e - lewoid et thè Dr. Audersorg. ts church, Ra- an Eplâcopal lie chancel et [ires that this that St. John rit at the ser- A1ty. m ont that the uckers' at theé wqnq after " ler the Et-don- Lgo, whieh tact the îninister's 11<aandl îoll* iaterier on bis ýaching. Found. I« gi)lil la pria- itijsia ls the' îu îîlltry In the rled (in princi. ltiii, but cli- 'iii' prugresi. its tbut labor ,tive Influencé tir countriel sall quantl- L'h1ile. Pern. 1 haive found ii tond lu gag kliît humî been ns .,e to 4.50 tte crêpés Oit. A..i £ &.F ~ ,YVILLE LAKE COUNTY INDFFENDENT INDE PENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Lake do"tv y's Big Weekly 'VOL. XXVIL-NO 21. BIXTEN l*4S LTRERTYVi,ïVl1L, LAKE COUNTY, tLLttOIS, TKURDAY, MÂY 22, 1919. ONE TO EIGHT. $150 PER YAR fIN ADVANOE th on ot description of NM F O EA u i.BR F 4iJR I Â SIN, DaIîy, the 18 Yser o14 Graylake -Wasilngton, 1.C.M> 0Pii tAXEIN 11310RT sTOdent Wlso W R I RlMci a na aeffort to commit soi- f TflJ gras today reooMmended repeal of U cide. (Mins Ruth SIef0fthe Grls- the var Uteino Iobtion law go, far gl Itet e 4IEteTdet rh- Of FERIRAL Ail)roski systemna'%nteegraph and tTl- TO Enl)MIERLIFE lmat he :'klnd ever caled to her l hn igesol erthred tic Mrs harity, Rought, 84 feara aid, a rthtenetir ostvl d tte~a fVtonatEd-ptiyate ownership: urgpd a révigion died lite Wîtlnesday at the home of Nellie Dailey of Grayslake 'is Frt- a ygr oiieyd. ucation, Meeting ai Spring- 1tlle Manufacturer'and retail alep her ar, Charlesin Waukegan 8h. Rescued when Sallor Leaps elne tutlk! Every possible la. field Togay,_Approves. "'cse; andoutffned generaiiv a pro- aelected her own Pallbearers from Int W te Afbuter - oe t ate o ul nt oîdrefuges to dis.1CAN IM PROVE CORSE NOW . p Thies e saer. tMî "high s P ris oneI 0 0of the original prohibition and PROVES ENIGMA AT FIRST. casa the affair.20Th taeBesides tbhigh again urged enact. W. C. T. U. workera in Like countlt. Mer traage silence IMa caimeI Maylngfleld, May ment of the woiono suffrage constitu. ho iîved for many yiars at véoa and conseilionai amendment recommended thet as a prominent membraofthe Grays- Waukegan, May 15 * Miss Sherfey tu believe that posil' SId of Vocational _Education at the tarif 18aws he supplied wlth teeth lake Eastern Star. The funerai wiii ho DeffVindent hecause of a bi.t tne girFa mentallItY May h. affected PIjIe intmeeting In ttils city todoy to protect Anian iduatrya ant hi i1.Mtaitcuc iWu loe ffi, rit lBi a nly, and she PUrpogs to have ber ecumin- un11teIII . o , pprbved March., foreign dttsek. liloke for législation gierdatyheafthir nst 2 0caink. Te 18 yir 01 Gviylalc girl leas'd cl hya~ eJeule. I. #18,iccet8d titi fedîrui nid for through the expansion of shlpping andiGisiîEain Sa iIhv Off the soutl per Jute LaI îMichi. "There le something very strange vootlenai 8*0.1. andi approveid the backed Secretary Lanes rgamfr argàe at ernicSta the grave IMan t Wukoi a 'huri yi'»t ibout fit al,"Miss Sheafey .sald. agriculture, course In thei .public returning soldier.. about Fil aclock in an effort to com.'Ubder ordlaarY cirCnmotances a girl .eoiîe' &PGumnes, adt