M~TfE DAILY SN, WAUlC4iGANIL O~~,mAýY 12, 1919.PAEFVr 1 wite to Ma>' ,et of land fla leta township, a ta Kazimiers nt 15 block< 16, qorth Chicago. rite to R.j and 9 blOci rortti Bide 812W 00. wîfe to A. 1P. 22 Washburtl .C. D. $1. m Nuàture. la the bOut 1ta th e Wc or pas of Kllier yry imil JasPer eAs. grays end ?yd anid mised FEATHER TICKING in-in Ii 1 e11 and41 whlite stipej> SII il141< V40c HANDKERCHIEFS lo,? t Iilî ' 1tiilk Lii 121c REMNANTS 4i ,* \<i l'. 44<1 5114 tl ' Haif Price. T.TNEN CRASH P- lf-h Ii i 41 q i l wi iti'4'41 114 I' I Hj i 25c BATH MATS I' i I. 4 ýi/4 1bath mats 41441198C NOTIONS I ý a ei <'al table i'4f i 1 41 . îti 4ins, 4411< i'11*- BUTTONS '.N et! i l 411144' 4on ':4 ~ ~ id bu14 Ii 1' f1 tton l- i TOILET SOAP 1111 141(44 t4 ilu 3c s4111Ilei o l t'l av .11tan FANCY EDGINGS 1114sel<ctlin of bl>iads ali falicd2uî' t 5 BED SPREADS 1'i l siz'/4 1 '41 sp)reads iii prie<'d4lfor. PATTERN VEILS slip114 4 4V(i Vi 11v tatfi- iî<'141<t4' I5 o('41415taupe, satiîid i. 5c < .w< hi ...... .... HOPE MUSLIN 1144 44, the staifflir<l'26 iîel I 414'h iiilhiii-, sîievially îu'ic vil f411»' Slîtîîî'diV 20C . ...'....... ..... INDIAN XLEAD -14 iliv4Ii Indiaii IIC[d for' îîîo dY blouses, regular 50e' u'alli <' s îeeialiy l)Iieed foi' Sattîiîda v21 yard......... ... ....-...... 2 1é Suits, Do1m Ail at One Price Coa,.ts, Capes 1.s, Dresses $2 ; b .375 fid WE believe this. is the grea test collection of high-grade garments ever offered ini Waukegan at one time-in one, lot-at one price-in one store. Nowhere else can you expect suchain assortment-p-at no other store will you find such values, rîft aLa time when you want themw most, just when you have made îyour mind it is time to buy, when you expect to pay up to $50 we ask only $24.7 5. This Sale Positively Ends Saturday Night Special Sale of Wovgen's Pumps Sand Oxfords RED CROSS OXCFORDS L.~adis ic s îkd oxf4 îids. 1?e4i Crîoss îîîake. uîitilîexi 'ee long iîaî'i'-o% u'aîîîî, lîaîîd tîîriî- ed sole's andi Iiglît oll>44hties. aIl sizes and w îdths,, n gîîh.î $8.00 u'aliie; speeial $6.3 5 fo i' ........... LADIES' QXFQRDS I.dîstai iand hlaek%i 1<1 kid oxl'oîds witli flexible soles Cîîbatî heels, ail sizes ani widthis, regular $7.00, value; speelal foi' $435 S.turday ................ RED CROSS PUM1PS L~adies' C olonijal 14inpin I the v'eri*v llcuîes t Iasts, liaild- tuii'ied soles alîd hîgli s'pool4 bleels, al sizes ai %ils î'egîlar $!).(K) vlvi pva .$6.85 CANVAS OXFORDS Ladies' wvhite eanu'as o".