Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 May 1919, p. 13

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LTBERTYVILLE,- INDEPENINT, ThIJRSDAY, MAY 22, 1919. PAGE PM:E -lLONG OLOTH CRETONNES UNION 8umT8 LADIES' VSB SL TL OE UDR As AC IK ýard bota; regular $25o good aeipetion of Patterns Ladies' leevieless union I.Adies' fine qiaity ribbcd Ladies' âne qualit i lk iy'adgrsu ewa ~ 3 nh fny sis i «M âeilY Pie o Ilge ho e, coloi ,i ga>-, av> osplagII ndrai 6Inctipefand s larrîin oaa p al y ic d or regular 1.0o value; pe ia ulte In nie fine quality, reg. VSuais rgular 2 c alues: haki, blac% anI i teh , o button on, regula - c v l- a ids, I r i $ - a n falue a reds, ]ipoe Y PrIced for the ular 7c values ape - very r lecially î r. regular 65c alt; j call ule; very speciali 1' r e d or 0 vleseti 0at the * Emi oes sale, lay rIced for teCed for the En)pylo idfo -po-- - -. .yardli.... ... c rI Y 1 5 C Priced for the iE priced for E ploy-s S l ......... lyarSaldpir ....o9cyesalSale.... 3a yrSale...... LE RJ -.JopoyesS Srale e aî. ...JJ Eply' FrWdto Offer-The Globe' Employees in Fuit Chargre ig-a-bargain event that wiIl break-ail records in, val- end. The employees want to show their employers ýrices. Our many sectionsý have ail entered into this ~ead used his or her own judgment in the, selection 1of tremendous success.. Read every item carefully lins. Women ys and Misses'Apparol Grsatly Hsducsd NEW HOUSE DRES8US, 98c. SILK FLOUNCE PETTICOAT dr1esses, mîade of good qualit e: Fie îjîal îty heathIeî-bl out lîeî'eles, all suzes, < v e îl lv PCtticoiits with <leci> floîîîîce (of p rie('d for the' ~ I taffeta silk, 1ail1the îvalited icolors Ilil<V s ale . BEAUTIFUL CAPES $889 1~aifîl ew capes 111 fîili SN%' eepaîîg styles, iatît of alI1I 'l' lb atelials. and(l îeatly triîiiiiiîe< '.\itii lra id ver','s;ia(-illv nîieed Eînplo the' $8.89 LINGERIE BLOUSES, 98e Foi' the Eiiîîlo ' -es Sale '.e ai-e otferiîîg a good selevti o lie stvle blouîses mîacof' good la iii- i iatcî'ials, at Ilice8 CLEVER SUIT MODELS, $18.50 For flic Eifloyes Sale we are'< offeriîg somne ver.v elever niodels ili I1('V spi'ing sifs foi' woillei and Misses ini a good seleetjoîî of voloî's and sizes. I)on't fail ts, sec tiese wonderfiîl valiues.' WHITE DRESSES FOR GRADUATION veyspeeialy ix >1îcd 1 for Emîfloi-es Sale.. WOMEN'S AND> MISSES COATS $12,50 At tlîis lowv pî-iee ive arle offer- iîîg îvonide'x-ftîl vail's iii voînenls anîd Mie. oafs jin the veîv inewvest sti-les aîîd i n a go> il sl s* e toS. !.tf?)I 12.50 GINGHAM APRONS, 98c W~ollieîî's lfintîa aproni' made of good qîa liti' giîîgliaîîî alîîd lîeatlv ti inied(, al szsis 1ii ft>i. the' Eîiiloies'98 sale, caeh . -......i..... . 8 BEAUTIFUL NEW SUITS, $29.75 Bt'aîtti ftîl iidelet't î*'tlse loy- elv lieîv sîîts thiat haîve bren as- Scîîibled spe-idu4lv for-flhc Ein- jl<>'ves' Sale. .. There i s ag odt selection of styles anil iaterials. Every garient i cri'$29075 sp)eeiall.v )riree(lat T~HE NEWEST CAPES The newest style capes mnade of trieotin'es, serges, l)oiret twills full silk lixîcd; values 111) to $45; pleeially l)riee(1 foi' the Eniploy- es' Sale -,$26.50 at caeh ...N ............. STUNNING NEW DOLMANS at $24.75. These h 1gh grade Domans are new ar- rivais that were bought speclily for the Employes Sale sCud are offered ln thb sasie at less than cort 10 manufacture. Don't, fait to sethem. We have asscînbled for- the * Eiîploves' Sale a wondcrful se- leetioji tf heautifil îwhite dress- es, mnade of fine qualitv nets, erepe de chine, organdie, geox- gette anîd voile iii a large range of stv'les at the 65 special price of .........$1 ,5 IUNUgUAL DRESS VALUES. at $13.75. The very newest style dresses I3made of fine quaiity taffeta, silk, messaline, silk pop- lin and serges, valuses to $27.60; ses>' ape- cîally priced for the Employ . es Sale at ...... 