Y(rea and J. JLUAN8. AIOLD SPEAKS j Let Sagarday evenug nt the (lom. Bmai oos,Juilao B. A raoiddelvered1 isaddree. upea Sb" suhiift "Alithéti1 4v4aIu Caif ien."Thelidmw vth umish h.Iliutrated bis e tu re verse .- 089"Ulf fini sud added a very atirac-1 .s aom M i.r'AoId laa B pledid qeaker3 ld hiegabisci as on vlthà whic jf o tI>rou l ,mlir. et@i ise tWhe fabut pârt desiý,with ti Vemalbilltlss of Arites t tii. pre"tsai Ur0 Ï&W in the futurs. Hie deeription of1 -goiogWsi onditions. tha people sud ~t liim vergieaned 1f om firetband1 bmeidgefor fitwaa lMr. Arnold vbo1 otgsnlaed dmi. itialexpedtian of Mtan- ~Itii fanonse zipiorer vben ha jour- aiaM e cosAI ries to carry on the worka *hlch Lhivipion bad begun.1 l'h.% audience W6.0 an appreciatlve on *lhougb It Was se largreauas 1h.commit-1 Ues hod boped fit ould ha. Thome vha jaeld ta attend misaed a rare trest. lndeed.0 --------- cet 61hI a rw ev~10 rmentm ec.t1 -. te servs o Ub "M tun e Iarrivedlfa Pitobecgl11ou 8ora- %0 @ 0 '0ilg aud lsMe o *»la gottfag home V iciniti~ j star reoslvfflahi.diechorg. Ho Il V pturseft baumyo i hebo uer fbdt jbotter la bis Ili.l b lagond proaf ibat _________________ Usfle m tookBond cameoaibis boys. i S 5 ... LmsntsnaMcCao a brecuptbgh *~~~ ~~ tJM N AE a tha V.S. hospiVl ai t. Bhrdaa. _______________ J@put a bx cd#s luriangh eUf n an hi& Mir. and tirs. larahaif Hutchingo, ai nianyfi Monde la oivillage üBfrt ai Waukeeba, Wl. ,are @pnding a few day. the veek. Listenout McCoonitus t vltb relatives ln this vicinity. lb. beglnfng of tus vr. goba ta thb ire A!thur Brucamanua@peut Satu>- OfflSre trainig camp aiet. BbSrdani day wirL' ber mothor, Ui). Boas, oai vbere b rcl.ed a comissIlon as Snd Liti. lTve'a duba iuan c vue mmd a on bigb ta Mmberve. lieutd auberan enant sud vsilaon on hie vop te Mid. Bd Tripp, of Kane,, vlitiud ai tb but vas lonred tvice sud vas brouni Renry Mille borne Saturd«y aiternoan. bock tue lb Uniiad Biaise la a pianter tir. aud ire Goa <ebike sud ebildienf speul Bnnday wlth tir. sud irs Clatan9 Rutchinge.1 Mir. and tMr». Chria Biloon spent the1 veai-id t tir. and Mmie.rean BroeL ,aann. -1 G--. t J. W. Butchings ovar son-1 déy mee: tir. and ire Henry Wels1 and lstier FranS ctcounefi and J. E.t Huîcbines, of lilvaakee. . lire. Arhur Rolaand vislàd t Henry . Lohmaàn'a one niit la,@% vsek. 1 Viitois ai Herman Brot.kmen'a Sun-i day vers: tir. and ti re d- Kiene sudq sou, Mmre.Wm. Rinsmanuasud tir.. Fred eaut on a etretcher a"d im Insi ont nov alter spendlag 10 veeka ftu hs Position. W. vers ait mlghty.gWadtalles Mm and pieaed .%0 bear tuat theb h shool board had bred hlnm a the agrlculzural Inslrutar loi. ihe ipsnfng pear.lBe Wiin take Up hie vork asoon àasho e rcsveo hie dîsobarge lion the army iblcb hb expecto vii ho vithin ths nei30 dala. The agricutural epuieiassa added lins o work for the blgb echoofl hcb eh a staff of four tosebm eInsai aoI1ibres as bos deon, 8 prin >t AREA tire. Cisytan Hutchingeansd dauester Pruf.