LISEUY VILE fl~UP~1D~?, TUR8p Y x8, 1919. - - - - - - , SJ it stave ehloa t; wlndov se maving aUi Ifatlttioli and, net No. 4, phone ble aolât-n,, Bulle. Inan. Lakei Villa. rds,' w'eu a:n sd inonti Ri.v I. leneoeret c WVaule. ithi oit! and oné n. £Iolsud (IMaa Jrd . Dborma, >alatiudma li M'MU' oui. laDta ?"»uz <anmte hom Os Dvd., bce 1"4 '18t1681le etele1 >I~uoe a.ftt l0w your And heat by 25 ana car. Tva Racla va. abaudomed ecé&Uam refuSw neonary7 foe hiý Thais va. fto bat tho p&i Ëa fume I id b.etrie *0 bamt e 1abier. ea mi. cf aw v loi i -e vels a ar ou ttod Stheos n athern atten. IAmeo T,'itan-41020mm7he"Real iOdê ounfaa" n te*= wlm ko remaa Imm o' l. h Po - ibisand »6 a. 0. masses vara a Ulnd% ocugmg yole fuel bSilIhmiL l 0reoid Mrovme di,~ atada iu SCHANlCK -HARDWARE COMPANY ,S ciIfor Thls W.ek- IIew zPark and Be...s..e..a.....I Oc Grandmas WaugPwe................ 5c Sopn ................................. . SCd sbown n diaplay window, p«e po nd .... 24C sat" dy F. Ce NORMAN e AT TME HAWTHORNF.M 2 mils &" thOf Libeityille SATURDAY,MAY 10, 1919 From 1:00 to &W0 o'cloc P. M. PROF. EL A. WIHT, of Miiois Univerity. WILL DEMONSTRATE HOW TO ELIMINATE SIDE DRAFT HOW TO WORK 4, 6 AND 8-HORSE TRAMS TANDEM. HOW TO DRIVE THESE TRAMS WITH ONE PAIR 0F UNES. HOW TO "TIE-IN' AND "BUCK-BACK" SO THAT EAC-H TF-AM DORS ITS SHARE. HOW TO PLOW 36 ACRES PER WEEK WITH SIX HORSES. Three piows, pulied by 18 home, willi operation. at Lhe mre tirne. Prof. White viii explain the systeme, whlch are en- entirely new. WAYNE DINSMORE, sacrotary of the PerCliwan S"Ont7 Of A»rmc@4will a. o p seet. EVEJtYBODY WELCOME LAKE COUNTY FARM BUREAU W. L WATKINS, Faim Advia.r [18911 îHEVRI SÀTUIDÀY, lA! 10 SESUE HAYAKAWA ha JACK PINKFORD la d it.H.e'T Ptu. --------- NOM&. AU membewsof Acma Camp No. 17ô M. W. A. ho e kwaduvos. on the. Dow rais of ratio vIl b be as ntai at meetng Thu urynl, NMw.15. Thora wMi b. aima a <md of toast bef a»d v "hig ualost Mwthh 1t. Ailmembr. ara urged tla b. pruent._ A. 9. L>'on, Clrk. VICTORYLOAN LACS IN LIBERTYVILLE TOWNSHIP The Victon>' Liberty L.aan quota for Lihertyvilla township l. $185,300. 0f Ibis sun l pproxlmately $87,850 bai been subectbi, $53,550 ibroagit the Lake Caunai> National Bant. $311800 through lb. lirsi National Bank sud $2000 for Libetyvilla township throagbâ th. CtIsena Bank ai Area. Baverai of the tollcilarsbave ual rot made suy reports and!10 is ihorelara raiber dligfiut la dalermlso lhe mut ai tha campali" borem Haoevon vo .1mm1hav about "%S000Worh of bond. tlaalbeore Ubostyvdb ereacho.fîe quoasasd voui'tvWubo JMIC all a"dita overeubo bat quota laet The ofollsvg extracl fia., a opoo" hi S. Lto .l e 5. FMaUti u lro Wan Loan Ongaisalon. U. SL Tresour flepI, MPosaVM forclbil wbaitht.j Viellon LêOMMSa fqa. . e.el l, t a psyfor thlngmta were »ver ais: v.e m a"ta p"y lotaff th"l»ai«noers re d; for «M *61 »M novr«Wehe bu"ati rm uit v eauana bat!te pay for *bout use l*aI hupol la &s majr vaî On brlng thm er luasu ma !la 1918 linane 'lo 1119. Ast bO hrlgof Ibis va lna sudui lv monibo bpfore va eoii k*kcglcalok for filmèe a. liI v ae a.koi la pay for aavcg lb.eIlve of j,00.000 or »00,000 Amaican baya vho vouit! bave dieon aufonigu albat! le var cunthie net uer jour." A few dolaras luveuted t!l lulet Librty Loa leI, &fter aiU but s imali price tu psy fan thono bleeliage. IFor AU. th. famlly. The Indqpen dent . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IIbryv"l Nelama.aSý Charlea (iardeu ,peut, Sundayia CIi. IMr. and lir. Fred Snîiti, epr'ntsund&y casa.iln Chicago. Mie Anna ltner @peut the week-end S. ). Nlo lalaow n' ti!' rtarlv lotated with Liberty vîille inds. l1 i o bre u1 Ml., Margaret Beckler vas a vistor Mfr. and Idre..L-11,- Warren spent at Fort àberidan:Sunday. Wededay eveulag in llîertyviile. MIa. Miaule Kapheimol North Chicago Mila s t@Carroll iý eurilngarnnthi'a vlited àdr.. Chra. Jochbelm Suuday. 1vocatian from her wî,rk ln tire cty Misa Mamie Feat and ClIfiord Fauat Umia.Cmr-Bilker, of Fh Wayne,. lad, apont lira week-end vitb friende et Deer. li. audlug a week witirtire joehhelm fid. lamlî. Mfr. and 1fr.. tia. Cooper retarned Suaday frant a three mauthai trl ntheb. Booth. Mgr. sud Mma P. D. Allanian, oi Claton, Iowa. waro week-end viators at lb. Albornshome. Law Flagg bas movad bis barber abop la tho quartera oceuplod by S. DNelsoni ast la mady for buainoo.1 Lavaco Cowlaa, formorly ai Liberty- vile,ha bo trud tram France sud vilii amal. Iehomoeané But Troy. The Srommt Wortt., cia..oai tbe M. B. Subdmy Sobool viliiboit!à a bhs Mia Satuidai' milermootst aue@Igors otai Mts. Loin Matacla and lir. Chat. Cheevr a&tee" lb.recital g1ven by GaI Curel st tbe Chicflago udlttqa oued&a aloraon Tb@. flov vbo said"Ille. la ltose. danai thua all en other" tn.v vbat b. va. llag about. AM m ov hbe Vaut 17 xauto for a od, A. C. Boialaeff a tract-or damon. tisilon a$ Osivea, Viaè., lait veot. AI tlii mnuetl iurévemmak or aitractai, weo la competillon.1 '188h IIi ngisors am u tao.givon à beatty iscoption vlan thh.î arrivlu Chieago loday. George dii Uàborhyvilie leamaong thaïe. A Utcmilld la wibhosgamn. lRobas reorned tau LbertIyIl for a short vist alter bcb. oxzpeets to tlasta ils goverumeut position la lb. South. Mr. atmnlr. Ley Faan d sono ae la Chicago today t mut Hoaait!flu neala pa.shrougtb.clyviîh RlWb' Backe on hhoir vay sb Camp Grant. Tb* senior Enillsh claiofaitho higb ichani. accampailot! hUm SuRmnet, arn attendiug lb. performanScof Haila at the. Prine.. theatro %is àallrnoon. Mn. and! Mn.. Geo. Herrik coebratot! their goldan vodt!ing aunivermary i Lake Forast Taeeday eveniug. 1fr. Ber. rick li a brother af irMe. 0, 1. Lace, Mr@. liI Trlggeansd Diniel Berriet af Liber- lyville. mi". Miaula Jochhbinr vent ta Chîcago gaturdaY ta ment Min@, Buter, aif P. Waynè. lad. Ura. Hovard! Drake, of Palmyre, Ili., vialteid 'bsnparente Mr. and lMr. W. Kanke Sb. pu$S veet.' aveulaImbolre are attendig the moetIng of iii. hauban Cemetery Soclet7 st livaho. odal. bas mavad lin quartera ta, 1th. igl. hall viiere a roam ham beau provid.d for tien. eThe vlop b oard bas decidad ta matas tbq' »pair, ta aulargo tb. romoe opW.4bîlb.éllbrary. III e ellea#Id n;Vandermart lent Bat. F idai va.ll elattended bat tb. pro. kcouevi a se ua&es a egoel $88.00. TIi fai vud by Dr. 8vumIag hbu ibmn oro 136Hohlhhan lros. or Chtugo. 