PAGE TWO LII3ERTYVILLE, INDEPENENT, TmJRSDAY, MAY 15, 1919. y ~1' STRIKE TIES UP IIiWl ' n -the Hall of States PLOCAL GIRL FOUNDRY AS 250 WINSJIONORS! MEN QUIT WORK Word was received hr oa el ing of a new bonor whicb ha just ~Con1nud True are iCe ~beich conferred, on Miss Charlotte - I chde ghter of Aset, 9taten At- ietting- gond pay, thaft the are nicely torney and Mrs. John W. Weich of rare fo an .nged ~em~ l~ ~ j 1 Waukegan, et the University of Ill-.1 siderate before loting radical action. trnols h,,rishe je in thejno ae Aind then monme o the radicale began ROAQ WORK AWAITED PEDLCE issc Weicli bas just been eiected toi te cati e'trike, sftrite" Aven In face ;the Phi Beta Kappa honorary echoi of the suggestions af the ChicagoI SmaII Amount Money Expenoed De. 1 rhi p sociely. This signal borI union leaders if thev didn't order ICause of Deoîre ta Conserve I-abert erely ever le hestowed Plrrept In tiire he t rilie te. go on Money and TransportatiOn. epnior venir. Therefore te receivp il , It seems ta hie the 1. ~W.W Bol- i the junior venir 1 tillu a grenier Fhevilti element among the union (Prepared by the United States Depart. ainar that la trring Iîg pmn !ment f Agr eulture) a Ibekng uno mndofo w an o f rieAthoogli $14,50000 ias avalahle il evelaps thel Miss Welch a the nio mendo et wnt e stikefor expenditure on the post roads from i"rn ehowered with honoraeaoflaie -ioene lii o! ahe lant. sidthe fçderai aid rond set, onlY $425e lwas only recentiy Ihat sho waq one fian ofwheant 45le s îroflerifd 1.nget electéd la tie, Kappa Delta Pl. an demae ta strike legetin $50 a lýkig«y construction season of 1918 j lonorary edicelionai eociety. demndete trie i getin tio a.............................dt ail prolectg. The reason for thil. Prier Io thett ewwee eiected la the week. accorcling 1to the conirpanry's acordlig te the annuel report of the Mort r fBoard, an bonorary senior sa- records, le has been earoinz that secr#àry of agriculture, wats the iO dcl l whicli not mare than eilitI or sum~~~tep fo h etye.eWntaken te conserve moneY. aOr len girls are elected vyearly. Officiels declare the idea is te tan~~tjon and materiala Ili In additin Misa Wolch rpeently was stiOte mci for the cake of triktng i~ okdrlng the war. and at the Nvas elected ta lite Aletîtena, an lion sather. than for ans' grievencé be- saine Urne te facilitate reaUty e58entlai rr ipa1mcpv cause lie,% are geting gond pay and htihwar projccts. aavllrîvscev surround loge are ail rigbi, etc. Ti connection with the tçeM% ~ 84 Antd tact but nol leat, the W.îuie- A Co-Opratie Pantrçsd wosk, a letter was gd4resse4 t0 gan yaung wooian reeivedl prelinlin The' foundry compsny wee the tirct, eéh iatge, ighway de8 çýent àmk. ary honoasthie rsi of ttilcs er wt'i local plant years ago ta Inaugurale li gtýac a program of f;eerl'bid Con,- show tiret cie was anc o!f the ffý-- the a oeratve lan or orkmn ana#on be submitted nt thie earUjes studeitta receiving tt higlîet clan d and officiais. lic success was hased' posble date' In whLîtc woîjld te:n- ing for- tiareatlwo i o tk lI lareglY en that arrangement. ,lýau cluded oply those projecte wW4h thecol-î And tat is SONIE remorud yeer the campany ok out insurance stWte hig4way depertimente CO1,sýderÇd foi one 3 oung womsn. far msny oflits help endl onhy e few vitiilly pecicssary ta the traDfO~Bbfl#- - wee'is ago an $800 policy *as paid la fachitiez cf fice country. a wdo woýebubad hd oredAt the request of the capital