ilo.tOteParis Iconference and_ mit suicide. A sailor front Groat WOU1d tJI everytliing and permit uas opmdtlw~tt league Of asUOns the Prasident- __ l.kea té viiont the ionag voman tb belp lber. If an examination show lve a portioni of tte fideraifund. merely ieaid it inoold hé premre t- VOLIYAESIAIE lbad eanlded ber Intention. lepe that ber meatallty l.e, uh-normal lit Tbhisationia of the utmost Import- dîscua atheM Or express a judgron-en IIt the valotr<tir and unee d-vIi belp eXplain th@ entoettu ]aonLce to the Garnie bigh achool for_________ ed iu reseuing ber altbosgb site fougiit attitude site bua sunsed.,, It will meau that I it v ieb possible e L REA L MY I te break svay frot bita. Mine Daile boas bien removed to te ImProve the airoady splendid giKt.À L 14 T Inquiles are telng mide t tbe the Mlinois cottage vhicb le main- ctraoure.a B ntu mei Etivard Hartier. sI. te ha ne and WIIlbkiPtunadir observa.- The Gurnee high school la said ti 00onnected vitit the detafl onfce. IIFolu fm or serai ¶'dasete.n'sboll aeCut TR N U L ba h iowng ber unnccessfni attempt te Thot thone la a more or les Ieor- e oly shRoeinaLaeons iy TncPU R E take ber lite the girl beggend that the iots love affair baek of the hlwihng ea cenfl PV Mqd ask hlm tI ea si uego ber. and tbey are hopeful that fooner or1 Who have avafild tbeénalven of the O O E ern nVtv rb l'hé autborttlei thiak th"t rulier liter -aIl détails wili coume tb igbt. oppoltUaftY to take advantage otf thet' _________ Fcts -sY be abe té tbrov ight on the - oe la iPIositive liroof oflits suc-1VLV DF- OM ITE einem tb relate any ditals of the! Waukegan. Vay 1 t7~ . Hfmn rdlanlsi iOgnsFl VLVADFE ofM$1ITTEE Incient Ms. ale'pollel i Gf NO A! e.. H ma.assistant tate nrij fowing Rether Mystérious xnstead fu ee assta f8,0,0 incriet te t madnii' Nlle Diley, tbb PrettY i19 yéar erîntendent of Public Instruction, vi.-. Facts AbomVt Death. over antd abo'.e a]Ilndebtîdnéss, as Accodin to hé tat men l old Graysîake girl iqho sousghtét com- lited the Gurnée hlgb scbool recept-I______ht represented, Wilbur Glenn Volivui to thé Police by bier fater toda>'. mt ilcîia sfev tiys azo by lesD- ]y andi vas much ianproaat'd witb the I ovns only $580,000 In rénît>', aIl tolti. tbi" 10 not the llrsI tinte that the 1 Yotlrwitmn ban attempted ta e ldt1 Inglto the lake Off thte govrrment splendid agricultural course which ile Analysis of thse stomach content s vituesses Vonday lai Chicago tolti lie' own Ili te. wuva onîy a few I 15er et Waukiegan, but who bas'being taugbt theré. This course anld brain of Heibert Strang,.139 Year- the légIslattve Investlgating commit l-n-t le saii, whén ahfip téadfagtly xfused to discuqe the In-wa- ilnstalIl e éon' It wag anown o 01, dieti euddenlY Thurada>'nDt- I tee at the Morrison Motel., Real es- sa-iionid oisn~ ut hé romt cden. bs ben emoed rom théthat fedeail ald coulti ho obtaineti. nlght ai bis home,. 