11hl remored Ihat &beyara maing t ueon It for asbngbngpurpomsofor 1h01: "Ln.L J.Delaiola roeurud Tudmh boo m poMilsthleput VO*. Deving bor t Mey h mdwionvot a mibbopera. lon for lb. remval ai ber tonoila. J. a- Alloua. r ea Word rirabis aebev, WNa., alstlng <balh. leon WOU haovn la Liberty villeand le the aloMt Oofa F. J. Alleinan, vi Tacomas, Ulmi Ruth Caruey snd MisMayma Jonkiso ent la Camp Grant orne day l"i yul :o sesFred Carue'y w la ro. i eully roturuot! from Francs. Be has sinehmbilSheharliod sud r.turred to At a mecUR a the village board Moi. deyî eveunelia. followlag appointmeati ver. mode. Donnla Limborry wa. appolnted nuarhal for anotber tarn AI Kik-iasfoW tb. valet oyalem sud Lyrell Marrie for trea.urer. These mca bave ail been faithial Iu their servic e, t the villflagead thar reappoiatmeuî waa to ir expected. . Ur. nd r@. eEnrywho re eil Thre ieveread Chanter EBru avaite hoi. 1fr. sudina. Mctvileae m woyae ilf of aithre caatsy af the Libertyville tuou u Lbetyvll bae ave rom 'lariepearient ta give expression la Ilie Chicago ta Wsukegau vhere they vili aiicere appreciation 01 the kiudly eym- malle their home. Ur@. Mcflnery hrsîa@ p aad very prectical irelp wtricir ir been speudlug a few days with ber iraq ret-eived irom lb. people af Liberty. moIrr Mn Malne.ville. If li-maY do 0o vilihoat offense, Fiday, thre clasi af 1922 yull enterta ho bege ta Lake secl&Ja rrnowledgment ai the high achoal for graduatoo ai ailai tire kinu esaiof . 1 Lace snd of tire surroaadlng eightb grade@. Daring tire fier. 14'sîir Latreh, redar of St. regular sessioa the, mneto yl viit Joerp'aiurcnt. classes sud'la thc evenIag a party vtiITire LîbertyvIlle WOMan'e Club Met ho givan n l tit honor. yesterday aiternoon vlth Mrs. E. A. The W. C. T. U. wvilI meet vlth Mn,. Crâne. Trie toplc ai the progrsm vwas Weich ou Elm court. Tueoday afternooa, Indus sud one of lb. most InterestIng May 13, ai 2:80. The tapic ai lb. alLer. meetinIgs irf the seson vas enjoyed. noon yll ho"Fiover Misaion mund Relief Papere ver. esadby lira. Ueo. Boud, Wor." AIl menhere are arged ta ho lMtr. Woolridge and Mlra. S. L. Trtpp on preaent aud frienda are cordlallyI nvitet! varinns phases ofithb.Ile, literatnrpr sud ta, attend. ecaaamic couditlaus ai the country. A Lroe t nutre.rtiirg featura vas aun @iriirt Mr nd -rd M. W. W. Carroll isave to. ai articlIe, collet-ted bi Dr. Crane l In din, marrov for an extendat! triplIn he sait auroug tireni ererai Iligreeaailvrpie. vhere they vill isit Iheir @an, George, A&Itwel ibol oi inlit! sandelwonîl ami and farnîli aiNew York. Tire>' vii Boule cimýus a1 the Unique pipoe uoeil prohaily @pend s low days at Cncinnati b>' th, high claie cilacuns of ludra wecm au.the ratura trip. aîso amorig tire collection. 1fri..Barry "rmer, via bas been ÀA mall tractar bas bien dolng a spent!lng a ew days vith iar mother, iand-offfce business on the detou, Mr@. Rapte, daring ber couvaleacuce northvest af Waukega cauaod hy thre from a raceul opcratIan, bai raturned to cloalug of Sheridan Roasd durlng thée ber home In Wsukegsu. Ber tva chid- rehuilt!lng. Thxrgday ho la naid ta rau vliiiromain vii lb.!r graudmother have made $100 la haeug autos fram fat~~~~~ ahotlmabat! hala enconatumelon the do- Au alarm of Br@ va. sanuddt attour; Iod&i a Waklba atot vho Baturdai noon f tom the Acoz'ho.. ouna" wuv s iluol, V«s Bore long Second révelnami zdoaivs w v a eough ta son him MU l ovalis- cimn.