LD ERTY VILLE' INDEPENDfENT, LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT Lake Counys Big weekly Ckddm um am "w oeuhssm Co.Uaaaohud WAUKECBAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XiXVII.-NO. 18. PAlýRT TWO LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. MAY 1, 1919. SIX PAGES $1.50 P>ER YEAII IN ADVANCE. Marna URE ZION CITY ITO ACT ON PAVING V Necessuty Presents Itself wii ing BothApproaches. O STATE JOINS IN THE PLE. What dopa /1 n C'iy intpnd te about improi'ing Sheridan R- md( that commrrnity. Thi quetîî,n Ingaraked bly nany as thr annolin nie~mnt la madle that the Iiiii ii*t îi c( crpte on the Shferidan rond pit Iînprovèmetrt ha- heen r.esýuitif.l a Tragedy at Gurnee When 18 -andt lb rl imibilty hat i ip' at île Month OId Child of C. C. and tederal nid wtork iie coidnth Turner Smothers. pee~ ~tefrlu mn'ai'i James Anderson, Jr., rond e ot. p~en to piyebyth MOTHER FINDS THE CHILD. 1s'îrseyor of Lake lt *V . ý ;,p The completien et the cenir ici llorntcd a trustee ot the Nerili Shuîi'n whkbý la going oit 0W wii lli'!! 'Waukegan. April 1ji Sattitar>' Dstrict today, Th,-iti "îiit- thiere wîtî be an unlîroken 'trfrîhh Bernlda, the 18 montha el<l twln ment îwas made Iîy Circuit Jîtîlg-u'1-111- o paved rond front Chicago te Mi! daugter of Mr. snd Mrs. C. C. Tur wards ard Count> Judge Plnoiny'. .r waîîkee with the exception of Uic ner, of Gurnee wa" smotbered t0' Anderson la front ward fotr. i.nk. strlp 'which rime tîrougru 'ion (t',1 deair Ibi m rnlg il 1111 led Foreut. lie talueg tîe lac. ' ' Y'> and i is la regarded as on.' oh 'l' alonguideof ot t twln siilter as a ' D. H. Jackson. former %#î,!Yl o 'ii.kP worst stretches ef road in tIh"' suit o the bed ctotling becoinirng For"ýqt. Nirc.si' cl i now county. twlstd Insucba wsyiatIt s in l <hîncaro and> ie e s inl,.m..f Slatc» officIais have had Iho mtl.'ri off the I111e one'a breat. la appontni'nt for anotii"r 1'erti %Ir up s'lth the rit>' officiais e' Z on lau Guree ag uit sirrd oer he nrsonflgfi sappointei for fi' an effort 10 get co-oporation a. th'ý tragedy because Mr. Turnier I. wfllyear terrt. Ilis 1botiign -n 11' liY wurd nsidi'et the limita et '/ionmuFt 1înoun, beIlng agrlcultral tes. hinL in sgeif, .1. 1) 'oie' arid liom',r ('eu was lie dene Iv sýpecial assî'.'ifnrooîr:iii ýi tire Warren Towns'hip Ilgb Sc)l t Ilile and açilros. d andl licb-aeia' than t»' state or fe'deral aid. Sont. Whên 5Mr. Turner wý a te a choo uil ttIfiedgeui trnrtee irnnriidî:nil'. . hope la expreossed Ihat 1h.' 7.ront o1I tii. mçotobng, the cblîdrr. et ss ni î c -riais can ho breuglit to s"ce iihat cniEred Up in tinir bed 11,ip but the indications right nra' ar.' Iraok a last loîok et th"ým ailie' E T R none te briglit. Ther'nîîupe.rs t:) pet-'i d is wtt.' wAnt et mi.h"c li e litle chance at teast, tIraI an. work. She wss washlng loda.v ad thing wlll lie donc titta year. after tur ing utsome of ber crothie, teck 'hem te a rfont ab'ov thie rmim occ:ped by te hir Wh:tIC - -PAO --- PENITENTIARY FOR p.ared L)t. 1 a cooing comin-, trom i t w 400 PA TO BOY TAX-DOD6ERS IN bed and r','irineil the chidren wei, &:l right. turever, a lttuelae:." wl'n ' M i-e f teinthe reefir. 