438 Lincoln Place.' tati experts, Inclndlng P. B. John- 5irii-e of a Physician saveti ber Illinois Cottage. conductei b>' the With tItis aid it nov -will be possible Highland Park, va* ordered Saturdav o.DI G elwsadP W hrh il G-m a h en oa oirlsProtectIve league, aud basAben b oImprove thetoureaIéreeralwi by Coroner .John LUTaylor of Laike Il of Waukégan. vent aven ail avail- fifen a h on oa otpiaced Inl thé Cotinty Joil, due ta that vire not possible be(cre tbrough dountY. able recordsa ant reachoti that figure ber home af. Craysiake ove r a week the fear that elhi would mnale an effort - hortage of funds. A uus u ovnt rdy safi siae iagoaing the mpreskio Whéu bcsheIQusI «_____________as__fir__Umte 4anga. hna théMiwauessio n bt hpito escapef&cm the i glVsons'-. ibut vas continuoti Pouding furtber la- 'Hie propirty la worth not aven dld net returo the faunly became von-, 1 lThe girl là proving a rial enigmrt ifA A~55 11 vestigation antd the nieult of the, $500.00 at thé ver>' outslde" te-tI andi Mise lRuth fiberfe>' of thé G'irl'. M 5 NE ried end ret-tonow a brother l SiNI sR inayte ie . .Zab Ion,,rmr uw c Mlwaiil'e ,-eking t fInd Bonne trac ne <-iejege ba butcni ~>~ n. Strang. vWho teitIfiéti, toltia orandi assessop at Zo, oo of the' rounz woman. 1 cluded that thé girl laoétbuormai antidR K3I A A rpre1h bléiidet a-alrn h0 Fortht 1ne 'veri ds-s li fs't er entllt' is t héinnstiatrti.caused b>' émboliga tof thé heart. Votra IR undIsmayedf this légIsla- since lit- Saturdaîv. thé girl bas hei-n In th,:' miantimé Ablm being held on i » IJeV> B Examînation dil1r. eui a blond clot tive Iuquiry Into thé conduct of Zion parin! ri-Iliri tripsa 10 thé lace front thé tocbnlcal charge of dlsrt-4orlv s.I.VA teedes at l rt TIi, ýnd - sIn thé minds of nomt- condor'. The authoritips cannant un-Oe 1fieAd rie Thé overseer acknowlédgdthsh t h a r t ' tf im e fIte r h m 0 w d rst n d t é ho -l k é a t It d 1 ~V e t e r a n E n a n e r o n N o r t h T ' p ih e r m o n >' a s th a t f r )f id d n z b is ri t > treo a u re r a n d btA tAnother Girl Métti Western Passed Awav at his str-Ii eaten béartlly et dinner't-hIrf educator fo testif>'. 1.r" r wîe'ibe ti Ia ilt <aeaeiIf eî- Hoeo aura ih. tl w.1r Iretlred about 9 oclock, ' (' ontempt proceedingq were fore- -01,c- about 11:15 and caliedti lu 'tndowi'd In the rases of W. J. BllI. alier ' '1,ý _ii- ýtifd fit lkf troîr detained at thé count>' jail wi'e ah- -rn hq pateti n iy rauý fZonadcslro' Park. tý:o b' ht'rt-luýirttand ti nia rnderguers treatiment fora comrîîI 1 D FIINIERAL TONIGHT.th 'eco lr0fhé om.gt-h 7o bek md ..Turtn alrI , 1! ent downslairs. He compiained ,,,'îatrm-ttof tlip elioot board. qii'l esory ni - n- a s ' rtregular a. Ifnation revpaied . Nrs. Ruanoe lerkt-t lt M-v cloc'sw o-k Se ioul romain for, nalclstr ' owuîteoo .aut-gan, ' - . * 0<-Ut- stomact r pn. Sho surmaI epoenaed. thrt-failéd tbappt-ar. Chair- a lime rie! I ' ýt- o f oird iv tow ' - .lc ao hensb t-l Ipoitot'B Piton. azod 68, rpauIo a ph' 1IIan. t-rédiet eoé o a itihc h igs:tv vould rt-atppt-ar Inthe afemon rta u--t*ve ut hnah okapoiin-at F27 Wcat Wnrineon .qtret. .ve-t 1ve. tirne--a ru 'hfiri r-ans- ith saîlors, tias anilress at a Faotth aide restaur- cran entani- on tht- North Wpgeiî. -mitcwtI oto ton> o vis;111.ani. a alcoari, pn.qéc away at hbis hont.'Veteran RéilEmploya eral tlrirndaue 1 to kp ltgaI att-p-t toi Thraa> fternoonn he wL n SIte manifosted ad atattitudle'hère .aturday nicht aouvirtinr Mr. Strang rias In comfortablo dir. have tfi et beforo thé comoittcé net the comrany ,! thrî -- "allons prai-- vheu thé suthorities Investigated ber o'lock. foilo-wing an ]in", A of lusa cfmstances. le ownéd bis Highlan-'2 monda>'. ticaly It It- sfttraof. 