13,7 botion WOOL AND SILK SKIRTB, $2.98. Onie lot of odds aîd enxds of silk andi wool skiîts, ail good inaterials, in a liarge assortmnent of styles anti sîzes; very speeiali vpriecîl for the Emploves' Sale caeli$2.98 Croset adMuln nererSec. HIGH GRADE SKIRTS AT $4.98 licautîful neu, t ' le oklrts made or fine isality silis. silk poplinsfi and se-rges in a gewl . 'Iectius of colors, ai1so stripes and plid.,; ery special- ly priced for the Employ~ es Sale ......... MlIlnery Specials CHILDREN'S TRflMED HATS, $1.48 lor the k'ployes ale we will offPr one lot Of cbidren'a lis-a Style hais, trinimçed wllh streamners and bows In bla:ck and ail colora at the greatly reduced price oi1 .48t LADIES' HATS at $2.98. Sale %ve ire offe'ixîg a sanîple 111w of ladies tîîînîued liats. also 5011eVe*elver al ors in bllack anid col- or's. at about hlaf tiiei'aetual value;, vvel-Y liat il, thle a 'IZcînlîlalge veî*v '-p<e iallY prieed 'It $2.98 Corset, $4 CORSETS $2.39. IPink hrocaded <'or. sets inIllhe 11(wwl- toi1) inodels. 1?cguîùi $4.() vailles:; eî~ speieail l>'i< ( )* fI' flhe tîi oes sale. eae $2.39 TAILRORED SAILOR. $1.98 The new t-ailolred! sailors mnade of Mfilanl and Pineapplc braid, 80 lbIîlClI iii deiid now, are offcred iiiaa good selection of col- ors ando black, luîing the Eiuployes' Sale at the verý sperial price luile they laIst, at $ 9 each........$19 Section Muslin Gowns. $1.35. Ladies niglît gowlus made of good qiiaitv sin iua n d îiatlv trirmnîed; v-ex- spcc- ially prived foi' the' Sale, eaeh i. Childrens' and Infants' Section CHILDREN'S WHITE BONNETS8. 29c. Chiiîdren's whbite organdie bonnets, neaily trimmesd with lace and embroidery ,'-ory Fpecially priced for ithe Empl oy . es Sale, f-ael...... ................................ 29C Chlidren's White Dreses,;$2,98, res- ias-le o!f, iev ilva tl1v truîîîîîîed, sz- t o 14 vears Vei,- pr'-ii v ved fitî INFANTS' WHITE DRESSES, 98C infancI' witie dresi n a gond nelection of styles and osa- ICriR1, neatly trimmod, sizeg 10 2 years; very spe - ciali> pilced for tihe Employe.4' Sale, at each .......9 C Children 's Coats and Capes, $4.98 ('l ul i'e î lîe w s isf le Ct tits anxd 'aipes ini a good seleetioîî o! colon1s aniî îteî'ials, sizes 8 to 14 veaî's: vcry spccial priccd for tlhe Employes' Saîle $4.98 Children's Gingham Dresses chlieit 'S gîîg- hani dresses ini a good. seleetioni o f colors and styles.,xi cll mîade and iieatl , vt îiiîîîed, Sîzes 2 fo 6 years; verx' Spei-ialîx' priced fo the Fn CHILDREN'S ROMPERS, 89e (ilsdren'sagingharm rompers in plain colors, strîPea and chsecks: good selection of colora and styles; very spe' ci.sily îrlced for thse Employes Sale at each .,......8 C Children 's Gingham Dresses Clîildr'ciî s gifng- biain di-esses i n a large seleetion of t%,'.- les, mnade of sfîip'es and ceeks and neat- ]y triinnîed, sizes 7 to 14 yeaî's; î'cry spec- i'xll pi ecd fori Lin plox es' 8 OIL MOPS Big Wonder oil inops ;aid, a 25e, ean of Rîihy polisill; speciallv prived for- the Em-* ploves' Sale ........ 69C TOILET PAPER Large 10e roîls crepe t(il- et paper; verv speeiallv pî'xced for the Emtyloves'y Sale, 4 ROLLS, 25c. BABY CARRIAGES -A lar'ge assoî'tmeîxt of bahb' ear'xi'bes will be offer- ed for the Emtployes' Sale at HALa' PRICE. WATER PITCHERS Large size glass w'ater îdf chers; vcry sî eriallv priced for thxe Eiiiployes'9 Sale29 FPLOOIR WAX Old lEnglish floor w'ax i idt caîls; reglilar 60e vai- le; speeially priccd for the EIîPONples' Sale,49 per eau ........... ........ 9 PORCH CHAIRS Reclbning porck or iawn chairs. reg. ular $1.60 values, sPeciallY Prbced for tihe Eniployes Sale, 98 eacb .......................9 r j I 'lhIa sfland Intants' U 0"- -" - -- -- --I icy Voit f pattel 7tc val for 0Sale, [ai r22, a Great 10, Da- ~gin Ilss i e pai cati %pu%. .Se ,on ,ati iiisua pulat' î 'y p)1V, tules g, Safi., g~ (. t t 2.98 1

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