Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 May 1919, p. 12

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~MâÂGE FOUI XNT TEURSAY, MAY 29, 1910. I Libertyville. IndePentdent L&Coun*y Independent Waukegan Eeekty SunL Voliva suung the. legisature for a million dollars. Bot two million he doos't gs* mach of that million. He's at leat gettinÈ lots of adfottln-SUOb as it in. Secretary Hollilter ofet b.CUb of Commerce bas been aaked by the. national amoclatlon te rg our'Con- greamman te heip veptevot bofO CIIi o fte algt navlng plan. TIeteseomu to e ho 11W. untimÉit bore- about that the. oid hour are bott. for the -people gen- eral-n tc t Itlfot thst the. majorty Uko the new houri mcb botter andif tii. cbaap'o te .oid plan wone mad it would be a case of doing sçaqtblng tto pleasetbe mlnority. Mcmii Giant Auifing Tho Fluai Woîd ()ne of Waukegaf'e bes oi od and meust useful wo- mon bas paase te ber reward. Aller glviug up ber life te worlng for otiieru tbrougb .ùlng the NoAlister boa- g pital a ssuica, 1Mi8n un»a 8iimnwy llywus called frat day tte irest wbli h. esodéslred mter montb anMd monthu of terrible sufférlng. uSh vlma -gS d veMan; ile did Tue her werk veil; ohe toiledlobe latéd fer othme i;he gave el hr lif 0t eeWork se oved mont.> Bie Qs, 41Wffl,- sweet in disposition aMd'ber iielpful influence iblavU bSi of the hospital bad mucb tô do wlitb Isgucesi.durbt tu ont> struggliflg years for ita existence. Sb oe d latder b than ber trengtii would bave allowed. In ber cburcii vIt work asewus loyal. true andever ready te sust. She wanted te go te ber reward and ii. taked a.nd planned s0 carefully, s0 miutoly that it wus a solace to those who knew ber te se bow placid ene could be uzider sucli cir- cumntancSi if thq possesedtle'wl»and th ii imter te de no. NMa .biwa»y viiib. mlod greatly but ber work ilfl go on forever as ber namd lu wrtten in letters at WcAiiter hospital tuat eaunenver be eraed. IND16NATION S Wan rn KEEN OVER P.R, S 8,1081UDIUII ELIMINATION PLAN Thhan Mn..It. Mcbevecb fIlhad rster I cti streets. North Chicago got sfter t>' Specif c Instances are Shown tiii. tre. clildren of ber netahiior.(M Wher Woen re ear i PterSpeoffTuedayand used thc Whee ome ae Har traditiougal bronommtIck ta giyeven Breken Over Lest Homes to ber feâiiage. The. kiddied wve r tbiree, four and Iliv years aid and as h each felt the crack. a fthe lrom the! ha COST I LAST THOUG T.uBIU?511feIt ratier aggieved and tai - .Now glaivasn't willini ta tlet mat- p WuLukegarg,. May 27. 1%119« î.n. drap mo o lie bd a warrant svorn of The. revegalBtionm lnthe Sun iTue,».out for i neighior. h. insisted in day of vhat the parli hoard content- on intria but the. evidence vas su'-t piate. lu tis City Conseil s deep tiiat justice Nelsonfined ber $à and vave of entimentt ta apread over Conte.S. lUs aeai the. Case. inasttng e te Ciy. dun nt ane cFe vasttitheie badn't bur t lie Sun crlticimed for It. stand laib ino Important matter but on tiie auher thI band, bundreds of perçans coint Ahranes Witt Help Surveyorm. tl mended ub\poition ussmed b>' this 1Ine u p rut lstes o? Aiimtroiis. p potier. viieru trnvei i le i (lun i llliiii 7 Condsntnatioti o tube severesi ktnd and polr.fiil. sait la litre regine. in the pl for the prk plans vas beard on ail d@mert@ Of Afrl'n. sIrPlatieg viii rnske N aildes. People tood arnazed, barri. lt lu 5r7 in mtrvey more jéqître tllest' lied ai .uch a costt>' and unneceesary Il a mnnth lis,>rouladhoetm-en ; tc plan for parkm. nf asofilt> Inîlveluirlî' in s yer. fEt t And, a. the nevi Îhiegan ta atit gIvî l i psCpliie t g eltfitiet r. JI thratigh the tovn and epecIic loit- eYe view of ewrr!part oi th.e erth*p -a titances came. ta the Sun's attention suirface. No ilun.