'aseandréfsodta ubmt btrét- hoin irw<i vks. Death *as due tIPark home. IHe hittibeén Inathe cm- Weapon Doube-Edged Thete tforce'alnr9 appeid a' ment at thé count>' bospital wvinath' paralysîsf. po'0 h ' rthShrElectrie lin.-' Thé realtv valuation IR a double- thé poijce 'tatlon Thuraday événinI' m1a7p , vt siWa ufo- to May 7 Mr. Dixon énjoyeti isf. lo te Nyoarth -l vShtosno 'lé épO tcn fVlv andi bld ti-ir ttorv. Thé! salithe, îng 0f aon smunîcal ie as ser-1 An lc!hat.O tesvnhfrtet ers ewstesno dp wao.Eone fVl girl bad bld thýmt-mIat Abc, Intenaied Ingofacomuiabedieae A a ipade iardon, té aévéntbThomas Strang, formerl>' chairmanichargé hé would hé o ven ton a t0 commit suicide anti for that reafon offies- vwent ta the restaurant Mon-' niaettééénn edn h Ote [board of supervisors of Lake fair valuation rtf bis (propert>' anti thé!~~~~~~~~~~~~ htrmindnab taru-da anito téyon vm andaepier tha nd uting rvainthebis - thse atel bas an eye on thé propent> trati ber plana. About six ocloi-k the doua»' Jail. fml' éfl suui>'vl hé ,a aain rroe.snei .bl thé ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I vonlann aieiaayta t1 sali that Mra. Kané troquently i ha retined. Durissg thé nigbt, bow- HERBERT STRANO DROP8 DEAD In Volivas name. theta, going otui on thé, ler. Rfore' vas Ia the compan>' of sailcus up to évér. hé suffereti a stroki of paralysie La'I Cotant>' frientis of Herbes-t Voliva'a domination oi thé MIn thé>' 'er, avare visat e v as do- the tiane of ber at?ést which vas which afféctiti bis left Aide. Strang, a son o? former poetanaster scbools vas also théeatabject of la- ing slle batiremovéti hen bat anti brougbt about at the instance of the IThé shocit titinot appear to be a Thomas Strang Of Wadivortit anti late quis->. 'lestlrony vas givea titat c ape anti junipe Iin. IGils' Protective .eague sévère onse for Mr. Disanit anmueti af Libéttyvilé vilI be sus-priseal to inn>' teachés-.In both public andi After bing roeui thé Young ____ta Imprové tsp to 0I Wliay eveing ber that hé tisoplseti diati sodeall- parochial schools. muat lhé a menaber voman vas turnéti ovin to thée po. w hea thé tilséspi tooir a sudtiia anti at bis home Iu Highlandi Park ThursofteVlv hr r&adseac lice station. being cbarged vtth dis. Ç14' iiR DIunixpected leva for the vorse. It dey iveing. Heart trouble l e- fté oiahhscao.b ds o Orderly canduct. She vas taken to UaaLLT IN BÀ latghllevéi tisat bé sufféi a second Ileved tu bave bien thé cause. toach. Also thaltomne of thoît bave tise count>' lail imtaédtatily antid majyy troke FrIda>' nlgit or eariy Baur. Ms-. traasg vas 40 ye'ars aId anti no doua»' license. ,vas iiaceI la a oeil. nrthers than CUILD Nj TAXE day moraine. Fs-ans that moment bis bati bien