___LIBERTYV M, THffR&1&Y,ý MAY 8,1919. L ATE WUAI AIEA ANIERIE ILACUE. go on evêral prizes t the Town _________cont-te t belid at the Progressive schoal Monday afternoon. In arlthmetlc Strange Quiet Now Rsis OVw., George Flscnberg won second prize Land Torn by Shot f Mary IBteblay taklng $ourth ;-.aee. and SheiL. Inspelling Mary Stebiay ob second place and ln reading Mary Brunett ook third wth wrting' yet ta be TIAVELR AIN IS WELCOME Th lenstalatlan o fthe ne et Iofflcers took place lat evnlng e City Hlli. lo#_ before Mayor Christ. Plain Vegetabies and Certain Meati, ensen caleil the councîl to ordern Even Choice Winea, ^aPin Ase P7aalbe etvsacpe Pi.nti aFiteNdlight Iand a large tirong gathered ln theh Bas aNigt.hall. Thbe tiret nman to talle office t Behlnd the Uines ln France.-Thias u Bhtc Blouse the city clerk who i land of recent batties la a queer land, vus evoru in hy Elmer Atkinsop. now. Ovtr thc shel-tora villages and Alderman McIad of the thlrd yardP blasted %;oodo. the ptted fieldsanmd wa then called to the chair t o tako ruin of ail that once vas ls a stranefe .UîoofMyral th quiet. The winter sky la lackligAn u th dlisoMaranI tfb airplailes and great fdocks of crevsa tPflaii5e of his many admIrIng bave taken their place. fins h ewAdra tne Afew vllagers bave crept back taePlbck r-elected tram Uic tireta sice what remainiaof their humes and yard, Jas McLarn re.elccted la th, holdings, but probabir the winter wiii second, and Franik Bury of the thîrd have passed betore reciamatlan and titai took their aatls of office. Thce reconstruction are undertaken on a* foiîovîng appoîntmnents ver. Iller large acade. mdeb Ih nvMaoCiefa Along the moade repaircd and re-.md ytene aSCifo bridged for the allies' advance lnteo Police Raiph Hemmi* Chier engi German territor! long camion trains laer at Water varkia Mcie lSchmidt maya siowly and always souibvard. Chier nf the FIa-q Dept. Jesse Hur'. lThey travel lelsureiy nov, for the need nîglt policeman. Water Kraui, of burry la gene. Tbey brlng back SecY. of Board of local impras-ement thie saivage of battlcflelda, ail the Walter Aikinffon. City council c thiaga that-go ta make var, abandoned ei 1 madaiLca mpoemn or capturc<i. br fBado oa mrvm Endies. Trophlea of War. Stanley Pabicki. eGorge Pipp and Truck iond after truck f.d of sriteslHenry Winters, driver of ire W, anad shlls, of waier borttes and baver. gon Jascob Wericr. aacks, cartridgea. machine guns, baye- Joseph Lulu wha lives ai Ses-entr-n miets and trench kaives ad pistols, th and Greenfleid Ave. died very sud- mess kits. overcoats, cps, an endiess deniy on Sheridan moac Tuesday cataiou'ue et paraphernalia are brougbt aigit about seven o'clock. l.-c vas la. The batie zone la still fali of it valklng vlth bis vite in front of t.he ali la beLpsand ac sk, wating sul- North Chicago garage vhen he sud Tagé. dcaly feil and rut i face badiy on Neow and then corne trains of air- th cernEnt sîdewalli. HP remaineti plane camions burdened with disman- unconsclouci antd Dr. Westenhagcn bled flying machines of every type andcw"vaslied. Chiet Hemmick arrive,1 every nation. engine and fuselage aond on Uic sen ne ut befare the doctot- rununag gear on the truck and the The chie! knew the man and l if1 great wîngs on lts speciaiiy desigtied dotor that he vas aublect Io suri- &saller. Some of them are unharmied, spelis. The doctdr ga4 hlmm nob iý but many showv tullct holes through auto ta take hlm home when th, the. frali fabric or the mus of a crash. man euddcenly colansed se instead o!' A far proportion of them beur the taking hlm homo b. ruxhed irhlmta MalteSe cross that marks theni boche. the North Chicago drug store 10 ge, There are trains of captured