isnues Famous Miartinique Women. etteatdo andhoe e bad lieof te dcommittee, enigîneers of the depart- Jaeeî.lîline. lii -ic rît I ife mof Napô» plet the lamtany ha bd pi one .! tru ent were made avaleable for InnPecI. leoili aîic boni In Mari iique, îand lier pllethold opnvled eid orbg and reportIiig uîon propoee4 4' statue. splendid g100 nuilanchlîiy, Nol Coiern~eWay and Irrigtatiîound drainage bond uîîî[Iiliies the illle ilajUzfa or Sa- l wee iutsIIIa when a commlltpe .iS5e5. Inspections were made of 181 vpiiie freur the .eohîro! Fort de ccnsiling of it<Chicago officils of .,. . ...- Separate prajects, lnvolvIng total bond France. liere. too, nec bore Mme. slM' (',M'tgo »fpmi wicl I nciudcf.. Soldiers. salions and marines sevenal niairoed mechanica and the issues of $36,9112,396. An arrange- de Maiiiiuîîîý1, tibaîîtlfi cairtesati, Weuhegan, (-ame ta the faundry and, front Illinois bacittrom France are Ilinos womt-n rctuoted ta hlm the muent was made wlth the fuel admin- whos, tiiftiteiCm on . -u XIV rvaq re- wth presldent lus Puait oftrie fouir- gettlng a relit borne welcome at parues of severai o! the home tate ittto hrb ilwy fseta the Hall cf States, whlch le main- men stho nmight tCmlithem. -Two lteto heeyhliwyeo peii sile l.f,,r un.- o f t- rlilglîcruas.- dry union, went ino conference wth tained by the New Yorkt Commun- men were stitcd out for the jobs. inmportance shaid recelve enough i. da're@ duriiîg fils î~ àfi. Sedgwlck. Mr. Sherwin and allier ity Service In the old rectory o! Judge Gary of te-Uoîted States tuminous maturiîil ta provîde for aide-________ officiais. The eonference contInued Trlnily Church et 27 West 251h Steel Corporation la heail of the quete maintenance, andi, where neces- street, New York City. Front this menas commîttein char-geofo!the during the nooI hour without Inter* desk tlieY are dlrected ta their Illinois weicomiiog sork and Ceci Baty, to -permit construction and recon- About Bathuifi. ruption. own club rooms ut 107 East 34th Page la Vice.Ch;irman. lire. struction. From Mliy 13, 1918 wliez Vrequent lîîîing 1,; condticive to Il seems that the local union was steet whlch bas been establisbed Stanley McCormick, iret Vice- the eo-operation lîccanie actlvely effec- gond Itemltli icas eil as cotîfîîrl. It flo supored ntleiyliythefoudry by a eroup cfIlîllnolcans living in Precsidenl a! the NtritWoînan's tive. untîl the close of the fiscal year, keeps the pîore-s of the siiri ent-. ai ne upre niel ytefudy New York. Suffrage Party, 14l air .titanofo the employee aithotigl il waq formed iwo This club was tarted as the oul- %worene committee wi.îated witîî 2.235 appliciton4, cellng for 75.000,,-uit tht-y cmn perforni their propur y8?a R904 lite n*g*euîMitvihadl conne cf a amal meetig et the 0f- tBrn, and tiits. \Walthon Hîi 000 tfîillane of tumînous rmatertal. funicîlaî cf civîiring the systt. nvrgoi utlrecentiy when a lotaic of Ceci Page. Secretary o! the Brali daughtec of Robertt lger- were received train sîctes, counities and t-ru sîli, kiai, of excrctlons whicii neyer grio'wt embr e uke n AeintrainlCopral liand fornîeily o! Peoria l tisgiti( 0fadiina ebeeweetae , teiao eraInetwch$,0 a Copor- vice- Chirman *Ht-s Sîack, unîlen inuhiciplilties. tO! ihis emount 571-are fut îîschîarged Ibrieugli the inouli. folowing the recent agitation. 1 acribed. Govennor Lowden had appeittiientt froua lioveroor t.ow- I)ra ."a1 sas given and permîts wene e 1. Dose, u or allinetatry raefl. Thevoe ag akn t te eei promieed te ses that a.