'm1m founitaI oeaof the chitdren ii.'riiia I waa almeet dead and deFpite tii. f:s't that flr. Yourng wss calsd te thte bouse, tIhe bain@exeplrpd btorf atîiost ire arrls'ed. An Inqijprsi wan caleil, ut (f1i.t c r 1 te irumstances prilvi ni t iiiL (n deatl. was ni.'rely an accîmlent. The se-condil 'hlt ad matragu m li keep lime 'iuthrniz ofis It'. iîeru ih a way that il had ne affects irnîha'1 te littie IBeznlda. RELATIVES FEAR SUICIDE 0f lilGi. PK. WOMAN JAILED! fil and Park r oitim'. t Sr, Leona Garis', tîîrmer ]î,ot. dani' and toast et man>' restaurante, fiar site s'iii rommrit il suciii" iie<au ,u' or ber iri"t in FotlWayne,.ld.Mon- dP it' on liacof etpasslng rotnter- tnit 1111is. Wiliam fi. Onstpad, 'Mrs., Gm. cnet ',fat hn'. mndillier i ",litii rie dto Fort Wayne Tmiii' lin flit. wltiî orThey lad rei'.od a air,' frônm ber beggln inanîil a a' 1" tance. tield witb Nfrs. Gamrrity lit Fort Wayne la T J. Wiiiiam'î, for- meri>' business manager o Pliîe Lake Shore Ptrtlsblng Conmpany of Evansý ton. Judge Wood of the circuit court in Port Wayne Tuesday senlen 'cd Wil-i lamq te att indeteroinate terranil trom lwo te tourteen yeara and te pay $1001 fine. Mrs. Wlliams is hcing beldi pending further action il>' eil- erai authoriiea. Funermal services for Jame't Viles, 4chaîrnin ofthtie bourd of dirretor, ef tire Buda comprtn>, witl be hield t hiii residence ln La'ce Forest at ':15 luis atternoon. Mr. Viles died mmml Sun- day eveniug ln St. Luke's hospitli Chicaao. He waa 64 yeara old. Winnetita's ambition te becorite the met beautiful village orth.' uorth sore 'vasabrought nearer rosi- izaton Tueada>' wben tlto citizeril )>' a vote et 8 te 1 expressed theni' seives lu avr oethtie $90000 bond isue tor a municipal filtration pant Another phase ef the moventent waaý work on a $200.000 paviug contrtsct. Iu addition th.re are centetfiùsîd a new village tailland a.new municipal yar' d n uitty buildings. ftack in .lmnmary ibiS çnsînnr rui. l'tt lions a young boý sorking _t Lon: Lake, tLake o('unti>Test t~gn " of lira secondl eye-and, as hi' pre-' Viouaty had ii,"l tie sigirlofet hc o . , 'Mayor Tomption etr<Chicago, ui' er, Itleift hîni totally biir.d. A 'et- Springfield uesday hofore te gencrai tiemneni s'a. made lu Chicago w. mi' aasembly droppedl a few remania npsiiav sherebv tire bmes sac maid whlch promise te aend te shiv'ers up $2.(10 for is afflicton. innd dean the lacks of thre taI iledg- 'rh it(lfini wamî Edward 'r.!.eonar,.ers ot tire state-Ss'itich îwotid incitmîe 16. m'he. up to W~ednesda),ntorning. many Waukegatten. didli'i Ihae a dîme te lis namo. An] Addrerssng a joint session ofthlIe a ft"w heurshIter h.. had suliscciiid f.eglsature, caiied for lte purpo" e e for $15000 verth o e t iiry bonds. hearing pleas et Chicago and C'ois- and pmid cash for (item-tieprelie'Cont>' for increaaed lax rale.a b" story: sald Ciicagos "tai dedgera" wire is'onard liyu's at 5122 Prlnct<îîmave ' responaîble fer the city's financial Chbicago. tOne eye va.' de,'troyed lic pitght. en accident wiuîn hi' aa 2 ours nl ' ,«Enlet tegietation which will senti In .ianii.ierý. 1111. liei' imtaiî,.d a çiuisivVry one 0 them toth te penIen- lion wîtî t lii'tosmiiCoimpany tiar>," he said in subrstan'ce," and oth- bars mting m,' miil.iii.it mi irier troubles wilit ie oven,"..... L.ake5illa, 1W At ws'rklire 'ii'il Just hefere adjournrni'nt %'utirin 1 another ae(idelit. li"tis l -e~ ..ader lgoe. apparenti>' takinig ti" er eye. mayrs -Internent aIt fiil ave salui'. Tire censpan>' vas eperamîngiiIioder1lutroduced saiintaking failure ici the fiirkrri'n'.i cornpensatimn.tais', and I 1ne a proprty sehedirie. or tirefiling If the iaw go' ortret tire ca'ýt, im 1etfa dishonestioe, a telon>', pîrnisir would have