eneni! , stimulant for hlm. He died çoot' artiiiery. particulariy ofrniotor bat- ater reachlng the store. Dr. Weet-1 terlea. driven and manned by French- cnaen stated tbat the man was in- mien, andi these are happy outflts. jured wvhen be rfel but nat so batily Oflesa thc guos are decorated wlth as 10 cause death. In bis opinion aveagreens and! aliaya thc FrenchB oi- death vas due ta heari trouble. An diers iaugh and wave a greeting. As nuîpvviib hiitadtmInr ttiey creela through thc villages Uith e apyll bue. bl od populace dlocks outto10vew thc can-th elcu. nmm that for four yers s"nt detU and A tlegram vas recef -d laut Pen devasiation 10 their land, and th lng by Ni-s. Haonah Galagbcr ot l8th1 elidren ciamber on Uic carri.ages ami treet announce the arrivai of bey out o thegrimbarrls. on Johnla New Yort on his wy te-ileonth-gt-m ads. vhek1hm rluFac.Tismla h 4. -1u7tinlathe trops m-0-Uithevag back hoe ro Frnc. hlIMala M Mlin are mont Inieresting. reur ibîthrd son ta ratura tram service for ta aest areas or to ther porta of cm- I-,ncl ant. She bas e son Lea vise bartil for home. French or &mer- ici etli daiag service la France. ICan. UNir behevior la the Rame. Ai The Girls Club of the Preshyterian waiga Uiey grgcl everyeue cbeerily or ('hurch vîll mcci Thurstiay evcalng bolsterousiy anti aiways the French wlb Mrs. Lottie flouse of lth st. oicers sainte witic a samle vicen tbey The Pmoelcterian Alt's society viii tacet an American car. whiie the men meet Tbua-aday afternoon at the Pro vave anti sbout: "La guerre est danis"r'-Tienu (1dub Ipms. Tier. arc s or s ulielr greetiog. Even thc chul. aumber of sewing mascines tbare anti dren cry "Fila I 1Finis!M t0 Uic paus. it la ex.ecteti that a large sauanat tu, Mar, et orb viii b. donc. Travelirs Are Woieosned. The Youg Lades Commuaitg leu ibrangest of ail are the liglts ai gue vii ment tonight la ehearse lghb la Uic bamiets anti villages. or their pageant that tbey plan to put sbunlng frlendlly tramn the isoiated a nat the Auditorim on fflday night farmib-ouse, ln regions further bacit. May ilSth. For so.long France scemeti a deserteli The North lichool Oel team viii landta1thei traveler by night. Hour pay their fia-t league game t eicctric atter bour Uic press correspondent park Tburstiay atternaca vltb the bua traveleti at nigicb vithaut a glU- Ce ra1 Sehool cf Wauitegan. tuer ta obe a tlhie countryside. anut SamGoulti rciurcd tramn Chicago nov from every hlad vls Uic viib a bride thie vevk. cbeery windows aine and Uie villages- are ablaze. The pepers tievote col. oocnCa-s tumiul 10 the Ilumuinaion of Parla, but Mo on viveshaer p fo If la bei-e ln the remote part of France Minlarc affectiavn. T ice fpcori wbere var bas been that igbis eaIvite traies affeine.lhey uraicfore- aagbtlsem monb vontierful, even if wtedr1 asaUlnt ollea bcs tafoprne- tbey are but candie or ultile lamp. ben s hiaruad olectpa f er lonue Wbere once carions or staff cars h rb h tpo erlnu loomet lIgitiegsala Uic roids tothe Uicvtb sfig ieef tlii l biects anti soaks immnen theatof ollsio, ad otenseven grins of suit la the bloo<l. Tu, r Ifs accompllshment, the brUtntbea-thloe mixen ten hu and fot. h ligts stab Uic nlgbt. ,_lftInthe _________d'i oo There la evcry village nov Uic trav. elIng stranger can obtan foot, not la vsrltby. peabaps. bub enougb ac! Queîlng Omrai. verg hospitablg. The depaealorg po- à lawyca- noted for hie fiowery ara. lits and aecessary refusai tu requecta tory %vas speakn fatr the defense, anti for refreabunents that mmlaiiy vers re wivlng ta eniPhass the tender r.