- fords w'th high spool anlbu liels, uueit andl(l and-tut'nii soles, ail sizes and uidtlbs, regular $4.00 "alues; pecal for$2 5 Saturday .............. Beautif ul New- Georgette Blouses Prced$90e75 ViT1 l4'u4'5tst bhli' 4141"4'i fl4 1fille q<1îiity ge'44ig!'tt4'i. i111 -i.s and1 1" t he tt'last 'iîilH in louise'style( or41' 14 CI ea 11. New Millinery Modes for Summer ,r, 'itlI<<'s i iii lit 144i. tl<' î'ightit at iu'li (end(1alîi'tîîîtl, wilelb voit see tîtese l'a ili - fil iew creations prescîi id lieue for' the fiî'st t jute ii Waikegani tornoirowî. Tii' aîssembilage' aft'ords a Nvitl' 5'lveti4lutof large, mcdii iiii 1<11<1 sînil shapes inil al the< Speeial slioNingIi<2t 4114i"<4 $3.98 and, $4.98"' 'ns ,ed BASTITE BLOOMERS 1'lesli ('441<1'<'4ibatistv Ibloo<lio cr1s, \ weli iîl<' 1111<1 1(atl v Ciii- bro4i(14re4d '.41v spi-'ially prie- ed li'l.79c H TE GREATEST SALE 0F THE SEASON GAS FIXTURES liii c'ite<l gas h tiI in<s(441- pdete iil inllîaoli atle; fort Sat Il 'day- GAS PLATES (èluiek ile:îl gas plates, lîiî'îî'i'sii'/.s; s44ealV Hit-e< foi. satit I <'vi $3.25 BERRY DISHES I.resi'/e lîeriv d isîtes, mnade<'of<t hue 4'1r gss;s bih. 4114<d oy29C YERN DISHE[S l'arge size glass fernl dishies, iiu uiet patterns; sp)eilly p4i1<4tlfqq- Saturda.v ALABASTINE. Large size pakages of al- aliastilte iii aillor44'1sIt('4'iiilly pî'ieed for 59c saturdav JARDINIERS For' Sattirdav we are o'e' .ilg a -ood seIeetiol41i f lrx each69 C URTAIN STRETCHERS Extra wel made vm-îtainî st rt'leî %v i t li statioîîaî' pinls; veîvsnaY ~vprieMs $1.39 LAWN MOWERS B3ail beaî'îng lawi'.'î 1l42'4I ivitht au~i 1inli lblatie ;%-(,].. , peciallpi îed for $7.49 GARDEN HOSE 7 pi'. gaiden hlose int 25 a.nd 50( fot h îîgths. \ <i i sp i'ialI'4 j>riee<l, 50 ft lengths, $9.75 25 ft. Iengths $498 GARDEN TOOLS 11ov'en U114s 9 FLOWER BOXES 1"'xtra î lieu'. v i 14111444(4 gaI valiized'4 ou etl)(boxes,*2< ).\i 8 iuu'î ii I)e(-ipcall.v prie- ecd foi. $1.39 MOTH PROOF BAGS Wh< ite tai, iui<tl pt'oof b;îgs arc tlhe bcst for' storing firs. elo ftinig. etc: 0ou i' "are $1.29, $1.10, 65c 85e and WINDOW SCREENS Extenîsionî w'iiiow v s<'t'el-, exrwiell madi<e. go< 4( stroni v' e r el spe<'ial for41 Satuii' la.v ut 69e and 49e CROQUET SETS croque setiii 4 and (; bail sizv( peilypriced at $2.98, $1.35 and 98&. BUNGALOW APRONS i'<>is, ima~de iii biiiigal<>ov stie(. :1il vier pe' le<111 l'cI 95C MUBLIN GOWNS ('iV 'V4' I ifi t malle of J e 4lil]tY mu l' n MIDDY BLOUSES Tnî'~ I 'iiîi<iIx'144v 1145in plainî441owith \01ite or bille <' Ihiv eî'yspevialY jo'ived 1for Sallîî <Lii$1 .98, Oîî. sili'. <1<'. 5this L4s in uality mîad e ellial s [e the ucli rery ýr this uners. i, fine nport. PAGE FIVB-"ý