receli'od ont>y Ir2 Iiýle sith Imprisonnient lu tlie penit altttu've.' cinrad lie linsdiîl,,moi i ontiair>'at freinione t1 live ycars. gover hiscas(. beausù he n The bihlla. drawn an a ami'ndmî'nt mmdc li stneninjru' : Ima ii' ~1 nto the asssrm' art and slilinlaim"n vas datracrous and tai i(h, 11ildj lin t anovone ttho shalilrefuse, nr-'C lablriaw s'ould nuIt'. irt or tait. when requeaied v b"%t, prcmert auîherity, te file ascuii' UPHAM URGES ALL AID net persenal p roperty, or wlîo shall fIt. Attorneys tteb'case 'Ip witln 'an tase stemcrnr, shall le punîshahîte attorneys for te eCnsînntîrs' ('mni ly irnprisonmient In the sînte prison. Pan>'.l'flue tnctse weare laid liîfe re- Fred W. Upîham. prnsidenl. 'l'h' boy sbouid lic gisen evfr>' op pertîrnit>' le better is untortîrnateE UL conditlon. l ;saii.'nit there res menit te is rase ssec that ho iii given al the aid possilte!" The boy Illd suit againsi the Con- Representative Thomas Crahain ef aumeni4' Ceompany' tor $50.000 under Lakte CeunI>' with representative Tru- the erardlansblp ef the Ceok Count>' mari KneL ofi Ctar1dnsvf'le. i irovte-d Frobate Court. The suit was settleJ uprirt oehegner1 rn Atednedy tr$50 the state senate on April 23rd wlirn Alere 'Br'ien creditîd the set- the>' Sent te the traps at Springfietd tientent te the '"broad humanitarian 'ad In a' centeat shoot dcteatcd te iimn" et M. iphant, wino waived ail Senate regrésentatives b>' the score 4ecbn icaliticqanadhtetlbed the 1cas0etof115'le 175. Kuel l rolce i45targeta. le permit the jeutin te ettain an "01, ofta possible 100 Grahbreke ucation. 90 and the twe meu Bardili, broke 89, COURT SUGGESTS BONM and Duval 86. The seitlement wasa ppreved b>' Tite shoot sttracted a large number Prehale ludge Horner. viro suggett-oetfans aud mauy eof'tre legislatures 'il tino investnt InluVictor>' bonds. wenl ever te sec the Ive aunner.4 "Thal's what Ive lwsys wanted front the two branches cf t'be legis- te0 do." agreed te boy aieefniiy. -11 lature compete in whaî la deciareci wonder if lIni net eutijtled te a ride te have heu on efthlb Mst contesta nf on te fLberty lean alrship." ha klnd heid b ylocal men attending Sine tbe accident thre youth bas the legistature. been a tupll o fthe schol for bid Ttla s sud that anoîb7er. shoot vill ha at Jackaonvtle, 111.ireld In tire near future. wben Ive lie bad ntatered BraIlle sYsteot teaeintron thie Hause ot Sonate 'vili and ira become adept at ôperalbng a ire cirosen, Probabiy Reprsentatîve' jtypewriter and raulte rapid dicta' Gratamw11 bns on one fron t lie tion frontdictaphone. Bouse.1 TWO IN CRASH Henry Strang (top), Commis- Dmissioner-Eleot of Wauke- gan and Harry Bangs, for- mer Supervisoe, Among the tho Victims of Auto Tragedy ai v- Kenosha Wherein George Smith, 'of Waukegan, was KiIIed. :A . - - in: ani- BlTE~ I.~M0..N 0A 8OLINE Litflo CfiuId Tiofli o! Un usual Aooidm In Waîron -jcrac Spiritm-d ccmpeliteon 'lelvoîn 'ho Standard 011 Company' anîl uhe Sin clair 011 (ompan', il s'as Icarnoil t6- day, vas whaît orced lte vtoiesale prie et gaseline to 2014 cents. pic galion at Lakre Forest vunîle <'insnu' i murs n %Vsmrtkoraii muaI pa> 2:1 coits pe'r gallon ' ten thonngh tbey çiurc it, ' it ins. blesane quantities. Thi . e. piain.s liv X'.amikîýgnrrla leing mdi- ciinuiînî.tcî azaiflt. At lb,. sainie tlnuue a mi>' et hope is held eut tae 'aikegau usser ut(,fgiî> tino for asauranie bas been givo fintl as seen ns the Standard 011 cent'l any mpm tlsicn'es fillîngstation a, th.