â Mies Aime, Tagmepjer bas agalna s- vWated the WS. Wbeeler "aIip a! Liber- coures eaptedàsposition wvl thie Libetvlle lle$aud4 eaafg.sd tI a" Vegtob euC. Mri. sud lire. Bd. Mitchell sud Umb addsd1 Tbé Ares Commercial Mame illgive o Carnes vistsd Mr. and lire. Wm. ine, thInifu May Psrt sud DnonaMeBrld's Hallimm asturdap aternon. Rattes titis eveuisg. Eerpone la cordiailly in. Dr. Simpson,.tOl ohcgo, epaten b nt. au vibel te attend Mdlsafne tinielsa asuisd veek-end ai biss»mmerboni. bas.. st tesu.tir. and Mrâ. J. W. Cooper sud famll conda Lest Satuiday flarnoon Johne Dets, sud Mr. sud MimJama. Towaer sud la "ei vioge UsisiSl. aresteds aa asthe son spet Bunday evelng ait Mr. sud lMr. lstrie Station vélo vas vanted lafor red Lubkube'. pe buseoffise hp 1h. antborlties ef Lake lire. Ge. tiuachli, 01 Chicago. spoul a te bere TM&. Tbe mon adcon ta resan tbe couple dao.sot veek vieh ber mother tial là Ilire oelock trainsud t the tins of ielire. Sophia, OsI. . lar sers dirrst vas waitilg for. a car to Zion Mr. Baririe sud Kenstb Kuhi caUsalnet Um 1tj. A discriptian vas teiephoned baisen Urelatives ber@ une afgt ltveek. of bera »àdtlb arisati fiolovsd. Ltsi la ch. Fred Kieue hfipto ae vevr- e ablit oS»dl tensu :aa a ecal Vd;oryeea:. M.and MmJ, W. Hutchinga and tMr. bldas vie vos ohoerved ln place of the nusa' and Mm re. shiall inBtchinge vboted the ai 2 p. *Souday "evening serice at the churci. 1BcurY Mille family Snndev enna. . - hi bà ope"isimasic and othar apcial festuree Mn sud tirm Robert Roue and daugh- faniiy vers ulea Ltai, tir. and tira. Leioy Rone vlslted Tha The Area&tMarket and Gioory le ta lietMr,.suDitire B. Weil@ Sundaey atarnacu. vite 0a Opswd under a ev naunglent. The Mr. and lire. inamsnn entertaimed la Chia formai opelng ili ri te a aturdoyalter. 1e. Blket Sundsy. home1 oon sIr aieh lime thse clore vii ha Ceou. Thatcher ha, purchaeed a.Over- cared f medy lmi businessl land car. The roi Buovard sud Lele Fry vha have hWun Mr. and lrMa srhall ButcbIngeapet day Io *la service. oti recently epeul Sanday tiondsy evening ai Mr. a-d lire. Fred Revun] viii friande in Aie. Tht-y Bisu visiied Kien'o.. ofaur thstibrother tialouin wha te aItlGreat rat Loi... PRAIRIE VIEW aIo IV..NHE1î W L. Rutcingjz&a nd famlly, af Clan- ' There *ili ie érrciaa,, ounDi)-oràti.u riew. l,-.]ut aiIli- .Je@ Richards home -Dy«s telvnoecurhFriday, tiay Sut-day aitt-ncuiti n ail i 30 egnln s )in-T -e il e ng and lamrly dirg atveral -rffam cornltin itcni uansd a rt-ad- wth A C t' .,md fiimily Sondas. week. les gby Mie O'-pha Harding, It-v. '4sw' l 'I..tr',-aux snd famtly and tir. tir.E %,ditl givo tIi-si m't- terr ahi-n the- 811-1 'itl-îIo&i --i. cf Chicagu, aIt-ut ', oI, soidiere gî-iz î ,-raate-d Siîule setii A C Riearîlm. * Mlis a sKelki r i,, î.r,' oî îng a antw lr I i.tsd clldrer, euett rletude eesvaain ou ieîîb- , t, 'r in ;'il, rl t .Ke.su oe. tagii u.fli tpt-tdî-iL ý I V.tL. bultf ht-istoKas adhon *peo ple. 1 - . tAréa, vl4it,-d ut the tI, * %TIhe re wat a la rge eti i a eh.hi-unti t J'oIl vtii i r Oli,,h ( le NIcot Md 3al ite r- daugi basket eocial and danuip rîîurý,.Ia t-vun. -> (Bn1 lag. Tht- basLti t, ,old lor e152.003 aud FI ik Ut LI!jî-,litertained two 0i1 b isMr. m---------.