imployeti as coSuiattor on The commIttie triéti to lera ta givé ber name, agé anti recidencei condition vas regarditias extrimil>' thé electric line for te ist tveaty vholber Voliva gela, count>' scoo1. tegirl coulti Tot heI nducJà t, t UT1U1jt. t critical andi fév hopia for bis ,. yésrs. Hi vas oue of thé oldusI nmen fondis for use In theéaoha cot Site Oouiti not hé inducedt teansver A TO T IENI rove> erp éntertained. In service on the roati. but no one hati au> évidence alog an> question. Mn. lixson vas bor ataISaaborn. N. Hé vas feeling as gooti as usuel that lina. Thtis morning ahi vu$ turnad"-i Shrif Greéns vas calledt 10GuniscIr.Octobèr 29, 1850. UPl n>'lalifé Thmensta>', dratted i wth friendsin lu Robent Murdocb, master mechanié Or 10 Misa Shenfé>' o? the Girls Pro- this moraing b>' a report tisat an he vent ta Shopieré. Win., vbhere hé the street héfore going home for thée ?téZo aépat etléia 1.eotive ofetguZloTisee glrl, peraiieteai tiv ber ue reuaiTheanivls- qeation a ~uto,Ilikel>' aOIeabail bien aaurir i lveéd man>' years anti s'itre b.vas nigist anti bis ébociitr i don su dedatisnIIn fth ahn la er efsalto.nser ue tios a ;Ale égt hn at 'marriet inla1874. Wltb bis vifé and vas bard to un-rtanti. He hilta thé coniina h cso tewh 5e aqRnIO18ti de.three tiauphlere hé removèdtiétaWau- vorkéti &ilday and t wt as uaileThreat Carriéd Out toI' much persuasion on thé part of vas about timée 10 taire the machirc ftegana sixtéén years ago andtihait liveti O'clock vhén lhé reaubét bis home. "Wheu hé came liséré Voliva saldi Milsa Sherfe>' 10 get the yeung vo- ava>', a vair of fllovs vho salti thé>' hère évér since. Né picitet up thé palier anti matie thsehaliveta-li ,trip the publié eOIof mant tamake a fcw atate-titIrts. Thèse véré frotMareng% MHenr>' court- Mn. Dirn baliedbeén Inathé éxapla>'remark tb bis aite that ha had a thé béa est-bacers for bis QvI scisools1 boveven, Indicateoul that Ibère hal »', emérgiti frota a nîanby harn. of thé N'othvéstérn iroi - forthé strange pain In hi-i uvtéa. Shontl>' -antd b'A livodiluitl inl," ho saiti beaun a love affaIr. Thé>' éiainéd that thé>' bat Juat - lentfort>'vi'ans. havinq bean an en- afttérardsbhé vas otligedti 10go tii "Thé>' teoch thé chiltinén sciéatific Th gaia rl'% a grdayltbte évme tl goné ta thée umbar siaeep for tisé gineér about thint>' >eas. For thé beti and tit leven 'clock b. bati eue- books are vnnng, anti thal thé éarth toukga hl fItrorniayso Ifi la inbu e-n Igbt ant icouldt bantil>' laite théit- hast sixteen yéeara Mn, Dîxion JaI etambeti.stnsAIadhe u *voe be cIn.car ta bit 'witisthém, on thé>' loft ifhein enginéer on thé Club train vbIch Baildés his vite lié hgaés -Zurabout Il. One of théam14ta>' MychaUd beractcas-eRries tana>'o? thé NortlisShore nl children. Thé wlIfe ant i cleufn Miss Sherfe>' ban takea Miss Daile.v On thé' rcads. ioar éiet aCiio tré rmFotaoI'di that. 