Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 May 1919, p. 3

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me tobaee a. Cheviot aie habib la ttmemio e frons r nervoue- thotuis use of ito- and cesti. N.LaBall. PLàX lly &Bd it ood bd bac on bave pressait suggeii- &tford to ler on a wn pape?, *e on thse IILL. T'here '#aaBrunsrwick Tire for Every Car Cord- Fabric -Solid Truck Sold by H. B. Eger and Libertyville Garage Libertyville, Illinois The Brunswick N'âme CertL 2s. an Exraei rjtig !iany motoriste buy Bruuawicks Ibecause of the namrc atone.' tassuffiient asaurance for themn of uuper-quality. They have known thisa pclerst houa. for its high tandards, as have their fathers and grandiathirs. Since 184j the House of Brunswick has been noted for ite rare workmanship. Brunswick standards, as applied to tires, mean giving the ttmost. In thens you will fird combined ail the approved feetures, properly rlated , No one advantage overihadows otheru nor hides shortcqrings. The bçst tresd that'a known. the trorigeut fabric. the moat enduring ide-wal construction, every addition, every extra, inake Brunswicks prove their superiority. No faclory coït bas been 'too great. ONE Brunswick wil 1 win your decision ta have ALL Bruns- 'wicks. It will bc a revelation. Suy it today. It costs no More than like-type tires,. THE BRUNSWCK.BALKE.OeLLENDER CO. 623 S. Wsbash Ave., Chicago, ID. Y U '-an' t help cutting loose joy'us- iremarks every time you flush your miiismokespot with Prince Albert--it hitp - 'ilI~ you so fair and square. It's a'scuttie full of jimmny pipe and' cigarette maldns sunshine and as satisfy- ing as it is delightful eyery hour of the twenty-foui' 1 It's neyer too late f0 hop into the Prince Albert peasurf- pasttire 1 For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more tobacco fun than you ever had i your emokecareer. That's because it has the quality Quick as you know P rince Albert you'l write it down that P. A. did not bite your tangue or parch your throat. And, it neyer wilI For, our exclusive patented proces cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what aile your tangue t Toppy yod heattidy rad tins, h.uds omd eauind AaIf Pound les hunsdr-aunl-ad-Ill4tce..Psvth- W Pow U dm Aise agid8a e%«h #Pm" l"unoiOfUtop mhtAeffl thc eo a m h"perlet comdtoù. R.j. Rejuli Tobiecc Compmay, Winston-SuIe, N. C achoole Iflicthecty folioved. Tien. vers husndreds ofi obudrsn luline.. Msny aofIboni carried loyalty ban- ners. On, of lise mnt pleamlng fea. turcs oaitheic sema dsdr@n's parti- cipation vas tihanse gardon bri- gaie. These cilldresi vers attires! ln fermer costumnes. ITt'aVs thimtc rcircsntattve sbovletg OC' ecool chlîdren ever SPOibirs.. Bingif g up lie cloue ai tise paraie vérslise déecralci autouobiles. Mena of tbpesawems deboortoi most ar- tstcaliy. Many local Ibusinensshanses bat tiscîr maton truickln UnelinÉny oa tiens iecoratt-i efiectlvely. Thie revlewlng slini locales! Oubis, norti Ride or tic Wauikegsn nallanal mak hnd an Iymmense Ansenîcan file for s baa' greuad. It vas plannod ta lisve the iliertv hoasts gly starl lier. se soon as lie parade bai il', bandes!. Witrie lioupaniti of peopee unee th., sidevhali totlsanim bok aivai- tage ai windows oi buildings ai sang tic Uine ai mares. FLEE EARTHQUAKE IN CANARY ISLANDS, FOUR KiLLEi as Palmes. ('anary Islands, Maý 13.