*i' Iriendfrnt ChIvauo ida ta te pv-ctt,@u ait tue-tt rtbie re&lie-il a ice auIu. Frank S Iirz. Jr.. aiid Mis@ Berha Heinsooln acre Chicago viiturs Satan. dey. isae dna Shepherd, aho ia ataying viiticMr. Barry Eramner in Waukegan, * pest znduy sud Monday et home. tirsud lir@. B. C. Fayne, Mies Avis and tire: . & SDuIph stended thefuna- « of Me lre. Payne'e mother, Mmru. Fennle Gros etaIWauconda aturday. Otto Alebelsar and a conusirom Chf- cego spent the week-end vlh the foite. sess parents&fiers. AUs. Forence Rlouesa, or Ares, gave a * mllanani shoyer for Mie.Berha -IN» chir viii meet for practile. t the *chrci Frilday avening. Un Wr.Bik eniartained ber aliter lion Bveason àunday. l'AIre vili ha a uct-uie sud apron ,te"aleaitb Ivanbae Wodnsu Bail, Vbuisday, tMay 29. Ladies please brlng amanl &proue sud nectlas ta match, ai amp mqterial. The lIes are ta ha auctioned afl sud the aprons ta b. rin -alter Ibis snd sold. Afreeentertainment W11i1bi-gi-n sm foituva: ................................. IPi"an tlo-"WW 9-oet cua Mie iRuth Wtllw »'t. Givuu by th Sa au scbool Lawrence Ku-lît... Dati Wull -Piano Slo............... Vii- ('itra -loues Swan Seliuuî .......... ........ .. MIe tlsbt -ail 'Sor Pay"TaNew ired Mat-...... Swan St-boul -hso Boo-lmpiomtu-iiaiol.. lie Ruth Ward Piaao and Vliîn luet .............. Mr. sud lire Daigiti Doph Ob*ort Psy-"'Feminine llravery ... - Base boof ire ftelSiol n 0tisaRoad eti Mandal oy' Oser Semtea . -. .1.......Dean Weil Setofara. Prof. Jackaon, of Aber. la. Dakdta, bas beau ennaged as sal snd comeshlghl reommended. es tue regutai lie1 acol corse Jackson vi p ut en a oenrcia epovritu vieb nul h. another 1lstureo ur smabol vii slop olu ie. Prof. R. C. Kent sud Mies en bas beau re.engeid as asa Md wriuh ibis exoalléit csffaI0in- toie and sddsd lfeature baWau hibgb snhool vill ha seond to none b ountp. gfannl@ Crase, an sged sud re- ad cillas.a ofoui villap e«vasclied eteinal home on 'lest Thnday. 15ila SDbu bausn pour bestb 'oral mantba sud bar death vas isexpscted. 8h. dltd ai the-home relte, tirs. J. B. Tuombait7re ad every cor* sud confort a fovlngt caSuld gIva. Funers) services. ve it the Faderated church.b asturday, p. n.. Bey. Palmer officlatIng alter lthe reomsinevare Interne lu ihe lyjait iWauconda cemotery. adesih of Ist. Kltty Rapuolde,' f1 the laie C. M. Repnolds., accurred ilafo, Manday, Ml 121h, at the aio berar ime, tlre.,Sanford, vho for bar durlng ber IluingagMIase. noains ver, hraught bars Wednee- fr buaial n the fantlly lot. tirs. ilde vill be raenebered by many or cil4sane, havlng ;ébean, born and .ln oui communiiy, belng a a1.1er :)ha Molien a larner resldent of oui ge. LAKE7JRQ3 sâ Bertha Graeber and cousin apent rl days vietti Dg la Chicago st %sjd tira. H. Pepper have moi'- .egan.1 Buthtr sud iamily visite.] wlth aé and relativ-Q ht-rt- dîday. v. A. Ki.hrf wati a gui-at aI the Dît-hi over Sunday. 