Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 May 1919, p. 14

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LtBE.R.IJ TYVILLE1 Tree Dputy Mýrh*= n the Job Hmee t G ste Waukegan or Nothb Obicago men who tiuk te put lu £atMore of "wet gooda" for*the ««dry days that are te corne are takng a desperate chance, Judglngâeby the number of e 'rgt that 'have hnein madle In1 Noth Chicago durlus the Iset few dais bY DePuty 1T. 9. Marabalq. Three o lhese deputy marobal, lhave been algned ta the territory Inside thel nl,.%file Dry 7one. It ls said,' and h ave bien given Intructions ta (jean qp the district. From the tact that omnYil- ors have been piclced up In the lat few day, the idea bas ouggeted ILtaelf te nome that the fedtrlmnhv iome mean.-q f getting tippe f *ben quantities of lquor are pur- chased se that th" cn eauhi'on t16 job" when it 1, rought lto the pro- biited zoue. This la ludlcated byl the act that ln two or tbree cases 1 wbfte arre.ta bave occured ln the lait few day the federal man bave hen an the ground as soon as the ilolatora arrived home wth their S lquor.11 It in known that the deputv mat- shahi bave msny places under surr vîgllance aud the firet atternpt on the part o! tbesemùupected men tu brinx bom eInto Norhi ChiagoorWau i - gan for that matter. vI rsw ti tdur arrest lmmedately. It la re-1 garded a@- a complment t th e eforts. of the Waukega poluce departineut te keep Ibis city that none of the, riolatorm have been plcked up bere * up tethe Preaeut tlln. Wauluegan and Northi Chicg mn wbo, vlew the comlng National pro- bbMtlon vth many migidga vire glated Tueaday wheu tbey learned 1tat presldent Wilson ha talion off tbe han on hier and wine. The aboli- ti I Vhi y wyul cause a.few re-, greta lu W'aukegaa but tbere arei many .uen vho bave favored the placiug of beer sud lgt vInes lu a différeut cia,,. i. LUM0~8YS7 otU<S Purchase of Bi~pP'pr ty 0ff~LsVUPh Aggoga~OO jacob Blnmberg ba purcbased wtb! lu the pat few dAYs aeven mre business bloc, beiug the balance o! Propert boldianael tbe Pabit Brewîug Company. six of the buld- logo being ou South Sherdan Rosd and Water treet,.wblcb lucludes lOve stores and the M.%odel Laundry buld-1 luS. the property runaing te thel Nwothwee!Ielir ralroad. Tthe other1 building fis located on Wabington, street adjolnlng the City Hall buld' ing on taie west aud occupled by the llarknes balcery. The price pald lm' nt made public, but the property la Aald ta have a valuatIon o $46.000 Ttobert 3. Ersiine clomed the deal. The Model Laundry compauy have a leasp on their building whlch runs until .une 1 1920. Robert illa bas' a clgar fartory lunee0f th. stores Included lu the purchase. The Har- Moule liluginat soclely alsnorocupy onue of the stores. %rmA of the nth.j en; are occutied as -warehoups. Thei upper rortions are ooiupled as flatm. Mnr. Buumberz plans ln occiipyI qmame of tht' îtone buil4lnL for tar- I agit purposesq. and plan-q, il lR sald.' tan uit a awilch tracli front the' North: wvestern rallroanl lu the ear of tht'. propen tn facIlitat' the' handling o! freigbî. Thal Mr. P<jmerg bhm confldt'nei ln thet'tlure growth af Waikegan Is accu front the act Ihal re rýcePt-, ,ix.bas-aciiire(l store properly lu Wuni-. legart valtied nt appnoqxlnately $142 non. i Among iq aprevions