Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 May 1919, p. 10

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PAOETwo LIBI)RMMJ.LI% Iý!XtPENDENT; THVRSDAY,ý MAY 22, 919. Announcing Our Fitst Big Clearance of! the Seaàso~itI,-ni A Dismisa1- of Women's S ýping Wearing% Ap aiel AilCàpes aând Loats ift Greatly Reduced Fine 'avarkmaiship and ehoicest of inaterials have becît cm- jal<>ed to' fashitan this inost favored of garutents. Evcry good ýstyle that nîîîy 1w found is here in fabrica of wool serge, novel- is. sîlvertones, gabardines, tricotines- and porie twills. Haif and f ull lined with beautifufl silks of 'attractive desigus, beautifully draped, large collars, sashes and buttons. Pive graups at these prices. Gronp No . 1 contains values wahich have sold Q Q as hiigh as $25. Pried for Clearanee at ................. ej 11u (houp No. qare Dolmns and Capes sold uji to $ý30. Priecd ini Clearanee Sale at ..........M Iiieîudcd iii Oroup No. 3 are Capes and Dol- naniii valuie up 10 $33,,Priced for Clearance at ....................................................................... 199ê e Ciroup No. 4 offers ganents valucd 1'np to 9t $45.00. Priccd for quiek Clearance at chloice Included in Group No. 5 aie Capes and Dlutans in value up to $60 Cleai-ane ',ale laniv( ................ .............. 39,9' e Great Skirt Valu es In May Clearance Two exceiotional values in women's de- Ssirmble skirts are off ered in thîs' saI-at prices that should command instant atten- tion. SI-'le for spring and suinier in inater- iaîs oaf si Jk Ioplan,tafttta, dptaid-; «11(1 'aool ceceks. Sk irts ini valiues ta a $10; piiied ftor clearatîre ut caehi F' feta, L, iergs poplinis and plaids. Asltl eo arreetsiv, values up to $15:. '9 prieed for this C ar-ance at choice -7.7-U Mîllinery To $10 at 3.9 8 This Clearance Sale bringa some as- tounding values in women's trimmed bats for spring and summer Wear. Choiee isaffaat d lu nms shapes and al the best ealaast h iuned in inany de- sîrable waYs . uidn to the.season 's fashion. iarte 'aallînu, lp to $10; l)riced l ece-ptioiiill'a m'owataIech $3 98 li W!, GIVE t .TRADING STAMIS Friday May 231rd Towiorrow begins this bijg clearance of ail spring w eainug apjsîrel, epeal"iii N e'af e oats, capes and suits, and following our unusuilal custoini 'e ini- augurate titis swceping iMay (Clearance Sale with hi' far *ie grcatest lWi~c rC(luit ions of the season, anà shrewd luyürs. wili.b i>ctk to profit hy il. It is worth while ta remember that- every garment advertised is from aur regular stocks selected witk: much care for a particular patronage, hence you are aasured of mure exclusive style, and hlgber standard of nierchandise than if conditions wereo'therwise. Newest Dursses in A May Clearance In thi.s sale are dress values we are quite con- fident you cannot match outaide of this store. We quote two prices. Vcry styiish dresses in silk poplins, taffeta, and somne wool serges, very desirahie colors are in this group, gond sizes îîîay l)e had in garinents up to *ý16.50; piiced a ilohie Tlie season's best umodes are dresses of printed georgette, taffeta, satins and combinations, nM beautiful.ipatterns and eoloring4. Iigh i (a:* w-orkmn ansli îd tiuisi>. 'Values up to $35; 1prie- cd at Wasli Dresses 3198, «Juat when they are i demand w. are able ta of- fer these dresses at a price much less than regular. Very desirable are porcli dzesses-for morning wear in nmaterials of fine, ginghams and,. cham- hray, in plaids, cheeks, stripes8 and plain eolor.s and combinations. 'Tastily trimmed and finishod. Values to $6.00; very special at eachi.................................. . ............. .... M~iyClearance of,.Muslin Onle big table iof women's îusliîî rnderwear in gow-ns, l)ettvoats aud coinhlinatioiis, lace and embroid- ery triinincd, nileajuality ini a good'seleetion; prieed 'aci lo'avin t1i lîm kaa t sale at ehoice Every Suit hI Stock milý Reduced- F or,Clearance Vomn* are 'a-ri- fainiliar 'avth the quaiit 'y of our suits, andafl(h 'aa thev tliffer froin the ordinary wîill be the first fi) avail thein- sclVes of lte rena-kable savig olq>ortunitv Ibis Clearalive af- fords, for il is vertaiiilv uttustial to sectire goriîeuts oft tIis ls at sîîa'h pimets. The modes included are those which have proven so popular for this season. and represent exceptionally fine tailoring and de- signing in which the fineat of materials have been used. Choice of five groups at these prices. 'Siîits iin (aÇ touîja No. 1iljiellude inodeis Worth at a-(iisiVtiV teitiite $18.50; ('learaiiee Sab Crîoup No. '-,entîtains Silits in value 111)ta) ",0.00. Pîedin C(leuraîîeSale at cehoie In Croup No. 3 are suits valticd at $45.00.. Exeptioîîall.% priveid for ('Icaranee Sale at choice ................................................................ (G-Irop No. 4 shows 4suits ini valuie 111 to $55. lRedue-ed for ( leurauce Sale to ehaire l111 Croup NI). 5 are suits ini vailue 111)ta' $75. l>rieed for qu ivk elearaîîa'e (ýat <oa 39.75 49.,e75 To- $10O, Sweaters 4,98 An A B»ig Sale The seaso is here for these wool sweaters, and, werel flnot for the fact that we secured the entire sample lune froin a well known whoLe8aler we could flot make any where near such a low price., Womnenî's and nîîisses' wool sweaters iin slip- o%-eî* and lcoat styles %vith and witliout sîceves, hiighily tlesirahle styles are to he lhad in inany (-loice colors and a good range of sizes ini val- iies up to $10. Clhoiee is offcred iii (learance Sale at $4298 CtoIe"ance ofBlue A ver 'y special offer of w orncns vile and organdie waists ir white, lace and nibrider trimeddesiraljle Tni Clearance Sale aI K - Ilandsomie georgette waists in nearly aIl sizes, plain, beaded and ke -ublroidered sty lesmc en lor assort- Sment. in liglit and d îîk shades; val- usup tb $7.50, rl.jr Iearance rhere In a prou go getting pure 1Water corn uciliare arran, k St1te I' Crnent uadt Ib. sunk andal oght pure Watt eCity Wlthout g Iarold Ogta'sby pid. This make famtIIy Who ai bMMe. Clyde Os Ir for some tir flUST Wl ANXJO ttook th(,nuj 'P one day tb r tour lnch tat the pitmpin;z milp Whio bai, the clay coun ttiat Rome of Wadylied tii- oh weti andl th- Lier test andl*h Lnethtig ahat v Iecty If tP ought 'bàat the, wn Whao wouid si I-iittaIn-t anm- oie moncy ttht- rg worî h awhil go want.ýailita e andal aa atilt Sthe qtj-ionalit ie thea oni v so etea, 'baatit Wl ot to kt t ait w pe. 'rhis prla'e RIENOS I0 ULNE~ The -»,(! aI- a tCari Týpe'arg 'ai-r. [tedding le ba-gînning of 4ed aithtte Na% Spi W a Stai ira'. fîa liai 12 BU' il vî-:î~ p An Alc Goal a Simpîle pusli a gas Oil change. us expl range. Be( reduced Junt Recoi Now( Salt

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