î oa Ifk&- The imIra partlzn.t , *d ""«eU-ma W*ea w reopoudot! promptip but het rvicie oaattrluto geeanO»ý hlm vaoa mot moumia! i va.wu «- usje ttnguibO upon thds r riva. AI Rapte Who hmbeaibis outiag lb. soib v Itla "Eviq Womsa Oponat Oma" la ltlngtela Uerij'vgia. Mr. Rat naise Um~selaimett. Ho iravhsiviii the alpsib »ataul. qua Camgaa for tva maicai prvboa to bis oagngaomtit teii ln rmut eou. WlnthsP Hare-vern anthe la. dustrwaimu aa& s ee.nmly vi IL O. Hgaacu=M* Wguelàmatis am bath oci KenbISistecktllatu lake Oosatr os t» MOowc.utroct Stsite hla bolusb" ila te wu- "w ilotcice@*tu hcOss efora ltae later vu noveS te Smol 1 vu hra 1r.a" tuhl- soum te - m a , " mm INa. B revaler Dyami, sn orMrn hewisoperatiloànImespiet$"- Ie aMi M. W. H. Dymosi, vas buouetgit uviimamuu @ e &W ii to Ulbintvilofor hurlai on Maat!sy. v>.ob fon auhohflch. Ha bat!boom la pour hoalhbforthi. lait tva or ihrm estus Mdami estly va. OflIeOComl «voul ndiers nt olmInok. ithbParalyaie Mmd flaivery ut UShermdan veto îveua atout yoe ouiiny. Tue lfueai awva.prirate sud tords>' lii Osa. fture Imilit> 9W iook phac.naitlb.home ai bis Parente. partment of th. foaoi langugo di, The e y PFuuiture ant! Paint salaelavision aoflte Lbertyi aa omtfee Volna obeosaéaofiLbertyvle'a big la. Womcu taiieeutativei cft tu'4ve Boumtions aW Mt. EMgha.talon lb. stan dièretuai n g es istitthebos- toom, vacated ,by L14wFisgg sud en. piliMut!bro«it cqkeo, f-uit, cet!> largat!bis praenntfoot ipaes by the a& anmd lovera. 0".»Ou"" >ma dition. Mr. Ralt baibenudojoa s pso.made cakes at! tbrti4rs poais of 1h>' businussolalu is oItquartera vhtch ohocolatea ver. servei b>' ita g1ia uaeffltatet! the takIng ai mare floot la costlumnes aithe ntoAns. ti>'ro- epac. ipraeetet!. Aut w-h.S t ipl nî...i *- Irrtta l.o , Ml'îreia Nay 14l, I..kt Forý - e o frl itr 'i '. - 1 L 1 Il ubilard r.-,'ird word trri, nbim @on, Geun Lii-. ueek-l taIli. vi'i-i lm 11, dry d.Sk !or rî'Pdairoartih iatIlreeX:îecLeù [to ri.Iur, bornte on a furlouirb. Waukegan Knlghts o! Pytblas 'eld a bi gtme Frlday evening when work vas dane In the third rank foilow- lng an luterestlng prograrntof infor- mai nature. Guesta lwere present tamn Lake Porest and Highland aPrk ta&@o ver. given by several of theai &aM a banquet wau srived. The alck Patch IM. Ca. vas or- ganu M Mansu ns osd la si- to bave been doing a "tbluhe huaI- ua* There are no creditors con- ooued or entrng into this Court aton aa the. Company la sol vent and tiiere la a remdy and! grovlng rark.t for 11. producta. it Lu bop.d tlut the. dlfféreicea ezisting between Ue. owaera of saMt!Company niay be aoeaoted vithout InJury or luna-Y vay rotardlag the grovuh of the lo alIndutry. £À'curch cI'ru.icevl Màethoiet4bpiecopaî. Sercviewii b. bad d z&Bnmdmy at th. M.. c eb a.foliour.: Banday ichoal et 10 o'clock. 'Motber Day' sorvie@ aI l ocîoce sermon hy Rue. Buss., l b. oslngaIS 1oco, BOY. ;.. F. Lesemqa viii pracilb.thesermon Tibore v-l b. opaclamoule for bath Ail the Rpworth Leaguers ara te. qaooist! la saembl a luhlb.Epvorth lisegu. onpromptly ah 7:80 ta pro. pare for lb. Instalilan services at 8 O'clocktel attendt <b services lu a body. A commtta. viii promeut the League colora. vbite sud ted la evory Leager Choir yl muet for roeMIar os ?harat!ay avauiug et 8 o'clock. Ail members urget! ta b. pramut. There vili boa vory Important meeting af the Suadal echool beard nesi Uanday eveuiug, May 12. ai lb. M. , E. chorci aI 8 a'clact. Ail officens, teacher@ and membera af the Sunday coaiolcommîttm are uroeed te attend. St. Lawrence Episcopai. 