Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 May 1919, p. 12

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------m::~ :------ LTBERYVJIE, ID5PBNT, TIflTSDAY, MAY 22, 1919. m - - ---------hbuh»0------------ iu:::sss:is: BOYS' UNION SUITS Boys' suminer union siiits in -sleeveless style ,regular $1.00 value; very specially l)riced for-. the Employes Sale - _49cà eaeh .............. MISSES, UNION SUITS, Miîsses' stîinîir îliQîl sîlits with dîtteli uîcek and tight knee; regilar $1 value; v'eri- speialir priced for theq Eînployes' gale, 75 each .................... 5 HEOUSE PAINT Ouîîr gua lantectl houîse paint in ail colors: yer' sp)eiali% r)ited for thîe Exu- ployes' Sale iin gallon lots .aln......... $2.69 CARPET BEATURS Extra heavy reinforecd wire carpet beaters, witb wood handles; very speeial- ly priced for the Eniployes' Sale,15 at ecd .i ................... 5 Good four strand scwed hou-se broonis; verv epecial- ly priced for the Enployers' Sale, eacý 45c TEA KETTIIE Pare alumlnum tle* keliles. large site, regular $3.25 valus ver>' aperial- 1>' prlced for the Expoyesg~1 Sale ai each ..... ...O39 KID GWOVE8 Ladies' kid gioves la blaek nad white, reguiar $175 val- uëse;very speclally 0priced for1 the 8Em- ployez 6.i u>f v.&, .............1,39 MENS OXFPORDS AT $385, Men's înahogaîîy. tan, and Mun metal oxfords in the popu- lar English la,«s and welt soles, ail sizes and widths; regular *f; values; very spec- 'ally prîced fo)r Ein- ployes' Sale$38 at pair. $.8 SM IGLOVEB -Ladies and white igllk gloveo, good heavy weght, verv dpeciml ]y priced ftor~ the98 Employes sale, pair9 c WOMEN'S OXFORDS WVoînen's tan îanîd biziek vici kid oxfords iii the' verv newest styles, îNith wclt 0or lîaîîd turueci soles, high or low heels reg- îîlar $6 valuîes. spec- ially priccd for the, Emploi s I$3.8t MMSES' WHITE (IXPORDS, $1.00 MiOsOW'white bn Island Cot>, oxfords in the very t4ewsst style., 111e. 11 te 2, recular U225 valut, apeclal ly prced for the Employ.s Sals, pair ........... $1 ?MSES' PUMPS AT $2.35 M,%isses' Patent and dîîll leatlier Ilaby I)oll punps witlî flexible soles, a ver ' ne; special foir tlî Elliplovers' Sale at per3 LITTLE GENTS SHOBS. $2.15. Little genîts, cîf- skin ç'hoe8 iii blîvlîîr1 -111( bîîtton stylofs gith elkskjîî soles, .1 ve svrviec:îble slioo for sellool and dre-s iveir, sizes, 10 tii 13j1 regilar $1.00 Vailue. sîilfoi the Fîn- ployes $. R-1lQ, p'îil .. 21 S= LMESi3AMNEU 36 lneb sllk niesaiallnein a11 colone, reguldr $225 val- ues; ver>' api'ial- ly p riced for linl- . . . .Sale,.yr. Sal.yard .Ij.ya.. ... ........ .. . .I a. .. .. .. .. . . . The -Most Remarkable Price Cutting Any S'tore Ha Georgette Crepe 40 Imci georgette crepe in ail colora, regular $2.50 valI- ue; speclaîlly prie- ed for Enerloîeq Silk and WooI Poplini 40 Inch .11k Cnd wool POP- lin ln bIaci< and colore, reg- ular $2.50 value; speclally prlced for the piicecîin tt- empilIoycs 8c MEN'S AND YOItNG'MIEN'S SUITS, AT $7.75 Men't and l îng iinns Silits, 0(l<s and endîs, nuiostl.v faîîci mixtures, sizes 30 tii ;.ftln-se. suits are îîîade of zood materials and are practical for fliose ivîn do not nced Uithe u r lhtest styleh MENS $2.00 DRESS SHIRTS $1.35. Nen 's dress gliirt4 iii a gowi' Relertion of' neat patterns, regu- ]ar $2.00 anîd $2.50 ivalues: ver% speeiall yprieed for $1.35 MENS AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AT $24.75. Men 's and 3'oung men 's su its ini waistline and conservative inodels in a good selection of col- ors and materials; there are plain eolors and fancy mixtures in a full line of sizes; regular $35.00 values; very speeiahl.y prieed for theA7 EiMîloye ns' Sa le $ 47 MENS $2.50 KHAKI ]PAKTS, - $1.50 Men's khaki color pants in al sizes, regular $2,50 values,. are very speeially priced for the Employes' Sale at pair .. ..................... 