11). Bîatikenburg enér-tained ht-i çter sud grand-daughter l at-i-ek. a@ Cartes ws In towu ilut week. '1 J. ilu-icicb, Marie and John apant Usiher Fhqp Lana lis iollg VIwitala ors Béip HeHurt Mabd ol ooiiA.. RmfIhi - &Ulm Blus. Waltsr Diehi -Lpis &ndeaa au"asaAnderenu gotbe Wiesa u ea"- Oscr Heurt Nots Prosdi IraErnet Berarad kype. W af er icolson Mr.oaâd Un.,M.Vaut, IfsamsrB Muhîke @bd Rarold Vaut vers uhe gme of IL & Meak. on Sunday. Bomar»u8tk, @pent seveisi daim lbe past aaiDr. [nas ahome. vwbesbi hile nsd son are epending the Sommer. Mri. sud NI. Jas.ldgovar aI Edge- voter, Mri. end lise. C. Gi bbs and Mies Barbe of Lake Ponot. vwoesthe Bundar gueete of Mr. and Uis. Eta Fritloch. tirs. W. M. Whitfs'g of Chicago. en ter- tained nt loucheon a nunuber ai bar Deerfioeidfriends a odeda. Mir. Bd Trii» aof errington. Kansas @peut everafdojo wjth bar relatives, S. P. sud Dort REstons famillse& tir., sd Mr@. Pred Towner and dongi- fsi et Prl ii s. spant Sunday at Bert Fiaston. tire. Vier ai Sbermerville. vas -the go m wi 01 li1tt V - r. of.er. i betrt3nill,-, heri-----------e.. e-jute-.] lrs. L.1i oaper Salurday, sud John St-bp of Paflatine, visîted relatives Mra A. C Ptet sSunday. returniug with here Sunday.p ht-r pireata lu tht- afiernoon acconçian- Mm. W. Prahus and childien are n-lat- a ld 1-v l)orothy Pitais. - ig vith relative@ in Chicago.à Le,.slie Hutahiugmanad lamily vera la. iss Gertrudes Rira vos a Palainuea vit-w callera Sunday allernoon. ruiler Friday. Mirsud tir@ Luuneivere Zion vîsiloma Wachteres ad Jackson apent the ve.k- SuBady. 1 and uaI heu sentmer home baie. a W. Eddy @pet 'ulnday la the cty. MIr. and tis. Chus. Don vlsttd SUn- f Madame Rok sud Petl.n vare Wbe.l. day vlh the lttais@ parants. Mr. sudt ing railers ana day hest ve.k. irs:W. -Biekuose..b lus. Woodcock speal Saiurday anid ise Mahel ièeilar epentSBandai at ber Sunday lu lbe cty. home. The Vrnon Cemetery Ae'n viii meet Mie Rose Yoang la vialiin ut the vith Mire. W. tancliff, May 29th, belng homne uf ber biother, Edwardo Iu the eleclan of officers, ail nambare are Kaukakes. memabera are argad ta o epriaselit. Bey. anoi tre. B. 0. Bisei apent,,Wed. nesday In Chicago. 1 M~tr. andsiir. A. ùownton and daagh- Mis Marguerite Rohmer spent'ýatui- ter. Jane, are oui la ibir cottage fur day sud uuday aut the hans oi Mi. andi theasoiumer. tire. Athur Bobiner., At the sunnas contbt o the Rla tova- Mise Helen Murphy, ai Chicago, vrs ebip aehaol heid Weduesdal. May 7, 1h. home over Sunday. lollowing ver, avarded prisese: Virginila Bari Bioahbton, af Kenoiha, @pont Rerren, Bfrat In madiug; Rimer cCaruby. Baiuîday sud Snnday at the home of ihird Iu raadlng; Chas. Maucb, second lu is parente here. arthaietle; Carl Flrank, ihird la arth. Jab. Oiyneb. aiftChicago, returned tu malin; Aile Tonne, firetlain ilg; Pearl bis home lu Chicago altai a twa ve.k's Blcknaae, second la vritlng. viit eit Aie home of tir. and tirs. R. C. , The prlmary room -ai the achool viii Kent. .presci bh" operelta "CIndarella lu tir,. Margaret Raney la apendbng tha Floveanad" an Tuesday evenbng, Miay vu-tk wlth frit-nde and relatives lu Chf. 27, at 8 o'cloci sharp. The eset oI (.