-erq iueotîved l nsurc.31 of ube etreet a? the plans and minds work are ikltv in dcliinimen ie-b, f of resiuiente viiose places vers jea. have terpil Pnd sîtrvIvî'd the téint.of parilised b>' the extensive park plans,"s"riul f1ghtînit, v. realiezd ail the more that the only erilism on the Sun for lis part. FI5fk Comment. t stand vas tht i dldne erplade hfi laberi e-Ps a greet admiirer ni oq q befre.diers and. haicvlîî suenîledlae ititr. Terare îCasvbihlli% edding. b. vos tond In pralie. 4Star Herearetvacas. wbch llîs- fier ho wa. taken ta cee àenui' traie >» per cent o ths places a?.-u1dding viiere ail vers ini rivilli fete't he ii park plans: clthes. At the. weding dlinrier lieu re FIRST-Hamy Mloyt of Pari Ave cuAadtiiarc remit~n nue Joigt noruli af Washiu .gton viret. fruit, raisins. etc. Hlee pbcnlîli.r lip "It bas beeti t>' thecia home for liked raisins, an lie snt i l i iudton"0. nîuch oflber life. Sihe basni ben -l"inir ibis wëdduing nt Its 1>- able toalseep aine. te plans came ~là -wtteo-4Jo soidic'rs or noili Oni. Tt ien't ber iesire ta give i» theiin home .@ho bas occupled cno otenvears. _________ Tt isn't naturai for ber ta wish ta do n. To tuik tat helam hable ta have in do an ia brsaking ber beani. 1 SECOND-A grase le reetied te, the Sun or Mr. tDoyle an W. Water treet 9h. bas four or Iliv bonses and bas 4 just gat itntaIn shapsviiere eh@ la gettngan Inco rantmtient; It Tg hier tifs, ber bomne. 8h bas tiige 111s nov afier yeara' efforts. And nlov tbat sb's bsard about te parkJ0 gotng ta chose ber ont, hTt là aBtAthat P sbéga alit eanubrolsn and jusi about worrying hersel? ieWk asesiaz t at * glates bhoy ail ber life's vcrk bac *I b Ab Ab J <t ltenu Yudegy .coirdized hbecanne a-..à sontabady's aeatbetic lidées bve car- ,ol* ji Ù rieA them an fan ubat ibe>'have aver- LNSED» ix lno'ceA ithe desire of the. individuals Lstsbom MD vIien . vl -,afected. your Ylctory Gardm yr eivb> Wbat ie troe o? lire. Dayle and gettng 0Os a lieueb auts books .%nr. HaYiis true of dozens cf oh- vitici tiNatIOnal1Wor Gardan erswhoareIneud IntheCommision, of Wemhlnglon, vin s a Bind e a Ustritr ed ,ym tfor a two-ceu @b" for mt talbeunder ithe ban fon parir Purposes. la mac>' caes People have worked ail their luves getting ubir J ps-mnes a IIWuntit finali>' tii.> bave reachsd the point vhers lit.> futal satiolied-and nov for a park ., o f plan, tbsy're t t l ad t ois viterver tbeY vili. regardtemesof te atistattment iii.>'May' bave fornted . for tbetr n14 haies. ubeir, neighbôr- imod, @e. tsa&Il vrong hadore, ail evrons! 1 Meoubles uf au Expert. - «Anotlter mnter of the mtaff ents a aul-4ajlie .caa'tIliv. on hb is- aï- ar>' qf se ak eek.' '-wbote i.îr tb*sm 11 Iadtr dp illo -ont REAfINo THE IONG 'maqm'e su.. H neVites itou. inter. Ti artseaiares d -:lMa = s~w1~mr. u@r" uph to P& .m8 wuu6.