îch a sunt den. bas charge of the joint rom- IIu for 58,000.000 glions. lîtne wtticomitiwiter. A brick rub T]est vonnte s tken cse tm e a prvd dteting mîti rtee of the Society of Illinois lu ardî-r ta c-ordinale the activittes iter the bath îtronites cirt-ulatî)u of deman wasre!used but, officiaiso f theretore callid after bim. Club and ttîe Chicago Cub, ssrv- o hrosgvriin gnls otrbod thempan wasyhyrc bfr hyl Until the Governor Lowden Fund Ing in the Hall cf States. %Ire. W. as lhey relate ta igliwayIS; better 10 theplntsay'he eruliheor tey was enbecrlbed tite work of wei- H. Gahegan le buad af the Chicago conserve mati-riais., transportation, made Iheir requesi known. coming liome-coming lads was Werna Club, and NMrc. J. Her- money and lithlir; ta elîmnate delsys Corne To Wonit, Don't Start done b>' wcmen iolunteers heeded bert Underwooil le île chaîrman. andtincranis n epeiepil Te onrmncaetthplnby Mrs. Thomas SiecIt, front Mrc. J. M. Gatiegher. hoaut of thoenctiteat apaieps Thefoudrymencam tathepla ,Quiocy. presîdent of the Society <hlcago Club, le acie in the o'clock. But. tliey did flt tart w I-lilinois had a lrger reprementa- prominent part are lire. H. Reem Trhe Besi Plasi Ing.Tbeyhuntabout uctil aine lion than any ether stalle had In Baker tram Geneseo. Mrs. Logis. &Ing andyhun alKame the Hall of States. They tounti Mre. Cloxton. and Mre. Tlmotby o~'lcl, en Ibn al ~arciedouI their work varled from glvlng the Martin OConnor freni enicago.Th prs t tu io ii wit i helr palle under thoir arms boys tram overiees Information Mrs. W. Odham from Allen. Mrs. > ahd trouait for home. The net result about thoras at home In Illinisl ta Jennie Love !rom Quitncy. and Mrs. T epeetstaini ihonttne tbem uplainhahoseitalancendfM. J. Smart from Rock Island. every person who Con et hesîriele ha lie alaceaf there comfortlng the leneseme Âmong the Illinois lads wbo the foundry will have te close wlien chaps. Under e syslsifl juet 71r- have recenti>' vlsited the Hall of ' ~ -moniths. Factories ares te Work done yesterday by the moid- fected b>' the War Camp Commun- States are the toiiawlng: Fred C. t --- odrnw ers ls run Iliroui the plant. That It>' Service the camnes O! ail the Dttman. 188b Infantr>', Troy; odrn w new arrivais etthie varions bas- James lb. Doyle. Hospital No. 3, wiil be bu' tonight. pitais in New"York are given deily HlIvIew: Philip Frast. Air Service, Mr. Sedgwick declared tbat thel te tbe state hoeptaliY committeea Evenston; Eani R. Franklhin. Du- promptly te lime ladseftram home, fentny, (-ira: C. F. litatley, U. S.~' hletnatlid blin or anybotiy el-uc gIvlog a word of chut-r and oiieriog N. Jersetville. Arthîur '). Hags- what their grievance wes. Later e! hto serve thcm. Oflen the nepi>' iront, irw o, Xviterriacc, ter the conference the demand fori cames bacit neit day, "Please cali 31111h lofantzy, Hern; Raymond a nd sesenie, oct a sonl has been HoodI. q i. S. Conufort, Goreville; recognition o! the union was given litre te %,lait me.' . C. A. ,ohnon, laspitatNo1 5 b th offciai, j One aoflié.ver>' Important sers'- Iclaod:iSidne hey nr, iPre i- Ferlier la tht' mornIng wlien eskpd tces oo! hum- lai of States that li- dents ILnmr G(ard Rocliford; W. abot he itaton ~ieh rogltertut-mamiiy of te tou-e s the ne- E. Kotmr. Presdetes Honon tlin-wtute ctplo nicimt service ibuerd. Eai't Mains: S. R.Lech. thie ete. Mr. Sedgwk, . reiden'. j under ttmlph M. liaýI ltnalîl o! tlme t'. S. N., Jollet; George P. Liily. adîntted that lie did net know what Wiir Camrp 4Camotnity Services P12. S. N. Cetralia: Carl E. Lu- -..