&go. ebaîselama la as tollows. Mr. and MMn. Vernon Jobus, oI Han. Cndertll-l)îit - ti.......iagaiet Iving1 isoit, 1md., spet Saturday and Bandsy Prousi letrs- aitlîi hvealie,. Holly Ihock-....Elzaboth Buescbbng4 M r 'anil i.aHsriy Geary andi sono of Tiei Lly-----------M.......ails Frank1 <rae'a Lai.. @peut Bandup at the bomea Oodmole-liqtber.1 oi m r. au.]M@ tira -iy Goary. Nature ............tiputle Sehumaker ltr. andidra.A b in Kinballof cbicag BDunnis Be-Pap ...-...Bail Wqaetoa client Suis.] y berý, Batterflief Cbaaieesia.- tir.oud Mm. taubell enteralned Chf.------------------------.........irons Binet cau i mtiletht- i'rst of tb. yack.---------------------------......iaijarie oearp Mia l-taonn liaeu sud Mas Brock. Prince Sunsblne......George Hulîcinsan wav. if(isl I&IÉ-.eýpent Sunday aituaheRobin Rd-PrInS e rsaid-..Carl Tonne huaie aofMr and] tirs. Jus. Haac. stEST& AT THE I5ÂLL .J ohln Sp, rnetr, t-i Edison Park, vIsie Poppy--------........Mldred Huablason friteiht-r Monda>. ButIn-cap---------------......... ahal Kolu tiMr sud d traH. E. Mlanan visltad IP n...........----Amp Skyrmoe Iriendit G raye L-ake gBand*y ... --ia Woeri NW l) aly reurned boms last FilsapI 5veetBBiler-----------....LaiSe Wavî ------------ put afi mMis Remeer on Frldal. H. ludoif bas the excavation dons comerment Mbains Wauka- i bisasw rulidencaon Banal avenue. gan Maps so. that Routes for tir. »d tMre.liph Gibson and sons, Enumerators can be Drawn> loriol p fbet il, Was., are vlng - winons their reatives thie vaek. LAST CENSUS TAKEN 1910. Umb Edfii Tboraffrsnof i beityvillo, won *9 gat eof IesAgnes Peosion Wkga MY 19. owve b .s-.d. 1%e von aof takle thle decennial Rr. ad Mrs. Ali Wliln nhave maod cenelue 111Waukegai soan vilI bp utao R. Wssalln stfis.staitad. Areadi the govaranent re tir. R MGavlI ntrtanedMis Ilsentatives hbave been bore and Me. B. Xeova, We nead a iTed Miesbave obtalaad s number af clty mal>. deul o loa4Wedesdy ad hordab. g a t territorles nm a asslBgnad lire. C. H. Johusten and daugbter ta the enumeistars Wovie vli mek Lorothy. vbo bave spent lhe viater thse covais. 'nere la rmach prellu- wiuh relative. et Beaumont, Teise, Iary van latebé doue before the se- eturnad bame fast Friday. tuai canvas. la started. Mdies Goba, a Ililaalnary lrin China, The lagt decennial ceauas tak*ri pake in foreful sud lateresting mBnner lau Wsukegaln 1910 gave the qcltY ta a large sud Interenled audience la th a Population af 16,089, Thiisvas a Ulnted Evanneliesi chunch on Tuasday big Increase over tite previons ted- evening, sbaving nany caîlo.. and eral camussbut Ihare vere mny via telllng of the opportultio that aie open flgurd Ihat the population ligures di for religions teains s neyer halaie. net do the clly justice for fil as &ho belng a toscesInl a giris chool. 