PaWoIv~LIRERTYVILLE INDVLPiNjTTHURS)AY, MAY 29, 1919. MINJSTER SEE5 RU VERSION' FIO LEAF te tirst and third yards ver, sp- point ed a comrnittee ta 1look# UP a plae bath on te North and Soutb sida, where the boys could pay bal and to make arrangements for the rentai of the iots. Nortb Chicago bas some' fine irazebali teams noiw. The f actory league wiii give us fume FOE DEMA gaod basebali titis suminer aud thon thé '>o1tànii and Cardinals bave both BILLIONi -reorganised and aur caMy viii surely noed nmre place ta play bail. Versailîs German Ptî Seaaiy If iM-1- Marrled learne3d ta -' If yrug*waut' everyhadî i WUII 80 daim of 12 knév à#tory Inside of tva tisys just 50ff) fo -twhiffisp i s a s e Se mollie<1 w5k blackade ai ninu ell iit ta suer thut Ste yul demanda si nef re*eat stL--Cincinisati itnqutrer. ri nl le toli vo ed Lor- arn Sm of ANDS TItREE IS As RESULT OF ALLIES' MLOCKADE les France, May 28.-Tht 'ace delegatian irere. St vas oday, viii present a counter- 12,850,000,000 marks ($3,212, fo damage from the aliiesi as an offset ta the reparatian of the ailied powers. NC.4 MAY HAVE LKFt LISSON Washington, D. C., May 28.- No word bas reached thre navy deopart- ment as to whetber or nat te sea-, plane 14C-4 bas le! t Lisbon on thre last leg of the fligbt tram Bockaway Beach, L.. I., ta Plymouth, Eagland. 1he iatest message tram Lishon vas received ast nlght' and t Indicated. tthat Lteuttana¶jtom mander -A'tseKrt C. Reed vould sart if weatitor con- ditions were favorable. HAWKÈR 18 RECEIVED 8V KING London, Enzland, àlay 28.-Harry G. iiswker and Lieutenant-Command- er 'Mackenzie Grive, vho reacbed bers yesterdsy tram TIturso, Scot- land, after being resrcued In midocoan wben their airpiane ln vbich tboy vere attemptlng ta cross the Atlan- tic aiigbted near tbe Vanio"'teamOr Mary, vere recelved by King George at Ibuclingbam paate this utortifig. King George bestoved on Havkr and Grieve the insIgnia of thre ail force cross. Tiîoy are thte first a. tuai recipents oft Ibiordar. Great Truth. If we knew boit as iuch et tnrty us we tbought ave kîîew nt twenty, vd coitld hle siwiusg îrinî-eiy scieries a îrapiets. Instî-nd o itiît-IIng niong St plain wr-itlîug Dr. Straton Declares Womnen are to Blame for the Double Standard of Morality. Some Local Folks Agree. Nov York, 'MNay 29.-The Rt'. Dr. oIn Itoacb Siraton, pator of C- va,'! Baptist Chuncb. forsees in the very near future tbe "compiete elin- Ination" by women of ail cltîtes anîd a roversion 'ltli*t ovet slmplity tbt eharactorized savagery." Titat la wbat ire toisi bis congreita- tion Ho vas continuing lis disserta- Lion on woman'a drens-,wichbcbe ir- gan the previnsîs Sundny ami whicti hall attracted comment in ail part.q efth11e country. Dr. Straton bomes the Increase of vice on the prosent day styles In women'a dress. He declaresi "he present lendenry toward elimînstion in wnmens dreFsis oa vioun-tir for1the purpope of directing attention Inthte sex Idea" PuteBMarre on Women He put forth the suggestion that "St wottid I bejunt as Ingical far men In begin in drese -vttb 5 t<ye to qpx spireal as Ilt i far the women tot do so." He said: . Wonten 'pro con*&trijI lto1djs% of the double tan4strà of morals and tbev do rigbt to camplain, but, In henvén's nome, let them 11e con- sistent and not by tbeir mode of drenssng, their dancre andi other follios iinconscloul,]y faepr the vert- double tandard o! marais vida- they m0 rlgtéausly denouince. "A fossilizesi octogenaian or a self- compîseoént nrollycoddle witb ice va- ter In bis veine migbt bc able tolooik nt tire isghts ulnich any mn u usee la modern soclty, and ta irdis In Is anus a tirobbing, beautîful young va- inan with almast hait of her body ex- poned andi the otrer haIt clothesi largely vitbgpao Intention-suich a malt, I say. under these circumstances milht romain calm. But an! yonng 1511evwith vert glood lunbis veinaq sud te naturai forces af nature ap- PrOting ln hlm cannot sa easly do sn. béert ta tire complete eliinatian and tbat sveet -tlmpicity that char- actcrlsed aavagery. "The true oblect of dres l for utility aud ireauty, and nt far sea appeal, sud Il woud ire jut as log- IMt for mon to begn ta dreas with au end La soi aPpeal as it ia for vo- ment to do se. ý,[f fmpqentslsadalsen~a. and ire go a' littls tunthen vlth the PTrogresso! 