-Asw fo*4 n" <tomaI wu o;"i CA L ERCIIANTS o leseab oiîtutftort TO IDENTIAILOOT esof olothing. Nouse u h FOUND IN TeAffCACHEdth ava h triai or the Milors. G reat Lakes O fflciails H ave ou d t ro s ato on Detained TWO Sallors Who to es if the boy t h obd BEy P i tf e r e d S t o r e s . e b o r o u ndt I & b o u t M 7 d o l a r Worth or variant 'kinda or gents, fur. CARRIED ON EXTENSIVELY. uishings. 14k. the North uShores'rat -rs h l dlteluav e t hie tb fi u D - Wlauega. My 2, 119.lut disposition of the. boys' C.. Ww aios a eat sa re 7 11. J uçtwth.ou fellqwe could g Two milor Bt reatLabo are Y7 vtiithi e rle.u Of tiistt the confIned to the brig p nding ies- they hav p t over e e b ar o un ' tgtion of the. already prafed charge drstand. Nov tbey mau*gud ot bld that they have been carrYttg ont a thir lot also guslud the. o05o011. series of str îpflferng la WankPe unbo are ivctigatlng thir «se v gn. it is adnMited that the 01omeirg the belief that their suces .Min at thestation rund a cache vhere have heen due to aving outlde th, oys bcd "planted' mucii -f n dipoing ni the goode th Mi.o ithir lot secursd ai varions timeà n local. store.. when the>' ver. On miore loave._____ The latet piaco u - ,er that lits -place had been rohbbb the. Oaived la Mlran Rue. peilore athe North Shor. Taliors A bute buffaio viti enerom besq on Waohlngton ctreet. the head of rwtg ltlfoad lu Algeea wliom vent ti>,the ctation thts veek Afrwnslel rund tu smo c a. ad den tlfied a p air f ; trous rs leau re. nd o ther sn rncm I tdu whIch vers atolen front th. stmore in sp r, ael sd . nme tine ago. H. BIb ezttianed to lios nlffi chele and ranc IW the offcers n charge that durig thesaUt. Soore u;rc!c'!ves and frienda Dm Waukelgaa vent to Chicago Tues, ty ta velcome thes local mellebers the pratrie Division vbo arrivsd sdié, ?norning cnd who ver. glv- a tig ovation. metubers of thes tasion lêft Chicago for Camp Grant ithe afternaon and inside of? 36 ir§ the. procesi o! muetMrng them si yl bhostsxtsd. tmong the. Waukegan younq men ho arrlvpd ilu Chicago 'ruesda> and .hoii wli e home shortly are the CHAIiTU BWCUAN WILIAM BOXIMAN RICHARD JBRUJNKE THOMÂS MCHANT IDDWARD GRADT JOHN HOGAN AL ,qCHlTW.ANN WRED PAIJMER Plier. cre other Waukegan voung ion In the. Sîrd division and the>' arn pected le arrive tn Chicago the ter part of this veek. Tt ln sxWeted ubat home.pothte Watt. gan yatng men ln tb&-Prairiii divl- In 'vili arrive home tomorrow ntgbt ecause the. m%n are bing mustered et according te alpibetical Ilos. i.e mustering strts immediatQly af- er the. boys have been ln catir> thtr- -si.x bour.. AI must lho mustered ut and h. back ln Waukegan b>' fn- .y ai the latest. Waulkegan relative. and friends via vet ta Ohicago, Tuesday ta meet .e local memliers ofithe division id an opportunit, to converse vtth hem ati 1<-t Park. AUl remark up- )th ti.iealtby appearance of the la- mi yanks. 'Ms parade tn vbich tfie Prairie division took part vas one if the biggest of the kinfi ever held ln 'Ctido. Charles Vonmtck and Hoiward Trier. ", tvo saitors front Great LabO;i, tougiit the>' wo¶îld try a nenw va> or getttng mInt a dsw9t. The matiors terefore forced tei lock on one of te windove at the North Shiore de- ot laît nigbt and tarted ta crawl In. Tbey bail nat figursd on Emil Fox, privai. policeman. vho guarils the North Abare propertY. Il'oi look the vwo Jacks by the. collar and sent tient te the ctty lockup. This mornlng they vere finsd $6 and conte eac b b> Judge TyIly. Trieves paid bis% fine and we)ft back ta the. station but Von- %tek culdfnot raisne the noney and faced 'a ftteen-da>' eta>' iii the %herliff iien the. Judge relented andi lropped bis fine to $1 and cont. ,'ongtck zis 4 the 6.72 and baatened tek ta ithe stattan.