1 polnted out titat tiare vere sene sec.l tir. and tirs. Rd Johnon are novîng lions vbich tht- enumerators dld n-t* toucit. backm lb, theflat they vacated ma al l An effort wil be made tiltilme te %eu Ed vent loto th, servie. ira. citecik up on every iTêsident .a1tit Jobnson made brht-rmuena it-h ber .Waukegan may gel the heneflt af parets, Mr. and %Ire. George PallIe. Pvery resident when the population while he vas gant. figure, ara given ont. The Mionaàry ,.îi-ety of the Freeby. The. dlreelorY censsrecentlY "n- ter"a charch veret etrained hv tirs. pleted 113' P. K. llumstead gave Wou- Frank Hemîî.uesd un 'thuradayv alter- ý.cgan a populat ion of .12,401). Tii noon. tira. HlI. ad charge of the repîeents a net gain ln population devulluniba, als ec rtiig au original Of 10000 -mnci the lagt dlrectory poem, "liy Bible.' Mr@. Sut-iOf luva. ensus In 191r,. Wankegan will Who ie hornet îui china, un a îurîouui, await with lnt,,rt-at the takîng if 1h-, gave avery tntr.--iugtslk OU the work, _________suq éducaîlîmuul an I relgions aînong the Lakte Bluff scitool la not mentloncid Young peni. ut I1 bina, Japan sud Korea ln te @ports. Lakte Bluff', aver-agei sud t-r tri1l, !ilît-airuaa hSbra and15t- 10000 5, dld net loose a gante go 1 tejeala jumtt,,- orue t air. tai va have played 2 gaines, ane Tet-eîu4 et-t ty tht ladie, ofci wil h ltltsebool of Waukegan, tihe Preuh> tt.riaenurt-i., to tiltir pantotrI and Tburedoy played Central BC noo sud wil.- and 1 ien buoys ai have rtturuê-d Northt Chicago and heat temn 11-5. from the- atrN t- wascewl ttende. .Tht- (Çontrlbuted). progran t-u - .and ]reudiug waa . juye-d by adl a. Va, tise Iucheun atrVt-] in tht-e oluîîî uît set. Mr. Stange ieeponding. ti-t-Frances Blederladt preeldu-d ut the- piano, tire. Frank Peter. son and Mrm. lit-cher esch gang s colo. ira. El Selig suif trs. F. Peteiaon sanmg a duel sud Mi@e Jobephine Woodman and Itr. (.aldiing gavaemaillnge. Biarold Vant then gavaes very interessing a&Mount ai bis camp Ile as h.' vas sent fran ane aviation fild ta quother. Promt the. Intareet chown and packed houes the big reception-wben the boyis aIl ratura, a-, Ihare are anly a littf over hall ai aur boys bock, vii bave ttathefrefI s home comlng lu ch0 apen. ALUTOISTS RUN' TIIRUîJÀMKSe AND RIT SPE3D UP North Chicago Dranet Out for Violators of the Auto Speed Law, Five Fait. Bay iellov saatio*, il deesaut psy te speed vison ou are gang throagit e4orth Chîceonduthee .concret@ raad. And fuieretore it doeeau'l Psy te i-un tluiough the boirfedes Iliat have beau placod et tise Intersection, visera, nev roSds are being laid la Norti h cagof., Titat titis la a xact vWas tor-eauy einPisoolzo d iai Mien Ève, men feltoi ftehle Vpenet and al