'eliminatlon, I1 suppose that lu the not distant future we Will bave bath mon and vamen Su az state of complete freedoat from ail ssieting. vieih viii finish the cîrcle and bring us back tram the point tram viticirte savage tarted out." OUTLOOK DUBIOUS FOR AUTO Ob"@ Cannet Stand Wear aud Tear Ibey Arc Dcl',. Subjeoted To by Heavy Truoka With the iorage e labo, for roadM amking and theto mre general use ct Lii. roada fer heavy hauling. il ia 1ke- ly that te roads as they exW tvii »It b. able te vithstsnd thebo ard usage. and theo outlooLla dubieus fori the automnobile. Many industrlal coin- pwete are maklng use of fooets et trucks te deliver their goads. instesd et sitJectng tbemselves ta teuncer- taintiaes fthLie s-aIraad service and t2. vear and tes,' on te ronde thug m'fade unse ef lamore titan hey a to careofa. Titis, mors titan ever, PIskcalit evidont titat thoreabouid bd Mm Try deelded reoarma made Sn t*c mater et rond building. Thte alakeabMftrepair viticit have berate- fbr been marte are nt nov aulidlent. sud ailinov resd building verk abould bb made on the onetimbsantiai Uines. --Mhiato Journal. Dcpcndenoc on Gond Roads. Every taer sitould beel bis de- posidenco upon good ronde. Wiether et aot ane lives on a publiceirighvaY bb abould aie an lateroît Sante boarsmoeata i tarm or te road bs mut use ta market bis tarrn. e ebard and gardon 'producta. 1.000Specica of Flowars. Of 1.000 specos of foyer. 284 art wbte, =23yaev, 223 ros, 144 bina5 j$ violet. 36 green, 12 torange, 4 -t ilî~~~ mii 2 black. There were at least 450 persons present and they 111;tened with inr'r- est te the remarks of Mr. Ca*tborne and Lt. Ed Dnricin wiho qaw overseas service. Tlhe higb ichool orchestra dlrqeted b3, Mr. Potter furnihed fine music and the audience sang severai songs aise. Of the serv ice iage, ttte one whicil had the most stars on It wa-. that hroiîght by Sirs. &9. . radbury. It hart three stars, for 11r two sonq, Capt. Sam wbo dip.d averseas, Léo, vito vas ln thre navy and John Davi s, a cousin wbo vas raiscd by the Braditurys. Th. iteresting tling deveiopbed that moet of the 6iS flags brought ta the ceremony represented boys who at one time or another had attended -achool la the Central school. TO TTg SEIZE KEIitss 'DRESS "If.~L ~u When the Ftag Goes by Mernqw Day, May 3Oth Fr ef ouiFoui Seed ~NSALE Ali new seed -guaranteed W*&uwotb P. 0. ri JD'<LJi- rifi Widener. 16, heiress. la et Loai.Mass., for ber beaitb her moter gays--but go-gIphas lt ahoise thora to gt ber away trom au '18-yeat'-old son of & Pour Piltadelphie, doctor vito. 1kl Loeehlnvat. wonid steai ber suay. *Romanc. pot.11 says Ma WId' ener. "IfS nayer had a romance. Ske> ton0 Young.. Barney J. Oidfleld took out a mar- niage liiense ln Waukegan this atter- noon to yod Miss Agnes Nordman. Oldield gave 'bis address as New York 'City. The marriage was Ver- formed by Justice Leoe8Fermer. Tt mas flot the famaus automobile racer but was a nepbew.flie gave bis age as 28. Miss Nordatan sasd she vas 25. Sbe lives ln Chicago. Samuei Yampois'ty of Waukegau secured a license in Chicago Tues- day to marry Miss Minnie Stane af Chicago. Baboonas Fierce Fighter. Wben tiîey sre iing hunted wth dag nu (,]idl Iiil huais tlia tta4corneresi sizes onu ttîreker aith one boand by thte nearcat ilmb, and, gthering up a ld of skia ln tihe other bond. toars Tt off. andi throwag slde is vitia. waits for tise next. la this vay he will often Mil! auventS dgs before ho gives op the flght. Intentions Count for Littia. To be alvsys Intending to livo a DowIlite, but neyer ta find time teoeat about Tt, la as if n men shoud pet off oattng and drinking and sleeping tram one dey and nigtt tu anothet, tWl ho le »atarved and destroye.-Tiflot- amn Theoreticaillv Suiiset Waa. Although France and Moxie ar e S tensibly nt pence. a state et var still existe, tireoreticsiiy, betvees te Lvo nations, fer afttr Maximlabn. cu- tLon ln 196'7, the French vithdrcv tais armiez tram Mexica, but nevwod grle any treaty. Keepa iManda and Feet Out. A (ireek Iiiaeitoir ii:s prorduced a machine achicl u sIitiil cîîi en, ansd packismare titan 150 cases ot cur- rants an itaur wîthout contact or bu- manibandi ar fout. Maintains Equai HumIdity. IThe air lu al parts af a elgar case% v suit or ther place vitere mont- une la needed a kept eqitalij bumid hy n nov devIce ln vlbl Mn eioctrlc fan drivezlits brfezes obn 'ï ox il.d vitt sb*ttsomt - Waukegan foLks bad a big tir Tuesday jeveninas at tbe Cents