punchase%. all I macle vlthin the at few monîhiq, are the following: Pabst iproperîs at tht'aotithwest i corner of Ge-npqsc aud Water street a 'nîported cost o! $5000. t9nîw praperl'c. occupled by Thomas Mtann pool laIl on (enmAstarent et a reported cot of $18,000. Bishop praperlv on Genpeae4 tnee occupied b ,(.a sn lieed store ESiO D. T Wobl> oal offlice et a eprtd Cost of $26,000.I . Hil! of the BumbergWetzel build- Iug on Washington street at a ne-1 ported ecto f $22,000. "PMe "With Hia. Daddy. liii otiier everlhg i hsd company, I s»d o coup'sc oîy rtuall brother had I to be on hand. asud as usuel was toc.I "etins ne. Ater tio long a tîiUM4 1 ode ,"If you d4u't bebave 1IyUl sind you lu to P4 0%.. uai - .ho;ae w arm ha,' au aaflwe'efor evenytbîna. 1 *lu bot surpviood ta heur imsie «Won. ruy not afnalti of!àd4,'cause wë À lmtm ta aeh uteonumtmeat. but de~teo> ' et.'àAMin mÎst b.,- __ I In this store of ours we h~e as definiteg~ plans as the contractor who works-,from the WI ë eprtits. Reduced to a word it is- "Jatte Stürckty Special -A. beautiful rangeof patternis in afi sizes, from 32 to 44-suits theat t, the present m arket are worth doublr. We are going to' give you special Saturdsky 5.-'-, ' k i i. t? (i r I t, n 'i Yoru Will Find Here[ the Latest Styles of "the Season Saturday Special -In this assortment you wili f md some of the very best merch- 2\nise, in good size, ail wool; aiso a good range of patterns, at line suits, in browns, blues, In Qur Shoe Department You wiIl find quality shoes for any membler of the fiamdyý at prices that are right. Below are a Few of Our Prices: These shoes are made by the best manufacturers in the east. Our lines are bought from marifacturers, flot jobbers, and we caft give you more for your money buying this way. Men's Work Shoes- $2.50 to $5.00 Men's Dr6ss Shoes- $5.00 to $12.00 Boys' Shoes- $3.00 to $5.00 Women' s Shoes- f' XTRAG $4.-X00to $12.00 Women's Oxfords- $'î5.0(O to $8.00 Childs' Shos- $150 to $3.50 Shoes carried in widths AA to E -Shoft- ff t e d coritctly. Shoe RepairiÈtg ssa .~t4ft~BL~ t.. Boys' Department Remember, our boys' department is al- ways full of good values. We have a fine selection of boys' suits, ages 11 to 17, at- $5.95 Boys' blouse waists, guarantced fast col- or, at- &SC We have. a - beautiful line of seam line boys' suits' with two pair pants, Saturday, special at- $1395 J We are showing a beauti- fui line of ý'Vash Suits, Hats, Underwear, Hosi ery and boys Neckties. mm-s D 1 I liolfer bt Cast Antiacl IL the' 1-1 den ln 120 otloch Vil tthe Fre( ide Fox R dard Il C( ver Road 1Tbar'er Te bolighltt an sud16 fi o ,r mdical( an t Ro ght th V or $ redfor $2 a:Paul Iary Palte In sw 1/î s Oa In SE '4 Sec. Sec. 32; t18 acre i res ln SE mdow. axa rmal Pi Iey Br, SINESS K t. r ymbre rij umber or 8. mlInr if t1ailnîont - e filinfir deal.- pli b . i*l Il St. if- m icîlrt IlC T. IlI. art Aî na il., Ilrt Il Soa 10 eli j..' om .1 11 A.rn t'lt 'rlknl Ai-.for dW. Ituri on a i Ithi' . tr<'r for ial iCfl Cf, MI fS. t fi;,-Thr Ai' forr -k tarustn An a iai1 mmîriîs A mirairt oi Ife lîiugiî .17 from -and for the snappy dresser we have a comffrte Une of Hart, Schaffner & Marx seam grayvs, &W1 tis new colorful fabric cloth of the, Allies.

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