-rouir persan ver. îles!lnth(l etrtlipisakes vb Ici ehook thse lelané of ruertavPnlirflsevetal vayg agn 'rie bull ai lie PoPulatlOn Of-tle l land haq fies!. "VU~LU DPDE MIDTK MA.6I MY 15, 1919. IWAU EK AN AND NuIt CaMse the, W. B. C.,fallov0f Sl À e by tseW 1mu' lub l 11.1V Next came sthse militia Caompany, led f4LZ55*WF VilAS by (aptlledee. 1Tbey iooked fine UTU~PAhI~DfVL'APV and minse a go@d sbowing tutheir WELWMIEBIO1DAÀ.I maneuveri aiong thse Street. Thse Boy oeoutal, led by Mr. Rampel (Continuai trm Fege I) andiMr. ucottford, ver. next, and they appettred la MOa shaPe a they M lu only a f«W ttoos vas il neces- marchad! IOOg. tary to rumov effars here owuers Christ chureh had the feut delegs, bai drîven tbeMl nSIDade the. curb tion, and they earrled a banner show, and ti-'n leit tiens. ing 104 service star ith llh pv gold Amidlthe salloru tram Great La&s.ý a stars. thousasil of them-tmeT made fhe The Knights TemDslar, lanfll uni Ni Parade viat litwu. TiieY added to. form, came neit and lhey looked preselvefelu té lb that otiievisecvonli splendid. have heen absent. iilcsaiofWackegaft came ,next vlth ln Leai by Ueut. Jack Kennedy an a service fiags siovif g 11 memberp k the vouderfuliy fine band, tboy fil- ntlesrvc.O ed hroghtow lnân orer nd "The Uthuaniasi under the Starsfl te tbrougii ovn Ir finas er aMme and Strîpes" ver. next ln une, and as tIse ethé ecreersias*mi am ley made agood showing, 2"0 orm aing th' valstrionet. n-more eng ln Une. tm 0tslgtensl tto oiii The Woodmnen dill tesm falloved gent came hie guesta of honar. Rear crYn iguovn ihensr admiral. Eamett of rea làes nd ee stars, and one goid star. ng Lt. <iol. A. V. Smilth. ridml flp@I The Sl4COe band Of Kenosha led thse Acomb*o car. Wtm tiem, wvesAnsI.Carnentew' union, vici carrîed a csmpt B1acmer, Juige Udwads andi service fgag orf Buboen star% and every si W. B. Smith, faMier aof thc colonel. man ln lUne carrieut a giag ln is band i The draft IsOard. the Wankege5i au and an is bat. Thse Officer9 were ln l1, Nior* Ch(icago 0o11CWls came ose tautos. and then came lb. sallargi. escorled a] scayr ao vsnu vill a mota?070le sOt. fOllaved by thse plumiberls and each fc Thc salicrse« aried Mamy Signe carried a sgvloe fag. 1 scba "Dout veaien. Chicago, l'ne D-eeIIi-ilds àolshlp ih so xatois tb. 55??." échoai baud vu,lt Il neand pro- V .OUmer signa vers: We fought- Collet!th ic vh. vrka contingent o II ar ps e Uic ll; celebrate mavY day vIsicIs v8 10141 6Y Ciarles Cravthor. tg hi matciiing the moaey-biiy a bond. ne and the vire51511 float an vbich The navY nover Quit». ver. tie - ia Wolcome baCe<honme Net cgau auto carrylng the ltOyE." Thse vire vark men looked ?i retiltSed doctors vi. .MW service la-fle ame ey nsarebed bebind . thé the varions cfape, lnelu&dlw Dre baud. ipciy, oaurler. Bi«u41t. Claboe. Bor-Tieha MeOtthePolice. Tiec-vire l vork OMMe force rade and valkci,a m-a.thse ladIes v«^slu ar.and iInlogis. Neit wu Uic aie snd dr-mcorps, 'rmewuvas sprason or sigun n of W&ukeum v_"la Opi. odmme thé. Ules ai vie vo. 0 mon. ladimg tie mens'vho bai aeenw Ber- -Ms e UCIb ve O mDanY lad vice ooermeseand ber.sud via bave a&vey-srefty ZOaMt iIsgirls lanvIsite beau disabargei. ThOee as a bhi a ii t aMd &lu" service e g belnge _0_-of t m, more thsSon, vones>leouu. Oncle Samb M. attenici r«r" ivyto ecitessigirls marchei ai Next came the eaid.ctar mottert le the boalll « the factory heip. ThIe autos. They ver. ln tva cars. bsebali baai ât tbofaetory va. aise1 Neuf came a number of iscarged lanlthe lUn.t ,ffcea. alorS and saldiers front The. Grelots Pfloger Tanner" vas Fort Sheridan and Great Laies headed hi tIse Evamelon