'Sh-! ua of n llte ot. iredée bsistio- Cmn. tont m Fotnan oinl ilve eltA « In change anti v Initvestige alsto ! uof nail l u« lsde ffwio r f lvalég. Mmran vrl ax Misa Thé standard of théeZMon achuoos phases o? thé case. Don't mention Iil 10 anyboti>: vi e r t i augiters! MrS. ..Dvs Ives. Mes- brother Robert use t t la Art low that néithen thé Waukégan - -goinag home nov saidtbet ipar-enti of Nov Butler, Win., MPO. J. W. ?4mie s uperinténdént rtf thé 014 C. anti non tht' Ienosha bigit scisools yl L'Thé policé Ioda>' gave out thé foi- thé>' wrie allavéti ta départ In lseace anti Mi' Gêné Dixoa. bath of WaI- M. Electrie roas. accept a graduate of the FMan grades loving namea of thei bsn. sauners after reaîiztng they bai aImait ant-1 kegan. ai a sMater, Mms.Fme GroIs- lthaut, an exatalantion. nor tisat vho wrro vlhMise Dalley' during éd in jall. isan of ChIce0.ga. ie arrivl.1In TIatthé Nos-t Chicago apeeti capsereasor t 1bavé ta senti ta>'ciiltinen s thse attennoan - ILWilliamas, John 1 - time Itsi h e noglssd. Thereatre six are. no sevector of PereOma or poil- miianti a haiftot a cousit>'district iiérgeonstoin anti Emil DahIls Wil- Four oeth ie o01 timers members of grandltidréia. - tiaus vhea tIi>' came t e ntêreinsohool. and pa>' tultion. wbo reJi;sit thé girlefbaau the vate.the Waulcégan Gua Club vient te Thé faneral ivIEb. 1.14 et titi the epeedi 5v a i ,Sdo aff da>' "Slace thé vom«ibave hbâa avote.. Ail tne salio mathifotb e aer. mn-Elictric Park Suàdtay morning antibomne toniOut at ilght 000o'clocLsisat Bar atrY %t vlenee adacanet gta -i he alr adte eemn-M . LRomlsel OllOlBt . il>' te. lnissitsaisa35S~tsa-vv ee aiacac ogta bers rtf CO. K, lot régtiet.Camp b"a Va190eonShoot.The sco. re e j mrrrthse remsiai l e taIeate la of Co oty, one 0f Mactla>' aIédpendint on thé achoal - bird Devey', Great Laites, matie- publie -ut thé shoot la sai té Bhhopier Win. for tatermelt. Ilfflo'u chié? aide. wus tMM for «VqJiva pulls an almoit smai4 vaman bave bien a coosipeté eees and It speedlIng. He admiteti ho vus go vote, anti w@ can't do a tbias." M[ND 1$ TO BE EXAMINED. Wvu samitissmom shotpurÜb ly[ Pr AUL tihe -ftadlI>',?1sladffepen.in85 mlles au bous- ant i 18 and Thé committié vii méet agaisi A human aphia-tisat aeeMs te héaviii e heu lOUM . 00cone. noît Monda>' anti Tuesd&a>. KUCKOFAÀJIORSE PROVES FATAL TO A GURNI3E FARMER John Daîzil. F5, a farmnernIlivn nothvest Ot Gurme tued at McAlis- ter bosiptal Thunety ia'aght as a re* suit af inuriés nécéivîti iant.'-! f. tbe day viseafils horse kicitéti n ln thé stomnacis. Tise low vas ati- mntulterét helav thé iba. Mn. Daîziel vas hur-jedta1 thé McAiiater bospitai visiré au opéra- tion vas pertormi but it vas réaliz- id that bécause or noisetup atrong a constitutlon, hé vas not la goot shape to @tand, auch a shacit. Tht' operation vas performeti ln a sen- IngI>' sutessful va>' but il la said that aller lité victita vas opened up othér comploItions viré tisdbvaed and hif. deth seemiti a cérlaint>'. Mn. Daîziel bat liviti ln Warren man>' years aaqd vus one a? thé voll ituova résidente of the tova. Me la survivet b>' his vite anti chflire aua follova: Una. Arthur, Ronald.. JSAAC 4iOLDBEREi IS JOLTED Y A TR!I I mi 'D PlT SE YEN HUT IN CRASH DRIVING AÀT TERRIFJC SPEED Accident ai Fox Lake Monday Evening in Which Labor Agent is Victim. 