1 MENS RUBBER RAIN- COATS, $5.95 Mfen's black rubber rain coats In a ful lUne of sites, regular $860 values; a practi- cal coat for storny weather: very speclaîlly prlcedl for the Employes Sale, EI whlle the last, at.......59 MECNS $2.00 SHIRTS. $1.15 Merfs' attached shIrt. in a large selection o fpatterns, ail sites, regular $200 values, ver>' specially prlced for Em- pIoyes Sale at eacb ....... 1'AMFTA BILI 36"ineh taffetà ln al the popular colora, regular $2.25 value; specially priced for the Employes Sale, Eiiplov(s' Sale, ti i $ .65 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AT $14.75 Veni's aîîd yoing 1)11(118 s uifs in a good selcetion of coors, fanev iiixtiires ,and bliie ser-ges, vallies ul it) 225; tese aie ai! l(Ncw nîodlI. an da.( verv irper.- lY riv îed for Eînîlve' al ~ $14.75 $1.25 B V D UNION SUITS 85c V' 1) st -le1s ini ail sizes; euua $1.25 valnes. very îcial pi<<<1for $110 Eni- 85 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AT $19.75 T1his lini of sîiits forini'i anid yoiing men ai-e sure to bie win- tiers. There are ivaistlie lit( eoîîservatii-e iodels inial] the popular rolors, pîlains andi fanevý mixtures. Reguilar $27.501 val- tles;,ver pi-v llvprieind foi- the Eînploycs' 197 Sale _........ .........4 9 7 MEN'S $1.25 WORK SHIRTS, ,79e. Meii 's dark coloi w oîk sî ~ in ail sizes, regular $1.25 valnes, are very specially priceti for the Eînp1oy6s' 79c Sale at ........................ RUBBERIZD RAIN. COATS. $11.75 Mena inle and black rubberized rain coatp, ail alzes, regular $18 value; these coats make verY serviceable garments for any klnd of weather; very apecially priced for the Employes Sale Bt each 1 ........ ... . .7 20c LINEN COLLARS, 10C Ail linoen 4 ply eollars, Tri- angle brand ini a good seleetion of styles, ail sizes; vcry specialîr prieed foir the Enîployes' !Sale ..............lOc FANOY V 40 mcii t5ncy voit good range of pattei ular 65c and tic val clal>' prtoed for the Employes Sale, MR. KAUFFNMAN Mgr. and Buyer Shoe Secton GINGH1AMS Rgîl f r he ale, Sale, vard ........ 9 ]Regîîiaî. i 'alites, *-pct - taI for the Elui1 i ' es' Sale. vai-d - 271c Regular 45c vines sec ùil foi' tv ic 5 Sale, yard ........35 I MR.GREEN Mens MC'lothlng Section NEW PERCALES 36 Inch light color percales ln a gond celpetion of @tripes and figures. EmpIoyej' Sale, yard ' .'*0 verY sPecially priced for the C 36 inch dark color prrai jp a good 4fectiofl of patternsv. ry spe- pIOYem Sale, yard .....2 1 ciail>. Priced for the Em & 2 Boys' and Juvenile's Clothing Sectioi BOYS' KNEE PANTS, $1.15 Boys' oepente in a good selectien of materials and colora; very sPeclally prlced for the Empleya,@ Sale, pair ........................................ . 5 BOYS SUITS. $12.50 "Bloys' wool sîîits in the vcry îîcwest sty- les and in a good se- leetion of materials and e olors: very spee- ial value for Empîlov-7 es Sale nt $12.50 BOYS, JUVERNILE OUITS, $7.50. Boys' and jîlvenilo wool suits in a good selection of materials belted and Norfolk Pstiles; v a111e s tii *12.50 vcîy speclaîl )uied for flic Fui ployes Sale $7.50 BOYS' SPRING CA", 95C Boys kn., pente ln a good vsîsetion of materlals and colore; styles for sprlng and summer wear. Very speclal ly priced for the Employez' Sale, ench .................. 95C BOYS' SUITS, $4.9J3 1 BOYS' K. and E. Clothil ýyard boîtz «Me apecial Employez t BthOe Te rices ieadi, of t! .Se ,on 4,at For t] wto have uisuiai iîeNestA blouses g, Safi., a sollu. - 2.98 - - - - - - - - - - - Footwear Specials F ginninThurs., f F OR weeks the employees of this store have bee ue giving. It is an -employees sale from begini what they can do ini creating a volume of business I sale event in a most enthusiastic way.. Every depaà of the merchandise and the making of prices to cau and corneto the sale prepared for an old time feast Mon's CI$Iiiigand- Furnishm legs BntyRodtcod MENS COTTON BOCKS. 8c MEN'S $3.00 RATS, $1.65 Mein's fine ti>ttoîi sorks ini Meii 's fûIf lbats inu a good se- ijlaek and colors, ah sîzes, regli- lectioil of colors anîd styles, val - lai' 15e values; ver.% specialîr lies' uu>11) $.0<: vrtsu eia botion ý à Ir V&TIM 1 - ý ýl Ladite' 1

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