- celvetilnlailte bamiets or singe farme s latIhai bac! exteticesa enbis bas given vag ta a cheerful offeing of client and thec capilant, be ai- vlat there le, for Uic fermer@ knov cimeln t1hicmidle of iun Umpas. nov ths1 the specler of a vînter of sloacd aspeech: "What dae Omar sag short rations bas disappeareti. The on ibis subjedi?'A tog anti a boue ratiOnlng of certain footitufs la .tlîî ad a bsok of bair, and thon besitie ln effect.B-cati tickets arc necessary me sinfgIng ln thb.vlidernnss "-Bue. la publicealsing places, no mater boy ton Traascripti unpretcntioos ; butter ant ilutire sel. dom 10 lac bac!anti cheease lsscarre, but Of Plain veMetbbes anti ceatain UsesEupst miais Uere la pieaty. andthIelilght ec! 'A soîîaet reqieaedfw m t a But white vines of Uic countr-y are sice vasbet reesutfrienda ioethomlu vhe dematiet. àa iînnca- lnceiebrcmioa et bis return At IMIS Seaon bers ls game ln thlbagbone. The vaiber Icincetian labornie ernall tovu markets. lanaes anti rab- silver service around the table. Tic. bMt&, T-1-134 ret.leggeti partitges anti soitiier lookedut ethie siaowy ara-ny, Mhe large French quail anti vilti boar. caretuiîy osecting ne knlfe, anc fôrt It la bIgla, but not so high unas i l sr:'s anti une spoon. siiving tbe aet <ot b aKt bouts, tics siver f rom11U14mitu thbbcsur-pris of bslilants, lictreqiarbeti "Too rcomuiOiitW Wife Wiae. mlleb eqipment ta kbep deftn-- Ut .Loual.-Mrs. Catherine ClarkL Jutige. vhs testlfied asie vas Uic coimn.n iav vite of Water U Clark, frise aroa d siilcman vbo vas bnocbeti trma u englue anti illed t thbic The Mesad oft he Fnmiiy. oeotec avenue viaduct Apri 1, 1917, An laquisilive sceiiatlt tmates that Issu 3maI been lice. a verdict or SI.,-tie aealge Amea-lenu tattly la cote- .060by a 3lum te ciut court. be POReilof 4.-6 Peoille. %%'ho is the .61 pua0 for mon 0.jwby. the oic!mn.aof course. miA"I1fIUi~ W. aie planning on having bovling PLANS MA IUIUIW ey, ilar@ nd Poolrno fOl 0 poebe an rof grde» abeautifci FOR ELKS JEMPLE; loge hal, viiemi we: have n OUTLINI3D jDYBA L 11111. 1k nîlitrei shows anti play%, as veli as many fine tiances during, fa sesoiq, aiso interestlflg lecturea. etc. Place Provided where The Wo. ' buntleR whaeo v1ý Imo, h ,o,,t important Dcv ad, mnen May Becomne ACtiVelY dîllan of thent ail. the ladlIes' VOT Interested in Lodge. and parler wbercin oui "Deersau. anti Parties. We ire piatYuttitoe M11a W%%auke«Ut. May S dlnlng roota vwhere the Eut huabandai visions of a nev Elits Temple lu can bave Ibeir "Ileer" vives for a Waokcgan are brougbt outinl a letter ed«o hr -e"»r ie a go alane Ita cala r'rat hat for- mailed hy Exalted Ruler J. V. Blisla cîga Elks are îcotr'd for. This ici a members of the local lodge la vblch momt inspartantfeatccre ln itsQîr vhiic he urged lhem la attend ihe . meetig up ta the presenttliane heu. been csc!- tonlght vicen a large ciasa %h al iy neglcecd. Wk, wili l csc Icgin 1 laitlated. lacldentallV bbe ieccer grill room wvicre m-* c-van dia" alon- revealetplans for the acta-Elits Tcin- (Oui of lova tiI" wili aiwvaîc4Illcci a 1 ,-, lu ti he following wortis: 1cammadations. we arc golng Ita isluss P1815-Col'c _______ building a mccv Itki ;Temple a! ftnu- sbories. jeonUanng a dormltory et Bad *uinesa. 'hIrty raclas and beth for cach. i adthe afacetionsic hiliaaapher: "Put- temnple that viii not ouly he a pride ing soaaething n,,aY for -aa Miy day ic armi social cenler for ail Elks >end Pexellent lîusIn. -c r'11buhat wscit gels. their "Deers" but a beautu' spot and iU lotOf0f i.iiii; clvs I Ih toiiof lbh- pride for Waukeg-an. -' -av la puttince IlcWforc a dry one.- I YOU C l, Pleight to ten ac- OW res in 10 hours. 