Veil@ fluod or titey vil ho. Anoiier hing outoslnMlg tluiug lu couauecleau iti lbe spondffl IL Niorth Chilcago la tha*6 Dewnov het of police, Iftalpih lîmicit lifnet. go- las te take a chance on the spetd- ers flt a oot4vai once heogSM hi. bands anthem For insrtance, liné vas E.wu Gr-eaen o bicag lo lra In tisioul a barricade satwhcoeetrialboa1>6011 eontlauod until Monda. Ho3 va piscel qnder a $90, bond but Mi ho dld not have thenwnOp te guaIanteS bis appeai-ace, Ci«S! RMMIck con TERAIOIWM tr1RAI ocs thmanS d, the cuiente isahel »«a TU 15E MiLK TIEUP 05 thIe grod. Tbrets et boe sever. trosiment, wers made If thdse oucgAMar.. 1 ln of etmilk for bugry bablne &W iNralids Yerstd In cbflhI d eeta orules of OeIoean* Oit Uk SwSY4 ronthtie.stations. smàn ln-tquent of muitoder. Wlthi Chiot sGnîtty lsued an order ta M5 per ceut' of the normal super &aUlstations tu supply policemaen ta brocuhlnfa iis Morflat d 4turlb ooompacy home those persens goini u[ted tu the 700 Mm flktaffons seat- tu the station for milk. HoeB9140seat terd da'ougfhout tAIe litppOu aqueda of police ta bospltala on 1the WhO WeO vlllIUq te 80nMte fffl w utli aide. whe i#9 wuareiorted ' Wffl la *,Dm" oc ~19 , . bai nurses 1ud been 'atozped and Qç- «M lmllk botties taken tram thons ismi u, tm. i aspet * ioA pouh for oocur. Aoeordingly Ir Green dome iot rotau for triai on miuSy, .It lo easy ta "e bWy authe planos SMd furniture la KNeri 1os- go wM il udeny beçIn te builglto îp sothe newovbciotumkee à free dis- tribution of the. spooder'. gotis, Here la the reot et tà&e ecordfor Pfday's d4paet for the. sxoders. so. 4.-ir . P. ConneNava Station, for .psedlng Msta -NMmile Pace. Ho vas disomlsse-asho et- Olalned as ho vwas lu a hum yte gel te th. stationj» get'on the job. , .No. $3-Umerson Shaw ce North Ciiiceo, Unang throuh barricade. UO boud. trial Monday ove.lag. Ne. 4-Mm 'bti, 64nGeofge Ave. WI*sgan, Vin"d 810 aud cone.0r livng 40 mUeés su heur. NO, 5-Wsl toi Penea, ef thi evI weltareo0f Oreoat Lae. sqodlina 36ý miles au hoan. Fined 89.d0. "1%, speeding bas gat ~o stop:, amp Chiof Hemmiok "and Il Boomi to e ho wesvoput thelimit stI3 miles an heur. the avorago driver aublt ta atsy vihhin thst sPeod. Evorybody vha o os biovofilasoro- lng la-te faken ta court ne m&tter PIRLIMAYSTI3P FEDERAMINU - ---------~ 5Z5:US~a TELEPHONE- LONG DISTANCE 56-J - AUTOMOBILE HEÀADQ UA RI*1S HARTMANN HOUSE HENRY HARTMANN, Prop- WHEELING, ILtINOIS LOn Mlvanke. Avenue 22 Mfiles heom Chicago VOL. lXX'~ L'il Trno~ 'tmg' 'non 01 tl 19 Foi,--DIED 1867. MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C014PÀNY DETILOIT JOHN HODGE, District Manager, Area, 111. De.r During the last fifteeu years your ife-work bas been shaped and determined. If you have prepared well, your future holds many giod things in st4hre. The rnattér of insuriug your life ie al-important This you know., When you acquire the property which you foet will be ouffilent, you will go to an attorney, ait