'TPRE THROUGH VILLAGE'. Tisat seven pensons ver. not kittle otunighl v*heu a sevea .passens tourng car turnèdti urtlé thrie or toun tinnes Inmalclug a tmr,ý e Fox Laite Monda>' eveniag about 111M O'cioek vhén thé auto vas traveUig at lèaat 00 miles an isaur vis oe".« lise thlnts that Fox Laite people eo.11 no$ untientant.,4 Whea a young man drivtng the en through Fox laite Vilage bovard ie Colonial botel anti %seorte et the North cati o? the vîtage store thym thé streets Bt a térrifo rate of iMO& village"s-stading about l. th e thought that sotbintu au gbe ta bappea-and t i tt. As thé car reachisi the tura visn thé noati leatis tote ColonW iaim other lans théesswected hapsaeê- I IIIII14I~IJI 1V I thé cas- tutraititurte not oaci lt Iwvo or thnee time nthtI seveal 06. Finds Two Suicases Contain- cnasa vén us-lsd iglit andti l o mg lnferal M chine' in anti mo t o? thesa la>' prone on the inu InfrnalMacines in gronti vhéa thé crovd gathoreti. Hisi Home This Week. Thé victimeIs ncludéti the folioving- Mn. anti Mn. Fnanit Whiteéof0f I Isaac iioldherg, a vealthy résident cÇago, hoth of vison ver. ver>' badi> ot Highland Panrk. anti fathès- o! hart inte-nal>'. Pbihfp Goltibtng vha vas fineéti$2600 Mr. anti Mn. Roy' Shielti 0f Clhien. anti sentent-id la serve 100 days' "0 gohotis burt hail>, Sbiélti's ifijnry thé Laite connt>'jatl ona a hlintipig ostigfaboenhtltr, changé, bail thé biggest scare o? bisoaa!g0 soie ioliv i r lté a fév nalebta aga. In T-act hAwvîte injuriés :Iag internaI ant iaim 1ha» no yet-î cmpleteIy necovert4 train b bis- limbe. Sbieldta i a ps-enlient thé shocit. laypn agent lu Chicago. Golberg bai been tÔ 'Chicago anti Anotlien occupant vas saidtet bave rttrnIner home laté a? nigbt vas bien issesItuphélmés- vho lied been pulîzil10 te etva atrango suilcasés i @t'iqg at Long Laite. Another stondiog lIn thé hall of bis bouse. Hi' yaung ladre noei as not obtaineti. tiai rt-id of lthe faouons "Gimbel Thé cor vas beiag tiniven b>' a yauag I-bci. Irnri, a-rscsanr hi flst fellov namoti Arthur, bis lait namia thoinlit vos thr atmenes of thé ,ntbig ie. BicIlnd. the 1.W. W., orsomi- ntbiggv thinz equaaiiv bai, bai marker hinj Theeitlmq vere canniedte, tu&lm ton a vittî i-TéHejuzt knéw tia' 1Williwis' where Dr. Schagtn W -tirose quit cns contatoci Infern.,l Grayalake attent--tithén. t. Il -machiner wlitch n-t-ré liabtîébe e- cotîccioti that a]l weré spriouaI>' hurt plodo at an>' minuté. and fuor a finie it vas teanéti that *Las-gc tutada cf prqlrtion turoi chs. Shielti worlidnet survive. Boy- forth on bis foreheati anuIho trmibleti vrlt rPr. ee htaew trom ht-ail ta foot. ln ashalç' votce vnr t rprsynthtas a hc collet. ,ap theitfighiand Pork > mpnoving ant ilte>'no fatality Ct licé ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ P' dîrtnttnbagelto coule front thé accident. Thé tanninS r cors ta 'bure" hifore il tooablé.'. ,lai' wa;' comPletol>' témolishéd. 11% "Wbat shalI w.' (Int lten," ai tact villagers say that it la not Worthi ýrolIceman as'itl as hé lerkei bis 15 cents. thianb towrimn bt eritcases. -________ "Do' Do! Wlnat do you supposé IY coré an long as von také them away ý Goldberg crieti. 