- lthe complaint was; be said bcho id Emptotiimcit liiicnimîu liere la cen- trom. Mtartnés, DeKalh and Her- ' - I tr emli cucul ta gct In touch witb bert MiterAledo. Rhr n nat been advsed as ta whal Ilie trou- jatte in ail te states andte10MI1 dercan of Chicago was aI Chatean Truck Load of H4ot Btumînous Con- ble miglit le and et thaf t'me wasthtem e iti men t-nul the home cci'- Thicrry withi the rut- îf Marines and waitiig for bbc comMittee ta com tonteb hu tr l Iltuu. allah us t-.- afrward Iras bina (birman Prison cree eing Durnped Ready to De hieoffcete xplinnieteri iti cived front ait Illinîois railroati for Camp foc, twa montha. Placed on 8urfece. eommilte arr ived about 12 o'ciomim -tIve esslta"e b anrying on vtaily andi il we-m tietu thal econferencp, was OIET JeR drpu hi pun hntkneffective blghmway wonk, the eecreteny held and M. Sedgwick and ciber offi- NTC OBDES dIalterrtuî. We atnrquetei oach of the governntent de- Big Baby Carrnage Disp cili for the fit-t tîme itnew wîîah front office e charge o! $.00 e day lettitsnd dmltrinene- was the trouble. 1oceefoa okwlbb ai.estedto itanme a reprt'st-'native te serve ONOw~ is the tiffletlîat bh There are 900 nien anti wonn m- Lake Co., 111. ! Proposai fat-ms, notie fo, cantrac- an a councîil ta deal with higbway pro:- ployed] et bbc foindt-y andtirte tient-j WaukAtgan. I- lNa "v 1,,, 1919. lors ad calie o!f 7teestîrnate ects duting tic peroiof the war. As S-hlîîtîld ('11.11Vthie pire, fi' wicb o! neceesity foliow. will Semled lt-.mieiîl i- t-i, k ainîay lia oblaineti from te Couoty a resul. the Unitedi States higiWays air-. Titis (,.Ilt' e asil- prove mttet setloue te the wbole catit-, by thei iidersitid for th- ittro\ - e Swttîeridents office. counceil, consieling of a nepreseniative ~ i 1 muntty, menu' 0f the men living lu. ment a o efiii'îRai (fronitu iî u TtNtmdaîdlrtg Cnril f-mtedpîrmn tagriculture., - iievttilila (i Waukegan. itcm-Atm. ta Vole.,InlaTalv Coutitt b. teu-ar i-ethe'right ta rejeci umyoyir the war depertmenl. the railroad nd- 1'lag( fi-oioui. ('1101111, The Chicago Hardware Vounuiry u' giutîn. i:lting andl pavîin- ojihall proposais and la waive teultnicali mlntit-tton, the war industries boarg tîk Conmpany' issued the fot-mal qtatA concrëe uintil 10:10 o'clock a. minttes sutject, t approval of tlac State and tic fuel administration wes9 ment et virionteferting ta the situa- Frimiay. Nfay -nitd, 1919 anîl puilimît- Tiglîway Dupt. fot-met In June. Durlng the fret four- lion as pre'ented above. openati Siparat' ît-mposale will iti 1bi.vmitdut-of tht' Lakte(Co. tennbe cf Its existence the councl ____________ rt'ceit-md fer tht' cenent for Iis wor, hîOAD A-NIîRDGE CO\tNIITTFF, tasetd upon about r,000 applicIB- juntil 10:20 oclock . ni, llnmay Clitas. 1'. Russecl tiens, lnvolving neanl>' 4.00,000 bar- Do' ogtTi.My2,1919. -dj (' trp (, ointlvSuperinteprdent of - lirele ef cernent, 3,250,000 tans of stone, ~~' Dcordnt er Egt Tlsoets he worlii, Idi% - a .1,140,000 tons ot grave], 1,207,000 tons Âccadln ta n Egilb ecentst' Thewor isdii dt' liho tt-e' sc. ws aoetsentiover 77,000,000 brick,.and estinmite the tvotld's total sannuel rata iit.u a.. fîliowq liay 14-11 Witly. May' IE neeniy 20,000,000 pounds of steel, and fulalInîîîuiîtsta 29,457.4 cible miles, o S - G 15 ), 51710 Fi. uaril 18140,000,000 