down, and quietly and deliberately make your will. But your Life Insurance isaf more importance; your will simply distributes, but yourPolicy prôvides- You may make your will at any time during yî,ur natural life, but the time to take Life Insurance le when yon eau get it. Impaired risks are not wanted. Lot your Life Insurance Salesinan qluietly ait down with you and fell hlm what you want the insurance to accomplish. Let him be. your insurance attorney and advisor. He has made a study of the bupiness andi can explain how insura.nce wilI serve you best. No higher compliment can be paid you thah bis deaire ta interview yeu, for you are supposed to be of sound h-alth, with a good family record, and of good standing among your fellow mnen. Your Life insurance Bhould not be neglected. If you are in the market for more insuralice, please lot me hear from you. Yaurs truly, JOHN4 HODGE, District Manager. Building or Remodelîi ,? 409"000000a" Every year just about thie tirne or a littk e arier pet- hape, there je thic etory of the robin. 'the harbinger -of spring. Vnd there is only one reasos why the robin corne, north eauly, and that is for neeting. Just hôit iswith people. The. spring niakes aflofusù think about that borne, implernent shedi, chicken coop, barn etc., that we are 'going to build.' Soin. people etart right out doing it the. vMryfirsi thing, while others delay until the. contractors and carpenters are all busy, and then they have to wait tier tumn START BUILDING. NOW Thie springi with ikm pishee--alway» more than any of us expected-is right upon us. (jet busy right away and provide yourself with such mnaterial as you know will b. needed for your building requirernents. My stock ie complete. se.-Le TRIPP LUMBER, COAL, FEED, GRAIN. CEMENT, LIME, ETC. PHONE1I03 1PHONE 256-R-I AREA, ILL. and PRAIRIE VIEW Clark and W of Waukega Train Ni RUSH VICTII oas man va Injured fatally. val-e noie or vian an Elgir trieaght train c and Wynn C tn-uck of Waik, 1.01crossing aib" 4:l!. Doon. Hari) . 1 drivi ng te tri vas not Injure ly Injuîed of thi ta the Jane1 lte caboose of othpr eictlms 'f Forest opt Kimbail avent, oveely Injure ga» iAspltaî et The dead: * iSADOIt i go; bath loes cis on heed; -Piai, waukev *DUNU BEN * fracturi-d. a-i* "haverai rii, 1 riles; viii dis JKMES flWA or Injurie@. .TOSEPII VI injuries: takai PItal. I..FONARD) minai Injuries hoslpital. Forst: minor Forest iupit8 WILLIAM 1 or Injuries; ta Injuris;take * pitl. or Injuries-;t * pial. or Injuries; b haPital. H. A. 01,11 jiriles: takén SANDiORS or Injuries; tû pltal. TONY COF furies: taken A. KUNTZ, Juries; laken PETER W. foreman of 1 talcen la TaLo WILIAM Injuries; taIt ai. *The relgit backed to thi Thte victinme boase and t Many of lte vera culs au te, retuin tc celing medi vital. Ail the me ployed by 1 Wyitn vito estate near Lund drives job every ni. thte ratlroad Mord William ? iCalla' re t( u el tA b ; FrMa, 'Il -rieu- ir(mi %,ni(-fwo r rinay. ;