scbaal. the occasiltt 'being tire fQrit decorattng wtb chevrons of servi laga which were brouglht ta the scits for that specisi purpese. Theo occasion 'vas an Impressi andS very -;Ignificant one and fifly-fi, service fiags hart the chevrons pln, an tom afier vhich Citarles Savth( ne urged the ovnors ta take thi borne and frame tiete t nake thE a part o! tha-Ir famlly collection historia mementos. Th.,e clothirg business can wait while the flag passes. Tbe danuce given bY the Business mseuls assqocintion at tise Audtriu/ Tuesday ovenlng drew a large crawd sand a mont enlayable tine vas had by ail. The business Men plan ta give those Qverv veait. And a com- Mne bas been appointod ta look îfter tbem. Jay Pangeram af North Chicago arrived ln Cbicago Manday itir thre 3ard negiment ,ust aver tram France. lay saw some of the hotteat ktnd oi tlghting but geLs back vithout 4 iioratch. Jay's father and m=oIms' and %Jeter and ibrother tvent tu Cht- cago ta 500 hlm Monday night. Word bas -been recolved fram dot> tra Budde that be bas 'been married for over tvo manths. Ho la stili ai- $enqtng tue unive*irty of London where ho viii romain until aborit June 3Oth. As far sa ho i<nas be <nove he wiii sai far bomne soon at- ter titis date. It has been learned tbat Ray Ffelmkamp muet. lose bis leg causesi by vaund% In France. A bard fIght has been madte ta save the Injuresi memnber but the iatest reporte aay St la Impossible. Rev. j. C. McCay preachesilits fareveil sermon at the ýPreshyterian church bore Sunday evening. lia wili take charge a! bis pastarate o! the Emersan street Presbyterian cburcit of Evanston the first Uunday o! joue. 1e graduatcd -fram the Mcrcorni4ok 1oSmry lta(May and viii be ardained as a minister at bis nev charge an Tuesday evening June 10. BRey. ChIdester of the Pres byterian cburch o! Wautegan viii have a part ln te ordination service. Mr. Mc-Coy viii take uP some vont ai th1e Northwostern 'Uiversity and viii 'beglu iris Ivaritthore durlng the summer quarter. Mr. McCoy proacbed tva strong sermons bore Buuday sud the one ln th1e evening vas rnast approprlate for the wlnding Up of the oronbch bas m0 sPlendidly begun bore. Nortit Chicago brought bacit one lone prize fromn the bIg County Sehool cantest lu LibertYville Saturday. George Eisenheng af thre Nortit Ccbooi van second prize ln Aritbmetic. George handed ln the only porfoctly correct -paper of thte content and th1e reasbn ho sud nat got first prize vas becatuse ho failefi La raduce bis frac- lions ta their lowest termesas; Supt. Simpsan ruiod tbey shauld da. Ta win a irrize at the Caunty content Is n biph bonar and the north aide boy deserves great credit for bis fine sbavIug. Mrs. Moore of Chicago formerly of Nortb Chicago vislted oid frionda over Sunday. The 3ity Courrcll met lu regular session lent eovning vltb ail membera preseqt. The regalar bille voere reasi and alavwed. Alderman Phiilip reportosi that tire contreet far tbe 10- luch veillvas lot ta Jackt Lelse of Zion City and wonli af diRging viii be- gin about Jtrne firat. Mr. Pbllip de- cidesi te put Ilusaton-Sncb veli no they vouid have saanotbing that vaulsi be of use to tire city If tire vellIBSaa sîîccess as St 19 expectesi to ho. Trhe question af a place ta play basebaîl came up feir discussion. It s;eeins. tiat tire Navy usez tb*~ Foss Park'greunds mont of the tfnl' nov sud tte, itit mroot grounds bave mbée divided off into lots andi the 0v- SIner vii lo nt letaYone play bail thora any ura. The AIs[orrnn o!i USE I ILLR bure the Eft Go Th IUBTFUL Mrngid, "tion ta t 4nortihenat là tIreP low 1 assembiv kblle e i Ir Richard I not OPPE ales a ditir elecicd ta w iii offer 1o ameid( Ê ut1ld th 'o by F Ebhu 1r t 1 ff a n fifflr 1 WW. if Shi 1sure wlien rabably *i ed tie rc. and Kan V l te rom be and Ke Ill orizînal ot WiI. Ker lbination or Mle and G me blli, as , ctiendar, memrgo, a l n the e proiîy coin if Sparilni tol a gr( SvelasquE 18 pîcture ides nîî oui Site art I1 bakesi 4e t en", ', liai be iiiii't1 - -pw 1 , , , %0 - ATS OFF as the flag passes; that has ai- ways been the rule; but Americans had H to go tço war to learn what the lgmas and how to pay honor to it. Dýecoration Day is no longer a mernorial' of the Civil War; it is a d9y of tribute tfo ' Ai heroic souls who have shown devotion to the highest patriotism; to t1ýÔse who gave their lives; and to those who wem -É llngto do'so.