gellons of bItuminons ima- n-hlm-bles-m lien one-ourth drains Porîlanti CeîîtnhPacpentî. - -tenials. trouglt rivera mb hie ocean. Sec I1-15 1), 7210su yards lC.' How to Attain OId Aile o FALYCNIO 0 RAD ________-Portlandi Cerntent Pavement. Sir George Itelîlti goldehm fr'îtT ONIIO F O SeC. I15D, 71111 sq. yarmds if'b, theittiutni-viit tif oîliageIisst-ut-lba ,Pale" Wth Hi* Da ddy. Portlandi Centînt Pavemnt.. - Place Inith'0-~ireO îv lidl-ils a cor- Often Due ta SrnalilAppropriations In The ollier evî'î;iig b lied comaPsy, fitders nav subititlmultiple hbis retiti-l %varit-ît- er-h niitins: b Ehdeavor ta Make Cheap andi of coturs-eptit;sinal1 brother hadl for Iwo or tht-e sections, haveillîiteii ut littlî1 gli aî pîpiiese, Surface Endure. te bc an tien-i. îîîîui ii s e1111vas ton- jINFORMATION: Work o-i lie et i litu t itn h i vi itîtldlutlie mentinzrue. Ater ami hîtog n tirne, donc tnder the 1919 Sppceifcatioiis of uIlt'.uilî 1 have fi-st t-let-iet lmîiicli t Tee oten fanît>' rond conditions are I said. "If Nou dohuit bllattve I o-W m thc Sielit. ligbwuty tX-larlnient, Ioa er;fuiiigti tii o ligel ntnmîd It; If due te toe amail appropriations in th @end ymu In tii a "t'tiosplie@al- gether with Suppiemeitery Spet-ibiit. tiliertil l; iiiif tili thtusuendeavoe 1micie a cieap surface ean- îvayq lias min ait-moir fît- everyting, jcatiou anti plans arepereih bu' nusniilme v-mfatiedleii iv, e lieu-onteiit dune untier leavy traffie. Whena Ira!' 1 was nt ualsnpr-itl i'beePr l'ln saY, Cattty Supprtértenet o! lIghways ta lit' dut i i ls graleîfuil cîtaie, hmud-i fccof en> censequence exs. th$ "Weil. 'îti fot atilt-ehoîf tîît, 'cause ' il A cct-tifiei1 checkt for ai leaut t-c 11Il:tlis. i hautiiti lîi-s4iiîg iii dis citeapest rond te butld le usunîl.limte are oltiouni.",-'liuîtriiTiltne. j(5) pet- cent of amounit af tirht'îiîî.4usc-.îioii t. lromilî. 0101expansve in the andi. __________ ayabI- te(o.tht' Co unlu'Tr-ice-ot- iPermanent tnvastmn-ta. Il16-118 Madison Street Phone 2022 i We Repair and Recharge any Make of Battery anid Carry a fulll une of Battery Parts se In the City To Buy Furnitunr n the Furniture Industry is of utmost importance to mtemplates purchasing furniture, if even in 3 or 41 swamped with business. Corne in and place your ýpIay lit .itt You Should Own a Columbia Grafonola (o i nîîi î andil il('tt theii intstrumenî'ît V uli wvait. let lils svil îiver i -ci-t tds t'0î1 ai pît val. litai tIlle huoiîîe anîd liteîl l- vd that it is the bhest. 25 Colonial Dressers Lar'ge 42 iîiv- case 241 h.v. 20îîiî ii ail quarter- t'doa)ýk,.a $45.(#32.4 val î t .......324 We have over 200 satisfied users of this wonderful. range - simple to operate. Use saine Quiker ovcn fpr coal d Better Cooking With the gas wthout 0w'g-> Dmplx.Mçzar ing a part. net Uase-4 Large Drawers, Special at 6.95 yHold Any Purchase For Later Delivery L est sore ow OT YOUR REFRIGEKATOR NOW llMad Service and You It's for ypu that the Willard Service Sta- tions are maintaincd. It's for you that the Willard 90-day in- suratice planwas worked out. It's for ywa thet the Willard Service and Adia nt Policies you'll sec in every Wil- lard,Smrkiç Station were drafted. The meaning of MWiard Service to you as a car owner is given in the bookiet, IlWillad Service and YQu." MAk for a copy next time yau corne in.. Asic also to have your battery ttsted with a hiydrometer 80 that you can be vire you have been keeping it properly charged. ColwelI Storage Battery Co.