5 'hirty You C' Double Disc acres in ten hours. seventy-f ive You Can Dragacres in ten hours. Y ~ Cn Do l of this and more You an D with the Fordson Tractor and special Fordson impie- ments. The Fordson Typ o w eor does flot tire, get wind broken, or have sore shoulders, and wil posi- tively do 3 DAYS work in ONE WAUKEGAN 51i CATCHES A MAER TIIIEF IN AÀ11E BEGS OFF; LET 6O J. L. Prioe "Lays"P for Thief Who Stole Papers Regularly aFor Many Weeks. PERSISTENCE A REWARD Waulcegan a.'cv 8 l'or tva wecsb Lyle Prias, cirrula- for of <'hkago paperq vaa talc! that lb-' aiea-n aInaer dciuty disappeareti froni Le.eMlilonoughs office door. rric. vatchcd anti vatec spver-i mornin.-s. lie Playevi for 'an hocîr nt a lime nseral lim ms. Flch lime lthe paper disappeareti eliher hefucrp or iflur b. tnt Ibere. lie eouldn'l sa-thero ail lb.' morninp'. IBcd thîst mcrnlng he landAd lice "birui l' h haic been dolag If. rcikinc hi- stand ar.-.the ýtc-eu 'rire wateiet and wafc'b.d. He va-, t b-ete boiveen 6:45 andi 7:15. At 'I RAIN! aiR! Plowing i Delayi 'p I LIBERTY VILLE 32 I - No y CHEER UP!t You Can "Do THREE Days Work in ONE With the Fordson Tractor Outtit T HE excessive rains ave delayýèd jmany farmers in our community with their plowing and other spring work., We realize the -vital im- portance to the farmer and to the com- munity of getting this work done and we are going to do ail we can to help those who want it and actually need it. As soon as the weather permits four Fordson outfits are ready to go out and do three days plowing in one. True, we can't ssist ail, but we can and wil help a _good many. Therefore if y ou need help and waflt the Fordson outfit to work for you, for a haif day FREE 0F CHARGE and no obligation, don't wait until there are too many requests, in, but- 'Phoône NOW -for an appointmeflt. WISON & OHM1q lest a man l-li a àdîniîer pullh*la bs Why ilasI 00SaOs Sid. banc! vulked paut the store, steppeti Many doga that Are driven ln do>. qulcklyiy m the doorvay. grabhed the bie-traced bernesa go blinti. Partiee paper and valked on. It vas Ilon, of les. iix<eiagiy bard sud fine. MaI se, klicly b. tbougbt nobody no.Imtra he brush of the dog ihît la trav* ticed Il. Angl be hati become ader. eding aheed, anti, sirlking the cge, at the practice-vel. tvowveck sesratch Iil, and lla ilme cause partial ought ta bave matie l easy ta mnatch or ttal iblindnees. Tice more fero. the paver. clous dogs of the ipack fight t ica-w"g Ina amoment Price vas after hlm.; usnthe faonti tramth triuble. a He chargeil the theft and tice feliow 1 c al ae ro hstobe lnsisted h. bad taken but threp pa- pera ln aIl. Latfer h. paactlcally ad- mitteti bis thefts min over a periati For tiie TYPIet of tva vecits. Mr. Prie vas gainez Insteati of atijusting the oferatore ta arrestt bu but be itîcadeti andi of- chair ta the Ieigbt of the table oa feredti ta ay for the ýrrcpers. Price whlcb a typevriter ie piaceti, a tgptt insisteti b. vocld have hlm arrestMidmay nov have an adjustabie table. later andi voultin't ta'ce any pay. 5ev- Ta top of the ncw stand moigIle lng hé. couic pr-y ln court. The fellov mset or Olovered like the top of a begged lenicnc.y and rthe lb.crcu- pliano tOOL. labor vanders Nhethea- ho viii Pro speube, hlm or let hlm go.1 it's as serions a thlrg ta il-ai a ambiing Spia-it St-eeg. nevspnpea' as îî i- tle salndî n, bl azarin's passion fer gambing vas fromthc ash rawfr ineoin el osrong, even wen teatb as osaer. f ro tb cas drvîr socu ilrs-ticat ice playet egdgthdel ..vus-g end, when he vas no veak Ihst thag ball te jmelîl for hM, and Chai-les Il. tMe Unele £bas. "31crry Monarch," spept big lest Sun- "Some men Sad feul hecause tieyro day on ea-lb picying at basset arount ton vise," sali Uncle Ebea, "and oth. a large table wtic bis gi-cat courticil ers hecause dey sin,' gel sens. nd l ticer dlssointe persona mnd witb tnougb." a nk et ai least £2.000bef ore hLm 1