ý corne'ret She'ridan Reail n" %Iaimui mi i[ii..mnm'Sinlair 01 rti part>'pI ini te <wilin!a ival st. tr liore Tii, latter contpany, it is as- si'tcd, plan.; hi 1emIlganolino ai 21 cents lier gallmonn ascenpared te '2? cent, whitch tIhi Standard. Oit cuin- iimuiis lain3 tmm !ii,g. %%'auk",gan garazuninircra vtehbve beponn pmrcbi.,mit gaFoline ofth11e Standaii hlmc;.itm.isv for ycac'. issorl thni t e itO'.'liiing station wili ir.'. "ciii Itnn:irltriithi,)nF.*r.AOIN SI'tî sfitiin m inîr i mnnî'it iomn for 1Iii' liii i l plan pîamim mbi seii gt'.mmiiie ai Il, ,'.; n w >' r i-' oiii mt 'itl ."On'ns ii'i' - t mt ili. gi' ' niisarc obliged 1t. tilt mn s m'i lm' isytti's. E% en newts li" SimiiindrdOnilconpan>' le sillimnît gisollimiiie ,certsnrnlergai '33 ccni. per gallon. This la the sanie primo the garagce,,ar'ehtbigod te psy. in orîlur lii mhi, i profit tegarage-- ar' oligeni mn sî'il ea'lino ah 27 renia1 per gmallmnn. The -se thnt il s'li bc In ou-ht'for h hoin[o cernPeti' sillir the prices ss'ticli theo Stanidardl 011 fiiing statiomn wnli able toecharge. Senuc garage iwni'cs say tlte5 s'ouid abanidonti li.'sale of gasotine nîglitni tîms ere ji net fer ihe fart Ihat nuan>' et tîinînirasv et sal,' iex- pensive filtung ta.tion,,c.sete comtittg as high as a ihoînîani dollars, They tear, bous ev'er thtaihimn the conmpe- titien imcome stsronger that Ihey viii bave lu quit seliinz gas. Some gar- agos seIlIi oor ntoregaillons daily during the suimmer seas.qn AI Lake Forest the price et gamo- Une ftrern>' as the ,anme as lu Xau- kegîn but wben the Sinclair oil cern- pan>' rednnccd the prîce the Standtard .011l ad 10 ido likewise le meet 'th,,' conaopetiin. Thuna sith ceîuIPt'litu prontised fer Watiiucan il loaks as if the consuners sheuid gel, the beuc ftThre Teins 011 crmPattY 1laanM ',hr1 *îndependcrit e'ancmnwbichi s lhîckiaîg tho Standar.. liii c mpany. T'il.,ou tutti tram tf'n thre pnIcý% G!gasa (h., dwn i.'e'b sndP.' -7'tined n Pge -VE "Delivering the Goods" That's Why Blumberg's Are Always Busy Ih)l i vig the goculs l ivin îg high pA> alues. Siîî the best of Rligs, thi tt'st of llefrigt'îatory ,the higlîest vîasis htifn dAfîî dihngs to bu fouwl d;îîî- m~i w n. We carry NATIONALLY<ADVERTISED HOMEFURNISHINGS. Brighten up the Home for Spring RUGS! RUGS! D)o ot fail ta visit oui- Rug anld.Linoleuxn depaî'tnîeuît. Xîîîî aie suire t iliti 'o 'it walit t pries Iiii'l thai> of BEDROOM SETS- iii Wa.llutît, giîîî andt lieadi î alîy- Bu' assai tî'a't ive tpîieî's. A NEW DINING ROOM SET (îltu.and iFîînîed Oak, Walnuît anid Jaeo- lîeaiî-conuulote suites -it a gr'îat saving. BABY C4RRIAGES Lloyd's Loom - the' pî'rfeî't earriage; hî'oss'î liatirati, gî' Ny anîd fî'ast- edt. E vt'r 'v1one1't a gî'eat sas'iig. Sulkies and Strollers A NEW LIBRAIýY TABLE xviIi lix tiij the i' iliig, 1100111î. sve'w Iit w c 111)ar'i' tii f' 6.95- COMFORTABLE EASY CHAIRS ],)\\- as 14.95 The Store built by gatisfied Customers -20 Years of Knowing How. Hear W r Ces lear Beautiful Belgian Objo.lu BRIDGE. FuRN Utme M ffTit»M»ffE a *T R s R ave you.lierd thé FULTON--WÂUK EGAK Phonograph. m '!AKGN ICI-EXTRAdBoj! INATEU AGINST IN --Dea ternoon was ightiy Improved, accord Dur lng to a statement given oui ai the r 1 tRate Here is 23 Cents Per Gai-hospitl.litsa condition It was saidI ion 20 1 -2 Cents at Lake was more hopetul than yesterday, a Forest in Quantities. though lic stilli la unconsciomîs p tlcahly ail the tMep. lits açicl s o' CANTEXPLIN DSCRIINN coflsclousness are very brief but thev CANTEXPAINDISRIMN'N sert e to hold out hope for hL i~' rti- 1Mate recovery. nle tact that the auto 1Waukegan helng dsSQ ae, 8 moi n o ta trm'mmnacm vctim la abte to taki' a littie nourimh-; agrtineni tepîc fg."oluTii etaiso la taken as a fani 'abtc j erinntinilry ta raised through sgn tediscovery that Lake Foresit 1l," I LLs aS considirabl eaper ratm %,he" L A S ga.'