the ri death The l.eep i a wny to littl REI si Pl litgl !,eona and t, sue m her ai (Il 0 feit Ili Caurrip rie dt withr frôm tarnce. Fort merly Shore ton. Judi Port lIaims from pay$ beld ermlIa Pull 4chalrr the B resude afterin day( Clilca Wil the r north fratto )y a jeivei Issue Anott initia work In ad nov yard à- 11 1 . ell 111

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