Citizen baud Tien, in autos., rame the vounded Standing ~reeon a heautîrut float j m' ram ret Lakes and Fort Sheri-vaatugvmn nvle<rp dan. ln aIl thfre were about twenti' repreâenttng the Peare Treaty. Ban. of tîhem jne on ho,.tise inscription "1,l per- i Th, (-,A. R. came along next in cent lna aU the Liberty oAans.' A auto, vilh the vords "G. A. R. 1861. large number af employs were ln n5.1 The vire vansa caime aiong next lUn. wilh a large fiat witI tie vordi On~ The Movenianu ivere ont en mass. "We.1cofp Home, BOYS." A banner 'r!ley vers p?êOOdsd by Sv. immense ln their lino read: Ilherybody ont Of Ameicau f8«g. .>ýr-cAc on tbe J"Wilson &Bd COhm bai a tractor au Tie Spanisb-AlfOrtelafbeys vers I aler foate la Une. Dpxtin lne--ive f thm-E.V. rieZion Cfty band came next snd mut n lno-Oe a thm-U.V. r..maie a Most favorable ImPrelsion au vis. Hervey ('oulson, Def Thackerl magial.Wakgn lw slaooes H<enry Ker aund Mr. HinderI. Mr., ~ aeIi sdeefrI ua Orvie vare tic uniforin h.eci Il sIn t te bt bande inthe country. tue var. TIse Chbego Hardware Y'ondry Tic Red c('sos voniierscame along b"i OneOffthee hast dispîsys in tie meut. and tiey looked fine. ln thetr entire parade. Ticre, qve. three J..- vile nuits, tiey vere tihe feature 0f i momse fas. one eit tera containn their part ai tue parade. Handclap- girls dresse!sliei Croc. nurses ping marked their proffreu. Th&'re Tbe allie! fia"sversesrrlei hy cm. vere at least fifty of thons. Tbey car- Iploye-9. Many emploaes umhed. rIes! a aigu, '«99 per Cent Of the rural TheMetuier rWi'g0 faeory vu vamen ai Lake county varici for Bext. repreeîi ty tbrs larg _______ ______ flolu. Oe aitiece bore tthe Inscrip- tion «WIsat did iou lgave up durlng tihe car." Next camne lie TlsimWatiiucom. PAuy of Notb ChieRVgo. foilogred by fie ffibertyvlle .bm&d nie Davis Watkins Company t"aStva isrg@ filata. Thse Brown Portable Ritevator cons- vany, the. Fansteei comaaI ,Gibson Brothers. Aulson Tracbor company. and the Oregon WooiersvreCon- pany. anl repreffented byhy bnsome 8-1 r 47 îats folidved. The Anierican Relvway Buprees eompauy bai ailfl ieIltfpreu va- gons lnUnhe. Tisé Mugi schuool baud foliov.d by I Ithe higi schoal cadet, th@ majorlty lui In unîforsa nd th,-Isigis ecol girls. huit IIiIIIIII~ilomne carrylua large fgags, samo mcxl 111111 IWIiin lu ne. T JOUR TUCKER !VASEINQTON NEWS IN 111E OR BARR D ATNORTII TIsofficers'and emlisted meooii. '[ CIIIA4ONOT HERE tb Sugooa enralta br alti prospect ofaiariy release tram duty. O oiy la case oa absolute, depedemc, or S 1 layor Mead had Special lot of a * »7conmocîlon cdi gnsme Iu- * Police Ready to Prevent duuîry ai Importance,.gvill bc conuIderci es Convicted Socialists. a validreaan fus discarge. lu lsciaim- es! uat toa msmy refues,bave ulrsady bee grnus l 011. cprmmatsalmng RIO IEW MAYOR'S POSITION. tho ervice ewoerloueiî s ohortso0f catmpetent doctoresudani»rIso1cars for lhe Rdi "They won'tlelt us hold our roset oumies! overseas la bia coumtry. D go ln No. Chiensg* lots go to Wiu- American came. are la play an cors egan-they won't bottser us there: Important partinlathe.prosliemtiT' vg te worker's Mail, Moimholz Ave- slsctOm iD,1920. TIseotage le belaget 9 lut. W'ei hoer Rev. St. John Tuclc- for themamow by lIse etecrlmg cc mmlteem rep< rtuer.." iugthe Waman Suffrago bill la charge lt Thie abave ln substance vas lie 'la bath Sematésud Rouge. Reporte are fi nesage vbicb a dozen mon passe! rUtusuteemitefomwma l i prospective visîtorseaIthe pro- cmmgl a icomtefan oa