.o lne is parckiaacd In qîraîîlilc. BL dent of roada. In purcîîairz giiotine E ON O B f^or the ctiîniy'q rond oufftgits À1'. ail D .Io purchase gaqoline in ti1'îtji C R YIý U Little Daughter of John Kuntar of 5()galon a L-ke ,,e'ý ýt! ARR IN ÀA N Finds His Body Hanging from 10,;, cent.- lier gatlon. iI Beam n Woodshed. 1'pon endeavorlng to purclits. , ' plart.ttAprtt - 1 . 1bi otîne ~ ~ ~ :' atWuea'l h ai iumdcigned Io dîsariri bandits, iiirztarn BLAME MARITAL TROUBLES tities ho has been lnfortttd tha' thm i mmir fWckladogns rat bre a 3 cnt pe gllo. heliong was presented lo the' lini John Kunlar. '3. years otd, 10:»5 er ohe gal l n orchaO aldlons. IUltii.s eaantîr tdMcAlister avenue, commitîed suicide ot oe gtio or2'0gatons îl h1 The most drastlc ever î!-swn, il uaa teronb'hngn lal tie(n lntorrned. lieBaaYa, thâtt.6140im mkoà pernqon cara-ying a pisIol guilty 1 I .dyatronb agn isl Forest bas a special price on gasiiMI'u eoyan ie fic'aatoit rn eain bha wnodspaii i 11 wiîe etly uca4.s lied tiîa rto esearch lrîvate homes forfitrearm s dead bodywas dîscoveredliv bis Ilit <'oseqîenty o l oblge tepur The mensure la supported h>' 1h' tie duhgtrer s hlo le wdnt le ltle liase itte gasolîne auppiy for lin !Police eOf(Chicago and praicaltly .; i egl et Mrta ~rcrt" rond outila itsaLake Forest. ery other cit>' binlie stage. Ipdt e ol ata tnqiîirv at the Office of one ot th" ___ _____ are sald teothave proingated Kuntir lu taru" oit compagniesain Waukegaru Louinsrekslein, the itreaidont oft hp 1 take lits own lite. brouelit fiîrtli the statenient iliat tiiere Rasinlat Partu connpaný. a nnôuncca Tinat Kuntars art was nremieilitated ls ne record bere thal gasolîne 19 h-1 that lie 19 rapldly cmuplcmi.g hi, ar.wa indicateti b> the tact that a I ing motd cheaper at L.ake Forent. Thée rangements fer "the usuat qeason Ofý brief note was foîand in bis pocket ecmîîloye of the coropany ceenld citer to, opera at Ravinia Park, ý% hlcb lS 10 telIliug where bis insurance papers and explanation why there shouid hoe laent in former vears througholit the other documents coîrid be tound. marked ditterence lu raies oc)t weon atmmer fer soe n1. weeks. Ie han Kuntar sait around the lieuse until te two cilles. aecurcd two very exceptirn 1 artiats; o'clock Tuesilay attermoon. For Wsîaik..nman wonderas hy, lnI sinn.t in lolrence Faston. the soprano. wctt the last day or two hi' had 'been di'mriminaied agninst. known for hec artistic work wi'hth 1h gioonry, apparentiy brooding ovi'r lus _________C-(hicago Opera et,-*ocl;itinmn fur iwO troubler. Stemibers et the famiy a 'cars. and.%abei (tarrison, who lias hini leave the hou.ue aI one o'cinack Ario&her High Explo..ve. . atternmuled during tîhe tait yver wtthn' a nd supposed be 1usd started for town. Phlloaor.y helçîs yîîu le eaxio<e otir. Fried,î Itompel i flube leadhlg rolor it was about tlîree hours inter that er peopleas theorlea, tint not te prove itemr roiýs ai lIte Metriiçn<itt; pr -____ your own.-15t Loui .alobe-Demo. n. -'--- *thoiUtutsrave.n 1 j [e 14 -UIV.