-Kencoha Her- %Id. PligrimieHours of Relaxationt. gober, rather than dour, the Pi- it, msnw the.rudiments of sorti relaxation. The. tpper ratiks or gien- tlemen dellgbhted In sveningm af con- versation en iuitable ltent...enliv- ened wiii moderate portions of vin. lieer or sic, sans nereason vii>' uiel itd neot Induige ibis tante oftener va. the expeaivenes a? candi.. nnd itie long boura of vork. OET OuT MA» SCRTCH TÉ sWglU a gond Issemmon the W" te j« t "d Mi sthe -Nationa] Wcr Gardes ComisstlIin of Wamh. MUT TOUR HEART INI IT- Tbau Ea*"sytegoal the-garduw wo *1 sNadssaiW__ Gadi 'aWaddngto. s es i s i j i. 15 md n Meçn's $2 Shirts $1.15 Men's attached shirts inu'a large selection of patterns, ail sizes, regular $2.00 values; very speciaily priced for Em- 1.15~ ployees' Sale at each ...... Men's 1.25 Work Shirts 79c Men 's dark color w ork shirts, in ail sizes, regular $1.25 values, are very specially priced for the Employes'79 Sale at -...... -......... ........ - Mr. SINYKIN' Mgr. and Buyer Clothinlg and Furnihingc Section valuies up to $22-50; these are alt new models an dare very spec- ially priced for $47 Emplnyes' sale at.. Men's & Young Men's SuItsl9.75 This line of suits for men and young men are sure to be win- ners. Tbere are *aistline and conservative niodels in ail the popular colors, plains and fan<i, mixture. Regular $27.50 val-. ues; very speeially pricid for the Employes' $19.75 S ale ........ .. . Men's $3 Haes $1,.65 Men's9 feithats in a good se- lection of eolo)rs and styles, val- ues Up to $3.00; very splecially priced for the$16 Etuployes' Sale, ecd 5B v D Union suits. 85C Men's athlettc union suits, B V D styles ini ail sizes; regular $1.25 values; very specïally pried for the Em-« ployes' Sale, suit .......... . * 20c Linnen Collars 10c Ail linen 4 ply coliars, Tri- angle brand in a good selection of styles, ail sizes; very specially priced for the lOc - Em ployes' Sale ............... k-" I OS TOE WLLBE LOD THI5S&TORE WeLL BE CLOSED ,L DAY FRIOA E0Ii I A RDAY MEMOIAL DAY DAY Employees Sale of Men 9's Clothî-ng and Furnishng Men's & Young Men's & Young Men'sSuits24.75 . . Men's Suits 14.75, Men'-s and young mcn's suits Men's and young meui's sîjits . - P%,qt- p ILinîîa srood selection of colors, Dm M ÇUIKTABU mnodels in a good selection of col- ors and mnateriais; there are, plain colors and fancy mixtures in a fulli Une Of sizes; regular $35.00 values; very specially priced for the $24.7 EMloyers' Sale ...... Men's Cotton Socks 8c Men's fine cotton socks in blaek and colons, ail sizes, regu- lar 15e values; very speciially piriced in the Exuployes' 8c S a le ...................... .... ..... . Men's,2.00 Dress Shirts 1.35 M en 's dress shirts in a good selection of neat patterns, regu- lar $2.00 and $2.50 valueo; very specially priced for $1.3 Enîployes' Sale Each

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