iseds! claliet meeting ti Woadman suffrage organistions la aIl saaisetore rail, North Chicago Smnay &fier- adivllmg liatthey are àuccesfui l lmig VOU mon follovlng Mayor Mead'sanresup ti. majqyltY ai Congremmsu vn laiv bat no meeting wouli be aloved ai have been homeoan vacations bebveensa su 'hlch St. John 'ricker vas tu be sessions, aima belimg that the nov mem- aw, eaier. Mayor Meadas positive po- bers wia yuli take tir gastes for tie (.De lion liat 'rucher vauild fat ho ai- liret tîme wien tic extra session beglas, 'Il voed 10' simeak create! A 'furore have nmatbeau omlIted la ibir campalgn. 11mai %mmag fthe Siocalitt but lieY al$() il look as il lie9 WoMmanSuffrage ameni. fail, oer. delomled ho meet amithere- ment viii become a certalniy vitila the dea Ie adjourned te meeclnIfWaulc'egan meut 1ev mnmi,. tait 'imere tbey ailov SfYbody ta taI£ Thse mont difficuit iek tiai bas aga nu amytblug et amy lime sud any rutdlsltuC@W ReBrauf, place. accordjng ta North Ohicago peeii tsftatcWr IkBr a W eo furiea ta tell wblch Smith le Smith. mn oficigls via ommente! on the. naI- 'boire are 1,200 mon by lie Dame ai ter. son Rendy To stop it SmIth onth Ie records, mamy ai tbats M.%ayor Mead,. ie Bnv executive hl, viti 5the sme giveonméo. Tioesare 1a North Chicago heard of tic praposefi 400 Bailte ie vîthe lis mmcoaiChênie, me meeting ai wmich lie former eplco. more tisa 100 wtihthaatoofThm&@* acu pa minister vho vue unfrackei aller tc., and vicia Smith wcube s uabout des oc vue convIche! under lie %lIsO- allotameatu, Imeurance, coampensation sidv. ag. aet, vras to tu bc speaker. the. many otier thluga5%bat coauo.iaa, ri ommeting tir, ;Y Mayar IMeaud id . lfe tn apu"ulg m5ttrta kowfor -We voe.Mtb gUaIÀt - 5Ordinari visi Samlithhola taliIn g out. Nov 4ic Oaclalletmeetinghbut lime meetings tisailu"icomur i. done tige MIIfarees11ix beh by Ibis Man, lIb e ll Me are d&@ htvrl ý Ofcel mor! 1 W. W. tcburaoler. Forth.s iaShhwrisrmc Ull aourts 1our tfuandbam Id o nt ant. sequsetei b; the bureau té - give bilfit tr ly folcved 17 secret service mon. Dme of lie ealdler orealat, ils udiree, l'icmmfore iii preeSvosxld nat moel l mmber, dmai ufmeliu4psesi, Ygaf t i. conducive&lo arder bub on the con- and organisation and la umeurasicc as., ci, rary vould etir ttngs up." lie fll Dame 01 tie beaeiclagry. lis But vben tie order vag sent 10 1ev complite have @ver beau made bel he Woodsmn officers nat taoOpn againsi bis branci of lie Treasury ps the hall for lie meeting ans!fi lheahefi Departmomb vilcieemud@ outi luerosi ut liaItvtenty Iopeda Policemen checks an Regisered Liberty Bonds. er msd been prolpared for in esmcrgefcy Whille Il le a bite oailnduiry, evurytIng bu the promolera af tise meeting de- me&oilxcokok bcsr l cidd t swtchto , ukean-ndmade out ami malied la lime noa ual TI Liey i no. 'rie meeting.v*a attfnded î> 200 tbey rach bondiaidore an the very date men, andi. accaring: tu tie state- lie Interest on bond@ fait due,.nomater s moents maie nov, 1tey calici Mayor lu whab section o! tie country tieboma=~ MPad of NartIs Chicago "Tic Plui oie rsIve ireaiy lie etercal__orce eye capîlaliet" sudlthe "Xalier orfe emginasi..0 "It ralbmm i. ii Nanti Chîcago." M aYor M ead la ens- hernei l ib c fam liar w, t e w r& f ployment agentoaithe North Cica- lanIsandilag lievail cnier ai checkesM go viou!iiI7 piSlan. 