'liii Rec. CherterC. Bill, Priet-l-clîrrrge. Third 14unday aller Eaeten. 7:80 Holy Commnin. 9:45 Chunr echool 11:00 Euebariet ai cerman. Choir prrtice on Fnidoy: Junior chair at .3:4.5;, ef-lor choir at 7:30. Presbyterian. 'inndav, MayI l. Surtday Ochool 10 a. Ma. 11:00 a. m. PreachIng. Tepic, "The Symbole BlidrMotierboud' Special muet-. Pfreiing 8:00 p. m. Topic sermon, 'Spiritual Boomrerangs" ChrItian Endeavor 7:15 p. m. Tapic, "Pre bure oftire Worid." 2 TIm, 4-10; 1 Jiohn 2: 15-17. Payer Meeting, Wedneeda 'v eveing, May 14. 8 p. m. Tepic. "Tire Effect ai tiwýrelanon Mieeioaeii Choir practice Friday evenIng, May 9. Mr. Madison, cirtriater. Boy Scoute sud Camp Fire Girl@ Frîday evening la the aonsI meeting places. Thin meetia.r ia inteuded ouly for those telav thaelghth grade ln achool. The great majority of successful business meni in Libertyville awn their own homes. If you do flot own yours, you can. Cali at this bank and learn frorn ane of our officers how to finance the building of your home on easy payments. The Firitt National Bank LibertyvUe, HL REOURCES OF MORtE THAU4 HALF MILLION DOLLAUS The gocdanse, the source cf profit represSw 41 building improvements, bam established d thed«im ai. many a young mnan. Firet det"erniMe isibly what improve- ment& you ne.d. Thon coune to us for an estmate. The. ret willb.easoy. You will never do a ete ting than to build wbaÏ you need, without delay, unlesa it be ta patronize us a your building requirernents. lb D EE S" Langworthy's Variety Store:e-' BULK AND PACKAGE SAME HIGH GRADE BEST MONEY CMN BUY iCorne in and Get a CatalogS,. Alfred! Sharpe and! J. S. Bryant, two vomea. Befor, tliey fotumient salors tram the Great Lakes Naval that they vere lntruiidlg &Ma Traingu Station 2nlstook 'Mbeity" they ver. flot vantet! It bouane lm for lilcense" iu Kenoaha an Friay eourytao el l thepolice. Tb* âg evenlng dulIng the Vlctory Loan pleadet guiti ta a chane of 4w Celebratlan and they lnsleted an in-, derly caadact and pad d Mat sinuatIng themaelvea Into au automa-: dollars aud the costea huars e1 bile contalaing a number of Kenoshaý Kenomba Nov.- LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR It is now tirne to consider the Summor underwear. Our st o f bath Ladie. and Chuidrensa goods are complete and alford exceflent vales. Athena Union Suit. for ladies. Four styles in tkesek in ight 1w.. and urmbrela. style, white or fleSh color, durable tailored top, full line of size, at .................................. $.2 The popular envelope style in Union Suite, fine durale goods, at, per suit,................................... LAdies Union Suit., mn tm athletic style, laase.fitting and coni- fortabk nmade of good, bsxred nainsook ail sizes, at ý.. Lad' il top'Union Suât, feuh or white, tight knee. ai, P« suit............................................. os " Children a. Athea Unmkion 4 uumbrefla sylobuttaE. omt in aiz mesfr 6 to, .y mmat................ .... M W. a" gj ue I ptmt W. w.e 1