'Tbrnv tbem ln tIti FAIllER Of NARS. Lalnugit-ehoot tbeta full o? haies- do visat you vaut-I don't cas-e!" Je.f6. WELCII DROPJIS 1Thé officesapiciteaithéesullcases ni) 1raIsin gInger»' anti atartid ava>' Thé>' dld nat reliais thé job but Pnme- DEAD IN CHICA60 àne isadtia do it, anti visa oult Iif a OlIIMaa' vaoulnt The snltcasis veré taltea to a té- Sudden uneath Occurred ln the ses-ted garage lu a sparsil>' sittéd Office of Pulman. Coi by part o? tise oit>'andi ye léft the overnuight. Nothinz happenéi. T» whom He was Employea Lnéxt moning one oflise pahiciman's curiosit>' got thé bette- o? bis inde. HEART TROUBLE BLAMED. ment. Columbius took a chanci, anti vis> sohuldn't hi? Edwtaard C. Squien, agéti 55, o? 4M8 (taréfoîl>' héeprieti open oua.orf the Grpenivlew aveue, taven'waad tatbm s1 uit cases. Thére vas no explosion. or ot Mns. James G. Welch. vifi Ot Ia tact nothIing happonet. tas- ell tiséstato'q attorney, droppèt deat! la CUi suit casées contaInéd vas ciOtig. cage Stands>' mos-niug just atr bav: Thé Bame vas truc o? tisé othér. îng rettîrnet tramn a trip ta Alber'ato. 5Thé rPnllceman laughed, nérvoul'. que N. M. He vas a contiutor la tbq i Vst vhat 1 tisasght,1" hé exclatmet. mo OthpulaCman.g@ A fév minutés Inter thé téléphoené tpoe o h ulaa aIpf>.Mc law.-Ird Tt vas Goldberg on tise 't'lch vw" néon>' prtsstrate b>' tihe vine. unexpectéil news. f-i"Wisat titi itu do vith tisose palt-! Mn. Squérs reluraed tram" blatnpD chels."the témnandod. Surnday imurntng tuneti ies cahOve ".Taci tIhét out ta thé alougi. ta thé cashién in thé Pullmsan offie, c soakiti then itin water'anti thOn matie ott ir report,' signedtt, .anti absast tîrnfoulloa holes," tise Police -chattet a moment. Sutideul>' hé rop. TanItisedssue u.bitecaapot talthe dlnranti vhen a physiciln 9 Thre as qnt A umbed xclmavas summoued ti Ilvas ouat hat ho' l ieon nthé othen end o? tisévire ad aujivs daDahl evt 0hv tise "cSk" showéd tisé recéivet bai ed et ablee ahv bien hune up. Goltiberg -pént an un- htevn due ta béant tiseat.f althaugh ho* conifontablé isour or so beforé isg slways bai enjon cd gooti héalts. Tise Ilearnedthtisé nal tacts ln thé case., coroners inquéatva bhéhtil sHé liat learnéti that a uéplsév bati CMcagci this afténon anti States 8 comé ta t-aIl on bita anti bad left thé Attorney' Wélch attendei. Isuilcasea lu thé hall wvin hé font Désitiésbis viiov Mn. UqVl'> Rna oueina hhome. Thé népisiv ré- léavos thnt'p cliiltiren.Mrsý. Weleh er ýturneti the next tas ant i két vbat. Waiiiegan; John G. Sqîiiepra, ouiibl ýbat béconié o? thé siiitoaês. otf the Cibizens Siate Blankt of IA»e Tltidevelops that Goltibirg vas so View ranti Calista Sntlrs visôlivot-' v orniet viren hé firsIt eared that he home,.ltuniral i aItvaoDclct >*i vas Bthi vitbiet ofa botaisPlot tIatI is bcaliid up bisalttorne>' la Waltke-I thé cliapél aI 4522 RaveivaoOd AI%,- gan anti asioti viat stops b ou=1d inlerment ln Rosehfil Coeter>'. 1MD taite to gel atiequalé protection. j Welcb hbonnedta Chicago "mqia6w. n lIgsianti Park tg .1111 smuilng ove- lv lurrled ta Chicago atter heoiu«, tise* Rh- er falhen'a dîath. 1 7 ,