1 sisal li b. lesaed far failug due on 'tic "lIad tbey lried tu hais! the fmeet- preseut Vlctory Loan: Tii. is one aifi ing mm issi enough mentsutastop It 1ev separtmesisviere.tic costumsry ind had others avallab!e" said May- govrameat reî tape le mat lu ovideace.i or Mesd vus today annoumcd oui. a nd fgr ailbat meetlmgsal wieb Officiai Washington ls pretty vlsi attacha are maiseonturgaverniment. 5lllustomed tu lisieiilflFto coalsoversies and vimêre Redi Fag taetlos areHile lie one la regarditu bic manaement epread,.gvill mol Ibc talerated tuNothb oftie poatafice deparimceil b! Poo 1I Chicago. master (ieaoral ,Rsrloeaa. White tOcre Pl a] lu a lot aitthisng dao. tiereloI. mai a, -- E ~F NRmuci balklag liai ea bc ioard alond, v because bicre are officiels vio'sr aillies! to polilcal partis@ of bath isithoa h B UTE15 IAJ ST joie miitt bo ln danger abudte atier. Bai, mummIag ap tIse choie nË T.E SPRoIGLOCK filr etthm eat af goverumoaut, the oée a blg lact la tus: Irrupective oi cho lu 0 ab lthe beoasaithe postaffice departmnt, fi Rear Admirai Basset Inspecte Democrat or Rapublicanth lis, tallbusl- a Mis Hiqh Board Fence atmssans! aIl commoctes! vtb it shouli bc the South Pier. opersisi far tie bemelofaitIse People, aaitl%0ses boy moci momeycau hoeavye IT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. for tise governmeni. butitoneho w muci goas! cao hodume folie publi. The Wankegas, May 10. goverament la the poople. The Peuple 3 Admirai liasacît maie a trip te vaut cvery postal canvenleace tiat liai thc lake front Saturdai' aflermoon foi- csp achiala andiettli lovesî cu tI lovina lise parade un order ta luspect eman tsolbcgv tmvn lite highfence vici he bhuena lia.,e aont Il houuIhe ostln len vu yerecte! on thé pier In acier to pre- tipotuaIftepotlrvas 1vent waillrs and girls fions goîng do mol t mstthlieox pemes. thepeople are titers algues. vlllmg«, mevertheless ho muais ap amy lna peausinx o flic malter Inter lie deficît. Tiey psy taxes for lb protec. eAdmiraI vas quitl, aminsedviien Ise lion afforded them by iaint*inlag aui e epiainci tipse ituation lire tIb: army ami navy; îîey conîrbuto tu the !g hat lna sslishty fine fonce vhich maintemance aIthe agrieultural depart- liseh boye put nsi)tthera unior nsy ariers ment,the weather bureau, ami mauy 1but lie Intereiçtifg thig aboaut Itle s tier government burcaus. ailtoperatiag 1tintthle carpeisters put Oan a spning frterwlae iea aaeet -lacs. In other varies afellov cshlorIerwiae itrimmgne d slip artnd ni uack af lie gale, pull oporablmgto thse fullest citent for tie bilte gatle ftter hlmsund tise'b. nicely hoelit aifail tie people ami putting lokd Iin. Probablv liaI luavIsaI ho poetal recoipte ta postal ue, Inetead ai vouhi vaut but behleve me I1uam go- an oudeator ta tile up a séurplus revenue lng la have lit changes!. l. vasnb lu urder bo make a record for ecoaomy, lput tierfe fnr liaI purpase." Iesha be thse comulng demaus!lupon Con. [y Admirai ilassett eixlalfos furtier grogs lan the operation of lhe postallice r- vic'n Informes! by lie Sun tIsaI the departîncut, accordlmg butisth baud- feeltut Prevalie! that tlb. Public le vrlîlug on thse wallinluWailnglon. Id mol tu hoallowed -on lb. plor day_________ of limes, 11maIhe vils have lb.e sîri," WAiI ONLV' NAVAL OFFICERS changes! at once. Thse stmn udicates SOON TO SE RELEA$ED ltint noboin' la 10 bc aliowed on lie- il pier evosi day-limes vitisut, permis- Washington, D. C., May , 13.-Ail IL clan irons lie lgithause heeper. Ai- temporary nifleers vIsa enleredilue[ Rd miraI Itqe.stt ssii tbal If lImoeel9a namvy for the var perli on ly viii bu rtdesnan< t hle public 10 use lthe pler releaed vitmin tie neit few vreebl, IFfor fiising, recreatiosial pugimosee, etc he sc n renau iy tse riviegeAclinz SecroLari Roosevelt -aamaunêt- ITLs T00OLÂ1E G. Priddle of Chicaao Suev.ý sFormai Notice on Voliva: "Corne and Confees" ICULE IS DANGEROUS. [tr Id you get the lateut nom one. ing VoIlva of ZMon City. rhe vrlter sent a letter te VoUMV 1g hum oie more ogportmnity te ert berore expoelng hlm hy wtt. serions evidence against M! a claie controlled by hlm. tea be Iols leglalature. V'ollva did mot tnt for reply te the 11etter tiiese. ,as declared lie letter expoelns Uva va s ent to the fllnans logis. ure who ls causing Volira con- lerable trouble ans provpn tu bi$ ipaper the se cailed theocrat vilocrat). is l according to our revetations 1tVliva and ZMon City vlle a lre again. In fact oViva la haif ad already' (Bettethalf) whieh est- kly partially fulfills our prophscY, ut hlm but the pour faollub cteB- se la tue bllnd taece or unies' ind. fwould ho a bleslng ta lam 1e POU, na If their (Bitter halves) were ad. thus date 1 bave mast recelve t" Dre great andi astoulablng or x&tw ulous revealatlans pla. ince tô the *cTéther "ud tbfli ho ridicule the. wrtter whiehhla I ,petitioan sd cosiflimation et- tq nner revelation tliat tbose Iwho i, col@ ibis movement vl lo ed . ta1 imontbu. meé formaer revelation Ubea«t@ at the «Iblosuome or 'bu& M «Mic tes are ail 1111.4 or viiibe » 11111111 the retributian yeer." E>nurlng the mld *Inter 1 deeli J a person tbat yenu ca o okbr 'è lily eopylng vhlcb vas ladie" dF ~ tmlld vinter. anid ilàthOM~aI lieved exactly ivbat ba oe e ans. Wèeknaw this lmlnd off iY vUStb not oiily causes 10.5 ta thie fs.1U55 t aiso tea agreat nuntbe of X&. ts beggars under thse eloSio& «. becracy and meoine hltBt' ~ b ave varned and quoteai-t1à osm or hypocites do nôt taxe -but 0varnflga until their honte a"l rozen off or "cnoclted,(o)« twth a ON&. sen bàll or 'honib bell.» it le a reoglized fact that ail 06. lrt leaders of Dovie'b 21n:01110.1 D!Tongus an sd Voîlvas Ries .t' leud or nMt berd Of MY M-0ot. Wl U absjl not take the upace o é m At lu thne; but I bave the gocieOP lilver" vIon thIe 00e01t&f. 9a mlgbty serlou V'SMIng fw, weuent leaders tsecausq Il Io md therefore predlcted ibat amil aijl fall and die untl*tU who.survlve and vlU ulet. suie ,. prphette Bible Movemelit or aeliý- le cbur 3ofYesusChiiet. malmo&u provenk la Our greakt Mun' eoR Mesage fmain Cc. If la «.omt idieloue ta eam the m au flose whodaim t10 lave ie. but ii la self evident0e' lvelly ckertain to eveiY luuer un. -mid Ibat the. message ai otier isreachers are toalsiibceao bey are gettlng no bingtraiN G more than any atiier glanue?. RespectIvsIy. . .PItIDOL. PAVING EV1EI ROAD IS APPRoVe TO COST $M00OO County Road Supt. Russell Re- ceives State's Permission to Proceed At Once. Charles Russieil. superlutondeunt 0# roada In Lakce County. reetrel & wlre frein Ssrlnfeoid laftoug that plans for the psvlng cgf Delyt lere reui bave been apiwovdt '* etate deparfuent- and am e bhi .nrned bern bY express @0thaf t~ Caunty may adrertise for Mê * Lb.e puttlag lu of the w von. -I provemni etiontemplatft *e or BelvIdere road from Ws / to a point twelve Mlles Thme improvemnent yul bhoe« eue ' mont Important lu the buutouy «cf &1 county as Il makes a largeteftl«' accesIble. 2r. Russe otlalat eost of the Improveenst 1ta tt' Mr. Ruasell vent te SwInsOsM ns c e t , ly , ta " ' n g i s P lA M u t i 1 0 . wffl*ly. ' cemezery.

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